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Full text of "The Parliamentary or constitutional history of England, from the earliest times, to the restoration of King Charles II"

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O  R 

Hiftory  of  England, 

From  the  earlieft  TIMES, 

T  O     T  H  E 

Refutation  of  King  CHARLES  II. 


From  the  RECORDS,  the  ROLLS  of  Parliament,  the  JOURNALS 
of  both  Houfes,  the  Public  LIBRARIES,  Orignial  MANU- 
SCRIPTS, fcarce  SPEECHES,  and  TRACTS  ;  all  compared 
with  the  fevcral  Contemporary  Writers,  and  connected, 
throughout,  with  the  Hiftory  of  the  Times. 




VOL.    XVII. 

From  the  Declaration  upon  the  Vote  againft  any  further  Application  to 
the  King,  in  February,  1647,  to  Cromwell's  March  into  Scotland  in 
September,  1648. 

L    O    N    D    O    N, 

Printed    for  J.  and   R.  TONS  ON,  and   A.  MILLAR,  in  the 
Strand;  and   W.  SAND  BY,  in  Fleet-Jlreet, 





y.  n 





H  E  Commons   had  been   long  em-  An  a  Car 
ployed  in   framing  a  Declaration  to         ,647. 

go  along  with   the   Vote's'  of  both    * y 

Houfes,  paffed  on  the  1510  of  Ja-  February, 
nuary  laft,  againft  any  further  Ap- 
plication to  the  King,  or  receiving 
any  Meflages  from  him ;  the  Aim  of  which  was 
to  fatisfy  the  whole  Kingdom  of  the  Necef- 
fity  and  Juftice  of  their  Proceedings  againft 
his  Majefty.  There  had  been  many  Divifions 
of  the  Houfe  on  the  feveral  Additions  and  Al- 
terations in  this  Declaration  ;  which  being,  at 
length,  fully  fettled,  on  the  nth  of  February  a 
Motion  was  made,  That  the  fame  do  pafs,  which 
was  carried  in  the  Affirmative,  by  80  Voices  againft 
50 :  The  Tellers  on  this  remarkable  Occafion 
were,  for  the  Queftion,  Sir  Arthur  Hefelrigge  and 
Sir  Peter  Wentwortb  ;  againft  it,  Sir  "John  Evelyn 
of  Surrey  and  Mr.  Bulkeley,  Next  it  was ed 
that  this  Declaration  be  forthwith  printed  and  pub- 
Ijfhed  :  and  it  was  particularly  referred  to  the  Care 
VOL.  XVII.  A  of 



The  Commons 
publish  their 
Reafons  for  de- 
clining any  fur- 
ther Application 
to  the  King. 

the  Parliament  dry  ti  i  S  T  o  R  Y 

of-Mr.  Life  and  Mr.  Cbalorur  (a),  to  fee  that  tho 
fame  be  truly  and  well  printed  ;  all  the  Members 
were  alfo  required  to  fend  Copies  thereof  to  bepubp- 
lilhcd  and  difperfed  in  the  refpeftive  Places  far 
which  they  ferved. 

Mr.  Rufiworth  informs  us  that  great  Care  was 
taken,  in  the  framing  of  this  Declaration,  that  all 
the  Particulars  thereof  might  be  warranted  by  fuf- 
ficient  Proofs ;  and  adds;  That  it  was  worthy  of 
every  good  Subject's  ferious  and  mature  Confidera- 
tion ;  out  as  he  has  only  mentioned  the  Heads 
thereof,  we  (hall  give  the  whole  at  large  from  the 
original  Edition  publifhed  by  Order  of  the  Houfc 
of  Commons  only  (*) ;  the  Concurrence  of  the 
Lords  not  having  been  defired  for  that  Purpofe. 

A  DECLARATION  of  the  COMMONS  of  England 
In  Parliament  agaubled,  expreffing  their  Reafons 
and  Groithds  ofpajjing  the  late  Resolutions  touching 
no  farther  Addrefs  or  Application  to  bt  made  to  the 

HO  W  fruitlefs  our  former  Addreffes  have 
been  to  the  King,  is  fo  well  known  to  the. 
World,  that  it  may  be  expedled  vye  fhould  now 
declare  why  we  made  the  laft,  or  fo  many  be- 
fore, rather  than  Why  we  are  ivfolved  to  make 
no  more. 

*  We  cannot  acknowledge  any  great  Confidence 
that  our  Words  could  have  been  more  perfralive 
with  him  than  Sighs  and  Groans, ;  the  Tears  and 
crying  Blood  (an  he;avy  Cry.  j).  the  Blood  of  Fa- 
thers, Brothers,  and  Children  at  once  ;  the  Blood 
of  many  hundred  thoufand  Free-bdrn  Subjects  in 
three  great  Kingdoms,  which  Cruelty  itfelf  could 
not  but  pity  todeftroy. 

'  We  muft  not  be  fo  unthankful,  to,  God,  as  to 
forget  we  never  were  forced  to  any  Treaty  ;  nnd 
yet  we  have  no  lefs  than  feven  Times  made  fuch 

'  Applications 

(a)  Afterwards  two  of  the  King's  Judge*. 

(b)  Linden  printed  for  Edward  tiujbandt  Printer  to  the  Honourai.e 
Hoofc  of  Commons,  February  15,  1647. 

9f   ENGLAND.  3 

*  Applications  to  the  King,  and  tendered  fuch  Pro-  An.  23  Car.  I, 

*  pofitions,  that  might  occafion  the  World  tojudget      l647'     , 

*  we  have  not  only  yielded  up  our  Wills  and  Affec-      February. 
'  tions,  but  our  Reafon  alfo  and  Judgment,  for  ob- 

*  taining  any  true  Peace  or  good  Accommodation. 

'  But  it  never  yet  pleafed  the  King  to  accept  of 

*  any  Tender  fit  for  us  to  make,  not  yet  to  offer 

*  any  fit  for  us  to  receive. 

*  It  is  very  well  known  that  the  Propofitions  fent 
'  to  the  King  at  Oxford,  and  treated  on  at  Uxbridgey 
'  were  agreed  on  by  the  Parliaments  of  both  King- 

*  doms,  not  only  as  juft,  but  neceflary  alfo  for  the 
'  very  Being  of  thefe  Kingdoms  in  a  fettled  Peace 

*  and  Safety. 

'  And  altho*  the  King's  perfifting  in  his  wonted 

*  Ways  and  Denials,  might  have  caufed  us  to  im- 

*  prove  the  Advantage  of  that  great  Succefs  which 

*  it  pleafed  God  to  afford  us,  yet  when  his  Armies 

*  were  all  broken,  fo  that,  in  Difguife,  he  fled  from 

*  Oxford  to  the  Scots  at  Newer k,   and  from  thence : 

*  went  to  Neivcaftle ;  and  that  Oxford,  and  almoft 

*  all   his    Garrifons   were  taken,  we  tendered,  at 
1  Newcaftle,  Propofitions,  the  fame  in  effect  with 

*  thofe  which  had   been  prefented  before  in  the 
'  Midft  of  all  his  Strength  and  Forces. 

*  And  notwithftanding  this  Change  of  his  Condi- 
'  tion,  and  Denial  of  thofe  Propofitions,  after  he 
'  was  left  to  the  Commiflioners  of  Parliament,  and 

*  our  Brethren  of  Scotland  quietly  departed  home  j 

*  after  all  his  Garrifons  taken,  and  no  vifible  Force 

*  in  the  whole  Kingdom   appearing  for  him,  the 
'  King  being  at  the  fole  Difpofal  of  the  Parliament 
'  without  Difpute  ;  yet  even  then  the  fame  Propofi- 
'  tions  were  again  prefented  to  him  at  Hampton- 
«  Court. 

'  In  all   which  AddrefTes  the  Commiflioners  of 

*  Scotland  agreed    with    us,    and  joined  with   our 

*  Commiflioners  in  attending  the  King. 

*  The  King  not  granting  our  Propofitions,  but 
'  ftill  giving  fuch   ftrange,  unexpected,  and  con- 
'  ditional  Anfwers  or  Denials,  it  might  juftly  have 

*  made  us  con£der&me  other  Courfe  for  fettling 

A  2  *  the 

'The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

'  the  Kingdom  in  Peace  and  Safety,  without  any 

*  further  Application  ;  which  was  alfo  fo  far  agreed 

*  by  our  Brethren  of  Scotland,  at  their  leavingj/w 

*  caftle,  that  their  Commiflioners  declared,  in  cafe 
'  the  King  confented  not  to  the  Propofitions,  yet 
'  they   would   maintain  the    Treaties  and  Union 

*  made  between  the  Kingdoms. 

'  But  fo  defirous  were  wn  of  his  Concurrence  in 
«  the    Settlement  of  the  Kingdom's   Peace,   that 

*  we  yet  again  refolved  upon  another  Addrefs,  and 

*  did  fo  qualify  the  faid  Propofitions,    that,  where 
'  it  might  ftand  with  the  Public  Safety,  his  wonted 
'  Scruples  and   Objections  were   prevented  or  re- 
'  moved. 

'  And  altho'  we  could  not  forget  how  dangerous 

*  and   void   of    Succefs  our  former  Treaties   had 

*  been,  and   that  a  perfonal  7'reaty-  had  been  de- 
'  clared,  by  both  Houfes  and  the  Commillioners  of 
'  Scotland^  to  be  unfafe,  without  Security  and  Satif- 

*  faftion  firft  given  ;  yet  we  alfo  yielded  to  that,  on 

*  Condition  the  King  would  fign   but  four  Bills, 

*  which  we  judged  not  only  juft  and  honpurable, 
'  but  neceflary  even  for  prefent  Peace  and  Safety 
4  during  fuch  a  Treaty. 

*  We  have  Caufe  enough  to  remember  j  that  he 

*  fometimes  denied  to  receive  our  humble  Petitions 
'  for  Peace ;  and  when  we  defired  him  to  appoint 
'  fome  Place  for  a  Committee  of  both  Houfes   to 
'  attend  him  with  Propofitions  for  Peace,  he  named 

*  Wmdfori  promifing  to  abide  thereabouts  till  they 

*  came  unto  him ;  but  prefently  marched  forward, 
'.that  very  Night,  fo  near  London,  that  he  had  a-1- 
'  moft  furprized  it,  while  he  had  fo  engaged  him- 
'  felf  for  a  Treaty,  had  not  fome  few  of  our  Foot 
'  at  Brainfordy  with  invincible  Courage,  expofed 
«  themfclves  to  apparent  Death,  till  his  Army  was 

*  forced  to  retire   in  Fear   and  Shame,   with  the 
c  Guilt  of  moft  inhuman  and   barbarous  Cruelties 
'  committed  at  Brainford,  to  afiure  London  what  it 
«  muft  have  expected,  had  not  God  prevented  thofe 

*  bloody  Defigns. 

«  And 

of  ENGLAND.  5 

*  And  we  well  remember,  that  the  Kin^  °nce  An'^3  Car< 

*  fent  us  a  fpeciou?  MelTagc  of  renewing  a  Treaty,  L    ^  *!.'^ 

*  when  at  the  fame  Time  his  Meflenger  was  irk-      February, 

*  ftrucled  how  to  manage  that  bloody  MaiFacre  in 
'  London,  which  was  then  defined  by  virtue  of  the 

*  King's  Commiffion,  fmcepublimeci, 

4  And,  about  the   Time  of  the  Treaty  at  Ifx* 

*  bridge^  he  excufed  himfelf  to  the  Queen  by  a  Let* 
'  ter  under  his  own  Hand,  as  forced  to  that  Trea- 

*  ty  by  the  mutinous  Motions  of  his  mungn-1  Par- 

*  liament  at  Oxford;  and  that  he  could  not   rind 

*  any  twp  of  them  of  his  Mind,  elfe  he  would  not 

*  have  acknowledged  us  for  the  Parliament  oi  Engi 
'  land;  v/hich  yet  he  did  with  a  Protection,  enter-r 
4  ed  into  the  Council-Books,  That  his  calling  us 
4  fo,  did  not  make  us  a  Parliament. 

'  All    which    was    but    fmall  Encouragements 

*  a^ain  to  make  ourfelyes  his  Spprt   or  Scorn  by 

*  any  other  Treaty ;  yet  we  rjow  yielded  to  this 
'  alfo. 

'  But  nptwithftanding  this  arjd  all  former  Ten- 
'  ders,  we  have  now  received  fuch  a  Denial,  that 
'  we  are  in  Defpair  of  any  Good  by  AddreiTes  to  the 

*  King,  neither  mult  we  be  fo  injurious  to  the  Peo- 
'  pie,  in  further  delaying  their  Settlement,  as  any 

*  more  to  prefs  his  Confcnt  to  thefe  or  any  other 
4  Propositions, 

'  Nor  can  we  fee  why  it  fhould  be  expe&ed  a 

*  new  Engagement  could  prevail  on  him,  or  oblige 

*  him   more  ftrongly   to  the   Kingdom,  than  the 

*  folemn  Oath  ot"  his  Coronation,  and  the Tev.cral 

*  other  Vows,  Proteftatjons,  and  Imprecations  i'-- 

*  frequently   by    him  broken,   during   his     whole 
'  Reia;n,  and  fo  often  renewed  before  God  "and  the 
«  whole  World. 

*  We  may  be  the  more  jufUfied  hprein  by  tiioic 

*  that   know  what  palled   between   the   King   and 

*  our  Brethren  the  Scots,  when  thofc  Articles  were 
'  agreed  and    in  the   fini:    Pacitication, 

*  not  long  before  thefe  Wars  ;  v/hich,  as  foon  as 

*  their  Backs  were  turned,   and    their   Armies  out 
4  of  Sight,  were  dilavowed  again  by  "the  King,  and 

A  3  <by 

"fbe  Parliamentary  fi  i  s  T  o  R  Y 

hjs  Command  publickly   burnt  at  London  by 
«  the  Hands  of  the  Hangman. 
February,          '  Which  yet  might  have  been  forgotten,  had  not 

*  a  continued  Track  of  Breach  of  Truft  to  the  three 

*  Kingdoms,  fince  he  wore  the  Crown,  made  us, 

*  though  unwilling,  to  remember  it. 

'  We  take  no  Pleafure  to  repeat  our  own  Mi- 
c  feries,  or  others  Mifchief,  it  it  might  be  hidden  or 

*  forgotten  ;  but  we  are  now  forced  to  fpeak  what 
'  hath  long  been  fuffered  in  too  much  Silence— 

*  The   King  himfelf,   in   publkk  Speeches  and 

*  Declarations,  hath  laid   a  fit  Foundation  for  all 

*  Tyranny,    by  this    moft  deftrudlive   Maxim  or 

*  Principle,  which  he  faith  he  mufl  avow,  That  he 

*  trweth  an    Account    of  bis   Aftions  to  none  but  God 

*  alone  ;  and  that  the  Houfes  of  Parliament,  joint  or 
6  feparate^  have  no   Power  either  to  make  or  declare 
4  any  Law. 

*  The  private  Articles  agreed,  in  order  to  the 

*  Match  with  Spain^   and  thofe  other  private  Artir 

*  cles  upon  the  French  Marriage,  fo  prejudicial  to 

*  the  Peace,  Safety,  Laws,  and  Religion  here  efta- 

*  blifhed,and  the  continued  Correipondence  which 

*  hath  fince  been  carried  on  with  Ronif^  are  fo  evi- 
4  dent  as  cannot  be  denied. 

«  We  cannot  but  call  to  Mind  the  Proceedings 
c  and  Paffaces  of  the  Parliament  held  in  the  fecond 
'  Year  of  this  King's  Reign,  concerning  the  Death 

*  of  his  Royal  Father. 

*  The  loth  of  May i  1626,  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
.*  mons  charged  the  Duke  of  Buckingham^  among 

*  other  Things,  in  thefe  Words,  viz. 

"  Whereas  the  fworn  Phyilcians  of  our  late  So- 

"  vereign  Lord  King  James,  of  blefled  Memory, 

"  attending  on  his  Majefty  in  the  Month  of  March,, 

*'•  in  the  twenty- fecond  Year  of  his  moft  glorious 

*'  Reign,  in  the  Times  of  his  Sicknefs,  being  an 

"  Ague,  did,  in  due  and  neceflary  Care  of  and  for 

<e  the  Recovery  of  his  Health,  and  Prefervation  of 

"  his  Perfon,  upon  and  after  feveral  mature  Con- 

'?  fultations  in  that  Behalf  had  and  holden  at  feve- 

**  ral  Times  in  the  fame  Month,  refolve,  and  aave 

4    ENGLAND. 

4t  Directions,  That  nothing  ftpuld  be. applied  or  An\*3/t  Jar* 
<c  given  unto  his  Highnefs,  by  way  of  Phyfic  or 
4'  Diet,  during  his  faid  Sicknefs,  but  by  and  upon. 
44  their  general  Advice  and  Confents  :  And,  after 
44  good  Deliberation  thereof  firft  had,  more  efpe- 
44  cially  by  their  like  Care  and  upon  like  Confirta- 
44  tions,  did  juftly  refolve  and  publickly  give  Warn- 
44  ing  to  and  for  all  the  Gentlemen  and  other  Ser- 
*4  vahts  and  Officers  of  his  faid  late  Majefty's  Bed- 
44  chamber,  That  no  Meat  or  Drink  whatfoever 
44  fliould  be  given  unto  him  within  two  br  three 
44  Hours  next  before  the  ufual  Time  of  and  for  tht 
*4  coming  of  his  Fit  in  the  faid  Ague,  nor  during  the 
,44  Co'uinuance  thereof,  nor  afterwards,  until  his 
44  cad  Fit  was  paft  ;  the  faid  Duke  of  Buckingham 
44  being  a  fworn  Servant  of  his  late  Majefty,  of  and 
4'  in  his  M.ijefty's  faid  Bedchamber,  contrary  to  his 
44  Duty,  and  the  tender  Refpect  which  he  ought  to 
44  have  had  of  his  Majefty's  moft  facred  Perfon,  and 
44  after  the  Confutations,  Refolutions,  Directions, 
44  and  Warning;  aforefaid,  did  nevertheless,  with- 
44  out  any  fufficiewt  Warrant  in  that  Behalf,  unduly 
44  caufe  and  procure  certain  Plaifters,  and  a  certain 
44  Drink  or  Potion  to  be  provided  for  the  Ufe  of  his 
cc  faid  Majefty,  without  the  Direction 'or Privity  of 
44  his  faid  late  Majefty's  Phylicians,  not  prepared 
44  by  any  of  his  Majefty's  fworn  Apothecaries  or 
44  Surgeons,  but  compounded  of  feveral  Ingredients 
44  to  them  unknown  ;  notwithstanding  the  fame 
44  Planter,  or  fome  Plaiftcr  like  thereunto,  having 
*4  been  formerly  adminiftered  unto  his  faid  Ma- 
"  jefty,  'did  procure  luch  ill  Effects,  as  that 
44  fome  of  the  faid  fworn  Phyficians  did  altogether 
44  dilailow  thereof,  and  utterly  refufed  to  meddle 
44  any  further  with  hLs  faid  Majefty  until  thofe  Plai- 
44  fters  were  removed,  as  being  prejudicial  to  the 
44  Health  of  his  Majefty  j  yet,  nevcrthelefs,  the 
44  fame  Plaifter,  as  alfo  a  Drink  or  Potion,  was 
44  provided  by  him  the  faid  Duke,  which  he  the 
44  faid  Duke,  by  Colour  of  fome  inefficient  and 
44  flight  Pretences,  did,  upon  Monday  the  2ift  Day 
A  4  4<  of 

8  Tfo  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  Q  R  y 

An.  *3dr.I.  "  of  March,  in  the  twenty-fccond  Year  aforefaid* 
v  *  *7 '  ,  *4  when  his  Majefty,  by  the  Judgment  of  his  faid 
February.  ft  Phyficians,  was  in  the  Declination  of  his  Dii- 
44  eafe,  caufe  and  procure  the  faid  Plainer  to  be  ap^ 
44  plied  to  the  Breaft  and  Wrifts  of  his  faid  late  Ma- 
44  jefty  ;  and  then  alfo,  at  and  in  his  Majefty 's  Fit 
"  of  his  faid  Ague,  the  fame  Monday ,  and  at  feveral 
44  Times,  within  two  Hours  before  the  coming  of 
*'  the  fame  Fit,  and  before  his  Majefty's  then  cold 
**  Fit  was  paft,  did  deliver,  and  caufe  to  be  deliver- 
"  ed,  feveral  Quantities  of  the  faid  Drink  or  Po- 
*4  'ion  to  his  late  Majefty  j  who  thereupon,  at  the 
f4  Time  Times,  within  the  Seafons  in  that  Behalf 
"  prohibited  by  his  Majc-fty's  Phyficians  as  atore- 
?'  faid,  did,  by  the  Means  and  Prpcurem  nt  of 
"  tae  faid  Duke,  drink  and,  take  divers  Quan- 
"  tities  of  the  faid  Drink  pr  Potion,  applied  and 
*'  given  unto,  and  taken  and  received  by,  his  faid 
c'  Majefty  -,s  afor  aid,  great  Diftempers  and.divcrfe 
"  ill  Symp'Q  ns  appeared,  upon  his  faid  Majefty  ; 
"  infomuch  that  th  V  id  Phyficians  finding  his  Ma- 
"  jefty  the  next  M  >rning  much  worfe  in  the  Eftate 
"  o'his  Health,  and  holding  a  Confultation  there- 
"  about,  did,  by  jjiia  Confcnt,  fend  unto  the  faid 
"  Duke,  praying  him  not  to  adventure  to  minifter 
*'•  unto  his  Majtfty  any  more  Phyfic  without  their 
*c  Allowance  and  Approbation  ;  and  his  faid  Ma- 
"  jefty  hithfelf,  finding  himfelf  much  difeafed  and 
*k  aiflidled  with  Pain  and  Sicknefs  after  his  then  Fit, 
"  when,  by  the  Courfe  of  his  Difeafe,  he  expected 
"  Intermiflion  and  Eafe,  did  attribute  the  Caufe  of 
"  fuch  his  Trouble  unto  the  faid  Plaifter  and  Drinlt, 
"  which  the  faid  Duke  had  fo  given,  and  caufed  to 
"f  be  idminiftered  unto  him  ;  which  faid  advent- 
"  rous  A£l,  by  a  Perfon  obliged  in  Duty  and 
"  Thankfulnefs,  done  to  the  Perfon  of  fo  great  a 
46  King,  after  fo  ill  Succefs  of  the  like  formerly 
44  adminiftered,  contrary  to  fuch  Directions  as  afore- 
tl  faid,  and  accompanied  with  fo  unhappy  an  Event, 
"  to  the  great  Grief  and  Difcomfort  of  all  his 
V  Maje.fty's  Subjeds  in  general,  is  an  Offence  ami 

cf    ENGLAND,  9 

'"  Mifdemeanor  of  fo  high  a  Nature,  as  may  juftly  An.  23  c 
*'•  be  called,  and  is  by  the  faid  Commons,  deemed 
<c  to  be,  an  A6t  of  tranfcendent  Prefumption,  and, 
"  of  dangerous  Confequence." 

'  And  delivered  it  at  a  Conference  to  the  Lords. 

*  After  which   the   King  came  into  the  Lords 

*  Houfe  and  took  Notice  of  that  Charge,  and  told 
'  them  he  could  be  a  Witnefs  to  clear  him  in  every 

*  one  of  them ;   unto  which  Charge  no   Anfwer 
'  came  in   until  the  8th   of  June  following ;  and 
'  the  loth  Day  after,  it  was  ordered  by  the  Houfe 
?  of  Peers  to    be  communicated  to    the  Houfe  of 
'  Commons  :  But  while  the  Houfe  was  preparing 
'  to  fend  up  their  Proofs,  upon  wl.ich  they  declared, 

*  That  they  doubted  not  but  to  have  Judgment  againji 
'  the  faid  Duke,  the  King  exprefled  a  fudden  Pur- 
'  pofe   to  diflblve  the  Parliament.     And  although 
'  the  Houfe  of  Peers  petitioned  for  its  Continuance, 

*  expreffing  their  great  and  univerfal  Sorrow  for  hi* 

*  Intentions  to  diflblve  it ;  yet,  notwithftandingali 
f  this,  the  faid  Parliament  was  diflblved  the  15^1 
'  Day  of  the  fame  June. 

*  At  the  fame  Time  alfo,  during  the  Parliament^ 

*  Sir  Dudley  Diggs,  and  Sir  John  Elliot^  who  ipe 

*  cially  managed   that    Conference  and  Examina- 
«  tions,    were    committed    clofe    Prifoncrs  to  the 

*  Tower,  within  two  Days   after  the  faid(  Charge, 

*  by  Warrant  under  the  King's  own  Hand. 

*  And  Meflages  and  Interruptions  were  conftant- 

*  ly  fcnt  from  the  King  to  the  Houfes  while  they 

*  had  the  faid  Charge  in  Agitation  3  and  the  ftur- 

*  liament  being  diflblved  before  Juftice  could  be 
'  done,  there   never  was   any  legal  Inquiry  made, 
4  at  any  Time  fince,  concerning  the  Death  of  the 
«  faid  King. 

4  We  leave  the  World  now  to  judge  where  the 

*  Guilt  of  this  remains. 

*  We  can  fully  (hew  how  Rocbelle  was  by  him 

*  betrayed,  and  thereby  a  fatal  Blow  given  to  the 
'  Proteftant  Caufe   in  France.     How  alfo  he  lent 
?  diverfe  .of  the  Navy  Royal,  and  other  Merchant 

*  Ships, 

I  o  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  13  Car.  I.  «  Ships,  to  the  French  King,  to  be  employed  again$ 
x  --*^7'  .»    '  thofe  whom  he  was  engaged  to  have  affifted. 
February.         *  And,  when  forne  of  the  Commanders  and  others 
'  in  thofe  Ships  were  fo  much  Englijh  as  to  difputc 

*  thofe  Orders,  we   can  fhew  the  King's  Letter 

*  under  his  own  Hand  to  Capt.  Pennlngton^  to  put 

*  them  into  the  Service  of  the  French  King,  or  to 

*  fink  them  in  cafe  of  Refufal. 

'  We  cannot  forget  the  Defigns  to  enflave  us  by 
c  the  German  Horfe,  (that  we   fay  nothing  of  the 

*  late  Spavijh  Fleet,  with  a   great  Army   "herein, 

*  brought  into   the  Datvnsy  163^)  arid  to  grind  us 
'  by  inforced  Loans,  Privy-Seals,  Coat  and  Con- 
4  dirtft-Money,  inlarging  of  Forefts,  inclofing  of 
'  Commons,  ingrofling  of  Gunpowder,  with  innu- 
'  merable  Patents   and  Monopolies  of  Malt,  Salt, 
4  Sea-coil,  Soap,   Leather,  Wine,  Sugar,  Allom, 
'  Farthings,  Pins,  Tobacco  and  almoft  ail  Things 

*  elfe  ;  together  wLh  that  one  Compendium  of  all 

*  Oppreffion  and  Slavery,  called  Ship-Money. 

'  The  Torture  of  our  Bodies,   by  moft  cruel 

*  Whippings,  flitting  of  Nofes,  cutting  off  Ears, 

*  branding  of  Cheeks,  Racks,  and  Pillories,  with 

*  clofe   Imprifonment   at   Pleafure,  might  be  the 

*  fooner   forgotten,   had   not  our  Souls  been  alfo 

*  lorded   over,  led   Captive  into  Superftition  and 

*  Idolatry  ;  triumphed  on  by  Oaths  ex  OJficio,  Ex- 

*  communications,  ceremonious  Articles,  new  Ca- 

*  nons,  Canon  Oaths,  &c. 

'  One  Thing  more  was  found  to  make  us  worfe 

*  than  Slaves,  in  that  we  might  not  hope  for  Li- 

*  berty  :  The  very  Name  of  Parliament  became  fo 

*  odious  at  the  Court,  that  if  in  twelve  Years  Time 
'  there  was  fo  much  as  one  fummoned,  it  ferved 
'  but  to  fhew  the  lawlefs  Power  of  thofe  that  could 
4  not  be  content  only  to  diflblve  it  at  Pleafure,  but 
6  we  muft  be  forbidden,  by  Proclamation,  to  fpeak 

*  or  hope  for  another  Parliament :  And,  at  fuch 
1  Diflblutions,   there    was     no    Privilege    ftrong 

*  enough  to  fecure  the  Clofets,  Cabinets,  Pockets, 
«  and  Pcrfons  cf  thofe  that,  in  Duty  and  Con- 

'  fcience, 


1  fcience,  did  but  vote  or  a£t  as  Men  above  meer  An-  23  Car.  t. 

*  Slaves :  This  was  Fault  enough  for  clofe  Impri*     ^_J_     ^ ^ 

*  fonmem  and  Death;  for  that  hath  alfo  rbllvved.         February. 

*  Nor  was  it  enough  thus  to  enflave  one  King*- 
'  dom  ;  but  the  fame  Projectors  who  had  fo  en- 
'  thralled  England,  muft  contrive  alfo  to  reduce 
'  Ireland,  and  conform  Scotland,  that  fo  the  ming- 

*  ling  of  Neighbouring  Tears  might,  by  Sympatny, 

*  increase  each  others  Woe. 

4  Scotland  vtz.s  to  be  the  firft  Scene;  where  anc\v 

*  Liturgy,  with  new  Canons,  are  to  make  the  Pro- 

*  logue  to  the  following  Act. 

4  This  not  fucceeding  as  was  hoped,  an  Army 
£  muft  be  raifed  to  force  Compliance  ;  but,  by  the 
1  Mediation  of  the  Engli/J)  Lords,  a  Pacification  is 

*  concluded,  and  it  neld  till  the  King'-s  Return  to 
4  Court  made  him  forget  and  difavow  it;  but  the 

*  burnt  Articles  left  Ames  enough  to  beget  a  new 
4  Flame. 

4  There  wanted  but  a  Form  of  Law  to  make  all 

*  juft;  for  this  and  for  Supply,  not  for  Advice,  a 
'  Parljament  is  ventured  on  ;  yet  with  Provifo,  that 
4  it  mould  not  hurt,  although  it   would  not  help ; 

*  and  not  complying  (as  was  hoped  to  afiift  that 

*  War  againft   the   Scots")  was    Crime  enough   to 

*  merit  DifTolution,  with  a    falfe  and   fcandalous 

*  Declaration  in  the  King's  Name. 

*•  The  Parliament  being  diffolved,  the  King  took 
'  from  his  Subjects  by  Power  what  he  could  not 

*  otherwife  obtain. 

'  We  need  not  tell  the  World  how,  in  the  Midft 
'  of  all  our  Miferies,  the  Scots,  our  Brethren,  en- 

*  tered   with  a  powerful  Army,    marching  on  as 
'  Friends,  till  they  were  foiced  to  make  their  Paf- 

*  fage  over  Tyne. 

'  It  was  then  thought  ncceflfary  by  the  King  to 
4  fumtnon  this  prefent  Parliament ;  in  which  we 
4  did  proceed  with  Eafe  fo  long  as  there  was  but 
4  any  Hope  we  would  comply  with  him  againft  the 

*  Scots,  and  give  Afliftance  to  that  War. 

4  But  he  quickly  found  it  vain  to  hope  to  be  fup- 

*  plied  by  us  againft  the  Scots  ;  And  when  we  be- 

12  ¥be  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  *3  Car.  I.  «  gan  (O  Confider  how  we  came  to  be  again  invoU 

v  '  *7'    <    *  ved  in  a  new  War,  notwithftanding  the  late  Paci- 

Februarj.      '  fication,  we  fawit  impoffible  to  quafh  thofe  perni- 

4  cious  Councils  at  the  prefent,  or  to  prevent  them 

4  for  the  future,  without  queftioning  their  Authors, 

'  At  this  the  King  difcovered  himfelf  fo  ftrongly 

*  and  paffionately  affected  to  fuch  malignant  Coun- 

*  fellors,  and  their  Counfels,  that  he  would  fooner 
'  defert  or  force  his  Parliament  and  Kingdom,  than 
'  alter  his  Courfe,  and  deliver  up  his  wicked  Coun- 
4  fellors  to  Law  and  Juftice. 

4  By  this  Time  the  Queen's  pious  Defign  (as 
'  they  termed  it)  to  advance  Popery  was  almoft 
4  ready  for  the  Birth,  being  helped  much  by  a 

*  Popifh  Faft,  enjoined  weekly  by  the  Pope's  Nun- 

*  cio,  and   by   Letters  from  Secretary  li^indebank^ 
4  who  durft  not  abide  Examination  ;  but,  after  he 
4  was  queftioned  by  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  got  a 
4  Pafs  from  the  King  to  go  beyond  Sea. 

4  What  was  done  abroad  will  hereafter  appear  \ 
4  although  the  King  made  light  of  all  our  Intelli- 

*  gence  from  foreign  Parts,   yet   he    could  not  fa 

*  well    avoid    or    deny  the   Commiflions  given  at 
4  Court  to   Popifh  Agents  for  private  Levies  ;  or 
'  that  the  Papifts  began  to  rile  and  arm  themfelves 

*  in  the  North  Welt  of  England  and   Wale:,  till 

*  they  were  fupprefied  ;  or  that  there  were  Regi- 
4  ments  raifmg   and    lifting  in  London?  and  Parts 

*  adjoining,  under  Pretence  of  Soldiers  for  Portu- 
i  gal;  or  that  fome  of  thefe  came  to  feize  and  pof- 
4  fefs  themfelves  of  the  Tower ^  and  the  Lieutenant 

*  threatened  for  refufing  them  j  all  which  he  knew 
4  might  be  efficiently  proved. 

1  To  the  like  pious   Defign   we  may  refer  the 

*  great  Cabal  for  bringing  up  the  Northern  Army 
4  to  overawe  the  Parliament,  which  the  King  dia 
4  fo  often  and  folemniy  difavow,    as  nothing  but 
»  loofe,Difcourfesof  a  modeft  Petition,  which  alfo 
4  vanifbed  two  or  three  Months,  he  faith,  before 
4  we  knew  it. 

4  But  he  now  knoweth  we  can  prove  the  chief 
4  Part  of  that  Cabal  came  from  himfcll"  to  the 

cf    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  13 

and  that  feme  of  them  did  difluade  him  A«-  M 
from  his  Way,  becaufe  it  was  fo  fliarp  and  high, 
exceeding  the  Limits  of  Honour  and  Law  :  And 
yet  their  Proportions,  which  were  the  lower  Way, 
\vere  much  above  the  Size  of  Petitions,  as  they  are 
already  publifhed  in  their  own  Confeffions.  And 
it  is  very  ftrange  Mr.  Piercy^  Sir  John  Suckling, 
and  Mr.  Jermyn  (fentaway  by  the  King's  fpecial 
Warrant)  fhould  fly  beyond  Sea  only  upon  Dil- 
covery  of  a  modeft  Petition. 
'  But  notwithstanding  any  DiiTuafions,  yet  the 
King  perfifted  in  his  Way  ;  fo  that,  after  this, 
there  was  appointed  a  Meeting  of  Officers  at 
Borougbbrldge^  and  Propofitions  made,  with  pri- 
vate Inftrudions  brought  from  the  King,  by  fome 
that  told  them  they  were  unwife  to  (hew  their 
Teeth,  except  they  would  bite ;  and  that  the 
King  would  pawn  his  Jewels  for  them,  would 
they  be  faithful  to  him  ;  and  if  they  marched  for- 
ward, they  {hould  be  met  by  the  Prince  and  the 
Earl  of  Newcaftle,  with  a  good  Body  of  Horfe  ; 
and  that  the  French  alfo  would  be  ready  to  aflift 

*  This  was  in  April,  and  we  had  Notice  of  this 
in  the  Beginning  of  May  ;  when  alfo  there  was 
a  Defign  for  fome  French  to  have  feized  on  Portf- 
moutb,  whither  the  Queen  was  then  going  ;  but 
the  Ports  were  better  fecured  by  a  fpecial  Com- 

*  So  far    was    it  alfo   from  vanifhing    divers 
Months  before   our  Notice,  that  fome  of  thofe 
Cabalifts,  after  Examination  by  us,  were  agaia 
attempted  by  the   King,   and  fome  of  them  fent 
again  to  the  Army  with  new  Inftru£Hons  and  Di- 
re&ions-,  figned    by   the  King  himfelf,   as    moft 
clearly  appeareth  by  comparing  the   'Journals  of 
.Mtfy  1641,  with   the   Months  following  ;  toge- 
ther with  the  Timefpecified  in  the  Confenlons  of 
Sir  'Jacob  Ajttey,  Sir  John  Ccnytr:,  Colonel  Leggt 
and  others,  already  publifhed. 

*  And  when  there  was  yet    Demur  among  the 
Chief  Officers,  there  went  another  Aeeut  from 

11  Court 

¥be  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

r*  *  Court  to  quicken  them,  and  treat  of  fome 

tions  figned  by  the  King ;   but  he  was  to  go  far- 
Februaiy.      '  ther,  the  Stots  Army  being  then  at  Newcajlle. 

'  What  Offers  were  made  to  them  of  the  Plun- 

*  der  of  London,  if  they  would  advance,  or  of  four1 
'  Northern  Counties,  with  300,^000 /.  or  Jewels  of 

*  great  Value,    but  to  ftand  Neuters  in  that  De- 

*  iign,  is  already  declared  by  fome  who  may  better 

*  know  the  Proportions   made  by    O'-Neil^   (who 

*  brake  Prifon  here)  Sir  John  Henderfan^  and  others, 

*  with  Letters  of  Credence  from  the  King.     Afcr 

*  that  he  was  fo  refolute  to  go  into  Scotland^  that 

*  he  could   not  be  perfuaded,   by  our  Petitions,  to 
4  defer  that  Journey;  and  though    in  the   Year 
'  1641^  he  was  not  pleafed  to   leave  fuch  a  Com- 

*  mi/lion  as  the  Parliament  defired  of  him,  yet  was 

*  he  pleafad  before,  in  the  Year    1639,  to  intruft 
*•  Secretary  IVlndebanke^  a  known  Favourer  of  Pa- 
«  pifts,  with  blank  Sheets,  both  of  Parchment  and 

*  Paper,  figned  with  his  Sign  Manual,  which  were 

*  employed  by  him  for  difpofing  great  Commands 

*  by  Land  and  Sea. 

'  It  is  well  known  what  Letters  the  King  fent 

*  into  Ireland  by  the  Lord  Dillon^  immediately  be- 

*  fore  the  Rebellion ;  and  where  the  Great  Seal  of 
'  Scotland  was,  and    in  whofe  Hands,   when  that 

*  Commiflion  was  fealed  at  Edinburgh  to  the  Irifly 
6  Rebels,,  who  difperfed  Copies  thereof  in  Ireland, 
c  with   Letters  or  Proclamations  ;  and  we  have  a 

*  Copy  thereof,  attefted  by  Oath,  with  Depofkions 
e  alfo  of  thofe  who   have  feen  it   under  the  Seal : 
*•  Which  Commiflion    was  promiffed  (as  fome  of 

*  the  chiefeft  Rebels  conflfed)  to  the  IriJbCom- 

*  mittee  ztLondon^  for  the  moft  Part  Papifts,  (which 

*  was  thought  a  good  Omen)  and  fmce  mofta&ive 

*  Rebels  ;    upon  whofe    private    Mediations    the 

*  King  gave  away  more  than  five  Counties  ;  faying, 

*  'That  he    expected  they  Jhould  recompense  him  fome- 
'  other  Way  ;  and,  that  he  would  willingly  grant  all 

*  their  De/fres,    but  he  was  opprejjed  by  the  Parlia- 
'•  ment  in  England,   of  whom  he  wijhed  that  he  uuld 

*  be  revenged. 

'  It 

9f.    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  15 

*  It  hath  formerly  been  declared,  how  we  defrred-  An.  13  Car.  t. 
and  prefled  the  King  to  difband  that  Irljb 
Popifh  Army,  which  (as  was  cleared  at  the  Earl 
of  Stratford's  Trial)  was  raifed  to  reduce  the 
Kingdoms  :  But  fomet'imes  he  would  give  no 
Anfwer  at  all  j  and  fometimes  did  plainly  tell  us, 
He  could  not  difband  it,  for  Reafons  beft  known  t» 
himfelf.  Sometimes  the  Scots  muft  firfl  difband 
and  then  there  was  a  new  Pretence  of  diverfa 
Regiments  promifed  to  Spain  ;  for  which  the 
King  was  engaged)  and  could  not  go  back. 
Which  we  now  wonder  not  at;  for  by  the  Cqn- 
feffion  of  Macarte  and  M&cguir4^  with  others,  it 
is  clear,  that  this  Pretence  of  Men  for  the  King 
o£  Spain's  Service,  was  but  a  Colour  to  keep  fome 
in  Arms  for  a,  Foundation  of  that  Rebellion ;  and 
that  ibme  of  the  Committee  coming  from  London^ 
contrived  this  Plot  for  Defence  of  the  King,  who 
was  then,  they  faid,  fo  much  injured  in  England 
and  Scotland. 

«  And  the  firft  Claufe  of  that  Oath  enjoined  by- 
the  General  Council  of  Rebels  was,  To  bear  true- 
Faith  and  Allegiance  to  King  Charles,  and  by.  all 
Means,  to  maintain  bis  Royal  Prerogative  againft 
the  Puritans  ins  the  Parliament  of  England. 
'  And  although  we  declared  to  the  King^  That 
they  ftyled  themfelves  the  King's  or  Queen's 
Army,  yet  we  coujd  not  obtain  a.  Proclamation? 
againil  them  in  divers  Months ;  and  then  alfo 
but  forty  Copies  might  be  printed,  and  exprefs 
Order  given,  That  none  fhould.  be  publifhed  till 
his  further  Directions,  as  appeareth  under  hi> 
own  Secretary's  Hand. 

'  Which  might  very  well  ftand  with  the  Letters- 
from  Court  to.  the  Lord  Muskerry^  a.great  Rcbei 
in  MunJltPji  who  was  allured  his  Majefty  was* 
well  plcafcd  with  what  he  did,  and  would  iri 
Time  trjvc  him  Thanks  for  it,  although,  for  the 
prefent,  it  did  riot  then  (land  with  the  Convenience 

*  of  the  King's  Affairs  to  give,  him  public  Counte- 
c  nance  :  and  this  was  afterwards  made    good  bys, 

*  the  King,   who,   in  one  of  the  Letters  taken  at 

*   Nafeby, 

1 6  '-fe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  43  Car,  I.  <  Nafeby,  commandeth  the  Earl  of  Ormond  to  give 
t      l647'     ,    '  particular  Thajiks    to   the    faid    Mujkerry    and 
February.      *   P^nket^ 

'  We  may  yet   rember  how  the  Earl    of  Let- 

*  cefter.'was  delayed    and  detained   by   the  King, 
4  beyond   all   Pretence,    from  going    agairifl    the 
«  Rebels. 

*  How  alfo  the  King  refufed  a  Commiffion,  of- 

*  ten  aflced  by  both  Houfes,  for  the  Lord  Brook? 

*  and  the  Lord  JVhdrton ;  when,  at  feveral  Times, 

*  there  were  large  Provifions  made  for  Relief  of 

*  Munfter,  and  other  Parts  fo  much  diftrefted,  that 

*  Limerick  was  wholly  loft. 

*  But  when  the  Rebels  wanted  Commanders  at 
'  their  very  Beginning,  we  have  long  fmce  named 

*  divers  Papifts  and  Perfons  of  Quality  that,  by  the 

*  King's  fpecial  Warrants,   after  the  Ports  were 

*  {hut  by  both  Houfes  of  Parliament^  pafied  hence, 
«  and  headed  the  faid  Rebels. 

*  And  we  likewife   named    Commanders    and 

*  Officers,  whom  the    King  called   off  from  their 
'  Truft  againft  the  Rebels,   and  (hips  from  their 

*  Guards  at  Sea,  that  fo  the  Rebels  might  be  fup- 

*  plied  with  foreign  Aids:  Befides,  all   the  Arms 
'  and  Ammunition  they  had  from  the  King's  Ma- 

*  gazine  there,  and  from  hence  alfo  by  the  Earl  of 

*  Antrim,  Lord  Aboyn,  and  others  from  the  Queen  ; 

*  although   the  Council  of  Ireland^  defiring  feme 

*  Pieces  of  Batteries  from  hence  for  the  poor  Pro- 

*  teftants  there,  could  not  obtain  them  from  the 

*  King ;  but  fome  of  our  Ships  fent  to  relieve  them, 
'  were  feized  by  his  Men  of  War  (as  the  Cloaths 

*  and  other  Provifions  by  Land)  and   fold  or  ex- 
'  changed  for  Arms  and  Ammunition  for  the  King; 

*  and  the  Rebels  gave  Letters  of  Mart  for  taking 

*  the  Parliament's  Ships  ;  but  freed  the  King's  as 

*  their  very  good  Friends. 

'  Let  the  World  now  judge  how  much  Reafon 

*  we  had  to  believe  the  Rebels,  when  they  did  fo 

*  often  fwear  they  did  nothing  without  good  Au-' 

*  thority  and  Commiflion  from  the  King  ;   fo.tllat 

*  Sir  Pbdlm  OlNeiI  would  not  be  perfuaded  Ge- 

'  neral 

tf   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  17 

*  neral  Lefley  had  any  Authority   from  the  King  Aj»'  23  Car.  I.] 
«  againft  tne  Rebels.  .      '  47'     , 

«  Diverfe  Months  alfo  before  it  began,  there  was       February. 

*  Information  given,  upon  Oath,  to  the  Archbifhop 
'  and  others  of  the  King's  Council,  That  there 
'  was  a  great  Defign  among  the  Papifts  for  a  gene- 
'  ral  Maflacre  of  all  the  Proteftants  in  Ireland and 

*  England  alfo,  and  that  a  great  Royal  Perfon  had 
'  a  Hand  in  it ;  but  it  was  to  be  managed  by  Di- 
'  re6lion  from  the  Pope. 

.*  And  befides  the  King's  Letters  to  the  Pope, 

*  when  he  was  in  Spain,  and  others,  long  fmce  his 

*  Return,  on  the  Behalf  of  the  Duke  of  Lorrain9 

*  (which  muft  be  requited  by  the  faid  Duke  with 
'  a  foreign  Army  to  invadejEw^/tfw^upon  the  King's 
'  Defign)  it  is  clear  that,  fome  Months  before  the 
'  Irijh  Rebellion,  the  King  had  an  Agent  in  Rome, 
'  as  by  diverfe  of  his  own  Secretary's  Papers  ap- 
'  peareth. 

'  And  that  the  fame  Defigns  were  laid  for  Eng- 

*  land  alfo  at  the  fame  Time,   if  we  might  not  be- 
'  lieve  the  Confeffion  of  the  Queen-Mother's  Ser- 
'  vant,  attefted  upon  Oath,  that  there  were  many 
*•  Thoufands  appointed    to    cut    the    Proteftants 
'  Throats  in  this  Kingdom  alfo,  when  the  King 
'  went  to  Scotland,  yet  we  may  remember  it  was 
'  confefled  by  fome  of  the  principal  Rebels,  That 
'  their  Popifh  Committee  here  with  the  King  had 
'  communicated    that  Defign  to  many  Papifts  in 

*  England,  by  whofe  Advice,  though  fome  Things 
4  were  altered,  yet  it  was  generally  concluded  that, 

*  about  the  fame  Time,  there  mould  be    the  like 
«•  Proceedings  of  the   Papifts  here  j  infomuch  that 

*  when  Charles-Mount  was   feized  in   Ireland,  Sir 
«  Phelim  O'Neal  and  other  great  Rebels  did,  with 
'  much  Confidence,  affirm  the  Tower  was  alfo  feiz- 

*  ed    in   London,   and  the  Archbifhop  releafcd  by 

*  their  Party  here  ;  where,  they  faid,  there  was  as 

*  much  Blood  running  as  in  Ireland. 

*  And    it  is  very   well  known  that,  upon    the 
'  King's  Return  from  Scotland,  befides  the  unufual 

*  Preparations  of  Ammunition  and   Arms,    with 
VOL.  XVII.  B  «  new 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

«  new  Guards  within  and  about  Whitehall;   and, 
-  '  befides  tne   great  Quantity  of  Fire-works  found 

Fsbruary.  '  a"^  taken  in  Papifts  Houfes,  the  Tower  was  alfo 
4  filled  with  new  Guards,  many  Cannoneers,  Gra- 
'  nadoes,  and  all  Sorts  of  Fire-works,  Mortars, 

*  with  great  Pieces  of  Battery,  ready  prepared  and 
4  mounted  againft  the  City :  Sir  Wihiam  Balfour, 
4  who  was  formerly  threatened  for  refufing  the  new 

*  Guards  while   the    Earl  of  Strafford  lived,  was 
4  now  difplaced,  and  fuch  Officers  placed   by   the 
4  King,    as  were  not  only  fufpecled    by    us,  but 

*  the  whole  City,  who  durft  not  abide  in  their  own 

*  Houfes,  as  by  their  feveral  Petitions  is  manifeft. 

4  From  this  Time  the  Track  of  open  Force 
4  againft  this  Parliament  and  Kingdom  did  appear 
(  more  vifible. 

4  The  Charge  of  Treafon  againft  fomeofboth 
4  Houfes,  and  that  unparalleled  A61  of  Violence, 

*  by  the  King's  coming  fo  attended  to  the  Houfe  of 
4  Commons,  after  he  had  difcharged  our  Guards, 
4  denying  us  any  but  what  might  reftrain  or  over- 

*  awe  us,  was  but  the  Prologue  to  a  bloody  Tra  • 

*  gedy,  had  not   the  Parliament  and  the  good  Af- 

*  fe&ions  of  the  City  interrupted  that  Defign,  and 

*  caufed  the  King's  new  Guards  (already  lifted  and 
4  moulded  under  Colonels   and  other   Officers)  to 
4  withdraw  a  little  to  another  Scene. 

4  Neither  would  the  Country  more  comply  with 
4  thefe  Defigns,  although  they  were  attempted  with 
4  unufual  Arguments  of  armed  Troops  in  warlike 
4  Manner  to  compel  them  j  which  fucceeded  yet 
4  fo  ill,  that  the  Lord  Digby  durft  not  abide  the 
4  Trial,  but  was  fent  away  upon  a  fpecial  Errand 

*  by  the  King's  own  Warrant. 

4  What  his  Errand  was  beyond  Sea  we  may  well 
4  conclude  from  the  Lift  of  Arms  and  Ammuni- 

*  tion,    for   which   we   can  produce  the   King's 
4  own  Hand,  taken  amongft  his  own  Papers,  and 
4  printed  with  his  own  Letters  to  the  Queen  at  her 

*  firft  landing  in  Holland. 

5  *  What 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  i$ 

*  What  Advice  he  gave  for  the  King's  retiring  An.  «  Car. 

*  to  fome  fafe  Place,  and  declare  himfelf ;  and  how  . 

*  the  King  followed  it,  is  known  well  enough.  February, 

«  But  before  the  King's  fettling  at  York*  the  No- 
4  tice  we  had  of  hisCommhTions  to  the  Earl  ofNew- 
4  cajlle  and  Col.  Legge,  for  attempting Newcajlle  and 

*  Hull,    may  juftly  occafion  us  to  provide  for  their 
4  Security  ;  efpecially  when  we  had  certain  Intel- 
4  licence  from  the  Low  Countries  of  foreign  Forces 
4  from  Denmark  to  come  in   about  Hull;  whither 

*  alfo  came  with  the  Lord  Digby  divers  Command- 
«  ers,   with  much  Ammunition   and  Arms  from 

*  other  foreign  Parts. 

4  And  had  not  the  Swedes  at  that  Time  invaded 

*  Part  of  the  King  of  Denmark's  Dominions,  we 
4  had  had  Beafon  enough  to  expe6t  a  Storm  that 
<  Way  to  have  fallen  alfo  on  Hull*  where  was  then 
1  a  great  Magazine  :  And  before  we  ever  afked  the 
4  King  to  remove  it,  we  reprefcnted  to  him,  that,' 
4  befides  all  other  Intelligence  of  foreign  Negotia- 
4 .tions,  we  had  good  Notice  of  a  Fleet  preparing 

*  in  Denmark  ;  and  that  one  of  Lord  Digby's  Ser- 
4  vants  had  folicited  a  Mariner,  or  Pilot,  to  conduct 

*  it  into  Hull. 

<•  And,  before  that  Time,  the  King  had  difpatch- 

*  ed  an  Agent  into  Denmark*  with  Letters  of  Cre- 

*  dit,  complaining  againft  the  Parliament  as  unjuft- 

*  ly  fixed  on  the  Deftruaion  of  one  Man  (the  Earl 
4  of  Stra/ord*  then  living) ;  but  he  was  refolved  to 

*  take  another  Courfe,  and  therefore  defired  Aid. 

4  And  there  came  fiich  an  Anfwer,  that,  among 
4  large  Offers  made  to  the  Scots  before  the^King's 
4  going  into  Scotland*  they  were  told  the  King  was 
4  aflured  of  Horfes  and  Money  from  Denmark. 
4  And,  by  an  intercepted  Letter  from  the  Hague  to 
4  Secretary  Nicbo!as*\ong  fmce  p'ublifhed,  we  found 
<  that,  befides  many  Arms  and  Cannon,  then  pro- 
4  vided  in  Holland*  there  were  alfo  coming  from 

*  Denmark  Ships  with  10,000  Arms  for  Foot,  and 
4   1500  Horfe  for  the  King's  Ufe  ;  and  that  Cocljran 
«  very  handfomely  evaded  that  which  was  like  to 

*  have  fruftrated  all  their  Expeaations  from  thence. 

B  2  *  And 

20  *Tbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  23  Car.  I.  c  ^nd  in  Cochran's  latter  Inftrudions,  (for  there 

^_*.  *7'   ,     *  had  been  others   before  in  Denmark]  long  fmce 

February.      '  printed,    the   King  faith,  We  were  then  beginning 

'  to  make  Head  againji  him,   and  were  then  levying 

'  Forces-,  and  therefore  he  preffeth  for  Men,  Money, 

*  Arms,  and  Ships  horn.  Denmark;  for  which  alfo 

*  he  ufeth   many  Arguments,  and,  among  others, 
1  one  in  thefe  Words  : 

c  That,  in  Pursuance  of  their  great  Deftgn  of  ex- 

*  tirpaling  the  Royal  Blood  and  Monarchy  of  Eng- 

*  land,  they  have  endeavoured  likeivife    to  lay  a  great 
'   "Blemijh  upon  his  Royal  Family  ;  endeavouring  to  il- 

*  legitimate  all  derived  from  his  Sifter,  at  once  to  cut 

*  off  the  Intered  and  Pretenfions  of  the  whole  Race  ; 
'  ivhich  their  mojl  detejlable  and  fcandalous  Dejign  they 
'  have  purfued,   examining  WitneJJes,  and  conferring 

*  Circwnftances  and  Times  to  colour  their  Pretenfions 

*  in  fo  great  a  Fault ;  and  which,  as  his  facred  Ma- 

*  Jefty  of  England,  in  the  true  Senfe  of  Honour  of  his 

*  Mother,  doth  abhor,  and  will  punijh  ;  fo  he  expefts 

*  his  Concurrence  in  vindicating  a  Sifter  of  fo  happy 

*  Memory,  and  by  whomfo  near  an  Union  and  continu* 
6  ed  League  of  Amity  bath  been  produced  between  the 

*  Families  and  Kingdoms. 

'  A  moft  falfe  fcandalous  Charge  of  that  which 

*  never  entered  into  our  Thoughts  j  fo  that  we  be- 
c  lieve  there  never  was  a  more  unworthy  A6t  done 
'  by  any  Prince,  fo  to  betray  his  Truft  and  People 

*  to  a  foreign  Nation,  by  incenfing  them  with  fuch 

*  an  odious  Slander  to  the  Shame  of  his  own  Mo- 

*  ther ;  which  we  repeat  the  rather,  becaufe  when 

*  we  declared  our  Intelligence  that  Cochran  was  fent 
'  into  Denmark  to  procure  Forces  thence,  the  King 

*  difavowed  it,  calling  it  a  vile  Scandal,  in  his  An- 

*  fwer  to  our  Declaration  of  the  twenty-fecond  of 
«  Oftobcr,  1642. 

*  In  the  fame  Inftru&ions  to  Cochran  he  declareth 

*  alfo,  That  he  then  expetted  AJJiftance  from  all  his 

*  Neighbour   Princes  and  Allies,  in    particular  the 

*  greateft  Part  of  the  States  Fleet  from    Holland  ; 
e  whither  he  confefled,  he  had  then  fent  the  £>tieen. 

*  He 

*f    ENGLAND.  21 

4  He  might  alfo  have  added,  that,  with  the  Queen,  An-  «3  Car-  *• 
"  contrary  to  his   Truft,  he   had  fent  the  antient    .  .V-y7',...  •* 
'  Jewels  of  the  Crown  of  England,  of  a  very  vaft      February. 

*  Value,  to  be  pawned  or  fold  for  Ammunition  and 
4  Arms  ;  of  which  we  had  certain  Knowledge  be- 
4  fore  we  took  up  Arms. 

4  Neither  had  we  fo  much  as  once  afked  the  fetr 
4  tling  of  the  Militia,  till  the  Queen  was  going  into 
4  Holland. 

'  And  it  may  be  remembered  that,  many  Months 

*  before  the  Voyage  to  Holland,  (he  was  going  be- 
4  yond  Sea,  had  not  our  Motions  to  the  King  ftaid 
'  her ;  and  that,  among  other  Reafons  given,  be- 
4  caufe  we  then  alfo  heard  {he  had  packed  up  the 
1  Crown  Jewels   and   f*late ;  by  which  we  might 

*  fee  what  was  then  alfo  intended  by  that  Journey, 
4  had  we  not  prevented  it  till  the  Winter. 

*  But  at  Borsughbridge,  before  the  Earl  of  Straf- 
*"  ford's   Death,  the    Officers    were  told  the  King 

*  would  pawn  his  Jewels  for  them,  and  the  French 
4  were  promifed  to  aflift  them. 

*  All  this,  and  much  more  yet  to  be  faid,  maketh 
'  us  ftand  amazed    at  the  King's  folemn  Protefta- 
4  tation,    fo  often  made,  calling  Qod  to  witnefs, 
'  and  revenge  it  alfo,   |f  he  had  any  Thought  of 
'  bringing  up  the  Northern  Army  j  or  of  levying 
4  Forces  to  wage  War  with  his  Parliament ;  or  to 
'  invade  the  Rights  of  his  Subjects  j  or  of  bringing 
'  in  foreign  Forces  or  Aids  from  beyond  Sea,  whicht 
'  as  himfelf  faith  in  his  Declaration,  ^vould  not  only 
c  have  burled  this  Kingdom  in  fudden  DeftrufJion  and 
'  Ruin,  but  bis  own  Name  and  Pofterity  in  perpetual 
'  Scorn  and  Infamy. 

4  Yet,  at  very  rint..  when  himfelf  and  the  Lords 
e  made  fuch  a  Protefcation  at  York  againft  levying 
'  Forces,  he  commanded  his  Subjects,  by  Procla- 

*  mation,  to  refift  the  Orders  of  Parliament ;  and 
4  had    figned    that    moft    illegal    Commiflion   of 
4  Array  ;  and  dirl  privately  contrive  the  getting  out 
4  of  the  Stores,  Ships,  or  otherwife,  fuch  Ordnance, 
4  Powder,    Shot,   and    Ammunition,    as  could  be 

*  poflibly  got   and  provided  ;  for  which  we  can 

63  4  produce 

$2  Tie  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  z3  Car.  I.  <  produce  a  Letter  of  the  2Oth  of  June^  1642,  unr 

t  ^  -*7'  j     *  der  his  own  Hand,  to  Sir  John  Heydon^  Lieute- 

February.      *  nant  °f  fhe    Ordnance,  to  convey  it  fecretly  in 

4  Ballaft  of  Ships  ;  and  required  Subfcriptions  for 

4  Plate,  Horfes,  and  Arms;  and   had    alfo   raifed 

4  fuch  Guards  of  Horfe  and  Foot  about  him,  that, 

f  by  them,  he  did  not  only  abufe  our  Committees 

*  fent  unto  him  ;  beat  our  public  Officers  and  Mef- 

*  fengers;  protect  notorious  Papifts,  Traitors,    or 
4  Felons,  fuch  as  Beckwith  and   others,   from  the 
4  PofTe    Comitatus  ;  but  alfo,  with  thofe  Guards, 

*  Cannons,  and  Arms   from  beyond  Sea,    did  at- 
4  tempt  to  force  Hull  in  an  hoftile^  Manner;  and 

*  that  within  few  Days  after  that  folemn  Protefta- 
4  tion  at  York. 

4  It  was  not  long  before  he  proclaimed  us  Rebels 
f  and  Traitors,  fetting  up  his  Standard  againft  the 
4  Parliament,  which  never  any  King  of  England&\& 
4  before  himfelf. 

*  Nor  did  ever  any  but  King  Charles  fet  up  a 
c  Mock  Parliament  at  Oxford,  or  any  other  Place, 
f  to  oppofe  and^proteft  againft  the  Parliament  of 
4  England^  which  himfelf  and  both  Houfes  had  con- 
4  tinued  by  A61  of  Parliament. 

4  And  when  he  had  made  thofe  pretended  Mem - 

*  bers  at  Oxford  to  falfify  their  Faith  and  Truft 

*  they  owed    to  this  Kingdom,    finding  that,  by 
{  them,  he  could  not  carry  on  his  own  pernicious 

*  Defigns,  he  derided  their  Meeting  in  a  Letter  to 

*  the  Queen,  and  called    them  a  Mungrel  Parlia- 

*  ment  j    whereby  his    own    Party   may    perceive 

*  what  Reward   they  muft  expect  when  they  have 

*  done  their  utmoft  to  fhipwreck  their  Faith  and 

*  Confcience  to  his  Will  and  Tyranny. 

'  And  for  calling  in    of  foreign  Forces,  befides 

*  that  which  we  have  faid  already,   it  is  very  well 

*  known,  by  his  own  Letters  taken  at  Nafeby^  and 
4  the  Lord  'Digby's  Cabinet,  what  Negotiations  he 
4  hath  long  had  in  all  States  round  about  us. 

'  We  have  alfo  remaining  with  us  an  authentic 
4  Copy  of  his  Commiffioh  for  calling  over  10,000 

*  of  the  Jrijb  Rebels  to  fubdue  this  Parliament,  the 

*  difloyal 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  23 

4  difloyal  and  rebellious  City  of  London,  as  he  cal-  AJJ.  23  Car.  I. 

4  Jeth  it;  and  for  this  Purpofe,  exprefsly  againftan    t   *  *7'    t 

4  Act  of  Parliament,  he  made  a  Pacifka  :ion  firft,      February. 

4  and  fince  a  Peace,  with  thofe  moft  en  el  bloody 

4  Rebels,  on  fuch  odious,  fhameful,  and  unworthy 

4  Conditions,  that  himfelf  blumed  to  own   or  im- 

4  part  them  to  his  own  Lieutenant  the  Earl  of  Or- 

f  mond;  but  a  private  Commiffion  was  made  to  the 

4  Lord  Herbert,   called   Earl   of  Glamorgan,  com- 

4  manding  him    to    manage    it    with  all  poffible 

4  Secrefy. 

4  And  for  letting  us  fee  this  fecret  Commiffion, 
4  which  was  taken  at  Sligo,  the  faid  Lord  did  en- 
4  dure  a  fpecious  Confinement. 

*  Neither  do  we,  by  this  Time,  wonder  he  mould 
4  forget  his  Vows  and  Proteftations,  That  he  would 

*  never  confent,  upon  whatsoever  Pretence,  to  a  Tole- 
4  ration  of  the  Popi/h  ProfeJJlon,  or    Abolition  of  the 
4  Laws  then  in  Force  again/}  Recufants,  with    moft 
4  folemn  Imprecations,   that  God  would  fo  deal  with 
4  him  and  his,  as  he  continued  in  fuch  ProfeJJtons,  and 

*  inviolably  kept  thofe  Proteftations  j  notwithstanding, 
4  about  the  very  fame  Time,  it  appears,  by  Letters 
4  under  his  own  Hand  to  the  Queen  and  the  Earl 
6  of  Ormond^  that  he  would  confent  to  the  taking 
4  away  all  Penal  Laws  againft  Papifts  both  in  Eng- 
4  land  and  Ireland. 

4  And  alfo  we  had  fufficient  Notice  and  Proofs 
6  of  moft  of  thefe  Things  before,  notwithstanding 
*-  all  his  Breach  of  Truft  with  the  Proteftants  in 

*  France,    Scotland,    Ireland,   and    this  Kingdom ; 
4  which,    befides   all  other  Oppreflions  by  unjuft 
4  Prerogative,  he    hath    fo    often  endeavoured  to 
4  enflave   by  German,    Spanijh,    French,    Lorrain, 
4  Irijh,  Danifh,  and  other  foreign  Forces,  yet  fo 
4  really  we  fought  his  own,    as  well  as  the  King- 

*  dom's,  Peace  and  Happinefs,  that,  after  fo  many 

*  Denials,  we  made  this  laft  Application,  fojuft 
4  and  honourable,  that  we  cannot  but  now  con- 

*  elude  he  hath  wholly  forgotten,   not  only   his 
4  Duty  to  the  Kingdom,    but  alfo  the  Care  and 
^  Refpec~l  hs  owes  to  himfelf  and  his  own  Family. 

B4  4  Thtfc 

An.  23.  Car.! 

— v— 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

«  Thefe  are  fome  few  of  the  many  Reafons  why 
we  cannot  repofe  any  more  Truft  in  him,  and 
have  made  thofe  former  Refolutions ;  yet  we  {hall 
ufe  our  utmoft  Endeavours  to  fettle  the  prefent 
Government,  as  may  beft  ftand  with  the  Peace 
and  Happinefsofthis  Kingdom. 

_  Lord  Clarendon  writes  (a),  <  That  this  Declara- 
tion found  much  Oppofition  in  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons, in  refpecl:  of  the  particular  Reproaches  they 
had  now  caft  upon  the  Perfon  of  the  King*  which 
they  had  heretofore,  in  their  own-pubiifhed  Decla- 
rations to  the  People,  charged  upon  the  evil  Coun- 
fellors  and  Perfons  about  him ;  and  fome  Perfons 
had  been  fentenced  and  condemned  for  thofe  very 
Crimes  which  they  now  accufed  his  Majefty  of. 
But  there  was  much  more  Exception  to  their  Con- 
clufion  from  thofe  Premifes,  that  therefore  they 
would  addrefs  themfelves  no  more  to  him  j  and  John 
Maynard,  a  Member  of  the  Houfe,  and  a  Lawyer 
of  great  Eminence,  who  had  too  much  complied 
and  concurred  with  their  irregular  and  unjuft  Pro- 
ceedings, after  he  had  with  great  Vehemence  op- 
Fofed  and  contradifted  the  moft  odious  Parts  of  their 
Declaration,  told  them  plainly,  «  That  by  this 

*  Refolution  of  making  no  more  Addrefles  to  the 

*  King,  they  did,  as  far  as  in  then  lay,  diflblve  the 
Parliament ;  and  that,    from  the   Time  of  that 

J  Determination,  he  knew  not  with   what  Secu- 

*  nty,   in  point  of  Law,    they   could    meet    to- 

*  gether,or  any  Man  join  with  them  in  their  Coun- 
felsr.Thatit  was  of  the  Effence  of  Parliament 
that  they  fhould,  upon    all  Occafions,   repair  to 

*  the  King  j  and  that  his  Majefty's  Refufal  at  any 
Time  to  receive  their  Petitions,  or  to  admit  their 

*  Addrefles,    had    been    always    held  the   higheft 
Breach  of  their  Privilege,  becaufe  it  tended  to 
their  DiiTolution  without   difolving  them  j  and 
therefore  if  they  {hould  now,  on  their  Parts,  de- 

*  termine  that  they  would  receive  no  more  MefTages 

*  from  him,  which  was  likewifea  Part  of  their  De- 

'  cJaratiou, 

W  Hijlcry,  Vol.  V.  Offavt  Edit,  p.  94. 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  25 

*  claration,  nor  make  any  more  Addrefs    to   him,  An,  23  Car.  J, 

*  they  did,  upon  the  Matter, declare  that  they  were     , *  ^7'    , 

*  no  longer  a  Parliament ;  and  then,  how  could  the      February. 

*  People   look  upon  them    as  fuch  ?'  This  Argu- 
mentation being  boldly  prefled  by  a  Man  of  that 
Learning  and  Authority,  who  had  very  feldom  not 
been  believed,  made  a  great  Impreflion  upon  all 
Men  who  had  not  proftituted  themfelves  to  Crom- 
iiell  and  his  Party.     But  the  other  Side  meant  not 
to  maintain  their   Refolution  by  Difcourfes,  well 
knowing  where    their  Strength    lay  ;  and  fo  ftill 
called   for   the   Queftion,  which  was  carried  by  a 
Plurality  of  Voices,  as  they  forefaw  it  would  ;  very 
many  Perfons  who  abhorred  the  Determination  not 
having  Courage  to  provoke  the  powerful  Men  by 
owning  their  Diffent ;  others  fatisfying  themfelves 
with  the   Refolution  to  withdraw  themfelves,  and 
to  bear  no  farther  Part  in  their  Counfels  ;  which 
JMaynardlnmklf  did, and  came  no  more  to  the  Houfe 
in  very  many  Months,  nor  till  there  feemed  to  be 
fuch  an  Alteration  in  the  Minds  of  Men,  that  there 
would  be  a  Rcv^rfal  of  that  monftrous  Determina- 
tion ;  and  many  others  did  the  fame/ 

His  Lordfhip  adds,  «  That  when  this  Declara- 
tion was  fent  up  to  the  Houfe  of  Peers  for  their  Con- 
currence, the  fame  was  given  with  as  little  For- 
mality as  poflibly.' — But  this  Aflertion  is  a  Mif- 
take,  for  it  was  printed  by  an  Order  of  the  Houfe  of 
Commons  only,  as  before  obferved  ;  and  it  does 
not  appear,  by  their  Journals,  that  the  Concurrence 
of  the  Lords  was  either  afked  or  given. 

His  Lordfhip  proceeds  to  inform  us,  *  That  the 
publiftiing  this  Declaration  v/rought  very  different 
Effe&s  in  the  Minds  of  the  People,  from  what  they 
expected  it  would  produce  ;  and  it  appeared  to  be 
fo  puhlickly  detefted,  that  many  who  had  ferved 
the  Parliament  in  feveral  unwarrantable  Employ- 
ments and  Cominiilions,  from  the  Beginning  of 
the  War,  in  the  City  and  in  the  Country,  with- 
drew themfelves  from  the  Service  of  the  Parlia- 
ment, and  much  inveighed  againft  it  for  declining 


26  *fhe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  2^3  Car.  I.  ajj  ^  Principles  upon  which  they  had  engaged 
i  v_.'  ,  them.  Many  private  Perfons  took  upon  them  to 
February,  publifh  Anfwers  to  that  Declaration,  that,  the  King 
himfelf  being  under  fo  ftricT:  a  Reftraint  that  he 
could  make  no  Anfwer,  the  People  might  not  be 
poifoned  with  the  Belief  of  it.  And  the  feveral 
Anfwers  of  this  Kind  wrought  very  much  upon  the 
People,  who  opened  their  Mouths  very  loud  againft 
the  Parliament  and  the  Army;  and  the  Clamour 
was  increafed  by  the  Increafe  of  Taxes  artti  Impofi- 
tions,  which  were  raifed  by  new  Ordinances  of  Par- 
liament upon  the  Kingdom. — In  our  own  CoHeftiwjs 
we  meet  with  feveral  of  thefe  Anfwers,  which 
fhews  the  great  Courage  and  Refolution  of  the  Au- 
thors of  them  ;  efpecially  when  it  is  remembered, 
That  at  this  Time  the  Prefs  was  under  the  fevereft 
Reftraint ;  that  a  Committee  of  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons, for  fupprefling  fcandalous  and  unlicenfed 
Pamphlets,  were  appointed  to  meet  daily  to  take 
fpecial  Care  to  prevent  the  Publication  of  any  fuchj 
and  a  Sum  of  Money  ordered  to  be  paid  to  Infor- 
mers againft  unlicenfed  PrefTes. 

All  thefe  Anfwers  of  private  Perfons  we  pafs 
over  : — But  the  following  Declaration  of  the  King, 
occafioned  by  the  Votes  againft  any  further  Addrefs 
to  him,  printed  at  this  very  Time,  and  faid,  in  the 
Title-Page  thereof,  to  be  publifhed  by  his  Majefty's 
fpecial  Command  ;  with  an  Anfwer  to  the  forego- 
ing Declaration  of  the  Commons,  publiftied  by  his 
Appointment,  are  of  fuch  Authority  as  to  demand 
a  Place  in  thefe  Enquiries ;  and  this  the  rather,  as 
no  doubt  the  Impartial  Reader  would  be  defirous  of 
feeing  what  Anfwer  could  be  made  to  fo  high  a 
Charge  againft  the  King.  The  Names  of  the  Prin- 
ters are  not  affixed  to  either  of  thefe,  nor  is  it  to  be 
expe&ed  any  would  dare  to  own  them  at  a  Crifis 
when  it  was  declared  High  Treafon  to  hold  any 
Correfpondence  with  his  Majelty  without  Leave  of 
the  Parliament ;  but,  by  feveral  Typographical  Cir- 
curoftances,  they  feern  to  have  been  printed  by  ReyJ?o»\ 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  27 

and  this  Conjefture  is   confirmed.,  by  their  being  An-  23  Car- *• 
reprinted  in  his  Edition  of  the  King's  Works  (a).  ,      .   *6*7'    . 


The    KING'S    DECLARATION  to    all    his 


Carijbrook-Caflle^Jan.  1 8,  1617. 

•To  all  my  People,   of  whatfoever  Nation,  Qua- 
lity, or  Condition. 

AMI  thus  laid  afide^   and  mujl  I  not  fpeak  for  The  jyng's  Ap- 
<*•*   myfelf  ?  No  :  I  ^ui/l  fpeaky  and  that  to  all  my  peal  to  his  Peo- 
People  ;  (which  I  would  have  rather  done  by  the  Way  Ple  uP°n  that 
of  my  two  Houfes  of  Parliament^  but   that   there  is    c 
a  public  Order  neither   to  make    Addrejfes  to,    or  re- 
ceive Mejjages  from    me)  and  who    but  you  can  be 
judge  of  the  Differences    betwixt  me   and  my    two 
Houfes?  I  know  none  elfe\  for  I  am  fure  you  it  is 
ivho  will  enjoy  the  Happinefs^  or  feel  the  Mifery^  of 
good  or  ill  Government ;  and  we   all  pretend  who 
Jhould    run  fafteji   to  ferve  you,  without  having  a 


(a)  In  the  Life  of  King  Charles,  prefixed  to  the  Folio  Edition  of  h;» 
Works,  we  are  told  That  the  firft  of  thefe  two  Piece!  was  written 
by  the  King  himfelf,  and  the  other  by  Sir  Edward  Hyde,  afterward* 
Earl  of  Clarendon.  But  his  Lord/hip  makes  no  Mention,  in  his 
Hiftory,  of  being  the  Author  cf  any  of  thefe  Anfwers  to  the  Declara- 
tions of  the  Commons. 

The  Titles  of  the  other  Anfwers,  in  our  Collodion  of  Pamphlets, 
run  thus : 

The  Royal  Apology  ;  or  an  Anfiver  to  the  Declaration  of  the  Houfe  of 
Commons,  the  iith  of  February,  1647  ;  in  ivbich  they  exfrefs  the  Rea- 
jons  cf  their  Refolutions  for  making  no  more  AddreJJes  to,  nor  receiving  any 
from  his  Maje/jy.  At  Pari',  imprinted  in  the  Tear  1648.  The  Au- 
thority abovercited  informs  us  that  Dr.  Bates  was  the  Author. 

An  Antidote  againft  an  itifefiious  Air  j  or  a  (hart  Reply  ofWell-tviJberi 
unto  the  Good  and  Peace  of  this  Kingdom,  unto  the  Declaration  of  the 
fith  o/'February,  1647.  Printed  in  the  Tear  1647. 

The  Kingdom's  brief  An fwer  to  the  late  Declaration  of  the  Hfuff  of 
Commons,  February  u,  1647,  touching  the  Reajons  of  their  no  further 
dddrcjfes  to  the  King.  London,  printed  in  the  Tear  of  eur  Lord, 

The  King's  moft  gracious  Meffages  for  Peace  and  a  Personal  Treaty, 
publijbedfor  his  People's  Satisfatlion,  that  they  may  fee  and  judge  "whe- 
ther the  Foundation  of  the  Commons  Declaration,  touching  their  fates  of 
no  farther  Addrefs  id  the  King,  (viz.  his  Majejiy's  A'verferefs  to  Peace) 
be  ju/t,  rational,  and  religious.  Printed  in  the  Tear  1648. 

The  two  laft  feera  to  hare  been  printed  by  Royjlon  for  tb«  Re 
already  given, 

28  *The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  a 3  Car.  I.  Regard,  at  leajl  in  the  firji  Place,  to  particular  fii- 
t  i647'  _,  terejls  :  And  therefore  I  defire  you  to  confider  the  State 
F-bruarv  lam,  and  have  been,  in  this  long  Time,  and  whether 
my  Actions  have  more  tended  to  the  Public  or  my  own, 
particular  Good ;  for  whofiever  will  kck  upon  me  bare- 
ly, as  I  am  a  Man,  without  that  Liberty  (which  the 
meanejl  of  my  Subjefls  enjoy}  of  going  whither,  and 
converjing  with  whom,  I  will;  as  a  Hufband  and  Fa- 
ther, without  the  Comfort  of  my  IVife  and  Children  ; 
or,  lajlly,  as  a  King,  without  the  leajl  Shew  of  Autho- 
rity or  Power  to  protect  my  diftrefjed  Subjects  ;  mujl 
conclude  me  not  only  void  of  all  natural  Ajfeftion,  but 
alfo  to  want  common  Under/landing^  ifljhould  not  moft 
cbearfully  embrace  the  readiejl  Way  to  the  Settlement  of 
thefe  diflraSled  Kingdoms  :  As  alfo,  on  the  other  Side, 
do  but  confider  the  Form  and  Draught  of  the  Bills  late- 
ly prefented  unto  me,  and,  as  they  are  the  Conditions  of 
a  'Treaty,  ye  will  conclude  that  the  fame  Spirit  which 
hath  ftill  been  able  to  frufirate  all  my  fincere  and  con- 
Jlant  Endeavours  for  Peace,  hath  had  a  powerful  In- 
fluence on  this  Mejfage  \  for  tho*  I  was  ready  to  grant 
the  Sub/lance,  and  comply  with  what  they  feem  to  de- 
fire,  yet,  as  they  had  framed  it,  I  could  not  agree  there- 
unto, without  deeply  wounding  my  Confcience  and  Ho- 
nour, and  betraying  the  Truft  repofed  in  me,  by  aban- 
doning my  People  to  the  arbitrary  and  unlimited  Power 
of  the  two  Houfes  for  ever,  for  the  levying  and  main- 
taining of  Land  or  Sea  Forces,  without  Dijlinflion  of 
Duality,  or  Limitation  for  Money  Taxes  :  And  if  I 
eould  have  pajjed  them  in  Terms,  how  unheard-of  a 
Condition  ^v  ere  it  for  a  Treaty  to  grant  before-hand  the 
mojl  conftderable  Part  of  the  Subject-Matter  ?  How 
ineffettual  were  that  Debate  like  to  prove,  wherein  the 
moft  potent  Party  had  nothing  of  Moment  left  to  ajk,  and 
tie  other  nothing  more  to  give  ?  So,  confequently,  how 
fopelefs  of  mutual  Compliance,  without  which  a  Set- 
tlement is  impojftble :  Eefides,  if,  after  my  Concef- 
fions,  the  two  Hoi'fes  Jhould  infi/l  on  thoj'e  Things 
from  which  I  cannot  depart,  how  defperate  would 
the  Condition  of  tbifs  Kingdoms  bey  when  the  moft 
4  props.- 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  29 

proper  and  approved  Remedy  Jbould  become  inejfec-  An<  2 3 Car.  I. 

Being,  therefore,  fully  refelved  that  I  could  neither ', 
in  Cor.fcience,  Honour ',  or  Prudence,  pnfs  thofe  four 
Bills 1 1  only  endeavoured  to  make  the  Reafens  and  Juf- 
tice  of  my  Denial  appear  to  all  the  Worlds  they  do  to 
?ne,  intending  to  give  as  little  Difatisfaflion  to  the  two 
Houfes  of  Parliament ',  without  'betraying  my  own  Caufe9 
as  the  Matter  would  bear.  1  was  deftrous  to  give  my 
Anfwer  of  the  2.8th  0/"  December  lajl,  to  the  Commif- 
Jioners,fealed  (as  I  had  done  others  heretofore,  and  feme- 
times  at  the  Dejire  ef  the  Commijfioners)  ;  chiefly  be- 
caufe, when  my  MeJJages  or  Anfwers  were  publickly 
known  before  they  were  read  in  the  Houfes,  prejudicial 
Interpretations  were  forced  on  them,  much  differing, 
and  fometime s  contrary  to  my  Meaning  .*  for  Example, 
my  Anfwer  from  Hampton-Court  was  accufed  of  di- 
viding the  two  Nations,  becaufe  I  promifed  to  give  Sa- 
tisfaction to  the  Scots  in  all  Things  concerning  that 
Kingdom  :  And  this  lajl  fuffers  in  a  contrary  Senfe,  by 
making  me  intend  to  inter ejl  Scotland  in  the  Laws  of 
this  Kingdom,  (than  which  nothing  was,  nor  is,  fur- 
ther from  my  Thoughts)  becaufe  I  took  Notice  of  the 
Scots  Commijfioners  protejling  again/I  the  Bills  and 
Proportions,  as  contrary  to  the  Interejls  and  Engage- 
ments of  the  two  Kingdoms :  Indeed,  if  I  had  not  men- 
tioned their  Diffent,  an  Objection,  not  without  feme 
Probability,  might  have  been  made  again/I  me,  both  in 
refpeft  the  Scots  are  much  concerned  in  the  Bill  for  the 
Militia  and  in  fever al  other  Proportions,  and  my  Si- 
lence might,  with  feme  Jujtice,  havefeemed  to  approve 
of  it ;  but  the  Commiffioners  refujing  to  receive  my  An  - 
jwerfcaled,  I  (upon  the  Engagement  of  their  and  the 
Governor's  Honour,  that  no  other  Ufe  Jhould  be  made, 
or  Notice  taken  of  it,  than  as  if  it  had  not  been  ft  en  ) 
read  and  delivered  it  open  to  them  ;  whereupon  what 
hath  fmce  poffed,  either  by  the  Governor,  in  difcharg- 
ing  moft  of  my  Servants,  redoubling  the  Guards,  and 
retraining  me  cf  my  former  Liberty,  (and  all  this, 
at  himfelf  confejjcd^  merely  out  of  his  own  Dijlike  of 


3  o  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY* 

i.  23  Car.  I.  my  Anfvjer,  notwithjlanding  his  beforefaid  Engagement} 
*  *7'    ,    or  afterwards  ly  the  two  Houfes,  as  the  Governor  af- 

January.  firms,  in  confining  me  within  the  Circuit  of  this  Gajlle, 
I  appeal  to  God  and  the  World,  whether  my  f aid  An- 
fwer  deferred  the  Reply  of  fuch  Proceedings ;  befides, 
the  Unlawfulnefs  for  Subjects  to  imprifon  their  King. 

That,  by  the  Permijfton  of  Almighty  God,  I  am  re- 
duced to  this  fad  Condition,  as  I  no  way  repine,  fo  1  am 
not  without  Hope  but  that  the  fame  God  will,  in  due 
Time,  convert  thefe  Afflictions  unto  my  Advantage.  In 
the  mean  Time  1  am  content  to  bear  thefe  CroJJes  with 
Patience  and  a  great  Equality  of  Mind ;  but  by  what 
Means  or  Occafton  I  am  come  to  this  Relapfe  in  my 
Affairs,  I  am  utterly  to  feek\  efpecially  when  I  con- 
fider  that  I  have  facrificed  to  my  two  Houfes  of  Par- 
liament, for  the  Peace  of  the  Kingdom,  all  but,  what 
h  much  more  dear  to  me  than  my  Life,  my  Confcience, 
and  Honour  ;  defiring  nothing  more  than  to  perform  it 
In  the  mojl  proper  and  natural  Way,  a  Perfonal  Treaty. 
But  that  which  makes  me  mojl  at  a  Lofs,  is  the  remem- 
bering my  fignaj.  Compliance  with  the  Army  and  their 
Inter  efts  ;  and  of  what  Importance  my  Compliance  was 
to  them  ;  and  their  often-repeated  ProfeJJions  and  En- 
gagements for  my  jujl  Rights,  in  general,  fl/ New- 
market and  St.  Alban's  ;  and  their  particular  Expla- 
nations of  thofe  Generals,  by  their  voted  and  revoted 
Propofals,  which  I  had  Reafon  to  under/land  Jhould  be 
the  utmojl  Extremity  would  be  expefted  from  me,  and 
that  in  fame  Things  therein  I  Jhould  be  eafed  (herein 
appealing  to  the  Confciences  of  fame  of  the  chief  eft 
Officers  in  the  Army,  if  what  I  have  faid  be  not 
•punctually  true)  -,  and  how  I  have  failed  of  their  Ex- 
pectations, or  my  ProfeJJions  to  them,  I  challenge  them 
and  the  whole  World  to  produce  the  leajl  Colour  of 

And  now  I  would  know  what  it  is  that  is  dejtred: 
Is  it  Peace  ?  I  have  Jhewed  the  Way,  being  both  wil- 
ling and  defirous  to  perform  my  Part  in  it,  which  is  a^ 
a  jujl  Compliance  with  all  chief  Inter ejls.  Is  it 
Plenty  and  Happinefs  ?  Tf)ey  are  the  infeparable  Ef- 


of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D>  31 

fefls  of  Peace.     Is  it  St  urity  ?  I,  who  wijh  that  all  An.  23  Car.  I, 
Men  would  forgive  and  forget  like  me,  have  offered  the     .     '  *7'   t 
Militia  for  my  Time.     Is  it  Liberty  of  Confcience  ?       January. 
He  who  wants  it,  is  mojl  ready  to  give  it.     Is  it   the 
Right  Admini/lration  of  Juftice  ?  Officers  of  Trujl  are 
committed  to  the  Choice  of  my  two  Houfes  of  Parliament. 
Is  it  frequent  Parliaments?  I  have  legally,  fully  con- 
Burred  therewith.  Is  it  the  Arrears  of  the  Army  ?  Upon 
•a  Settlement  they  will  certainly  be  paid  with  much  Eafe^ 
but,  before,  there  will  be  found  much  Difficulty,  if  not 
Impojfibility,  in  it. 

Thus  all  the  World  cannot  but  fee  my  real  and  un- 
wearied Endeavours  for  Peace  ;  the  which,  by  the  Grace 
of  Gad,  I  Jhall  neither  repent  me  of,  nor  ever  bejlacken- 
W  in,  notwithjianding  my  paft,  prefent,  or  future  Suf- 
ferings ;  but  if  I  may  not  be  heard,  let  every  one  judge 
who  it  is  that  obftrufls  the  Good  I  would  or  might  da. 
What  is  it  that  Men  are  afraid  to  hear  from  me  ?  It 
cannot  be  Reafon,  (at  leaji  none  will  declare  themf elves 
fo  unreafonable  as  to  confefs  it]  and  it  can  lefs  be  imper- 
tinent or  unreafonable  Difcourfes  ;  for  thereby,  perad- 
venture,  I  might  more  jujlify  this  my  Rejlraint  than  the 
,  Caufers  themfelves  can  do  ;  fo  that,  of  all  lenders  yet, 
this  is  the  greatefl  to  me,  but  it  may  eafily  be  gathered 
T)ow  thofe  Men  intend  to  govern,  who  have  u fed  me  thus: 
And  if  it  be  my  hard  Fate  to  fall  together  with  the  Li- 
berty of  this  Kingdom,  I  Jhall  not  bluJJ)  for  myfelf,  but 
much  lament  the  future  Miferies  of  my  People ;  the 
which  I  Jhall  Jllll  pray  to  God  to  avert,  whatever  be- 
comes of  me, 


An  ANSWER  te  a  Pamphlet  intituled,  A  Declaration 
of  the  Commons  of  England  in  Parliament  aflfem- 
bled,  expreffing  their  Reafons  and  Grounds  of 
paffing  the  late  Refolutions  touching  no  further 
Addrefs  or  Application  to  be  made  to  the  King. 

*  T  Believe  it  was  never  heard  of  until  now,  that  ^n  Anfwcr  to 

*  A  heavy  Imputations  were   laid  on  any  Man,tReaf°rncs8°1fnfhe 
'  (I  fpeak^not  now  of  Kings,  which  I  confefs  makes  Commons. 

'  the  .Cafe  yet  more  ftrange  and  unjuft)  and  he 

'  not 

3  2  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

not  permitted  to  fee,  much  lefs  to  anfwer,  them : 
But  fo  it  is  now  with  the  King ;  which  does, 
though  filently,  yet  fubjeft  him  to  as  great  an 
Imputation  as  there  is  any  in  the  faid  Declara- 
tion ;  for  thofe  who  know  no  better  may  thinlc 
that  he  cannot,  becaufe  he  does  not,  snfwer  it : 
Wherefore  I  hold  it  my  Duty,  knowing  thefe 
Things  better  than  every  ordinary  Man$  to  do 
my  beft)  that  the  King  fhould  not  be  injured  by 
the  Ignorance  of  his  People ;  and  albeit  I  (ly- 
ing under  Perfecution  for  my  Confcience  and 
Love  to  Regal  Authority)  have  not  the  Means, 
in  every  Thing,  to  make  full  Probations  j  yet  I 
am  confident,  in  all  the  moil  material  Points,  fo 
to  make  the  Truth  of  the  King's  Innocency  ap- 
pear, that  I  fhall  fatisfy  any  impartial  judicious 

'  What  the  Tflue  of  former  AddrefTes  to  the  King 
hath'been,  is  moft  certainly  known  to  all  the 
World  ;  but  where  the  Fault  refts,  whereby 
Peace  hath  not  enfued,  bare  AfTeverations  with- 
out Proofs  cannot,  I  am  fure,  fatisfy  any  judicious 
Reader.  And,  indeed^  it  feems  to  me  that  the 
Pennerofthis  feeks  more  to  take  the  Ears  of  the 
ignorant  Multitude  with  big  Words  and  bold  Af- 
fertions,  than  to  fatisfy  rational  Men  with  real 
Proofs  or  true  Arguments  :  For,  at  the  very  firft, 
he  begs  the  Queftion,  taking  it  for  granted  that 
the  King  could  eafe  the  Sighs  and  Groans,  dry 
the  Tears,  and  ftanch  the  Blood  of  his  diftrefled 
Subjects.  Alas  !  Is  it  he  that  keeps  Armies  on 
Foot  when  there  is  none  to  oppofe  ?  Is  it  he  that 
will  not  lay  down  Excife,  Taxations,  and  free 
Quarterings  ?  But  it  is  he,  indeed,  who  was  fo 
far  from  Power,  even  at  that  Time,  being  far 
worfe  fince,  that  in  moft  Things  be  wanted  the 
Liberty  of  any  free-born  Man  :  It  is  he  who  ne- 
ver refufed  to  eafe  his  People  of  their  Grievances; 
witnefs  more  A&s  of  Grace  pafied  in  his  Reign 
than,  to  fpeak  within  my  Compafs,  in  any  five 
Kings  or  Queens  Times  that  were  ever  before 

'  him,  ; 

tf   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  33 

him  i  Moreover,  it  is  he  who,  to  fettle  the  pre*  An.  43  Cm  I. 
fent  unhappy  Diftractions,  and,  as  the  beft  l64?' 
Means  to  it,  to  obtain  a  Perfonal  Treaty,  hath  febniar». 
offered  fo  much  ;  that,  to  fay  Truth,  during  his 
own  Time,  he  hath  left  himfelf  little  more  than 
the  Title  of  a  King;  as  it  plainly  appears  by  his 
MefFage  from  the  Ifle  of  Wight,  concerning  the 
Militia,  and  choofing  the  Officers  of  State  and 
Privy  Counfellors,  befides  other  Points  of  Com- 
pliance, which  it  is  needlefs  here  to  mention. 
4  Good  God  !  Are  thefe  Offers  unfit  for  them  to 
receive?  Have  they  tendered  fuch  Propofitions 
that  might  occafion  the  World  to  iudge  that  they 
have  yielded  up  not  only  their  Wills  and  Affec- 
tions, but  their  Reafons  alfo  and  Judgments,  for 
obtaining;  a  true  Peace  or  good  Accommodation  ? 
It  is  true  that,  if  they  can  fhew  what  reafonably 
they  could  have  afked  more,  or  wherein  the  King's 
Offers  were  deficient,  either  in  point  of  Security, 
or  by  with-holding  from  any  of  his  Subjects  a  Jot 
of  their  juft  Privileges,  then  they  faid  fomewhat 
to  challenge  Belief:  But  bare  AfTervations,  even 
againft  what  a  Man  fees,  will  not  get  Credit  with 
any  but  fuch  who  abandon  their  Judgments  to  an 
implicit  Faith :  Nor  can  the  Determinations  of 
all  the  Parliaments  in  the  World  make  a  Thing 
juft  or  neceflary,  if  it  be  not  fo  ofitfelf:  And 
can  it  be  imagined  that  any,  who  were  ever  ac- 
quainted with  the  Paflages  at  the  Treaties  of 
Oxford  and  Uxbridge,  will  believe,  though  it 
be  faid,  That  the  Propofitions  tendered  a t  Newcaftle 
were  the  fame,  in  Effett,  which  had  been  pre- 
fented  to  the  King  before,  in  the  Midjl  of  all  hii 
Strength  and  Forces?  Indeed,  methinks,  fuch 
grofs  Slips  as  thefe  fliould,  at  leaft,  make  a  Man 
be  wary  how  to  believe  fuch  Things,  for  which 
he  fees  no  Proofs  ;  and  yet  it  fhould  feem  that  a 
Man  muft  either  take  their  Words  for  good 
Payment,  or  remain  unfatisfied ;  for,  a  little* 
after,  it  is  faid,  That  the  King's  Jlfange,  unex- 
pefted,  and  conditional  Anfwen  or  Denials  might 
VOL.  XVII.  C  *  jvftl, 

34  Vfa  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  a  3  Car.  I.  <  jujlly  have  made  them  confider  feme  other  Courfe 

l647-         « for  fettling   the   Kingdom    in    Peace   and  Safety, 

February.      '  w^out  any  farther  Application  ;  but  never  (hewn 

*  wherein  the  Strangenefs  of  his  Anfwers  or  De- 
'  nials  confifts  :  And  I  fhould  think  that  thofe  Rea- 

*  fons  upon  which  the  laying  by  of  a  King's  Au- 
«  thority  is  grounded,  for  it  is  no  lefs,  ought  to  be 
<  particularly  mentioned  for  the  World's  Satisfac- 
'  tion,  and  not  involved  in  general  big  Words :  For 
'  it  thereby  feems,  that  it  is  their  Force  of  Arms, 

*  more  than  that  of  Reafon,  which  they  truft  to  for 

*  procuring  of  Obedience  to  their  Determinations, 
e  or  Belief  to  what  they  fay ;  otherwife  can  it  be 
6  imagined  that  their  faying,  That  their  laft  Propoji- 
(  tions  were  fo   qualified  that,  where  it  might  ji and 

*  with  the  Public  Safety,  the  wonted  Scruples  and  Ob- 

*  jefliom  were  prevented  or  removed,  can  give  Satis- 

*  faction  to  any  rational  Man  who  hath  feen  all 
'  their  former  Propofitions  ?  for  it  is  moft  evident 
(  that  their  Demands  have  always   increafed  with 

*  their  good  Fortune. 

*  And  for  their  great  Condefcention  to  a  Per- 

*  fonal  Treaty  (which,  under  Favour,  can  fcarcely 

*  be  called  fo  ;  for  the  King,  though  he  had  grant- 
'  ed  what   was   defired,   was  not  come  either   to 
'  or  near  London,  but  to  ftay  in  the  Ifie  of  Wight, 
'  and    there  to  treat   with   Commifii oners)  upon 
'  figning  the  four  Bills,  furely  they  incurred  therein 

*  but  little  Danger  ;  for  it  is  moft  evident  that  they 

*  contain  the  very  Subftance  of  the  moft  eflential 

*  Parts  of  their  Demands,  which  being  once  grant- 
'  ed  the  King  would  neither  have  had  Power  to  de- 

*  ny,  nor  any  Thing  left  worth  the  refufing  j  for 
«  after  he  had  confefled  that  he  had  taken  up  Arms 

*  to  invade  the  Liberty  of  his  People,    (whereas 

*  it  was  only  for  the  Defence  of  his  own  Rights) 
'  and  had  likewife  condemned  all  thofe,  who  had 
'  faithfully  ferved  him,  of  Rebellion;  and  that  he 
4  had  totally  diverted  himfelf,  his  Heirs,  and  Syc- 

*  ceffors  for  ever,  of  the  Power  of  the  Sword ;  wherc- 
(  by  the  Protection  of  his  Subjects,  which  is  one  of 

«  the 

of    ENGLAND. 

the  moft  eflbntial  and  neceflary  Rights  belonging 
to  Regal  Authority,  is  totally  torn  away  from  the 
Crown ;  and  that,  by  a  filent  Conceffion,  he  had 
done  himfelfand  Succeflbrs  an  irreparable  Preju- 
dice concerning  the  Great  Seal  (I  fpeak  not  of 
the  other  two  Bills,  neither  of  which  are  of  little 
Importance) ;  what  was  there  more  for  him  to 
grant,  worth  the  minting  upon,  after  fuch  Con- 
ceffions  ?  or  indeed,  what  Power  was  left  him  to 
deny  any  Thing  ?  So  that  the  King's  Neccflity 
of  giving  the  Anfwer  he  did,  for  it  was  no  abfo- 
lute  Refufal,  is  moft  evident;  unlefs  he  had  re- 
folved  to  have  lived  in  Quiet  without  Honour, 
and  to  have  given  his  People  Peace  without 
Safety,  by  abandoning  them  to  an  arbitrary  and 
unlimited  Power  of  the  two  Houfes,  for  ever, 
concerning  the  levying  of  J/and  or  Sea  Forces, 
without  ftinting  of  Numbers  or  Diftin&ion  ofPer- 
fons;  and,  for  Payments,  to  levy  fuch  Sums  of 
Monies,  in  fuch  Sort,  and  by  fuch  Ways  and  Means 
as  they  (hall  think  fit  and  appoint.  And  now 
J  cannot  but  afk,  Is  this  the  Militia  that  the  King 
contends  for  ?  or,  did  ever  any  King  of  England 
pretend  to,  or  feek  for,  fuch  a  Power  ?  Surely, 
no.  But  this  is  a  new  Militia,  and  take  heed  left 
this  fhould  prove  like  the  Roman  Pretorian  Co- 
horts, that  what  they  did  in  choofmg  and  chang- 
ing Emperors,  thefe  do  not  to  this  Government, 
by  moulding  and  altering  it  according  to  their 
Fancies.  Now,  my  Eagernefs  to  clear  this 
Point  concerning  the  four  Bills,  had  almoft  made 
me  forget  a  moft  material  Qyeftion :  I  wonder 
much  wherein  the  Danger  confifts  of  a  Perfonal 
Treaty  with  the  King  ever  fmce  he  was  laft  at 
Newcajlle :  Surely  he  cannot  bring  Forces  along 
with  him  to  awe  his  two  Houfes  of  Parliament  j 
and  it  is  as  well  known  that  he  hath  not  Money 
to  raife  an  Army  ;  and,  truly,  there  is  as  little 
Fear  that  the  Eloquence  of  his  Tongue  fhpuld 
work  Miracles  ;  but,  on  the  contrary,  if  he  were 
fo  ill  a  Man  as  you  defcribe  him  to  be,  whatfo- 
C'  2  «  ever 

36  tfhe'  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

in.  13  Car.  I.  <  ever  he  fhall  fay   or  write  muft  more  prejudice 

L    l6*7'   ,     *  him  than  you  :  For,  let  him  never  flatter  himfelf, 

February.      '  l*  muft  be  clear,  not  doubtful,  Reafon  that  can 

'  prevail  againft  that  great  vifible  prevailing  Power 

*  which  now  oppofes  him  J  nor  do  I  fay  it  will, 

*  but  certainly  lefs  cannot  do  it ;  Where  is  then 

*  the  Danger  ?    Believe   it,    Reafon  will    hardly 

*  maintain  thofe  who  are  afraid  of  her. 

4  After  this  it  is  faid,  That  they  had  Caufe  enough 

*  to    remember  that  the  King  fometimes  denied  to  rt- 

*  ceive  their  bumble  Petitions ;  but  they  neither  tell 
1  where  nor  when,  which  I  am  moft  confident  they 
'  cannot ;  but  I  am  certain  that  the  King  hath  fent 
'  divers  Meflages  of  Peace  to  them,  unto  which  he 
4  hath  yet  had  no  Anfwer;  namely,  his  laft  from 
4  Oxford,  of  the  I5th  of  'January,  1645,  and  all 

*  the  reft  fince.     As   for  the  Fight  at  Brentford ; 

*  whofoever  will  read  the  Collection  of  the  Decla- 
4  rations  in  Print  upon  that  Subject,  will   clearly 

*  find  that  the  King  hath   more  Reafon  to  com- 

*  plain  than  they,  under  Colour  of  Treaty,  fought 

*  to  inviron   him  with    their  Forces,    than  they 

*  for  what  he  then  did.      And   his   Retreat  was 

*  neither  for    Fear   nor  with  Shame  ;  for  the  ap- 

*  pearing  of  the  Enemy  made  him  retard,  not  ha- 
e  ften,  his  Orders  for  retiring,  whichdivers  Hours  be  - 

*  fore  their  appearing  he  had  given  ;  which  he  did 

*  without  any  Lofs  at  all  ;  but,  on  the  contrary, 

*  retreated  with  more  Arms,  eleven  Colours,  and 

*  fifteen  Pieces  of  Ordnance,  befides  good  Store  of 

*  Ammunition,  than    he   had   before  :    And,    for 
4  Cruelty,  there  was  not  a  Drop  of  Blood  fhed  but 

*  in  the  Heat  of  the  Fight,  for  I  faw  above  500 
c  Prifoners,  who,  only  promifmg  never  after  to  bear 
4  Arms  againft  the  King,  were  freely  releafcd. 

4  Again  they  feem  to  have  good  Memories,   fay- 

*  ing,  That  the  King  once  fent  them  a  fpectous  Mef- 
4  fage  of  renewing  a  Treaty,  when  at  the  fame  Time 

*  his  MeJJenger  was  injlrufted  how  to  manage   that 
4  bloody  Mafia  ere  in   London,  which  was  then  de- 
4  Jigned  by  virtue    of  the   King's   Commijfion,  fince 

4  pullifitd,: 

^/ENGLAND.  37 

«  publljhed:  And  hath  the  King  fcnt  but  one  Mef-  An.*3Car. 
1  fage  for  the  renewing  of  a  Treaty  ?  Then  what 

*  was  that  from   Tavljlock,    in   Augufl  1644,  and       February. 

*  five  others  from  Oxford  the  next  Year,  viz.  of 

*  the  5th,  I5th,    26th   and  29th  of  December^  and 
'  the    1 5th  of  January^   1645  ^  ^ut  indeed  tn^s> 

*  that  is  here  mentioned,  they  knew  not  how  to 

*  anfwcr,  (for  at   that  Time  they  knew  not  the 

*  Way  of  Silence)  but  by  this  forged  Accufation 
'  againft  the  MefTenger;  who,  I  dare  fay,  knew  no- 
'  thing  of  that  which  might  have  been,  at  that 
'  Time,  intended  for  the  King's  Service  by  fome 

*  who  had  more   Zeal  than  Judgment ;  but  that 

*  there  was   a  Maflacre    intended,     or  that   any 

*  Commiffion  from  the  King  mould  countenance 
'  fuch  a  Defign,  is  a  moft  notorious  Slander, 

*  As  fortheKing'smentionedLettertotheQueen, 

*  I  am  confident  that  any  judicious  Reader  will 
'  find  the  Glofs  made  upon  it  very  much  wrefted  : 
1  And  certainly  Aftep-ages  will  think  thefe  Times 

*  very  barbarous,  wherein  private  Letters  betwixt 
'  Man  and  Wjfe  are  publiflied  to  open  View  j  and 
'  in  other  Countries,  there  is  fuch  Refpecl:  carried 
4  to  private  Letters  of  Princes,  that,  to  my  Know- 
«  ledge,  the  laft  Emperor,  in  the  greateft  Heat  of 

*  the  Bohemian  War,  having  intercepted  a  Packet, 

*  wherein  were  private  Letters  to  King  James  of 

*  blefied  Memory,  (who  was  then  known  to  be  no 
4  great    Friend  to  the  Emperor)    from    his  only 
1  Daughter,  then  avowedly  the  Emperor's  greateft 

*  Enemy ;  yet  he  fent  them  to  the  King,  without 
«  the  leaft  Offer  of  Violence  to  the  Seals. 

*  And  now  I  come  to  their  Determination  upon 
«  the  whole  Matter,  what  Courfe  they  have  refolved 

*  to  take  with  the  King  :  Their  Words  are,  Buty 
<  notiurtbjlanding  this  and  othtr  former  Tenders,  we 
r  have  now  received  fuch  a  Denial,    that  we  are  in 

*  Dtfpair  of  any  Good  by  Addrejfis    to   the  King  ; 

*  neither  muji   we   be  fo    injurious   to  the  People  in 
'  further  delaying  their  Settlement^   as   any  more    to 

his   Confent  to  thefe,  or  any  ether  Prcpofi- 
C  3  «  tions,' 

3  8  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

tlons.  Befides,  it  is  refolved  upon  the  Queftiom 
That  they  will  receive  no  more  any  MejJ'age  from 
tke  King  ;  and  do  enjoin,  That  no  Perfons  do 
prefume  to  receive  or  bring  any  Meffage  from  the 
King  to  both  or  either  Houfes  of  Parliament^  or  to 
any  other  Perfon.  Thus  you  fee  that  the  King 
is  laid  by:  But  that  is  not  all;  for  he  muft  nei- 
ther juftify  his  Innocency  againft  Calumny,  nor 
is  there  any  Way  left  him  to  mend  any  Error  that 
he  may  have  committed  :  Is  this  a  juft  Way  of 
proceeding,  when  Truth,  though  offered,  muft 
not  be  heard,  and  that  no  Way  muft  be  left,  to 
recant  an  Error  ?  And  why  all  this  Severity  ?  Be- 
caufe,  as  I  have  already  {hewn  you,  the  King  will 
not  injure  his  Confcience  or  Honour,  nor  fuffer 
his  People  to  be  opprefled  ;  to  which  they  give  the 
Term  of  fuch  a  Denial,  though  really  it  was 
none.  But  fince  they  thus  feek  to  hood-wink 
the  People,  it  is  no  great  wonder  that  they  for- 
bid the  King  to  repent  him  of  thofe  Faults  which 
he  never  committed  ;  and  I  believe  all  indifferent 
Men  will  eafily  judge  of  the  King's  Innocency, 
even  by  their  Way  of  Accufation  :  For  thofe 
who  will  lay  fuch  high  Crimes  to  his  Charge, 
as  the  Breach  of  Oaths,  Vows,  Proteftations, 
and  Imprecations,  would  not  fpare  to  bring  their 
Proofs,  if  they  had  any  :  But,  on  the  contrary, 
it  is  known  to  all  the  World,  that  he  had  not 
fufFered  as  he  has  done,  if  he  would  have  dif- 
penfed  with  that  Part  of  his  Coronation  Oath, 
which  he  made  to  the  Clergy,  which  is  no  great 
Sign  that  he  makes  flight  of  his  Engagements  j 
of  which  it  is  fo  univerfally  known  that  he  has 
been  fo  religioufly  careful,  as  I  hold  it  a  Wrong- 
to  his  Innocency,  to  feek  to  clear  him  of  fuch 
Slanders,  for  which  there  are  no  Proofs  alledged  ; 
for  Malice,  being  once  detected,  is  beft  anfwered 
with  Neglecl  and  Silence  :  And  was  there  ever 
greater  or  more  apparent  Malice,  than  to  offer  to 
put  the  horrid  Slander  of  Parricide  upon  him, 
who  was  eminently  known  to  be  as  obedient  and 
loving  a  fon  to  his  blefled  Father,  as  any  Hiftory 

*  can 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  39 

4  can  make  mention  of  ?  But  indeed  the  Lofs   of An-  *3  Car- 

4  Rochelle  doth  fitly  follow,  to  fhew  how  Malice,  t      *647' 

4  when  it  is  at  the  Height,  is  ordinarily  accompani-      February 

'  ed ;  for  there  are  none,  but  ignorant  or  forgetful 

4  Men,  who  know  not  that  it  was  meerly  the  Want 

4  of  Afliftance  from  the  two  Houfes  of  Parliament 

4  (contrary  to  their  public  general  Engagement) 

{  that  loft  Rochelle :    And   there  is  nothing  more 

4  clear  (to  any  who  hath   known   French  Occur- 

4  renccs)  than  that  real  Afliftance  which  the  King, 

*  to  the   utmoft  of  his  Power,  gave  to  thofe  of  the 
4  Religion    at  that  Time,    made    Cardinal   Rich- 
4  lieu    an    irreconcilable    Enemy    to    the    King; 
4  wherefore  I  cannot  but  fay,  that  it  is  a  ftrange 
«  forgetful  Boldnefs  to  charge  the  King  with  that 
'  which  was  evidently  other  Men's  Faults. 

4  There  are  alfo   other  Things  that,    to  any 

*  knowing  Man,  will   rather  feem  Jeers  than  Ac- 

*  cufationsj    as  the    German  Horfe,    and   Spanijb 

*  Fleet  in  the  Year  1639.    But  my  Affection  (hall 
4  not  fo  blind  me  as   to  fay  that  the  King  ne- 

*  ver  erred;    yet,  as  when  a  juft  Debt  is  paid, 

*  Bonds  ought  to  be  cancelled  ;  fo  Grievances,   be 
'  they  never  fo  juft,  being  once  redrefled,  ought  no 

*  more  to  be  objected  as  Errors :    And  it  is  no  Pa* 

*  radox  to  affirm,  That  Truths  this  way  told  are  no 
«  better  than  Slanders ;    and  fuch   are  the  Cata- 
4  logue  of  Grievances  here  enumerated  j   which) 
4  when  they  are  well  examined,  every  one  of  them 
4  will  not  be  found  fuch  as  here  they  are  defcribed 
«  to  be. 

4  Now,  as  concerning  thofe  Difcourfes  which 
4  mention  the  Beginnings  of  thefe  Troubles 
4  which  are  in  two  feveral  Places  of  this  Declara- 
'  tion,  I  will  only  fay  this,  That  what  the  King 
4  did  upon  thefe  Occafions,  was  meerly  to  defend 

*  the  Rights  of  his  Crown,    which  were  and  are 
'  evidently  fought  to  be  torn  from  him :  Nor  can 
1  I   acknowledge  all  thofe  Relations  to  be  true; 
4  fuch  as  private  Levies  of  Men  by  Popim  Agents  j 
4  arming  of  Papifts  in  the  North ;  calling  in  of 
V  Danijh  Forces,  and  the  like:   And  as  for  the  ftale 

C  4  *  Slander 

40  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

n.  23  Car.  I,   *  Slander  of  calling  up  the  Northern  Army,  now 

.     *647'  ,    '  renewed ;  it  is  well  known  that  the  two  H  ufes, 

Fcbmary.      '  even    at  tnat  Time,    were  not  fo  partial  to  the 

*  King,    as  to  have   concealed  a  Practice  of  that 

*  Kind,  if  they    could   have     got    it    fufficiently 
'  proved. 

'  But  if  the  Itijh  Rebellion  can  be  juftly  charged 

*  upon  the  Ring,  then  I   (hall  not  blame  any  for 

*  believing  all  the  reft  of  the  Allegations  againft 

*  him  ;  only  I  proteft  againft  all  Rebels  Teftimo- 

*  ny  as   good  Proof,  it  being  moft  certain  by  Ex- 

*  perience,  that  they  who  make  no  Confcience  of 

*  rebelling,  will  make  lefs  of  lying,  when  it  is  for 
'  their  Advantage.     And    it  is  no  little  Wonder 
'  that  fo  grave  an  AfTembly  as  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
'  mons  fhould  fo  flightly  examine  aBufmefs  of  that 
'  great  Weight,  as  to  alledge  that  the  Scots   Great 

*  Seal  did  countenance  the  Irijl)  Rebellion,  when  I 

*  know   it  can  be   proved,  by  Witnefles  without 

*  Exception,  that,   for  many  Months  before  until 

*  the  now  Lord-Chancellor  had  the  keeping  of  it, 

*  there  was  nothing  at  all  fealed  by  it.     Nor  con- 
'  cerning  this  great  Point  will  I  only  fay  that  the 
'  King  is   innocent,  and  bid  them  prove  (which, 
"  to  moft  Accufations,  is    a    fufficient  Anfwer ;) 
4  but  I  can  prove,  that  if  the  King  had  been  obeyed 
'  in  the  Injh  Affairs  before  he  went  laft  into  Scot- 

*  land,  there  had  been   no  Irijb   Rebellion  j  and, 
'  a  ter  it  was  begun,  it  had,  in  a  few  Months,  been 

*  (upprefled,  if  his  Directions  had  been  obferved  ; 

*  for  if  the   King  had  been  fuffered  to  have  per- 

*  formed  his  Engagements  to  the  Iri/h  Agents,  and 
'  had  difpofed  of  the   difcontented  Irijh  Army  be- 

*  yond  Sea,    according  to  his  Contracts  with  the 
'  French  and  Spanijh  AmbafFadors,  there  is  nothing 

*  more  clear,  than  that  there  could   have  been  no 

*  Rebellion   in  Ireland;  becaufe  they  had  wanted 
'  both   Pretence  and   Means  to  have  made  one: 
'  Then  when  it  was  broken  forth,  if  thofe  vigo- 
rous Courfes  had   been   purfued  which  the  King 

*  propofed,  firft  to  the  Scots,  then  to  the  Englijh 

*  Parliament,  doubtlefs  that  Rebellion  ha.d  beeri 

«  foon 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  41 

foon  fupprefled.  But  what  he  propofecl  took  fo  An.  23  Car.  I. 
little  Effect,  that,  in  many  Months  after,  there  t  f<  _t 
was  nothing  fent  into  Ireland  but  what  the  King  i-\Uu»ry. 
himfelf  fent,  aflifted  by  the  Duke  of  Richmond^ 
before  he  came  from  Scotland^  unto  Sir  Robert 
Stuart ;  which,  though  it  was  little,  will  be  found 
to  have  done  much  Service,  as  may  be  feen  by 
Sir  Robert's  voluntary  Teftimony,  uiven  in  Wri- 
ting to  tl  e  Parliament's  Commiflioners  then  at- 
tending the  King  at  Stoak.  And  certainly  a 
greater  Evidence  for  Conftancy  in  Religion  there 
cannot  be,  than  the  King  {hewed  in  his  Irijb 
Treaty  ;  for  in  the  Time  that  he  moft  needed 
Afliftance,  it  was  in  his  Power  to  have  made  that 
Kingdom  declare  unanimoufly  for  him,  and  have 
had  the  wole  Forces  thereof  employed  in  his  Ser- 
vice, if  he  would  have  granted  their  Demands  in 
Points  of  Religion,  they  not  infilling  on  any 
Thing  of  Civil  Government  which  his  Majefty 
might  not  have  granted  without  Prejudice  to  his 
Regal  Authority  ;  and  this  can  be  clearly  proved 
by  the  Marquis  of  Ornwnd's  Treaties  with  the 
Irifh,  not  without  very  good  Evidence  by  fome 
of  the  King's  Letters  to  the  Queen,  which  were 
taken  at  Nnfeby,  that  are  purpofely  concealed,  left 
they  fhould  too  plainly  difcover  the  King's  De- 
teftation  of  that  Rebellion,  and  his  rigid  Firmnefs 
to  the  Proteftant  Profefiion.  Nor  can  I  end  this 
Point  without  remarking  with  Wonder,  that 
Men  fhould  have  fo  ill  Memories  as  again  to  renew 
that  old  Slander  of  the  King's  giving  Pafles  to  di- 
vers Papifts  and  Perfons  of  Quality,  who  headed 
the  Rebels ;  of  which  he  fo  cleared  himfelf,  that  he 
demanded  Reparation  for  it,  but  could  not  have 
it,  albeit  no  Shew  of  Proof  could  be  produced  for 
that  Allegation  ;  as  is  moft  plainly  to  be  feen  in 
the  firft  Book  of  the  Collection  of  all  Remon- 
ftrances,  Declarations,  &c.  Fol.  69  and  70. 
'  Thus  having  given  a  particular  Anfwer  to  the 
moft  material  Points  in  this  Declaration,  the  reft 
are  fuch  frivolous,  malicious,  and  many  of  them 
groundlefs  Calumnies,  that  Contempt  is  the  beft 

«  Anfwer 


Ag  Ordinance 
J'or  railing 
a  0,000  /.  per 
i -i  intern  for  Re- 
lief  »$  Ireland. 

Parliamentary  HISTORY 

*  Anfwer  for  them.     Yet  one  Thing  more  I  muft 
c  obferve,   that  they  not  only  endeavour  to  make 
'  Fables  pafs  for  current  Coin,  but  likewife  fcekto 

*  blind  Men's  Judgments  with  falfe  Inferences  upon 

*  fome  Truths  :  For  Example  j  it  is  true  that  the 

*  King  hath  faid  in  fome  of  his  Speeches  or  Decla- 
1  rations,   that  he  oweth  an  Account  of  his  Aftions  to 
'  none  but  God  alont  j  and  that  the  Houfes  ofParlia- 
'  went)  joint  or  feparate,    have  no   Power  either  t9 
4  make  or    declare  any  Law  ;  but  that  this  is  a  fit 
'  Foundation  for  all  Tyranny,  I  mult  utterly  deny. 

*  Indeed    if  it  had   been  faid,    That    the    King, 
'  without  the    two    Houfes   of  Parliament,  could 
'  make    or  declare    Laws,   then    there   might  be 

*  fome  Strength  in  the  Argument ;  but,  before  this 
c  Parliament,    it  was   never  fo  much  as  pretended, 
4  that  either  or  both   Houfes,  without   the  King, 

*  could  make  or  declare  any  Law ;  and  certainly  his 
'  Majefty  is   not  the  firft,  and  I  hope  will  not  be 
'  the  laft  King  of  England,  that  hath  not  held  him- 
1  felf  accountable  to  any  earthly  Power  :  Befides  it 
1  will  be  found  that  his  Majefty's  Pofition  is  moft 

*  agreeable  to  all  divine  and  human  Laws  ;  fo  far 
4  it  is  from  being  deftructive  to  a  Kingdom,   or  a 

*  Foundation  for  Tyranny. 

'  To  conclude:  I  appeal  to  God  and  the  World, 
'  whether  it  can  be  paralleled  by  Example,  or  war- 
4  ranted  by  Juftice,  that  any  Man  fhould  be  flan- 

*  dered,  yet  denied  the  Sight  thereof ;  and  fo  far 

*  from  being  permitted  to  anfwer,  that,  if  he  has 

*  erred,  there  is  no  way   left  him  to  acknowledge 
4  or  mend  it:  And  yet  this  is  the  King's  prefent 

*  Condition  ;  who  is  at  this  Time  laid  afide,  be- 

*  caufe  he  will  not  confent  that  the  old  fundamental 

*  Laws  of  this  Land  be  changed,  Regal  Power  de- 

*  ftroyed,  nor  his  People  fubmitted  tx>  a  new,  arbi- 

*  trary,  tyrannical  Government.' 

Feb.   18.  This  Day  a  very  long  Ordinance,  ma- 
king no   lefs  than  fixty  Pages  in  the  Lords  Jour- 
nals,  was  paflfed   by  both  Houfes.     It  was  to  raife 
'  2OjOOO/.  ptr  Menftm)  for   fix   Months,  towards 
2  the 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  43 

the  Relief  of  Ireland^  and    Support   of  the    Engl'ijh  A».  ^^>  C»r.  I- 

Forces  in   that  Kingdom.     It   is  drawn   like   our    v_^     j , 

modern  Land-Tax  Bills,  where  each  particular  February. 
Sum,  charged  upon  every  County  in  England^  to- 
gether with  the  Commiffioners  Names,  is  fpeci- 
fied ;  but  it  is  much  too  long  and  tedious  for  our 
Purpofe.  Nothing  offering  material  enough  for 
our  Notice,  we  pafs  on  to, 

Feb.  29,  Both  Houfes  fat  on  this  Day,  it  being 
Leap  Year,  when  a  Letter  from  the  Earl  of  Not- 
tingbam,then  at  Edinburgh,  dated  February  22,  164^, 
and  feveral  Papers  inclofed,  were  read. 

To  the  Right  Hon.  EDWARD  Earl  of  M  A  N- 
CHESTER,  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  PEERS  pro 
Tern  pore. 

Alay  it  pleafe  your  Lordjhipt 

ON  Friday  the  i8th  of  February  we  arrived  A  Series  of  Letr 
at  Edinburgh,  where  the  Gentlemen,  Com-  ^Jj^^1 
mifiioners    from    the  Houfe  of  Commons,   who  ,Phe  Scot's  ParHa- 
came  hither  before  us,  gave  us  to  underftand  that  mem  andtheEn- 
they  had  fent  a  Letter  to  the  Lord-Chancellor,  a^^Slf'ai 
Copy  whereof  is  here  inclofed.  Edinburgh. 

«  On  Saturday  the  igth  the  Lord-Chancellor 
came  to  us,  fent  from  the  Committee  of  Eftates, 
to  fee  our  Commiffion,  or  Letters  of  Credence ; 
which  we  (hewed  him  :  Upon  Sight  whereof, 
finding  they  were  directed  to  the  Parliament  of 
Scotland^  he  was  pleafed  to  tell  us,  That  the  laft 
Parliament  was  determined,  and  this  was  not 
yet  met,  thereupon  we  were  neceffitated  to 
(hew  him  fo  much  of  our  Inftructions,  as  did  di- 
rect us  to  make  Application  to  the  Committee  of 
Eftates,  and  did  warrant  the  Paper  lately  fent  to 
them.  All  which  being  comprehended  in  a  Let- 
ter from  the  Chancellor,  and  an  Anfwer  to  it,  I 
have  inclofed(  fent  you  Copies  of  them  both  ;  and 
becaufe  we  might  poflibly  be  delayed  till  the  Par- 
liament (it,  which  is  more  than  a  Week  to  come, 

«  we 

7%e  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

we  did,  confidering  the  State  of  Affairs  here,  add 
_  fomething  in  the  End  of  your  Letter,  which  we 

February.      *  thought  was    for   your  Service,  the  promoting 
'  whereof  (hall  be  the  conftant  Endeavours  of, 

Your  Lord/hip's  bumble  Servant, 


The  LETTER  to  the  LORD-CHANCELLOR  of 
Scotland,  from  the  CommiJJioners  of  the  Houfe 
of  Commons ,  referred  to  in  the  foregoing. 

Edinburgh ,  Feb.  10,  164!-. 
fylay  it  pleafe  your  Lord/hip, 

E  are  lent  from  both  Houfes  of  the  Par- 
liament  of  England,  Commiflioners  unto 
the  Committee  of  Eftates  and  Parliament  of  the 
Kingdom  of  Scotland ;  and  hearing  that  the  Com- 
mittee of  Eftates  do  meet  this  Day,  we  do  intreat 
your  Lordfhip  to  move  them  on  our  BehaJf, 
that  they  would  be  pleafed  to  appoint  in  what 
Way  v/e  may  impart  to  them  what  we  have  in 
Command  from  both  Homes  with  as  much  Speed 
as  may  (land  with  their  Conveniency,  wherein 
you  will  do  a  fpecial  Favour  unto, 

My  Lord, 

Tour  Lord/kip's  mofl  humble  Servants, 


d  COPY  of  the  LORD-CHANCELLOR  of  Scotland's 

Holyrood-Houfe,  Feb.  u,  164^-. 
Right  Honourable, 

*  I  Did  communicate   your  Letter  Yefterday  to 
«  A  the    Committee  of  Eftates,  who  have  com- 

*  manded  me  to  make  known  to  you,  that  they 
«  will  take  your  Defire  into  Confideration,  and  re- 

*  tuin 

9f    ENGLAND.  45 

«  turn  an  Anfwer  fpeedily  ;  and  I  (hall  be  ready,  An.  ^3  Car. 
*  upon  all  Occafions,  to  teftify  that  I  am,  *7' 

Teur  mojl  humble  Servant, 

L  O  U  D  O  N. 

A  CoPY  of  a  fecond  LETTER  from  the  Commif- 
Jioners  of  tbe  Houft  of  Commons  to  the  Chancellor  of 

Edinburgh,  Feb.  15,  164^. 
May  itpleafe  your  Lordjhip, 
\\T  E  do  acknowlege  your  Lordfhip's  Favour, 
in  prefenting  the  Defires  in  our  former 
Letter  unto  the  Right  Honourable  the  Commit- 
tee of  Eftates ;  and  now,  after  we  have  refided 
here  fo  many  Days,  we  judge  it  our  Duty  both 
to  let  your  Lordfhips  know  in  general  wherefore 
we  are  fent  to  them,  and  to  enable  ourfelves  to 
give  forrte  Account  to  the  Parliament  of  England 
what  we  do  in  Purfuance  of  their  Commands  j 
therefore  we  do  further  humbly  intreat  yourLord- 
fhip  to  communicate  the  inclofed  Paper  to  the 
Right  Honourable  the  Committee  of  Eftates, 
whofe  Refolutions  we  fhall  attend  concerning  the 
Way  of  our  further  Proceedings. 

My  Lord, 

Tour  Lord/hip's  mojl  humble  Servants, 


A  COPY  of  the  firjl  PAPER  fent  from  the  Engllfli 
Commijjionets  to  the  Committee  of  EJiaies  of  Scot- 

Edinburgh, Feb.  15,164^. 

XX7  E  the  Commiffioners  of  both  Houfes  of 
the  Parliament  of  England,  have  in  Charge 
from  them  to  declare  unto  the  Committee  of 
Eftates,  Convention  of  Eftates,  or  Pailiament  of 
the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  That  it  is  their  un- 

*  feigned 

46  *Fhe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  *3  car. I.  «  feigned  Defire,  and  fhall  be  their  conftant  En- 

t    T     ?'  ^     c  deavour,  to  maintain  and  preferve  a  good  Corre- 

Fcbruary.      *  fpondency,  a  right   Underftanding,   and  a  bro- 

*  therly  Agreement  between   the  Parliament  and 

*  Kingdom  of  England,  and   the  Parliament   a'nd 

*  Kingdom  of  Scotland;  and  that  they  do  fmcerely 
'  intend  to  do  all  Things  which,  with  Honour  and 
'  Juftice,  lies  in  their  Power,  to  give  Satisfaction 

*  to  their  Brethren  of  Scotland  ;  to  the  which  End 

*  they  have  fent  us,  that  all  contrary  Impreflions, 

*  that  poffibly  may  arife,  may  be  refuted,  and  their 

*  unfeigned  Defires  manifefted  ;  and   to  continue 

*  the  happy  Conjunction  between  the  two  King- 

*  doms  in  that  one  common  Caufe,  and  againfl  the 

*  common  Enemy,  wherein  they  have  been  fo  long, 

*  with  the  Bleflmg  of  God,  united  ;   it   being  that 

*  whereunto  we  are  deedly  obliged,   by  fo  many 

*  mutual  Engagements,  ami  wherein  the  Glory  of 
'  God,    the    Intereft  of  all  them  that  profefs  the 
'  true  Reformed  Religion,  and    the  Tranquillity 

*  and  Peace  of  both  thefe  Kingdoms,  are  fo  rnu- 

*  tually  concerned  :  Upon  which    Confideration? 

*  we  cannot  doubt  but  that  the  like  Affection  and 
'  Defire  will  be  manifefted  by  the  Par!  lament  of  the 

*  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  by  your  Lord/hips,  and  by 
'  all  others  in  Truft  and  Power  under  you. 

By  Command  of  the  CommiJJioners  far  the  Parila  • 
ment  of  England. 

JO.  SQUIBB,  Secretary. 

A  COPY  of  a  LETTER  from  the  Lord-Chancellor  of 
Scotland  to  the  Englifti  CommiJJioners,  concerning 
his  communicating  to  the  Committee  of  Eft  at  es  their 
Dejire  to  make  known  to  them  their  CommiJJkn  and 
Power  from  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of 

Holyr ood-  Houfe,  Feb.  21,   164^. 
My  Lords  and  Gentlemen, 

«  T  Received  your  Letter  of  the  I5th,  with  the 
'  •••  inclofed  Paper,  which  I  communicated  to  the 
*  Committee  of  Eftates,  who  have  appointed  me 
6  to  defire  you  would  be  pleafed  to  make  known 

«  the 

^ENGLAND.  47 

c  the  Commiflion  or  Power  you  have  from  the  two  An-  23  Car-  L 
*  Houfes    of   the  Parliament    of  England-,    after t      '  *7'      . 
«  which  they  will  take  your  Defires  fpeedily  into      February. 
'  Confideration. 

*  This   being  all  I  have  in  Command  at  this 
«  Time,  I  reft, 

My  Lords  and  Gentlemen^ 

Tour  mojl  humble  Servant , 


A  COPY  of  the  CommiJJioners  ANSWER  to  the  fore- 
going LETTER. 

Edinburgh ,  Feb.  22,  164^. 
My  Lord) 
'   HT"*  H  E  laft  Night  we  received,  in   a  Letter 

*  JL     from  your  Lordfhip,  that  which,  upon  Sa~ 
4  turday  the  igth  of  this  Month,  you  was  pleafedto 

*  deliver  us  by  Word  of  Mouth  from   the  Com- 
f  mittee  of  Eftates  ;  in  Anfwer  whereunto  we  did 
4  then  {hew   unto  your   Lordfhip  our  Letters  of 

*  Credence  unto  the  Parliament  of  Scotland;  where- 

*  of,  becaufe  we  had  a  Duplicate,    we  have,    for 
4  better  Satisfaction,  fent  you  inclofed  one  of  the 
4  Originals,  which  we  doubt  not  will  give  Satif- 

*  faction  unto  the  Right  Honourable  the  Commit- 
4  tee  of  Eftates,  to  whom  both  Houfes  of  the  Par- 
4  liament  of  England  are  fo  defirous  to  fhew  all 
4  Refpeft,  that  we  are  confident  they  would  have 

*  alfo  fent  to  them  a  particular  Letter  of  Credence 
4  if  it  had  been  judged  neceflary  or  ufual  j  befides, 
4  we  did  then  fhcw  unto  your  Lordfhips,  that  both 
4  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England  did,  upon 
4  the  29th  of   January  laft  paft,  give  Inftrudliom 
4  (which,  having  the   Force  of  an   Ordinance  of 

*  Parliament,  are  both  a  Commiflion  and  Inftruc- 
4  tion)   unto    Char  las  Earl    of  Nottingham^   Henry 
4  Earl   of  Stamford^  Bryan  Stapylton^  Robert   Gcod- 
4  win,    William    Ajburft^  and   John    Birch,    Efqrs. 
4  appointed  Commiflloners   to    the    Kingdom    of 

4  Scotland, 

48  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  23  Car.  I.  «  Scotland;  and  we  did  then  let  your  Lordfhip  fee 

k \     7'  t     *  fo  much  of  our  Inftru&ions,  as   did  make  it  ap- 

February.      *  Pear  tnat  tne  ^a^  Commiflioners,  or  any  two  of 
'  them,  were  commanded,  in  the   Name  of  both 

*  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England^  ta  make 

*  Addrefles  not   only    unto  the  Parliament  of  this 
'  Kingdom,  but  alfo  the  Convention  or  Committee 
'  of  Eftates  ;  and  that  we  had  fufficient  Warrant  in 
'  thofe  Inftru&ions   for  our  Paper  of  the  I5th  of 
'  February  Inftant,  now  mentioned  in  your  Lord- 
'  (hip's  Letter  ;  wherein  we  did  declare  the  unfeign- 

*  ed  Defire  of  the  Parliament  of  England  to  preferve 

*  and  continue  a  good  Underftandin^  and  brothey- 
'  ly  Agreement  betwixt  thofe  two  Kingdoms,  who 
'  are,  by  the  Blefling  of  God,  in  fo  happy  a  Con- 
'  junction  ;  and  now,  having  this  Opportunity,  we 
'  do  intreat  your  Lordfliip  to  prefent  from  us  this 
'  further  Defire  unto  the  Right  Honourable  th^Com- 

*  mittee  of  Eftates,   that  they  would   entertain  no 
«  Mifapprehenfion  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Parlia- 

*  ment   of  England;  but,   if  any  fuch  mould  be, 
'  that  we  may  be  heard  ;  it  being  the  Refolution- 

*  of  the  Parliament  of  England  to  give  Satisfaction 

*  to  the  Parliament  of  Scotland  in  all  juft  and  ho- 
'  nourable  Things  ;  which   is  all   wherewith  we 

*  ftiall  at  prefent  trouble  your  Lordfhip,  but  {ball 
«  wait  upon  the  further  Refolution  of  the  Commit' 
'  tee,  and  remain, 

My  Lord, 

Tour  Lordjhips  mo/J  humble  Servants, 

The  fame  Day,  Fib.  29,  the  Commons  paffed 
4  long  Declaration  they  had  drawn  up,  in  Anfwer 
to  one  the  Scots  Commiflioners  had  printed  and 
publifhed  in  Scotland,  intituled,  the  Anfivcr  of  the 
CommiJJioners  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  to  bstb 
Houfes  of  Parliament  upon  the  new  Propofitians  cf 
Peace,  and  the  four  Bills  fent  to  his  Mojtjly  ;  and 



e/*   ENGLAND.  49 

c&ncerning  the  Proceedings  of  the  f  aid  Commijfioners  in  An.  23  Car.  I. 
the  IJle  of  Wight.     This  Declaration  had  been  fe-t      l647' 
veral  Days  debated,  and  many  Divifions  thereupon, 
but  was  at  laft  agreed  to  by  a  Majority  of  69  Voices 
againft  40,  and  ordered  to  be  lent  to  the  Lords  for 
their  Concurrence, 

March  2.  Some  Attempts  made  for  the  Duke  of 
Tory's  Efcape  from  St.  James's  being  difcovered,  his 
Highnefs  thought  fit,  for  Fear  of  ftri&er  Confine- 
ment, to  write  the  following  Letter  to  the  Houfe 
of  Lords  : 

To   the   Earl   of   MANCHESTER,  Speaker    of  the 
Houfe  of  LORDS, 

My  Lord, 

Underftand  there  was  a  Letter  of  mine  inter-  A  Letter  from 
cepted  going  to  my  Father,  which  I  confefs  *e  Puke  ofr 

r*ii*<-  t/»  i  i        icilc,  excfiing 

was  a  Fault  j  and  therefore  delire  you  to  let  the  his  Atutnpt  to 
Houfe  know,  that  I  will  engage  my  Honour  and  make  his  Efcape 
Faith,   never  to  engage  myfelf  any  more  in  fuch  g 
Bufinefs.     My   Requeft  is,  that  I  may  continue 
where  I  now  am  j  in  doing  which  you  will  much 
oblige  me,  who  am, 

Your  cffcRionate  Friend, 

J.  YORK. 

A  Committee  of  Lords  was  hereupon  appointed  Relations  of 
to  go  and  take  the  Duke's  Engagement  from  his  'he  Houfe  of 

\  K  i  •  .  •     r?  i        i     T-I         Lords  thereupon, 

own  Mouth  ;  and  it  was  this  Day  ordered^    l  hat, 

upon  the  Duke  of  York's  Letter,  the  Lords  had  con- 
defcended  to  give  fa  much  Credit  to  the  Engage- 
ment and  Ingenuity  expreited  in  it,  and  to  the 
Tendernefs  of  his.  Years,  as  to  pafs  by  all  fuch  Re* 
folutions  as  they  might  juftly  have  taken  upon  this 
Occafion  ;  and  to  defire  the  Earl  of  Northumber- 
land that  he  would  ftill  continue  under  his  Care 
the  faid  Duke  and  the  reft  of  the  fcing's  Children, 
which  are  now  under  the  Protection  of  the  Parlia- 

*fbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

ment :  Moreover,  that  the  faid  Earl  fliould  be  de- 
fired  from  Time  to  Time,  to  difmifs  from  attending 
on  the  Duke  and  the  reft  of  the  King's  Children? 
all  fuch  Perfons  as  he  {hall  conceive  to  be  any  wife 
ill-affe&ed,  or  likely  to  promote  any  ill  Defigns  to 
the  Prejudice  of  the  Parliament.  Likewife  that  all 
Papifts,  or  fuch  other  Perfons  as  have  been  in 
Arms,  or  adhered  to  the  King  in  this  War  againft 
the  Parliament,  be  reftrained  from  coming  or 
fpeaking  to  the  Duke  and  the  reft,  but  iu  the  Pre- 
fence  of  the  Earl  of  Northumberland ;  2. id  that  the 
faid  Earl  fhould  take  Care  that  none  of  hi.r  Servants 
fufFer  fuch  Refoi  t ;  and  if  any  Perfons  mould  pre- 
fume  to  profs  in,  contrary  to  thefe  Inftrudlions,  that 
Intelligence  be  forthwith  fent  of  it  to  one  or  both 
Houfes  of  Parliament.  Hampton-Court  was  alfo 
ordered  to  be  fitted  up  for  the  King's  Children. 

The  fame  Day,  March  2,  Mr.  Natbanael 
Fiennes  carried  up  the  Declaration  of  the  Com-* 
mons,  in  Reply  to  the  Scots  CommifTioners  Anfwcr 
to  the  Proportions  of  Peace,  to  the  Houfe  of  Lords ; 
who,  the  next  Day,  pafled  it  with  fome  Altera- 
tions, which  they  ordered  to  be  fent  back  to  the 
Commons  for  their  Approbation.  This  Queftion 
was  carried  almoft  unanimoufly,  the  Earl  of  Man- 
"  cbe/ler  only  entering  his  Diflent  againft  it. 

This  Declaration  was  afterwards  ordered,  by  both 
Houfes  to  be  printed  and  difperfed  in  the  ufual  Man- 
ner, alfo  to  be  tranflated  into  Latin  and  French  ; 
but  is  not  entered  in  the  Journals  of  either  Houfe  : 
We  have  feen  a  printed  Copy  thereof,  confifting  of 
95  Pages  in  Quarto  ;  but  feveral  Leaves  being  torn 
out,  we  (hall  endeavour,  in  fome  Meafure,  to  fup- 
ply  the  Want  of  it,  by  exhibiting  the  following 
Piece  of  Mr.  Martin's  upon  the  Occafion,  which 
jfeems  to  contain  the  main  Purport  of  the  Parlia- 
ment's Declaration,  and  runs  thus  (a]  : 


(a]  The  Anfwer  of  the  Scott  Comrmffioners  to  the  Propositions  we 
have  before  given,  from  the  Lords  Journals,  in  our  Sixteenth  Volume 
p.  437..— >In  Mr.  Rufo<u>ortb's  Co'ltSitHt,  Vol.  VII.  p.  io*r,  there 
are  only  three  Paragraphs  of  the  Parliament**  Declaration. 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  51 

'An.  23  Car.  I. 

The  Independency  of  ENGLAND  endeavoured  to   be       ifi47« 
maintained  again/I  the  Claim  of  the  SCOTS  COM-  * .   J 

MISSIONERS,  by  HENRY  MARTEN,  a  Member  of 

O  reftify,  not  to  upbraid  you:  You  have,  Mr.  Mart;n'a 
for  divers  Years  together,  been  very  well  Reply  to  the 

*  intreated  by  us  of  this  Nation,  and  that  from  a  ^°tesrsc°^,mir* 

*  Willingnefs  we  ever  had,  as  upon  all  Occafioiis,  totheEngiUh 
'  fo  particularly   in  your  Perfons,  to  manifofl  the  Propositions  of 
'  brotherly  Refpec~l  we  bear  towards  them  who  fent  Peice« 

*  you:    Upon   the   fame    Account  many  former 

*  Boldnefles  and  Provocations  of  yours  have  been 

*  winked  at  by  the  Parliament,  as,  I  am  confident, 

*  your  laft  Anfwer  would  likewife  be,  did  you  not 

*  therein  feem  to  have  remained  here  fo  long,  as  to 

*  have  quite  forgotten  why  you  came. 

'  You  may  therefore  pleafe  to  remember,  that  it 

*  was  no  Part  of  your  firft  Bufihefs  (whatever  fup- 

*  plemental  Commiffions  may  have  fince  been  pro- 

*  cured  for  a  further  Exercife  of  our  Patience  fince 

*  you  came  among  us)  to  fettle  Religion,   nor  to 

*  make  a  Peace  in  England ;  fo  as  all  thofe  devout- 

*  like  and  amicable  Endeavours,    for  which  you 
'  think  to  be  thanked,  were  not  only  Intrufions 

*  into  Matters  unconcerning  you,  but  fo  many  Di- 

*  verfions  from  per  forming,  as  you  ought,  what 

*  was  properly  committed  to  you. 

'  As  for  our  Religion ;  fince  the  Zeal  of  your 

*  Countrymen  would  needs  carry  their  Care  there* 
'  of  fo  far  from  home,  methinks  their  Divines,  now 

*  fitting  with   ours  at   Wefltmnfter^   might  excufe 

*  your  Trouble  in  this  Particular,  or  at  leaft  might 

*  teach  you,  by  their  Pra&ice,   that  your  Advice 
4  therein  to  the  Parliament  is  to  be  but  an  Advice, 
'  and  that  an  humble  one. 

*  As  for  the  other  Particular  of  Peace  j  it  is  true 

*  that,  about  three  Years  ago,  here  were  Ambaf- 

*  fadors   from  our  Neighbours  of  the  Loiu  C&un- 

*  tries  t  who,  having  found  the  King  almoft  weary 

*  of  fighting,  made.  Ufe  of  their  Privilege,  and 

D  2  «  did 

The  Parliamentary  H  r  s  T  o  R  * 

•  '  did  his  Errand  inftead  of  their  Matters  j  which 
c  was  with  big  Words  to  beg  a  Peace. 

'  After  that,  when  the  King's  Caufe  had  no- 
'  thing  left  to  lean  upon,  but  the  Treachery  of  our 

*  falfe  Friends  and  Servants,   an  AmbaiTador  from 

*  our  Neighbours  of  France  did,  en  paflant^  make  a 

*  certain  Oveiture  of  Accord  betwixt  the   Crown 

*  and  the  Head  :   But  your  Employment  here  from 

*  our  Neighbours  of  Scotland  had  fo  little  Relation 
'  to  Peace,  that  your  only  Work  was  to  join  Coun- 

*  fels  with  a  Committee  of  ours,  in  ordering  and 
'  difpofing  fuch  auxiliary  Forces  as  that  Kingdom 
'  fliould  fend  into  this  for  carrying  on  the  War. 

1  As  to  the  Delays  you  charge  upon  the  Parlia-* 
'  ment,  in  that  they  anfwer  your  Papers  fometimes 
'  late,  and  fometimes  not  at  all,  yet  require  percmp- 
'  tory  and  fpeedy  Refolutions  from  you,  as  if  their 
<  Dealings  were  unequal  towards  you  ;  I  hope  you 

*  will  give  over  making  fuch  Conft.ru6t.ions,  when 
'  you  fhall  confider  how  much  more  Bufinefs  lies 
'  upon  their    Hands   than   upon  yours  ;  and  how 

*  much  flower  Progrefs  the  fame  Affairs  muft  needs 

*  find  in  paffing  both  Houfes,  than    if  they  were 

*  to  be  difpatched  only  by   four  or  five   Commif- 

*  fioners.     Were  not  I  confcious  to  this  Truth, 
'  and   to  the  abundant  Civility  they  have  always 

*  {hewn  for  you  in  their  undelayed  reading,  prefent 
4  referring,  and  Defire  of  complying  with,  what 

*  you  fend  them,  fo  far  as  might  confift  with  their 

*  Duty  to    this  Common-wealth,  and   that  they 

*  want  nothing  but  Time  to  fay  fo,  I  fhould  never 

*  have  prefumed  to  truft  fo  great  a  Caufe  upon  the 
4  Patronage  of  fo  rude  a  Pen.     Neither  indeed  is  it 

*  left  there,  my  Defign  being  to    let  the   World 

*  imagine  how  ftrong  a  Stream  of  Juftice  runs  on 

*  our  Side,  when  I  dare  oppofe  the  Reafons  of  my 

*  fmgle  Bark  againft  all  the  Advantages  of  N  umber, 

*  Abilities,  and   Countenance  that  you  can  meet 
'  me  with. 

4  For  Order's  Sake,  I  {hall  take  the  Pains  to  fet 
«  the  Body  of  your  Diicourfc  as  upright  as  1  may 

^ENGLAND.  53 

c  (its  Prolixity  and  Perplexity  confidered)  upon  An>  2? Car- 
'  two  Feet.  v_J647l_/ 

*  One  is,   The  Claim  you  make  In  Behalf  of  the       March. 
c  Kingdom  of  Scotland,    to  the  Infpeftion  of,  and 

*  Conjitn&'ion  in,  the  Matter  of  our  Laws  and  the 

*  Conditions  of  our  Peace. 

'  The  other,  miftaking  the  firft  for  evinced,  is, 

*  Tour  telling  us  what  you  think  fit,  and  what  unfit^ 
'  for  us  to  ejtablijh  in  our  Church  and  State,  and  what 

*  Way  you   conceive  mojl  proper  for   obtaining  of  a 

*  Peace  betwixt  the  King  and  us  ;  together  with  the 

*  Proofs  wherewith  you  feek  to  fortify  your  Jeveral 

*  Opinions. 

'  It  would  give  your  firft  Foot  too  much  Ground 

*  to  hold  Difpute  with   you  upon   the   fecond  j 
4  therefore,  fince  a  Man  may  fee  by  your  Forward- 

*  nefs  in  printing  and  publifhing  both  thefe  and 
.'  other  your  Tranfa&ions  with  the  Houfes,  that 
'  your  Arguments,  like  the  King's  in  his  Meffages, 

*  are  not  framed  fo  much  to  fatisfy  the  Parliament, 
%  as  to  beget  in  the  People  a  DifTatisfafHon  towards 
'  the  Parliament,  I  will,  Qod  enabling  me,  take  a 
'  Time  apart  to  undeceive  my  Countrymen  con- 
'  cerningboth  the  King  and  you,  by  laying  the 

*  Hook  as  open  as  the  Bait  in  all  your  Lines  ;  and, 
6  for  the  prefent,  apply  myfelf  only  to  the  fliewing 
c  you,  that  when  you  mail  have  offered  your  Coun- 
?  fel  to  the  Parliament  of  England^  (as  for  ought  I 

*  know  any  one  Man  may  do  unto  another)  in  Mat- 

*  ters  concerning  this  Kingdom  only,  though  the 

*  mod  wholefome  Counfel  that  ever  was  or  can  be 
c  given,  and  the  Parliament  mall  not  approve  of  it, 
'  nor  have  fo  much  as  a  Conference  upon  it,   it  is 
£  no  more  Manners  in  you  than  it  would  be  in  the 

*  fame  Number  of  Spaniards,    Indians,  or  of  the 
4  moft  remote  Region  of  the  Earth,  to  prefs  it  again  ; 
.*  to  infift  upon  it,  and  to  proclaim  your  Unfatisfac- 

*  tion  in  it. 

*  Let  us,  with  your  Favour,  confider  your  Pre- 
?  tcnces  :  Ton  do  not  aim,  as  yourfelves  profefs  (a), 

D  3  '  •  04 

(a]  In  our  Sixteenth  Volume,  p,  439. 

54  72tf  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  23.  Cjr.1.  <  at  Jharing  in  our  Rights,  Laivs,  nor  Liberties,  bat 

CJL  '  *7'      ,  *  i»  a/Zw  Matters,  viz.  y«f/>  ai  <?/f/tfr  /'»  //w'r  m;z 

Much.        '  Nature,  or  by  Ccmpaft,  are  common  to  both  King- 

*  doms  ;  which  I  take  the  more  Notice  of,  bccauib 
'  one  would  fuppofc  you  to  be  grown  kinder  now 
c  than  you  were  the  other  Day,  when  you  went 

*  about  .to  make  us  believe,  that  nothing  in  our 

*  Laws  did  properly  belong  to  us,  but  the  Form 

*  and  Manner  of  Proceeding  therein,  the  Matter 

*  of  them  being  held  in  common  with  the  King- 
'  dom  of  Scotland ;  and  therefore,  and  for  their  Pof- 

*  fibility  of  containing  fomethirg  prejudicial  to  that 

*  Kingdom,  to  be  revifed  by  you  before  they  re- 

*  ceive  their  Perfection. 

'  But  the  Truth  is,  you  are  flill  where  you  were, 

*  only  the  People's  Ears  are,  by  this  Time,  fo  ha- 
'  bituated   to  the  Dcctnn.s    you   frequently  fo\v 
'  among  them ;  thofe  Doctrines  fo    improved    by 

*  your  Seminaries,  who  find  their  own  Intereft  in- 
'  terwoven  with  yours,  and  the  Parliament  feeming 

•  *  but  a  Looker-on,  that  you   perfuade  yourfelves 

*  any  Thing  will  pafs  that  you  ihall  fet  your  Stamp 

*  on  ;  otherwife  you  would   certainly   have   been 
'  afhamed  to  difavow  the  butying  yourfelves   with, 

*  our  Rights,  Laws,  and  Liberties,  and,  with  the 

*  fame  Breath,  to  difpute  our  Rights,  correct  our 

*  Laws',  and  infringe  our  Liberties, 

*  Nay,  contrary  to  that  moderate  Conceffion  of 

*  yours,  you  do,  in  this  Anfwer,  intrench  upon  the 

*  very  Form  and  Manner  of  our  Bills  and  Propofi- 

*  tions ;  and,  as  if  the  marfjialling  thun,  the  put- 

*  ting  them  into  Rank  and  File,  were  to  be  by  your 

*  Order,  you  take  upon  you  to  appoint  which  of  our 

*  Defires  (hall  have  the  Van,  and  which  the  Rear, 

*  in  this  Expedition- 

*  And   (which  is  the  moft  pleafant  Part  of  the 
c  Story,  if  it  would  take,  as  truly  fuch  a  Thing 

*  might  have  done,  when  you  and  we  were  firft 
'  acquainted)  though  the  Parliament  of  England* 
'  as  I  told  you    even  now,  would    not   order  the 
'  Motions  of  the  Sects  Army  that  ferved  us  in  our. 

*  Coun.ry,  and  for  our  Pay,  but  by  Ccnjunctiorv 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  55 

of  Councils  with  Commiflioners  of  that  King-  An.  23  Car 
dom;  yet  you  (as  you  could  not  forbear  meddling 
with  our  Army  when  it  was  in  modelling,  fo)  do  in 
this  Paper  continue  the  Office  you  put  yourfelves 
into,  of  difpofmg,  diibanding,  difmembring,  cate- 
chizing, and  reviling  this  Army  of  ours  j  .the  great- 
eft  Bulwark,  under  God,  of  our  Liberties,  and 
which  yet  had  proved  ineffe&ual,  if  your  Coun- 
fels  had  been  followed,  or  your  Importunities  re- 

'  Since  then  your  Way  of  adviflng  us  is  not  in 
a  modeft  or  fubmitting  Manner,  but  as  if  you 
meant  to  pin  your  Advice  upon  us  whether  we 
will  or  no,  give  me  Leave,  I  pray  you,  to  exa- 
mine qua  fiducib  j  promifing  you  faithfully  for 
my  Part,  that  whenfoever  you  fliall  bring  the 
Matters  contefted  for,  within  the  Rules  of  your 
own  fetting  down,  that  is,  either  In  Nature  or 
by  Covenant^  or  by  Treaty ',  to  be  of  a  mixed  Con- 
cernment^ I  will  either  not  deny  you  a  joint  In- 
tereft  in  them,  or  acknowledge  myfelf  to  have 
no  more  Honour  nor  Confcience  in  me,  than  he 
may  be  faid  to  have,  who,  being  mtrufted  for  his 
Country,  gives  up  their  deareft  Rights  to  the  next 
Stranger  that  demands  them  without  fo  much  as 
arguing  the  Point. 

*  Your  Arguments,  by  my  Computation^  arc 
five,  and,  if  I  underftand  them,  fpeak  thus  : 
ARC.  i.  '  The  fame  common  Inter -eft  upon  which 
Scotland  was  incited  and  engaged  in  the  War^ 
ought  to  be  continued,  (fo  I  read  you,  and  not  im- 
proved^ that  being  a  wild  Expreffion,  and  reaching 
neither  you  nor  I  know  whither)  in  making  the 

f  For  Anfwer  thereunto  :  Should  I  admit  it,  the 
Word  invited  put  you  in  Mind  that  your  Coun- 
trymen came  not  to  the  War  before  they  were 
called  ;  keep  you  the  fame  Method  in  accedendu 
ad  Conjilium,  and  we  mail  ftill  be  Friends.  But 
I  cannot  fubfcribe  to  this  Pofition,  for  I  believe 
it  was  a  Duty  that  the  People  of  Scotland  did  owe 
unto  them/elves  to  give  us  their  Aififbnce  in  the 
D  4  «  Jatc 

56  *fke  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  13  Ctr.  I.  <  late  War,  though  they  had  not  been  invited  ;  yet 

l647'      i  '  ^ot^   '*•  not  f°M°w  fr°m  thence  that  when  the 

March.        *  War  is  ended  (as    you  often    fay  it  is,  and  yet 

'  moft  riddins;ly  take  huge  Pains   for  Peace)  they 

'  are  bound  to  mingle  with  us  in  our  Councils,  nor 

*  help  us  to  fettle  our  own  Kingdom,  which  we 

*  think  ourfelves  able  to  fettle  well  enough  without 
c  them  ;  at  leaft  without  their  Prejudice  to  whom 

*  a  good  Peace  or  a  bad,  fo  as  it  be  a  Peace,  is  the 
<  fame  Thing.     For  Inftance,   the   Law    of  this 
'  Land   that  gives    me  Leave  to   pull  down  my 
c  Neighbour's  Houfe  when  it  is  on  P'ire,  in  order 

*  to  the  quenching  of  it  for  the  fecuringof  my  own, 

*  will  not  authorize  me,  againft  his  Will,  to  fet 

*  iny  Foot  within  hisThrefhold,  when  the  Fire  is 

*  out ;  though  I  make  it  my  Errand  to  direct  him 

*  in  the  rebuilding  of  his   Houfe,  and  pretend  the 

*  teaching  him  fo  to  contrive  his  Chimnies  as  may, 
'  in  all  Probability,  prevent,  for  the  future,  a  like 
'  Lofs  to  him,  alike  Danger  to  myfelf. 

ARC.  2.  *  You  demand  the  fame  Conjunftion  of 

*  Inter  efts   to  be  given  you,  that  was   had  of  you. 
6  There  I  join  IfTue  with  you,  and  profefs,  That 

*  if  ever  the  Parliament  of  England,  or  any  Autho- 

*  rity  derived  therefrom,  did  offer  to  put  a  Finger 

*  into  the  proper  Affairs  of  Scotland^  or  into  the 

*  Government,  Civil,  Ecclefiaftical,  or  Military  of 

*  that  Kingdom,  and  being  once  required  to  defift, 

*  did,  notwithstanding,    profecute    their   Title  of 
'  advifmg,  volentibus  nolentibus,  I  {hall  readily,  fo  far 

*  as  in  me  lies,  gr^nt  you  to  have  a  Hand  with  us  in 

*  the  managing  of  this  Kingdom,  and  the  Govern,-, 

*  ment  thereof. 

ARC.  3.  '  You  affirm,  Tljat  the  Covenant  enter-^ 

*  ed  into  beiivixt  us^  makes  you  Co-partners  with  us  in 
6  every  Thing  there  mentioned  •>  by  which  Reckoning, 

*  neither  this  Nation,  nor   that  of  Scotland^  ham 
6  any   Right,    Law,  or  Liberty  which  either  can 
'  properly  and  diftin&ly  call  its  own,  but  both  In- 

*  terefts  are  jumbled  together,  and  the  two  King- 
r'  <ioms  are  not  confederate,  but  incorporated. 

*  Concerning 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  57 

«  Concerning  the   Covenanr,  therefore,  which  An-  ^3  Car.  fj 

*  myfelf,  among  others,  confidering  it  firft  as  well  ._/  *7'    ^ 

*  as  I  could,  have  taken,  I  fhall   fhortly   give  you       jnarch. 

*  my  Senfe  in  relation  to  the  Point  before  us. 

Firft^  '  I  do  not  conceive  the  Parties  to  that 

*  League  intended  thereby  to  beeverlaftingly  bound 

*  each  to  other;  the  Grounds  of  ftriking  it  being 

*  meerly  occasional,  for  the  joining  in   a  War  to 

*  fupprefs    a    common   Enemy :    Accordingly  we 
1  did  join  j  the  Enemy  is,  if  we  be  wife,  fupprefTed, 

*  and  the  War,  as  you  fay,  ended  5  what  fhould  the 
4  Covenant  do,  but,  like  an  Almanack  of  the  laft 
c  Year,  {hew  us  rather  what  we  have  already  done, 

*  than  what  we  be  now  to  do  ? 

'  Secondly,  '  What  would  it  do,  were  it  renewed 

*  and  made  perpetual  ?  Thus  much  it  faith  in  my 
'  Opinion,  and  no  more,  W^henfoever  you  fhall  be 

*  violently  hindered  in  the  Exercife  of  that  Reli- 

*  gion  you  had  amongft  you.  at  the  Time  of  the 

*  Engagement,  and  fhall   require  our  Afliftance, 
'  we  rriuft  afford   it  you  for  the  Removal  of  that 

*  Violence.     In  like  Manner,  whenfoever  we  fhali 
'  be  fo  hindered  in  the  Exercife  of  that  Religion 

*  which  we,    according  to  that  Covenant,  fhall 

*  eftablifh  here,  upon  Requeft  to  you  made  for 

*  that  Effect,  you  are  tied  to  aflift  us:  And  fo 
*•  throughout  all  the  other  Claufes  refpectively  and 
'  equally ;  carrying  this  along  with  you,  we  are 

*  hereby  obliged  to  the  reciprocal  Defence  of  one 
'  another,   according   to  the  Declaration  of  the 

*  Party  wronged  in   any  of  the  Particulars  there 
c  comprifed,  without  being  cavilled  at,  or  fcrupled 

*  by  the  Party  invoked ;  whether  your  Religion 

*  be  the  fame  it  was,  or  ours  the   fame  it  fhould 
'  be  j  "whether  the  Bounds  of  your  Liberties  or  ours 

*  be  not  enlarged  beyond  their  then  Line  ;  whether 
6  your  Delinquents  or  ours  be  juftly  fo  or  no  ;  for 
'  the  native  Rights  of  both  Peoples  being  the  prin- 

*  cipal,  if  not  the  only.  Thing  we  looked  on  when 

*  we  fwore,  we  do  not  keep  our  Oath  in  preferving 

*  thofe  Rights,  if  we  do   not  allow  this  Mafter- 
'  Right  to  each  fevcral  People  j  namely,  to  be  fole 

*  Judges 

58  'The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Judges  within  themfelves,  what  Religion  they 
will  fet  up,  what  Kind  of  Laws  they  will  have, 
what  Size,  what  Number  of  Magiftrates  they  hold 
fit  to  execute  thofe  Laws,  and  what  Offenders  to 
be  tried  by  them.  Hereupon  you  know  we  did 
not  enquire  at  all  how  othordox  your  Religion 
was  before  we  vowed  to  maintain  you  in  it  j  that 
is,  in  the  quiet  profeffing  of  it,  not  in  the  theolo- 
gical Truth  of  it,  a  Bufmefs  for  a  Univerfity  per- 
haps, not  for  a  Kingdom  j  being  well  affured  it 
was  eftablifhed  by  them  who  had  all  the  Authority 
that  is  vifible  to  chufe  for  themfelves,  and  couhj 
not,  without  apparent  Breach  of  Order,  and  In- 
jury to  Fundamentals,  be  difturbed  in  theExer/? 
cife  of  what  they  had  fo  chofen. 
f  So  far  is  the  plain  Text  of  this  Covenant  from 
confounding  Interefts,  that  it  clearly  fettles  and 
confirms  them  upon  the  feveral  Bafes  where  it 
found  them.  And  it  would  not  be  unworthy  of 
you  to  take  heed  left  this  Covenant,  upon  which 
you  feem  to  fet  fo  high  a  Rate,  be  not  as  eafily 
violated  as  flandered,  fmce  the  moft  deadly  Wars 
have  been  faid  at  leaft  to  begin  with  Mifunder- 

ARC.  4.  c  Your  mtitling  yourfelves  to  a  Conu- 
fance  in  the  Conditions  of  our  Peace,  and  confe- 
quently  in  the  Matter  of  our  Laws,  when  they 
relate  to  an  Agreement,  as  I  confefs  the  four 
Bills  do  which  were  fent,  .is  grounded  upon  a 
very  great  Miftake  of  the  eighth  Article  Jin  the 
Treaty ;  the  Words  w  hereof  are  indeed  very 
rightly  recited  by  you,  and  the  Article  itfelf  fo 
rational,  fo  ordinary,  fo  neceflary,  in  all  Wars 
joined  in  by  two  States,  that  I  do  almoft  wonder 
as  much  what  Need  there  was  to  have  inferted  it, 
as  I  dp  how  it  is  poffible  for  you  to  miftake  it.  It 
ftands  briefly  thus  ;  One  of  you  (for  the  Purpofe) 
and  I  (pardon,  if  you  pleafe,  the  Familiarity  of 
the  Inftance)  have  folemnly  engaged  ourfelves 
each  to  other  for  our  mutual  Aid  againft  a  third, 
Perfon,  becaufe  we  conceived  him  too  ftrong  for 
either  of  us  Jingle,  of  becaufe  prig  of  us  doubted 

«  he 

«?/    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  59 

*  he  might  have  drawn  the  other  of  us  to  his  Party,  An.  23  Car.  I. 

*  if  not  pre-engaged  againft  him;  but  which  foever 

*  of  us  was  firft  in  the  Quarrel,  or  whatever  was 

*  the  Reafon  of  the  other's  coming  in,  we  are  en- 
4  gaged  ;  .and,  though  there  were   no    Writings 

*  drawn  betwixt  us,  no  Terms  expreffed,  were  not 

*  I  the  verieft  Skellum  that  ever  looked  Man  in  the 

*  Face,  if  I  fhould  (hake  Hands  with  the  common 

*  Adverfary  and  leave  you  fighting  ?  Againft  fuch  a 

*  Piece  of  Bafenefs   (fuppofing  it  be  like  to  be  in 

*  Nature)  this  Article  provides,  and  fays,  That  fmce 

*  thele  two  Kingdoms  were  content  to  join  in  a  War, 

*  which,  without  God's  great  Mercy,  might  have 

*  proved  fatal  to  them  both,  neither  of  them  fliall 

*  be  fuffered  to  make  its  Peace  apart ;  fo  as  if  the 
'  Parliament  of  Scotland^   upon    Confideration    of 

*  Reafons  occuring  to  themfelves,  fhould  offer  to 
'  re-admit  the  King  into  that  Kingdom  (I  fay  not 

*  with  Honour,  Freedom,  and  Safety,  but)  in  Peace 

*  the  Parliament  of  England  might  ftep  in  and  forbid 
'  the  Banns,  telling  them  we  are  not  fatisfied  that 

*  an  Agreement  fhould   yet  be  made ;  Jimiliter,  if 
'  this  Parliament   would  come  to  any  Peace  with 
«  him  by  Bills  or  Propofitions,  or  by  what  other 

*  Name  foever  they  call  their  Plaifters,  you  may, 

*  being  fo  authorized,  in  Name  of  that  Kingdom, 
'  or  the  Parliament  thereof,  intervene  and  oppofe  ; 
«  telling  us  that  you,  who  are  our  Fellow-Surgeons 
'  meerely  in  lancing  of  the  Sore,  are  not  fatisfied 
«  in  the  Time  for  healing  of  it  up  :  But  for  you  to 
'  read  a  Lecture  to  us  upon  our  Medicaments  and 
'  their  Ingredients,  to  take  Meafure  of  Wounds, 

*  and  to  prefer  your   Meafure  before  that  of  our 
«  own  taking,  was  never  dreamt  on  by  the  Framers 
*.  of  this  Article. 

'  Here  it  may  perhaps  be  demanded,  though  not 
<  by  you,  whether  (according  to  my  Senfe  of  the 

*  Treaty,  tying  up  both  Kingdoms  to  a  Confent 

*  in  the  Fiat,  not  in  the  jfWu  fuerit,  of  Peace) 

*  if  one  fhould  be  obftinately  bent  to  hang  off,  the 

*  other  be  necefiitated  to   welter  everlaftingly  in 

'  Blood, 

60  -The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Blood  for  want  of  fuch  a  Concurrence  \  I  anfwer* 
Yes,  for  thefe  Reafons  : 

'  Firji)  A  wife  Man  will  forefee  Inconveniences 
before  he  makes  his  Bargain,  and  an  honeft  Man 
will  ftand  to  his  Bargain,  notwithftanding  all  In- 

'  Secondly,  There  will  be  no  great  Encourage- 
ment for  any  Obftinacy  of  that  Kind,  when~  it 
{hall  be  remembered  that  the  Party  obftiucting 
the  Peace  muft  continue  to  join  in  the  War,  and 
is  liable  to  ail  the  Confequences  thereof. 
Thirdly^  c  There  is  another  and  a  more  natural 
Way  to  Peace  and  to  the  Ending  of  a  War,  than 
by  Agreement ;  namely,  by  Conqueft.  I  think 
he  that  plays  out  his  Set  at  Tennis  till  he  wins  it, 
makes  as  fure  an  End  of  it,  and  more  fair,  than 
he  that  throws  up  his  Racket  when  he  wants  but 
a  Stroke  of  up,  having  no  other  Way  to  rook 
thofe  of  their  Money  that  bet  on  his  Side.  If  I 
am  trufted  to  follow  a  Suit  in  Law  for  Friends 
concerned  therein,  together  with  myfelf,  an<J 
daub  up  a  rotten  Compromife  with  my  Adverfa- 
ry,  my  Fellows  not  confulted,  but  defiring  the 
Suit  mould  ftill  go  on,  it  is  not  fit  they  fhould  be 
bound  thereby;  but  if  I  continue  to  do  my  Duty, 
and  bring  the  Caufe  to  a  Hearing,  to  a  Verdift 
thereupon,  and  to  Judgment  upon  that  $  fuch  an 
End  of  the  Quarrel  I  hope  I  may  make  without 
their  Leave  ;  and,  if  the  Trial  went  with  me? 
certainly  without  their  Offence. 
*  To  return  to  the  Nature  of  Confederacies.  Is 
the  War  wherein  we  are  joined  an  Invafion  from 
without?  Any  one  Man  of  either  Side,  if  he 
have  Strength  enough,  hath  Authority  enough  to 
end  it,  by  repelling  the  Invader.  Is  it  a  Rebellion 
from  within  ?  It  were  ftrange  to  think  that  any 
Law  or  Engagement  fhould  hinder  a  fingle  Maii 
from  ending  it,  if  he  be  able,  by  fuppreffing  of  the 
Rebels.  The  unworthy  Friend  in  the  Fable, 
when  his  Companion  and  he  met  a  Bear  in  the 
Wood,  might  have  been  allowed  to  kill  her  him- 


of  £  N  G  L  A  N  D.  61 

felf  ;  but  he  fhould  not  have  fought  his  Safety  in  An-  «fi3  Car. 
a  Tree,  without  taking   his  Friend  along  with     t  *  *7' 
him.  March. 

*  One  Thing  more  I  (hall  add  to  juftify  the  Rea- 
fon  of  this  eighth  Article,  fuch  as  might,  for  its 
Clearnefs  of  being  implied,  have  excufed  its  be- 
ing lifted  among  the  reft.  Never  did  any  People 
that  joined  in  Arms  with  a  Neighbour  Nation, 
patch  up  a  Peace  apart  with  more  Difhonour  to 
itfelf,  than  either  of  us  fhould  do,  if  we  could 
imagine  ourfelves  to  be  fo  vile ;  for  the  common 
Enemy  in  this  War  is  not  a  Stranger  unto  either 
Kingdom,  but  the  King  of  both  ;  fo  as  which 
foever  of  the  two  clofeth  with  him  by  itfelf,  be- 
fore Confent  that  there  fhall  be  at  all  a  Clofure, 
doth  not  only  withdraw  from  the  other  thofe  Aids 
it  fhould  contribute,  but,  of  a  fworn  Brother, 
becomes  an  open  Enemy. 

'  Here  I  muft  obferve,  that  as  you  put  an  Inter- 
pretation upon  this  Article  which  it  will  not 
bear,  and,  from  the  Power  you  have  thereby  of 
hindering  us  from  agreeing  with  the  King  at  all, 
would  enable  yourfelves  to  pry  into  the  Particulars  •  / 
of  our  Agreement ;  fo  you  do  not  once  glance 
at  the  Point  which  was  the  true  genuine  Scope  of 
the  Article  :  You  do  not  proteft  againft  our 
making  Peace  with  this  Man,  and  give  fuch  Rea- 
fons  as  Jehu  did  upon  a  lefs  Occafion.  You  do 
not  wonder  what  Confidence  we  can  repofe  in 
him,  after  all  this  Experience  of  him,  and  before 
fo  much  as  a  Promife  of  any  Amendment  from 
him  :  You  do  not  warn  us,  by  the  Example  of 
your  Countrymen,  what  a  broken  Reed  we  fhall 
lean  upon  when  we  make  a  Pacification  with 
him :  You  do  not  remember  us  with  what 
Horror  the  Aflembly  of  your  Church  did  look 
upon  his  Mifdoings  ;  nor  what  Senfe  both  King- 
doms had  (notof  a  Reconcilement  with  him,  but) 
of  fuffering  him  to  corne  near  the  Parliament  of 
England,  until  Satisfaction  were  given  for  the 
Blood- which  he  had  then  caufed  to  be  fhed  in 
thf  three  Kingdoms  ;  In  fine ;  you  do  not  fay, 

«  for 

62  The  Parliamentary  H  I  s  T  o  R  v 

for  you  need  not  give  us  your  Reafons,  that  you 
will  make  no  Peace  with  the  King,  therefore  we 
ought  not  ;  but  you  do  as  bad  as  fay  that  you  have 
made  your  Peace  already,  and  that  not  only  with- 
out our  Confent,  (in  defpite  of  the  Article  which 
you  urge  againft  us)  but  without  our  Privity  ; 
that  you  are  come  to  a  Degree  beyond  being 
Friends  with  him,  to  be  Advocates  for  him  ;  not 
in  meditating  that  his  Submiflion  might  be  accept- 
ed, his  Crimes  obliterated,  and  their  Salary  remit- 
ted, but  in  aflerting  the  fame  Caufe  which  we 
have  been  all  this  while  confuting  with  our 
Swords  ;  the  fame  Caufe  which,  what  Englijhman 
or  Scotfman  foever  (hall  endeavour  to  maintain  rrt 
Arms  is  a  declared  Traitor  to  his  Country  ;  and 
if  by  his  Tongue  or  Pen,  in  that  Kingdom  of  the 
two  where  he  is  no  Native,  a  manifeft  Incendiaryv 
But  there  will  be  Time  enough  to  do  your  Er- 
rand into  Scotland^  after  I  have  proved  England  to 
be  a  Noun  Subftantive;  againft  which  you  have 
the  Shadow  of  one  Argument  left  ftill. 
'  ARC.  5.  The  Strength  of  your  laft  Reafon  is 
this,  Our  Parliament  hath  formerly  communicated 
unto  you  the  Matter  of  their  Propsfetions  and  of  their 
Bills  in  order  to  Peace^  and  generally^  indeed,  what- 
ever hath  pajjed  betwixt  the  King  and  '  us  fmce  the' 
Conjunction  of  the  two  Kingdoms  againft  Inmz 
Thereupon  you  have  offered  us  your  Advice  con- 
cerning the  Particulars  fo  communicated,  and  we 
have  reconfidered  them  upon  your  Ad  vice;  fome-- 
times  complying  therewith,  other  Times  making 
it  appear  to  you  why  we  could  not.  You  fayy 
That  Communication  of  Councils  we  would  never  have 
,  if  we  had  not  bten  bound  to  it,  which  if  -we 

ever  were*  we  /till  are. 
'  Cuftom  and  epnftant  Ufage,  I  acknowledge, 
doth  commonly  obtain  the  Name  of  Law  j  but 
the  late  P  a6Hce  of  fome  four  or  five  Years  hath 
not  an  Afp^6t  reverend  enough  to  deferve  the 
Name  of  Luftom.  It  is  as  old,  you  will  fay,  as 
ah  Ufage  can  be  that  is  grounded  upon  a  Trea- 
ty of  the  iiitiii;  Age,  and  ihall  be  iuffiuent  to  lig- 

o/    ENGLAND* 

nify  how  the  Parties  to  the  Treaty  did  under- 
ftand  their  own  Meaning.  I  fliould  not  deny  this 
Pretence  of  yours  to  be  more  than  colourable,  March, 
if  you  could  prove  that  our  Tranfaclions  with 
the  King  were  imparted  to  you  in  relation  to  that 
Engagement ;  nay,  if  I  could  not  fhew  you  upon 
what  other  Ground  we  did,  and  that  we  could 
not  reafonably  be  imagined  to  do  it  upon  that. 
Firfty  c  To  prove  what  the  Parliament  had  in 
their  Intentions,  when  they  advifed  with  you,  I 
believe  you  will  not  undertake ;  efpecially  this 
being  the  firft  Time,  to  my  Remembrance,  that 
this  Point  came  in  queftion  betwixt  us.  I  fhalt 
therefore  endeavour  to  tell  you,  as  near  as  I  can, 
having  been  an  attentive  Witnefs  to  moft  of  their 
Debates  upon  that  Subject:,  what  it  was  that 
moved  them  to  give  your  Challenge  fo  much  Pro- 
bability of  Advantage  as  this  amounts  unto;  You 
a/k  that  now  without  being  aujweredy  which  you 
were  not  to  have  without  asking.  You  were  fo, 
and  that  from  thefe  two  Roots  j  one  was  the 
extraordinary  Care  the  Parliament  had  to  omit 
no  Act,  no  Circumftance  of  Civility  towards 
you,  which  might  exprefs  or  preferve  the  Amity 
and  Correfpondence  betwixt  them  and  your 
Mafters,  though  they  were  not  ignorant  what 
extreme  Prejudice  courteous  and  good-natured 
Men  have  often  drawn  upon  themfelves  in  their 
dealing  with  Perfons  of  a  contrary  Difpofition. 
Another  was,  fince  both  Kingdoms  have  been 
embarked  in  the  fame  Caufe,  as  Men  of 
War,  and  were  afterwards  refolved  to  trade  for 
Peace ;  fince  the  Commodities  of  both  were  to 
be  flowed  in  the  fame  Bottom,  and  bound  for  the 
fame  Port  ;  we  thought  it  but  an  ordinary  Piece 
of  Friendfhip  for  us,  who  could  make  no  Mar- 
kets when  we  fhould  be  arrived  without  your 
Allowance,  to  open  and  let  you  fee,  before  we 
launched,  our  feveral  Parcels  and  Inftructions 
concerning  what  we  would  export  and  what  bring 
homo ;  not  that  we  meant  to  confult  you  what 
5  !  Kind 

64  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Kind  of  Merchandize  you  thought  fitted  for  us 
to  deal  in,  (which,  queftionlefs,  is  better  known, 
at  the  Exchange  than  at  Edinburgh}  nor  to  follow 
fuch  Advice  therein,  as  you  fhould  give  us  with- 
out afking,  any  farther  than  we  liked  it ;  and  fo 
far  the  beft  Merchant  in  London  is  content  to  be 
ruled  by  the  Swabber  of  his  Ship;  but  merely  to  the 
End  you  might,  if  you  pleafed,  from  our  Exam- 
ple, arid  from  your  Approbation  of  the  Wares  we 
were  refolved  to  deal  in,  furnifh  that  Kingdom, 
whofe  Factors  you  were,  with  Merchandize  of  the 
fame  Kind  ;  and  for  Evidence  that  the  Freedom 
we  ufed  towards  you  was  no  otherwife  underftood 
by  you,  you  did  actually  underwrite  divers  of  our 
Bills  of  Lading,  in  thefe  Syllables,  Tfo  like  for 
the  Kingdom  #/"  Scotland. 

6  It  remains  to  be  {hewed  how  little  Reafon  there 
is  you  fhould  fancy  to  yourfelves  fuch  a  Ground 
of  the  Parliament's  former  Opennefs  to  you,  as  . 
you  ftrive  to  father  upon  them  ;  for,  firft,  If  they 
had  communicated  their  Propopofitions  to  you, 
as  conceiving  the  \Vord  Agreement  in  the  eighth 
Article  to  comprehend  all  the  Preparations  to, 
Materials  of,  and  Circumftances  in,  an  Agreement, 
they  would  not  have  adhered,  as  many  Times  they 
did,  unto  their  own  Refolutions,  notwkhftanding 
your  reiterated  DifTatisfaclion. 
*  Again  :  If  they  had  conceived  themfelves  bound 
to  any  fuch  Thing  by  this  Article,  would  they 
not  have  thought  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  as- 
much  bound  for  their  Parts  ?  Should  we  not 
have  been  as  diligent  Infpeftors  and  Caftigators 
of  your  Propofidons  as  you  have  made  yourfelves 
of  ours  ? 

*  When  you  (hall  afk  me,  (fetting  the  Point  of 
Duty  afide,  and  granting  all  that  hath  been  done 
by  us  in  this  Kind  to  have  been  voluntary)  Why 
we  do  not  obferve  the  fame  Forwardnefs  in  com- 
municating our  Matters  to  you,  the  fame  Pa- 
tience in  expecting  your  Concurrence  with  us, 
and  the  fame  Eafmefs  of  admitting  your  Ha- 
rangues and  Difputations  amongft  us,  which  you 

*•  have 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  65 

have  heretofore  tafted  at  our  Hands,  and  how  we  An*  ^  Car*  '• 
are  become  lefs  friendly  than  we  were?  I  have  this  t  '  47'  t 
to  fay,  There  is  fomc  Alteration  in  the  Condition  jMarch. 
of  Affairs :  So  long  as  we  needed  the  Afliftance 
of  your  Countrymen  in  the  Field,  we  might  have 
Occalion  to  give  you  Meetings  at  Derby- Honfe^ 
and  now  and  then  in  the  Painted-Chamber ^  it  be- 
ino;  likely  that  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  might 
then  have  a  Fellow-feeling  with  .us  for  the 
Wholefomenefs  or  Pernicioufnefs  of  your  Coun- 
fels  ;  whereas  now  fince  we  are  able,  by  God's 
Blefling;,  to  protect  ourfclves,  we  may  furely,  with 
his  holy  Direction,  be  fufHcient  to  teach  ourfelves 
how  to  go  about  our  own  Bufmefs,  at  leaft  with- 
out your  tutoring,  who  h  tve  nothing  in  your 
Consideration  to  look  upon,  but  either  your  par- 
ticular Advantage,  or  that  of  the  Kingdom  whence 
you  are.  And  as  there  is  fome  Alteration  in  Af- 
fairs, fo  there  is  very  much  in  Perfans,  I  mean 
in  yourfelves,  unlefs,  being  indeed  the  fame  at 
firfr.  which  now  we  find  you,  you  only  wanted  an 
Opportunity  to  appear  ;  but,  whether  you  be 
changed  or  difcovered,  what Englijhrnan  foever  (hall 
perufe  the  Papers  that  you  have  {hot  into  both 
Houfes  of  Parliament,  efpecially  into  the  Houfe 
of  Commons,  thefe  two  laft  Years,  but  would  as 
lieve  take  Advice  from  the  King  as  from  you? 
And  if  a  Stranger  (hould  read  them,  he  would 
little  fufpecl  the  Writers  for  Friends  or  Coun- 
fellors,  'but  for  Pleaders,  for  Expoftulators,  for 
Seekers  of  a  Quarrel  ;  and  that  (which  is  the 
moft  bitter  Weed  in  the  Pot)  in  the  Behalf,  not 
fo  much  of  them  who  did  enploy  you,  as  of  him 
againft  whom  you  were  employed,  and  againft 
whom,  if  you  were  Scoiftnen^  Nature  would  teach 
you  to  employ  yourfelves. 

*  By  this  Time  I  hope  you  fee  we  have  greater 
Caufe  to  repent  th:rt  we  have  kept  fuch  Thorns 
thus  long  in  our  Sides,  than  to  return  with  the 
Dug  to  the  fame  Vomit,  and  with  the  lazy  Sow, 
fcarce  cleanfed  of  her  former  Wallowing,  to  be- 
mire  ourfelves  a^ain.  I  be  (low  a  little  the  more 

VOL.  XVII.  E  «  Ink 

66  *ft>c  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  »3  Car.  I.  «  Ink  upon  this  Point,  becaufe   I  would  prevent 

t     l647'   ,    '  like  Claim  hereafter,  and  have  it  left  to  the  Li. 

MarcL.        *  berty  of  this  Nation,  next  Time  they  (hall  be  in- 

*  vaded  or  opprefTed,  though  they  did  once  call  in 
'  their  Brethren  of  Scotland  to  their  Aid,  whether 

*  they  will  do  fo  any  more  or  no. 

1  Having  gone  through  your  five  Arguments,  at 
c  the  End  of  your  dozen  Commandments,  (fo  I  call 
'  Defires  that  mult  not  be  flighted  on  Pain  of  in- 

*  curring  the  Guilt  of  violating  Engagements,  and 
'  of  fuch  Dangers  as  may  enfure  thereupon)  I  ob- 

*  ferve  one  Engine  you  ufe,  whereon  you  lay  more 
'  Weight  than  upon  all  you  fay  befide  ;  it  begins 
'  with  a  Flourifh    of  Oratory,  befpeaking    a  fair 

*  Interpretation  of  your  Meaning,    though    your 
'  Motion  be  to  take  the  Right  Eye  out  of  every  one 

*  of  our  Heads ;  then  you  think  to  make  your  De- 

*  fires  legitimate  with  fathering  them  upon  a  King- 

*  dom  and  put  us   in   Mind  how  well  that  King- 
'  dom  hath  deferved  to  reign  over  this  :  For  to  the 
1  offering  of  Defires,   as  Defires,  there  needs  no 

*  Merit,  fure ;  but  fince  your  Opinion  (that  the 

*  Advantages  of  Honour  lie  all  on  that  Side,  and  that 

*  Obligations  of  this  Sort  have  not  been  as  recipro- 

*  cal  between  both  Nations,  as  thofe  of  Leagues 
'  and  Treaties)  will  force  my  Pen  upon  this  Sub- 
'  jedl:,  I  fhall  let  you  know  that  fomewhat  may  be. 

*  faid,  when  Modefty  gives  Leave  on  this  Side  too ; 
4  and  yet  all  the  Kindnefles  we  have  received  from 

*  Scotland  (hall,  by  my  Confent,  not  only  be  paid 
c  for,  but  acknowledged  ;  and  I  can  be  content  to 
*.  believe  that  our  Neighbours  did  not  know  how 

*  ill  we  were,  till  we  were  almoft  paft  Cure,   and 

*  therefore  came  flowly  to  us  :  That  they  did  not 

*  know  how  well  we  were  in  a  Year  after  we  had 
'  nothing  for  them  to  do,  and  therefore  went  flowly 

*  from  us.     Only  I  would  have  it  confeffed,   that 
'  the  Fire  we  talk  of   was  of  your  Countrymen's 
'  kindling  ;    began  to  burn   at  your  Houfc,  to  be 

f  '  quenched  at  ours,  and  by  our  Hands. 

«  But 

^ENGLAND.  67 

c  But  admit  this  Nation  had  been  merely  paffive   An-  J?c 

in  this  War,  and  did  owe  their  Deliverance  out  ^ 

of  the  King's  Talons  wholly  to  the  Scots  Nation  j       Much. 

if  the  Refcuer  become  a  Raviflier,  if  they  have 

protected  their  own  Prey,  they  have  merited  only 

from  themfelves,  and  have  their  Reward  in  their 

Hands.     What  have  we  gotten  by  the  Bargain  ? 

What  have  we  faved  ?  What  have  we  not  loft  ? 

For  if  once  you  come  to  fetch  away  my  Liberty 

from  met  I  {hall  not  afk  you  what  othesJ  Thing 

you  will  leave  me  ;  and  the  Liberty  of  a  People, 

governed  by  Laws,  confifts  in  living  under  fuch 

Laws  as  themfelves,  or  thofe  whom  they  depute 

for  that  Purpofe,  (hall  make  Choice  of.     To  give 

out  Orders  is  the  Part  of  a  Commartderj  to  give 

Laws,   of  a   Conqueror  ;  although  our  Norman 

did  not  think  fit  fo  to  exercife  his  Right  of  Con- 

queft :  Nay,  our  Condition  would  be  lower  and 

more  contemptible,    if  we  (hould  fuffer  you  to 

have  your  Will  of  us  in  this  Particular,  than  if 

we  had  let  the  King  have  his  :  For, 

/Vr/?,  c  A  King  is  but  one  Mafter,  and  there-- 
fore likely  to  fit  lighter  upon  our  Shoulders  than 
a  whole  Kingdom  ;  and  if  he  {hould  grow  fo 
heavy  as  cannot  well  be  borne,  he  may  be  fooner 
gotten  off  than  they.  You  fhall  fee  a  Monfieur'a 
Horfe  go  very  proudly  under  a  fmgle  Man,  but 
to  be  charge  en  Croupe,  is  that  which  Nature 
made  a  Mule  for,  if  Nature  made  a  Mule  at  all. 

Secondly^  '  The  King  never  pretended  to  the 
framing  and  impofing  of  Laws  upon  us  as  you 
do  ;  he  would  have  been  content  with  fuch  a  ne- 
gative Voice  therein,  as  we  allow  you  in  the 
making  of  our  Peace  with  him.  Did  we  fight, 
rather  than  afford  him  to  much,  though  feeming- 
•ly  derived  unto  him  from  his  PredecefTors  ;  and 
(hall  we  tamely  give  you  more  ?  give  you 
that  which  your  Anceftors  nev-er  yet  durft  afk  of 
ours  ? 

Thirdly,  *  It  had  been  far  more  tolerable  for  the 

*  King,  than    for  any  foreign  Nation,  to  have  a 

E  2  *  Share 


An.  15  Cir.  I. 


The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Share  in  the  making  of  our  Laws,  becaufe  he  was 
,  likely  to  partake,  and  that  largely,  in  the  Benefit 
of  them,  if  good;  in  the  Inconveniences,  if  bad  ; 
which  Strangers  are  not :  Nay,  contrarily,  it 
is  Matter  of  Envy  and  Jealoufy,  betwixt  Neigh- 
bours to  fee  each  other  in  a  flourifhing  Eftate  :  So 
as  the  proper  End  of  Laws  being  to  advance  the 
People  for  whom  they  are  made,  in  Wealth  and 
Strength,  to  the  uttermoft,  they  are  the  moft  in- 
competent Judges  of  thofe  Laws  in  the  World 

*  whofe  Intereft   it  is   to  hinder  that  People  from 
4  growing  extremely  rich  or  flrong. 

*  But  what  hath  been  already   faid,    and  by  a 

*  Word  or   two  of  Clofe,    it  will,  I  hope,  appear, 
'  that  the  Claim  you  make  to  the  voting  with  us 
'  in  the  Matter  of  our  Laws  and  the  Conditions  of 

*  our  Peace,   as  a  Thing  whereunto  we  ihould  be 

*  obliged  by  Agreement,  is, 

I.  *  Miftaken  in  Matter  of  Fa£r;  there  being 
«  no  fuch  Engagement  on  either  Side. 

2..  '  Unreafonable  ;  for  the  Confiderationas  bove- 
'  mentioned,  and  for  being  deftru£tive  to  the  very 
'  Principles  of  Property. 

3.  *  Unequal  (notwithstanding  the  Reciproca- 

*  tion)  more  than  Cyrus's  Childifh  Judgment  was, 
'  in  making  the  little  Boy  change  Coats  with  the 
'  great  one,    becaufe  his  was  long  and  the  other's 
'  fhort ;  for  our  Coats   are  not  only  longer    than 

*  yours,  but  as  fit  for  us  that  do  wear  them,  as  for 
'  you  that  would. 

4.  *  Unufual  ;  there  being  no  Precedent  for  it 
**  that  I  could  ever  read  or  hear  of;  and  yet  there 
«  have  been   Leagues   betwixt  States   of  a   Uriclcr 

*  Union  than  this  betwixt  us,  as  offeniive  and  de- 
'  fenfive,  ours  only  defenfive. 

5.  '  Unfafe  ;  for    the    keeping   up  of  Hedges, 

*  Boundaries,  and  Diilin&ions,  (I  mean  real  and 
'  jurifdictive  ones,  not  perfonal  and  titulary)    is  a 

*  furer  Way  to  preferve  Peace  among  Neighbours, 
«  than  the  throwing  all  open.     And  if  every  Man 
'  be  not  admitted  wife  enough  to  do  his  ownBuf;- 
'  nefs,  whoever  hath  the  longeft  Sword  will  quick- 


]y    V 


>e  the    wifeft    Man,   and  difmherit   all 
hbours  for  Fools. 

6.  c  Impoffible  to  be  made  Good  to  you,  if  it  Mareh< 
4  had  been  agreed;  for  the  Parliament  itfelf,  from 
4  whom  you  claim,  hath  not,  in  my  humble  Opi- 
4  nion,  Authority  enough  to  erect  another  Autho- 

*  rity  equal  to  itfelf. 

*  As  for  your  Exhortations  to  Piety  and  Loyalty, 
'  wherewith  you  conclude:  When  you  have  a  Mind 
4  to  offer  Sacrifice  to  your  God,  and  Tribute  to 

*  your  Emperor,  (fince  the  one  will  not  be  mocked, 
4  and  the  other  fhould  not)  you  may  do  well  to  do 

*  it  of  your  own ;  and  to  remember  that  the  late 
1  unnatural  War,  with  all  the  Calamities  that  have 

*  enfued  thereon,  took  its  Rife  from  unnatural  En- 
4  croachments  upon  the  feveral  Rights  and  Liber- 
4  ties  of  two  Nations,  refolved,  it  feems,  to   hold 
4  their  own  with  the  Hazard  of  a  War,  and  all  the 

*  Calamities  that  can  enfue  thereon.' 


March  8.  More  Letters  and  Papers  came  from 
the  Earl  of  Nottingham  and  the  other  Englljh  Com- 
miflioners  in  Scotland  j  which  were  as  follows  : 

To  ths  Right  Hon.  E  D  W  A  P  D  Earl  of  M  A  N- 
CHESTER,  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  PEERS  pro 

Edinburgh^  Feb.  19,  1647. 
May  it  pleafe  your  Lordjhip, 

SINCE  my  laft  tovour  Lordfliip,  theCommittee  .. 
c  tr/i          L  j«j  •  n  •  More  Lettm 

or  Eitates  here  did  appoint  a  Committee  to  frnm  theEngli& 

hear  us,  and  to  receive  fuch  Papers  as  we  (hould  Comnriflioners 
deliver  them ;  whereupon  we  met  Yefterday  ;  and  rcufldih"g  "^J* 
delivered   to   them  the  Papers,  whereof  the    in-dSniiu,ftruc-' 
clofed   are  Copies.     We  fhall  attend  upon  their  tionstothcm 
Anfwers,  and,  as   there  fhall   be  Occalion,  you  fr'^  tht  Padu" 
fhall  have  a  further  Account  from, 

Tour  Lord/hips  mo  ft  faithful 
and  humble  Servant^ 


E  3  A  COPY 

7%e  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

A  CpPY  of  the  ORDER  of  the  Committee  of  Ejlates 
of  Scotland. 

Edinburgh^  Feb.  23,  1647. 

TH  E  Committee  of  Eftates  give  Commif- 
fion  to  the  Lord  Chancellor,  the  Earl  of 
Lauderdale,  the  Earl  of  Lanerk,  the  Lord  Lee,  Sir 
Charles  Erskine^  Archibald  Sydeferf,  and  Hugh  Ken- 
nedy, or  any  four  of  them,  there  being  one  of 
each  Eftate,  to  hear  the  Commifiioners  of  both 
Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England,  and  to  re- 
ceive any  Papers  from  them,  and  to  report  the 
farne  to  the  Committee.' 


COPY  of  a  SECOND  PAPER,  delivered  by  the  Com-. 
mijjicners  of  England,  concerning  the  Prefervation 
efthe  Union. 

Edinburgh,  Feb.  28,  164.7. 

XTI7HEREAS  your  Lordfhips  are  now  ap- 
*  *  pointed  by  the  Right  Honourable  the  Com- 
mittee of  Eftates  to  receive  our  AddrefTes  to 
them,  we  the  Commiffioners  of  the  Parliament 
of  England,  according  to  our  Paper  of  the  ifth, 
and  our  Letter  to  the  Lord  Chancellor  of  thq 
twenty-fecond,  of  this  prefent  February^  do  again, 
exprefs  and  declare  unto  your  Lordftiips,  in  the 
Name  of  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  Eng- 
land^ their  unfeigned  Defire  to  preferve  and 
maintain  a  good  Correfpondency  and  perpetual 
brotherly  Agreement  betwixt  the  Parliament  and 
Kingdom  of  England  and  the  Parliament  and 
Kingdom  of  Scotland ;  and  now  again  we  de- 
fire,  that  the  Right  Honourable  the  Committee  of 
Eftates  would  not  entertain  any  Mifapprehei.- 
fions  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Parliament  of 
England;  or,  if  there  be  any  fuch,  that  they 
would  be  pleafed  to  make  them  known  to  us  who 
are  commanded  to  declare  unto  the  Parliament, 
Convention,  and  Committee  of  Eftates  of  this 
Kingdom  the  Sincerity  of  the  Intentions  of  both 

*  Hufe 

^ENGLAND.  71 

Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England*   to  remove  An.  23  Car.  i. 
whatever  of  that  Kind  may  have  arifen  in,  or  been  .     *  *7' 
made  upon,  their  Brethren  of  Scotland ;  and  they      March, 
are  refolved  to  do  whatever  is  juft  and  honourable 
fqr  the  Satisfaction  'of  this  Kingdom. 

By  Command  of  the   Commijftoners  of  the  Parlia- 
ment of  England, 


COPY  of  ths  PAPER  concerning  tie  Payment  of  the 
100,000 1.  due  to  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland. 

Edinburgh,  Feb.  28,  164!. 

XTT  E  the  Commiflioners  of  the  Parliament  of 
*  England  are  commanded  by  them  to  make 
known  unto  the  Right  Honourable  the  Commit- 
tee of  Eftates,  Convention  of  Eftatcs,  or  Parlia- 
ment of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland^  that  they  have 
taken  into  ferious  Confideration  the  Payment  or" 
the  ioo,ooo/.  which  was  due  unto  our  Brethren 
of  Scotland  about  the  third  of  this  Inftant  February, 
and  however  they  could  not  get  the  Money  ready 
at  that  Pay,  yet  they  have  tal;en  fuch  a  Courfe 
as  will  be  effectual  to  bringin  fpeedily  what  Money 
is  not  already  brought  in,  Copies  of  which  Refo- 
lutions  we  do,  for  better  Satisfaction,  herewith 
deliver  to  your  Lordfhips  ;  and  for  iuch  Part  oi' 
the  faid  Sum  as  was  not  paid  at  the  a  fare  fa  id 
Time,  both  houfes  will  allow  after  the  Rate  of  8/. 
per  Cent,  per  Annum*  for  Forbearance,  for  fo  much 
as  {hall  be  behind,  until  the  whole  be  paid,  which 
we  are  confident  will  be  very  fpeedily. 

By  Command  of  the  Commijjioncrs  of  the  Parlia- 
ment of  En  gland. 


Next  follow  Copies  of  the  Orders  of  both' 
Houfes  relating  to  the  Arrears  due  to  the  Scots  ; 
but  thefe  are  already  given  in  our  iixtcenth  Volurru-, 


Tie  Parliamentary  HISTORY 


An.  1  3  Car.  I.  Copy  of  a  PAPER  concerning  the    Scots    Army 
t    l6*7'  Ireland. 


Edinburgh.,  Feb.  28,  1  64^. 
E  the  Comrr.ifiioners  of  the  Parliament  of 
England  have  it  in  Charge  to  make  known 
unto  the  Right  Honourable  the  Parliament,  Con- 
vention, or  Committee  of  Eftates  of  the  Kingdom 
of  Scotland,  that  however  the  great  Troubles, 
wherewith  it  hath  pleafed  God  to  exercife  the 
Kingdom  of  England,  and  their  great  Neceflities 
and  Occasions  for  Money  incident  thereunto, 
have  hitherto  difenabled  them  to  make  thofe  Pro- 
vifions  for  the  Scots  Army  in  Ireland  that  they  in- 
tended and  defired,  yet  they  are  fully  refolved  to 
give  them  all  the  Satisfaction  that  lies  in  their 
Power  ;  and  therefore  we  are  commanded,  in  the 
Name  of  both  Houfes,  to  offer  unto  the  Parlia- 
ment, Convention,  or  Committee  of  Eftates  of 
the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  that  both  Houfes  of  the 
Patliament  of  England  will,  if  it  be  d2f;red,  fend 
Commiffioners  into  Uljler,  in  the  Kinjdom  of 
Ireland,  to  (rate  the  Accounts  of  the  laid  Army  ; 
or,  if  yourLordfhips  (hali  rather  defire  to  agree  by 
Way  of  a  general  Eftimate  of  the  whole,  they 
will  confent  to  that  Way  ;  and  when  the  Sum 
{hall  be  mutually  agreed  on,  both  Houfes  of  the 
Parliament  of  England  will  endeavour,  to  the  ut- 
moft  of  their  Power  and  Ability,  to  to  give  that 
Army  all  juft  Siti^fa&ion. 

By  Cwunand  of  the    CcmmiJJlon'n  of   the    Par-- 
liament  of  England. 


The  fame  Day,  March  8,  a  Petition  from  the 
Earls  of  Lincoln,  Suffolk,  and  M-iddlefex  ;  the  Lords 
Berkeley,  Hun/don,  and  Maynard,  was  prefented  to 
the  Houfe  of  Lords,  fetiing  forth,  *  Tnat,  by  un 
Order  of  the  ilth  of  February,  Cour.fcl  had  been 
afiigne  1  th.-m,  and  a  fhort  Day  appointed  for  them 
to  uifvver  an  Impeachment  brought  up  againft 
them  by  the  Houfe  Commons,  who  had  taken 
ibmc  Months  to  prepare  it  ;  and  that  that  Day  had 

^/ENGLAND.  73 

been  enlarged  unto  the  8th  of  this  Month  ;  but  that  An.  13  Car.  1. 
three  of  their  Counfel,  viz.  Mr.  Hale,  Mr.  Prynne,     ,.  l647'     * 
and  Mr.  Newdigate,  a  few  Days  after  fuch  Affign-       ^^^  * 
ment,  had  fet  out  on  fevera)  Circuits  ;  and  the  reft 
of  the  Counfel  in  Town  dcfiring  the  joint  Advice 
of  the  others  in  a  Cafe  of  fo  great  Confequence, 
they  were  thereby  deprived  of  the  Benefit  of  the 
Alignment    made   them  ;    and    therefore    prayed 
their  Lordftiips  that  the  Time  for  putting  in  their 
Anfwer  might   be  enlarged   till    fome    convenient 
Time  after  the  faid  Gounfel's  Return.' 

After  reading  this  Petition  the  Houfe  of  Lords 
ordered,  that  the  above  Peers  fhould  be  allowed  till 
the  I2th  of  April  to  put  in  their  Anfwers  to  their 
refpe&ive  Charges. 

About  this  Time  both  Houfes  pafied  an  Ordi- 
nance for  fettling  25GO/.  a  Year  out  of  the  Earl  of 
IVorce/leSs  Eitate,  on  Lieutenant-General  Crom- 
well: They  alfo  appointed  Henry  Earl  of  Kent, 
William  Lord  Grey  of  ffarke,  Sir  Thomas  Widdring- 
ton,  and  Bul/lrode  If^hitlocke,  Efq;  Commiifioners 
of  the  Great  Seal  of  England',  and  agreed  to  the 
following  additional  Inftru&ions  to  be  fent  to  their 
CommilBoners  refiding  at  Edinburgh  (a]  : 

\7  O  U,  or  any  two  of  you,  are  to  reprefent 
unto  the  Parliament  of  Scotland,  the  Con- 
vention or  Committee  of  Eftates,  or  Committees, 
or  other  Perfons,  whom  they  (hall  appoint  to 
debate  with  you,  That  when  the  Commiflioners 
had  had  a  Conference,  in  the  Painted-Chamber, 
v  ith  a  Committee  of  both  Houfes,  concerning 
the  Intereft  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  in  the 
difpofmg  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King,  in  England ; 
and  had  protefted  againft  any  Report  to  be  made 
thereof  unto  the  Houfes,  from  the  faid  Commit- 
tee, umii  they  fhould  fend  the  fame  in  Writing ; 
they  did,  in  the  mean  Time,  caufe  the  fame  to 
be  printed  :  And  when  it  was  discovered  and  the 
Printer  queflioned,  he  piodueed  a  Warrant  for 

«  the 
(a]  See  cur  Fifteenth  Vo  ume,  p.  100.  «'/•'?• 

74  *$*  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  o  R  v 

An.  23  Car.  I.  <  the  fame  under  the  Hand  of  the  Lord-Chancellor 

l647'      i  '  of  Scotland:  And,  when  that  was  fuppreiled,  they 

Mmfa.  "*      '  a£a'n  cau^d  it  to  be  printed,  bearing  in  the  Title, 

*  That    it   was    printed  at  Edinburgh ;  when  (be- 
'  fides   that  it  was  publifhed  wet  from  the  Prefs) 
'  there  was  not  Tune,  by  a  continual  Poll,  to  have 

*  fent  it  to  Edinburgh,  and  bring  it  back  :  And,  to- 

*  gether  wit"h  thofe  Papers,  was  printed  a  Speech  of 

*  the  Lord-Chancellor's,    made    to    the    King  at 

*  Newcajile  \  wherein  he  declares  a  Diflike  of  the 

*  faid  Proportions,  although  the.  fame  were  before 
'  agreed  upon  by  both  Kingdoms:  And  they  have, 

*  from  Time  to  Time,  printed  here  fuch   of  their 

*  Tranfadtions  with  the    Houfcs  as  they  pleafed, 
'  without  confulting  the   Houfes  therein,   to    the 

*  Prejudice  of  the  Porliament,  and  misleading  the 
'  People  from  the  In:tereft  of  this  Kingdom  :  And 
4  when  the  Houfe  of  Commons  had  madeAnfwer 

*  to  thofe  Papers,  and  had  ordered   the  fame  to  be 
'  fent  to  the  faid  Commiflioners,  with  a  Letter  from 

*  their  Speaker  ;  the  which  he  accordingly  did,  by 
'  Mr.  Cole  his  Servant;  they   refufed  to  accept  it ; 
'  but  returned  it  in  another  Cover,  by  the  fame 

*  MefTenger ;  notwithftanding  they    had  formerly 

*  received  Letters,  upon  other  Occafions,  from  the 

*  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons  alone,  and 
'  had  returned  Anfwers  unto  them. 

'  You,  or  any  two  of  you,  fhall'  alfo  inform  the 
'  Parliament  of  Scotland^  the  Convention  or  Com- 
'  mittee  of  Eftates,  or  any  other  Committee,  or 

*  Perfons,   as  abovefaid,  That    the   faid  Commif- 
'  fioners  have,  from  Time  to  Time,   made  Appli- 
'  cation  to  the  City  of  London,   in  their  Ccmmoi^ 
4  Council,  without  the  Leave  of  the  Houfes  cfPar- 
'  liament  then  iitting,   as  if  the  faid  City  had  been 

*  a  free  State :  That  when  the  Parliament,  out  of 
f  their  great  Defire  to  fettle  an  happy  Peace,  had, 

*  prepared  Proportions  to  be  lent  to  the  Ki«g  ;  and 

*  had  divers  Times  fent  to  the  faidComrniflioners  of 
<•  Scotland,  that  if  they  had  any  Thing  to  be  fent  on 
'  the  Part  of  the  Kingdom  of   Scot  land  y  that  they 
4  might  be  fent,  together  with  the  Propolitions ;  and 

*  had 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D. 

had  put  four  of  the  fajd  Proportions  into  Bills,  tojAn. 
be  pafled  by  the  King,  as  a  Security  to  tne  King-  t 
dom,  while  they  treated  with  him  upon  the  reft; 
the  faid  Commiflioners  did  fend   to  the  Houfcs, 
and  after  publim  in   Print,  a  Declaration  againft 
thofe  Propofitions  ;  and  alfo  protefted  againft  thofe 
Bills  ;  thereby  affuming  and  exercifing   a    nega- 
tive Voice  againft  the  legiflative  Power   of  this 

'  All  which  Mifcarriages  are  againft  the  Law  of 
Nations,  and  a  juft  Forfeiture  of  all  Right  and. 
Privileges  of  public  Perfpns  and  Minifters  ;  of 
which  the  Parliament  was,  and  is,  deeply  fenfible ; 
though,  out  of  their  great  Defue  to  avoid  all  Oc- 
cafion  of  Mifunderftanding,  and  to  continue  the 
brotherly  ynion  of  both  Kingdoms,  they  have 
with  Patience  borne  and  fufFered  the  Continuance 
of  their  Commiflioners  here,  till  themfelves  took 

March  1 3.  This  Day  more  Letters  and  Papers 
came  to  the'  Houfe  of  Loifds  from  their  Commif- 
fioners  in  Scotland. 

For  the  Right  Hon.  EDWARD  Earl  ^MANCHES- 
TER, fyeakcr  of  the  Houfe  of  PEERS  pro  Tern- 

Edinburgh,  March  7,  164*. 
May  it  plea/f  your  Lord/hip, 

1^  H  E  Parliament  of  Scotland  did  meet  on 
Thurfday  laft  the  2d  of  this  Month.  Theyt 
have  ever  hnce,  as  we  hear,  been  upon  the  quef- 
tioned  Elections  of  their  Members  ;  yet  we  did, 
upon  Saturday  laft,  write  a  Letter  to  the  Prefident, 
whereof  the  inclofed  is  a  Copy  ;  but  we  do  not 
hear  of  any  Refolution  taken  upon  it. 
'  My  Lord,  we  hold  it  our  Duty  to  acquaint 
your  Lordfhip,  that  the  Liberty  which  is  taken 
to  print  the  Diurnals  of  all  Things  that  pafs  con- 
cerning our  Tranfactions  here,  is  a  Prejudice  to 
your  Service.  Our  Inftruftions  were  in  a  printed 
Diurnal  in  Edinburgh  the  Day  before  Mr.  Ajhurjl 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  j3  Car.  I.      and  Colonel  Birch  came  hither  ;  and  fince  that, 

^___     47'     ,      efpecially  this  laft  Week,  there  have  been   very 

March.  grofs  Miftakes,  as  written  from  us,  which  tend  to 

our  Difllonour  ;  and  if  what  we  (hall  fend  to  you, 

or  your  Commands  to  us,  fhould  thus  be  mads 

public  every  Week,  it  may  be  very  much  to  your 


*  There  is  likewife  another  Thing  wherewith 
we  hold  ourfelves  obliged  to  acquaint  your  Lord- 
fhips  :  We  hear  of  many  great  Englijh  Delin- 
quents that  do  refort  to  this  Kingdom,  and  great 
Numbers  of  Soldiers.  We  are  informed  that 
about  200  Horfe  came  into  Scotland  by  the  Way 
of  Carlijle,  with  their  Arms  and  Colours  ;  which 
gave  not  only  the  Country,  but,  as  we  hear,  the 
Army  alfo,  a  very  great  Alarm.  They  give  out 
that  they  are  of  thofe  that  were  diibanded  at  Wor- 
cejler^  but  fuppofed  to  be  of  the  King's  Party. 
'  My  Lord,  we  (hall  not  take  upon  us  to  pre- 
fcribe  what  is  to  be  done  in  thefe  Cafes  ;  we  leave 
that  to  your  Wifdoms,  and  whatfoever  your 
Lordfhips  fhall  refolve  and  command,  fhali  be 
carefully  obferved  by, 

My  Lord, 

Your  Lordjhip's  moft  faithful 
and  humble  Servants, 


The  LETTER  inclofed  in  the  foregoing. 

For  the  Right  Hon.  the  Earl  of  LOUDON,  Lord 
High  Chancellor  of  Scotland,  and  Prtjident  of  the 

Edinburgh,  March  4,  164.7. 
My  Lord.. 

*  \\7  E    have  already   made    known  unto    the 

*  *     Right  Honourable  the  Committee  of  the 

*  Eftates  of  this  Kingdom,  that  we  were  fent  by 

*  both  Houfts  of  tht  Parliament  of  England  unto 

*  the 

^ENGLAND.  77 

the  Parliament,  Convention    or    Committee   of  An-  23  c*r- 

Eftates  of  this  Kingdom  of  Scotland^  to  continue  t      '  *7' 

and  preferve  a  good  Correfpondence  arid  brother-       Match. 

ly  Agreement  betwixt  both  Kingdoms  ;  in  order 

whereunto  we  have  already  given  the  Committee 

of  Eftates  our  Letters   of  Credence,  and  feveral 

other  Letters  and  Papers  ;  which  if  they  be  regu- 

larly laid,  according  to  your  Form  of  Proceedings, 

before   the   Right  Honourable  the  Parliament  of 

Scotland^now  fitting,  we  {hall  wait  for  their  Re- 

folutions  thereupon  ;  but  if  they  be  not,  we  de- 

fire  your  Lordfhip  to  move  the  Parliament  that 

they  would  be  pleafed  to  direct  the  Way  of  our 

Addrefles  to  them,  wherein  you  will  do  a  Favour 


My  Lord, 

Tour  Lordftnp's  bumble 



In  Confequence  of  this  Letter  the  Parliament  of 
Scotland  defired  the  Lord  Chancellor  to  acquaint  the 
Engtifb  Commiflioners,  that  they  had  appointed 
fome  of  every  Eftate  to  be  a  Committee  for  taking 
their  Papers  and  Miifives  into  Confideration,  and 
to  whom  they  were  to  make  their  Addrefles. 

March  15.  The  Parliament,  on  the  Receipt  of 
the  foreging  Papers  from  their  Commiflioners  in 
Scotland,  ordered  fome  frefh  Inftruclions  to  be  drawn 
up  and  fent  to  them  to  a£t  by  ;  a  Copy  of  which 
followeth  in  bac  Verba  : 

I  N  s  T  R.  u  C  T  I  o  N  S  for  the  Comniijjioners  from  the 
Parliament  of  England,  refuting  with  tbe  Parlia- 
ment af  Scotland. 

J.  *  Vf  O  U  are    to    make   known  to  the.Parlia- 

'    *     ment   of    Scotland^   the    Convention,    or 

'  Committee  of  Eftates,   or  any  other  Committee 

*  that  fhail  be  appointed  to  cL-bate  with  you,  what 

*  the 

¥be  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  *3  Car.t.  *  the  Houfes  of  Parliament  know  concerning  the 

L  _l6*7'  t    c  Troop  of  Horfe  of  Capt.  IVogan,  and  the  Manner 

March.        c  an^  Pretences  of  their  Paflane  into  Scotland',  the 

*  State  of  which  Bufmefs,  as  far  as  the  Houfes  are 
c  informed  thereof,  is   exprefled   in  a  Letter  from 

*  the  General  to    the  Committee  at  Derby-Houfe 
1  concerning  the  fame;  of  which  .you  have  here- 

*  with  a  Copy. 

II.  *  You  are  to  afliire  the  Parliament  of  Scotland, 

*  Convention,  or   Committee  of  Eftates,    or  any 
*•  ether  Committee  as  above-faid,  that  the  March 
1  of  the  faid  Troop  of  Capt.  Wogan,   in  a  military 

*  Pofture  or  otherwife,  out  of  this  Kingdom  into 
'  Scotland,  or  any  other  Forces,  if  any  fuch  Thing 

*  be,  is  altogether  without  the  Allowance,  Order, 

*  or  Privity  of  the   Parliament  of  England;    and 
4  therefore  you  are,  in  the  Name  of  both  Houfes  of 
'  the  Parliament  of  England,  to  demand  of  the  Par- 
4  liament  of  Scotland,  that  the  faid  Capt.  Wogan  and 
'  his  Officers,  that  are  Englijkmen,  and    alfo   the 

*  Englijh  Officers  of  any  other  Forces  that  may  be 
4  paft  over  out  of  this  Kingdom  into  Scotland,  as  alfo 

*  fuch  Officers  and  Rcformadoes  now  in  Scotland, 
*•  as  you  (hall  find  to  have   any   Time   ferved  the 

*  King  againft  the  Parliament,  may  be  all   forth  - 

*  with  apprehended,  fecured,  and  delivered  over  to 

*  you,  to  be  fent  Prifoners  into  England  j  and  that 
*•  all  the  private  Soldiers  may  be   difmounted,  dif- 

*  perfed,  and  fent  home  ;   and  the  Horfe  and  Arms 

*  of  the  faid   Capt.  Wogan,   and  the   Officers  and 

*  Soldiers  aforefaid,  you  lhall  caufe  to  be  fent  into 

*  England  for  the  Service  of  the  Parliament. 

III.  *  You  are  to  take  Care  that  the  faid  Perfons, 

*  bein?  fecured,  may  be  fent  by  Sea  into  England; 

*  and,  for  that  Purpofe,  you  are  to  hire  a  Ship  there 

*  and  (end  them  thence  to  Newcaftle  by  Sea. 

IV.  '  You  are  to  make  the  like  Demands  of  any 

*  other  Perfons,    Horfes,   and  Arms  of  any  other 
4  Forces  that  (hall,    at  any  Time,  come  into  &•<>/- 

*  land  in   a  military  Pofture,  during  the  Time  of 

*  your  Employment  there. 

4  ^ 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D,  79 

Afc.  *3  Car,  L 

A  LETTER  from  both  Hotifes  to  their  Commijjioners       l647*    ^ 
In  Scotland,  fent  with  the  foregoing  Injlruflions.  March 

My  Lords  and  Gentlemen^ 

T"*  H  E  Houfes  of  Parliament  having  received 
Information  concerning  a  Troop  of  Horfe 
under  the  Command  of  one  Capt.  Wogany  and 
fome  other  difcontented  and  difaffe&ed  Perfons, 
who,  in  a  military  Pofture,  with  Officers  and  Co- 
lours, have  lately  marched  out  of  this  Kingdom 
into  Scotland,  have  commanded  us  to  acquaint 
you  with  fo  much  as  they  are  informed  concern- 
ing that  Bufmefs,  and  to  fend  you  fome  Inftruc- 
tions  for  proceeding  about  the  fame.  The  State 
of  the  Bufmefs  concerning  Capt.  Wogarfs  Troop, 
with  the  Manner  and  Pretexts  of  his  pafling  into 
Scotland,  you  will  underftaralby  a  Letter  fiom  the 
General  about  it,  whereof  we  here  fend  you  a 
Copy  ;  for  any  other  Forces  that  may  be  gone 
into  Scotland,  we  do  not  yet  underftand  in  particu- 
lar what  they  are  ;  but  whatever  they  be,  you  will 
fee,  by  the  Inftruftions  herewith  fent,  how  you  arc 
to  proceed  concerning  them.  Of  your  Proceeding; 
whereupon,  as  alfo  what  Anfwer  you  receive  from 
the  Parliament  of  Scotland  or  their  Commiflioners 
therein,  you  are  to  return  a  fpeedy  Account.' 

Tour  affetttcnate  Friends  and  Servants, 
Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of 


Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of 

The  GENERAL'S  LETTER  above  referred  to* 

t)  March  n,  264^. 

A'ly  Lords  and  Gentlemen, 

THERE  is  one  Capt.  Wogan,  heretofore  in 
the  Parliament's   Service   under  my  Com- 
mand, who,  fix  Months  ago,  by  Order  from  the 

*  Parliament, 

8o  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Parliament,  received  three  Months  Arrears  for 
himfelf  and  his  Troop,  in  order  to  their  difband- 
ing  ;  but  afterwards,  (the  Houfes  defigninj  at 
that  Time  Come  Forces  to  be  fent  over  into  Ire- 
land) upon  his  earned  Importunity,  he  had  per- 
miffion  from  me  to  keep  together  fuch  of  his  Men 
as  he  had  left  undifperfed,and  to  lift  a  full  Troop, 
in  order  to  that  Service  ;  upon  which  Permiflion, 
in  Expectation  of  Employment  that  Way,  he  and 
his  Men  have  ever  fince  taken  free  Quarter  upon 
the  Country  in  Worcejlerjhire,  and  thereabouts, 
and  have  lifted  many  new  Men,  of  which  divers 
(as  is  credibly  informed)  are  Reformadoes  that 
have  ferved  the  Kins;;  and  fo  increafed  his  Troop 
to  the  Number  of  one  hundred  or  more  of  uifor- 
derly  Perfons,  who  have  much  abufcd  and  op- 
preifed  the  Country  ;  but  the  Houfe,  having  fmcc 
then  refolved  to  difband  all  the  fupermimary 
Forces  in  this  Kingdom,  and  not  to  fend  any  of 
them  for  the  prcfent  into  Ireland ;  and  having  ap- 
pointed fuch  as  were  entertained  fince  the  6th  of 
Auguft  laft  to  be  immediately  difbanded  without 
further  P?y,  the  faid  Captain  and  his  Men  falling 
within  that  Compafs,  have,  according  to  the  Re- 
folutions  of  the  Parliament,  had  feveral  pofitive 
Order  from  myfelf  forthwith  to  difband  and  dif- 
perfe  ;  notwithstanding  which  they  have,  under 
divers  Pretences,  for  fome  Time  delayed,  and  at 
laft  reCufed,  to  difband  according  to  the  faid  Or- 
ders, continuing  together  in  an  hoftilc  Manner, 
to  the  Oppreflion  and  Terror  of  the  People;  till 
at  laft,  fearing  the  Rifing  of  the  Country  upon. 
thc:n,  or  the  coming  of  other  Forces  to  dif- 
perfe  them,  the  faid  Captain  M'ogan^  as  I  am 
informed,  having  forged  an  Order,  and  coun- 
terfeited my  Hand  to  it,  upon  his  Marching  to 
Kendal  in  'JVefltnorelond,  went  with  his  Troop, 
by  long  Marches,  thirherwurds  ;  and,  under 
Pretext  of  that  counterfeit  Order,  palled  freely 
unto  the  Northern  Borders ;  he  is  thence,  as  1 
underftand,  gone  over  with  his  Troop  into  Scot- 
land. Thus  much  I  thought  it  my  Duty  to  in- 

4  form 

of    ENGLAND. 

?orm  your  Lordfliips,  and  to  aflure  you  that  he 
had  no  Order  at  all  from  me  for  his  marching 
Northwards,  or  any  other  Way  ;  but  that  which     March, 
he  produced  for  his  Paflage  was  wholly  counter- 
feit.    I  remain, 

Tour  Lord/hip's  humble  Servant, 

FAIRFAX,  (a) 

Ah  Ordinance  for  raifirig  60,000 /.  a  Month  for 
the  Support  of  the  Army  under  Thomas  Lord  Fair- 
fax was  pafled  this  Day ;  as  alfo  another  for  better 
fecuring  the  Payment  of  8000 /.  a  Year  to  the 
Prince  Elector,  Count  Palatine  of  the  Rhine,  who 
had  now  refided  in  England  fome  Years  ;  a  former 
Ordinance  for  that  Purpofe  having  been  ineffectual. 

Nothing  but  private  Bufinefs  engaging  theHoufe 
of  Lords  now  for  fome  Days,  we  pals  on  to  March 
21,  when  more  Letters  and  Papers  from  the  Scots 
Commiflioners  arrivedj  which  were  prefented  and 

To  the  Right  Honourable  EDWARD  Earl  of  MAN- 
CHESTER, Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  PEERS  pro 

Edinburgh^  March  14,  164^.. 
May  it  plvafe  your  Lordthip^ 

E  received   feveral   Informations  of  fome. 
DefignS   on    Foot  for  the   furprizing  of 
«  Berwick,  which  occafioned  us,  as   we  conceived 

*  was  beft  for  your  Service,  to  write  a  Letter  to  that 

*  Town.     This  Day  we  received  a  Letter  from  the 
VOL.  XVII.  F  Mayot 

(a)  About  this  Time  died  Ferdinanda  Lord  Fairfax^  Baron  of 
Camercnin  Scotland,  and  Knight  of  the  Shire  for  the  County  of 
tort.  In  the  dmntani  Journalt  of  the  i6th  of  this  Month  we  find 
the  following  En  ry  : 

Ordered,  *  That  the  now  Lord  Fairfax,  General,  fliall  have  the 
Place  of  Steward  of  the  Honour  of  Pentefract,  and  Keeper  of  Ponte- 
frace  Caftle,  Park,  and  Apurrenances,  and  be  Cuftos  Rotulorun  for  the 
County  of  Torkt  in  the  lik;  Wanner  as  his  Father,  lately  deccafed, 
formerly  had,' 


'An.  23  Car. 



The  Parliamentary  H  I  s  f  o  R  t 

Mayor  and  Alderman  about  the  fame  Bufinefs?  % 
Copy  whereof,  with  a  Letter  from  the  Comrni£- 
fioners  here  and  burfdves,  we  fent  to  the  Parlia- 
ment of  Scotland,  from  whom  we  have  yet  receiv- 
ed no  Anfwer  ;  the  Copies  of  the  Particulars  we 
have  inclofed  fent  your  Lordfhip  ;  all  which  wfc1 
fubmit  to  your  Judgment,  and  (hall  ever  remain, 

My  Lord, 

Tour  mofl  faithful  and  bumble  Servants, 

o  the  Worjbipful  the  Mayer  of  the  To  wn  ^/"Berwick, 
to  Sir  WILLIAM  SELBY,  and  to  Mr.  SLIGH,  one 
ef  the  Aldermen  0/~Berwick. 

Edinburgh,*  March  12, 

*  \\7  E  have  received  certain  Information  of  the 
*  "  late  Meetings  together  of  many  great  De- 
linquents in  the  North  of  England*  who,  we  have 
good  Reafon  to  believe,  are  projecting  Mifchief^ 
and  none  more  probable  at  this  Time  than  fome" 
Enterprizes  to  the  Union  and  Brotherly 
Agreement  which  we  hope  will  ever  be  betwixt 
thefe  Kingdoms  of  England  and  Scotland  j  there-1 
fore,  left  thejy  ftrould  have  fome  Dfcfigns,  in  order 
thereunto,  to  furprize  your  Town  of  Berwick, 
which,  by  the  Treaty  betwixt  the  Kingdoms^ 
which  we  know  the  Parliament  of  England  is 
fully  refolved  to  keep  inviolable  on  their  Parts,  is 
to  continue  difmantled,  and  no  Forces  or  Garri- 
fon  to  be  put  into  it  ;  we  do  earneftly  intreat  you- 
to  give  a  ftridl  Charge  to  the  Watch  of  your 
Town,  nor  to  permit  any  Soldiers^  or  any  that 
have  been  in  Arms  againft  the  Parliament  in 
this  War,  to  come  into  your  Town  of  Berwick 
for  a  Time,  until  Things,  by  the  Blefiing  of  God, 
be  better  fettled  j  and  that  you  would  have  a 
fpecial  Care  of  it  at  the  Time  of  this  Horfe-Race 
near  youj  and  that,  for  a  while,  you  would 

*  preveft 

*f  ENGLAND.  83 

*  {Prevent  the  like  Meetings.     All  which,  knowing  An.  »3  Car.  I, 

*  your  AfFeaion  to  the  Parliament,   we  fliall  not  t     .l6*?      , 

*  need  to  prefs  further,  only  fubfcribe,  Much. 

Tour  very  loving  Friend^ 




'To  the  Right  Honourable   ibt  Commffiontrs  of  w$ 
Parliament  of  England  now  in  Scodand. 

Berwick,  March  12, 
Right  'Honourably 
C I N  C  E  your  Lordihips  departed  hence  we  are 
'***  credibly  informed  that  fome  Forces  intend 
to  furprifce  this  Place  To-morrow  j  and  the  rather 
increafed  our  Fears,  for  that  we  had  certain  In- 
telligence from  Newcaftle^  that  certain  Cavaliers 
fhould  report,  That  they  would  make  their 
Swords  play  at  Berwick  j  and  perceiving  divers 
come  this  Day$  making  their  Pretence  to  fee  the 
Horfe-Courfe  intended  in  our  Bounds  To-mor- 
row, we  made  Proclamation  forDifcharge  of  that 
Courfe  ;  and  accordingly  do  refolve  to  Sand  up- 
on it,  and  have  appointed  Watchmen  for  that 
Purpofe.  Truly  the  Reports  are  fuch,  both  from 
England ^and  Scotland^  as  givejuft  Occafion  of  our 
Jealoufies,  as  we  can  make  appear,  if  "Occafion 
require,  by  fufficient  Teftimony ;  and  therefore 
thought  fit  to  fend  this  Bearer  on  Purpofe  to  ac- 
quaint your  Honours  herewith,  humbly  craving 
your  good  Advice  in  this  our  fo  great  Concern  5 
which,  God  affifting)  we  mail  endeavour  to 
obferve ;  referring  the  fame  to  your  good  Con> 
fiderations,  we  take  Leave,  and  reft, 

Tour  Honours  mojl  humble  Servants + 




F  *  T<» 

#4  *fhe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  23  Car;  I. 

1647.         To  the  Right  Worjhipful  the  Mayor  of  the  Town  of 
*  ,  Berwick,   to  Sir  WILLIAM  SELBY,  and  to  Mr* 

SLIGH,  one  of  the  Aldennen  o/Berwick. 

Edinburgh,  March  14, 

E  have  received  your  Letter^  whereby  we 
perceive  your  great  Care  to  preferve  your 
Town  of  Berwick  from  the  Surprize  of  the  Ene- 
mies to  the  Peace  and  Union  of  both  Kingdoms, 
for  which  we  return  you  Thanks,  and  intreat 
the  Continuance  of  your  Care  ;  not  doubting  you 
will  be  careful  to  keep  within  the  Bounds  of  the 
Treaties  betwixt  both  Kingdoms,  Copies  where- 
of we  have  here  inclofed  fent  you,  which  is  re- 
commended to  you  by, 

Tour  loving  Friends, 




<&  the  Right  Honourable  the  Earl  of  LOUDON, 
Lord  High  Chancellor  0f  Scotland,  and  Prefident  cf 
the  Parliament. 

Edinburgh,  March  i^,  164.?. 
My  Lord, 

«  rp  HI  S  laft Night  we  did  receive  a1  Letter  from 
c  •••  the  Town  of  Berwick,  whereof  the  inclo£- 
'  od  is  a  Copy,  with  a  further  Aflurance  from  the 

*  Mefienger    that    they    had    good   Information, 

*  from  feveral  Parts,  of  a  real  Defign  of  the  Malig* 

*  nants  to  fuprize  the  Town  at  this  intended  Horfe- 

*  Race  ;  and  that  the  Mayor  and  other  the  Magi* 

*  ftrates  of  the  Town,  befides  the  forbidding  of  the 

*  Horfe-Race,  have  appointed  a  Watch  of  Townf- 
4  men  preventing  fuch  a  Mifchief.     We  thought 
<  it  our  Parts  fpeedily  to  acquaint  your  Lordihips 
«  with  the  Truth  of  this  Bufmefs,  to  prevent  all  Mif- 

*  je^qrts  and  Mift«kes  that  might  happen  upon  hv 
i  «  and 

of  E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  %$ 

*nd  intreat  your   Lordmip  to  communicate  the  An.  »j  Car.  I, 

fame  to  the  Honourable  the  Parliament  of  Scot-    ^ _  *  *7'   ^ 

land ;  with  this  further,  that  however  the  Delin-      JH^. 

quents  are  very  induftrious  to  interrupt  the  happy 

Union  betwixt  the  Kingdoms,   as   what  ftands 

moft  with  their  Intereft,   yet  we  doubt  not  but 

it  will  have  this  Effect  to  make  them  both  more 

careful  and  diligent  to  continue  and  preferve  it ; 

and  as  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England 

are  refolved   to  keep  the  Treaty  concerning  this 

Town,  and  all  other  Treaties  betwixt  both  King-          , 

doms  inviolable,  fo  we  have  given  Direc* 

tions  to  the  Town  of  Berwick  upon,  this  O.c-» 

cafton,  as  may  manifeft  the  like  Refo.ultions  in$ 

My  Lord, 

Tour  Lord/hips  bumble  Servants^ 




The  fame  Day  a  MefTage  was  brought  from  the         . 
Houfe  of  Commons  by  Mr.  Chaloner  and  others,  and  three  mor$* 
with  Article?  of  Impeachment  for  High  Treafon,  Aldermen  of 
and  other  high .  Crimes  and  Mifdemeanor's,  a»ainft  Lond,on?  ™j!.  . 

£••       <v  ;         rt  tr    '    ^  AII  f    T        i        peached  of  HIE* 

bir  John  Gayre,  Knight,  Alderman  of  London,  Treafon. 
'James  Bunct,  Thomas  Adanu ',  and  John  Langhamt 
Aldermen  of  the  fame  :  Who,  in  the  Name  of  the 
Houfe  of  Commons,  and  of  all  the  Commons  of 
England,  did  defire  their  Lordfhips  to  put  the  faid 
Aldermen  to  their  Anfwer ;  and  that  fuch  Proceed - 
4ngs  might  be  had  thereupon  as  were  agreeable  to 
Juftice  :  That  the  Houfe  of  Commons  were  ready 
with  their  Evidence,  and  that  the  four  impeached 
Aldermen  were,  by  virtue  of  an  Order  from  theu; 
Houfe,  committed  Prifoners  to  the  Tower. 

March  23.  A  Complaint  made  to  the  Lords  by 

tw©  Judges,  Trevor  and  Pheafant,  that,  in  their  lait 

Circuit,   coming  to  Aylejbury  to  keep  the  Aflizes 

F  3 

86  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

11  Cur.  I.  there,  they  found  no  Sheriff  to  attend  them  :  Qir 
',  ,  which  they  read  their  Commiffions  and  made  Prq- 
clamation  for  the  Sheriff  to  appear ;  and  he  noV 
doing  it,  they  fined  him  500  /.  and  adjourned  the; 
Affixes  for  a  Week.  That  they  underftood  the 
Sheriff  had  procured  a.  Writing,  under  Ayletfs 
Hand,  the  Judge  of  the  Prerogative  Court,  which 
he  takes  Advantage  of:  That  he  had  conformed  fo 
far  as  to  do  every  thing  but  take  the  Oath  of  She- 
riff ;  which,  he  faicl,  in  regard  the  laft  Votes  of 
the  Houfes  forbid  any  Addreffes  to  the  King,  he 
conceives  he  cannot  do  ;  fince  that  Oath  requires 
that  he  {hall  reveal  all  fuch  Secrets  to  the  King,  as 
concern  his  Crown  and  Dignity. — The  Lords  did 
no  more  in  this  Bufjnefs,  at  this  Time,  than  order 
Dr.  Jylett  to  attend  their  Houfe  on  the  27th,  to 
which  Time  they  adjourned  j  but  we  hear  no  more 
of  it. 

Thus  much  for  the  Tranfa&ions  of  the  Year 
4647. :    ' 

The  y^urttah  of  the  Lords  now  fwell  to  a  much 
greater  Bulk  than  ufual  by  the  vaft  Number  of  Or- 
dinances, entered  at  full  Length,  for  taking  ®ff  Se- 
queftrations  from  Delinquents  Eftates,  and  grant- 
Jng  a  free  Pardon  to  their  Perfons.  Thefe  were 
clone  by  particular  pines  fet,  and  paid  in  ready 
Money,  according  to  the  Value  of  their  Eftates  ; 
and  were  lefs  or  hiore  as  the  Perfons  concerned  had 
been  in  Arms  againft  the  Parliament,  or  had  only 
fled  to  the  Enemy's  Quarters  for  Protection.  How- 
ever, many  of  thefe  unhappy  Sufferers  were  reduced 
to  make  an  abfolute  Sale  of  Part  of  their  Eftates, 
to  redeem  the  reft ;  by  which  Means  feveral  of 
them  were  irretrievably  funk  from  their  Families, 
and  are  very  fenfibly  felt  at  this  Day  by  their  De- 
fcendants.  A  Lift  of  the  Names  of  all  thefe  Per- 
fons fo  amerced,  throughout  England  and  Wales^ 
with  their  particular  Fines,  is  collected  from  the 
journals  of  both  Houfes,  and  may  probably  be 
added  as  an  Appendix  to  fome  fuccceding  Vo~ 
. — But  to  proceed  ; 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D,  % 

March  27.  The  Houfe  of  Lords  was  addrefled  Aa •  *3  £»r.  J. 
in  an.vV-r   aui.ble  Petition  from   Sir  John  May-  *  '    . 

?wn/,  Prifoner  in  the  Tower  i  whereupon  the  Lords       M*rck. 
gave  him  more  Time,  to   the  i^th  of  jtyril  nex& 
to  put  in  his  Anfwer  to  the  Charge  of  the  Corn- 
mons  againft  him. 

Affairs  growing  now  very  critical  in  Scotland,  a 
War  feemed  likely  to  break  out  between  the  two 
Nations.  The  following  Letters  and  Papers  were 
jread  in  the  Houfeof  JLords  this  Day  and  on  the  34 
of  April* 

for  the  Right  Honourable  EDWARD  Earl  of  MAN* 
CHESTER,  Speaker  of  the  Hoxfe  of  PEERS  pro' 

Edinburgh,  March  21,  164!. 
May  it  pleafe  your  Lordjhip, 

TpHE  firft   Day  the  Parliament  here  did  fit,  Letters  and  P»a- 
*     after  they  fent  us  the  Order  wherein  we  were  ^f^JJjJj 
acknowledged  Commiflioners,  was  Tuefday  the  Commimoaer.s,»» 
I4th  of  this  Month;  which  Day  we  fent  them  Scotland, 
the  Bufinefs  concerning  Berwick^    whereof  we 
gave  your  Lordfliips  an  Account  in  our  laft  Let- 
ter.    The  next  Day  we  delivered  them  the  An- 
fwer of  both  Houfes  to  the  Scots  Commiffioners 
Papers  ;  and  receiving  your  additional  Instruc- 
tions, with  your  late  Declaration  (#),  Yefter- 
day  we  have  this  Day  fent  a  Paper  to  the  Parlia- 
ment concerning  Captain  Wagon  and  his  Troop, 
a  Copy   whereof  we   have   here  inclofed ;  but 
judging  it  fit  for  your  Service  to  let  that  Demand 

*  go  alone,  we  referred   the   fending  of  the  De- 

*  claration  until  To-morrow ;  when,  if  they  fit, 

*  we  intend,    God  willing,  to  deliver  it ;  and  fa 

F  4  '  foon 

(a)  The  Declaration  here  mentioned  was  from,  both  Houfes,  of  the 
fourth  of  March,  1647,  concerning  the  Papers  of  the  Scott  Commif- 
fioners, intituled,  The  Anfacr  of  the  Cimmiffionen  of  the  Kingdom  of 
Scotland  to  both  Houjes  of  Parliament,  upon  the  new  Propofitiont  of 
Pface,  and  the  four  Sills  to  be  fent  to  bis  Mojefty  ;  and  concerning  th« 
Proceedings  of  the  faid  Commiffioners  in  the  Ifle  of  Wight. 
Of  this  Declaration  feme  Notice  has  been  already  taken  at  p«  59.11*. 
this  Volume^, 

7be  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

ibon  as  we  fhall  receive  Anfwers  to  any  of  thefk 
Things  we  have  delivered  in  Purfuance  of  you? 
Commands,  your  Lordfhip  fhall  receive  a  fpeedy 
Account  from  us ;  who  fhall,  in  all  Things,  en- 
deavour to  approve  ourfelves^ 

My  Lord, 

Tour  Lordfnip's  mo/i  faithful 
and  humble  Servants  , 


COPY  of  the  PAPER  given  in  to  the  Parliament 
of  Scotland,  concerning  the  Demand  of  Captain 

Edinburgh,  March  21,  164-?. 

WE  the  Commiffioners  of  Houfes  of  the 
Parliament  of  England,  are  commanded  to 
make  known  unto  the  Parliament  of  Scotland* 
that  they  have  Notice  from  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax, 
their  General,  that  one  Captain  JJ^ogan,  an 
Englijhman,  and  his  Troop,  who,  being  of  the 
fupernumerary  Forces,  was,  by  the  Refolutions 
of  both  Houfes  of  Parliament,  and  the  Order  of 
the  General,  to  be  difbanded  ;  but  he,  refuf- 
ing  fo  to  do,  marched,  by  a  counterfeit  Pafs, 
from  the  County  of  Worcejler,  in  the  Kingdom  of 
England,  into  the  North  ;  and  that  from  thence 
they  are  come,  in  a  military  Pofture,  with  Arms 
and  Colours,  into  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland; 
which  was  altogether  without  the  Allowance, 
Order,  or  Privity,  of  the  Parliament  of  England: 
And  they  are  likewifp  informed,  that  others,  who 
are  principal  Englijh  Delinquents,  and  have  been 
in  Arms  againft  the  Parliament,  do  harbour  in 
this  Kiiigdom ;  all  which  is  againft  the  large 
Treaty  betwixt  the  Kingdoms  of  England  and 
Scotland,  and  the  Acl:  of  Pacification  and  Obli- 
yjon,  pafled  Anno  17  Car,  Rtgis. 

cf    ENGLAND, 

?  The  faid   Captain  Wogan  being  feen  at  Edin-  A 
^  burgh  by  feveral  of  our  Servants  Yefter day,  and 
'  divers  Days  before,  we  do,  in  the  Name  of  both 
c  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England,  demand  of 
'  the  Parliament  of  Scotland,  that  the  faid  Captain 

*  Wogan,  with  his  Officers   and   Soldiers    that  are 
"  Englijhmen,  together  with  their  Horfes  and  Arms, 

*  be  feized,  iecured,  and  delivered  to  us,  to  be  dif- 

*  pofed  of  as  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of 
'  England  have  or  fhall  appoint;  and  we  cannot 

*  doubt  but,  upon  Ejifcovery  of  any  other  Englijh 

*  Forces,  or  any  .$ngli/bmen  who  have  been  Offi- 

*  cers  or  Reformadoes,  and  ferved  the  King  againft 
'  the  Parliament,  that  fhall  be  received  or  harbour- 
'  ed  within  this  Kingdom,  you  will  do  the  like 
'  Juftice  to  the  Kingdom  of  England  upon  our  de- 

*  manding  of  them. 

By  Command  of  the  CommiJJioners  of  the  Pajrlia- 
ment  of  England. 


For  the  Right  Hon.  EDWARD  Qarl  of  MANCHES- 
TER, Speaker  of  the  Houfe  #/"  PEERS  pro  Tern- 

Edinburgh,  March  2$,  1648. 
A  fay  it  pleafe  your  Lordjh.ip, 

*  XylT"  E  did  Yefterday  fend  to  the  CommifBoners 

*  here,     a    Paper,    principally    concerning 
Captain  ftfoganr  whereof  the  inclofed  is  a ; 
and   though   we  do   expert  a   fpeedy   Arifwer, 
we  thought    it  our  Duty   tq  give  your  Lord- 
fhip  an  Account  of  our    Endeavours    in  pur- 
fuance  of  your  Commands ;  and,  withall,  to  ac- 
quaint your  Lordfhip,  that  there  is  a  Hoi/and  Man 
of  War  come  to  Leith  which  carries   38  Guns, 
wherein  came  S}r  William  Flemming ;  and  we  are 
like  wife  informed    that    there  is   come  a  French 
Frigate,    in   which  Sir  Thomas  Glemham  is  come 
hitherj  whereof,  if  we  can  get  fufficient  Tefti- 
mony,  notwithftanding  we  hear  he  has  made  his 
Competition,  yet  we  fhall,  according  to  our  In- 

|  ftru&ions,  demand  him ;  being  refolved,  by  God's 

9<*  We  Parliamentary  HisTORV* 

"•  *6*  £ai>  L  c  Affiftance,  in  this  and  all  other  Things  we  have 

_L!^J »    *  in  Chaige  from  your  Lordfhips,  to  ufe  our  utmpft 

April.        '  £wucavbur  to  approve  ourfelves, 

My  Lord) 

Tour  Lordjhip's  moft  faithful 

and  humble  Servants^ 


Copy  of  the  PAPER  delivered  in  to  the  Parliament  of 
Scotland  by  the  Englifh  Commijjionen^  prejfingfor 
an  Anfiwr  to  former  Papers. 

Edinburgh,  March  27,  1648, 
\T7  E  have,  by  the  Command,  and  in  the 
Name,  of  both  Houfes  of  the  ^Parliament 
of  England^  feveral  Times,  made  known  unto  the 
Parliament  and  Committee  of  Eftates  of  the 
Kingdom  of  Scotland,  that  we  were  lent  hither 
to  keep  a  good  Correfpondence  betwixt  both 
Kingdoms;  and  that  it  is  the  Refolution  of 
both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England,  on 
their  Part,  to  continue  and  preferve  the  Union, 
and  brotherly  Agreement  betwixt  them,  and  to 
remove  all  Mifipprehenflons  to  the  contrary, 
if  any  fuch  fhoiild  be;  and,  in  order  thereunto, 
have  delivered  to  your  Lordfhips  feveral  Papers  : 
But  although  we  have  been  at  Edinburgh  ever 
fince  the  8th  of  February  laft,  yet  we  have  not 
received  a  particular  Anfwer  to  any  of  them  ; 
whereof  we  are,  and  both  Houfes  of  the  Parlia- 
ment of  England  have  Reafon  to  be,  very  fen- 
fible.  At  this  Time  we  being  required  to  return 
an  Account  to  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of 
England,  concerning  the  Bufmefs  of  Captaii^ 
Wogan  and  his  Troop,  muft  earneftly  prefs  your 
Lordfhips  to  give  us  your  Anfwer  to  our  Paper 
concerning  him  of  the  2ift  of  this  Inftant  March  ^ 
wherein  we  do  not  doubt  but  your  Lordfhips  will 

*  •omply. 

tf    ENGLAND, 

'  comply  with  the  Defires  of  both  Moufes  ;  it  being  An,  •. 
*'  conformable  to,  and  in  Profecuticn  of,  the  large        IC*6- 
*•  Treaty  betwixt  both  Kingdoms,  »nd  the  Act  of  '     J"^ 

*  Pacification  and  Oblivion  pafled  by  the  Pallia-          p'"'* 

*  ments  of  both  Kingdoms.' 

By  Command  of  the  Gommijfioners  from  the  Parlia- 
ment 0f  England, 


^  PAPER  delivered  in  to  the  Parliament  of  Scotland x 
dated  Edinburgh,  March  31,1648,  concerning  the 
former  Demand  of  Capt.  Wogan,  and  a  further 
JDetnand  of  Sir  Philip  Mufgrave  and  Sir  Thomas 

TTH1  H  E  R  E  A  S  both  Kingdoms  of  England  mL 
**  Scotland  have  pafled  their  public  Faith  in 
the  Act  of  Pacification  and  Oblivion  of  1*7  Caroli 
Regis,  to  concur  in  the  reprefling  of  thofe  that 
{hall  rife  in  Arms,  or  make  War  in  any  of  tha. 
Kingdoms  of  England,  Scotland,  or  Ireland,  with- 
out the  Confent  of  the  Parliament  of  that  King- 
dom to  which  they  do  belong ;  and  that  fuch 
fliall  be  held,  reputed,  and  deemed  as  Traitors  to 
the  Eftates  whereof  they  are  Subjects  :  And  that 
no  Perfon,  fentenced  by  the  Parliament  of  either 
Nation  as  Incendiaries  betwixt  the  Nations, 
{hall  have  Shelter  or  Protection  in  any  other  of 
his  Majefty's  Dominions  :  And  whereas,  by  the 
faid  Act,  if  any  Englijhman  who  hath  committed 
Offences  againft  that  Kingdom  ihall  remove  into 
Scotland,  he  fliall,  'at  the  Delire  of  the  Par- 
liament of  England,  be  remanded  to  abide  his 
Trial  in  that  Kingdom  where  he  committed 
the  Offence :  We  having  in  Charge  to  demand 
all  Englijhmen  that  we  fliall  difcover  to  be  in  this 
Kingdom  of  Scotland,  who  have  been  in  Arms 
againft  the  Parliament  and  Kingdom  of  England', 
and  being  certainly  informed  that  there  are  now 
many  fuch  Perfons  in  this  City  of  Edinburgh,  (In- 
cendiaries betwixt  the  Nations)  and  particularly 
\  Sir  Philip  Mufgrave  and  Sir  Thomas  Glemham  j 


'The  Parliamentary  H I  s  T  o  R  V 

we  do  therefore,  in  the  Name  of  both  Houfes  of 
the  Parliament  of  England^  demand  that  the  faid 
Sir  Philip  Muf grave  and  Sir  Thomas  Glembam  be 
delivered  to  ijs,  to  be  difpofed  of  as  both  Houfes 
of  the  Parliament  of  England  have  or  (hall  ap- 
point. Wherein,  as  alfo  in  the  Bufmefs  of  Capt, 
Wogan  and  his  Troop,  reprefented  to  your  L,ord- 
fhips  in  our  Papers  of  the  2ift  and  2710  of  this 
Inftant  Marcb^  who  were  in  Arms  in  IVeJlmore- 
land  and  Cumberland,  and  in  fome  other  Parts  of  ' 
the  Kingdom  of  England.,  and  afterwards  in  this 
Kingdom,  without  the  Confent  of  the  'Parlia- 
ment of  England,  (the  public  Faith  of  this  King- 
dom being  fo  deeply  engaged)  we  cannot  doubt 
of  a  fpeedy  and  fatisfaclory  Anfwer. 
J5y  Command  of  the  Commijjioners  of  the  Parliament 


April  12.  The  Speaker  acquainted  the  Houfe, 
that  the  fix  Lords,  impeached,  by  the  Houfe  of 
'  Commons,  had  given  in  their  Anfwers  to  their 
f^veral  and  refpeclive  Charges,  which  they  had  fent 
by  the  Gentleman-Uftier  of  the  Black-Rod.  The 
Lords  ordered  them  to  be  received,  but  deferred  the 
Reading  of  them  to  another  Time, 

April  13.  A  great  Tumult,  or  rather  an  Infur- 
reftion,  had  happened  in  London  a  Day  or  two  be-, 
fore,  in  which  the  Apprentices  and  others  rofe  in 
great  Numbers  and  did  much  Mifchief  :  They  beat 
•up  Drums  upon  the  Water  to  invite  the  Seamen 
and  Watermen  to  join  them,  to  fighter  God  and 
King  Charles.  The  whole  City  was  in  great  Con- 
fternation,  nor  was  the  Parliament  free  from  Fears ; 
for  Mr.  Wbitlocke  writes,  '  That  it  was  no  fmall 
Happinefs  to  the  Houfes,  that  this  Infurrecti  in  was, 
at  length,  well  quieted  ;  fmce,  in  thofe  Times  of 
Difcontent  and  Diftraclion,  if  it  had  not  been  fo 
foon  appeafed  and  nipped  in  the  Bud,  it  might  have 
proved  of  moft  dangerous  Confequence  to  all  the 
parliament's  Party,  and  have  occafioned  a  ne-,v  War.* 


$f  ENGLAND.  93 

The  Memoriali/}  here  again  adds  another  moral  An.  24  Car.i. 
Reflection,  viz. «  We  may  take  Notice  of  the  Un- 
certainty  of  worldly  Affairs  ;  when  the  Parliament 
and  their  Army  had  fubdued  their  common  Enemy, 
then  they  quarrelled  amongft  themfelves,  the  Army 
againft  the  Parliament :  And  when  they  were  pretty 
well  pieced  together  again,  then  the  Apprentices 
and  others  make  an  Infurre&ion  againft  them  both. 
Thus  they  were  in  continual  Perplexities  and 

The  following  A&  of  Common  Council,  as  de- 
livered to  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  this  Day,  by  fome 
Aldermen  and  others,  gives  a  yet  more  defcription- 
al  Account  of  this  laft  Tumult : 

April  n,  1648, 

*  \    T  this  Common  Council   Mr.  Alderman 
'    /*    Fowte,  and  Mr.  Aldermen   Gtbbs,  by  the 

*  Direction   of  the   Committee  of  the   Militia  of 
'  London,    did  make  a  large  Relation  of  the  great 

*  Multitude,  Infurrection,  and  Mutiny  which  hap- 
4  pened  in  this  City  on  the  laft  Lord's  Day  and 
'  Monday  laft,    by   many   evil-difpofed    Perfons ; 

'  '  which  firft  began  on  the  Lord's  Day  in  the  After- 

*  noon,  in  the  County    of  Middlefex^  where  they 
'  feized  the  Colours  of  one  of  the  Trained-Bands 

*  of  the  faid  County,  who  were  there  employed  for 

*  the  fuppreflmg  of  fuch  Perfons  as  did  profane  the 
'  Lord's  Day  :  And,  being  difperfed  by  fome  of  the 
c  General's  Forces,  did  gather  together  within  the 

*  City  of  London  and  Liberties  thereof;  and,   in  a 

*  riotous  Manner,  did   break  open  divers   Houfes, 

*  and  Magazines  of  Arms   and  Ammtmition,  and 

*  took    away  Arms,     Plate,    Money,    and  other 
c  Things  j  and  did   feize  upon  the  Drums  of  the 
4  Trained  Bands  of  this  City  ;  which  were  beating 

*  to  raife  their  Companies  ;  and  armed  themfelves, 

*  and  beat  up  Drums,  and  put  themfelves  in  a  war- 

*  like  Pofture,  and  feized  upon  the  Gates,  Chains, 

*  and  Watches  of  this  City  ;  and  then  marched  to 

*  the  Lord  Mayor's  Houfe,  and  there  aflaulted  the 

. '  Lord  Mayor,  Sheriffs,  Committee  of  the  Mil^ 

•  tia 

94  *ft>e.  Pwlitunfltt&fy  H  i  s  T  o  R  V 

n.  24  Car.  I. £  tia  of  London^AnA  other  Magiftrates  of  the  fame  j 

l6^'     ,    '  and  didfhcot  into  the  Lord  Mayor's  Houfe,  beat 

April.         '  kack  his  Guards,  killed  one  of  them,  wounded 

'  clivers  others,  and  feized  and  took  away  a  Piece  of 

*  Ordinance  from  th'encej  with  which  they  did  a£- 

*  terwards  ilay   and  wound    divers  Perfons,    and 

*  committed    many  other   Outrages.     All   which 
«  Matters  feeing  largely  debated,  and  many  Partkru- 

*  lars  infifted   upon,   both  for  the  Difcovery  and 
'  Puniftiment  of  the  faid  Mifdemeanors  and  Out- 
'  rages,  and  alfo  for  the  preventing  of  the  like  for 

*  the  Time  to  come,   it  was  at  laft  concluded  and 

*  agreed  by  this  Common  Council  as  folJoweth  : 
Firft,    '  This  Common  Council    do  generally 

*  conceive  that  this  City  was  in  great  Danger  by 

*  reafon  of  the  faid  Outrages  arid   Mifderfieanors  ; 

*  and  that  if  the  fame  had  not  fo  timely  been  pre- 

*  vented  and  flayed,  the  whole  City  would  have 

*  been  expofed  to  the   Fury  and  Rage  of  the  faid 
«  Malefadors. 

'  And  this  Common  Couricil  do  declare,  That 

*  the  fame  Mifdemeanor  and  Outrage  was  a  horrid 

*  and  deteftable  Act,  tending  to  the  Deftru&ion  of 

<  the  City  j  that  they  do  difavow  the  fame,    and 

*  with  an  utter  Delegation  to  declare  their  Diflike 

<  thereof, 

'  And  this  CommonCouncil  do  appoint  the  Com- 

*  mittee  of  the  Militia  of  London  to  make  the  fame 

*  known  to  the  Honourable  HoufeS  of  Parliament : 

*  And  alfo  to  make  an  humble  Requeft  unto  them, 

*  That  an  Order  may  be  iflued  forth  from  them  to 

<  the  feveral  Minifters  of  this  City,  and  the  Places 
'  adjacent,  that  they  may  be  directed  to  give  public 
'  Thanks   to  Almighty  God,  the  Author  of  this 
'  great  and  wonderful  Deliverance    from  that  im- 

*  minent  Danger  wherein  the  City  and  iParts  adja- 
'  cent  were  involved. 

'  And  further  the  faid  Committee  are  appointed 

*  by  this  Court  to  apply  themfelves  to  the  Honour- 
'  able  Houfes  of  Parliament,  for  the  obtaining  of  a 
'  fpecial  Commifiion  of  Oyer  and  Termintr^  for  the 
«  trying  and  punching  all  the  Malefactors  that  had 

«  a  Hand 

^ENGLAND.  9$ 

«i  ftand  in  this  deteftable  Aftion,  according  to  An,  14  Car.  fc 

*  the  known  Laws  of  this  Land.  t  _'  *  '  f 

<  And  this  Court,  with  thankful  Hearts,  do  ac- 

*  knowledge  the  Inftruments,  under  God,  by  which 

*  they  obtained  this  Deliverance,  to  be  by  the  Forces 
f  raifed  and  continued  by  the  Parliament,  under 
'  the  Command  of  his  Excellency  the  Lord-Gene- 

*  ral  Fairfax :  And  to  manifeft  the  fame, 

«  This  Common  Council  do  alfo  order,  That  the 

*  faid  Committee  of  the  Militia,  in  the  Name  of  this 
4  City,  as  a  Thing  agreed  upon  by  an  unanimous 

*  Confent,  {hall  return  their  hearty  Thanks  to  his 

*  Excellency,  for  his  fpeedy  and  feafonable  Aid  of- 

*  fered  unto  the  City  in  this  their  great  Strait  and 

*  Danger. 

c  And  this  Court,  with  a  general  Confent,  da 

*  well  approve  of  the  Endeavours  of  the  faid  Com- 

*  mittee  of  the  Militia  of  London,  for  the  raifing  of 
'  the  Forces  of  this  City  ;  and  in  their  procuring  of 

*  the  faid  Aid  and  Help  from  his  Excellency  in  this 

*  Extremity,  and  what  elfe  they  have  done  for  the 

*  appealing  and  fupprefling  of  the  faid  Tumults. 

*  And   this   Court   do  give  Thanks  to  the  faki 
'  Committee  of  the  Militia,   for   their  Care  and 

*  Pains  by   them   taken  upon  this  fad  Occafion  j 

*  and  they  do  appoint  Mr,  Alderman  Fowh  to  de- 

*  clare  the  fame,  their  Thanks,  to  fuch  of  the  faki 

*  Committee  as  are  not  of  this  Court. 

*  And  this  Court  do  alfo,  with  all  Thankfulnefs, 

*  acknowledge  the  Pains  and  Care  of  the  Right 
c  Honourable   the  Lord  Mayor,    and   the  Right 

*  Worftiipful  the  Sheriffs  of  this  City,  therein. 

*  And  this  Court  do  generally  declare,  That  ifc 

*  is  the  Duty  of  every  Citizen  of  this  City  by  him^ 

*  felf,  and  all  that  do  belong  unto  him,  or  is  un- 

*  der  his  Command,  to  be  ready,   upon  all  Occa- 

*  fions,  to  be  aiding   and  aflifting  unto  the  Lord 

*  Mayor,  and  the  reft  of  the  Magiftrates  of  this 

*  City,  for  the  fupprefling  of  all  Tumults  and  Dif- 

*  orders  within  the  fame. 

«  And 


An.  24  Car, I. 


Articles  of  Im- 
peachment of 
High  Treafon 
againft  Sir  John 

*ft*e  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

c  And  the  feveral  Perfons  now  prefent  at  this 
'  Common  Council,  by  the  holding  up  of  their 
'  Hands,  have  promifed,  That,  for  the  Time  to 
4  come,  they  will  ufe  their  utmoft  Endeavours,  and 
*  be  ready  upon  all  Occafions,  to  do  the  fame/ 

The  next  enfuing  Sunday  Was  appointed  by  the 
Lords  as  a  Day  of  Thankfgiving  for  this  Deliver- 
ance j  and  a  Letter  of  Thanks  was  wrote  to  the 
General  for  his  Care  and  Diligence  in  this  Matter. 

April  14.  The  Commons  fent  up  to  the  Lords 
their  Articles  of  Impeachment  againft  Sir  John 
Gayre,  Krit,  which  were  read  as  follows  : 

ARTICLES  of  the  Commons  ajfembled  In  Parliament,  in 
Maintenance  of  their  Impeachment  again/}  Sir  John 
Gayrej  Knight,  Alderman  of  the  City  of  London, 
whereby  he  Jtands  charged  of  High  Treajon^  and 
ether  high  Crimes  and  Mifdemeanors* 

TP  H  A  T  upon  the  26th  of  July  laft  paft,  and 
divers  Days  before  and  fince,  he  the  faid 
John  Gayre,  being  then  Lord  Mayor  of  London, 
at  the  Guild-Hall,  and  other  Places  within  the 
.faid  Cities  of  London  and  Wejlminjler,  and  Coun- 
ties of  Middlesex  and  Surrey,  contrary  to  his 
Oath  and  Duty  as  Lord  Mayor  of  London,  and 
againft  his  Allegiance,  hath,  together  with  Thomas 
ddams,  John  Ldngham,  and  James  Bunce,  Alder-*- 
men  of  London  ;  William  Drake,  Jeremiah  Bains, 
John  Milton,  Thomas  Papillion,  Richard  Rumney, 
and  Richard  Crook,  Citizens  of  London ;  and  with 
Col.  Sydenbam  Pointz,  Col.  John  Dalbier, 
Col.  James  Midhop,  Capt.  Robert  Maffey,  and 
other  E.eformado  Officers  and  Soldiers,  and 
other  Perfbns,  malicioufly  and  traiteroufly  plotted 
and  endeavoured,  with  open  Force  and  Violence, 
and  with  armed  Power,  to  compel  and  enforce 
the  Lords  and  Commons,  then  aflembled  in  Par- 
liament at  IVejlminJlcr^  to  alter  the  Laws  and 

6  Ordinances 

^/ENGLAND..  97 

Ordinances  by  Parliament  eftablimed  for  the  Safe-  An-  24  ^ar- 
ty  and  Weal  of  the  Realm;  and  likewife,  mali-  t  *  *"  , 
cioufly  and  traiteroufly,  to  raife  and  levy  \Var  April, 
within  the  Places  aforefaid,  againft  the  King, 
Parliament,  and  Kingdom,  ;  and  accordingly,  at 
the  Times  and  Places  aforefaid,  hath,  with  the 
Perfons  aforefaid,  and  others,  malicioufly  and 
traitercufly  raifed  and  levied  War  againft  the 
King",  Parliament,  an-d  Kingdom ;  and  to- 
gether with  the  Perfons  aforefaid,  with  open 
Force  and  Violence,  and  with  armed  Power,  did, 
at  the  Times  and  Places  aforefaid,  malicioufly 
compel  and  enforce  the  faid  Lords  and  Commons, 
in  Parliament  affembled,  to  alter,  annul,  and  make 
void  fevera!  Laws  and  Ordinances  by  Parliament 
eflablifhed,  and  to  make  new  Laws  and  Ordi- 
nances according  to  their  own  Will  and  Pleafure. 
*  That  the  faid  Sir  John  Gayre,  together  with 
the  faid  John  Langbant,  Thomas  Adams,  James 
Bunce,  WiRlam  Drake,  Jeremiah  Bains,  John 
Milton,  Thomas  Papillion,  Richard  Rumney,  and 
Richard  Crook,  Citizens  ;  together  with  Col.  Sy- 
denham  Pointz,  Col.  John  Datbier,  Col.  James 
Midhop,  Capt.  Robert  Maffey,  and  other  Refor- 
mado  Officers  and  Soldiers,  and  other  Perfons  ; 
which  Reformadoes,  by  Ordinance  of  Parliament, 
the  Lords  and  Commons  afTembled  in  Parliament, 
for  their  tumultuous  Carriage  towards  the  Parlia- 
ment, were  commanded  to  depart  out  of  the  Cities 
of  London  and  Weftrnnifter,  and  twenty  Miles  about  * 

the  late  Lines  of  Communication  j  and  the 
Execution  of  the  faid  Ordinance  was  committed 
to  the  faid  Sir  John  Gayrt,  John  Langham,  Thomas  • 
Adams,  James  Bunce,  tsc.  the  then  Militia  of 
the  City  of  London,  \vho  were,  by  divers  Or- 
ders of  the  Ploufe  of  Commons,  put  in  Mind 
of  their  Duty,  and  required  to  put  the  faid  Or- 
dinance duly  in  Execution,  which  they  did. not 
do;  but  did,  at  the  Times  and  Places  afore- 
faid, traiteroufiy  .°-nd  feditioufly  procure,  abet, 
maintain,  and  encourage  the  faid  Reforaa- 
Vox.  XVII.  G  *  do 

Tke  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  -4.  Car.  I.  <  <Jo  Officers  and  Soldiers,  and  many  A[  [rentiers 

t_  *'     '_ ,     *  of  tbe  City  of  Lcnd.n,  and  givers  other  Perforrs 

April.         '  ill-afFe6ted  to  the  Proceedings  of  Parliamer  t,   by 

*  open  Force  and  Violence,  and  with  arrred Power, 
'  to  compel  and  enforce  the  Houfes  of  Parliament 

*  to  revoke,  annul,   and  make  void  an  Ordinance 
'  of  Parliament,  mad,  ;  nd  p.;f  d  by  the  Lords  and 

*  Con  tr.ons,  now  ifletnblbd  in  Parliament,  the  23d 
'  D.i\7  of  Jt-'y  !.  ft  ;  which  was  as  follows  : 

'  The  Loids  and  Lctt:m<.ns  aflemtUd  in  Parliament, 
'-   +heir  ferious   Ccnfideration  the  preferrt 

*  State  ar.u  Condition  of  the  Kingdom  of  England,  and 

*  particularly  oj    the  City  <?/*  London,   do  ordain  and 

*  declare,  a?  d  be  it  ordained'and  declared  by  Anttcri- 
'  ty  of  I  'iv:  nai:>ent )  That  the  Lord  Mayer  and  Sheriff 

*  of  London  for  the  Time  being,  and  Sir  John  Wol- 
'  lauon,  A'':f ;•'-*.   Kaac   Pennington,   Thomas  At- 

*  ki,-:",  John  Warner,  James  Bunce,  John  Fowke, 

*  William  Gibbs,  John  Kendfick,  JohnLangham, 
«  and  Richard  Chambers,  Aldermen  ;   Field- Marjhal 

*  Skippon,  Randal  Manwaring,  Francis  Peck,  Sa- 
'  muel  Warner,  James  Rullel,  Nathanael  Wright, 
<  William   Berkley,  Alexander  Normanton,    Ste- 
'  phen   Eftwick,  Owen   Rowe,    Richard  Turner, 
'  femor.  William  Hobfon,  Richard  Ikteman,  Ri- 
'  ch.  rd  Turner,y««/5r,  Robert  Tichburn,  Tempeft 
4  Milner,  William  Antrobus,  Thomas  Player,  fe- 

*  nior,  Samuel   Harfnet,    Francis    Allen,    Colonel 

*  Wilfon,   Colonel  John   Bellamy,   and  Alexander 
'  Jones,  Citizens  ;  be,  and  are  hereby  conjlituted,  a 
c  Committee  for   the  Militia  of  the  L.ity  of  London, 

*  and    the    Liberties    thereof,    arid  all  other   Places 
'  within    the   Lines   of  Communication    and   Weekly 

*  Bills  of  Mortality  ;  and  any  Nine  or  more  of  them 

*  jhall  have    Power,    and  are  her f by  authorized,  to 

*  ajjemble   and  call  together    all   and  fingular  Perfon 

*  and  Perfcr.s   cf  the  faid  City  o/'London,   and  the 

*  faid  Liberties  thereof  within  the  Lines   cf  Cunmu- 

*  cation    and  Jt'eekh   Bills    of  Mortality,    that   are 

*  meet  and  jit  for  the  Wars,    and  them  to  train  and 
'  sxercife,  and  put   in    Readinefs  ;  and  them,  after 

4  their 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  99 

*  their  Abilities  and  Faculties,    well  and  fufficientlj,   An  14  Car.  I. 
'  from  Time  to  Time,  t>  caijfe    it  to   be  arrayed  and    ^ \       '  j 

*  weapffned ;  and  to  take  Muji<.>rs  of  them    in   Places         ^pril.       J 

*  mojt  Jit  for  that  Purpofe  ;  and  tha    they  Jhall  have 
'  Power  to   lead,  conduft,   and  employ,   the  Perfons 
c  aforefaid,  fo  arrayed  and  weaponed,  for  the  Sup- 

*  Prefji°n  °f  a^  Rebellions,  InfurreElions,  and  Inva- 

*  Jions  that  may  happen  within  the  City  and  Liberties 

*  thereof,  or  within  the  Lines  of  Commvnica;:on  and 
'  weekly  Bills  of  Mortality  :  And  lik^mfe  they  have 

*  further  Power  and  Authority  to  lead,  conduct,   and 
'  employ  the  Perfons  aforefaid,  fo  arrayed  and  weapon- 
'  edy  as  well  within  the  faid  City,  as  within  any  other 
1  Part  of  this  Realm    of  England  or   Dominion  of 

*  Wales,  for  the  Supprejfion  of  all  Rebellions,  Infur- 

*  regions,  or  Invajions  that  may  happen,  according  as 
6  they  Jhall,  from  Time   to  Time,   receive  Directions 
'  from  the  faid  Lords  and  Commons  in  Parliament  af- 
'  fembled ;  and  that  the  faid  Committee,  or  any  Nine  or 

*  mire  of  them,  Jhall  have  Power ^  and  are  hereby  au- 
1  thorized,   to  conftitute  and  make  Colonels,  Captains^ 
'  and  other  Officers  ;  and  Jhall  have  Power  to  remove 
'  and  difplace  Colonels,  Captains,  and  other  Officers, 
'  from  Time  to  Time,  as  they,  or  any  Nine  or  more  of 
'  them  as  aforefaid,  Jhall  fee  Cauje  and  think  fit ;   and 

*  that  the  faid  Committee,  or  any  Nine  or  more  of  them 
'  as  aforefaid,  Jhall  have  the  fame  Power  and  Authori- 
'  ty,  to  all  Intents  and  Purpofes^  and  in  the  fame  Man- 

*  ner  and  Form  as  any  Committee  for  the  Militia  of 
4  the  City  of  London  had  the  loth  of  July  1647,  by 
'  any  Order  or  Ordinance  of  Parliament ;  and  that  all 

*  and  every  Perfon  or  Perfons,    ivho    have  heretofore 

*  a£led  and  done,  or  Jhall  hereafter  aft  or  do,  any  Aft 

*  or  Thing  whatfoever  by  virtue  of  this  or  any  former 
'  Ordinance  or  Ordinances  of  Parliament,  concerning 
'  the  faid  Militia,  Jhall  be  faved  harmltfs  and  indem- 
'  nified  for  and  concerning  the  fame  by  Authority  of 

*  Parliament. 

'  And  it  is  hereby  further  ordained,  Tljat  no  Citi- 

*  zen   of  the  City  ^London,  nor  any  of  the  Forces 

G  2  «  of 

ioo  7&?  'Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  (  of  the  f aid  City  or  Liberties  thereof,  Jhall  be  drauin 
,     l648'   ,     '  forth,  or  compelled  to  go  out  of  the  faid  City  or  Li' 
April.          '  forties  thereof  \  for  Military  Service,  without  his  cr 
'  their  free  Confent. 

'  And  it  is,  lajlly,  ordained  and  declared  by  the 
'  Authority  aforefaid,  That  the  Ordinances  of  Parlia- 
'  ment  of  the  tfh  of  May,  1647,  for  the  Militia  of 
'  London,  Jhall,  from  henceforth,  ceafe  and  be  deter- 

*  mined  to  fill  Inteuts  and  Purpofes  whatfoever  ;  and 

*  this   prefent    Ordination   is   to   continue  during  the 
«  Pleafurc  of  both  Houfes  of  Parliament. 

*  And  likewife,  by  fuch  open    Force  and  Vio- 

*  lence,  and  armed  Power,  to  compel  and  enforce 
'  the  faid  Lords   and  Commons,  afiembled  in  Par- 

*  liamt:nt,  to  revoke,  annul,  and  make  void  a  De- 

*  claration,  made  by  the  faid  Lords  and  Commons, 
'  the  24th  of  July  laft,  which  is  as  follows  : 

'  The  Lords  and  Commons  having  feen  a  printed 
'  Paper,  intituled,  A  Petition  to  the  Lord  Mayor, 

*  Aldermen,  and  Commons  of  the  City  of  London, 

*  in  the  Guildhall  affembled,   under  the  Names  of 

*  divers  Citizens,  Commanders,   Officers  and  Sol- 

*  diers   of  the  Trained    Bands,   Auxiliaries,  and 

*  other  young  Men    and  Apprentices  ;  Sea-Com- 
'  manders,  Seamen,  and  Watermen  ;  together  with 
'  a  dangerous  Engagement   of  the  fame  Persons,  by 

*  Oath  and lrow,  concerning  the  Kings  prefent  coming 

*  to  the  Parliament,   upon  Terms  far  different  from 
'  thefe  which  both  Hoiifes,  after  mature  Deliberation, 

*  have  declared  to  be  necejjary  for  the  Goad  and  Safety 
'  of  this  Kingdom  ;  cafting  Rejieclions  both  upon-  the 
'  Proceedings   of  Parliament  and  Army,  and  tend" 

*  ing  ty   the  embroiling  the  Kingdom  in  a  new  War: 

*  And  the  faid  Lords  and   Commons  taking  Notice, 
'  of   great    Endeavours   ufed    by  -divers  iil-ajfefted 

*  Pcrfcns,  to  procure  Subfcriptic-ns  thereunto,  where- 

*  by   wetl-n:e ining  People  may    be  mijlcd,  do  there- 
'  fore    declare,    That    whomever,    after   Publication 
f  or  Notice  hereof,  J})all  proceed  in,   or  procure  or  ftt 
'  bis  Name  to,    or  give  Coifeit  thai  h:s  Name  foall 

*  be  fet   untj,  or  any  Way    engaged  ivitb,   the  faid 
'  Engagement,  Jhall  be  deemed  and  adjudged  guilty 

'  °f 

of   ENGLAND.  101 

.  of  High  Treafon,  and  Jball  forfeit  Life  and  Eft  ate  as  Aa-  H  Car.  I, 

s-i     /•        /»   T  T  •     i     '-r-'          r        •  n  i  lOio* 

;>z  GT/*  0f  High  Treajon  is  accujtomed.  t     _^ 

*  And  further,  by  the  faid  open  Force  and  Vio-  A?ril. 
lence,  and  with  armed  Power,  to  compel  and  en- 
force the  faiJ  Lords  and  Commons,  in  Parlia- 
ment affembled,  to  make  and  ordain  an  Ordinance 
of  Parliament  of  the  26th  of  July,  whereby  they 
made  the  Ordinance  of  Parliament  of  the  4th  of 
May^  for  and  concerning  the  Militia  of  th&  City 
of  London,  formerly  repealed,  to  be  in  full  Force 
and  Virtue,  any  thing  in  the  Ordinance  of  the 
23d  of  'July  to  the  contrary  notwithstanding. 
'  And  the  faid  Col.  James  A4idbcp,  Capt.  Robert 
MaJJey,  and  the  f  id  other  Reformado  Officers 
and  Soldiers,  Aprentices,  and  others  the  faid  ill- 
affected  People,  by  the  Procurement,  Abetting, 
Maintenance,  Encouragement,  and  Affiftance  of 
the  faid  Sir  John  Gayre,  Thomas  Adams,  John 
Langbain,  James  Buna',  William  Drake,  Henry 
Bains,  John  Milton,  Thomas  Papillion,  Richard 
Rumney,  and  Richard  Crooke,  Citizens,  did  ac- 
cordingly, traiteroufly  and  malicioufly,  with  open 
Force  and  Violence,  and  with  armed  Power,  up-, 
on  or  about  the  26th  of  July,  compel  and  enforce 
the  faid  Lords  and  Commons,  in  Parliament  af- 
fembled wuhan  the  City  of  Wejlminjler ,  to  repeal 
and  make  void  the  aforeiaid  Ordinance  of  the 
23d  of  July  ;  and  alfo  revoke,  annul,  and  make 
void  the  aforefaid  Declaration  of  the  24th  of  July, 
and  to  make  again  and  pafs  the  faid  Ordinance 
for  the  Mititia  of  the  4th  of  May,  formerly  re- 

'  And  by  the  faid  open  Force  and  Vio'ence,  and 
armed  Power,  and  by  the  Procurement,  Abetting, 
Maintenance,  Encouraging,  and  Afliftance  as 
aforefaid,  did,  on  or  about  the  26th  of  July,  traite- 
roufly and  malicioufly  compel  and  enforce  the 
Houfe  of  Commons  to  vote,  That  the  King  fhould. 
forthwith  come  up  to  the  City  of  London  ;  which 
Procuring,  Abetting,  Maintaining,  Encouraging, 
and  actual  Force  as  aforefaid,  was  procured  and 
G  3  'done' 


An.  24  Car.  I. 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

done  to  the  Intent  and  Purpofe  to  annul  and 
make  void  feveral  Laws  an -\  Ordinances  made  by 
the  Lords  and  Commons  affe.nbled  in  Parliament, 
for  the  Safety  and  Welfare  of  the  People  of  this 
Re.  an,  and  to  deftroy  an:!  take  away  the  juft 
Power  and  Authority  of  the  Parliament ;  and  to 
the  further  Intent,  that  he  the  faid  Sir  John  Gayre^ 
with  others  his  faid  Confederates,  might  be  the 
be  er  enabled  to  carr/  on  their  traiterous  Defign 
of  levying  the  faid  War  againft  the  King,  Parlia- 
ment, and  Kingdom. 

'  That,  in  further  Profecution  of  his  faid  traiterous 
levying  the  faid  War,  and  other  his  traiterous 
Plottings,  Contrivances,  and  Abetting  as  aforefaid, 
he  the  faid  Sir  John  Gayre,  together  with  the  faid 
Thomas  Jdams,  'John  Langham,  James  Bunce9 
Aldermen  ;  Denzill  Plollis^  Walter  Long,  Efqrs; 
Sir  John  Maynard,  Knight  of  the  Bath,  Col.  Sy- 
denbajn  Poiniz>  Jeremiah  Eains,  William  Drake^ 
Richard  Rumney,  and  other  Perfons,  caufed  many 
of  the  Reformado  Officers  and  Soldiers,  and 
many  Regiments  of  other  armed  Men,  to  the 
Number  of  10,000  armed  Men,  and  upwards, 
upon  or  about  the  3Oth  of  July  laft  paft,  to  be 
lifted  and  raifed  ;  and,  being  fo  lifted,  armed,  and 
raifed,  to  be  employed  with  Weapons  of  War, 
offenfive  and  defensive,  in  a  warlike  Manner,  to 
fight  againft  the  Army,  under  the  Command  of 
Sir  Thomas  Fairfax,  who  was,  by  Ordinance  of 
Lords  and  Commons,  affembled  in  Parliament, 
appointed  to  defend  the  Parliament  and  King- 
dom, and  was  then  marching  up  to  the  City  of 
London  to  that  Purpofe  :  And  the  faid  Sir  John 
Gayrey  and  the  faid  Reformado  Officers  and  Sol- 
diers, and  Perfons  aforefaid,  with  the  faid  Regi- 
ment of  armed  Men  and  other  Forces,  at  the 
Time  afcrefaid,  did  levy  actual  War  within  the 
Ciiies  of  London  and  Wejlrnin/ler,  Counties  of 
Middlesex  and  5«rry,  againft  the  King,  Parlia- 
ment, and  Kingdom. 

«  By  all  which  Means  and  Ways,  ne  the  faid  Sir 
John   Gayre  hath,  traiteroufly  ami  malicioufly, 

'  complottcd. 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  103 

complotted,  contrived,  and  actually  levied  War  An.  24.  Car.  I. 
againftthe  King,  Parliament,  and  Kingdom  ;  and  L  T0"*3' 
hath,  traiteroufiy  and  malicioufly,  plotted,  con-  Aprili 
trived,  procured,  and  abetted  the  forcing  of  the 
faid  Houfes  of  Parliament  as  aforefaid  ;  which 
actually  by  him,  and  Ins  Abetment  and  Procure- 
ment, hath  been  done  accordingly  :  For  all  which 
they  do  impeach  him  of  High  Treafon  againft 
the  King,  his  Crown  and  Dignity.' 
*  And  the  faid  Commons,  by  Protection,  faving 
to  themfelves  a  Libeny  of  exhibiting,  at  any 
Times  hereafter,  any  other  Accufation  or  Im- 
peachment againft  the  faid  Sir  John  Gayre ;  and 
alio  of  replying  to  the  Anfvvers  that  the  faid  Sir 
John  Gayre  fliall  make  to  his  faid  Articles,  or  any 
of  them,  and  of  offering  further  Proof  alfo  of  the 
Premifes,  or  any  of  them,  or  any  other  Impeach- 
ment or  Accufation  that  {hall  be,  by  then,-,  as  the 
Caufe  (hall,  according  to  the  Courfe  of"  Parlia- 
ment, require,  do  pray,  that  the  faid  Sir  John 
Gayre\)Q  put  to  anfwer  all  and  every  the  Premifes  ; 
and  that  fuch  Pr  >ceedings,  Examinations,  Trial, 
and  Judgment  may  be  upon  e,very  of  them  had 
and  ufed,  as  is  agreeable  to  Law  and  Juftice.' 

Hereupon  the  Lords  ordered,  That  Sir  John 
Gayre,  Knight,  now  Prifoner  in  the  Tower  of  LM- 
*/3«,be  brought  to  their  Bar  on  Wednefday  Morning 
next,  to  receive  this  Charge  of  High  Treafon.  and 
other  high  Cr'unes  and  MifJemeanors  brought  up 
from  the  Houfe  of  Commons  againil  him ;  and  this 
Order  to  be  directed  to  the  Lieutenant  of  the 

April,  17.  This  D.y  c.m3  another  Packet  of 
Letters  from  the  Commuifioners  in  Scotland;  which 
brought  no  other  Advice  than  that  they  had  not  yet 
got  an  Anfwer  to  the  Papers  they  had  delivered  to 
the  Parliament  there,  according  to  the  Lord-Chan- 
cellor's Promife  of  the  3d  of  this  Month,  but  only 
the  following  Order  : 

G  4  At 


More  Letrersand 
Papers  from  the 

jn  Scotland. 

¥he  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

At  Edinburgh  the  $tb  Day  of  April,  the  Tear  of 
God  1648. 

THE  States  of  Parliament  recommend  to 
the  Lord-Chancellor,  Prefident  of  the  Par- 
liament, to  make  known  to  the  Commiflioners 
from  the  Parliament  of  England,  that  the  Opinion 
of  the  Committee  for  an  AnfWer  to  be  returned 
to  the  Letters  and  Papers,  given  in  by  them,  was 
this  Day,  the  laft  Day  of  the  Week,  prefented 
and  read  in  Parliament.  But,  according  to  the 
Order  kept  in  thisParliament,  the  Anfwer  is  taken 
into  the  Confideration  of  the  feveral  Eftates,  till 
the  Beginning  of  the  next  Week,  at  which  Time 
*  it  v/ill  be  given  to  them. 

Extrafted  forth  of  the  Records  of  Parliament  by  me 
Sir  Alexander  Gibfon  o/"Drury,  Knight,  Clerk 
of  his  Majcfty's  Regtfters^  Councils^  and  Rollst 
under  my  Signet  and  Subscription  manual, 


April.  19.  This  Day  came  other  Letters  to  the 
Lords  from  their  Commiffioners  j  the  Tenor  of 
them  as  follows  : 

For  the  Right  Hon.  EDWARD  Earl  of  M  A  N- 
CHESTER,  Speaker  of  the  Honfe  of  PEERS  pro 
Tern  pore, 

Edinburgh,  April  15,  1648. 
,     My  Lord, 

'"T*  H  E  Parliament  of  Scotland  not  giving  an 
Anfwer  to  our  Papers  in  the  Beginning  of 
this  Week,  according  to  their  Order  and  our  Let- 
ter fent  to  your  Lordmips  by  the  laft  Pofr,  we  did 
prefs  it  again  in  another  Paper,  a  Copy  whereof  is 
here  inelofed;  wherein  we  made  an  additional 
Demand  of  Col.  George  Wray,  which  was  deli- 
vered Yeilerday,  but  had  not  been  read  till  this 
Day,r when  we  did  receive  the  inelofed  Anfwer; 
whereunto,  although  we  refoive  to  make  a  Reply 
in  Maintenance  of  our  former  Papers,  yet  the 

« Difference 

of   E  N  G  LAN  D.  105 

Difference  being  upon  the  Expofition  of  an  A&  An.  24  Car.  f. 
of  Parliament,  we  thought  it  our  Duty  to  fend 
forthwith  to  your  Lordfhips,  that  if,  in  your  Wit- 
dom,  your  Lordfhips  (hall  think  fit,  your  Lord-, 
fhips  might  give  further  Directions  unto  us, 

My  Lord, 

Tour  Lord/tip's  mo/l  faithful, 

and  humble  Servants, 


A  PAPER  of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland,  In  An- 
fwcr  to  fever al  Papers  delivered  in  by  the  Englifli 

Edinburgh,  April  12,  1648. 

TH  E  Eftates  of  Parliament,  having  perufed 
and  confidered  the  feyeral  Papers  given  in 
to  them  and  to  the  Committee  of  Eftates,  by  the 
Commiffioners  of  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament 
of  England^  fmce  their  laft  Coming  to  this  King- 
dom, dofind,  at  the  Arrival  of  the  faid  Commif- 
fioners, and  upon  their  fir  ft  Addrefs  to  the  Com- 
mittee of  Eftates,  although  they  {hewed  no  Com- 
miflion,  nor  had  any  Credential  Letters  directed 
to  the  Committee,  yet  'the  Committee  of  Eftates 
did  appoint  fome  of  their  Number  to  meet  with 
them,  who  did  accordingly  receive  from  them 
what  they  then  thought  fit  to  offer ;  and  when 
they  made  their  Addrefles  to  the  Parliament,  the 
very  Days  wherein  their  Letters  were  given  to  the 
Lord -Chancellor,  to  whom  they  fent  the  fame, 
they  were  inftantly  read  in  Parliament ;  and  a 
Committee  appointed  to  take  into  Confideration 
what  was  offered  by  them,  that,  upon  Report 
thereof,  an  Anfwer  might  be  returned  by  the. 

*  Whereas  your  Lordfhips  are  pleafed,  in  th$ 
Name  of  the  Honourable  Houfes  of  the  Parliament 
of  England^  to  exprefs  their  Ddires  to  nrefci  ve  a 

io6  ffie  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

good  Underftanding*  and  Brotherly  Agreement 
betwixt  the  two  Kingdoms,  the  Eftates  of  Parlia- 
liament  do  return  this  Anfwer,  That  as  the  Ac- 
tions of  this  Kingdom  have  been  real  Proofs  of 
their  Defires  and  Willingnefs  to  entertain  a  good 
Correfpondence  and  Amity  betwixt  the  two  Na- 
tions, fo  they  are  ftill  refolved  to  keep  inviolably, 
on  their  Parts,  the  happy  Union  to  which  both 
Kingdoms  are  folemnly  engaged  by  the  Covenant 
and  Treaties :  Yet  they  have  thought  fit  to  let 
them  know,  that  this  Kingdom  hath  Reafon  to  be 
very  fenfible,  that  the  neceflary  and  juft  Defires 
given  in  by  their  Commifiioners,  by  Warrant  of 
the  Parliament  and  their  Committees,  to  the  Ho- 
nourable Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England^ 
concerning  Religion,  the  King's  Majefty,  and 
Intereft  of  this  Kingdom,  have  had  no  fatisfac- 
tory  Anfwer  as  yet. 

'  And  for  the  particular  Defires  concerning  Capt. 
Wogan,  and  his  Troop,  a'ledged  to  be  in  this 
Kingdom,  and  demanded  in  the  Paper  of  the 
aift  of  March,  upon  the  Adt  of  Pacification  and 
Oblivion  in  the  large  Tteaty,  Anno  1641,  as  De- 
linquents, and  who  have  been  in  Arms  againft 
the  Parliament  of  England;  and  the  Paper  of  the 
3lft  of  March,  demanding  the  aforefaid  Captain 
Wogan,  Sir  Philip  Mufgrave,  and  Sir  Thomas 
Glemham,  to  be  delivered  up,  upon  the  fame  A& 
of  Pacification,  as  thofe  who  have  rifen  in  Arms, 
and  made  War  agajnft  the  Parliament  of  Eng~ 
land  :  If  your  Lordfhips  will  be  pleafed  toperufe 
that  Treaty  and  A6t  of  Pacification,  to  which 
the  Papers  given  in  do  relate,  it  will  clearly  ap- 
pear that  none  can  be  demanded  or  delivered  by 
this  Kingdom,  but  fuch  only  of  the Eng lift  Nation 
who  have  infenced  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  againft 
the  Kingdom  of  England,  all  other  Criminals  be- 
ing referred  to  the  Laws. 

*  And  the  Eftates  of  this  Kingdom  are  confident 
that  your  Lordfhips  will  not  mifunderftand  the 
not  returning  of  an  Anfwer  fooner  to  your 
Papers  and  Defires,  fince  the  many  other  pref- 

*  fing; 

c/    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  107 

fmg;  and  weighty  Affairs  of  this  Kingdom,  which  An.  24  Car.  I. 
have  ftill  been   before   the  Parliament  fince  your    v  l(     '    t 
Coming,  have  been  the  only  Reafon  of  this  De-       ApiiL 

*  The  Eftates  of  Parliament  give  Warrant  and 
Command  to  the  Committee  of  Twenty-four  to 
deliver  to  the  Englijh  Commifii  oners  the  Anfwer 
this  Day  parted  in  Parliament;  to  appoint  fome  of 
their  Number  to  meet  with  the  Englijh  Commif- 
fioners ;  to  aflert  the  Parliament's  Anfwer ;  and 
to  report  what  further  the  Commiflioners  of  the 
Honourable  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England 
{hail  offer  to  the  Ccnfideration  of  the  Parliament 
of  Scotland.' 

Extratted  out  of  the  Records  of  Parliament  by  me 
Sir  Alexander  Gibfon  o/Drury,  Knight^  Clerk 
of  his  Maje/ly's  Regifters^  Councils,  and  Rollsy 
under  my  Signet  and  Subfcription  manual^ 


A  Copy  of  the  PAPER  delivered  in  to  the  Parliament  of 
Scotland,  concerning  the  former  Demands  of  Capt. 
Wogan,  Sir  Philip  Mufgrave,  Sir  Thomas 
Glemham,  and  a  further  Demand  of  Colonel 
George  Wray. 

Edinburgh^  April  14,  1648. 
'  T17  E  had  Notice  from  the   Honourable  the 

*  *  *     Parliament   of  Scotland,   that  we    {hould 
«  have  an  Anfwer  the   laft  Week  to    the  feveral 

*  Papers    communicated  to  them    from  us  ;    and, 
«  fince  that  Time,   that  we  {hould  have  an  Anfwer 

*  in  the  Beginning  of  this  Week  ;  but  we  not  rc- 

*  ceiving  any  hitherto,  think  it  our  Duty,  in  a  Buii- 
'  nefs  wherein  we  have   fo  ftri£l  a  Charge,  and 
'  which  do   fo  much  concern  the   Peace  of  both 
'  Kingdoms,  to  prefs  your  Lordihips  again  for  the 

*  fpeedy  Anfwer,    efpecially    to    our   Demand  of 

*  Captain  Wo^an  and  his  Troop,    Sir  Philip  Muf- 

*  grave  and  Sir  Thomas  Glemham ;  the  rather,  be-r 

*  caufe  we  do  ftill   obferve  a  great  Concourfe  of 

*  Englijh 


*Tbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Englijb  Delinquents  into  this  Kingdom,  who  are 
received  and  harboured  here;  and,  amongft  them, 
fome  Papifts  that  have  been  in  Arms,  who  were, 
all,  by  former  Propofitions  to  the  King,  agree<J 
to  by  both  Kingdoms,  except:d  from  Pardon  ; 
and  particularly  we  know  that  one  Col.  Georgs 
JVray^  who  is  a  Papift,  and  was  a  Colonel  in  the 
War  againft  the  Parliament  h.'.th  been  for  fome 
Time  of  late,  and  we  believe  no  vV  is,  in  this  City 
of 'Edinburgh :  We  do  therefore,  upon  the  Grounds 
laid  down  in  our  former  Papers  which  v.  e  hope  do 
appear  very  clear  to  your  Lordlhips,  demand  of 
the  Parliament  of  Scotland^  in  the  Name  of  both 
Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England^  that  the 
faid  Col.  George  Wray  be  likewife  delivered  to 
us,  to  be  difpofed  of  as  both  Houfes  of  the  Parlia- 
ment of  England  {hall  direct  j  and  that  they  may 
no  longer  have  Shelter  and  Protection  in  this 

By  Command  of  the   Commijfioners  of  the   Par- 
liament <j/"England, 


re  The  fame  Da7>  APrl1  T9>  the  Lieutenant  of  the 
500!.  Lr  a  Con-  Tower  having  brought  up  Sir  John  Gayre  to  the 
Houfe  of  Lords,  the  Speaker  commanded  him  to 
kneel  at  the  Bar  as  a  Delinquent ;  which  he  re- 
fufed  to  do,  and  defired  to  be  heard  :  But  being 
commanded  again  to  kneel,  and  he  ftill  refufing  to 
do  fo,  the  Lqrds  directed  him  to  withdraw;  and 
then  taking  into  Confideration  the  high  Contempt 
hereby  offered  to  their  Houfe,  fined  him  500 /.  to  the 
King,  to  be  prefently  eftreated  into  the  Exchequer. 
Sir  "John  Gayre  being  called  in  again,  and  told  by 
the  Speaker,  That  the  Lords  had  fined  him  500?. 
for  his  high  Contempt;  and  the  Impeachment  be- 
ing then  read  in  his  Prefence,  he  faid,  He  difavow- 
ed  and  abhorred  the  Offences  which  he  had  heard 
read  to  him :  He  alfo  defired  a  Copy  of  his 
Charge  under  the  Clerk  of  the  Parliament's  Hand, 
Time  to  anfwer  it,  and  that  fuch  CounfeJ  r.s  he 


of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  109 

fhould   defire  might  be  afligned  him;    which  the  An.  24 Car, i 
Lords  agreed  to  :  But  ordered  that  he  fhould  ftand    v    l548'   t 
committed  to  the  Lieutenant  of  the  Toivcr,  there  to        A   ^ 
be  kept  in  fafe  Cuftody  during  the  Pleafure  of  that 

April  21.  A  remarkable  Affair  relating  to  the 
Univerfity  of  Oxford,  we  find,  is  this  Day  entered 
in  the  Lords  journals,  which  fufficiently  explains 

the  HEADS  of  a  REPORT  made  to  the  Committee  of 
Lords  and  Commons  for  Reformation  of  the  Univer- 
fity of  Oxford  from  their  Vifitors,  concerning  all  the 
Pa/ages  whiljl  the  Earl  of  Pembroke,  Chancellor 
of  the  Univerfity,  was  there. 

TH  E  Chancellor  did  behave  himfelf  in  the  Proceedings  of 
whole  Bufmefs  with  fmgular  Zeal,  Fidelity,  ^7^°™^" 
and  Patience;  vindicating  the  Authority  of  Par- the  un;v 
liament,  encouraging  all  thofe  that  did  appear  for  Oxford, 
the  PublicGood,difcountenancingthe  Malignants 
and  Oppofites,  and  exceedingly  advanced  the 
Reformation  of  that  Univerfity;  and,  that,  he 
migh  give  fpecial  Teftimony  of  his  good  Affec- 
tions to  Piety  as  well  as  Learning,  he  gave  to 
the  Univerfity  a  Bible,  lately  printed  in  Frar.ce, 
in  the  original  Tongues  and  other  learned  Lan- 
guages ;  he  was  entertained  by  the  Vifitors  and 
theip  Delegates  with  feveral  Orations  in  EngHJb 
and  Latin,  and  with  many  Verfes  from  the  young 
Students,  that  either  came  to  the  Univerfity  fince 
the  Surrender  of  Oxford,  or  elfe  were  conftrained 
to  leave  the  Univeriaty  in  the  King's  Time.  : 
*  The  Chancellor  and  Vifitors-  went  to  the  fe-  , 
veral  Colleges,  and  inverted  the  feveral  Heads  of 
Houfes  and  Prebendaries  of  ChnJl-Church  (a], 
put  in  by  the  Parliament.  They  were  waited 

'  on 

(<A  Dr.  fell,  Dean  a'  Cbrift-Cbtrcb,  with  Dr.  Garlittr,"Dr.  IJJft, 
»nd  Dr.  M'.-rlcy,  Csnons,  had  b.en  expdlcd  that  Uiiiverfi./  in  the- 
Beginning  of  Manb, 

<fbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

c  on  by  fix  Beadles,  who  were  chofen  in  the  room 

*  of  thofe  who  were  withdrawn,  and  had  taken 
'  their  Staves  out  of  the  Way  ;  fo  that  my  Lord 
'  and  Vifitors  had  no  Infignia,  but  a  Seal  which 
'  the  Vifitors  found  cafually,   all  the  reft  being  de- 
'  tained  from  them,  and  the  Men  in  whole  Hands 

*  the  Infignia  were  laft  being  withdrawn. 

c  In  going  to  the  feveral  Colleges,  the  Chancel- 
'  lor  and  Vifitors  found  the  feveral  Societies  gene- 
'  rally  diflaffected  and  difobedient  to  the  Power  of 
c  the  Parliament. 

'  That  none  of  them  who  were  there  in  the 
'  King's  Time,  that  we  could  have  Notice  of,  dkl 
'  give  their  Attendance  on  the  Chancellor  and  Vifi- 

*  tors,  though  they  had  Warning  to  appear  in  the 
«  public  Halls. 

'  When  they  came  to  the  feveral  Colleges  to  in- 

*  veft  the  Heads  placed  by  the  Parliament,  none  of 
'  the  College  Gates   were    fet  open  to  receive  the 
'  Chancellor  and  Vifitors  ;  and  none  of  the  Heads 
'  of  Houfes  or  Members  of  the  Univerfity,  of  the 
c  old   Stock,   came  to  prefent  their  Service  to  the 
'  Chancellor,  excepting  two  or  three,  whofe  Intereft 

*  and  private  Occafions  brought  them  to  him. 

'  The  Chancellor  and  Vifitors  were  confrrained 
4  to  make  their  Way  into  feveral  of  their  Lodgings 

*  with  an  Iron  Wedge,   and  to  keep  Pofleffion  by 
'  Soldiers ;  and  in  fome  Colleges  where  the  Chan- 
'  cellor  and  Vifitors  had  entered  the  Names  of  fuch 

*  as  were  put  into  Places  by  the  Parliament,  they 

*  were  razed  out  again,  and  the  Leaf  torn  out  where 
'  they  were  entered. 

*  Dr.  Sheldon,  the  former  Warden  of  All-Souls, 

*  was  committed  for  his  contemptuous  Carriage.' 

The  Committee  of  Lords  and  Commons  for 
Reformation  of  the  Univerfity  of  Oxford  having 
prefented  this  Report  from  their  Vifitors,  to  both 
Houfes,  refpe<5Hvely,  they  thereupon  made  the  fol- 
lowing Orders,  viz. 

i.  «  That 

«/   ENGLAND.  in 

1.  <  That  Thanks  be  given  to  the  Earl  of  Pern- 
c  broke^  Chancellor  of  the  Univerfity  of  Oxford^  for 
«  his  great  Care  and  Pains  in  fettling  the  faid  Uni- 
c  verfity  according  to  the  Authority  of  Parliament. 

2.  '  That  (in  regard  of  the  late  Contempt  of 
the  Fellows,  Ofiicers,   and  Members  of  Colleges 
in   Oxford  to  the   Authority   of    Parli  ment)    the 
Vifitors  may  fend  a  new  Summons  for  all  Fellows, 
Officers,  and  Members  of  the  feveral  Colleges  and 
Halls  ;  and  if  they  do  not  appear,  or,  appearing,  {hall 
not  fubmit  to  the  Authority  of  Parliament  in  the 
Vifitation,  that  then  the  Vifitors  {hall  have  Power 
to  fufpend,  for  the  prefent  j  and  to  certify  the  fame 
to  the  Committee  of  Lords  and  Commons  for  Re- 
formation of  the  Univerfity  of  Oxford  j  who,  upon 
Certificate  thereof,  fhall  have  Power  to  remove  and 
deprive   them  from  their   Places   in  the  refpe&ive 
Colleges   and  Halls,  and  to  expel  them  from  the 
Univerfity ;    and,    upon  Certificate   thereof  -from 
this  Committee,  the  Heads  of  Houles,  in  their  re- 
fpeclive  Colleges  and  Halls,  with  the  Vifitors,  {hall 
put  others  in  their  Places. 

3.  *  That  this  Order  be  forthwith  printed,  and 
that  the  Vifitors  do  publifh  it  in  the  Univerfity. 

4.  '  That   the  Burfers  and   Treafurers  of  the 
Colleges  in  Oxford  fhall  retain  and  keep  fuch  Mo- 
nies as  they  have  received,  without  making  any  Di- 
vidend,   until  they    fhall    receive  Order  from  the 
Committee  of  Lords  and  Commons  for  Reforma- 
tion of  the  Univerfity  of  Oxford:  And  that  from 
henceforth  all  Tenants  and  fuch  others,  as   are  to 
pay  any  Monies,  or  other  Duties,  to  any  College 
in  the  Univerfity  of  Oxford,  {hall  pay  the  fame  to 
the  Heads  of  the  Houfes  appointed  by  Authority  of 
Parliament  refpe£ttvely,or  to  thofe  whom  they  fhall 
appoint  to  receive  the  fame,  and  to  no  other:  And 
that  the  Acquittance  of  fuch  Heads  of  Houfes,  or 
of  fuch  as  they  fhall  appoint  to  receive  the  fame, 
fhall  be  fufficicnt   Warrant    and  Difcharge  to  th.e 
£bveral  Tenants  for  the  Payment  thereof  accord^ 

'The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  ingly,    notwithftanding    any    Condition    in   their 

^  *  *  '    *    Leafes  to  the  contrary.' 

Next  the  Articles  of  Impeachment  of  High 
Treafon,  and  other  high  Crimes  and  Mifdemeanors, 
brought  up  from  the  Houfe  of  Commons  againft 
Thomas  Adams^  Alderman  of  the  City  of  London^ 
were  read  :  But,  being  the  fame  as  thofe  againft  Sir 
"John  Gayre^  which  we  have  already  given,  are  un- 
neceflary  to  be  repeated. 

jfpril  22.  This  Day  the  Earl  of 'Northumberland 
acquainted  the  Lords,  that  the  Duke  of  York  had 
conveyed  himfelf  privately  from  St.  James's^  none 
of  his  Servants  knowing  of  it.  On  which  that 
Houfe  ordered  a  prefent  Conference  with  the  Com- 
mons, at  which  the  Earl  was  to  make  the  Narra- 
tive of  the  Manner  of  the'Duke's  Efcape,as  he  then 
had  done.  It  was  afterwards  agreed  by  the  Lords, 
that  the  Matter,  to  be  communicated  to  the  Com- 
mons at  this  Conference,  fhould  be  as  follows  : 

'  THAT  the  Lords  do  well  remember  that  it 


Narrative  of  the  was  reported  to  both  Houfes  from  the  Com- 

Dukeof  York's  mittee  of  Lords  and    Commons  at  Dcrby-Honfe, 
pe*  upon  a  former  Defign  of  the  Duke  of  York's. going 

away,  that  the  £arl  of  Northwnbcrhtnd  defired  that 
he  might  not  be  further  accountable  for  the  Duke 
of  York  ;  for  that  it  appeared  there  was  a  Defign  of 
taking  him  away,  and  that  the  Duke  was  conient- 
ingto  it. 

4  The  fame  Declaration  was  likewife  made  by 
the  faid  Earl  in  the  Houfe  of  Peers  ;  yet  notwith- 
ftanding this  Report  and  Declaration  of  the  faid 
Earl,  upon  the  Receipt  of  two  Letters  from  the 
Duke  of  York,  directed  to  the  Spenkers  of  both 
Hcufes,  by  which  he  engaged  his  Honour  and 
faith  never  to  engcge  himfelf  any  more  in  fucb 
Bufmefs,  both  Houfes  did,  by  a  Vote  of  the  zd  of 
1647,  defire  the  Earl  of  Nsrtbumberland, 


•f   ENGLAND.  113 

to  take  the  bed  Care  he  could  of  the  faid  Duke  An.  24  c«.  L 
and  the  reft  of  the  King's  Childrert,  and  to  continue    ^i648«^ 
them  ftill  under  his  Charge  and  Care;  which   the         April, 
faid  Earl  did  accept,  fo  as  he  might  not  be  account- 
able if  any  fuch  Accident  fliould  fall  out  as  that 
he  fliould  go  away. 

*  Upon  Confideration  thereof,  and  the  Account 
which  the  Earl  of  Northumberland  hath  this  Day 
given,  the  Lords  do  declare,  thi:t  they  are  fully 
Satisfied  that  the  laid  E arl  hath  difcharged  his  Duty 
and  Truft  fo  far  as  could  be  expected  from  him. 

The  Commons  gave  their  Concurrence  to  this 
Declaration  of  the  Lords,  and  immediately  refolved 
that  the  Allowance,  made  by  Parliament  to  the 
Duke  of  firkt  (hould  be  taken  off. 

April  24.  This  Day  there  was  a  Call  of  the 
Houfe  of  Commons,  when  306  Members  were 

The  fame  Day  more  Letters  and  Papers  from 
Scotland,  were  read  in  the  Houfe  of  Lords  : 

For  the  Right  Honourable  the  Earl  of  MAN- 
CHESTER, Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  PEERS  pro 

Edinburgh^  April  19,  1648. 
My  Lord, 

IN  our  laft  we  did  give  your  Lordfhip  an  Ac-  Lefters.ftc.fmm 
count  of  the  Anfwer   we  received  from  the  c  n^jj^nat 
Parliament  of  Scotland,  and  our  Delires,  if  your  Edinburgh. 
Lordfliip  thought  fit,  to  receive  your  Lordmip's 
further  Directions  thereupon;  now  we  {hall  only 
acquaint  your  Lordfliip  with  our  Reply  thereunto, 
a  Copy   whereof  is    inclofed ;    and   aflure  your 
Lordmip  of  our  E.eadinefs  to  obferve  all    your 
Lordlhip's  Commands  unto, 

My  Lord, 

Tour  Lordfnip's  mo/?  faithful  Servant, 
VOL.  XVII.  H  n* 


An.   24  Car.  I. 



*fhe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

April  19,  to  the  Parliament  of  SCOTLAND,  in 
Anfwer  to  theirs  of  the  iltb. 

Edinburgh,  April  19,  1648. 

\\7  E  have  received  your  Lordfhips  Anfwer  of 
*  V  the  1 2th  of  this  Inftant  April^  1648,  where- 
in we  do  not  find  any  thing  of  thofe  Papers 
which  were  delivered,  in  order  to  the  giving  Satif- 
faction  unto  this  Kingdom  concerning  fuch 
Monies  as  are  due  to  them,  and  to  the  Scots  Army 
in  Ireland^  from  the  Kingdom  of  England;  where- 
in both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England  are 
moft  willing  to  do  any  thing  in  their  Power,  for 
the  real  Performance  of  their  Engagements. 
'  For  that  which  your  Lordfhips  mention,  con- 
cerning our  Commiflion  and  Credential  Letters ; 
we  muft  affirm,  that  although  our  Letters  of 
Credence  were  only  dire&ed  to  the  Honourable 
the  Parliament  of  Scotland^  yet  we  did  fhew  unto 
the  Right  Honourable  the  Lord  Chancellor,  who 
was  lent  to  us  from  the  Honourable  the  Commit- 
tee of  Eftates,  that,  by  our  Inftruclions,  we  had 
Commiflion  and  Command  t3  make  Addrefs  unto 
that  Committee:  However,  we  do  gladly  take 
Notice  of  your  Lordfhip's  Readinefs  to  continue 
the  good  Correfpondency  betwixt  both  King- 
doms, and  the  Declaration  of  your  Refolutions  to 
keep  inviolably,  on  your  Part,  the  happy  Union 
to  which  both  Kingdoms  are  folemnly  engaged 
by  the  Covenant  and  Treaties ;  and  as  we  have 
feveral  Times  already,  fo  now  again  we  do,  in  the 
Name  of  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  Eng- 
land, declare,  That  it  is  their  Refolution  to  keep 
the  Union  inviolably,  on  their  Part  ;  and  we 
{hall  hope  that  both]  Kingdoms  (having  to  their 
former  Engagements' added  thefe  mutual  Declara- 
tions of  their  real  Intentions  therein)  will  be 
careful  not  to  do  any  tHing  which  may  increafe 
Jealoufies,  or  prov.oke  one  another  to  break  the 
Union,  which  is  fo  much  hoped,  defired,  and 

'  endeavoured 

^ENGLAND,  115 

*  endeavoured  by  thofe  that  are  Enemies  to  both  Al>-  *+  Car.  I. 

t     V         J  104&. 

'  rLmgdoms.  .     ,     '  .  ^* 

*  For  thofe  Deflres  your  Lordftiips  mention,  gi-        April, 

*  ven  in  by  your  Commiflioners  to  the  Parliament 

*  of  England,  we  are  confident  they  will  do  there- 

*  in  what  (hall   be  fit  to  mani  eft  their  Defire  of  a 
4  Brotherly  Union  with  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland. 

'  For  the  Anfwer  your  LoixHhips  were  pleafed  to 

*  give  to  our  Demands  of  Capt.  Wogan   and    his 
'  Troop,   Sir   Philip    Muf^rave    and    Sir    Thomas 

*  Glemham ;    if  it  were   only   according  to    your 

*  Lordftiips  Papers,  that,  by  the  Acl  of  Pacification 
'  and  Oblivion,  they  Were  fuch  as  were  to  be  re- 
'  ferred  to  their  Trial  by  Law,  yet  that,  as  we  con- 

*  ceive,  doth  imply  a  Ground  and  Juftification  of 
'  our  Demands}  for  they  being  in  this  Kingdom 

*  we  cannot  bring  them  to  Trial*  feeing  we  cannot 

*  purfue  them  hither  by  Force,   until   the  Parlia- 

*  ment  or  Eftates  of  this  Kingdom  do  deliver  them 

*  into  .our  Hands,  which  Was  the  Sum  of  our  De- 

*  mands  :  But  it  is  moft  cleaf  without  Difpute,  in 

*  one  of  the  laft  Claufes  in  the  faid  A6t,  that  no 

*  Perfons  who  fhall  be  cenfured  by  the  Parliament 

*  of  England,  as  thefe  are,  fhould  have  Shelter  or 
'  Protection  in  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland  ;  and  if 

*  your  Lordftiips  had  but  proceeded   at  prefent  to 
'  fuch  a  Refolution,  it  might  poflibly  have prevent- 

*  ed  Affronts  and   Threatnings   to    us  from  fome 

*  Englijhmen  here,  who  have  been  in  Arms  againft 
«  the  Parliaments  of  both  Kingdoms    H>wever,  we 

*  do  not  now  intend  to  trouble  your  Lordftiips  with 

*  any  thing  of  our  own  particular  Concernments. 

4  We  do  further  defire  your  Lordfliips  to  perufe 
«  that  Claufe  in  the  faid  Act,  wherein  it  is  pro- 

*  vided,  That  in  cafe  any  of  the  Subjefls,  of  any  of  the 

*  Kingdoms,  Jhall  rife  in  Arms,  or  make  Jf^ar  againft 

*  any  other  of  the  Kingdoms  and  Subjefts  thereof \  ivith- 

*  out    Lonfent  of  the    Parliament  of  that    Kingdotfi 

*  whereof  they  are  SubjeRs,   or  upon  which  they  de- 
'  pend,  that  they  Jhall  be  held,  reputed,  and  deemed 

*  as  Traitors  to  the  States  whereof  they  are  Subjefis  ; 

H  2  «  a*d 


.  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

and  that  both  the  Kingdoms^  in  that  Cafe,  be  bound  tb 
concur  in  the  repr  effing  of  thofe  that  Jhail  happen  to 
arife  in  Arms^  or  make  War  without  Confent  of  their 
own  Parliament :  From  whence  we  do  obferve, 
That  if  any  of  the  Subjects  of  the  Kingdom  of 
England^  in  Arms,  without  the  Confent  of  the 
Parliament  of  England^  as  Capt.  Wogan  and  his 
Troop  were  in  Cumberland  and  other  Parts  of 
England^  and  Sir  Philip  Mufaravet  Sir  Thomas 
Glemhatri)  and  Col.  George  Wray  are,  havingbeen 
Commanders  in  the  War  againft  the  Parliament 
of  England,  and  not  pardoned  by  them  ;  although 
they  thould  not  make  War  againft  any  other  of 
the  Kingdoms  or  Subje&s  thereof,  yet  both  King- 
doms are  bound  to  reprefs  them  :  Upon  which 
and  all  the  abovefaid  Grounds,  we  do  infift  upon 
our  former  Papers  $  that  the  aforefaid  Perfons,  be- 
ing now  in  this  Kingdom,  may  be,  by  your  Lord- 
fhips  Power  and  Authority^  delivered  unto  us.' 
By  Command  of  the  CommiJJioners  of  the  Parlia- 
ment 0/"  England, 


Pojl  Merid.  The  Lords  took  into  Confideration 
an  additional  Inftru&ion  to  be  fent  to  their  Com- 
miflioners  in  Scotland ;  but  firft  read  over  all  the 
Papers,  before  given,  delivered  to  the  Scots  Parlia- 
ment by  the  CommiffionerSj  according  to  their 
different  Dates* 

An  ADDITIONAL  INSTRUCTION  for  Charles  Earl 
^/"Nottingham,  Henry  Earl  c/"Stamfcrd,  Bryan 
Stapylton,  Robert  Goodwyn,  William  Afhurft, 
andjo\\n  Birch,  Efqrs.  CotnmiJJioners  from  the  Par- 
liament of  England  to  the  Parliament  of  Scotland, 
or  any  two  of  them. 

H  E  R  E  A  S  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament 
of  England  have  formerly  given  you  Inftruc- 
tions  to  demand  from  the  Parliament  of  Scotland, 
that  Capt.  Wogan^  and  his  Officers  that  are  Eng- 
KjbmtH,  and  alfo  the  Eriglijh  Officers  of  any  the' 
Forces  that  may  be  palTed  over  out  of  this  King- 

*  dom 

of    ENGLAND.  117 

'  dom  Into  Scotland-^  as  alfo  all  fuch  Officers  and  Fe-  An-  24.  Car.  I. 

*  formadoes  now  in  Scotland,  as   you  fhall  find  to  t 

4  have   at  any  Time  ferved   the  King  againft  the        Apriit 
4  Parliament,    may  be  all  forthwith  apprehended, 

*  ecured.  and  delivered  over  to  you,  to  be  fent  Pri- 
4  foners  into  England  ;  and  that  all  private  Soldiers 
'  may  be  difmountcd,  difperfed,  and  fent  home. 

4  And  whereas  you  "have,  in  purfuance  of  the 
4  faid  Instructions,  demanded  Capt.  fflogan  and 
c  othersj  and  have  received  from  the  Parliament 
4  of  Scotland  a  Paper  of  the  1 2th  of  April  for  an 
4  Anfwer  to  the  faid  Demand,  both  which  Demand 
4  and  Paper  you  have  tranfmitted  to  the  Houfes, 
'  who  have  thereupon  refolved,  That 'the  Anfwer 
4  given  to  you  by  the  Parliament  of  Scotland,  of  the 
4  1 2th  of  is  not  fatisfactory  : 

4  You  are  therefore  hereby  required  and  autho- 
4  rized  to  infift  upon  your  former  Demands,  as  to 
4  thofe  Perfons  demanded,  notwithftanding  the  faid 
4  Anfwer,  and  to  proceed  further,  as  by  your  In-  ,r 

'  ftructions  you  are  appointed, 

The  Parliament  now  began  to  think  the  Scots  In 
Earneft  for  a  War,  and  therefore  iflued  out  Money 
for  repairing  the  Fortifications  of  Neivcajlle^  Tin- 
mouth  Caftle,  //w//,  and  other  Northern  Fortrefies. 
They  alfo  appointed  a  public  Faft  to  be  held  on  the; 
2otb,  for  feeking  God^  in  fervent  Prayer,  for  his 
Blefling  upon  their  Confutations  and  Proceedings  : 
And  the  following  Declaration  thereupon  was  or- 
dered to  be  fent,  by  the  LorJ  Mayi  r,  to  the  Mini-* 
fters  of  the  feverai  Congregations. 

4  VY/Hatfover  Dangers  are  threatened  or  feared,  Declaration  OEJ 
'     **     either  by  Divifion    amongft  ourfelves,  Or occafion  °^ a 
4  Practices  from  Enemies  abroad,   we  have  ArTu-  pu  1C    a 
4  ranee  out  of  the  Word  of  God,  that  we  are  not  at 
4  all  in  the  leaft  Danger,   if  God  Almighty  be  not 

*  incenfed  againft  us  for  our  Sins  and  Wickednefs  j 

4  which  our  Confciences  teftify  that  he  is  exceed-  , 
4  ingly  againft  every  one  of  us  in  particular,  and  th$ 
*•  Kingdom  in  general  ;  yet  we  believe,  that  if  we 
H  3  4  do. 



7&?  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

do  heartily  and  fincerely  hun.ble  ourfelves,  and 
turn  to  f^e  kord,  crying  mightily  to  him  in  fer- 
vent  Prayer>  with  a  lively  Faith  in  Cbrifl,  we 
ihall  certainly  be  delivered  from  all  Evils  and 
Dangers,  and  enjoy  all  needful  Bleflings  and  Be- 
nefits to  the  whole  State  and  Kingdom  j  there- 
fore the  feveral  Minifterj  within  the  Cities  of  Lon- 
don and  Wejlminfter,  and  the  late  Lines  of  Commu- 
nication, in  their  reflective  Congregations,  arq 
defired,  upon  this  enfuing  Day  of  Humiliation, 
being  the  26th  of  this  Inftant  April,  earneftly  to 
feek  the  Lord,  who  is  the  God  of  all  Wifdom 
and  Help,  in  much  Mercy  to  this  fmful  and  di~ 
ftra&ed  Nation,  fo  to  direct  and  blefs  the  Coun- 
cils and  Proceedings  of  the  Parliament  at  this  pre- 
fent,  that  his  heavy  Judgments  may  be  diverted 
from  us,  and  Truth  and  Peace  eftablilhed  through- 
out the  three  Kindoms.' 

April  26.      This  Day   Alderman    Adams  was 
brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  to  re- 
Lords  on  the      ceive  his  Charge  of  High  Treafon,  and  other  high 
Impeachment     Crimes  and  Mifdemeanors   brought   up  from    the 
linflAidcrnun  Houfe   of   Commons    againfl-   him  ;  where,  being 
commanded  to  kneel  as  a  Delinquent,  he  defired  to 
be  excufed  from  kneeling;  which  Anfwer  the  Lords 
took  for  a  Contempt ;  and,  after  commanding  him 
to  withdraw,  fined  him  500 /.  to  be  eftreated  into 
the  Exchequer,  and  levied  forthwith. 

Then  he  was  called  in  again,  and  the  Speaker 
told  him,  That  their  Lordfhips  had  fined  him  5od/, 
for  his  high  Contempt  to  that  Houfe,  in  ref  ufmg  to 
kneel  at  their  Bar ;  and  then  commanded  his 
Charge  to  be  publickly  read  to  him,  which  was  ac- 
cordingly done.  Next  the  Speaker  told  him,  he 
(hould  have  a  Copy  of  his  Charge,  if  he  defired  it, 
and  Council  aligned  him  ;  which  was  accordingly 

Then  was  fhewn  him  a  Paper,  which  the  Lieu- 
tenant of  the  Tower  delivered  to  the  Houfe,  as  fent 
to  him  fr<  m  the  faid  Alderman  Adams ;  and  the 
Speaker  sflced  him,  Whether  the  faid  Writing, 


of   ENGLAND.  119 

j&ow  {hewed  him,  be  his  Hand- Writing  or  not;  and  An-  24  Car> 
whether  he  will  allow  the  Center  ts  of  it?  His  An-    .    l6*8' 
fwer   was,  That  he  did    acknowledge  the   Hand        April. 
Writing  to  be  his,  and  avowed  the  Matter  therein 
contained. — The  journals  leave  us  in  the  Dark  as 
to  the  Subject-Matter  of  this  Paper  :  But  we  have 
met  with  a  Copy  of  it,  printed  in  a  Pamphlet  of  the 
Times,  as  follows  (a) : 

To  our  Honoured  Friend  Colonel  TICHBURN,   Lieu- 
tenant of  the  Tower. 

*  \\7  E  received  a  Paper  from  you,   feeming  to 

*  *  *     authorize  you  to  carry  our  Perfons  before 
'  the  Lords  to  anfwer  to  a  Charge.     We  are  con- 

*  ftrained  to  inform  you  hereby,  that  our  Perfons 

*  ought  not  to  be  hurried  to  and  fro,  or  difturbed 

*  at   the    Pleafure  of  any  Man ;  neither  can  we 

*  yield  Obedience  to1  the  Commands  of  any,  which 
'  are  not  legal :  And  therefore,  in  cafe  you  intend 
4  to  difturb  us  on  Tuefday  next,  we  expect  to  fee  a 

*  legal  Warrant  from  fome  Perfon  or  Court  which 

*  have  a  Jurifdiction  over  us  in  cafe  of  a  real  or 

*  fuppofed   Crime :    And  we  muft  acquaint  you, 

*  That  the  Lords  have  no  legal  Power  to  fummon 
^  us  to  anfwer  to  any  Crime  whereof  we  are  accufed 
'  or  fufpecledj  and  therefore  you   muft  expect  to 
'  anfwer  for  whatfoever  Injury  you  offer  to  our 

*  Perfons.     And  know  hereby,  that  we  {hall  not 
'  voluntarily  go  from  hence  to  Wejlmlnjler  by  vir- 

*  tue  of  the  Paper  received,  but  {hall  fuffer  you  to 

*  carry  us,  if  you  {hall  fend  a  Force  which  we  can- 
'  not  refift.' 

Your  Friends  and  Servants^ 

from   cur   Chanbtr,    in  THOMAS    ADAMS, 



H  4  Hereupon 

£»)  London,  printed  for  J.  Norris,  April i^,  1648.  The  Sccor.d 
Edition  correfted.  In  the  Title  Page  it  is  defued  to  be  read  in  all 
the  Parifli  Churches  of  England  and  Wales,  publickly  and  openly, 
that  fo  the  People  thereby  may  be  inftruftcd  in  their  Laws  and 
Liberties.  *  ' 

120  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

14  Car.  I.  Hereupon  the  Lord?  ordered,  l  That  AldermaK 
Adams  {hail  ftand  comn  itced  to  the  Tower  of  Lon- 
don up  n  the  Charge  of  High  Treafon,  and  other 
high  Crimes  and  Mifdemeanors  brought  up  from  the 
Houfe  of  Commons  againft  him,  there  to  remain. 
during  the  further  Pleafure  o!  fiis  Houfe.' 

Alderman  Lang-      Next  John  Langham  and  James  Bunce,  Aldermen, 

ham,  andAdcr-  were  called  in  fcparaiely,   and  both  fet  to  the  Bar, 

nun  Buace.        an(j  commancje(}  to  knee}  ;  which  they  alfo  refufmg, 

were  each  fined   500  /.    for  their  Contempt,   and 

were  remanded  back  to  the  Tower.   The  Fines  were 

ordered  to  be  eftreated  forthwith,  and  Copies  of  the 

Writs  for  thatPuqore  are  entered  in  the  Journals.' 

Information  of  ^n  ^e  ^  °^  th's  Month  Information  had  been 
the  Scots  -mend-  made  upon  Oath,  before  the  Lord  Mayer  of  Low- 
ing to  march  up  fjon^  by  one  John-Everard,  *'  That  he  being  in  Bed, 
to  Londtn  ;  at  ^  Garter  Inn  at  Wmdfor,  three  D.tys  before, 
over-heard  fome  Gentlemen  in  the  next  Chamber 
(who  he  believed  were  Officers  of  General  Fair- 
fax's Army)  difcourfing  together  to  this  Effect; 
That  they  doubted  not  but  the  Scots  U'o;Jd  come  /'«,  and 
that  the  City  ^/"London  would  join  with  the  Scots  ; 
for  preventing  of  u;hi:h  they  found  no  M  ay  but  to  dif- 
arm  the  City^  Friend  and  Foe  ;  qnd  aftenvards  they 
•would  intimate,  thai  fuch  as  were  Friends  to  the  Army 
Jhcul'l  come  forth  into  the  Fields  and  there  be  armed^ 
and  aljy  maintained  at  the  Charge  of  the  Citizens^  fo 
long  as  was  thought  ft  to  continue  'them,  and  fo  keep  the 
reft  in  awe  :  That  the  City  Jhwid  "tvc.n.e  a  Million  of 
Money,  or  elfe  be  plundered:  And  that  they  had  a£- 
qu3in(t>d  CommiJ/ary-Generallrctvn  therewith.  Here- 

^  Thf  ^  Mayor,    Aldermen^  and 

rom  Common  Council  of  London  prefenied  a  Petition 

the  Chy  of  L-.n-  tn  V-0i'ri   Houfes,   (to  which  was   annexed   a  Copy 

HOUJ°  b0lh       ^  Everard's  Information)   fetting  forth   that  they 

had  received  divers  Reports  to  the  fame  EtFecl,  by 

Letters  from  different  Parts  of  the  Kingdom,  and 


of    E  N  <3  L  A  N  D.  121 

from  abroad  ;  and  therefore  defiring  that  a  proper  An.  24  Car. 
Examination  might  be  made   into   this  Bufmefs,        l6<lS- 
and  fuch  Gourfe  taken  therein  as  the  Houfes  fhould  * — T^ 
think  fit :  Alfo  that  the  Chains  of  the  City,  which 
had  been  lately  taken  down,  might  be  fet  up  again : 
The   Army   be    removed   to   a  farther  Diftance  : 
And  that  an  Ordinance  might  pafs  to  appoint  Ma- 
jor-Gentral   Sfcippon   to    be   Major-General    over 
the  Forces  of  the  City,  and   within  the  Lines   of 
Communication  and  Bills   of  Mortality,    for  De- 
fence of  them  and  the  ParlLmenr;  to  whom  the 
City  refolveJ   to  adhere  according  to  the  Solemn 
League  and  Covenant. 

The  Lords  gave  the  Petitioners  Thanks  for  therr 
good  Affections  and  Refolutions  to  adhere  to  the 
Parliament  according  to  the  Covenant :  That  as  to 
the '  fet  ting  up  apiin  the  Chains  of  the  City,  they 
leave  it  to  the  Lord-Mayor  and  Common-Council 
to  do  as  they  think  fit:  And  that  as  to  Major-Gene- 
ral Skippon,  he  being  a  Member  of  the  Houfe  of 
Commons,  they  can  do  nothing  without  the  Aifent 
of  that  Houfe,  but  will  take  the  Matter  into  farther 

The  fame  Petition,  with  a  Copy  of  Everard's 
Information,  was  prefented  to  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons, who  approved  the  Defires  of  the  Lord  Mayor 
and  Common  Council  concerning  Major-General 
Skippon;  ordered  the  Militia  to  fee  the  Chains  fet 
up  again  ;  and  gave  their  Thanks  to  the  Petitioners. 
The  Speaker  was  alfo  ordered  to  acquaint  them, 
Tnat  the  Oceafnn  of  Part  of  the  Army's  being 
driwn  fo  near,  was  the  late  Tumults  ;  that  the. 
Houfe  would  take  this  Bufmefs  into  Confideration, 
and  proceed  thereupon  in  fuch  Manner  as  might  be 
moft  for  the  Good  and  Safety  of  the  Parliament 
and  City,  fo  far  as  thereby  they  might  receive  Satif- 

April  28.    Under  the  great  Confirmation  the 
Parliament  was  then  in,  it  is  natural  to  fuppofe  that 
-they  might  once  more  have  caft  their  Eyes  on  the 
King;  and  endeavour  to  oblige  the  Scotn,  by  Soften- 

122  tte  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

in  thofe  rigorous  Votes  they  had  patted  againft  any 
Reconciliation  with  him.  Accordingly  we  find, 
in  the  'Journals  of  the  Commons,  that  a  Queftion 
was  propofed  in  that  Houfe  this  Day,  That  they 
Votes  of  the  w^l  not  a^ter  the  fundamental  Government  of  the 
Commons  reUt- Kingdom,  by  King,  Lords,  and  Commons.  And 
ing  to  the  Set-  another  Queftion  being  alfo  put,  Whether  this 

NaTio"  Word  wl11  fo°uld  be  in  il  ?  ifc  was  carried  in  the 

Affirmative,  165  againft  99  ;  fo  that  it  was  refol- 
ved  upon  the  Queftion,  c  That  they  will  not  alter 
the  Fundamental  Government  of  the  Kingdom  by 
King,  Lords,  and  Commons.' 

After  which  it  was  refolved,  '  That  the  Matter 
of  the  Propofitions  fent  to  the  King  at  Hampton- 
'  Court,  by  Confent  jof  both  Kingdoms,  fhall  be  the 
Ground  of  the  Debate  for  the  Settlement  of  the 
Peace  of  the  Kingdom.'  Thefe  Words,  That  the 
Matter  of,  were  prefixed  to  the  Refolution,  after 
Debate,  by  a  Majority  of  108  againft  105. 

Next  it  was  propofed,  *  That  Leave  be  given  to 
any  Members  of  this  Houfe,  in  Debate  of  the  Set- 
tlement of  the  Kingdom,  to  propound  any  thing 
for  the  fame  as  they  fhall  think  fit,  notwithftanding 
the  Votes  of  the  third  of  January  laft ;'  which 
was  carried  alfo  in  the  Affirmative,  by  146  againft 


May  i.  A  Letter  from  Colonel  Jones,  in  Ireland, 
was  read  : 

To  the  Right   Hon.   the  Earl  of  MANCHESTER, 
Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  LORDS. 

Dublin,  April  19,  1648. 
Right  Honourable, 

Col.  Jones'*  Let- 
ter concerning 
the  State  of  ire- 

the  great 
and    the 

T  Shall  reprefent  to  the  Officers  here 
*  Senfe  you  have  of  their  Condition, 
plentiful  Supplies  made  by  you  for  this  Service, 
which  cannot  but  be  unto  all  of  them  of  very 
great  Encouragement,  for  the  going  through  the 
Work  in  all  Chearfulnefs ;  and  for  the  more  full 
enabling  us  thereto,  I  make  bold  thus  again  ear- 
neftly  to  prefs  Supplies  of  Horfe  and  Foot,  with- 

'  out 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  123 

*  out  which,  notwithftanding  all  other   ProvifionAn.  24  Car.  I. 
4  made,  nothing  coniiderable  can  be  expected  to  be 

*  done  by  us  ;  your  Army  here  being  fo  far  weak-        M 

*  ened  that,  at  prefent,  we  ftand  but  in  a  defenfive 
'  Pofture  only. 

*  The  Expences    therein  formerly  dilburfed,  to 
'  go  no  further  than  recruiting,  is  200  /.  to  each 
4  Troop ;  which,   among   the  35  Troops  here,  a- 
'  mourueth  to  7000 /.  and  the  thirteen  Regiments 

*  of  Foot,  at  5c  o  Men  to  each  Regiment,  and  20J. 
'  to  each  Man,  is  6500 /.  fo  as  for  recruiting  both 

*  Horfe  and  Foot,  the  Charge  would  be  13,5007. 
'  befides  their  Quarters  until  they  be  fhipped.     It 

*  will  be  a  Sum  very  well  fpent,  thereby   gaining 
'  this  Province,  a  confiderable  Part  of  the  KingT 
4  dom  ;  and  whatfoever  (hall  be  fo  difburfed,  being 
'  to  be  trebly  recompenced  in  what  fhall  be  fpared 
'  in  your  Magazines,  by  our  after  living  upon  the 

*  Enemy's  Qusrters.    I  prefs  this  the  more  earneft- 
'  ly,  that,  being  fo  fupplied,  all  other  Preparations 

*  be  not  loft  in  our  lying  ftill  ;  that  thereby  alfo  I 
'  may  be  in  a  Condition  for  overpowering  and  fup- 
'  preffing  Malignants  j  whom,  having  Power  in  my 

*  Hands,  I  fhall  fecure  from  hurting  ;  and,  by  fuchi 
e  Supplies  timely  made  over  to  us,  I  am  very  confi^ 

*  dent,  with  God's  Blefling,  this  Province  may  be 

*  fpeedily    reduced;  which,    with   the  reft  of  the 

*  Kingdom,  hath  already  held  out  againft  you  in  al- 

*  moft  a  feven  Years  War,  with  fuch  vaft  Expence 
•'  of  Blood  and  Treafure. 

*  The  Iniquity  of  the  Times  and  Malignity  of 
1  fome  is  fo  great,  that  I  (hall  dcfire,  as   formerly 

*  I  have  often  defired,  that,  for  better  Satisfaction 

*  in  this  zealous  Age,  fome  one  of  Place,  Power. 

*  and  Abilities  may  be  thence  defigned  for  the  Ma- 

*  nagement  of  your  Affairs   here,  under  whom  I 

*  fhall  ferve  with  all  Chearfulnefs  ;  refolving,  to  the 
«  laft  of  my  Power,  Life,  and  Fortune,  to  be  to  the 

*  Public,  and  therein  to  your  Lordfhip, 

A  moji  con/i ant  faithful  Servant, 


May  2. 

tfbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

2'     ^  ^etter  fr°m  the  Parliament  of 
elated  at  Edinburgh,  Jpril26, 1648,  was  read* 

70  the  Right  Honourable  the  SPEAKER  of  the  Houfe 
of  PEERS  pro  Ternpore,  to  be  communicated  to  the 
LORDS  and  COMMONS  afjembled  in  the  Parliament 
^England  at  Weftminfter, 

Right  Honourable, 

Another  from    <  np  H  E  Parliament  of  Scotland,  now  aflernbleds 
'  being  refolved.  by  all  fair  and  juft  Means, 

'  to  endeavour  the  preferving  and  maintaining  the 
'  brotherly  Union  and  good  Correfpondency   be- 

*  twrxt  the  Kingdoms,  to  which  by  fo  many  Bonds 
<  and  Ties,  they  are  mutually  obliged  ;  yet  being 

*  very  fenfible   that    the  many  juft  and  neceflary 

*  Deflres,  given  in  by  their  Commiflioners,  by  Or-, 

*  der  from  this   Kingdom,   for  the  Good  of  Reli- 
'  gion,  of  his  Majefty,  and  for  the  Intereft  of  Scot- 

*  landy  have   not  received  a  fatisfaftory  A,nfwer  ; 
c  and   confidering  the  many  great  and    imminent 
'  Qangers  threatening  Religion,  his  Majefty's  Per- 
'  fon  and  Authority,  yea  Monarchical  Government 

*  itfelf,  and    the  Peace  and  Union   of  thefe    two 
'  Kingdoms  of  Sc.tlandznd  England,  by  the  Power 
'  and    Prevalance    of    Sectaries    and    their    Ad- 
'  herents,   have  thought    fit  to   make    thefe  juft 
'  and  neceflary  Demands  to  the  HonourablesHoufes 
'  of  the  Parliament  of  England^  to  which  the  Par- 

*  liament  deftres  a  clear  2nd  fatisfa&ory  Anfwer  ^ 
'  not  having  the  leaft  Thought  or  Intention  to  in- 
4  croach  upon  the  National  "Rights  of  the  King- 
Vdom  of  England,  nor  to  entrench   upon  the  Pri- 

*  yileges   of  Parliament ;    but  their  Zeal    to  the 

*  Glory  of  God,  their  Loyalty   to  their  King,  and 

*  their  Defire  of  Unity   betwixt    the  Kingdoms, 

*  have  moved    them    to  make  thcfe  inclofed  Dc- 

*  mands,  whereby  Religion  may  be  fettled  accord- 

*  ing  to  the  Covenant,  his  Majefty  may  enjoy  his 

*  Freedom  and  juft  Rights  ;  and  fo,  by  fettling  a 

*  religious  and  fafe  Peace,  the  preieiit  Confufion& 

1  and 

of   ENGLAND. 

and  Diftempers  may  be  removed,  and  all  Occa- 
fions  of  Miftakes  and  Differences   betwixt  the 
two  Kingdorrs  prevented. 
*  This  is  all  I  have  in  Command  from  the  Par- 
liament, in  whofe  Name  this  is  fubfcribed  by, 
Tour  LordJM.p's  affectionate  Friend, 

and  bumble  Servant, 
LOUD  ON,  Cam: 
Prefident  of  the  Parliament: 

of  the  Parliament   of 
Honourable  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England, 
"referred  to  in  the  foregoing. 

Edinburgh,  April  2^,  1648. 

I.  <  t  T  is  defired,  that   an   effectual  Courfe  be  And  the!r  ^ 
*  *   taken  by  the  Houfes,  for  enjoining  the  Co-  fires  touching 

*  venant  to  be  taken   by   all  the  Subjects  of  the  Jj|«  j^"1^' 
Crown  of  England,  conform  to  the  firft  Article         " 
of  the  Treaty,  and  conform  to  the  Declaration 
of  both  Kingdoms^  in  Anno  1643 ;  by  which  all 
who  would  not  take  the  Covenant,  were  declared 
to  be  public  Enemies  to  Religion  and  the  Coun- 
try, and  that  they  are  to  be  cenfured  and  punifh- 
ed  as  profefled  Adverfaries  and  Malignants  ;  and 
that    Reformation  and  Uniformity  in    Religion 
be    fettled    according  to    the   Covenant :    That 
as  the  Houfes  of  Parliament  have  agreed  to  the 
Directory  of  Worfhip,   fo    they  would    take   a 
real  Courfe  for  pra£lifing  thereof  by  all  the  Sub- 
jects of  England  and  Ireland:  That  the  Confef- 
fion  of  Faith,  tranfmitted  by  the  AiFembly  of  Di- 
vines to  the  Houfes,  be  approved  j  and  that  Pref- 
byterian  Church-Government,  with  a  Subordina- 
tion of  the  lower  AfTembiies  to  the  higher,  be  fet- 
tled and  fully  eftabliflied  in  England  and  Ireland; 
and  that  effe&ual  Courfe  be  taken  for  iupprefling 
and  extirpating  all  Herefies  and  Schifms,  particu- 
larly  Socixianijm,  Arminianifm,    Arianifm,    Ana- 
baptifm^    Antinomiinifm^    Erajilanifrn,     Familifmy 
Brown  fa,    an  J    Independency  ;    and    for  perfect- 
ing of  w.iat  is  yet  further^to  be  done,  for  extirpat- 

'  ing 

1 26  The  Parliamentary  H  r  s  T  o  R  Y 

ing  Popery  and  Prelacy,  and  fuppreffing  the  Prac- 
tice of  the  Service-Book,  commonly  called  The 
Book  of  Englim.  Common  Prayer. 

II.  '  That,  conform  to    the   former  Defires  of 
this    Kingdom,  the   King's   Majefty   may  come 
with  Honou  ,  Freedom,  and  Safety  to  fome  of  his 
Houfes  in  or  near  London,  that  the  Parliaments  of 
both  Kingdoms  may  make  their  Applications  to 
him,  for  obtaining  his  Royal  Affent  to  fuch  De- 
fires   as  (hall   be  by  them  prefented  to  him  for 
eftablilhing   of  Religion  as  is   above  exprefled, 
and  fettling  a  well-grounded  Peace. 

III.  *  That  all    the  Members  of  both  Houfes, 
who  have  been  faithful  in  this  Caufe,  may  freely 
and  fafely  return  and  attend  their  Charges  ;  the 
City  of  London  may  enjoy  its  Liberties  and  Privi- 
leges which  k  had  before  the  late  Encroachment 
of  the  Army  ;  the   Parliament  may  fit  and  vote 
with  Freedom  and  Safety  ;  roth  Kingdoms  with- 
out Interruption  or  Difturbance,  may  make  their 
Applications  to  his  Majefty;  and  the  fettling  of 
Religion  and  Peace  may  not  longer  be  hindered 
and   obftrucled ;  it   is  defired,  that   the    prefent 
Army  of  Sectaries,  under  the  Command  ofTbomat 
Lord  Fairfax  of  Cameron,  be  difbanded  ;  and  none 
employed  but  fuch  as  have  or  fhall  take  the  Co- 
venant, and  are  well-affe&ed  to  Religion  and  Go- 
vernment ;  excepting    from  the  faid  Difbanding 
the  Garrifons  neceflary  to  be  kept  up  by  the  Par* 
liament  of  Eng/andfor  the  Security  of  that  King- 
dom, which  are  defired  to  be  commanded  by  fuch 
as  have  or  mail  take  the  Covenant,  and  are  well- 
afte&ed  to  Religion  and  Government  as  aforefaid, 

LOUDON,  Cane: 

Prejident  of  Parliament. 

The  Speaker  further  declared,  that  the  MefTen- 
ger  that  brought  this  Letter  told  him,  he  had  Di- 
rections from    the   Parliament   of  Scotland  to  ftay 
in  England  but  fifteen  Days  after  the  Delivery  of 
2  this 

of   ENGLAND.  127 

this  Letter :  whereupon  the  Lords  ordered  it  to  be  An>  *4  Car.  j. 
immediately  communicated  to  the  Commons.  t  _'  *  '  . 


The  Scots  had  frequently  exprefled  a  Jealoufy  of 
the  Parliament's  falling  off  from  their  Solemn 
League  and  Covenant.  To  remove,  therefore;,  all 
fuch  Imputations,  they  pafled,  this  Day,  the  fol- 
lowing Inquifitorial  Ordinance  (a) :  It  is  not  print- 
ed in  Mr.  Ru/hworth's  Collections ;  and  Mr.  Whit- 
locks  only  fays  of  it,  *  The  Ordinance  againft 
Blafphemy  and  Herefy,  in  fome  Cafes  the  Punifh- 
ment  being  Death,  in  other  Cafes  Abjuration,  fffr. 
pafled  both  Houfes  j  but  not  without  much  Oppo- 
fition  (£).' 

"C*  O  R   the  preventing    of    the    Growth  and  An  Ordinance 

Spreading  of  Herefy  and  Blafphemy,  be  it  for  fupprefling  of 
ordained  by  the  Lords  and  Commons  in  this  pre-  Herefy  and  Blaf- 
fent  Parliament  aflembled,  That  all  fuch  Perfons  pheBDy> 
as  fhall,  from  and  after  the  Date  of  this  prefent 
Ordinance,  willingly,  by  Preaching,  Teaching, 
Printing,  or  Writing,  maintain  and  publifli  that 
there  is  no  God  j  or  that  God  is  not  prefent  in  all 
Places ;  doth  not  know  and  foreknow  all  Things ; 
or  that  he  is  not  Almighty  }  that  he  is  not  per- 
fectly holy ;  or  that  he  is  not  eternal ;  or  that  the 
Father  is  not  God,  the  Son  is  not  God,  or  that 
the  Holy  Ghoft  is  not  God,  or  that  they  three  are 
not  one  eternal  God  :  Or  that  fhall,  in  like 
Manner,  maintain  and  publifli,  that  Chrijt  is  not 
God  equal  with  the  Father  j  or  {hall  deny  the 
Manhood  of  Cbri/t;  or  that  the  Godhead  and 
Manhood  of  Chr'ift  are  feveral  Natures  ;  or  that 
the  Humanity  of  Chrift  is  pure  and  unfpotted  of 
all  Sin  :  Or  that  (hall  maintain  and  publifli,  as 
aforefaid,  that  Chri/i  did  not  die,  nor  rife  from  the 
Dead,  nor  is  afcended  into  Heaven  bodily ;  or 
that  ihall  deny  his  Death  is  meritorious  in  the  Be- 
half of  Believers ;  or  that  (hall  maintain  and  pub- 
lifli as  aforefaid,  That  Jefut  Chriji  is  not  the  Son 

«  of 

(a]  From  Sctbtll's  Col'eftioa  of  Aftsand  Ordinance*. 
(*)  Memsr:a!st  p.  302. 

1 2  8  'ffie  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

-^Car.i.  «  of  God;  or  that  the  Holy  Scriptures  of  the  OH 

v.  '   ;     *  and  New  Teftament,  are  not  the  Word  of  God  ; 

May.         '  °r   that  the  Bodies  of  Men  (hall  not  rife  again 

*  after  they  are  dead  ;  or  that  there  is  no  Day  of 
'  Judgment  after    Death:  All    fuch   maintaining 

*  and    publifhing   of  fuch  Errors,  with  Obftinacy 
'  therein*   (hall,    by    virtue    hereof,    be    adjudged 

<  Felony  ;  arid  all  fuch    Perfons,   upon  Complaint 
'  and  Probf  made  of  the  fame,  in  any  of  the  Cafes 
'  aforefaid,  before  any  two  of  the  next  Juftices  of 
'  the  Peace  for  that  Place  or  County,  by  the  Oaths 

<  of  two   Witnefies,-  (which   faid  Juftices  of  the 
e  Peace,  in  fuch  Cafes,  fhall  hereby  ruve  Power  to 
'  adminifter)  or  Confeflion  of  the  Party,  the  faid 

*  Party  fo  accufed  fhall  be,  by  the  faid  Juftices  of 
'  the  Peace,  committed  to  Prifon,  without  Bail  or 

*  Mainprize,  until  the  next  Goal-Delivery  to  b6 
'  holden  for  that  Place  or  County  ;  and  the  Wit* 
c  hefTes  likewife  {hall   be  bound  over  by  the  faid 
'  Juftices  unto  the  faid  Goal-Delivery,  to  give  in 

*  their  Evidence  :  And  at  the  faid  Goal-Delivery 
4  the    Party    fhall   be   indicted   for  publifhing  and 

*  maintaining  fuch  Error  :  And  in  Cafe  the  Indicl- 
'  ment  be  found,  and  the  Party,  upon  his  Trial, 

*  {hall  not  abjure  his  faid  Error,  he  (hall  fuffer  the 

*  Pains  of  Death,   as  in  Cafe  of  Felony^  without 

*  Benefit  of  Clergy.     But  in  Cafe  he  {hall  abjure 

*  his  faid  Error,  he  {hall   neverthelefs  remain    in 
e  Prifon  until  he  {hall  find  two  Sureties  that  {hall 

*  be  bound  with  him,  before  two  or  more  Juftices 

*  of  the  Peace  or  Gaol-Delivery,  that  he  {hall  not 
'  from    thenceforth   publifli  or  maintain  the  faid 

*  Errors   any   more  :  And   the  faid    Juftices  {hall 

*  hereby  have  Power  to  take  Bail  in  fuch  Cafes. 

'  That  in  cafe  any  Perfon^  formerly  indicted  for 

*  publiftiing  and  maintaining  fuch  erroneous  Opi- 
'  nions  as  aforefaid,  and  abjuring  the  fame,    {hall 
'  neverthelefs  agdn  publifti  and  maintain  his  former 
'  Errors,  and  the    fame  be  proved  as  aforefaid,  he 
1  {hall  be  committed  to  Prifon  as  formerly,  and  at 

*  the  next  Goal-Delivery  {hall  be  indicted  as  afore- 
1  faid.     And  in  cafe  the  Indi&inent  be  then  found 

6  upon 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  129 

*  opon  the  Trial;  and  it  fliall  appear  that  the  Party  An.  94-  car.  I. 
'  was  formerly  convicted  of  the  fame  Error,  and  ab-    ^   *  *8     j 

*  jured  the  fame,  the  OfFender.mall  fuffer  Death  as         j^^ 

*  in  Cafe  of  Felony,  without  Benefit  of  Clergy. 

'  That  every  Perfon  that  fhall  publifh  and  main- 

*  tain  any  of  the  following  Errors,  viz.  That  all 
'  Men  fliall  be  faved  ;  or  that  Man,    by  Nature, 

*  hath  Free-will  to    turn    to  God  ;  or  that  God 

*  may  be  worfhiped  in  or  by  Pictures  or  Images  ; 
'  or  that  the  Soul  of  any  Man,  after  Death,  goeth 
'  neither  to  Heaven  or  Hellj  but  to  Purgatory;  or 

*  that  the  Soul  of  Man  dieth  or  fleepeth  when  the 
'  Body  is  dead ;  or  that  Revelations  or  the  Work- 

*  ings  of  the   Spirit  arc  a  Rule  of  Faith  or  Ch'ri- 
s  ftian  Life,  though  contrary  to  the  written  Word 

*  of  God  5  or  that  Man  is  bound    to  believe  no 

*  more  than  by  his  Reafon  he  can  comprehend  ; 

*  or  that  the  Moral  Law  of  Godt  contained  in  the 

*  Ten   Commandments^  is  no  Rule   of  Chriftian 
'  Life  ;  or  that  a  Believer  need  not  repent  or  pray 

*  for  Pardon  of  Sins }  or  that  the  two  Sacraments 

*  of  Baptifm  and  the  Lord's  Supper  are  npt  Ordi- 
'  nances  commanded  by  the  Word  of  God  j  or 
'  that  the  Baptizing  of  Infants  is  unlawful,  or  fuch 
'  Baptifm  is  void,  and  that  fuch  Perfons  ought  to 
'  be  baptized  again,  and  in  purfuance  thereof  (hall 
'  baptize  any  Perfon  formerly  baptized  j  or  that 
'  the  Obfervation  of  the  Lord's  Day,   as  it  is  en- 

*  joined  by  the  Ordinances  and  Laws  of  this  Realm, 
c  is  not  according  or  is  contrary  to  the  Word  of 
'  God  ;  or  that  it  is  not  lawful  to  join  in  public 

*  Prayer   or  Family  Prayer,  or  to  teach.  Children 

*  to  pray  j  or  that  the  Churches  of  England  are  no 

*  true  Churches,  nor  their  Minifters  and   Ordi- 
'  nances  true  Minifters  and  Ordinances  ;  or   that 
'  the  Church-Government  by  Prefbytery  is  Anti- 

*  chriftian  or  unlawful ;  or  that  Magiftracy,  or  the 

*  Power  of  the  Civil  Magiftrate,  by  Law  eftablifh- 

*  ed  in  England,  is   unlawful ;  or  that  all  Ufe  of 

*  Arms,    though  for  the  Public  Defence,  and  be 
'  the  Caufe  never  fojuft,  is  unlawful  j  and  in  cafe 

*  the  Party  accufed  of  fuch  Publishing  and  Main- 
VOL.  XVII.  I  « taining 

1%e  Parliamentary  Hrst6RV 

taining  of  any  of  the  faid  Errors,  (hall  be  thereof 
convicted  by  the  Teftimony  of  two  or  more  Wit^ 
nefles  upon  Oath,  orConfeffion  of  the  faid  Party 
before  two  of  the  next  Juftices  of  the  Peace  for 
the  faid  Place  or  County,  whereof  one  to  be  of 
the  Quorum^  (who  are  hereby  required  and  au- 
thorized to  fend  for  Witnefles,  and  examine  upon 
Oath  in  fuch  Cafes  in  the  Prefence  of  the  Party) 
the  Party  fo  convicted  (hall  be  ordered  by  the  faid 
Juftices  to  renounce  his  faid  Errors  in  the  public 
Congregation  of  the  fame  Parilh  from  whence 
the  Complaint  doth  come,  or  where  the  Offence 
was  committed  ;  and  in  cafe  he  refufeth  or  neg- 
lc£teth  to  perform  the  fame,  at  the  Time  and 
Place  appointed  by  the  faid  Juftices,  then  he  (hall 
be  committed  to  Prifon  by  the  faid  Juftices,  until 
he  (hall  find  two  fufficieht  Sureties  before  two 
Juftices  of  Peace  for  the  faid  Place  or  County, 
(whereof  one  fhall  be  of  the  Quorum]  that  he  (hall 
not  publifh  or  maintain  the  faid  Errors  any  more. 
*  Provided,  That  no  Attainder,  by  virtue  hereof, 
fhall  extend  either  to  the  Forfeiture  of  the  Eftate 
Real  or  Perfonal  offuchPerfon  attainted,  or  Cor- 
ruption of  fuch  Perfon's  Blood.' 

May  6.  Petitions  having  come  up  from  feveral 
Counties  to  the  Parliament,  to  fettle  the  Govern- 
menti  and  reftore  the  public  Peace :  Hereupon, 
the  Houfe  of  Commons  thought  proper  to  fend  up 
fome  Votes  to  the  Lords  for  their  Concurrence, 
which  were  agreed  to,  and  are  as  follow  : 
Votes  of  both          *•  '  That  they  do  declare,  that  they  will  not  al- 
Houfes  in  favour «  ter  the  Fundamental  Government  of  the  Kingdom 
***£»£**  l  by  King,  Lords*  and  Commons. 
ZL     '  2.  .<  That  they  do  declare  themfelves  fully  re- 

folved  to  maintain  and  preferVe  inviolably  the  So- 
lemn League  and  Covenant,  and  the  Treaties  be- 
tween the  Kingdoms  of  England  and  Scotland -t 
and  that  they  fhall  be  ready  to  join  with  the  King- 
dom of  Scotland  in  the  Proportions  agreed  on  by 
both  Kingdoms,  prefented  to  the  King  at  Hampton- 

of   E  N  6  L  A  N  D.  131 

Court,    for  the    making  fuch  further  Proceedings  An>  *4 Car«  I» 
thereupon,  as  (hall  bethought  fit  for  the  Settlement  L 
of  the  Peace  of  both  Kingdoms,  and  the  Preferva- 
tion  of  the  Union  according  to  the  Covenant  and 

3.  «  That  this  laft  Vote  be  fent  to  the  Commif- 
fioriers  in  Scotland,  to  be  by  them  communicated  to 

the  Parliament  in  that  Kingdom.' Thefe  Votes 

were  carried  in  the  Houfc  of  Commons  without  any 

Next  another  Vote  was  read  about  a  Defire  o£ 
fending  to  the  Parliament  in  Scotland,  for  them  to 
fend  Commiflioners  into  England;  which  being  put 
to  the  Queftion  was  carried  in  the  Negative  by  the 
Lords.  But,  notwithftanding  thefe  feeming  paci- 
fic Proceedings,  the  Houfe  of  Commons  took  Care 
to  make  Peace  Sword  in  Hand,  by  paffing  a  Vote 
this  Day,  on  a  Divifion  of  127  againft  76,  That 
the  feven  Norhern  Counties  be  forthwith  put  into  a 
Pofture  of  Defence. 

About  this  Time  came  Advice  that  the  Duke  of 
Torky  who  had  lately  made  his  Efcape  from  the 
Earl  of  Northumberland^  was  arrived  at  the  Hague, 
where  he  was  kindly  received  by  his  Sifter,  the 
Princefs  Royal  of  Orange.  The  Manner  of  his 
Highnefs's  Efcape,  and  the  Circumftances  that 
occafioned  it,  are  particularly  related  by  Lord 
Clarendon  (d). 

May  9.  This  Day  the  following  Inftru&ion  for 
the  Parliament's  Commiflioners  at  Edinburgh, 
brought  up  from  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  were 
agreed  to  by  the  Lords* 

'  \7  O  U  or  any  two  of  you,  are  to  fignify  to  the  A  further  in- 
«    *     Parliament   of    Scotland,    or,    they   not  fit-  *™K™ » th* 

,.  10  •  T*A  '  rt.     Cumtniflioneuia 

*  ting,    to  the    Committee  of  the  of  the  Scotland. 
'  Kingdom,  That  the  Town  of  Berwick  and  the 
'  City  of  Carlijle  are  furprized  by   fome   Ddin- 
I  2  *  quents, 

(a)  Vol.  V.  £w;.  Edition,?.  130. 

City  of  London,  < 
relating  to  thck  « 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

quents,  Enemies  to  both  Kingdoms,  that  were 
lately  in  that  Kingdom ;  and  we  are  informed  it 
is  done  by  fome  of  thofe  that  were  demanded  of 
the  Parliament  of  Scotland.* 

Ordered  alfo,  *  That  the  General  be  defired 
forthwith  to  go  down  into  the  North,  with  fuch 
Forces  as  he  (hall  think  fit,  to  reduce  the  Places 
in  thofe  Parts,  feized  on  and  poflefled  by  Delin- 
quents and  Enemies  to  the  Kingdoms  j  and  for 
preventing  any  Danger  that  may  accrue  to  thofe 
Parts,  or  to  the  Difturbance  and  Danger  of  the 
Peace  of  the  Kingdoms.' 

The  fame  Day  a  Petition  from  the  Lord  Mayor, 
Aldefmen  and  Common-Council,  of  London^  was 
prefented  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  fetting  forth, 
Petition  from  the      '  That  they  are  willing  to  undertake  the  guard- 
ing of  the  Houfes,  the  Militia  being  fettled,  and 
they  authorized  fo  to  do  : 

'  That  their  Nomination  of  the  Lieutenant  of 
the  Tower  being  fufpended,  Importation  of  Bul- 
lion hindered,  and  Merchandizing  diverted,  Trade 
is  much  decayed : 

*  They  therefore  pray  that  the  Committee  of 
the  Militia  may  be  nominated  by  the  Common- 
Council,  to  be  approved  by  both  Houfes  of  Par- 
liament ;  and  the  like  for  the  Lieutenant  of  the 
Tower  j  that  the  Soldiers  now  there,  may  be  re- 
moved ;  and  that  the  Merchants  may  be  invited 
to  bring  in  Bullion.' 

The  Commons  having  pafled  feveral  Votes  ac- 
cording to  thefe  Defires  of  the  Petitioners,  the 
Speaker  acquainted  them  therewith ;  and  told 
them,  '  The  Houfe  doubted  not  but  their  Confi- 
dence in  the  City,  and  Affection  to  them,  would  be 
anfwered  with  equal  Love,  Truft,  and  Obedience 
to  the  Parliament.' 

May  10.  The  two  following  Papers  from  the 
Parliament's  Commiffioners  in  Scotland,  were  read 
in  the  Houfe  of  Lords : 


of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  133 

An.  24  Car.  I, 

A  PAPER   delivered  in  to  the  Parliament  of  Scot-        1648. 
land,  April   29,  concerning  their  former  Demands,    *       y/       ' 
and  the  further  Demand,  of  Sir  Marmaduke  Lang-      .      *J* 
dale  and  Sir  Lewis  Dives. 

Edinburgh,  April  29,  1648. 

\\7  E  have  by  feveral  Papers  ( upon  Grounds  Papers  from  the 
VV  of  the  Treaties  betwixt  the  Kingdoms  of Commiffioner*  19 
England  and  Scotland]  .demanded  Capt.  Wogan  cotjand* 
and  his  Troop,  Sir  Philip  Mufgrave,  Sir  Thomas 
Glemham,  and  Col.  George  IVray,  to  be  delivered, 
to  us,  that  they  might  be  difpofed  of  as  fhould 
be  directed  by  the  Parliament  of  England',  and 
although  unto  that  Paper  concerning  Col.  George 
Wray,  a  Papift  in  Arms,  we  have  not  heard  any 
Thing,  yet  we  have  received  your  Lordfliips 
Anfweras  to  the  other  two  ;  wherein  finding  no 
Satisfaction,  we  did,  by  our  Paper  of  the  jgth 
Inftant,  tnfift  upon  our  former  Demands ;  yet 
the  faid  Perfons  not  being  hitherto  delivered  to 
us,  but  rather,  on  the  contrary,  {lift  enjoying 
Freedom  and  Shelter  in  this  Kingdom ;  and,  as 
we  are  credibly  informed,  fome  of  them  have 
lately  had  frequent  Meetings,  in  this  City,  with 
Sir  Marmaduke  Langdale,  Sir  Lewis  Dives,  and 
other  great  Englijh  Delinquents,  which  might  be 
much  to  the  Prejudice  of  the  Peace  and  Good  of 
both  Kingdoms ;  and  the  faid  Sir  Marmaduke 
Langdak  and  Sir  Lewis  Dives  being  Perfons  excep-' 
ted  in  the  Propofjtions  agreed  upon  by  both  King- 
doms, and  jointly  fent  to  the  King  for  the  fettling 
of  a  fafe  and  well-grounded  Peace ;  we  do  there- 
fore demand,  That  the  faid  Capt.  IVogan  and  his 
Troop,  Sir  Philip  Mufgrave,  Sir  Thomas  Glem- 
ham, and  Col.  George  ff^ray,  the  faid  Sir  Mar- 
maduke Langdale,  and  Sir  Lewis  Dives,  may,  by 
your  Lordihip's  Power  and  Authority,  be  appre- 
hended and  delivered  to  us  ;  which  if  your  Lord- 
fliips fhall  not  think  fit  to  do,  but  that  they  /hall 
have  Freedom  and  Shelter  in  this  Kingdom,  the. 
Kingdom  of  England  and  ourfelves  are  free  from 
I  3  *  ^ 

Tcrliamentary  JI I  s  T  o  R  y 

*  a^- the  ^v^s  ancl  *^  Confequences  that,  upon  their 

*  Contrivances  and  Practices,  may  arife  or  happen 

*  to  eicher  or  loth  Kiigc'o.ns. 

£y  Command  of  the   CcmmiJJioners  of   the   Par- 
liament 0/~England, 


Another  PAPER  delivered  to  the  Parliament  of  Scot- 
land, May  5^  concerning  the  fiizing  of  Berwick. 

Edinburgh,  May  2,  1648. 

ALthough  we  had  Information,  long  fmce, 
that  fome  Delinquents  had  a  Dcfign  to  feiz,e 
the  Town  of  Berwick  upon  Tvjeei^  whereof  we 
gave  your  Lordfhips  Notice  by  our  Letter  of  the 
I4th  of  March  laft  (at  which  Time  we  had  the 
like  Information  concerning  the.  City  of  Carlijle-^) 
yet  the  Kingdom  of  England  and  ourfelves  were 
careful  in  all  Things  to  prderve  the  Treaties  be- 
twixt both  Kingdoms,  and  to  avoid  every  thing 
that  might  have  the  leaft  Colour  of  a  Breach,  or 
adminifler  O.cafions  of  Jealot  fi  s  betwixt  them  ; 
yer  obferving  the  great  flocking  together  of  £^- 
lijh  Delinquents  in  this  City,  we  could  not  but  ap- 
prehend that  they  had  fome  dcfperate  Dcfign  a- 
gainft  the  Parliament  and  Kingdom  of  England.  • 
'  And  now,  after  we  have  long  expected  youir 
Lordfhips  Refolutions  upon  our  feveral  Demands 
of  f_>me  principal  Men  amonsft  thofeDelinquents,1 
we  are  informed  that  fome  of  them,  with  divers, 
other  Endjjh  DclinqueYits  that  went  from  this 
City  of  Edinburgh  and  forded  the  River  eTvj:edt 
upon  Friday  Jaft  the  28th  pf  Apnlt  did  the  fame 
Di:y  return  back  over  the  Bridge,  and  in  an  ho- 
ftile  Way  f-ized  upon  the  faid  Town  of  Berwick, 
and  keep  it  by  Fore  ,  ~oncrary  to  feveral  Trea- 
ties betwixt  both  kingdoms;  which  being  fo, 
we  do,  by  virtue  of  the  Large  Treaty,  declare  to 
your  Lordfhips,  That  all  th  fe  who  have  feized 
and  taken  the  laid  Town  of  Berwick^  or  do  now 
hold  and  keep  the  fame  in  a  hoflile  Way  as  a 

«  Garrifon, 

of   ENGLAND.  135 

Garrifon,  are  Enemies  and  Traitors  to  the  Par-  An.  14.  car.  I. 
liament  and  Kingdom  of  England^  and  in  Arris  ^_  "  , 
aglinft  them;  and  likewife  all  Englijbmen  who  }^,y< 
Qiailanywife  be  aiding,  aflifting,  or  abeiting  to 
them,  or  (hall  furnifh  them  with  any  Monies, 
Horfes,  Arms,  Ammunition,  Corn,  or  other  Vic- 
tuals or  Provifiqns  whatfoever,  and  to  be  punifhed 
accordingly  •  AnJ  we  do,  in  the  Name  of  both 
Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England^  demand, 
that  your  Lordfhips,  in  order  to  the  reprefling  of 
them,  do  declare  them  Enemies  to,  this  Kingdom  \ 
and  likewife  all  thole  of  the  Scots  Nation,  who 
fhall  aid  them  with  Money,  Horfes,  Arms,  Am- 
munition, Corn,  or  any  other  Victuals  or  Provi- 
fions  whatfoever.  And  to  the  End  that  they  may 
not  be  ftored  with  Provifions  out  of  this  King- 
dom, we  defire  that  Publication  of  fuch  Declara- 
tions as  your  Lordfhips  fhall  make  in  this  Cafe 
may  he  made  forthwith,  not  only  in  Edinburgh 
but  in  all  Parts  of  this  Kingdom  near  the  faid 
Town  of  Berwick  upon  Tweed:  And  becaule  WQ 
hear  that  Carlifle  is  feized  in  like  Manner,  we  de- 
fire  your  Lordfhips  Orders  and  Declarations  may 
extend  to  tpth. 

'  All  which,  confidering  the  many  Ways  where- 
by  thefe  Kingdoms  are  engaged  to  one  another, 
and  your  Lordfhips  late  Declarations  of  your  Re- 
folutions  to  preferve  the  happy  Union  betwixt 
them,  we  cannot  doubt  but  that  your  Lordfhips 
will  do  effectually  and  with  Speed. 
By  Command  of  the  CommiJJioners  of  the  ParHa~ 
nient  £/*  England, 


May  ii.  Both  Houfes  having  thought  ntthata 
Letter  fhould  be  fent  to  the  Parliament  of  Scot/and, 
to  acquaint  them,  That  the  fending  the  General  ;" 

with  the  Army  into  the  North,  was  but  to  fettle  and 
fecure  thofe  Parts,  and  regain  Berwick  and  Carlisle ; 
a  Committee  was  ordered  accordingly. 

The  fame  Day  a  Letter  from  Col.  Horton  was 
read,  giving  Intelligence  of  the  routing  of  Lang" 
barn's  Forces  in  Wales. 

I  4  Far 

Parliamentary  HISTORY 

For  the.  Right  Honourable  the  Earl  of  MANCHES- 
T£R,  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  PEERS  pro  Tem- 

In  the  fields  near  St  Pagan  s, 
My  Lor  a*.  May  8,  1648. 

Lm'e/rTtr**  '  C^  ®  ^  ^atk  *k*s  ^ay  rewarc^ed  ouc  wearifome 
the  Sncce/i  of  '  ^^  Marches  with  a  full,  and  glorious  Victory 
the  Parliament's  *  over  the  Enemy,  who  had  ufed  much  Subtihy 
Forces  in  Wales.  <  an(j  J)jijgence  to  engage  the  Kingdom  in  a  new 

*  War.     They  had  increafed  to  a  great  Number, 

*  by  reafon  of  divers  difbanded  Men  from  England, 

*  and  a'general  Conjunction  of  the'moft  able-bodied 
4  Inhabitants  of  the  Counties  oi  PsmbrpAe  and  Car- 

*  dtgan^  ?nd  many  of  Glamorgan. 

*  This  Day,  about  Nine  of  the  Clock,  it  pleafed 
'  God  that  we  engaged  with  them  at  a  Place  called 
'  Sf.   Pagan's,    three  Miles  diftant  from  Caerdlffe^ 

*  and  for  near  two  Hours  had  a  very  hot  Difpute  ; 
'  but  at  length,  by  God's  Mercy,  they  were  put  to 

*  a  total    Rout,  many  flain    upon  the  Place,  and 

*  about  3000  Prifoners,  great  Store  of  Arms  and 
'  Ammunition,  and  many  Colours  taken. 

c  The  Enemy  accounted  themfelves  about  8000 
'  Horfe  and  Foot,  which  makes  the  Mercy  the 
• '  more  remarkable. 

4  My  Lord,  the  Almighty  was  pleafed  greatly  to 
'  ftren^then  both  our  Office*  s  and  Soldiers  with 

*  much  Refolution  and  Cheart'ulnefs    in  the  Dif- 

*  charge   of  their  Duties ;  but,  with  one  Heart, 

*  they  dcnVe  the   Honour  of  this  Work  may  be 
'  wholly  given  to  God. 

*  This  Account  I  held  myfelf  bound  to  prefent 
'  your  Lorufhip  with, 'to  be  comrrunKattd  to  the 

*  Right  Honourable  the  Houie  of  Peers,  being, 

My  Lordt 
Your  moji  kumlle  and  faithful  Servant, 


$/    ENGLAND.  137 

The  next  Day,  May  1 2,  another  Letter  from  Col.  An. ^  Car.  I. 
fforton,  much  to  the  fame  Purport  as  the  former,    L  '  4^'     , 
was  read ;  and  it  was  ordered  that  Monday  next,  the         May> 
l8th  Inftant,  be  appointed  a  Day  of  Thankfgiving 
for  fo  great  and  fea/onable  a  V  i&ory. 

The  Inftru<5tions  to  the  Parliament's  Commif- 
fioners  in  Scotland  being  thought  proper  to  be  yet 
further  enlarged,  the  following  were  now  fent  up  to 
from  the  Commons,  and  agreed  to  by  the  Lords. 

T^  H  £  Lords  and  Commons  in  Parliament  af-  Additional  Inr 
A    fembled,  did  approve  of  the  Paper  of  the  2d  £ruail'"s  to  tbe 

c   it*  •  L      n     >•  r    p      >       i  v.  ~  Comm:ffioners  at 

or  May,  put  into  the  Parliament  of  Stetuma  by 
you  their  Commiflioners,  upon  the  Occafion  of 
the  Surprize  of  Berwick  and  Carlijle  by  fome 
Englijbj  who  have  been  in  Arms  againft  both 
Kingdoms  and  the  Caufe  they  were  joined  in  j 
and  do  direc"t  you  to  repeat  and  enlarge  your  De- 
mands, in  Reference  to  that  Bufmeis,  with  aU 
Earneftnefs,  until  you  {hall  have  a  fatisfactory 
Anfwer  therein. 

*  You  are  likewife,  in  the  Name  of  both  Houfes, 
to  give  Notice  to  the  Parliament  of  Scotland,  or 
any  Committee  or  Commiffioner?  authorized  by 
them,  that  the  Lord  Fairfax  haih  Command 
from  the  Houfes  tq  march  with  Forces  into  the 
Northern  Counties  of  this  Kingdom,  forfuppref- 
fing  of  thofe  who  are  now  in  Arms  ae;ainit  this 
Kingdom,  and  for  the  removing  of  them,  accord- 
ing to  the  Treaties,  who  have  poflefied  themfelves 
of  Berwick  and  Carlljle  contrary  thereunto. 

'  You  are  further  to  afl'ure  the  Parliament  of 
Scotland,  or  the  Committee  or  Commiflioners  law- 
fully authorized,  and  you  likewife  have  Authority 
to  engage  the  Faith  of  the  Kin  ;dom  of  England^ 
that  the  employing,  levying,  and  lending  of  them, 
or  any  other  Forces,  to  the  more  remote  North- 
ern Parts  of  this  Kingdom,  is  not  with  the  lead 
Intention  of  any  Offence  or  Prejudice  to  the 
Kingdom  of  Scotland,  or  in  the  leaft  Manner  to 
difturB  the  Peace  and  Quiet  of  that  Kingdom ; 

138  *fbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I. 


but  f>r  the  Suppreflion  of  the  faid  Traitors  and 
Rebels,  nov.-  in  Arms  againft  the  Houfes,  and  the 
keeping  of  the  Northern  Counties  in  Obedience 
to  the  Parliamsnt  of  England,  and  protecting  fuch 
as  have  been  faithful  to  the  Caufe  which  both 
Kingdoms  are,  and  have  been,  engaged  in.' 

Great  Care  had  been  taken  in  the  drawing  up  i 
Letter  to  the  Parliament  of  Scotland,  in  Aniwer  to 
their  Defires  of  the  26th  of  April ;  and  this  Day, 
May  15,  the  following  flurt  one  was  agreed  to  be 
fent  by  both  Houfes. 

For  the  Right  Honourable  the  Earl  .J/'LoUDON,  Lord 
Chancellor  ^"Scotland  and  Prefident  of  the  Parlia- 
ment of  Scotland,  to  be  communicated  to  them. 

My  Lord, 

\  \\7  E  are  commanded,  by  both  Houfes  of  the 
c  Parliament  'of  England,  to  acquaint  your 

'  Lordfhip,  that  they  received  a  Letter  of  the  26th 
'  of  April  laft,  funed  by  ycur  Lordfhip  in  the  Name 
'  of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland,  together  with  a 
'  Paper  of  Defires  inclofed  ;  and  that  fuch  Refolu- 
'  tions  as  {hall  be  taken  thereupon,  (hall  be  figni- 
*  fied  to  the  Parliament  of  Scotland,  by  the  Com- 
'  miffioners  of  this  Kingdom  there  refident.  Thus 
'  much  we  defire  your  Lordfhip  to  communicate 
'  to  the  Parliament  of  Scotland ;  being  all  we 
'  have  in  Command,  we  remain, 

Your  Lordjbrp's  bumble  Servant^ 


Speaker  of  the  Houfe  sf 


Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of 

This  Letter  was  put  to  the  Queftion  and  agreed 
to  by  the  Lords  :  After  which  the  fallowing  In- 


^ENGLAND.  139 

ftru&ion  to  the  Parliament's  Commiffioners  at  An.  24  Car.  r. 
Edinburgh^  fent  up  from  the  Houfe  of  Commons  ^^  l6**'  ^ 
on  the  i  ith  of  this  Month,  was  read  :  """Say. 

"\J~  O  U  or  any  two  of  you,  are  to  fignify  to  the 
Parliament  of  Scotland,  That  the  two  Houfes 
of  the  Parliament  of  England  have  received  their 
Letter,  with  their  Paper  of  Defires,  inclofed  j  the 
laid  Letter  being  addrefled  To  the  Right  Honour- 
able the  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers  pro  Tern- 
pore,  to  be  communicated  to  the  Lords  and  Commons 
ajfimbled  in  the  Parliament  of  England  at  Weft- 
minfter  :  That  the  Houfes  take  Notice  of,  and 
very  much  refent,  this  unufual  Addrefs  ;  it  being 
not  the  Style  which  hath  been  and  is  uied  to  the 
Houfes  of  this  Parliament.' 
The  Queftion  being  puf,  Whether  to  agree  to 

this  Inftrudion  to  be  fent  to  the  Cornmiflioners  in 

Scotland?  it  was  carried  in  the  Negative. 

We  have  already  taken  Notice  that  feveral  Peti- 
tions had  been  font  up,  from  different  Parts  of  the 
Kingdom,  praying  for  a  fpeedy  Settlement  of  the 
Nation :  The  rnoit  remarkable  of  thefe  was  prefent- 
ed  to  both  Houfes  on  the  I'jth  of  this  Month,  from 
the  County  of  Surrey.  The  Heads  of  which  are 
thus  given  by  Mr.  Whithcke. 

4  That  the  King  may  be  reftored  to  his  due  Ho-  A  remarkable 
'  nour  and  juft  Rights,  according  to  the  Oaths  ofpetiticnoflhe 

*  Supremacy  and  Allegiance  ;  anii  that  he  may  be  to°b"th  Huufcs* 
'  forthwith  eftablifted  in  his  Throne,  accord  ing  to  for  a  p^rfonii 

«  the  Splendor  of  his  Anceftors  :  Treaty  with  the 

*  That  he  may,  for  the  prefent,  come  to  Weft-    '  °* 
f  minjler^  with  Honour  and  Safety,  to  treat  perfon- 

*  ally  for  compofmg  of  Differences  : 

'  That  the  Free-born  Subjects  of  England  may 
6  be  governed  by  the  known  Laws  and  Statutes  : 

'  That  the  War  now  beginning  may  be  prevent- 
<  ed  :  And, 

'  That  the  Ordinance  for  the  preventing  Free- 
6  quarter  may  be  duly  executed,  and  Speed  made 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

in  difbanding  all  Armies,  they  having  their  due 

Arrears  paid  them. 

The  Lords    anfwered    the  Petitioners,  <  That 

*  they  were   at  prefent  upon  Confideration  of  the 

*  Settlement  of  the  Kingdom,  and  doubted  not  but 

*  to  fatisfy  all.' 

nj  The  Memorial'ift  proceeds  thus  :  *  This  Petition 
was  prefented  to  the  Commons  in  the  Afternoon, 
when  fome  of  the  Countrymen  being  gotten  almoft 
drunk,  and  animated  by  the  Malignants,  as  they 
came  through  WeJlminjler-Hall,  they  fell  a  quarrel- 
Jing  with  the  Guards,  and  afked  them,  Why  they 
Jlood  there  to  guard  a  Company  of  Rogues?  That  then 
Words  on  both  Sides  increasing,  the  Countrymen 
fell  upon  the  Guards,  difarmed  them,  and  killed  one 
of  them,  and  wounded  divers.  Upon  this  Alarm 
more  Soldiers  were  fent  for  from  Whitehall  and 
the  Mews,  who  fell  upon  the  Countrymen,  killed 
five  or  fix  of  them,  and  wounded  v.ery  many  ; 
chafing  them  up  and  down  through  the  Hall,  and 
the  Lanes  and  Paffages  thereabouts.' 

General  Ludloiv  gives  much  the  fame  Account  of 
this  Tumult  j  adding,  *  That  Lieutenant-Colonel 
Cobbet,  who  commanded  the  Guard,  been  called 
into  the  Houfe  to  give  an  Account  of  what  had 
palled,  went  to  the  Bar,  bleeding  from  the  Wounds 
which  he  had  received,  and  related  the  Paffages  be- 
fore-mentioned ;  but  fome  Friends  of  the  Petition- 
ers within  Doors  informing  the  Houfe  that  the 
Matter  of  Fa£  was  other  wife  than  had  been  repre- 
fented  by  the  Lieutenant-Colonel,  the  Parliament 
appointed  a  Committee  to.  examine  into  the  Truth, 
of  it/ 

This  laft  Circumftance  of  the  Appointing  a 
Committee  is  confirmed  by  the  Journals',  which 
Authority  alfo  further  informs  us,  *  That  the  Pe- 
titioners gave  out  Words,  That  they  'Mould  have  a 
fpeedy  and  fathfaftory  Anfaer^  or  elfe  they  would  have 
the  Blood  of  that  Houfe;  and  had  withdrawn  them- 
felves  into  the  Fields.'  Hereupon  the  Commons 
ordered  their  Thanks  !o  be  returned  to  the 
Officers  upon  Guard  for  the  Prefervation  of  their 

Houfe : 

of   ENGLAND. 

Houfe:  But  a  Motion  being  made   for  giving  an  A 
Anfwer  to  the  Petitioners,  it  patted  in  the  Negative.     v 


May  18.  The  laft  Petition  from  the  City  of  Za;;- 
don  had  been  long  under  Confideration  by  both 
Houfes;  and  this  Day  a  Paper  from  the  Commit- 
tee of  Lords  and  Commons,  for  the  Safety  of  the 
Kingdom,  fitting  at  Derby-Hoitfe^  was  read  in  thefe 
Words  : 

Ordered,  *  That  it  be  reported  to  both  Houfes,  An  Information 
that  this  Committee  hath  fecret  Intelligences,  that  °f  fome  infur- 
there  is  a  DefiVn  of  very  dangerous  Confequence'tftlo,ns1b!lng  , 

.  .  •      T  •  •     n     i       D      i-  intended,  in  and 

ready  to  be  put  in  Execution  againlt  the  Parliament,  a';0ut  London, 
City,  and  Kingdom,  by  Forces  being  lifted  for  that  a_g«nft  the P*r- 
Purpofe  under  an  Oath  of  Secrcfy,  a  more  particu- iiamem* 
lar  Account  whereof  this  Committee  will  be  able  to 
give  the  Houfes  To-morrow :  in  the  mean  Time 
to  defire  the  Houfes  to  give  prefent  Order   to  the 
feveral  Militias  of  London  and  Parts  adjacent,  to  be 
in  .a  ready  Pofture   to  prevent  or  refift  the  fame  j 
and  that  alfo  prefent  Order  be  forthwith  given  to 
all  the  Keepers  of  the  Prifons,   that  all  Prifoners 
committed  for  adding  any  thing  againft  the  Parlia- 
ment, may  be  kept  fecurely  within  the  faid  feveral 

Both  Houfes  approved  of  the  Particulars  of  this 
Report,  and  ordered,  That  the  Lord  Mayor  of 
London  do  call  a  Common-Council  next  Day  at 
Four  in  th«  Afternoon  j  and  that  then  a  Committee 
of  Lords  and  Commons  do  go  thither  to  let  the  Ci- 
tizens know  how  ready  the  Houfes  have  been  to 
grant  their  Defires  ;  and  to  defire  them  that  they 
would  take  Care  for  the  fupprefling  or"  Insurrections 
and  Tumults,  and  for  Prefervation  of  the  Parlia- 

The  fame  Day  the  Lords  patted  an  Ordinance, 
fent  up  from  the  Commons,  for  making  Major- 
General  Sklppon  Major- General  of  all  the  Forces 
within  the  late  Lines  of  Communication  and  Bills 
of  Mortality,  according  to  the  City  of  London's 
Petition  ;  another,  giving  Power  to  the  late  Mili- 
tia of  London  to  adt  until  the  Militia  now  appoint  <J 



Letter!  from  the 
in  Scotland. 

Parliamentary  H I  s  T  o  R  v 

be  fettled ;  and  a  third,  for  putting  Malignants  and 
Papifts  out  of  the  Cities  of  London  and  IVejlminJler, 
the  late  Lines  of  Communication,  and  twenty  Miles 

May  19.  More  Letters  from  the  Commiffioners 
in  Scotland  were  read. 

For  the  Right  Honourable  the  Earl  of  MAN- 
CHESTER, Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  PEERS  pro 

My  Lord,  Edinburgh,  May  14,  1648. 

YX7  E  ftaying  a  Week  in  Expectation  of  an 
*  Anfwer  to  our  Paper  concerning  Berwick, 
and  not  receiving  any,  did  fend  the  inrlofed  to 
fecond  our  former  Demands.  Since  we  have  re- 
ceived both  theAnfwe;S  herewith  fent ;  and  how- 
ever one  of  the  n  did  bear  Date  the  2d  of  May, 
yet  we  had  it  not  till  the  loth.  The  riext  Day 
we  did  receive  the  other  Anfwer  j  but  the  Parlia- 
ment adjourning  that  Night  till  the  firft  of  June, 
and  a  Committee  of  Eftates  to  be  eftabliflied  in 
the  mean  Time,  who  have  yet  fitten  but  once, 
we  could  not  hitherto  fend  Replies  to  them, 
which  we  intend  to  do  with  the  firft  Opportuni- 
ty ;  as  alfo  to  deliver  them  the  Vote  of  the  6th 
of  May,  according  to  the  Order  of  both  Houfes, 
which  we  did  receive  upon  the  J3th  of  this 

*  Month ;  wherein,   and  in  all  other  Things,  I 

*  {ball  endeavour  to  approve  rnyfelf, 

My  Lord, 
Tour  Lord/hip's  mojl  humble  Servant, 


A  PAPER  delivered  by  the  Englifli  CommiJJloners  tt> 
the  Parliament  of  Scotland,  prejjing  them  to  de- 
clare again/}  thofe  that  had  fsized  Berwick  and 
Carlifle,  and  to  prevent  their  Supplier  of  Arms,  Am- 
munition, and  Provifons  out  of  Scotland. 

Edinburgh,  May  9,  1648. 

'  "D  Y  our  Paper  of  the  fecond  of  this  Month 

*  -*-^  we  did  declare,  That  thofe  who   had   feized 

*  the  Town  of  Bervi;k  upon  Tweed,  and  kept  it 

*  as 

of   ENGLAND.  143 

as  a  Garrifon,  were  Enemies  and  Traitors  to  the  An.  24  Car. 
Parliament  and  Kingdom  of  England^  and  all  t  l648' 
others  of  the  Englijh  Nation  who  were  any  ways  M 
aiding  or  affifting  to  them,  and  the  like  for  the 
City  of  Carlijle  ;  and  forafmuch  as  what  they  have 
done  herein  was  agairift  the  Large  Treaty  and 
A&  of  Pacification,  pafled  by  the  King  and  Par- 
liaments of  both  Kingdoms;  and  confidering the 
great  Mifchref  that  might  follow  upon  it,  if  they 
{hould  be  furnimed  with  Arms,  Ammunition, 
and  Provifions  out  of  this  Kingdom  ;  we  did,  for 
Prevention  thereof,  demand  that  your  Lordfhips 
likewife  would  fpeedily  declare  againft  them  and 
all  of  this  Nation  that  {hould  aid  or  affift  them  : 
But  we  are  very  forry,  in  a  Bufinefs  of  fo  'great 
Concernment  to  the  Peace  and  Good  of  both 
Kingdoms,  we  {hould  have  Caufe  to  complain, 
after  a  Week's  Expectation,  that  we  have  not 
received  any  Anfwer  from  your  Lordihips ;  efpe- 
cially  now  being  informed  that  feveral  Loads-  of 
Arms,  Ammunition,  and  Provifions  have,  fince 
the  fecond  of  this  Month,  been  conveyed  out  of 
this  Kingdom  into  the  faid  Town  of  Berwick ; 
which  we  hope  was  done  only  by  fome  particular 
Malignants  and  difaftefted  Perfons  to  this  King*- 
dom,  and  not  by  any  Allowance  or  Connivance 
from  your  Lordfhips  ;  it  being  fo  directly  againft, 
not  only  the  Treaty  betwixt  both  Kingdoms,  but 
againft  the  folemn  League  and  Covenant,  where- 
in we  have  fworn  not  to  fuffer  onrfehes^  direclly 
or  indirefily\  by  whatfoever  Combination^  Pcrfna- 
fon^  or  'Terror^  to  be  divided  or  "withdrawn  frtm 
the  bleffed  Union  and  Conjunction  of  thefe  Kingdoms^ 
cither  by  making  Defection  to  the  contrary  Party* 
or  by  giving  ourftlves  to  a  deteftabh  Indijferency  of 
Neutrality  in  this  Caufe ;  and  therefore  all  thofe 
who  have  taken  the  Covenant,  muft  needs  en- 
gage God  againft  them,  if  they  any  Ways  en- 
gaged with,  or  affifted  thefe  Men  in  Berwick  and 
Carlijle;  who,  as  we  are  informed,  have  many 
Papifts  come  cb.ily  to  join  with  them,  and  them- 
felves  are  of  the  Popiih  and  Prelatical  Party, 
4  '  wh» 

144  ^  Parliamentary  His  TOR  V 

An.  14.  Car,  I.  «  who  have  been  in  Arms  againft  both  Kingdoms; 
____/    '  an<^  againft   that  Caufe  wherein   we  have  been 

*  happily  united,  and   to  which  God  hath  given  a 
'  Blefiing  of  Victory  and  Succefs  :  And  as  we  are 

*  moft  confident  that  not  only   the  Parliament  of 
'  England,  but    alfo  all  the  religious  Perfons,  and 
8  thofewho  have  been  faithful  to  this  Caufe  \i\Eng- 

*  land)  will  frill  be  united  againft  thofe  in  Berwick 
'  and  Cariijte,  and  all  other  our  corrrtnon  Enemies  ; 

*  fo  we  cannot  doubt  but  your  Lordfhips  A&ionS 
'  and  Determinations  will   be  fuch,  as  (hall  fpeak 

*  you  to  have  the  fame  Affections  and  Refolutions 

*  to  the  Prefervation  of  the  Union  betwixt  thefe 

*  Kingdoms,  and  to  the  Maintenance  of  this  Caufe 
'    againft  the  Common  Enemies  of  it,  that  ever  you 
'  had;  from  which  if  either  Kingdom  do  recced,  it 

*  will  not  only  be  an  Advantage  to  the  Rebels  in 
c  Ireland^  and   the   Popifli  and  Prelatical   Party  in 

*  England  and  Scotland,  but   muft  be  a  Reproach, 
'  Lofs,  and  infinite  Hazard  to  all  the  reft,  which 

*  we  are  well  allured  the  Kingdom  of  England  will 

*  no  ways  be  guilty  of;  and  we  hope  the  fame  of 

*  your  Lordmips ;  and  that  your  Proceedings  will 

*  be  fuch,  as  we  {hall  never  hereafter  have  Caufe  to 

*  remember  how  many  of  our  Engltjh  Delinquents 

*  did  lately  jefort  hither;  how  long  they  had  Shel- 

*  ter  and  Freedom  here ;  how  often  we  did,  by  Di- 
'  re&ions,  and   in  the  Name  of  the  Parliament  of 

*  England^  demand  fome  of  the  chief  of  them  to  be 
"-delivered  to  us,  and  had  them  not;  how  many 
'  Meetings  and  Confutations  they  had  in  this  City; 
'  how  they  went  from  hence  when   they  did  take 

*  Berwick  and  Carlijle ;  fome  of  thofe  Soldiers,  as 
'  we  are  informed,  hiving,  for  divers  Weeks  be^ 

*  fore,  had  free  Quarter  in  this  Kingdom,  and  di- 

*  vers  of  them  Pay,   as  themfelves  affirmed ;  that 

*  thofe  who  are  now  Chief  Commanders  in  them, 

*  were  here  and  demanded  by  us  ;  and  that  fmce,  in 

*  the  Time  of  Delay  of  your  Lordfhips  Anfwer  to 

*  our  lair  Paper,  they  have,  as  we  are  credibly  in- 
«  informed,  been   furnifhed  with  Arms,  Ammuni- 
'  tion,  and  Provifions  out  of  this  Kingdom  :  We 

*  do 

'^ENGLAND.  145. 

*  do   therefore   earneftyr   prefs  your  Lordfliips  to  An.*$"Car.  r. 

*  take  our  Paper  of  the  fecond  of  this  Month  into    \   '648-    ^ 
'  Confiueration,  that  fo  all  fuch  Mifchiefs  for  the         M^ 

'  future  may  be  prevented,  until  it  pleafe  God,  by 
'  his  Blefling  upon  the  Forces  of  the  Kingdom  of 

*  England,  to    give  thofe   Perfons  in  Berwick  and 

*  Carlijle  into   their  Hands;  and,  by  your  Lord- 

*  fhips  A&ions  and  Refolutions  tending  to  the  Peace 

*  and  Union  of  thefe  Kingdoms,  there  might  be  a 

*  further  declared  and    manifeft   Confidence   and 

*  good  Underftanding  betwixt   both    Kingdoms-; 
'  which,  for  our  Parts,  we  {hall  not  only  heartily 

*  defire,  but  earneftly  and  faithfully  endeavour. 

By  Command  of  the  Cornmijjioners  of  the  Parliament 
of  England, 


A  COPY  of  the  ANSWER  of  the  Parliament  of  Scot- 
land to  the  Englifh  Commijffionen  PAPERS  of  the 
igtb  and  ityh  of  April,  1648,  concerning  the 
Perfons  demanded  by  the  CommiJJioners. 

Edinburgh^  May  2,  164?. 

TH  E  Eftates  of  Parliament  have  confidered 
the  two  Papers,  bearing  Date  the  I9th  and 
2Qth  of  April^  prefented  to  them  from  the  Cora- 
miffioners  of  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of 
England^  to  which  they  return  this  Anfwer,  The 
Perfons  demanded  not  being,  as  they  are  inform- 
ed, in  this  Kingdom,  they  think  it  not  neceffary 
to  infift  upon  giving  the  Reafons  of  their  former 
Anfwer  j  but  if  the  Commiflioners  of  both  Houfes 
{hall  think  it  fitting,  they  will  appoint  a  Commit- 
tee to  confer  with  them  anent  thofe  Articles  of 
the  Large  Treaty,  mentioned  in  your  Papers,  and 
how  far  either  Kingdom  (lands  engaged  thereby  5 
wherein  they  are  confident  to  give  all  juft  Satif- 

Ex  rafted  out  of  the  Record*  of  Parliament  ly  me 
5/r  Alexander  Gibfon  o/Drury,  Knight.  Clerk 
of  his  Maje/l/s  Regifters,  Councils ;  and  Rslls^ 
.  under  my  Signet  and  Subferipticn  manual^ 

VOL.  XVII.  K  rht 

146  <fbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

The  ANSWER  of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland  to  the 
Englifh  Commijfionen  PAPERS  of  the  id  and  gth  of 
May,  concerning  Berwick  and  Carlifle. 

Edinburgh,  May  IO,  1648. 

*  IT 7  Hcreas  your  Lordfhips  mentioned,  by  your 
'    YY    Paper  of  the    fecond  of  May  Inftant,  that 
'  you  had  formerly  given   us  Notice  of  a  Defign 
'  fome  Englijh  Delinquents  had   to  feize  upon  the 
'  Town  of  Berwick  upon  Tweed ;  by  the  fame  Ad- 
'  drefs  you  informed  us,  that  Guards  were  kept 
'  there  for  preventing  any  fuch  Defigns  :  And  as 

*  to  your    Demand,    concerning  the  Delivery  of 
'  Capt.   ff'ogan  and  his  Troop,  Sir  Thomas  Glem- 
'  ham,  Sir  Marmaduke   Langdale,  Sir  Philip  Muf- 

*  grave.,  Col.  Wray,  and  Sir  Lewis  Dives,  we  gave 

*  you  fuch  Anfwer  thereunto  as  we  conceived  agree- 

*  able  to  the  Treaties  ;  which,  by  our  Paper  of 
'  the  fecond  of  May  Inftant,  we  offered  to  aflert  by 
4  Conference.      And  whereas  you  give  us  Notice 

*  that  the  Towns  of  Berwick  and  Carlijle  are  feized 

*  on,  contrary  to  the  feveral  Treaties  betwixt  both 

*  Kingdoms ;  and,  by  virtue  of  the  Large  Treaty, 

*  your  Lordfhips,  in  Name  of  both  Houfes  of  the 

*  Parliament  of  England,  do  declare  all  thofe  who 

*  have  feized  and  taken  the  faid  Towns,  or  do  now 

*  hold  and  keep  the  fame  in  an  hoftile  Way   as  a 

*  Garrifon,  to  be  Enemies  and  Traitors  to  the  Par- 
'  liament  and  Kingdom  of  England,  and  in  Arms 
4  againft  them;  and   likewife  all  Englijhmen  who 
'  fhall  any  ways  be  aiding,  aflirring,  or  abetting,  to 
'  them;  and  do  in  their  Name  alfo  demand  that,  in 

*  order  to  the  reprelTmg  of  them,   we  fhall  declare 

*  them  Enemies  to  this  Kingdom,  and  likewife  any 

*  of  this  Kingdom  who  fhall  aid  or  aflift  them  :  To 

*  this,  and  your  Paper  of  the  gth  relating  there- 
'  unto,  we  return  this  Anfwer : 

1  That  as  we  have  been  always  moft  careful  to 
'.  preferve  unviolated,  on  our  Parts,  all  the  Articles 
'  of  the  Treaties  betwixt  the  Kingdoms  j  fo, 
8  when  we  fhall  be  certainly  informed  by  what 

«  Perfons. 

^/ENGLAND.  147 

Perfons,  and  by  what  Power  and  Authority,  thefe  AI»  *4  Car.!* 
Places  are  feized  upon  and  garrifoned,  your  Lord-  ,      *  *  '      , 
fhips  may  be  confident  that  this  Kingdom  will  do        May, 
thereupon  what  is  juft  anJ  fit,  and  agreeable  to 
their  Solemn  Covenant  and  Treaties  ;  and  upon 
this,  and  any  thing  elfe  you   have  in  Command 
from  the  Houfes,  we  are  ready  to  appoint  fome  to 
confer  with  you.' 

Extracted  out  forth  of  the  Records  of  Parliament  by  me 
Sir  Alexander  Gibfon  <5/"Drury,  Knight,  Clerk 
of  bis  Majeftys  Regijlers,  Councils,  and  Rolh9 
under  my  Signet  and  Subscription  manual, 


The  fame  Day,  May  19,  a  Meffage  was  brought 
from  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  by  Mr.  Annejley  and 
others,  with  fome  Heads  to  be  communicated  by 
the  Committee  of  both  Houfes  to  the  Common- 
Council  of  London ;  and  a  Letter  to  be  fcnt  to  the 
Commifiioners  in  Shetland.  To  both  which  the 
Lords  agreed. 

HEADS  to  be  communicated  to  tie  Common-Council,  for 
preferring  a  good  Agreement  and  Correfpondence  be- 
tween the  Parliament  and  Citj. 

I.  '  *Tp  HAT  the  Committee  exprefs  their  Ex-  P«T°<»'  ft"  re« 
«    A     perience  of  thofe  Advantages  the  Parlia-  £™egf^°ice 
ment  and  the  whole  Kingdom  had  in  carrying  ori  between  the  Par* 
the  public  Caufe,  during  the  late  Wars,  whilft liament  and  thc 
a  good  Correfpondence    continued  between  the    lty°fLond°B' 
Parliament  and    City ;  and    that  they  acquaint 
them  with  the  Dangers  threatening  the  Caufe  we 
are  engaged  in,  by  the  Encouragement  the  com- 
mon Enemy  hath  taken  fmce  the  former  Corre^ 
fpondence  hath  been  interrupted •. 
II.  *  And   that  they  may  not  be  mifled  by  the 
malicious  Endeavours  and  Afperfions  of  fuch  as 
are  Enemies  to  Peace,  you  are  to  acquaint  them 
with  the  following  Particulars  : 
i.  '  The  Vote  for  continuing  the  Fundamental 
Government  of  this  Kingdom  by  King,  Lords, 
and  Commons. 

K*  2. 


A  Letter  from 
both  Houfes  to    « 

their  Commif-  c 
fioners  at  Edin-  ( 
burgh,  concern- 
ing the  late  De-  « 
(an  of  the  Scots  t 




'  t 

Parliamentary  HISTORY 

2.  *  The  Refolution  of  Conjun&ion  with  Our 
Brethren  of  Scotland,  in  the  Proportions  lately 
prefented  to  his  Majefty  at  Hampton-  Court  ;   and 
fuch  further  Proceedings  thereupon  as  {hall  be 
thought  fit  for  the  Settlement  of  the  Peace  of  both 

3.  '  Tofignify  that  the  Houfes  of  Parliament,  as 
they  have  been  ready  to  fatisfy  the  Defines  of  the 
City  for  their  Security  ;  fo  they  expect  that  the 
City  be  careful  fo  to  difpofe  of  the  Militia,  that 
the  Safety  of  the  Parliament  and  Kingdom  may 
be  provided  for. 

PY  of  a  LETTER  to  be  fent  to  the  Commif*- 
Jioners  of  the  Parliament  of  Erigland,  reftdent  in 

My  Lords  and  Gentlemen, 
'TP  H  E  Houfes  of  Parliament  received  a  Let* 

*  ter  from  the  Lord-Chancellor  of  Scotland, 
with  a  Paper  of  Defires  of  the  Parliament  of  Scot- 
land therein  contained,  upon  the  fecond  of  May 
Inftant.  We  fend  you  here  inclofed  the  AnAver 
we  returned  thereto  by  their  own  Meilenger  (a)  ; 
in  purfuance  whereof  you  are  to  acquaint  the  Par- 
liament of  Scotland,  or  the  Committee  or  Con- 
vention of  Eftates,  if  the  Parliament  be  not  fit- 
ting, that  before  the  Houfes  received  the  Lord- 
Chancellor's  Letter  and  Paper,  they  were  in  De- 
bate of  thofe  Refolutions  which  they  have  lately 
fent  to  be  communicated  to  the  Parliament  of 
Scotland,  for  the  Prefervation  of  a  good  Corre- 
fpondency  and  brotherly  Union  betwixt  the  King- 
doms, by  that  their  real  Offer  of  Conjunction 
with  their  Brethren  of  Scotland  in  the  Propofi- 
tions  formerly  agreed  on  by  both  Kingdoms, 
prefented  to  the  King  at  tfampton-Court  ;  where- 
in Religbn,  the  Covenant  and  Treaties,  and 
other  Things  neceflary  for  the  Peace  of  both 
Kingdoms  and  Prefervation  of  the  Union,  are 
provided  for.  And  you  are  further  to  acquaint 
the  Parliament  of  Scotland,  or,  if  they  be  not 

*  fitting^ 

(a)  This  is  already  given  at  p.  i  jr.. 

of  ENGLAND.  149 

*  fitting,  the  Committee  or  Convention  of  Eftates,  Aa-  »4  C"r»  !• 
«  That  when  the  Parliament  of  England  (hall  re- 

*  ceive  their  Anfwer  concerning  their  Conjunction 

*  therein,  they  fhall  then  be  ready  to  give  Satisfac- 

*  tion  in  thofe  Things  which  fliall  be  judged  necef- 
'  fary  for  the  Peace  of  both  Kingdoms,  and  which 

*  fhall  not  intrench  upon  the  particular  Intereft  of 

*  this  Kingdom  and  the  Privileges  of  Parliament. 
4  This  being   all   we  have  in  Command  frcpn  the 

*  Houfes,  we  reft, 

Tour  Lord/hip's  humble  Servants, 


Speaker  of  the  Uouje  of 


Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of 

The  Earl  of  MancbeJIer  prefented  to  the  Houfc 
of  Lords  a  Report  from  the  Committee  of  Safety 
at  Derby-Houfe,  containing  feveral  Letters  and 
Papers  relating  to  the  many  Infurrc&ions  now  on 
Foot  in  different  Parts  of  the  Kingdom  :  Thefe, 
though  rather  Military  than  Parliamentary,  we  ap- 
prehend too  material  {o  be  pafled  ove^  by.  way  of 
Abftract,  as  they  are  no  where  to  be  found, 
that  we  know  of,  but  in  the  Lords  Journals—-—*. 
And  firft, 

A  LETTER  from  the  Lord-GenfratFawfax,  with  an 
Account,  of  the  prefent  State  and  Difpofition  of  his. 
Forces-,  addrefjed  t&  the  Committee  of  both  Houfes  at 

^  May  18,  1648, 
My  Lords  and-  Gentlemen^ 

*  1  Have  herewith  fent  your  Lordfliips  the  Tran- 

•       -.  T  T'        .        ...  -\n    •  T^    r  • 

*  fcnpt  of  a  Letter  I  received  from  Major  £><?/-  Lord  Fairfax,  fet- 

*  bar  ough)  who  commands  my  Regiment  of  Horfe,  tine  forth  the 
'  concerning  the  Iffue  of  the  Bufmefs  at  Bury,  ahd 

*  me  other  ^affages  in  thofe  Parts  ;  by  which 

K   3  youc 

Tlje  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

your  Lordfiiips  may  fee  the  Temper  of  them,  an(J 
4  what  Neceffity  there  is  both  of  exemplary  Punifh- 
1  ment  upon  fome  Offenders  in  this  Kind,  and  of 
'  fome  Force  to  be  fixed  in  thofe  Parts,  for  the  Pre- 

*  vention   of  the  like  in    future ;  and  I  know  no 
'  Way  whereby  a  fmall  Force  can   be  capable  to 

*  fupprefs  fuch  Insurrections,  (in  a  Time  and  Place 
'  of  fo  general  Diftemper  and  Difpofition   to  rife) 

*  but  by  fixing  them  in  a  Garrifon  Pofture,  where  - 
'  by  they  may  quarter  fecure,  and  be  ready*  as  Oc* 

*  cafion  happens,  to  march  out  upon  their  beft  Ad- 

*  vantage.     I  know  no  Town  lying  more  advan- 
'  tageoufly  in  that  Kind,  for  an  Influence  upon  all 

*  thofe  Parts,    than  that  of  Bury,  being  near  the 

*  Center  of  them,  and  of  large  Receipt. 

*  And  I  mutt  farther  acquaint  your  Lord/hips 
'  that,   (confidering  the  great  Occasions  for  calling 

*  the  prefent  Forces  other  ways,    for  the  refitting 

*  further  Invafions,    the  fubduing  of  thofe  Forces, 
*•  and  reducing  thofe  Garrifons,  that  already  appear 

*  againft  you  in  the  North,  Lancashire,    and   South- 
1  Wales,  and    for   fuppreffing  of   Infurrections  in 

*  other  Parts)  there  is  no  Part  of  the  fmall  Force 
'  you  have  left  for  the  Field  can  be  fpared  to  be  fix- 

*  ed  in  a  Garrifon  (for  that  or  any  other  Purpofe 

*  aforementioned)  in  fuch  a  Corner  as  that  Aflb- 

*  -elation  is  ;  fo  that,  if  fuch  a  Thing  be  judged 
'  neceffary,  as  it  feems  to  be,  it  mutt  be  done  by 
'  a  particular  Force  to  be  faifed  for  that  Purpofe 
«  out  of  the  Well-affe&ed  in  thofe  Parts  ;  which  I 

*  prefume,  upon  the  Experience  they  have  of  the 

*  Neceffity  of  it,   they  would  be  ready  to  do  for 
<  their  own  Security. 

*  I  have  Intelligence  lately,  that  Sir  Marmaduke 
4  Langdale's  Forces  are  come  down  into  Lancashire, 
'  where  they  are  faid  to -have  poilefled  Warrington^ 

*  and  to  be  raifing  more  Strength  and  increafmg 
«  daily,  and  like  to  encroach  further ;  upon  which 

*  Occafion  I  am  now  fending  Col.  Harftfon  with 

*  his  Regiment  of  Horfe,  and  fome   others,    into 
«  Chejhire,  to  oppofe  their  further  Proceedings ;  and, 
«  with  what  Affiftance  he  can  get  from  the  Gentry 

•  ''*"    -  *       *-an<t 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  151 

*  and  Well-affected  in  thofe  Parts,  to  endeavour  An'  ?*  0Cal 
6  the  clearing  of  them  from  the  adverfe  Forces. 

Col,  Whaleyys  Regiment  of  Horfe  and  thofe  of  my 
'  own  which  were  about  Bury,  are  of  thofe  that  are 
'  to  march  with  me  into  the  North  ;  whither  I 
'  have  ordered  Col.  Twi/letyn's  Regiment  to  march 
4  before ;  fo  that,  for  the  Service  and  Security 
'  of  the  Midland  Parts  from  Trent  to  Thames, 
'  there  will  be  no  Horfe  left  unengaged  for  prefent 

*  Service,  but  five  Troops  of  Col.  Flsetwood1  s  Re- 

*  giment,    now  about   Bury,  one  Troop  whereof 

*  is  affigned  to  Lynn,  and  neceflary  to  continue 

*  there. 

*  For  your  further  Satisfaction  herein,  I  have 
'  inclofed  a  particular  Account   how    the  other 
'  Horfe  are  difpofed  of. 

*  I  hear  that  Lieutenant-General  Cromwell,  out  of 
'  his  own  Regiment  and  Col.  Tlwrnhaugti  $.,  hath 
'  fent  five  Troops  of  Horfe,  together  with  fome 

*  Dragoons,  to  the  Confines  of  Shropjhire,  Chejhire, 

*  and  North-Wales,  to  whom  I  mail  now  fend  Or- 
'  ders  to  join  with  Col.  Harrifon  again  the  Enemy 

*  in  Lancajhire. 

*  For  Foot;  until  fome  of  thofe   that   are    in 
'  Wales  be  difengaged  thence,  (the  Regiment   at 
«  Whitehall  being  continued  there)    I  mall  have 

*  none  free  to  march  into  the  North,  fave  my  own 

*  Regiment  and  half  of  Col.  Hewfon's ;  five  Com- 

*  panies  thereof  being  already  affigned  to  feveral 

*  Garrifons,  and  the  other  five  indeed  being  more  re  - 

*  quifite  to  be  left  for  the  ftrengthening  of  Garrr- 

*  fons,  in  thofe  Parts,  and  to  draw  out;  upon  Qcca- 

*  fion,  than  to  be  withdrawn  further  ofi\ 

*  I  have  newly  received  a,  Letter  from   Major 

*  Jlfarkham,  whom  I  lately  appointed,  with  a  Par- 

*  ty  of  forty  Horfe  out  of  Col.  Twijletons  Regi- 

*  ment,  to  poflefs  Belvoir-Ca/ile,  which  otherwife 

*  had  been  furprized  by  a  Combination  of  Malig- 
c  nants  thereabouts,  ditcovered  to  Major  Markham, 
'  as  the  Bearer  hereof  can  inform  you. 

'  I  have  herewith  fent  your  Lordfhips  his  Letter, 

'  wherein  -hedefires  fome  Foot  to  be  added  ;  but  I 

K  4  «  have 


An.  24  Car.  J. 


*fbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

have  none  to  affign  him  that  can  be  fp-ared  te 
continue  with  him  j  and  indeed  thofe  Horfe  he 
hath,  being  but  a  Part  of  Col.  Tvrijleton's  Regi- 
ment, had  need  fhortly  to  march  after  the  Regi- 
ment j  fo  that  I  conceive  it  very  necefTary  tbat 
he  have  Power  given  him  to  raife  fome  Forcev 
both  of  Horfe  and  Foot,  for  Security  of  that 
Place,  and  Safety  of  thofe  Parts;  all  which  Heave 
to  your  Lordihjps  Confiderations^  and  remain, 

Your  Lord/hip's  bumble  Servant^ 

An  ACCOUNT  "bow  all  the  Horfe  and  Dragoons ,  not 
mentioned  in  the  Letter ,  are  difpofed  of. 

«   f  N    the   North,    there   tre   already   the  two 

*  •*  Northern  Regiments  under  Col.  Lambert,  be- 

*  fides  Col.  Tiuiftton's,  whicH  is  lately  fent,  as  in 

*  the  Letter, 

*  In  the  Southern  Parts  ;  three  Troops  cf  Com- 

*  mifiwy  General   Ireton's  Regiment,  engaged  for 
'  prefent,  Part  at  Chichejler^  and  the  reft  at  IFin- 

*  chefter,  to  fecure  the   Town    and   Caftle  there 
«  from  being  poflefled  by  the  Malignants,  till  fome 
'  other  Courfe  be  taken  to  fecure  or  dejnolifh.  the 

*  Caftle  ;  the  reft  of  that  Regiment  are  engaged  at 

*  Brijlil,  until  the  Quiet  of  that  Place  be  provided 
«  for. 

*  Col.  Tomlinfen's  Regiment  and  two  Troops  of 

*  Dragoons  are  with  Sir  Hardrefs  ff^aller^  in  De-. 

*  von/hire  and  Cornwall,  w  hereof  he  is  forced  :o  em- 

*  ploy  a  Troop  of  Horfe  and  on«  of  Dragoons  to 

*  fecure  Bridgewaler. 

4  Three  Troops  of  Col.  Scroop's  Regiment  lying 

*  in  Dorfetfiire  for  the  Security  of  the  Garrifons 

*  there,  which  are  very  weakly  mann'd,   and  for 

*  fupprefling  Infurredtions    in    that  County,    $o~ 

*  merfet^  and  Wilt*-,  the  reft  of  th.  t  Regimmtweie 

*  with  Col.  Horton  at  the  Eng  igeiw  nt  in  Wales,  and 
'  continue  tjjere,  where  are  alfo  Col.  Hortons 

*  Regiment 

Sf   ENGLAND.  153 

*  Regiment  of  Horfe,  and  fix  Troops  of  Dragoons;  A««  *4  Car- 
«  all  there  before  the  late  Engagement. 

'  There  went  alfo  with  Lieutenant-General 
c  Cromwell  his  own  Regiment  of  Horfe,  and  two 

*  Troops  more  of  Dragoons. 

*Col.  Thornhaugh's  Regiment  lay  there  upon  the 
1  Pafles  of  the  Severn,  in  Wore  eft  erjhire  and  Shrop- 
4  Jhire,  and  were  appointed  to  have  an  Eye  to 
c  North-Wales,  fave  one  Troop  thereof,  which  is 

*  afligned  to  Coventry ;  but  whither  that  Regiment 

*  is  now  ordered  by  the  Lieutenant-General  is  not 

*  here  known  otherwife  than  as  in  the  Letter.' 

Major  MARKHAM'S  LETTER  inclcfed  in  the 

To  the  Right  Excellent  and  Honourable  THOMAS 

Belvoir,  May  16,  1648. 

May  it  pleafe  your  Excellency, 
c  C I N  C  E  my  leaving  Belvoir-Cafik^  according^^,.  ffo 

*  to  your  Excellency's  Command,  I  find  the  Major  Mark- 

*  Country  thereabouts /who  were  formerly  ve 

*  malignant,  to  be  much  more  exafperate,  and  gi 

*  out  daily  Threatnings  to  difpoflefs  me.     I  have 
'  forty  Horfe  by  your  Excellency's  Command ;  but 

*  Foot  are  moft  proper  for  the  Duty  of  this  Place, 

*  though  the  Horfe  are  abfolutely  necefTary  to  awe 
'  the  Malignsnts,  who  were  never  fo  high.     May  I 
f  moft  humbly  befeeeh  your  Excellency  to  appoint 

*  me  forty  Foot,  by  which  I  may  become  enabled 

*  to  difcharge  my  Truft,  and  evidence  myfelf  the 

*  Kingdom's,  and, 


Tour  Excellency's,  moji  humble 

and  faithful  Servant, 

1 54  *fhe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.       Next  was  read  the  Commitee  of  Safety's  Report 
t    '648 •  ^    Of  tne  Tranfactions  of  Major  Defborough  and  the 
May<         Commiflioners  fent  down  to  Bury^   in  Suffolk,  to 
fupprefs    a  Riot  in  that  Town ;  where,   as  Mr. 
the fuppreffing°an  ^'^^  informs  us,  '  Six  hundred  Men   got  to- 
Infurreftion  at     gether  in  Arms,  about  fetting  up  a  May-pole,  cry- 
Bury,  in  Suffolk.  jng  out  por  God  and  King  Charles,  laid  hold  on 
fome  of  the  Parliament's  Soldiers,  and  fet  Guards 
in  feveral  Places. 

INSTRUCTIONS  for  Sir  William   Playters  and  Sir 
Thomas  Bernardifton,  appointed  to  go  to  Bury, 
,        in  the  County  of  Suffolk. 

c  \7  O  U  are  to  make  your  Repair  with  what  con- 

*  *    venient  Speed  you  can,  to  Bury  St.  Edmund's, 
'  in  the  County  of  Suffolk. 

*  You,  or  either  of  you,  are  there    to  inform 
'  yourfelves  of  the  Grounds  and  Caufes  of  the  late 
'  Infurre&ions ;  and,  upon  the  Knowledge  of  them, 
'  you  are  to  endeavour,  by  all  fair  and  peaceable 

*  Ways,  to  perfuade  them  to  a  peaceable  and  quiet 
'  Submiflion. 

*  You,   or  either  of  you,  are  to  let  them  know 
'  that,  in  cafe  they  will  lay  down  their  Arms  and 

*  reftore  the  Magazine  which  they  feized  upon,  and 

*  fubmit  themfelves  to  the  Houfes  of  Parliament, 

*  that  they   fhall  be  indemnified   for  feizing  the 

*  Magazine,    or   any  other  Aft  done  in  the  late 

*  Tumult. 

*  If  you  find  that,  after  the  ufing  all  fair  Means, 

*  you  cannot  prevail  with  them  to  make  an  abfo- 
'  lute  Submiflion,  you  are  not  to  capitulate  with 

*  them  ;  but   immediately   to  fend  to  fuch  of  the 

*  Horfe  of  Col.  IVbalefs  Regiment  as  are  neareft 
'  quartered  unto  you,  who  have  Order  to  follow 
'  fuch  Directions   as  they  fhall  receive  from  you 
'  for  the  fupprefling  of  the  faid  Tumult. 

'  You  are  to  fend  to  fuch  Deputy-Lieutenants 
'  and  Juftices  of  the  Peace  as  you  {hall  think  fit, 

*  for  your  Afliftance  in  this  Service. 

<  You 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  155 

*  You  are  to  ufe  all  poffible  Expedition  In  this  An.  24  Car.  I. 

*  Bufmefs,  it  being  of  that  Nature  that  it  admits  of    t   J6*8'  , 

*  no  Delay ;  and  you   are  to  giye   Notice  to  this       ju^C"""" 
'  Committee  of  your  Proceedings  herein.' 

The  COMMISSIONERS  Account  of  their  PRO- 

To  the  Right  Hon.  the  COMMITTEE  of  LORDS  and 

COMMONS    for   the  Safety   of  the  Kingdom,    at 

Bury  St.  Edmund's,  May  15,  1648. 
Right  Honourable, 

TP  H  E  Account  we  {hall  give  to  your  Lord- 
{hips  as  to  your  Commands  touching  this 
Bufinefs  at  Bury  St.  Ednnnd's,  will  be  beft  re- 
prefented  by  thefe  inclofed  Papers  ;  which  were 
in  Agitation  before  your  Inftrudlions  came  down, 
and  concluded  within  fome  few  Hours  after. 
We  are  now  in  quiet  Pofleflion  of  the  Town, 
upon  fuch  Conditions  as  therein  are  exprefled. 
We  had  the  Affiftance  of  two  Troops  of  my  Lord 
General's  Regiment,  and  three  of  Col.  Fleetwood's 
withj  three  of  the  Trained  Bands  of  Sir  Thomas 
Bernardi/lon's  Regiment,  who  are  very  ready  to 
do  Service  therein. 

'  We  cannot  yet  difcover  the  Bottom  of  this 
Defign.  There  was  not  much  Blood  {bed,  but  upon 
a  Skirmifti  in  a  Sally  out,  there  were  two  of  the 
Town  killed,  and  none  ofr  ours,  only  two  Horfes. 
*  There  were  Drums  beat  up  laft  Saturday  at 
Tbttford,  in  Norfolk,  and  many  tumultuoufly  af- 
fembled  j  but  were  foon  fuppreifcd  by  the  Mayor's 
Power.  We  hear  this  Day  of  the  like  at  S:ow- 
Market,  in  this  County  ;  which  we  have  taken 
Care  of,  and  hope  to  render  a  good  Account 
therein  j  and,  not  further  to  be  troublefome,  ever 

Tour  Lor djhips  faithful  Servants 

WILL.  SOAME,  Dep.  Lieut. 
'    A  MESSAGE 


Tie  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  o  it  y 

A  MESSAGE  from  the  Townfmen  to  the  above. 

l»  1648. 

THAT  the  Magiftrates  of  the  Town  tind 
themfelves  unable  to  appeafe  the  Tumult, 
and  therefore  have  written  to  Mr.  Wrindue  to 
come  over  and  treat  with  Sir  Thomas  Bernardijlon 
and  Major  Dejbor&ugh  To-morrow  about  Noon ; 
and  therefore  are  humble  Suitors  to.  Major 
Dejborough^  that  A6b  of  Hoftility  may  be  for- 
borne till  that  Time  be  expired ;  and  before  that 
Time,  haply,  the  Meflenger  feat  by  us  may  be 
returned  from  the  Parliament. 


May,  14,  1648.. 

C*  OR  preventing  tb«  Effufion  of  Blood,  \  fend 
"  this  to  let  you  know,  that  if  you  w.ho  are  in 
Arms  in  the  Town  to  deliver  up  your  Arms, 
to  be  difpofed  of  by  myfelf  and  the  Magiftrates  of 
the  Town,  and  depart  every  Man  to  his  own 
Houfe,  I  will  not  fuffer  any  Man's  Perfon  to  be 
hurt,  or  his  Eftate  plundered  ;  but  if  any  do  re-, 
fufe  this  Offer,  they  muft  expect  to  be  dealt  with, 
all  according  to  their  Demerits.  I  expect  your 
pofitive  Anfwer  within  one  Hour,  being  refolved 
to  lofe  no  Time  in  compelling  fuch  as  are  ob- 



SIR,  May  14,  1648. 

THERE  are  many  Gentlemen  that  ca»ns 
out  of  the  Country  to  affift  us  from  ill 
Ufage,  that  we  might  have  received  from  the 
Original  of  this  Occafion ;  they  being  in  Defence 
for  the  Good  of  the  Town,  we  fhall  deftre  that 
they  may  be  permitted,  if  they  pleafe,  either  to 
ftay  in  Town  upon  their  Occafions,  or  depart  at 

*  their 

$f  IE  N  G  L  A  N  D.  157 

*  their  Pleafure;  alfo  to  take  their  own  private  Arms  An>  **  £ar* lt 

*  with  them,  and  be  fecured  from  any  Danger  for  . ^_L 

'  the  future,  for  any  A6t  done  fmce  this  Occafion ;       Kfay. 
c  and  that  each  Man,  defiring  to  pafs  to  any  Place, 

*  may  have  yours  and  the  Commander  in  Chiefs 

*  Hand  to  pafs  quietly.     This  being  confirmed  by 

*  Sir  Thomas  feernardiftcn^  Major  Dejborougb^  and 

*  the  Aldermen  of  this  Town,  we  do  engage  our- 

*  felves,  that  they  (hall  lay  down  their  Arms,  ex- 

*  cept  their  own  allowed  by  their  Pafles  to  be  car- 

*  ried  with  them.   This  to  be  effected  To-morrow 

*  Morning  by  Ten  o'Clock,  with  a  Releafe  of  all 
'  Perfons  on  either  Side. 

'  For  thofe  in    Arms  belonging  to  the  Town 

*  your  own  Conditions  propounded,  with  this  Ad- 
'  dition  of  Security  for  the  future,  viz* 

1.  '  Horfes,  Piftols,  and  Swords  to  be  allowed; 
c  Hereof  Piftols  are  denied. 

2.  *  No  Violence  upon  Perfon  or  Eftate  in  fu- 

*  ture :  Granted. 

3.  «  No  Officer  or  Gentleman,  whether  Stran- 

*  ger  or  Townfmen,  {hall  be  forced  to  leave  his 

*  Sword,  Horfe,  and  Piftols,  or  be  imprifoned  :  All 
'  this  denied. 

.A/".  5.  *  This  was  delivered  by  two,  in  the  Name 

*  of  eight   of  the  Town  of  Bury,  remaining  of  the 
'  twelve  Ring-leaders. 


May  14,  1648. 

'  A  S  to  the  Gentlemen  that  came  into  the 
'  "^  Town  to  aflift  in  the  Prevention  of  Difor- 
4  ders  there,  the  Number  as  we  are  informed  not 

*  exceeding  five,  we  do  agree  they  {hall  have  Pafles 
'  to  go  peaceably  to  their  own  Dwellings;  and  there 

*  to  abide  free  from  Violence  to  Perfons  or  Eftates 
'  for  the  future,    offered  by  us  or  any  under  our 

*  Command  ;  and  to  have  their  Swords  and  Horfes 

*  with  them,  they  behaving  themfelves  peaceably, 

*  and  obediently  to  the  Authority  of  Parliament. 

4  The  Priforiers  we  fhall  leave  in  Town  with  the 

*  Aldermen,  upon  your  Delivery  of  our  Prifonerb. 

«  As 

158  5fe  Parliamentary  HrsToRV 

An.  24  car.  f.      «  As  to  the  Inhabitants  of  the  Town,  according 

v__LA___,     '  to  our  former  Offer,  we  agree  they  {hall  be  pro- 

AJay.        *  tected  from  Violence  to  their  Perfons  or  Eftutes ; 

'  and   (hall   not  be  injured   by  us,  nor  any  under 

'  our  Commands  for  the    future,   they    behaving 

'  themfelves  peaceably,  and  being  obedient  to  the 

'  Authority  of  Parliament. 

'  To  thefe  Particulars   we  agree,  upon  Condi- 
'  tion  that  we  quietly  enter  the  Town  To-morrow 

*  Morning  at  Nine  o'Clockj  and  that  all  the  Arms 

*  and  Ammunition  (except  the  Swords  allowed  to 

*  Strangers)  be  at  that  Time  laid   down   in   the 
'  Market- Houfe,   and  be  at  the   Difpofal    of  Sir 

*  Thomas  Eernardijhn  and  the  Chief  Magiftrates  of 
'  the  Town. 

*  We  expect  to  know  your  Resolutions  in  order 

*  to  thefe  Particulars  this  Night  by  Eleven. 


A  WARRANT_/T<WZ  Sir  Marmaduke  Langdale^  and 
others  of  the  KING'S  COMMISSIONERS,  yir  levying 
Men  and  Arms. 

To  the  CONSTABLES  of  the  Parijb  of  Morton  and 
every  of  them. 

May  14,  1648. 

T>  Y  virtue  of  his  Majefty's  Commiflion  to  us 
directed,  for  fecuring  the  Counties  aflbciated 
in  Maintenance  of  his  Majefty's  Rights  and  Pri- 
vileges, the  Liberties  of  the  Subject,  and  the 
Laws  of  the  Land,  thefe  are,  in  his  Majefty's 
Name,  to  will  and  require  you  forthwith,  upon 
View  hereof,  to  fend  twenty  ferviceable  Horfes 
to  the  Town  of  Bury  for  the  faid  Service,  with 
Arms  and  Men  to  as  many  of  them  as  you  can 
furnifti,  for  which  you  {hall  receive  the  Benefit 
of  his  Majefty's  Declaration  on  this  Behalf. 
Hexeof  fail  YOU  not.' 



3f   ENGLAND.  159 

Laftly  was  read  a  Letter  from  the  Lord  Fairfax,  An.  24  Car.  I. 

•with  feveral    Papers  inclofed,   relating   to  a  high    , '  *8'  ^ 

Quarrel    between   the  Mayor  of  Exeter  and  the        May> 
Soldiery  there. 

For  the  Right  Honsurable  the  COMMITTEE   of 
LORDS  and  COMMONS  for  Safety,  fitting  at  ' 

Windfor-CaJlk,  May  18,  1648. 
My  Lords  and  Gentlemen, 
T  Received  a  Letter  from  Sir  Hardrefs  Waller,  A  Letter  from 

concerning  a  late  very  ill  Carriage  towards  Y*d  Fairfa*>  •» 
him  and  his  Soldiers  at  Exon,  to  the  Effect  as  youc°  ng 
will  fee  in  the  Papers  inclofed.  I  thought  fit 
to  tranfmit  the  Bufmefs  wholly  to  your  Lord- 
fhips,  defiring  it  may  be  fo  far  taken  into  Con- 
fideration,  as  that  fome  timely  Courfe  may  be 
taken  to  prevent  the  like  Mifcarriages,  and  the 
putting  of  the  Soldiery  to  the  like  Extremities, 
where  the  Parliament  find  Caufe  to  continue  any; 
and  to  take  away  Occafions  of  the  like  Difcou- 
ragement  to  the  Soldiery,  or  Danger  of  the  like 
Trouble  betwixt  the  People  and  them,  in  that 
or  in  other  Places.  It  is  a  Time  that  there  are 
fo  many  Endeavours  of  feveral  Parties  to  difaffect 
the  Soldiers  from  the  Parliament's  Service,  or  at 
leaft  to  make  them  ftagger  and  fcruple  their 
Perfiftance  in  it,  as  there  had  need  be  no  further 
Difcouragements  as  thefe,  whereby  to  give  the 
Advantage  of  more  Work  to  thofe  evil  Spirits.  I 
*  remain, 

Your  Lordjhips  humble  Servant, 

A  LETTER  fnm  Sir  Hardrefs  Waller  to  the  Lord 
Fairfax,  referred  to  in  the  foregoing. 

Plymouth,  May  15,  1648. 
May  it  pleafe  your  Excellency, 

4  HpH  E  Times  are  fo   full  of  Diftempers,  and Sir  *ardrefs 
;     L    Men's   Hearts  fo    big  with    Mifchief,  that  ^of'  g«C,"t 
'  I  cannot  hope  to  free  your  Lordihip   from  Ad-  Difconteaw  ac 
?  «  vertifements  Exetet' 

^2*  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

vertifements    of  that   Nature.     Thefe  Gountie5 
are  f°  generally  for  the  King's  Party  (or,  if  pof- 
'  fible,  worfe  Enemies)  that  I  admire  they  are  not 

*  all  in  one  Flame  ;  God's  Providence  is  infinitely 
'  feen  in  that  they  are  not;  and  the  intolerable  ill 

*  Pay   of  the  Soldiers  make  their  Tempers  little 
6  better.     The  Committees,  except  fome  few,  are" 

*  fuch  as  either  they  do  not  appear,  or  elfe  feem 

*  to  incorpbrate  with  the  Cavaliers  :  And  befides 
'  thefe  generally,  there  hath  a  Particular  happened 

*  of  that  high  Concernment,  that  I  think  it  my 
«  Duty  to  haften  Notice  thereof,  finding  all  thefe 
<  Parts  in  fuch  a  Diftemper. 

*  I  fent  as  civil  a  Letter  as  I  could  pen,  to  the 
«  Mayor  and  Aldermen  of  Eton,  that  I  had  fent 
c  fome  Men  to  fecure  that  City,  and  withal  march- 

*  ed  the  Men  into  the  Town  ;  at  which  the  Town 
'  was'  put  into  fuch  a  Rage,  by  the  ill  Carriage  of 

*  the  Magiftrates,  that  it  is  even  a  Miracle  how  we 
1  eicaped  cutting  of  Throats  ;  and  although  the 
'  whole  Body  of  Mayor  and  Aldermen  were  com- 
«  bined   in  the  Bufmefs,  yet  only  the  Mayor  and 
6  Mr.  Clarte  (a  Member   of  the  Houfe  of  Com- 

*  mons)  exprefled  their  Approbation  of  the  Vio- 

*  lence  ;  the  Particulars  thereof  appear  in  the  feve- 

*  ral  Atteftations  of  Officers  herewithal  fent  your 
'  Excellency. 

'  I  was  once  fully  refolved  to  fend  up  the  Mayor 

*  and  Mr.  Clarke  as  Prifoners,  and  fo  to  deftre  that 

*  both  they  and  the  feveral  Informations  might  be 

*  prefented  by  your  Excellency  to  the  Parliament  ^ 
'  but  defiring  rather  to  fit  down  with  Suffering  and 

*  Wrong,  than  give  the  leaft  Occafion  of  Offence 
'  on  my  Part,  made  me  to  forbear  until  I  had  fent 
'  firft  to  your  Lordfhip  to  know  your  Pleafure  and 
«  Directions  therein  ;  it  being  a  Matter,    as  we 

*  conceive,  of  very  great  and  near  Concernment. 

e  The  Foot  I  fent  into  the  Town  were,  by  Ap~ 

*  pointment  of  the  Magiftrates,    kept  out  of  the 

*  Houfes  from  Monday  till  Thurfda^  when  I  went 
«  with  two  Troops  of  Horfes  and  fo  was  fain  at  laft 



9j    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  161 

to  force  Quarters,  and  break  open  Doors  to  let  the  An-  a*  Car.  I. 
Soldiers  in  ;  and  principally  the  Mayor  and  Mr.  t      *  *  ' 
Clarke,   who  were  the  Chief  of  all  :    And   thus,        Maj, 
being  defirous  that  thefe  may   not  be  filled  with 
too  many  Particulars  that  favour  thus  ill,   altho* 
I  have  very  many  of  that  Kind  to  write  of,  I  (hall 
only  fue  for  fome  Advice  touching  thefe  j  and  fo 

Tour  Excellency's 

Mojl  entirely  devoted  Servant} 

Lieutenant-Colonel  SALMONS  INFORMATION  relate 
ing  to  the  Difturbances  at  Exeter. 

Monday,  May  8,  1648. 

r\  N  the  Day  aforefaid,  I  rendezvoufed  at  Ede  Seven!  Informs* 
^•^  fix  Companies  of  Foot  of  Sir  Hardrefs  tion*  relating 
Waller's  Regiment ;  which  fix  Companies  I  was thereto* 
commanded  to  conduct  to  Exon,  to  the  end  I 
might  fecure  the  faid  City  againft  any  Surprize  or 
other  Attempt ;  as  alfo  to  hinder  any  Tumult  or 
Infurreclion.  From  the  Rendezvous  I  fent  the 
Quarter  -Mafter  to  take  up  Quarters  in  Exon  ; 
and,  not  long  after,  I  came  to  the  faid  City, 
where  I  delivered  a  Letter  to  the  Mayor  and  Al- 
dermen from  my  Colonel,  Sir  Hardrefs  Waller  j 
at  which  Time  I  alfo  acquainted  them  with  the 
Order  for  my  marching  thither,  and  defired  that 
Quarters  might  be  provided  for  the  faid  fix  Com- 
panies under  my  Command  j  whereupon  the  faid 
Mayor  and  Aldermen  defired  me  to  withdraw ; 
and,  foon  after  calling  me  in  again,  they  defired 
two  Hours  Time  to  confider  of  it;  and,  during 
that  Time,  that  the  Soldiers  might  be  flayed 
without  the  City.  To  which  I  replied,  That 
the  Soldiers  were  already  come  in,  or  very  nigh 
the  City  ;  upon  which  they  faid,  I  had  furprized, 
them,  and  that  they  would  not  appoint  us  Quar- 
ters ;  but  faid,  They  looked  upon  us  as  Enemies, 
VOL.  XVII.  L  «  and 

1 62  'The  Parliamentary  H  r  s  T  o  K  ir 

An.  24  Car.  I.  *  and  Men  not  fit  to  be  trufted  ;  and  that  if  they 
'  had  received  more  timely  Notice  of  our  marching 
in,  they  would  have  (hut  the  Gates  againft  us, 
and  have  kept  us  out;  and  further,  except  we 
'  would-  march  out  again,  they  would  return  no- 
'  other  Anfwer  than  formerly,.  Whereupon  I  re- 

*  paired   to  the  Companies,   and   acquainted   the 
'  Officers   with  th"e  aforefard   Offers,   dcfiring  to 

*  know  whether  they  were  willing  to  march  ou* 
c  again   or  no  ;  who  anfvvered  negatively  :.  After 

*  which    Anfwer  I    in-ftantly  went   agaki    to  the 
'  Mayor,  accompanied  with  divers  of  our  Officers, 
c  and  acquainted    the  Mayor  and  Aldermen  that, 

*  by  reafon  of  their  long  March,,  the  Officers  and1 
'  Soldiers  were  unwilling  to    march    out  of  the 

*  Towa,  but  were  willing,  to  {ray  in-  the  Church- 
,       *'  Yard    until    their    Quarters    were    appointed  : 

'  Whereupon  Mr.  Mayor  replied,  He  would  not 

*  appoint  us  any  Quarters.     At  which  Conference 

*  Mr.  Clarke^  jun,  of  Exon;  faidy  That  we  of  the 
'  Army  had  done  no  Service  for  the  Parliament ; 
'  and  that  the  additional  Ordinance  touching  Bil^ 
e  letting  and  Quartering  was  not  an  Ordinance  of 

*  •Parliament.     After  which  Difcourfe  we  returned 
c  to   our   Companies,  acquainting  them  that  we 

*  could  not  quarter  them  that  Night  without  Di- 

*  fturbance  and  Hazard  of  much  Bloodfhed. 

'  I  having  received  Intelligence  that  Mr.  Mayoi? 

-  -*  had  commanded   the  Citizens  to  fhut  up  their 

'  Shops  and  Doors  to  prevent  our  quartering  ;  and 

*  that  if  we  Ihould  offer  to  force  into  their  Houfes 

*  for  Quarter,,  or   make  any   Stir,  that  the  Bell? 

*  fliould  ring  that  fo  the  Town  might  rife  againft 

*  us  ;  after  the  Hearing  of  this,  I  again  returned 

*  to   Mr.  Mayor,  and  certain  other  Officers  with 
*•  mey  and    coming  to  his  Houfe  found  the  Door 

*  fhut,.  where  I  knocked,  defiring  to   fpeak  with 

*  Mr.  Mayor  ;  who,  coming  to  the  Door,  demand- 
c  ed  what  my  Bufmefs  was,   and  faid  if  it  was  for 
'  quartering  of  Soldiers,  he  would  keep  the  Doors 
'  againft  us  :  But  I  replying  I  came  only  to  fpeak 

*  with  him,.he  opened  the  Door  j  when,  after  En- 

*•  trance* 

#    ENGLAND*  163 

trance,  I  acquainted  him  that  I  heard   he  had  An.  24  Car.  l« 

commanded  the  Citizens  to  fhut  up  their  Shops 

and  Doors  againft  us,   and    if  our    Men   {hould 

make  any  Stir  for  Quarter  that  the  Bell  {hould  be 

rung  out,  that  the  City  might  generally  rife  againft 

us ;  who   told  me  it  was  true  he  had  given  that 

Command :  Whereupon  I   told  him  I  was  forry 

to  hear   it,    and  that  notwithstanding  his  harfh 

Command,    I   {hould. endeavour  to   preferve  the 

Peace  of  the  City  ;  and  therefore  defired  that  he 

would  be  pleafcd  to  appoint  me  fome  Churches  or" 

Out-houfes,  where  my  Soldiers  might  befhelter- 

ed  from  the  Weather  j  whereupon  he  gave  me; 

the  Key  of  a  Church,   too   little  to  contain  half 

my  Men.     I  defiring  that  he  would  appoint  fomd 

other  Places  or  Churches  more  for  the  Men  to.lie 

in,  this  he  utterly  refufed  ;  infomuch,  that  I  was 

conftrained  to  quarter  one  Company  where  Hogs 

ufually  lay,   another  in    a   Church    Porch    and 

Yard,   a  third    in  a  little  Church  appointed  by 

the  Mayor,  the  fourth  and  fifth  in  an  open  Place 

under  a  Part  of  the  Common  Hall,  and  I  perfuad- 

ed  the  fixth  Company  to  feek  out  a  Quarter,  who, 

after   diligent   Inquiry,  found  out  and  lodged  in 

the    Hofpital   and   Yard.      Thus   having,   from 

Time  to  Time,  acquainted  the  Mayor  with  the 

Mifery  of  our  being  at  prefent  without  Quarter^ 

and  thus  having'laid  three  Nights,  I  was  conftratn- 

ed  to  quarter  my  Men,  without  the  Afliftance  of 

the  Magiftrates,  they  ftill  refufing  to  give  me  any 

Afliftance  or  Directions  in  it. 

*  All  this  I  am  ready  to  depofe,  and  much  mors 

*  to  this  Purpofe  will  be  teftified  by  others.* 


The  INFORMATION"  of  four,  other  Officers. 

Exon-CaJlle,  May  n,  1648. 

*  \A7  E  having  been  often  with   the  Mayor  of 
'     *  *     this  City  for  Money  to  pay  our  Soldiers, 

*  which  was  ordered  to  be  paid  us  by  the  Commit- 

La  *  tee 

i  64  *Ihe  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  o  R  Y 

An.  24  Car.  i.  <  tee  of  the  Army  out  of  the  AfTeffinent  of  this  Ci- 
'  ty,;  were  ftill  delayed  from  Time  to  Time ;  fome- 
'  times'  we  had  fair  Language,  other  Times  very 
harm;  which  fo  much  provoked  our  Soldiers 
'  that,-  at  feverel  Times,  we  doubted  the  Men 
'  would  mutiny  j  and  this  we  urged  to  prevent 

*  Danger,  and  to  ftir  up  the  Mayor  and  Commifli- 
'  oners  to  provide  for  us.     He'  anfwered,  That  if 
'  the  Soldiers  fhould  demean   themfelves  well,  he 
f  would  order  them  Pay  j  and  withal  commanded 
'  them  that  they  (hould  wear  no  Arms  in  the  City; 
6  if  they  did,  they  muft  arm  themfelves  alfo.     And 

*  they  have  been  fo  backward,  that  to  this  Day  lit- 
c  tie  more  than  half  of  the  firft  fix  Months  Pay  is 

*  paid  to  us,  tho'  there  be  more  than  the  whole  nine 
'  Months  due  to  us  fince  the  i5th  of  January  laii; 

*  and  for  the  other  three  Months  there  is  not  any 

*  Thing  done  in  it  ;  they  ftill  thus  delaying  us,  we 
'  defired  (being  unwilling    to  a6l  without  them) 
c  that  they  would  join  with  us  to  conftrain  the  re- 
*"  fpe&ive  Landlords    to    credit  the  Men  till  they 

*  could  get  the  Money  collected,  which  they  pro- 

*  milled  to  do  ;  but  when  we  came  to  defire  them 
*'  to  make  k  good,  the  Mayor  then  denied  it,  re- 
c  plying,  they  had  better  confidered  of  it;  and  withal 
4  he   told  divers  of  the  aforefaid  Landlords,  that 

*  they  were  not  to  truft  them,  if  they  did,  they 

*  (hewed  an*  ill  Example  ;  and  further  told  them, 
«  the  Soldiers  were  quartered  by  a  particular  Order 
'  from  the  General.     It  was   anfwered,    Did   the 
4  General  act  any  thing  without  the  Confent  of 
*"  the  Parliament  ?  He  replied,  He  would  not  now 

*  difpute  it  with  us ;  and  alfo  faid,  he   wondered 

*  what  Defign  we  had  to  keep  fo  many  Soldiers  in 
'  this  Place;  tho'  there  were  none  here  but  what 

*  belonged  to  this  Garrifon.     All  which  will  be 

*  teftified  by  us  the  Officers  thereof, 




t/    ENGLAND. 


Monday^  May  8,  1648. 

T  leutenant-Colonel  Sofatont  with  other  Officers 
^~*  under  Command  of  Sir  Hardrefe  Waller^ 
came  to  Mr.  Mayor's  Houfe  of  Exon,  and  defired 
his  Affiftance  for  the  quartering  the  Soldiers  then 
-in  or  near  the  Town,  commanded  thither  by  Sir 
Hardrefs  Waller  for  that  End,  the  Reafons  where- 
of were  demonftrated  to  the  faid  Mayor  ;  who, 
amongft  many  other  Speeches  of  the  like  follow- 
ing Nature,  did  anfv/er  to  the  abovefaid  Defire  of 
Lieutenant-Colonel  Salmon,  That  we  (viz.  the 
Officers  and  Soldiers)  came  hither  to  furprizethe 
City  ;  and  if  he  had  known  of  our  coming  fooner 
he  would  have  kept  us  out:  And  moreover  faid, 
That  we  are  not  to  be  trufted  ;  and  that  he 
looked  upon  us  as  Enemies,  &c-  And  Mr. 
Clarke  ,  jun.  a  Member  of  the  Parliament,  did  fay 
to  the  fame  Effect  j  adding,  That  we  (meaning 
the  Army  under  the  Command  of  the  Lord  Fair- 
fax) had  done  no  Service  for  the  Parliament.  He 
did  further  fay  .to  Captain  Defborough^  then  pre- 
fent,  that  if  he  were  a  Member  of  the  Army  when 
,the  Remonftrances  were  made  at  Hammerfmith, 
that  then  he  was  one  of  them  which  would  have 
pulled  the  Parliament  out  by  the  Ears.  The  Mayor 
abovefaid  did  further  fay,  That  he  cared  not  fpr 
Sir  Hardrefs  f&alltr's  Qrders  concerning  Quarter- 
ing. Mr.  Clarke  added,  That  if  the  Lord-Gene-  > 
ral  himfelf  did  come  to  the  City  to  quarter  as  we 
did,  he  would  oppofe  him  ;  and  that  the  late  Or- 
dinance .of  Parliament  about  Quartering  was  no- 
Ordinance  of  Parliament,  but  the  General's  and 
Army's.  This  is  a  true  Information  of  fpme  ob- 
fervable  Paflages  which  were  then  fpoken;  all 
which  I  fhall  make  good,  if  called  to  it,  upon 
>  Oath/ 

L  3  37v. 


A".  2+  Cat. 



TJje  Parliatneirtary  HISTORY 

*   *The  INFORMATION  of  Captain  HODDEN. 

May  II,  1648. 

(~\N  Monday  the  8th  of  this  Inftant  Mayt 
coming  with  Lieutenant-Colonel  Salmon  and 
other  Officers  to  the  Mayor's  Hcufe  at  Exon, 
where  we  defired  Dire6tions  and  Affiftance  from 
him  for  quartering  of  the  fix  Companies  then 
come  into  the  City  with  us ;  at  that  Time  and 
Place  the  faid  now  Mayor  of  Exon  faid,  That  he 
had  appointed  the  Gates  to  be  ihut  when  he  heard 
of  our  coming,  and  would  have  kept  us  forth, 
had -he  heard  more  timely  of  our  Coming  ;  and 
laid,  he  looked  upon  us  as  Enemies,  and  would 
not  yield  that  we  fhould  have  any  Quarter  in  the 
City ;  but  commanded  the  Shops  and  Doors  to  be 
fhut ;  and  faid  we  (hould  have  no  Quarter.  There 
v/as  one  Mr.  Clarke^  a  Member  of  Parliament, 
who  faid  we  came  to  furprize  Mr.  Mayor  ;  that 
we  of  the  Army  did  no  Service  for  the  Parlia- 
ment; and  that  the  laft  additional  Directions  for 
Quartering  was  not  the  Parliam  nt's  Ordinance, 
but  was  made  by  the  General  und  Army,  or  fome 
factious  Party. 

1  At  a  fecond  Going  to  Mr.  Mayor  with  the  faid 
Lieutenant  Colonel  -Salmon^  to  dehi'c  Room  to 
keep  the  Soldiers  dry  that  Night,  faying  we  would 
fuffer  very  much  rather  that  be  ariv  Caufeof  Dif- 
turbance  to  the  City,  for  we  came  to  Quarter 
there  according  to  Ordinance  of  Parliament,  being 
deilrous  to  prcferve  and  keep  the  Peace,  where- 
ever  we  came;  Lieutenant-Colonel  Salmon  told 
the  Mayor  that  he  heard  vhe  B-.iis  ihould  be  rung 
to  raife  the  City  againft  the  Soldiers ;  to  which 
Mr.  Mayor  anfwered,  That  it  was  true  he  had 
commanded  the  Market  Bell  to  ring  out  if  any 
Difturbance  fhould  happen  to  be,  and  thereby  to 
caufe  the  City  to  rife  upon  theSoldiers.  Notwith- 
ftanding,  to  prevent  Blood-fhedding  or  other  in- 

*  conveniences,  we  lay ;in  Yar'ds-and  in  the  Streets, 

*  to  this  Day,  without  any  Quarters,     This  I  am 

*  ready  to  make  good  on  Oath,  when  required. 


of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  167 

An,  24  Car.  J. 

77)*  INFORMATION  of  Captain   DESBOROUGH          *6j.s. 

and  Captain  C  H  u  T  E  .  v       w ' 


jfc&v  n,  1648, 

f\  N  Tucfday  the  gth  of  ^^y,  being  command- 
ed  by  Lieutenant-Colonel  Salmon  to  go  to 
Mr.  Mayor's  Houfe  of  £^w,  to  defire  an  Anfwer 
touching  his  Refolution  of  quartering  our  Sol- 
diers, the  Mayor  told  us,  That  the  Aldermen  and 
Common  Council-Men  had  agreed, with  himfelf, 
that  he  fhould  not  aflift  us  in  Quartering.  He  fur- 
ther faid,  We  were  not  fit  to  be  trufted  5  and  that 
we  had  done  more  fiurt  to  the  Kingdom  than 
Good.  He  alfo  told  us,  there  were  Inns,  Ale- 
houfes,  and  Taverns  enough  to  give  us  Quarters  ; 
to  which  Anfwer  of  his  we  defired  his  Directions 
and  Afllftance  to  quarter  there;  but  he  anfwered 
in  the  negative.  Then  we  defired  him  he  would 
be  pleafed  to  appoint  any  of  the  Conftables  to 
aflift  us  ;  but  the  faid  Mayor  anfwered  us  as  for- 
merly. Then  we  further  defired  of  him,  That 
if  any  Tumult  or  InfurreiStion  fhould  happen  by 
means  of  our  Quartering,  we  being  Strangers  in 
the  City,  whether  or  no  he  would  be  pleafed  to 
aflift  us  in  the  Prefervation  of  the  Peace  of  the 
City  ;  he  anfwered,  He  would  not.  This  we  are 
ready  to  depofe  upon  Oath. 


Upon  reading  thefe  Papers  in  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons, they  refolved  that  the  Forces  under  Sir  Har- 
drefs  Waller •,  at  Exeter,  be  forthwith  removed 
thence  j  and  that  a  Letter  be  fent  from  their 
Speaker  to  the  General,  to  defire  immediate  Execu- 
cution  of  that  Order. 

May  20.  The  Parliament  were  now  in  great  Fears 

again,  on  occafion  of  the  laft  and  other  Intelligence 

from  different  Parts ;  and  this   Day  the  following 

JDcclaration,  for  preventing  tumultuous  Afieinbliei.- 

L  4.  under 

The  Parliamentary   HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  under  Pretence  of  prcfcnting  Petitions   to  Pailiar 
ent,  was  agreed  to  by  both  Houfes. 


A  Declaration  a- 

Kinft  prefVnting 
:titions  to  Par- 
liament in  a  tu- 
nrj-uoui  Man-* 

HP  H  E  Lords  and  Commons  in  this  prefect 
Parliament  aflembled  do  declare.  That  as  it 
is  the  Right  and  Privilege  of  the  Subjects  of 
England^  to  prefent  unto  the  Parliament  their  juft 
Grievances,  by  way  of  Petition,  in  a  due  Man- 
ner; and  they  (hall  be  always  ready  to  receive  fuch 
Petitions,  and  to  provide  fuch  Remedies  for  Re- 
drefs  of  fuch  Grievances,  as  they  in  their  \Vifdom 
and  Judgment  (hall  think  beft  ;  fo,  in  regard  that 
by  tumultuous  AfTemblics  of  Perfons  in  feveral 
Counties  and  Cities  of  this  Kingdom,  in  the 
framing  of  fuch  Petitions,  divers  Plots  and  De- 
figns  are  carried  on  by  Malignants  and  Delin- 
quents, and  Perfons  ill-affe&edjto  the  endangering 
the  Deftru&ion  of  Religion,  this  prefent  Parlia- 
ment, and  the  Laws  of  this  Kingdom,  and  Liber- 
ties of  the  Subjeclj  and,  by  the  like  tumultuous 
prefenting  of  the  fame  by  great  Numbers  of 
Rioters  and  ill-affected  Perfons,  contrary  to  for- 
mer Ufages  in  antient  Times,  many  Mifchiefs 
have  enfued,  and  Bloodmed  ;  and  both  Houfes  of 
Parliament  hindered  and  interrupted  in  their  De- 
bates and  Refolutions,  concerning  the  Settlement 
of  thefgreat  Affairs,  Peace,  and  Safety  of  the  King- 
dom ;  the  faid  Lords  and  Commons  do  hereby  de- 
clare and  ordain,  and  be  it  ordered  and  ordained 
by  Authority  of  this  prefent  Parliament,  That 
every  fudi  Petition,  which  hereafter  (hall  be 
brought  up  and  prefented  to  the  Houfes  of  Parlia- 
ment, from  any  County  or  City,  or  otherwife, 
fhall  be  brought  up  and  prefented  only  by  a  con- 
venient Number,  not  exceeing  twenty  Perfons  j 
and  all  fuch  Petitions  (hall  be  by  them  delivered 
to  the  Knights,  Citizens,  or  Burgefles,  who  ferve 
in  Parliament  for  the  faid  County,  City,  or  Bo- 
rough, from  whence  the  faid  Petitions  come,  or 
to  fome  Member  of  either  of  the  faid  Houfes,  by 
them  to  be  offered  to  the  taid  refpeclive  Houfes  '; 

«  fend 

^ENGLAND,  169 

nnd  that  ail  Perfons  who  {hal}  bring  up  any  fuch  An.  24  Car.  I. . 
Petition,  do  behave  themfelves  peaceably,  order-     L   l648«    ^ 
]y,  ?nd  without  Offence.     And  if  any  Perfon  or        M 
Perfons  {hall  hereaiter,  under  any  fuch  or  the  like 
Pretence,  lumultuoufly  afiemble  as  aforefaid,  the 
faid  Perfon  or  Perfons  fo  offending,  ftull  be  ad- 
judged as  Perfons  ill  affected  to  the  Parliament 
and  Kingdom.' 

The  Commons  were  in  fo  great  Hafle  to  have 
this  Declaration  difperfed  among  the  People,  that, 
in  their  Order  of  the  22cl  for  publifhing  the  fame 
in  all  the  Market-Towns  throughout  every  County, 
the  Printer  was  enjoined  to  bring  in  a  fufficient 
Number  of  Copies  to  be  diftributcd  by  the  Knights 
and  Kurgcffes  accordingly,  the  very  next  Day,  by 
Twelve  of  the  Clock  at  the  fartheit. 

We  have   before  taken  Notice  of  a  remarkable 
Petition  from   the  County  of  Surry,  prefented,  on 
the  1 6th  of  this  Month,  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons 
in  a  riotous  Manner  ;  that  thereupon  they  had  re- 
fufed  to  give  any  Anfwer  tqit.  and  had  appointed  a 
Committee  to  examine  into  the  Occafion  and  Cir- 
cumfrances  of  the  Riot:  However,  we   find  the  Several  Memtx» 
Commons  thought  it  more  prudent,  at  this  Criffs, ?PPoil\ted  *°  g» 
to  footh,  than  to  exafperate,  the  Petitioners;  for on^Aoount^f7' 
this  Day  they  made  an  Order,  That  the  Members  the  late  Petitiwi 
who  fetved  for  Surry,  and  other  Members  dwel-[rom  thatCou»- 
ling  in  that  County,   be  defired  to  go  down  there.  7' 
The  following  Instructions  were   alfp  drawn  up, 
and  fent  by   Sir  Richard  Onflow   to  the  Houfe  of 
Lords,  who  gave  their  Concurrence. 

INSTRUCTIONS  for  fucb  Lords,  and  Members  of  tie 
Houje  of  Commons,  as  Jhall  be  fent  into  the  County  of 

*  HP  HAT  the  Earl  of  Northumberland  be  defired 

*  to  g°  Suddenly  down,  with  fuch  other  Gen- 
'  tlemen  as  the  Houfe  fhall  pleafe  to  nominate,  into 

*  the  County  of  Surry. 

«  That 

170  ¥be  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  14  Ca*.  I.  «  That  they  ufe  their  Endeavours,  by  the  befl 

t   >648-    J   ,«  Ways  and  Means  they  (hall  think  fit,  ;to  inform 

May.         '  tne  County  of  Surry  of  the  undue  Manner  of  de- 

*  livering  a  Petition  to  the  Houfes,  on  Tuefday  laft, 
'  by  many  of  the  Inhabitants  thereof;  and  of  the 
'  great  Diforder  that  was  amongft  the  Petitioners, 

*  by  tumultuous  Shoutings,  whilft  the  Houfes  were 
'  in  ConiideratioH,  of  the  Petition ;  to  the  drawing 
'  together  many  difaffe&ed  Perfons   in  and    about 
'  Jf^eJJminJJer^   to  the  Danger  and  Interruption  of 

*  the  peaceable  Sitting  of  the  Houfes. 

'  That  the  Houfes  cannot  attribute  thofe  Difor- 

«  ders  to  that  County ;  but  do  retain  in  Memory 

'  their  many  faithful  Services  and  good  Affections 

x       *  exprefled  to  the  Parliament ;  and  doubt  not  but 

*  thofe  Diftempers  that  fell   out  were  contrary  to 
'"the  Defires  and  Liking  of  that  County. 

*  That  they   inform    the    Inhabitants    of    that 

*  County,  That  the  Houfes  of  Parliament  intend 
4  not  to  hinder  their  prefendng  of  Petitions  in  a 
*•  due  and  fitting  Way ;  but  fhall  be  ready  to  give 
'  all  Encouragement  and   Anfwers  thereunto,  for 
*•  the  Satisfaction  of  their  juft  Defires. 

*  That  the  Houfes  are  upon  the  prefent  Confide- 
f  ration  of  Matters  of  moft  weighty  Concernment  to 
'  the  Settlement  of  the  Kingdom  in  a  fafe  and  hap- 
«  py  Peace;  and  expect  to  be  free  from  tumultuous 
4  Interruptions  therein. 

c  That  the  Houfes  have   ordered   the  reftoring 

*  fuch  Horfes  as  were  taken   away   from  divers  of 
'  the  Petitioners,    that  behaved    themfelves    in  a 
'  peaceable  Manner  at  that  Time :  And  they  fhall 
'  take  Care  that   the  whole   Bufmefs  be  duly  ex- 
«  amined  ;  and  that  all  Witnofles  be  freely  heard  ; 
'  and    expect  that  no    Mifreprefentations  may  be 

*  made  thereof  in  the  mean  Time/ 

The  fame  Day  Mr.  Annefley  reported  the  Sub- 
7VCi'*<*Lon-fcmce  of  the  Anfwer  of  the  Common  Council  of 
ioVrefolve  to  London^  to  the  Committee  of  both  Houfes  who 
siberetothc  v.'cnt  into  the  City  on  the  igth,  viz,  *  That  they 

wjth     all    Thailkfulnefs,     the 

<  great 

tf    ENGLAND.  171 

c  great  Pains  and  Care  of  the  Parliament  for  them  :  An.  24  Car.  I. 

*  That  their  Refolutions  were  conftant,  to  remain 
Hrmiy  conjoined  in  Oppofition  to  the  common 
Enemy,  who  watch  for  their  Ruin  :  That  they 
look  upon  the  News  the  Committee  brought  them, 
as  Light  breaking  through  the  Clouds  :  And  that 
fhey  do  refolve,  in  pursuance  of  the  Solemn 
League  and  Covenant,  to  live  and  die  with  the 

May  23.  This  Day  a  Petition  was  prefentcd  to 
both  Houfes  of  Parliament  from  the  City  of  Lon- 
don ;  which  was  as  follows  : 

To   the  Right    Honourable  the    COMMONS,    in    the 
High  Court  of  Parliament  a[jtmble'dt 

The  HUMBLE  PETITION  of  the  Lord  Mayor,  Alder- 
men andCommonS)  of  the  City  of  London  in  Common 
Council  ajjcmbled) 

HP  H  A  T  as  your  Petitioners,  in  all  Humility,  And  petition  for 
do  thankfully  acknowledge  the  many  former  the  Difcharge  of 
Fav6urs  of  this  Honourable  Houfe  manifefted  to  * 

this  City,  fo  i'n  particular  in  granting  their  De- 
fires,  exprefTed  in  their  late  Petition  concerning 
the  Tower  and  Militia  of  London  ;  and  in  com- 
m'utiicating  unto  the  Petitioners  feveral  Votes  of 
both  Houfes  of  Parliament  ;  wherein,  to  your  Pe- 
titioners great  Joy  and  Comfort,  are  exprefied 
your  Refolutions,  That  you  will  not  alter  the 
Fundamental  Government  of  the  Kingdom,  by 
King,  Lords,  and  Commons  :  That  you  will  pre- 
ferve  inviolably  the  Solemn  League  and  Covenant, 
and  the  Treaties  between  the  Kingdoms  of  Eng- 
land and  Scotland;  and  that  you  will  be  ready  to 
join  with  the  Kingdom  of  Scot/and  in  the  Propofi- 
tions  agreed  upon  by  both  Kingdoms,  and  the 
Prefervation  of  the  Union  according  to  the  Cove- 
nanr  and  Treaties. 

'  And  your  Petitioners  further  humbly  prefcnt 

to  this  Honourable  Houfe,  That  the  Inhabitants 

••     •    ,  -  'of 

*The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

of  the  City  are  much  grieved,  in  that  their  Magi*, 
ftrates  and  Fellow-Citizens  have,  for  a  long 
Time,  been  under  Reftraint,  and  the  City  there- 
by deprived  of  their  Service  ;  and  humbly  pray. 
That  in  profecution  ofyourfaid  Votes,  you  will 
be  pleafed  to  improve  all  good  Opportunities  in 
perfecting  fo  defirable  a  Good  as  is  therein  ex- 
preiTed,  for  the  fpeedy  Settlement  of  the  Peacq,qf 
both  Kingdoms,  and  Prefervation  of  the  Urriori 
according  to  the  Covenant  and  Treaties,  and  pre- 
venting a  new  and  bloody  War. 
*  That  the  Aldermen  now  in  the  Tower ,  the  Re- 
corder, and  the  reft  of  their  Fellow- Citizens  re- 
ftrained  upon  the  fame  Occafion,  may  be  dif- 
charged  and  reftored ;  whereby  the  City  may  "bp 
the  better  united,  their  Hands  ftrengthened,  and 
they  made  more  ferviceable  to  the  Parliament  and 
City  for  their  Prefervation  and  Safety,  which  they 
fhall  endeavour  to  the  utmoft  of  their  Power  and 

And  the  Petitioners  Jhall  ever  pray ',  &c. 

The  Lords  returned  the  Petitioners  Thanks ; 
and  gave  them  AfTurance  of  taking  all  Opportunities 
for  a  fpeedy  Settlement  of  a  fafe  Peace  in  both  King- 
doms, according  to  the  Covenant;  and  endeavour- 
ing to  prevent  a  new  and  bloody  War:  That 
upon  the  Impeachments  fent  from  the  Commons, 
they  had  procured  no  otherwife  than  in  the  ufual 
Courfe  of  Parliament :  That  as  to  the  Recorder 
and  the  reft  not  impeached,  they  would  endeavour 
their  Releafe  ;  and  afiured  the  City  of  their  Inclina- 
tions to  comply  with  thefe  Defires  from  them,  as  a 
Means  firmly  to  unite  them,  to  faften  their  Hearts, 
and  ftrengthen  their  Hands  to  ferve  the  Parliament, 
in  order  to  the  Eftabliftiment  of  Religion  and  the 
Peace  of  the  Kingdom  according  to  the  Co- 

'The  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons  ac- 
quainted the  Citizens,  That  the  Houfe  had  con- 
fidered  their  Petition  5  that  in  it  were  many  Defires 


of  ENGLAND.  173 

which  are  expreffcd  to  tend  very  much  to  the  Union  An.  24  Car.  I. 

of  the  City  in  itfelf :  Which  how  much  that  Houfe  y 54**      f 

defirtd,  would  appear  by  the  following  Votes  :  JJTJ] 

1.  *  That  Mr.  Glynne,  Recorder  of  the  City,  be  Votes  of  the 
difcharged  from  any  Proceedings    upon  the  Vote  Common*  in 
,-      ,  •     T  ,  •  Conf<rqiience 
for  his  Impeachment.  thereof 

2.  '  The  like  Order  made  for  Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel Raines ;  the  Colonels  Chapman^  Vaughan,  Cap- 
ley  ^  Bromfald,  and  Hooker  ;  the  Captains  Jones  and 
Cox.     And, 

3.  '  That,  upon   the  Defire  of  the  Militia  of 
London,  the  Horfe  and  Foot  in  the  Tower  fhould  be 
removed  from  thence,  and  joined  with  the  Forces 
a't  Whitehall  and  the  Mews  ;  there  to  continue  till 
the  City  declare  they  are  in  a  Pofture  to  defend  the 
Parliament  and  themfelves.' 

He  alfo  further  informed  them,  That  as  to  the 
Cafe  of  the  Aldermen  in  the  Tower,  it  was  a  Bufi- 
nefs  of  a  very  ferious  and  important  Coniideratfon  j 
and  therefore  the  Houfe  had  refolded  to  refume  the 
Debate  of  it  on  that  Day  Se'nnight. 

The  Citizens  being  withdrawn,   the  Commons 
refolved,  That  fuch  Members  of   their  Committee 
as  went  to  the  laft  Common  Council,  be  enjoined 
to  go  to  another,  appointed  to  meet  To-/norrow, 
and  reprefent  unto  them  the  great  Neceffity  there  who  prefs  the 
is  for  the  Payment  of  the  Arrears  due  from  the  City  City  to  haften 
to  the  Army:  That  neither  they,  the  Parliament, ^f^an due 
nor  City,  can  be  long  fafe  without  a  fpeedy  Pay- to  the  Army, 
ment  of  thofe  Arrears;  befides  the  Influence  it  hath 
upon  other  Parts,  by  the  ill  Precedent  that   this 
great  City  ihould  be  fo   far  behind  in  Arrears,  at 
fuch  a  Time;  and  to  prefs  that  3O,OOoA  of  the  (aid 
Arrears  may  be  forthwith  advanced  j  and  the  Re- 
mainder thereof  brought  in  with  ail  Speed. 

May  24.  The  Commons  ftill  purfued  their  De- 
fign  of  beginning  another  Treaty  with  the  King, 
for  fettling  a  fafe  and  well-grounded  Peace.  And 
this  Day  the  Queftion  being  put  in  that  Houfe, 
That  Religion  and  the  Militia  being  firft  fettled, 


1 74  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  an(j   the    Declarations,  cV.  being  recalled,  then  a 
*    '  *  '    i     Treaty  fhould  be  had  with  the  King  upon  the  other 
May.         Proportions  fent  to  him  at  Hampton-Lourt,  it  paf- 
Andrefoiveto    Ted  in  the  Affirmative  on  a  Divifion,  160  a?ainft  86, 
SKoC          The  Tellers  for  theQueftion,LordC;w«^r^andSir 
Thomas  Dacres  ;  againft  it,  Col.  Boffeville  and  Col. 
Sydenbam.     Thefe  Propofitions  being  afterwards  re- 
duced into  Form,  it  appeared  thereby  that  the  King 
inuft  agree  to  fettle  the  Prefbyterian  Government 
for  three  Years,  and  the  Militia,  by  Sea  and  Land, 
in  the  Hands  of  the  Parliament  for  ten  :  And  that 
all  his    Declarations,    Proclamations,  Judgments, 
Indictments,  and  Outlawries  fhould  be  recalled  and 
made  null    before  axiy  Treaty  was  to  be  had  with 

May  26.  The  Lord  Vifco.unt  Say  and  Sele  report- 
ed a  Paper  from    the  Committee  at   Dcrby-Houfi^ 
.  which  was  read  as  follows  : 

Die  Vencris  May  26,  1648. 

By  the  Committee  of  Lord*  and  Commons  at  Derby- 

Information  of    c  f^dered,   That  it  be  reported  to  both  Houfes, 
in  Infurrretuon        I  - i  \  •      r^<  •  i       • 

intended  in  Lon-  tnat  this   Committee    having  written  to  the 

don,  and  the  ad-  General  to  take  Care  for  Prevention  of  the  Dangers, 

jnFnou^f his  that  are  imm'nent  from  the  Infurre&ions  and  Dif- 
M»jefty.  tempers  of  the  People  in  feveral  Counties  adjacent ; 

the  Lord-General  hath  defired,  that,  to  enable  him 
to  it,  the  Forces  in  the  Tower  and  the  Afrivs  may 
be  free  to  follow  his  Order  for  it :  To  offer  it, 
thereupon,  to  the  Confideration  of  the  Houfes,  if 
thofe  Forces  be  made  ufe  of  to  that  End,  how  the 
Houfes  may  fit  fecure. 

«  That  whereas  this  Committee  formerly  report- 
ed to  the  Houfes,  that  there  was  a  Confpiracy  car- 
ried on  in  and  about  London,  under  an  Oath  of  Se- 
crefy  ;  that  we  have  received  feveral  Informations 
fmce,  that  the  faid  Confpiracy  is  ftill  carried  on  ; 
that  the  Committee  of  the  Militia  of  London  fent  to 
this  Committee  a  Copy  of  that  Oath  of  their  Aflb- 
-ciation,  which  is  hereunto  annexed. 

«  We 

•f   ENGLAND.  175 

*  tVe  have  alfo  Intelligence,  that,  on  Tuefday  An.  ^  c«. 
next,  there  will  be  a  Meeting  at  Black-Heath  of  the    t    * 
Kentijh  Men  ;  the  fame  Day,  of  the  S«rry  Men  at         May. 
Putney- Heath;  and  of  the  j^'*  Men,  at  Wan/lead, 
and  that  they  had  Intelligence  one  with  another,  as 
we  are  informed. 

«  We  are  alfo  informed,  that  the  People  about 
Greenwich  and  Deptford  are  rifen,  and  have  feifed 
the  Stores  at  Deptford' 

The  Copy  of  the  OATH  ofSECREsY. 

iMprimis,  //  is  covenanted  and  agreed  by  all  the  Par"  • 
ties  to  thefe  Prefents,  that  all  and  every  tif  them 
Jhall 'forthwith  voluntarily  take  the  Oath  and  Covenant 
hereunto  annexed,  and  fiall  engage  as  many  Friends  ts 
j-oin  with  them  in  the  fame  as  pojfible  may  be. 

Item,  It  is  agreed  that  one  or  more  Per  fan  or  Per- 
fans,  Parties  to  thefe  Prefents,  for  every  PariJJ)  or  Pre- 
dn  ft  Jhall  be  cleft ed  to  be  Agents  for  the  rejl,  to  UJl  the 
Names  of  fuch  Perfons  within  their  Parijhes  as  Jhall 
voluntarily  join  with  them  in  the  faid  Oath  ;  and  theyy 
from  Time  to  Time,  to  hold  Intelligence  each  with  the 
other ,  as  Occafion  Jhall  require,  for  the  Advancement  of 
the  Defign. 

We  do  voluntarily  fw ear  by  the  Holy  Evangelijls, 
and  the  Contents  thereof,  with  our  Lives  and  Fortunes 
to  maintain,  preferve}  and  defend  the  true  Protejlant 
Religion  ejlabiijhed  by  Law,  the  Laws  of  the  Land, 
the  juji  Rights  and  Prerogatives  of  the  King's  Majejly 
and  his  SucceJJors,  and  the  jujl  Rights  of  his  Subjifis  ; 
and  alfo  to  be  faithful,  true,  and  jujl  unto  all  Perfons 
whomsoever  here  inter ejled,  and  faithfully  to  keep  their 
Secrets ;  alfo  faithfully  and  duly  to  objerve,  perform? 
and  keep  this  Oath  and  Covenant,  and  above-recited 
Covenant,  Orders,  and  Ordinances  ;  and  not  to  reveal 
cr  dif cover  them  to  any  but  thofe  who  are  or  Jhall  be 
hereby  engaged. 

'  J 

The  foregoing  Report  having  been  laid  before 
the  Commons,  they  fent  a  Meflage  to  the  Lords, 
idefiring  the  fame  might  be  communicated  to  the 


¥he  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  Common  Councilof  the   City  of  London  that  Af«> 
ternoon  j  which  was  agreed  to,  and  done  accord- 

Next  a  Letter,  and   Papers  inclofed,   from  the 
Earl  of  Nottingham  were  read  : 

For  the    Right   Hon.  the  Earl  of  MANCHESTER, 
Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  PEERS  pro  Tempore. 

My  Lord9  Edinburgh,  May  19,   1648. 

'    A  Ccording  to  your   Lordfhips  Command,  we 
Forther  Advices  <  £\  fa&  communicate  your  Lordfhips   Votes  of 

from  the  Com-  i^tr7i-r  i        X  •  rr^n  t 

fhc  6th  of  May  to  the  Committee  of  Jiltates  here, 
Scotland.  the  firft  Day  they  fat,  and  therewith  Sid  give  in 

the  inclofed  Paper.  We  thought  it  was  moft  for 
your  Lordftiips  Service  to  do  our  Endeavour  that 
they  might  be  engaged  to  fome  Anfwer,  therefore 
we  did  fend  it  alone;  and  deferred  our  Reply  to 
their  Anfwer  concerning  the  Perfons  demanded 
by  us,  and  the  Towns  of  Berwick  and  Carlijley 
formerly  fent  your  Lordfhips  ;  but  hearing  they 
had  put  off  their  Debate  upon  the  Votes,  we 
gave  in  our  Reply,  of  which  the  inclofed  is  a 
Copy.  I  have  no  more  at  prefent  to  add,  but  to 
aflure  your  Lord  (hip  that  I  am, 

My  Lord, 
four  Lordjhip's  mojl  humble  Servant, 


Paper  delivered  by  the  ENGLISH  COMMISSIONERS 
to  the  COMMITTEE  of  ESTATES  above  referred 

Edinburgh,  May  15,  1648. 

TTfT1  E  have  often  declared  to  your  Lordfhips 
VV  the  unfeigned  Defires  of  both  Houfes  of 
the  Parliament  of  England,  to  continue  and  pre- 
ferve  the  Union  and  brotherly  Agreement  betwixt 
them  and  the  Parliament  and  Kingdom  of  Scot- 

«  land 

^/ENGLAND.  177 

land;  and  now  it  may  appear  to  your  Lordfhips  An. 24 Car.  I. 
and  all  the  World,  how  really  they  have  endea- 
voured  it  by  their  Refolutions  here  incSofed,  which 
we  doubt  not  will  give  your  Lordfhips  Satisfac- 
tion. We  are  to  give  an  Account  to  both  Houfes 
of  Parliament  of  your  Lordfhips  Acceptance  of 
what  they  herein  do  offer,  which  we  hope  your 
Lordfhips  will  return  to  us  with  all  convenient 

By  Command  of  the  Comm'tjjioners  of  the  Parliament 
of  England, 


Here  follow  the  Votes  of  both  Houfes  of  May  6, 
concerning  the  keeping  of  the  Covenant  and  Trea- 
ties, and  their  Offer  to  join  with  the  Proportions 
prefented  to  the  King  XLHampton-Coiirt.^-Qui  thefe 
are  already  given  at  p.  130  of  this  Volume* 

The  ANSWER  of  the  COMMISSIONERS  of  both 
Houfes  of  the'  Parliament  of  England,  unto  the 
federal  Papers  of  the  fecond  and  tenth  of  May 
Injlant,  fent  to  them  from  the  Honourable  Parlia~ 
ment  ^Scotland. 

Edinburgh,  May  18,  1648. 

"D  Y  your  Lordfhips  Paper  of  the  fecond  of 
***  May  Inftant,  (in  anfvverto  ours  of  the  igth 
and  29th  of  April]  which  yet  we  did  not  re- 
ceive till  the  loth,  you  are  pleafed  to  inform  "us, 
That  the  Perfons  remanded  are  not  within  this 
Kingdom,  and  therefore  you  think  it  not  necejfary 
to  inji/t  upon  giving  the  Reafons  of  your  Lord/hips 
former  Anfwer,  but  offer  us  a  Conference  about  it : 
To  which  we  muft  reply,  That,  by  the  fame 
Reafons,  it  is  not  neceflary  to  have  any  Confe- 
rence upon  it ;  but  however  we  fhall  not  wave  a 
Conference  concerning  the  aforefaid  Papers,  if 
your  Lordfhips  fhall  defire  it,  yet  we  wifhed  it  had 
been  offered  to  us  before  thofe  Gentlemen  took 
their  Journey  from  hence,  fo  much  to  the  Preju- 
dice of  England  \  when  (as  we  fhoilld  not  have 
VOL.  XVII.  M  «  doubted 

Aa.  .4   Car.  I. 

Parliamentary  HISTORY 

dotibted  to  clear  the  Juftice  of  our  Dcnr.r.nds  fo) 
we  might  have  had  Hope  to  reap  the  Fruit  of  it, 
in  having  tnofe  Perfons  delivered  to  us,  which 
might  have  prevented  much  Mifchief  that  hath 
and  may  happen  to  both  Kingdoms. 
*  For  your  Lordfhips  Paper  of  the  icth  of  May 
Inftant,  in  anfwer  to  ours  of  the  2d  and  9th  of 
May,  as  to  that  Part  wherein  your  Lordfliips  are 
pleafed  to  fay,  That  we  bad^  in  a  former  Addrtjs 
to  you,  informed  jsur  Lordjhips  that  Guards  were 
kept  in  Berwick  upon  Tweed  ;  we  affirm,  if  your 
Lordfliips  will  pleafe  to  perufe  that  Letter,  it 
will  appear  that  we  did  not  inform  your  Lord- 
(hips  that  any  Guards  were  there  ;  but  only  a 
Watch  ofTownfmcn,  which,  by  the  Laws  of  the 
Kingdom  of  England,  every  Town  may  keep  ; 
die  Scope  of  our  Letter  being  only  to  aflure  your 
LorJfhips,  that  there  were  no  Guards  or  Shew  of 
Hoftility  in  a  Garrifon  there,  it  being  the  Refo- 
lution  of  the  Parliament  of  England,  and  of  us 
intruded  by  them,  not  only  to  keep  the  Treaties 
bet-.vixt  the  Kingdoms  inviolable,  but  to  avoid 
every  thing  that  might  have  the  leaft  Appearance 
or  a  Breach  ;  and  Therefore,  altho'  at  that  Time 
the  Mayor  and  Officers  of  Ber-wick  did  give 
Charge  to  the  Watch,  that,  during  the  Time  of 
the  then  intended  Horfe-Race,  no  Man  that  had 
been  in  Arms  againft  the  Parliament  fhould  come 
into  the  Town  ;  yet,  becaufe  we  heard  that  fome 
Members  of  the  Parliament  were  unfatisfied  with 
it,  to  avoid  Offence  the  faid  Watch  was  laid 
down.  This  being  the  Truth,  whatever  we  ma)' 
fuffer  at  the  prefent  by  the  furpriiing  and  hold- 
ing of  Bern::ck  and  Carlifitj  yet  our  honeft  and 
fmcere  Intentions  herein,  we  are  aflured,  is 
acceptable  to  God  and  all  good  Men  ;  and  we  are 
confident  will,  by  God's  Blefling,  in  the  IfTue, 
be  of  more  Advantage  than  if  we  had,  unde1  hand, 
carried  on  private,  unworthy^  and  unrighteous 
Defigns,  againft  our  Agreement  with  this  King- 
dom, to  get  them  taken  and  held  v.'ithout  your 

4  Lord- 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D: 

*  Lordfhips  Confent,   although  it  had  been   to  no  An 

*  other  End  but  to  prcfepve  them  from  thofe  who 
4  have  been  in  Arms  againft  us  ;  and  who,  as  they 
c  have  hitherto  been,  fo  will  a^ain  be  found  to  be 

*  the  real  Enemies  of  both  Kingdoms.   . 

'  As  to  that  Part  of  the  Anfwer  your  Lordfhips 

*  are  pleated  to  give  us,  That  when  you  Jhall .  le.cer- 

*  tainly  informed  by  what  Perfons^  and  by  what  Authi- 
'  r//y,  thofe  Plates  are-feized  upon  and  garrifonedy  we 
'  may    be   confident  that  this  Kingdom  will  do  tkere- 

*  upon    what     is    jufty  fit,     and  agreeable    to   tb'e 
'  Solemn  Covenant  and  Treaties ;  and  upon  this   cr 

*  any  other  Thing  elfe  •  we  have  in  Command  from  the 
'  two  Houfes,  your   Lord/hips  are  ready  to    appoint 

*  fame  to  confer  with  us  j  we  muft  confefs  this  An- 

*  fwer  feemed  very  ftrange  to  us,  when  our  Papers^ 
'  to  which  your  Lordfhips  c!id  relate,  aflfured  your 

*  Lordfhips  that  they   were  fuch  Perfons  a?  were 
'  Enemies  to  the  Parliament  and  Kingdom  oiEng- 

*  land;  and  thofe  being  Englijh  Towns,  if  we  had 

*  faid  no  more,  confidering  the  Ties  that  are  be- 

*  twixt  thefe  Kingdoms,  although  there  had   beer* 
'  no  Treaties  betwixt  us  concerning  thefe  Towns,' 

*  yet  we  conceive  this  had  been  fufficient  Grounds, 

*  in  our  faid  Papers   of  the  2d  and  gth  of  May, 
'  for  our  Demands ;  but  we  did   more  particularly 
'  tell  your  Lordfhips,  that  they  were  fuch  as-  went 
"  from  this    City   of  Edinburgh  to  take  and  feize 

*  them,  and   fome  of  thofe  whom  we  had,  in  the 

*  Name  of  the   Parliament  rf England'^  demanded 

*  of  your  Lordfhips  whilft  they  were  here  j  and  al- 

*  though   we  cannot  imagine  but  the  .  particular 

*  Names  of  thofe  Perfons  are  much  better  known 

*  to  many  in  this  City  than  to  us,  feeing  thofe  inf 

*  CarliJJe  and  Berwick  have  frequent  and  free  Re-* 

*  courfe  hither,  even    the    Commanders    in   thefe 

*  Towns  ;  yet  we  (hall  more  particularly  acquaint 

*  your  Lordfhips,    as  we  are  credibly  .informed^ 

*  that  of  thefe  we  have  demanded,  Sir  Ala'rmaduke 

*  Langdale  did   feize   Berwick^  and  commands  the 

*  Forces  there  and  thereabouts  in  Chief;  and  tha? 

M  ?, 

*fhe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

with  him  there  is  Col.  George  Wray,  and  many 
fuch  like  that  have  been  Papifts  in  Arms  j  and  that 
Sir  Philip  Muferave  hath  taken  and  holds  Car  lifts, 
and  that  with  him  is  Capt.  Wogsn  and  his  Troop; 

*  which,  :.s  to  the  Pcrfons,  we  hope  will  give  your 
'  Lordfhips  Sati;fu£tion  :  However,  we  conceive  it 
'  was  altogether  unneceffary,  further  than  to  an- 
'  fwer  your  Lordlhips  Query  in  our  Papers ;  for  if 

*  thofe  Towns  be  taken,  feized  and  held,   as  they 
'  are,  contrary  to  the  Treaties,   it  is  a  Breach  in 
'  any  whom  foe  ver. 

'  For  your  Lordftiips  Defire  to  know  by  what 

*  Power  and  Authority  thefe  Places  are  feized  upon 
'  and  garrifoned  ;  although  we  cannot  anfwer  it  in 

*  the  Affirmative,   yet  we  may  fatisfy  your  Lord- 
4  (hips  in  the  Negative,  that  no  Power  on  Earth, 
'  without  the  Conient  of  the  Parliament  of  Eng- 
'  land,  can  give  a  lawful  Warrant  to  take  or  hold 
'  thefe  Towns  of  Berwick  and  Carlijle,  they  being 
'  to  remain   difgarrifoned   by  A6t  of  Parliament  j 

*  whereof  we  need  not  to  give  further  AfTurance  to 

*  your  Lordfhips,  the  fame  Act  being  likewife  paf- 

*  fed  in  this  Kingdom. 

c  For  the  Conference  upon  this  Bufuiefs  offered 
'  by  yo-ur  Lordftiips ',  altho' we  conceive  nothing 

*  can  be    objected   againft   thefe  clear  Matters  of 

*  Fa&,yet  we  {hould  willingly  accept  of  it,  but  that 

*  it  muft  make  a  Delay  which  we  have  no  Reafon 
«  to  occafion  on  our  Part,  when  to  the  Stores   of 
'  Arms  and  Ammunition,  which  are  already  brought 
'  to  Berwick  and  Carlijle^  mentioned  in  our  former 
«  Papers,  altho'  not  taken  Notice  of  by  your  Lord- 

*  fhips  in  your  Anfwer,   we  are  credibly  informed 
«  that  feveral  Pieces  of  Ordnance  are  now  going 

*  out  of  this  Kingdom  to  Berwick  ;  which  if  your 

*  Lordftiips  do  not  allow,  as  we  are  confident  you 

*  will  not,  we  hope  you  will  not  only  ufe  Means  to 
'  prevent,  but  now,   without  further  Delay,  make 

*  fuch  Declaration  againft  thofe  that  now  hold  the 

*  faid  Towns  of  Berwick  and  Carlijle,  and  their  Ad- 

*  herents,  as  will  make  it  appear  to  the  World  that 

*  your 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  181 

*•  your  Lord{hips  are  refolved  to  keep  inviolably  the  An.  24  Car.  r. 
c  Solemn  Covenant  and  Treaties  betwixt  the  King-, 
*  doms  of  England  and  Scotland. 

By  Command  of  the   Commijfionen   cf   tie   Par- 
liament ^England, 


May  27.  A  Letter  from  Col.  Hammond  to  the 
Committee  of  Safety  was,  this  Day,  communicated 
to  the  Lords  and  read  in  that  Houfe. 

CariJbrook-Cq/lle,  May  22,  1648. 
My  Lords  and  Gentlemen^ 

TP  H  E  laft  Night  there  came  hither  one  Job  A  Letter  from 
-*•'    Weal,  a  Phyfician,  as  he  calls  himfelf,  living  Co^-  Ham«^nd, 
at  Kindlon  upon  Thames.     He  came  hither  with  Security  on  he 
Poft    Horfes,  pretending  to   come  in  great  Haire  King's  P^rfon 

from  my  Lord-General,  employed  by  him  to  me and  the  \n("T*ec~ 
•D    r      r         c     L.  •    u    n.     r^  TJ    tions  in  his  Fa- 

on  Buhnefs  of  higheft  Concernment.  He  vmm 
counterfeits  himfelf  in  a  fainting  Fit,  by  reafon 
of  hard  riding,  and  that  he  would  not  declare  hrs 
Bufinefs  to  me  till  he  had  drank  fo me  hot  Waters 
to  recover  his  Spirits  ;  which  Preamble  being  ill 
managed  to  this  Bufinefs,  made  me  fufpedl:  him 
to  be  a  Knave,  as  I  afterwards  more  plainly 
found  him  :  So  foon  as  he  feigned  to  come  to 
himfelf,  he  began  to  tell  me  that  his  Bufinefs 
imporced  the  Safety  of  my  Life,  and,  that  which 
was  dearer  to  me,  the  great  Charge  in  my  Hands, 
the  Security  of  the  Perfon  of  the  King ;  and  that 
to  this  End  I  (hquld  immediately  remove  the  King 
to  Portfmouth,  to  Major  Lobb,  to  whom  he  had 
Directions  to  receive  him  ;  that  otherwife  the 
King  would  be  violently  taken  hence  the  next 
Morning  by  Four  o'Clock,  and  rnyfelf  a  dead 
Man  ;  for  to  his  Knowledge  the  Scheme  was  fo 
laid;  and  it  was  thus  :  That  there  was  a  Fleet 
of  Ships  at  Sea,  near  the  Coaft,  that  were  to 
come  in  between  the  Ifland  and  the  Land-Shore 
that  Evening,  who  were  to  land  in  the  Night ;' 
and  that  great  Numbers  were  to  come  out  of  tht>; 
M  3  *  main! 

1 8  2  ¥be  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  p  £  y 

main  Land,  pretending  Occafions  at  a  Fair  which 
was  to'  be  kept  at  Newport  oh  the  Morrow,  wh 9 
fhould  afiifr.  them  ;  and  at  the  fame  Time  all  the 
'Beacons  in  the  Ifland  were  to  be  fet  on  Fire,  and 
to  raife  the  Country  for  'the  King;  and  if  not, 
to  arriaz'e  them  with  Fear,  that  fo  they  might  the 
better  carry  on  their  Defign,  which  there  was  no 
Way  to  avofd,  tut  as  he  had  given  me  Direc- 
tion. When  he  had  concluded  his  'Tale,  I  en- 
quired of  him,  Whether  he  had  any  Thing  in 
Writing  to  confirm  it  ?  He  told  me,  That  this 
InftVucTion  to  nie  'was'  int'rufted  to  him  to  com- 
municate only  by  Word  of  Mouth, 'but  he  had 
Inftrucrions  in  Writing,  quilted  up  in  his  Waiflr- 
coat,  for  Major  Lobb.  I  defired  him  tb  let  me 
fee  them,  he  told  me  his  Order  was  only  to  com- 
municate them  to  Major  Lobb.  I  faid  I  muft 
lee  them  ;  he  refufmg,  I  told  him  I  apprehended 
he  had  other  Bufmefs  here,  and  if  he  would  not 
immediately  let  me  know  it,  I  muft  take  another 
Cou'rfe  with  him;  whereupon  I  caufed  him  to 
be  ftricliJy  fearched,  and  found  only  thefe  Papers 
about  him  ;  that  Letter  from  him,  without  Sub- 
fci'iption  or  Direction,  he  faith  was  to  my  Lord 
of  Dover  ;  the  reft  Petitions  and  fome  Notes  of 
InftruCt.ions  of  his  own.  When  he  found  his  idle 
Plot  would  not  take,  and  that  he  was  difcovered, 
he  told  me  that  he  would  deal  ingenuoufly  with 
me,  and  would  tell  me  truly:  His  Bujlneis  was 
principally,  by  this  Means,  to  gain  an  Jn- 
tereft  with  me,  that  he  might  fpeak  '  with  the 
King,  to  procure  Leave  from  him  that  the 
County  of'  Surry^  from  whom  he  was  fent 
to  that  Purpofe,  might  have  his  Majefty's  Ap- 
probation to  chufe  a  Commander  in  Chief,  under 
whom  to  put  their  Couritry  iri  a  Pofture  of 
Defence.  Upon  his  Way  he  flopped  a  Poft  go- 
ing from  Porijnioutb  to  London  with  this  inclofed 
Packet,  which,  if  your  Lordfhips  pleafe,  may 
be  fpeedily  delivered,  being  about  Victuals  for 
th^  Navy,  I  perceive  by  Difcourfe  with  him, 
><•  -  -  .  •  ''that 

»f   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  183 

*  that  he  hath  been  a  great  Promoter  of  the  Surry  An.  14  Car.  J. 

*  Petition,  and  an  Agent  of  the  Malignants  there. 

*  My  Lords,  I   take  this  Occaiion   to  let    your 
'  LordJhips  know  that  I  wrote  formerly  to  the  Ge- 

*  neral  for  a  Company  t>r  two  of  Foot  more,  for 
'  the  better  Security  of  this  Ifland   from  any   fud- 
<  den  Accident  that  may  happen  from  Sea,  which 
?  it  feems  he  hafh  not  thought  fit  to  fpare  :  I  de- 

*  fire  your  Lord  (hips  that,    if  you  {hall  approve  of 
'  it,  there  may  be  another  Company  or  two  more 

*  raifed  and  maintained  during  this  Occafion  fome 

*  other  Way  ;  and  that  fome    Force  may  lie    in 
'  Hampjhire  near  the  Water-Side,  in  the  Room  of 
'  thofe  lately  removed  thence,  to  be  ready  upon 

*  all   Occafions   to    be    tranfported    hither;    the 

*  two  Companies  to  be  paid  out  of  the  Remainder 
'  of  the    30 /.  per  Diem  I  am  now  raifing  ;  but  I ' 

*  fear  I  fhall  be  much  troubled  with  them  in  the 

*  Ifland,  by  reafon  the  Money   comes  not  fo  con- 

*  ftantly  and  duly  as  were  to  be  wjfhed,  for  there 

*  is  no  keeping  Soldiers  in  very  good  Order  with- 
'  out  Money  before  Hand,  where  there  is  no  Free* 

*  quarters.     I  defire  alfo  that,  for  the  better  order- 

*  ing  of  thofe  Companies  here  already,  and  to  be 

*  raifed,  and  for  my  own  Eafe,   if  you  fhall  think 
'  fit,  that  I  may  have  a  Major  under  me,  and  Pay 

*  allowed  for  him  during  this  Occafion :  I  defire  it 

*  may  be  Capt.  Ralph,  who  hath  a  Company  here 
c  already,  who   is  an  honeft,  faithful,  and  careful 
c  Man,  and  who  taketh  a  great  deal  of  Pains  and 

*  deferveth    Encouragement.      The   Addition    of 

*  Major's  Pay  to  him  will  be  little,  and  not  worth 
'  fpeaking  of  j  but  fo  much  deferved  by  him,  and 
*•  fuch  an  Ofi^cer  is  fo  necelfary  for  me,-  that  maketh 

*  me  beg  of  your  Lordfhips  it  may  be  moved  in  the 

*  Houfe,  if  it  cannot  be  btherwife  done. 

*  Here  is  now   but  one  Ship  riding  before  this 
'  Ifland  for  the  Guard  of  it,  and  the  Captain  of  her 
4  hath  this  Day  fent  me  Word,  that  he  is  to  go  in 
?  to  victual  on  IVcdnefday  next.     I  defire  that  Care 

M  4  *  may 

184  tfbf  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  14  Car.  j.  <  may  be  taken,  that  we  may  not,  in  thefe 
t    l6*8' __,    '  of  Trouble,  b.e  without  a  Sea-Guard. 

May'  My  Lord, 

/  am  your  Lord/hips 

Moft  faithful  and  humble  Servant  9 

A  Copy  of  the  intercepted  LETTER  to   the  Earl  of 
Dover,  mentioned  in  the  foregoing. 

My  Lord,  ~Farnham^  May  2 1,  1648. 

C  I  N  C  E  I  fpakc  with  your  Honour,  I  was 
with  my  Lord  Fairfax  at  Windfor,  and  dif- 
patched  the  Bufmefs  with  him,  the  particular  Ac- 
count whereof  I  will  render,  God  willing,  to  the 
County  at  their  next  Meeting.  I  could  not  get 
from  thence  till  about  Four  o'Clock  on  Sa- 
turday, and,  for  want  of  good  Horfes  and  a  Guide, 
I  could  not  make  Farnham  until  Six  o'Clock  on 
Sunday  Morning ;  I  thought  it  fit  therefore  to 
take  Poft  Horfes  and  a  Guide  to  Portfmouth. 
You  fnall  have  an  Account  fo  foon  as  I  can  dif- 
patch  the  Bufmefs  with  his  Majefty.  In  the 
mean  Time  I  dedre  your  Lordfhip  to  communi- 
cate to  Sir  Edmund  Bowyer  and  Mr.  Price  as 
much,  as  foon  as  poflibly  you  can  ;  and  defire 
them  to  ufe  their  Endeavours  that  Sir  Richard 
Onflow  and  Sir  Ambrofe  Brown  may  be  intreated 
to  give  a  Meeting  to  the  County  in  general, 
the  next  Wednesday  at  the  furtheit,  on  Epfom 
Common  by  Ten  o'Clock  in  the  Morning  ;  and 
that  the  County  advife  with  them  how  they  may 
give  Satisfaction  to  the  Parliament  concerning 
the  Petition,  and  what  to  do  therein,  and  hereof 
that  they  will  not  fail ;  at  which  Time,  God 
willing,  I  will  be  there  with  Inftru&ions  from 
his  Muiefty  for  qur  fafe  and  fecure  Proceedings, 
and  Saits'faclibn  to  all  thole  who  (hall  make  any 

*  Objection 

of   ENGLAND.  185 

Objection    thereunto.     And  I  befeech  you  that  An.  24  c«.  I. 

Order  may  be  taken  that  the  Examination  of  the 

County  for   their  Injuries,    and   the  true  Caufe 

thereof,  upon  Oath,  may  be  ready  againft  the  fame 

Ti;ne  ;  and  fo,  in  Poft  Hafte,  I   remain,  on  the 

Oath   of   a  Soldier,  Fide  &  Tadturnitate,  your 

Lordihip's  Friend  and  Servant,  to  -command,  for 

my   Country's    and  Country's    Good;  and    the 

Word  is  the  Anagram  of  my  Name,  Obey  Law. 


The  fame  Day,  May  27,  another  Letter  from 
Col.  Rain/borough^  Vice- Admiral  of  the  Fleet,  at 
•Lftndanard-Fort,  was  fent  to  the  Lords  by  the 
Commifiioners  of  the  Admiralty,  and  read  as  fol- 
lows : 

For  the  Right  Honourable  the  COMMITTEE  of 
LORDS  and  COMMONS,  for  the  Admiralty  and 
Cinque  Ports. 

Landguard-Fort,  May  24,  1648. 
May  it  pleafe  your  Lordjhips, 

*  nr*  H  E  prefent  Diftemper  of  this  County  Is  Another  from 
'    A    fuch  as  hath  put  as  fad  a  Face  on  Things  as  Ti"^dmil?1 

T-I      .       ...  i-iii  T>'/I  K?!Blborough, 

*  ever  Lnglandixw ;  and  it  hath  begot  a  Diftemper  concerning  a  D 
'  in  the  Fleet,  which  I  am  confident,  though  fome-ftftion of  tl>€ 

'  thing  allayed  a:t  prefent,  will  be  of  as  dangerous  Flect* 

c  Confequences    as  any  one   thing  befides,  if  this 

*  Gathering'  be  not,  by  fome   Means    or    other, 
'  fpeedily  fuppreffed. 

'  That  which  is  the  greateft  Motive  to  the  Dif- 
'  turbance  pf  the  Seamen  is,  that  thefe  Parts  are 

*  wholly  for  the  King. 

The  Swan  fet  Sail  Yefterday,  being  Convoy  to 
'  the  Hopeful  and  one  fma'l'i  VeiFel  more,  for  Dub- 

*  I'm ;    the    Satisfaction  itays  here  to  convoy  the 
*'  reft.     We  wonder   exceedingly  they  come  not 

*  away.     The  Complaints  from  the  North  are  fo 
'  exceedingly  great,  that  To-morrow,  if  the  Men 
'  will    be  commanded   to    it,  the   Converting  and 

*  Pr evidence    go   to    the    Wefhvard.     The   Wey- 

'  mouth 


An-  24  Car.  I. 


in  Kent,  for 

tte  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

mouth  Pink  is  now  fetting  Sail  to  be  Convoy  of 
the  Ship  Lady  of  London,  laden  with  Ammunition 
for  Jfaymouth  and  Pendennis. 
'  A  Line  or  two  from  your  Lordfhips  at  this 
Time  might  be  of  great  Encouragement  to  many 
among  us.  Of  all  other  Things  this  Bearer  will 
give  your  Lordfhips  a  perfect  Account.  I  am, 
and  fhall  be  till  Death, 

Your  Lordjhips 
Mojl  humble  and  faithful  Servant, 


The  Lords  ordered  nothing  to  be  done  on  this 
Letter  at  prefent ;  but  two  Days  after,  May  29, 
we  find  this  Confequence  of  it,  that  the  Earl  of 
Warwick  informed  the  Houfe  he  had  received  Let- 
ters which  were  fent  him  from  fome  Officers  in  the 
Navy,  that  they  had  difplaced  Colonel  Rainf- 
borough  from  being  Vice-Admiral. 

Befides  thefe  Diforders  in  the  Fleet,  the  Parlia- 
ment were  again  alarmed  with  a  formidable  Petition, 
figned  by  many  Thoufands  in  the  County  of  Kent^ 
and  coming  up  to  be  prefented  to  both  Houfes. 
It  was  agreed  to  fend  down  a  Committee  of  Lords, 
and  Commons,  Natives  of  that  County,  to  ftop  its 
Progrefs;  and,  during  this  Time  a  Perfon,  pretend- 
ing to  be  the  Prince  of  Wales,  was  apprehended, 
and  fent  up  to  the  Lords  with  the  following  Letter. 

A  letter  from  the  Mayor  of  Gravefend  was 
read,  with  an  Examination  of  Cornelius  Evans,  who 
pretended  himfelf  to  be  the  Prince  of  Wales. 

To   the    Right  Hon.  the  Earl  of  MANCHESTER, 
Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  LORDS  in  Parliament. 

Gravefend,  May  29,  1648. 
May  it  pleafe  your  Honour, 

c  'T'HE  pretended  Prince,  lately  landed  ztSand- 
*  wich,  was  feized  on  by  the  EaJl-Kent  Gen- 

and,   together  with  this  Examination 
4  taken 

of    ENGLAND.  187 

taken  by  Mr.  Mayor  of  Roche  ft  er,  Tent  us  by  them,   An-  »4  -Car.  I. 
with   Inftrufiions   to  have  him  fafely  conveyed          '     ' 
and  delivered  to  your  Honours,  that  you  may  be 
informed  in    the  Prcmifes  ;  which,  according  to 
our  Duty,    we  humbly  prcient  to    your   mature 
Conlideration,  and  reft, 

Tour  Lord/hip's  humble  Servants, 

Mayor,  WALTER  HILL. 


lorn  at  Marfeilles,  taken  before  Philip  Ward, 
Efq\  Mayor  of  the  City  of  Rochefter,  and  George 
Newman,  Efg-,  one  of  his  Majejiys  Jujlices  of  the 
Veace,  the  i%th  o/May,  1648, 

XT17  H  O  faith,  <  That  about  three  Week* 
'TV  fmce,  he,  this  Examinant,  came  from 
his  Lodgings  in  St.  Catherine's,  near  the  Tower  of 
London,  the  Houfe  where  he  lodged  being  inhabited 
by  Nicholas  Evans,  Mariner  ;  and  parted  thro*  the 
County  of  Kent,  to  Dover,  hoping  there  to  have  got 
Paflage  thence  to  MarfeiUes-,  but  not  meeting  any 
Shipping  there  bound  -for  the  Straits,  and  under- 
ftanding  that  there  were  (hips  in  the  Downs  bound 
thither,  (after  he  had  continued  threeDays  at  Dover) 
went  from  thence  to  Deal,  hoping  there  to  get 
Paflage;  and,  in  this  Examinant's  Journey  thither, 
going  by  a  Caftle,  near  the  Town  of  Deal,  he  took 
Notice  that  a  Gentleman  with  a  Gentlewoman  was 
walking  in  a  Garden  near  the  faid  Caftle,  whom. 
this  Examinant,  upon  Enquiry,  underftood  to  be 
Col.  Rainjborough,  Governor  of  the  faid  Caftle,  and 
his  Wife  -,  and  this  Examinant  came  to  Deal  to 
the  Houfe  of  one  Mr.  Beaker,  at  the  Sign  of  the 
Crown;  immediately  after  his  coming  thither  there 
came  three  Seamen  into  his  Company,  who  pre- 

(a)  His  Father  was  Wtljb  and  hi»  Mother  French  ;  and  thofe  who 
ki.ew  him  faid  he  was  a  common  Cheat. 

TbeMgderate  Intclligtnetr,  No.  167* 

1 83  Tie  Parliamentary  H  r  s  T  o  R  Y 

i.  24  Car.  I.  fently  called  for  Beer  ;  and,  defiring  to  drink  with 
*643-  j  this  Examinant,  prefled  him  to  drink  the  King's 
j^~.  Health,  which  they  all  did  ;  and,  upon  Conference, 
one  of  the  faid  Seamen  belonging  to  Col.  Rainf- 
borougb" s  Ship,  whom  this  Examinant,  upon  Speech 
with  him,  conceived  to  be  the  Coxfwain  of  the  faid 
Ship,  told  him,  that  he  thought  he  knew  him  to 
be  the  Prince  ;  and  that  Col.  Rainfoorough  had  fent 
him  to  this  Examinant,  wifhing  him  to  fay  that 
he  was  the  Prince ;  and  telling  him,  that  if  he 
would  fo  fay,  and  take  upon  him  to  perfonate  the 
Prince,  that  the  Prince  would  well  reward  him  for 
the  fame,  and  would  come  over  in  a  fhort  Time  ; 
and  thereupon  prevailed  with  this  Examinant  to 
afTent  thereunto  ;  but  after  the  faid  Seamen  were 
departed  from  him,  he,  thinking  with  himfelf  that 
it  might  not  be  fafe  for  him  to  ftay  and  give  out  that 
he  was  the  Prince,  refolved  to  {nun  the  fame,  and 
thereupon  went  from  Deal  to  Sanduricb:  And  upon 
this  Examinant's  coming  along  by  the  Sea-Side, 
before  he  came  into  the  Town  he  obfervcd  a  Ship's 
Long-Boat,  with  divers  Seamen  therein,  fome  hav- 
ing Piftols,  and  others  Swords  about  them,  rowing 
very  haftily  towards  Sandwich^  but  before  they 
were  ilanded  this  Examinant  was  got  to  the  Bell 
Tavern  there ;  and  fo  foon  as  the  Seamen  were 
landed,  they  prefently  came  up  to  the  Town 
of  Sandwich^  and  declared  about  the  Town  that  the 
Prince  was  there  ;  and  thereupon  the  Seamen  and 
Inhabitants  of  the  Town  came  to  the  Houfe  where 
this  Examinant  was ;  and  the  Seamen  affirming  that 
he  was  the  Prince,  declared  privately,  that  they 
frame  to  take  him  (calling  him  the  Prince)  into  their 
Cuftody,  to  carry  him  on  board  their  Ship;  which 
they  fo  did,  as  this  Examinant  conceived,  the  bet- 
ter to  beget  a  Belief  in  the  Inhabitants  of  the  Town 
that  he  was  the  Prince  indeed  :  And  about  an  Hour 
after  this  Examinant  fo  came  to  the  Bell  Tavern 
in  Sandwich  aforefaid,  one  Captain  Fojler^  inhabit- 
ing in  the  faid  Town,  came  to  him  ;  and,  upon 
private  Conference,  told  him  of  the  confident  Re- 
port about  the  Town  that  he  was  the  Prince,  de- 

of    ENGLAND. 

firing  to  know  the  Truth  thereof ;  and  this  Exami-  A 
nant  doth  confefs  that  thereupon  he  did  affirm  that 
he  was  the  Prince,  whereat  the  faid  Capt.  Fofler 
ftood  bare  to  him,  and  carried  himfelf  very  civilly  to 
him ;  but  this  Examinant  then  defired  the  faid  Capt. 
Fojler  that  he  would  not  difcover  that  he  was  the 
Prince;  and  thereupon  the  faid  Capt.  Fojler  took 
Order  in  the  Houfe  that  this  Examinant  ftiould  be 
well  accommodated,  promifing  to  come  to  him  the 
next  Morning,  and  departed  for  that  Night;  and, 
in  the  next  Morning,  the  faid  Capt.  Fojler^  with 
the  Mayor  of  the  Town  and  Town-Clerk  there, 
came  to  this  Examinant,  and  told  him,  that  it  was 
reported  about  the  Town,  and  known,  that  he  was 
the  Prince,  and  that  it  could  not  be  concealed;  and 
thereupon  took  an  Examination  in  Writing  from 
him  :  And  this  Examinant  ftill  affirming  himfelf  to 
be  the  Prince,  thereupon  the  faid  Capt.  Fofter  and 
the  Mayor  of  the  Town  defired  to  know,  whether 
he  would  go  to  one  of  their  Houfes,or  to  the  other; 
and  this  Examinant  making  Choice  to  go  to  the  faid 
Capt.  Fojler's  Houfe,  was  carried  thither  according- 
ly :  But  before  he  went  from  the  Bell  Tavern,  and 
not  above  two  Hours  before  he  firft  came  thither,  he 
was  prefented  by  a  Gentlewoman  (whofe  Name  he 
knows  not)  with  an  hundred  Pieces  of  Gold  and 
three  Bunches  of  Afparagus. 

«  And  this  Examinant  further  faith,  That  after 
he  came  to  the  faid  Capt.  Fofter's,  there  came,  at 
feveral  Times,  two  Seamen  to  him,  one  after  ano- 
ther, and  told  him  that  their  Mafter,  Col.  Ralnf- 
borough,  remembered  him  to  this  Examinant,  and 
defired  him  to  remember  the  Meflage  which  Col. 
Rainsborougb  had  fent  to  him  whilft  he  was  at  Deal, 
and  defired  him  to  be  refolute  in  affirming  that  he 
was  the  Prince ;  that  Col.  Rainsborough  bid  them 
tell  him,  that  it  would  not  be  long  ere  the  Prince 
came  over,  and  that  he  would  well  reward  this  Ex- 
aminant for  the  fame. 

'  And  this  Examinant  further  faith,  That  after 
became  to  the  faid  Capt.  Fo/ier's  Houfe,  in  the 



190  The  Parlirtnetitaty  Hi 

An.  24.  Car.  I.  Afternoon  of  that  Day,  he  was  invited  by  the  Se'a- 
.  v  '  *  '  J  men»  wno  tne  Day  before  came  with  the.faid  Boat 
jjajr>  off  Sandwich^  to  go  with  them  in  their  Boat,  that 
they  might  (hew  him  Sport  on  the  Water  with  a= 
Dog  which  they  had  there  ;  and  this  Examinant 
went  with  them  accordingly,  who,  whilft  he  was 
in  the  Boat,  were  all  bare,  and  carried  themfelves' 
with  all  Refpect  to  him,  as  if  he  had  been  the  Prince 
indeed.  And  whilft  this  Examinant  was  in  the 
Boat,  he  obferved  that  it  was  faid  amongft  the  Sea-, 
men,  that  if  Black  Tom  were  there,  now  would  be 
the  Time  to  hinder  the  Petition  from  going  to  the 
Parliament.  And  this  is  all  this  Examinant  can 
fay,  fave  that  the  Seamen  who  fpake  with  him. 
from  Col.  Rainsborongh,  at  Mr.  Beaker's  Houfe  at 
Deal,  wifhed  him  to  get  a  blue  Ribbon,  and  to 
wear  the  fame  acrofs  his  Breaft.' 


The  Houfe  of        Evans  being  then  brought  up  to  the  Bar  of  the 
Lords  commit     Houfe  of  Lords,  the  Speaker  afked  him,  How  he 

Wales?  He  confeffed  his  Fault,  ilefired  Pardon  for 
it,  and  declared  the  Particulars  to  be  the  fame  as  he 
had  already  confefled  before  the  Mayor  of  Rocbefter  : 
Hereupon  it  was  ordered  that  the  faid  Evans  be 
committed  to  Newgate,  there  to  remain  during  the 
further  Pleafure  of  the  Houfe,  for  taking  upon  him- 
felf  to  be  the  Prince  of  (Pales;  and  that  the  Captain: 
of  the  Guard  do  convey  him  fafely  to  that  Prifon. 

May  29.  Pojl  Mend.  The  Action  of  the  Sea- 
Officers  in  putting  out  Rainsbcrongb  made  the  Par- 
liament  afraid  of  thorough  Revolt,  if  they  did  not 
ft°P  ic-  Thcfe  of  them  who  wrote  to  the  Ear!  of 
Warwick  about  it,  at  the  fame  Time  told  him, 
That  they  had  chofen  him  for  their  Admiral  ;  which 
the  Houfes  thought  fit,  by  a  publick  Ordinance,  to 
confirm  :  And  alfo  gave  him  Power  to  give  Indem- 
nity to  the  Captains  and  Mariners  who  had 
turned  out  the  other.  As  an  Evidence,  however, 


of   ENGLAND.  191 

that  the  Parliament  did  not  think  themfelves  fafe,  An.  14  Car.  I. 
they  made  an  Order,  this  Day,  That  the  Commit-    .    l648'  _, 
tee  for   the   City  Militia  fhould   take  Care,  from         ."^ 
Time  to  Time,  to  fend  fuch  Forces  as  they  thought 
fit,  or  the  Parliament  gave  Orders  for,  as  afufficient 
Guard  to  both  Houfes. 

June  i.  A  Letter  from  Col.  Hammond  was  read. 

.  For  the   Right    Hon.  the  Earl  of  MANCHESTER, 
Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  PEERS  pro  Tempore. 

CariJbroke-CaJlle,  May  29,  1 648. 
My  Lord, 

f\  N  Account  of  the  great  Truft  your  Lord~CoJ  Hammo|ld.|1 
^  fhips  have  been  pleafed  to  repofe  in  me,  I  Account  of  the 
take  the  Boldnefs  to  acquaint  your  Lordfhips  ofKing's  intended 
a  Defign,  cunningly  laid  and  carried  on 
to  Perfection,  for  the  King's  Efcape  from  this 
Place,  which  was  the  laft  Night,  being  the  fet 
Time  for  putting  it  in  Execution,  by  the  Bleffing 
and  Goodnefs  of  God  prevented.  It  was  thus  : 
Through  the  Corruption  and  Naughtinefs  of  two 
Gentlemen  attending  on  the  King,  Mr.  Of- 
borne  and  Mr.  Dowcett,  three  Soldiers  were  fub- 
orned  and  dealt  with  to  affift  in  his  Efcape,  who 
were  to  be  on  Duty,  at  the  King's  Window,  at 
the  Time  appointed  ;  Mr.  Dowcett  was  to  be 
accommodated  with  Cords  to  convey  him  down 
the  Caftle  Wall,  and  then  the  Out-line,  after  htf 
had  let  himfelf  through  his  Window,  to  be  pre- 
pared ;  Centinels  were  to  be  his  Guide  to  his 
Horfes,  which  were  ready  provided  and  laid  at  a 
convenient  Place  within  Mufket-Shot  of  the 
Works ;  and  Mr.  Osborne  and  one  Mr.  IVorJley 
of  Gatcombej  a  young  Gentleman  of  this  Ifland, 
were  to  conduit  him  to  a  Creek,  where  alfo,  at 
the  fame  Time,  lay  ready  a  Boat  to  tranfport 
them  into  the  main  Land,  into  a  Place  where,  as 
is  confefled  by  one  whom  I  have  apprehended, 
there  were  Horfes  to  convey  the  King  whither  he 

«  This 

192  *The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

u  z4  Car.  I.  '  This  Defign  hath  been  long  in  hand,  but  kept 
from  me  liil  Ycfterday,  the  Day  before  the  Night 
it  ihould  have  been  acted,  when  two  of  the  Sol- 
diers, v/ho  had  been  dealt  with,  came  to  me  and 
acquainted  me  with  the  whole  Bufmefs  ;  which  I 
am  confident,  though  I  had  had  no  Knowledge  of  it, 
they  would  have  found  fome  Difficulty  in  effect- 
ing ;  I  fuffered  and  advifed  them  to  carry  it  on,  as 
if  I  had  not  known  it,  that  fo  I  might  the  better 
difcover  the  whole  Bufmefs,  with  the  lefs  Pretence 
of  Excufe  to  thofe  unworthy  Men  who  were  to 
affift  the  King  in  this  Efcape ;  but  being  over 
curious  in  fecuring  all  Places  in  a  more  exact 
Manner  than  formerly,  Mr.  Dowceit^  by  happen- 
ing on  an  unufual  Guard,  who  at  the  firft  appre- 
hended them  to  be  of  his  own  Party,  but  upon 
Examination  finding  other  Anfwers  than  expect- 
ed, made  a  Difcovery ;  which,  fo  foon  as  I  un- 
derftood,  I  fecured  Dowcett  and  a  Soldier  who 
was  the  chief  Inftrument  in  this  Defign  ;  then 
I  fent  after  Osborne  and  Worjley  to  apprehend 
them  ;  but  they,  finding  they  were  difcovered, 
fled  in  great  Hafte  to  the  Water  Side,  where  their 
Boat  lay  ready  to  receive  them,  whither  they  were 
purfued;  but  they,  as  it  feems,  quitted  their 
Horfes,  and  turned  them  loofe  on  the  Shore,  and 
themfelves  efcaped  in  the  Boat.  I  have  fince  ap- 
prehended one  John  Newland  of  •  Newport ^  whofe 
Part  it  was  in  the  Defign  to  act  the  Bufmefs  con- 
cerning the  Boat.  This  Morning  I  find  the 
Window-Bar  of  the  King's  Bed-Chamber,  looking 
to  the  Centinels,  appointed  to  be  cut  in  two  in 
the  Middle  by  Aqua  Fortis. 
c  By  this  your  Lordfhips  may  not  only  fee  the 
Dangers  pair,  but  alfo  may  expect  that  nothing 
will  be  unattempted  that  the  Art  of  Man  can  find 
out  to  perfect  the  King's  Efcape  ;  which  makes 
me  humbly  bold  to  offer  to  your  Lordfliips,  if 
you  refolve  it  neceflary  to  continue  the  King  in 
this  Place,  that  you  would  pleale  to  confider  fome 
better  Way  for  his  Security;  either  by  appoint- 
ing, to  this  weighty  Charge,  a  Committee  .of 

*  Parliament, 

-of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  193 

*  Parliament,  as    formerly,  or  otherwife   as  fliall  An.  24  Car. 

*  feem  beft  to  your  Lordfliips.     This  I  move  not  fo 

*  much  to  free  iriyfelf  from  Burthen  or  Hazard ; 
'  truly,  when  I  am  commanded  by   you  in  your 

*  Service,  I  know  no  fuch  Thing;  but  that  Affairs 
4  of  fo  great  Concernment  to  your  Lordfhips  and 
'  the  Kingdom  may  be  better    provided   for,  than 

*  by  a  Man  fo  unapt  for  fuch  Weight  as  myfelf. 
'  In  this  I  befeech  your  Lordfhips  not  to  look  back 
'  upon  the  Hazards  and  Difficulties  it  hath  pleafed 
c  God  alone  to  carry  me  through  in  this  your  Ser- 
'  vice  j  which  if  the  Recital  of  them  to  your  Lord- 

*  fhips   might   not  toojuflly  feem  my    Vanity,  I 

*  fliould  trouble  your  Lordfhips  with  a  Relation  that 

*  would  fpeak  them  not  few  nor  ordinary,  and  thence 

*  to  pafs  a  Judgment  for  future ;  but  to  confidejf 
'  they  are  like  to  continue,  and  accordingly  to  pro- 
'  vide  as  to  your  Wifdoms  fliall  feem  beft. 

'  The  next  thing  which  I  (hall  make  my  humble 

'  Suit  to  your  Lordfliips,  and  which  is  fo  juft  as  I 

*  am  furevour  Lordfliips  will  not  deny,  is  that  you 

*  will  pleafe  to  order  fuch  Provifion  for  thofe  Gen- 
6  tlemen  attending  the  King,  who  have  and  do  ftill 

*  faithfully  and  honeftly  ferve  you  here,  and  that 

*  with  no  fmall  Hazard,  in  fome  Meafure  anfwer- 

*  able  to  their  Merit  and  the  Truft  in  their  Hands} 
'  at  leaft  that  they  might  not  have  Caufe  to  think 

*  themfelves  neglected,  and  fo  rendered  more  liable 

*  to  Temptation,  which  they  cannot  want.  I  have 
4  often  written  of  this  Particular,  and  as  yet  nothing 

*  is  done  in  it,  which  makes  me  now  the  more  bold 

*  thus  to  prefs  your  Lordfliips. 

*  My  Lords,  if  your  Lordfliips  fliall  fee  fit  lori- 

*  ger  to  continue  this  heavy  Weight  wholly  upon 
•*  me,  feeing  I  may  not  be   admitted   to  wait  on 

*  your  Lordfhips  at  this  Time,  I  humbly  beg  that 

*  you  would  pleafe  to  fend  down  fome  Perfons  hither 

*  whom  you  may  truft,  that  may  bring  back  an 
'  Account  of  the  true  State   of  this  Place,  that  fo 
'  better  Security  may  be  added  to  it  in  divers  Par- 
•*  ticulars,  too  long  and  troublefome  now  to  relate  j 

*  to  fignify  unto  me  your  Lordfliips  Plcafure  con- 

:  .  VOL.  XVII,  N  *  earning 

1  94 

*fke  Parliamentary  M  I  s  T  o  &  ¥ 

An.  14  Car.  I.  «  cerning  the  Perfons  afore-mentioned,  now  in  Cuf-* 
v  Ifi4j'     ,    '  tody  for  this  Matter. 

Jun«.  '  ^ty    Lords,  I  defire  to   receive    your  Lord- 

*  fhips    Commands,  and    ever   to    obey    them  as 
•4  becomes,  My  Lord, 

Your  Lord/hips  moft  faithful 

and  humble  Servant^ 


To  this  Letter  the  Lords  agreed  to  fend  the  fol- 
lowing Anfwer. 

£  /  £,  Wejiminflertjuru  i,  1648. 

For  which  the  '  np  H  E  Lords  have  commanded  me  to  give  you 
Thanks  for  your  great  Care  in  the  Dif- 
charge  of  that  Truft  committed  to  you  ;  and  to 
aflure  you  they  will  be  ready,  upon  all  Occafions, 
to  exprefs  their  Refpects  for  you,  and  will  not 
omit  to  prefs  for  thofe  Supplies  mentioned  in 
your  Letter.  Thus,  with  my  Refpe&s  to  you, 
I  reft, 

Your  loving  Friend, 


Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of 


The  fame  Day  a  Petition  from  the  City  of  Lon- 
don was  prefented  to  the  Lords  and  read. 

To  the  Right  Honourable   the  LORDS    in  the  High 
Court  of  Parliament  ajjembledy 

'The  HUMBLE  PETITION  of  the  Lord  Mayor  ,  Aider" 
men^  and  Commons  of  the  City  o/"_London,  in  Com- 
mon-Cumcil  a/embled, 

A  Petition  from 
the  Lord  Mayor 
&c.  of  London, 


*  "T1  HAT  your  Petitioners,  fitting  in  Common- 

•'    •*•    Council  upon  the  Affairs  of  the  City,  had 

*  there  prefented  unto  them,  by  divers  w«ll-arFecl- 

*  ed 


.*  ed  Citizens,  a  Petition,  a  true  Copy  whereof  is  "An.  24.  Car. 

*  hereunto  annexed;  which  being  openly  read,  and          5*8' 

*  ferioufly  cortfidered  of,  they  did  apprehend  that 

*  the  fame  did  contain  feVeral  Things  of  great  and 
c  good  Confequence,  worthy  due  Confideratibn,  to 
5  the  Prefervation  of  the  Parliament,  and  the  Set- 
'  tlement  of  the  Peace  and  Welfare  of  the  People, 
"  Kingdom  and  City ;  and  therefore  thought  fit  to 
'  prefent  the  fame  to  this  Honourable  Houfe,  and 

*  humbly  pray  your  Honours  to  take  the  fame  into 

*  your  Confideration,  and  to   do  therein    as,    in 
'  your  grave  Wifdoms,  you  fhall  fee  fit* 

M I C  H  E  L  L, 

The  Petition  referred  to  in  the  foregoing. 

3f0  the  Right  Honourable  JOHN  WARNER,  Lord 
Mayor  of  the  City  of  London,  and  the  Right 
Worjhipful  the  Aldermen  and  Common-Council  of 
the  fame,  now  affembled^ 

The  HUMBLE  PETITION  of  divers  well-affeRed 
Citizens^  and  other  Inhabitants  within  the  City 
of  London, 

Humbly  Jheweth, 

THAT  your  Petitioners,  cut  of  a  deep  Senfe  *     .     ,  _. 
...  <•  i  n~         -\ic  /•    •          r   i  •    •"•notnef  frOffl 

of  the  prelent  and  prefling  Mifenes  of  this  the  cuiiens  a/td 
afflicted  Kingdom,  and  particularly  of  this  City  lnhabitants,rela- 
of  London-,  and   likewife  confidering  the  irhmi-  S^^j^ 
nent  Danger  and  Deftru£lion  ready  to  fwallow  up  re£tion  ih  Kenf> 
all  Hopes  of  future  Agreement,  Peacej  and  Hap-  their  imprifone4 
nefs,  by  a  new  engaging  in    a  civil  and  bloody  Aldermen>  &c« 
War  ;  the  very  Thoughts  thereof  do  fo  furprize 
our  Hearts  with  Apprehenfions  of  a  general  Ruiri 
and  Calamity,  that  we  are  neceffitated  humbly  to 
addrefs    ourfelves    to     this   Honourable    Court, 
as  the  Reprefentative  Body  of  this  City,  and  moft 
proper  Means   for  us  to  apply  ourfelves  unto,  to 
defire  your  Concurrence  as  formerly,  to  join  with 
us  in  further  Addreffes  to  the  High  and  Honour- 
able Houfes  of  Parl  iament j    for  obtaining  fuch 
Na  'Remedy 

The  Parliamentary  HISTGRV 

^emedy  of  Grievances,  and  Aflurances  frbm  Daif- 
gers»  as  the  prefent  Diftempers  of  the  Times 
ju^'y  call  for  ;  and  which,  as  free-born  Subject^ 

*  having  only   the  Glory  of  God,  and  the  Peace 

*  and  Prefervation  of  our  Country  in  our  Eyes  and 
c  Aim,  according  to  our  Covenant,  we  may  reafon- 

*  ably  expect,  as  the  Reward  of  our  former  Faith- 
4  fulnefs,  and  Inducement  to  our  further  Service  ; 
'  and  do  thereupon  humbly  offer  to  your  ferious 

*  Configuration  thefe  Particulars  following  : 

1.  '  We  do,  with   all  Thankfulnefs,  acknow- 
«  ledge  the  great    Care  and  Wifdom  of  this  Ho- 

*  nourable  Houfe,  in  contributing  your  beft  Aflift- 

*  ance  for  a  Perfonal  Treaty  with  his  Majefty  and 

*  the  Parliaments  of  both  Kingdoms,  whereby  a 
4  right  and  good  Underftanding  may  be  gotten  be- 

*  twixt  them,  Religion  may   be  fettled,    and  the 

*  Happinefs   of  his  Majefty's  Royal  Throne  and 
'  Kingdoms,  and  of  his  People,  may  be  firmly  efta- 
'  blifhed  according  to  the  Covenant ;  which  as  we 

*  daily  hope  and  pray  for,  fo,  by  the  Blefiing  of  God 

*  upon  your  faithful  Endeavours,  we  defpair  not  to 

*  fee  accompli flied.    - 

2.  •  That  the  Militia  of  the    City  of  London, 

*  and  of  the  adjoining  Counties  on  both  Sides  the 
«  Thames,  viz.  Mlddlefex,  Hertford,  Effex,  Bucks, 

*  Kent,  Surry,   Suffex,  &c.  may  be   afTociated  for 

*  the  better    Safety  and  Freedom  of  the  Treaty 

*  abovefaid,  and  the  Suppreffion  of  all   Riots   and 

*  Tumults. 

3.  *  We  humbly  offer  to  your  further  Confide- 
*'  ration,  to  prefent  to  both  the  Honourable  Houfes 

'  of  Parliament,  that  Capt.  Robert  Batten  may  be  ? 

*  Ipeedily  reftored  to  the  Command  of  Vice-Admi- 
'  ral  of  the  Ships  now  at  Sea  in  the  Parliament's 
4  Service,  as  formerly. 

4.  *  As  we  cannot   but,  with  Grief  of  Spirit, 

*  look  upon  the  fudden  and  unexpected  Diftempers, 
«  now  rifen  in  the  County  of  Kent,  and  the  fad 
«  Conicquences  which  the  fame,  if  not  fuddenlf 

*  prevented,  may  produce,   to  the  exceeding  great 

*  Detriment  of  this  City  and  of  the  whole  King- 

'  doinj 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  197 

*  don);  fo   we    cannot  but  (in  Tendernefs  to  our  A«.  14  Car.  I, 
Brethren  and  FcllowrSubjects  of  that  Country,        l6^ 
whofe  late  AiTociation  wiih  this  City,  to  the  great         ,  ^ 
Service  of  the  Parliament,  we  cannot  forget)  be- 
come  humble  and  earneft  Petitioners  to  this  Ho- 
nourable Court,   that  you  would   be  pleafed  in 
your  great  Wifdom,  to  find  fome  fpeedy  Expedient 
to  prefent  to  the  Honourable  Houfes  of  Parlia- 
ment, for  appeafmg  the  fame  by  Way  of  Accom- 
modation, and  not  by  any  Engagement  in  Blood  j 
having  Regard  rather  to  their  former  Services, 
than  to  the  prefent  Diftempers  which  they  may 
be  engaged  in  by  other  Provocations,  and  not 
from  any  Difiatisfa&ion  to,  or  Defertion  of,  the 

5.  '  And  lajlly^  We  hope  it  will  not  offend  this 
Honourable  Court,  if  your  Petitioners  once  agairj 
remind  you  of  thofe  worthy  Aldermen,  Members 
of  this  Court,  now  in  Difpleafure  of  the  Houfes 
of  Parliament,  whofe  Acquittal  and  Enlargement 
we  humbly  pray  may  be  thought  fit  to  .be  infifted 
on  as  a  confiderable  Branch  of  our  Petition. 
'  All  which  we  the  Petitioners  humbly  fubrnit 
to  your  grave  Wifdoms,  and  earneftly  pray  for 
your  prefent  Help  and  Afliftance  in  furthering 
thefe,  or  fuch  of  thefe,  Particulars,  and  of  all  fuch 
other  Means  as  your  Wifdoms  (hall  judge  fitting 
for  the  Peace  and  Happinefs  of  the  Kingdom  in 
general,  and  particularly  of  this  City  of  London^ 
and  the  Security  thereof;  in  the  Purfuance  of  all 
which  the  Petitioners,  by  God's  Afliftance,  are 
refqlved  effectually  to  join  with  and  affift  you 
unto  their  utmoft  Abilities.' 

And  your  Petitioners  Jball  daily  prayt  &c. 

We  find  no  Anfwer  given  by  the  Lords  to  thefe 
Petitions  this  Day  :  Probably  they  were  referred 
to  a  Committee  of  Lords  and  Commons  ordered 
to  go  into  the  City  :  For, 

June  2.  The  Earl  of  Pembroke  reported,  That 

the  Joint  Committee  were  Yefterday  at  the  Comr 

N  3  «  moi\ 

198  *£he  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

^n.  14.  Car.  I.  mon-  Council  of  London,  and  made  them  a  Narra* 

*-  *6*8'    i    tive  °f  ^e  Proceedings  of  both  Houfes  concerning 

June.         *^e    Kenti/h    Bufmefs  ;     to   which    the  Common- 

Council  returned  an  Anfwer,  fpoken  by  Mr.  Al-r 

derman  Gibbs  ;  which  being  in  Writing,  was  read 

as  follows  : 

At  lie  Common-Council  ',  June  i,  1648. 

I.  e  HP|H>E  Common-Council  did  acknowledge 
rf  thf  Common5.  the  veiT  great  Condefcenfion  and  Patiencq 

Council  in  regard  of  the  Honourable  Houfes,  in  fending  their  own 
to  the  Commo-  Members  to  the  City,  to  acquaint  them  with  their 
tions  in  cnt.  proceedings  in  Kent,  for  which  they  return  their 

humble  Thanks. 

2.  '  That,  by  what  was  done,  it  did  appear  to 
all,  that  if  any   Blood  was    (hed   in  Kent,   they 
were  the  Caufers  of  it  themfelves  who  refufed  the 
Offers  made  to   them  by  the  Parliament  and  their 

3.  *  They  defire  that  the  Houfes  would  publifjj. 
in  Print  their  Proceedings,    that  their  Fellow-Ci- 
tizens and  all  the  World  may  receive  Satisfaction, 
as  themfelves  had  received. 

4.  '  They  defire  that  the  Paper  that  they  pre<- 
fented,  may  be  alfo  printed  to  prevent 

Accordingly  the  Lords  ordered^  That  the  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  Committee,  with  the  City's  An- 
fwer, be  printed  and  publifhed:  And  that  the  Votes 
of  the  6th  of  May,  fent  into  Scotland,  be  printed, 
and  fent,  with  the  Ordinance  againft  Blafphemy, 
to  the  CommiflioHers  in  Scotland,  by  the  Commit- 
tee at  Derby-Houfe,  that  fo  they  may  be  published 
jn  that  Kingdom, 

The  fame  Day,  'June  2,  the  Earl  of  Warivlck 
"being  come  back  from  the  Fleet,  delivered  in  to  the 
Lords  divers  Papers,  containing  a  Narrative  of  his 
going  into  the  Downs,  in  order  to  take  Pofleffion 
pf  the  Navy,  as  Lord  High-Admiral  of  England. 
Papers  were  read  as  follows  : 


tf   ENGLAND.  199 

An.  24  Car.  I. 

A  REPRESENTATION  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Earl    ^      ' t 

of  WARWICK,    Lord  High- Admiral,   in  order  to         T^ 
the  reducing  offuch  Ships  in  the  Downs  as  have  re* 
voltedfrom  the  Parliament's  Obedience, 

I  S  Lordfhip  having  received  his  CommikTheEarlofWar- 
fionon^m%the29thof  May,  at  Night ,  J^^eT 

*  did  the  next  Day  begin  his  Journey j  and  going  in  the  Fleet. 

*  by   Land   to   EaJl-Tilbury ,   in    EJJex,  embarked 

*  himfelf  in   the  Nicodemus   Frigate,  commanded 
'  there  to  attend  his  Lordfliip's  coming  j  and,  on 
'  the  3 1  ft,  about  Ten  in  the  Morning,  came  into 

*  the  Downs  with  the  Flag  in  the  main  Top. 

'  When  the  Nicodemus  was  off  the  North-Fore- 
4  land,  and  the  Hind  Frigate  was  difcovered  to 
'  make  towards  her ;  and  before  the  Nicodemus^ 
'  who  was  at  Anchor,  came  up  to  her,  fome 
'  aboard  the  Hind  hailing  the  Nicodemus,  upon 

*  hearing  that  the  Earl  of  Warwick  was  aboard> 

*  did  falute  his  Lordfliip  with  17  Guns,  which  the 
'  Nicodemus  anfwered  with  feven  Guns  j  his  Lord- 

*  fhip  interpreted  that  Entertainment  as  an  Argu- 
'  ment  of  their  Intentions  to  fubmit  unto  the  Par- 

*  liament's   Authority,    though  his   Lordfhip  did 
'  much  doubt  the  fame,   for  that  the  Flag  was 
'  kept  up  in  the  main    Top  of  the  Reformationt 
'  notwithftanding  his    Lordfliip's  Approach,  as  it 

*  was  alfo  continued  during  all  the    Time  of  his 
'  Lordfhip's  Stay.  Shortly  after  there  came  aboard 

*  the  Nicodemus,  out  of  the  Hind  Frigate,   in  one 
'  Boat,  Capt.  Harris,  of  the  Swallow ;   Capt.  Pen- 

*  roff9  of  the  SatisfacJion-,  Lieut,  Laivrence,  of  the 

*  Swallow;  in   another  Boat,  two  Kentijh  Gentle- 

*  men,    "viz.    Capt.  Richard  Bargrave  and   Capt. 
'  Hammond,  who  termed  themfelves  Commiflioners 
'  from  the    County  of  Kent;    and,    with    them, 
'  Major  Hemme,  the  Boatfwain,  Carpenter,    and 
'  Gunner's     Mate    of   the  Conftant    Reformation^ 
'  wherein  the  V ice-Admiral  did  lately  ferve  ;  and 
'  divers  others  afterwards  coining  aboard,  his  Lord- 

*  (hip  had  Notice  by  Capt.  Penrofe  and  Capt.  Har- 

*  n>,   that;   till   the  Night   before,  beina;  Tuefday^ 

N  4  '  thj? 

too  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.24  Car.  I.  f  the  Seamen  were  refolved  to  fubmit  to  his  Lord,- 

l64  '       t '  frip.j  but  then  one  Bargrave,  Dean   Bargrave*s 

*  [of  Canterbury}  Son,  who  had  been  eminently 

*  active  againft  the  Parliament,  with  another  Cap-r 

*  tain  of  the  King's,  was  admitted  aboard  the  Re- 
'  formation ;  and  had  infufed  fuch  defperate  Princi- 

*  pies  into  the  Seamen,  that  they  wholly  deferted 

*  their  former  Refolutions,  and  were  refolved  not 

*  to   admit  his   Lordfhip  aboard  without  his  En- 
'  gagement  with  the  Kentifl}  Gentlemen. 

*  Bargrave  and  Hammond,  coming  to  his  Lord- 

*  {hip  into  the  Captain's  Cabbin,   fuggefted  that 

*  the  Seamen  had,  by  folemnOath,  engaged  in  the 
'  Kentijh  Engagements  ;  and  that  it  would  be  ex- 
'  peeled  before  his  Admittance  aboard  the  Refor~ 

*  motion,  he  fhould  engage  with  them  ;  and  there- 

*  fore  defired    his  Teftification   thereof  under  his 

*  Hand,  to   the  end    it  might  be  (hewed  to  their 
c  Committee  in  Kent.     His  Lordfhip  profefled  his 

*  earneft  Defire  of  a  fafe  Peace  betwixt  his  Ma- 

*  jefty  and  the  Parliament,  and  that  he  would  ufe 
"his  beft  Endeavours   in  that  Behalf  j  but  refufed 
'  to  iign  any  fuch  Engagement :  And  they  leaving 

*  it  to  hisLordftiip  to  confider  thereof,  he  did,  af- 
'  ter  their  withdrawing,   refolve  on  this  Anfwer  : 

*  That  he  came  down,   by  Command  of  the  Par- 

*  liamenr,  to   receive  the  Fleet  into  his  Charge  : 
'  that  he  had  only  to  do  with  the  Seamen ;  that 

*  the  Truft  repofed  in  him  had  no  Relation  to  the 

*  Bufmefs  in  Kent ;  and  that  therefore  he  would 

*  not  take  Cognizance   of  any  Thing  they   pro- 

*  pofed  j  yet,  withal,  to  offer  to  them  to  give  what 

*  they    had   to    fay   in  Writing,  upon  which   his 
'  Lordfhip  intended    to  make  Anfwer  to  the  Pur- 
'  port  as  aforefaid,  and  tranfmit  the  fame  to  the 
'  Houfes ;  but  they  afterwards,   on   the  PropofaJ 

*  thereof,  alledging  that  they  could  rot  give  any 

*  Thing  in  Writing  without  Warrant  from  their 

*  Committee,  his  Lordfhip  gave  them  Anfwer  by 
'  Word  of  Mouth  to  the  fame  EfFecl. 

'  After  this,  \vithrfnnving  from  the  Cabbin,  his 

*  Lord&ip  applied  himfelf  to  Ma;or  Hcmme,  (who 

'  fays 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  201 

*  fays  he  was  invited   by   the    Ship's    Company  An.  24  Car.  I. 
£  aboard  the  Reformation]  and  to  the  Officers  of    t   l6*8'    f 

*  that  Ship,  letting  them  know  that  the  Parliament        June, 

*  had  intrufted  him  as  Lord  High-Admiral  to  take 

*  the  Fleet  into  his  Charge ;  and  had  given  him 
'  Power  to  indemnify  fuch  of  the  Mariners  as  fub- 

*  mitted  to  his  Command  :  They,  in  Anfwer  there- 
'  to,  infifted  upon  the  Remonftrance  of  theirs,  dated 

*  the  28ch  of  May  Inftant j  whereby  they  declared 

*  they   had  unanimpufly  joined  with   the  Kentijh 

*  Gentlemen  in  their  Petition  to  the  Parliament  to 
?  thefe  Purpofes : 

1.  c  That  the  King's  Majefty  was,  with  all  Ex- 
'  pedition,  to  be  admitted,  in  Safety  and  Honour, 
<  to  treat  in  Perfon  with  the  two  Houfes  of  Parlia- 
'  ment. 

2.  '  That  the  Army,  now  under  the  Command 

*  of  the  Lord  Fairfax,    be  forthwith  difbanded, 

*  their  Arrears  being  paid  them. 

3.  '  That  the   known  Laws   of  the  Kingdom. 
,  may  be  eftabliflied  and  continued. 

4.  *  That  the  Privileges  of  Parliament  and  the 

*  Liberty  of  the  Subject  may  be  preferved  :  Which 

*  Particulars  the  faid  Officers  urged,  as  that  which 
'  the  Company  would  expect  before  his  Lordlhip'k 
'  Admittance  aboard. 

'  To  the  firjl  of  thefe  his  Lordfhip   anfwered, 

*  That  the  Parliament  had  pafTed  fome  Votes  con- 

*  cerning  a  Perfonal  Treaty,  wherein  his  Confent 

*  was  involved. 

c  To  the  fecond,  That  as  foon  as  fuch  a  Treaty 

*  as  the  Parliament  fhall  agree  upon  {hall  have  pro- 

*  duced  a  fafe  Peace,  his  Lordfhip  fliould  join  his 
'  Endeavours   to  take  off  whatever   might   be    a 
«  Charge  to  the  Kingdom  ;  but  that  prefent  Dif- 

*  banding,  as  Affairs  now  ftand,  might  hazard  the 
'  Parliament,  and  confequently  fubject  to  Danger 

*  the   Proteftant  Caufe  throughout  Chriftendom ; 
, e  ancj,  therefore,  as  to  thefe  firit  Propofals,  he  mi;ft 

'  qualify  his  Anfwer  as  aforefaid. 

4  To  the  two  laft  ;  as  to  the  Fundamental  Laws, 
f  Parliament's  Privileges,  and  Subjects  Liberties, 

*  his 

2O2  *The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

his  Lordfhip  fignified  he  would  willingly  concur- 
His  Lordfhip  further  urged,  That  they  had  no 
Reafon  to  prefs  him  to  any  Engagement  with  the 
County  of  Kent  in  their  Petition,  it  not  appear- 
ing to  his  Lordmip  what  the  Petition  in  Truth 
is  j  he  believing,  withal,  that  the  fame  was  de- 
livered Yefterday,  and  doubted  not  but  the  Parlia- 
ment had  given  fuch  an  Anfwer  thereunto  as  was 
meet;  which,  whether  it  were  in  the  Allowance 
or  Difallowance  thereof,  it  concerned  not  his 
Lordftiip  to  intereft  himfelf  therein,  for  that  it 
would  be  ufelefs,  if  the  Matters  therein  prayed 
were  already  granted,  and  repugnant  to  the  Par- 
liament's Pleafure,  if  denied  ;  and  therefore,  be- 
caufe  he  had  only  to  do  with  the  Seamen  and 
Fleet,  his  Lordftiip  concluded  he  could,  as  to  that, 
give  no  further  Anfwer.  And  did  further  let  them 
know,  that  it  was  his  Intention  to  go  aboard  the 
Reformation,  and  to  receive  the  Fleet  into  his 
Charge  according  to  his  Commiffton. 
4  To  this  Major  Hemme  and  other  Officers  re- 
plied, That  they  would  go  aboard  the  Reformation^ 
and  reprcfcnt,  with  Faithfulnefs,  his  Lordfhip's 
Senfe,  and  bring  their  Anfwer;  defiring  that 
Capt.  Penrofe  might  accompany  them,  to  teftify 
their  Carrriage  in  this  Bufmefs. 
*  After  fome  Stay  the  faid  Major  Hemme  and 
Officers  returned,  and  with  them  young  Bargrave, 
the  other  Captain,  and  divers  more  of  the  faid 
Ship's  Company,  who  delivered  to  his  Lordfhip 
the  following  Paper,  defiring  a  Treaty  betwixt 
his  Lordmip  and  the  faid  Gentlemen  ;  and  ac- 
quainting him  he  could  be  admitted  aboard  on 
no  other  Terms. 

May  30,  1648. 

all  dejlrc  that   the   Gentlemen  of  Kent,  in- 
tcrejlcd  about  the  Petition^  will  plcafe  to  gfoe 
l:s  Lordfoiip  a   Toleration  to  pafe  and  rcpafs  to  fome 
convenient   Place    cf  Treaty    on    Shore  ;    and   what 
mviualh  agreed  upon.,   we  fiall  all  heartily 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  203 

pgree  unto  j  and  if  they  agree  not,  to  have  peaceable  An>  *4  Car- 
Pajage  aboard  this  Ship  to  go  for  London.  t      *  ^' 

Signed  in  the  Name  of  all  the  Ship's  Company,        ju:;e 
by  their  Confent. 


*  Capt.  Penrofe  returning  with  fome  of  the  Of- 
ficers and  others,  fet  forth  the  Height  of  the  Di- 
ftemper  aboard  ;  the  Difcourfe  among  them  con- 
cerning (hooting  at  his  Lordfhip's  Flag,  which 
would  have  been  executed,  had  not  the  Gunner 
prevented  it ;  and  their  total  Refolution  againft 
Compliance  with  his  Lordfhip;  young  Bargrave 
being  then  found  aboard,  and  ftill  encouraging 
them,  jointly  and  feverally,  in  Ways  of  Difobe- 
dience  with  Promifes  and  Threats.  This  Paper 
concerning  a  Treaty  being  read  by  the  Earl,  the 
faid  Mr.  Bargrave  and  Mr.  Hammond  urged  his 
Lordfhip  to  go  with  them  into  Kent,  in  purfuance 
of  that  Defire  of  a  Treaty,  promifing  him  Ac- 
commodation and  Security  ;  fuggefting  the  great 
Opportunity  that  was  now  in  his  Lordfhip's 
Hands  to  ferve  the  public  Peace  ;  and  befeeching 
that,  if  he  would  not  treat,  (which  his  Lordfhip 
declared  he  had  no  Commiflion  to  -do)  yet  he 
would  repair  with  them  to  Rocbejler^  that  the 
Committee  there  might  manifeft  to  him  the 
Truth  of  their  Proceedings  :  His  Lordfhip  would 
by  no  Means  confent  thereunto,  alledging  that 
he  had  no  Commiflion  in  that  Behalf,  but  refolv- 
ed  on  this  Anfwer  :' 

To  the  COMPANY  of  the  Ship  CONSTANT 

Aboard  the  Nicodemus,  May  31,  1 648. 
J  Received  your  Paper^  dated  this  Day,  containing 
•*  your  Defire  about  a  Treaty  betwixt  myfelf  and 
the  Gentlemen  of  Kent  ;  the  fame  being  in  Re- 
turn of  my  Mejjage  fent  this  Day  concerning  my 
coming  aboard  the  Conftant  Reformation  ;  to  which- 
I  anfwer,  I  am  fent  down  by  Order  of  both  Houfes 


The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

^4  Car.  I.  of  Parliament  to  take  upon  me  the  Charge  of  the  Fleet, 
__,  and  give  Indemnity  to  the  Captains  and  Mariners  as  I 
""june  Jhall  fee  Caufe  ;  which  Indemnity  I  did  accordingly  of- 
fer to  all  fuch  Captains  and  Mariners  of  the  Fleet 
as  Jhall  f  b  nit  to  my  CommiJJion :  But  having  no  Au- 
thority to  treat  with  the  f  aid  Gentlemen^  I  cannot  con- 
cur in  that  Defer e  without  fpecial  Warrant^  but  Jhall 
fpeedily  communicate  your  Paper  to  both  Houfes  ofPar- 
iiamer.t^  and^  upon  their  Anfwer ,  Jhall  proceed  accord- 
ingly ;  and)  till  their  Anfwer  received,  I  defer  e  not  to 
be  diJJurbed  in  my  A  bode  up  on  the  Vejfel  wherein  I  now 


'  The  Earl's  Anfwer  being  delivered  to  the  faid 
Officers  and  Mariners,  then  aboard  the  JVrVa- 
demuS)  who  were  alfo  chofen  by  the  Reforma- 
tion's Company  to  receive  his  Lordfhip's  Anfwer, 
and  to  return  fuch  Refolutions  thereupon  as  they 
fhould  fee  Caufe,  they  excepted  againft  his  Lord- 
(hip's  long  Stay ;  his  carrying  away  of  the 
Nicodemus ;  his  wearing  the  Flag  in  the  Main 
Top  ;  and  declaring  that  either  he  muft  go  up  in 
a  fmall  Ketch,  then  attending  at  the  Downs^ 
or  elfe  they  would  fet  him  aftiore  to  go  up  by- 
Land  ;  and  at  laft  offering  to  let  him  have  the 
NicodemuS)  upon  the  Engagement  of  his  Ho- 
nour that  he  would  return  her  to  them ;  prefiing 
him  withal  to  haften  up  and  reprefent  to  the  two 
Houfes  their  Defires  j  or  that  his  Lordfhip,  or 
fome  other  Commiflioners,  might  be  fent  to  treat 
with  the  Gentlemen  of  Kent ;  and  at  lalt  deliver- 
ed his  Lordfhip  this  Anfwer  : 

My  Lord, 

CT'H  E  Defers  of  the  Company  is,  That  your  Lord- 
•*-  Jhlp  would  be  plea  fed  to  return  to  the  two  Houfes 
•if  Parliament^  and  fegnify  unto  them  the  unanimous 
Confent  and  AJJociation  of  the  Fleet  with  the  Gentle- 
men of  the  County  of  Kent  in  order  to  thofe  Ifonejl 


•  of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  20$ 

tnd  juft  Demands  mentioned  in  theirs  and  our  Petition 'y  An.  24.  Car.  I. 
and  that  they  are  refolved  not  to  feparate  themfelves    ^     '    _, 
from  the  faid  Gentlemen^  by  taking  an  Aft  of  Indemnity         j^,' 
apart ',  or  £y  enering  into  any  Treaty  without  their  Pri- 
vity and  Confent ;  befeeching  your  Lordjbip  to  ufe  your 
moji  effectual  Endeavours  to  move  the  two  Houfes  for 
a  fpeedy  Settlement    of  the  Kingdom  according  to  the 

Signed  in  the  Name  of  all  the  Ship's  Company, 
by  their  Confent, 


e  After  this  the  Seamen  continued  to  exprefs 
their  Refolutions  that  his  Lordfhip  fhould  not 
have  the  Nicodemus,  being  provoked  thereunto  by 
Bar  grave  and  Hammond -y  till  the  faid  Hammond 
was  prevailed  with  to  urge  it,  from  feme  Reafons 
offered  by  his  Lordfhip,  viz.  the  Seamen's  Invite- 
ment  of  his  Lordfhip  down,  and  their  own  En- 
gagement by  their  Paper  of  this  .Day,  that  if  his 
Lordfhip  and  the  Gentlemen  of  Kent  did  not 
agree,  he  might  return  to  London  in  his  own  Ship: 
Which  convincing  the  faid  Hammond,  he  was 
prevailed  with  to  deliver  his  Senfe  to  the  Seamen 
in  his  Lordfhip's  Prefence,  and  to  declare  his 
Confent;  they  all  concurred,  yet  with  an  Inti- 
mation that  they  expected  the  VefTel  to  be  fent 
back  again  to  them ;  tho'  his  Lordfhip  kept  him- 
felffree  from  any  Engagement  in  that  Behalf. 
After  this  the  Gentlemen,  Officers,  and  Ma- 
riners left  his  Lordfhip  ;  who,  taking  into  Con- 
fideration  the  Violence  of  the  Seamen,  the  Un- 
certainty of  their  Refolutions,  and  the  lying  of 
the  Nicodemus  under  the  Command  of  the  Ships 
and  Veflels,  did  £hortly  after  direct  the  Nicode- 
mus to  weigh  Anchor ;  and  with  her  called  off 
the  Ketch,  who  cut  her  Cable  and  followed  ; 
and  his  Lordfhip  fummoned  a  Council  of  War, 
where  the  following  Refolutions  were  taken  : 


Tie  Parliamentary  H I  s  t  d  R  ¥ 

At  a  Council  of  War,  aboard  the  Nicodemus  in  thS 
Downs,  May  31,  1648. 

The  Lord-Admiral,         Capt.  PENROSE, 
Capt.  MOULTON,  Capt.  PACY. 

nEfelved  and  declared.  That  my  Lord- Admiral  hath 
J-  *•  omitted  nothing  that  could  be  done  by  his  Lordjhip, 
In  order  to  the  reducing  ofthofe  Ships  of  the  Fleet  now 
at  the  Downs,  that  have  revolted  from  the  Parliament's 
Obedience:  And 

That  it  is  the  Opinion  of  this  Council  of  War,  Tiwt 
it  is  not  fafc,  nor  any  IVays  conducing  to  the  Parlia- 
ment's Service,  for  the  Lord- Admiral  to  Jlay  longer 
in  the  Downs,  confidering  the  ^igh  Dijiempers  of 
the  Seamen  j  but  that  it  is  Jit  for  his  Lordjhip  fpee- 
dily  to  repair  to  the  Parliament,  to  give  an  Account 
of  his  Proceedings  and  of  the  Condition  of  Affairs 

Off  the  North-Foreland,  eodem  Die. 

TfT  being  conftdered  whether  the  Nicodemus  /hall 
•*  befent  Wejlward  or  Northward,  to  give  Advice  ts 
the  rejl  of  the  Fleet  (not  yet  under  Defection)  of  the 
true  State  of  Affairs  at  the  Downs  ;  forafmuch  as  the 
fame  cannot  be  conveniently  done  without  Notice  taken 
thereof  by  the  revolted  Ships  in  the  Downs,  which  may 
invite  them  to  fend  Ships  after  her,  and  fo  give  Oppor- 
tunity to  malignant  Seamen  to  infufe  and  foment  dan- 
gerous Principles  into  the  Minds  ofthofe  that  may  other- 
wife  keep  to  their  Truji  ;  and  for  that  fame  of  the 
Seaman  of  this  Veffel  may,  for  ought  is  known,  afl  in 
the  like  Kind,  they  being  privy  to  the  Height  of  the  Dif- 
tempers  here:  Refolved  that  it  is  the  Opinion  of  this 
Council  of  War,  That  his  Lordjhip  do  fend  up  the  Vef- 
fel  into  the  River  of  Thames,  whereby  thofe  Incon~ 
veniences  may  be  prevented,  andjhe  Jecured. 


RoBt.  MOULTON,       Boatfwain  MITCHELL. 

«  OB 

.     of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  207 

«  On  the  firft  of  June  the  Earl  of  Warwick  being  'An,  *4  Car.i. 
near  unto  Tilbury-Hope,  his  Lordfhip  heard  of    t    *     !'   _, 
fome  Defeat  given  to  the  Kentijb  Forces  by  the        junf. 
Lord  Fairfax;    whereupon,    by  his  Lordfhip's 
Directions,  a  Letter  was  written  by  his  Secretary 
to  the  Boatfwain  of  the  Reformation,  which  run 
thus : 

Aboard  the  Nicodemus  near  the  Hopey 
June  i,  1648. 

T  N  our  Way  to  London  we  heard  of  the  Army'*  ' 
•*  defeating  the  Kentifh  Forces,  whereby  will  be  dif- 
covered  to  you  and  the  reji  of  your  Ship's  Company  the 
Danger  of  your  and  their  A  flings  againjl  the  Parlia- 
ment, a,  id  confequently  againjl  the  Peace  of  the  King- 
dom ;  /  have  therefore  thought  it  meet,  upon  Direction 
from  my  Lord- Admiral,  to  let  you  know  that,  upon  your 
Submijfion  to  the  Parliament's  Authority,  by  rendering 
the  Conftant  Reformation  into  his  Lordjhip's  Hands, 
you  will  take  the  only  Cottrfe  to  refcue  yourfelves  from 
that  Mifery  and  Ruin  which  will  otherwife  fall  upon 
you ;  his  Lordjhip  intending  to  give  Indemnity  to  none 
of  you  that  Jballjland  out. 

>  I  hope  you  will  confider  that  the  Parliament  is  in  an 
effectual  Way  of  compofing  the  fad  Dijlrattions  of  the 
Kingdom,  and  to  cffeft,  in  the  beji  and  fafejl  Way,  the 
•very  Things  that  are  contained  in  that  Petition,  where- 
in you  fay  you  have  engaged ;  and  that  fuch  Interrup- 
tions as  you  and  the  reft  have  given,  are  the  great  Ob- 
Jlruflions  of  that  Peace  which  you  pretend  to  aim  at. 
Confider  what  I  fay,  remember  your  Trujl,  and  God 
direfi  your  Hearts  not  to  rejijl  good  Council,  1  reft 
dejirous  to  bet 

Your  loving  Friend, 


*  Thip  is  the  Subftance  of  what  pafled  in  the 
*  Downs  concerning  the  Ship  Reformation,  &c.  over 
'  and  befides  many  violent  and  mutinous  Threat- 
and  diilempered  ExprdSons  of  the  Gentle- 

*  men 

An.  24  Car.  I. 

.  1648. 


7%e  Parliamentary  H I  s  T  6  R  Y 

e  men  and  Mariners  aboard,  which  are  too  long  t<s 
c  be  fet  forth  in  Writing. 


jP.  5.  '  The  Ships  left  at  the  Downs  are,  the  Re- 
formation ;  the  Swallow,  Capt.  Leonard  Harris  5 
the  Satisfaction,  Capt.  Penrofe,  who  is  come  up 
from  his  Charge  in  Duty  to  his  Truftj  the 
Hind  Frigate,  Capt.  Richard  Saljlonftall ;  tlJe 
Roebuck^  Capt.  Robert  Nixon  ;  the  Pelican,  whof* 
Commander  hath  deferted  her.  ^ 

'  His  Lordfhip  hath  alfo,  this  Morning,  con- 
fulted  with  the  Commiflioners  of  the  Navy,  and 
others,  what  will  be  moft  fit  for  him  to  do,  in 
order  to  the  reducing  of  fuch.  Ships  as  are  under 
Defection,  and  the  conforming  to  the  Parliament's 
Obedience  fuch  as  have  not  yet  engaged. 

After  reading  all  thefe  Papers,  the  Lords  ordered 
that  they  be  communicated  to  the  Houfe  of  Com* 

Lord  Fairfax's 
Account  of  his 
Victory  over  the 
Army  raiftd  by 
the  Kentifh 

The  Confternation  the  Parliament  was  in,  at  this 
Time,  was  not  much  leflened  by  the  following 
Accounts,  which  were  this  Day,  June.  3,  read  in 
the  Houfe  of  Lords ;  notwithftanding  the  firft  of 
them  feemed  much  in  their  Favour. 

To  tie  Right  Honourable  the  Earl  of  MAN- 
CHESTER, Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  rEE&s  pr» 
Tempore,  at  Weftminfter. 

Maidflone,  June  2,  1648. 
My  Lord, 

T  T  having  pleafed  God  to.  give  us  a  Vidlory 
•  againft  thofe,  who,  without  and  againft  the 
Authority  of  Parliament,  raifed  an  Army,  I  held 
it  my  Duty  ~to  give  your  Lordfhips  an  Account 
thereof  in  brief,  Time  not  permitting  me  at  pre- 


^ENGLAND.  209 

fent  to  give  the  Particulars  at  large  :  The  Eri-  Am  24  Car.  r. 
gagement  with  them  begun  the  laft  Night  about  t  |648-  ^ 
Seven  of  the  Clock,  near  Maidjlone,  and  conti-  '  junt( 
nued  a  very  hot  and  fierce  Difpute  until  after 
Twelve,  before  we  could  be  Matters  of  the 
Town:  The  Enemy,  by  reafon  of  the  continued 
Supplies  which  they  received  from  their  Forces 
by  the  Paffage  over  Ayksford,  were  enabled  to 
difpute  every  Street  and  PafTage;  the  choiceft  of 
their  Forces,  as  we  underftand,  were  appointed 
for  this  Service,  and  the  Lord  Goring  command- 
ed them  as  General.  There  were  about  200  of 
the  Enemy  flain,  many  wounded ;  about  960 
Prifoners,  400  Horfe,  eight  Pieces  of  Cannon, 
and  great  Store  of  Arms  and  Ammunition,  taken. 
Sir  William  Brockman  and  others  of  the  Gentry  are 
Prifoners.  As  God  hath  been  pleafed  in  Mercy 
to  give  you  this  Victory,  fo  I  defire  that  we  may 
return  all  Thankfulhefs  unto  him  for  it.  I  {hall 
(as  God  (hall  enableme)  improve  this  Advantage, 
and  remain, 

Your  Lord/hip's  bumble  Servant, 


one  of  the  Committee  appointed  to  gs  into  Suffolk. 

To  my  Honoured  Friends  Sir  Nathanael  Bernardifton 
and  Sir  Philip  Parker,  Knts,  Sir  William  Spring, 
Bart.  John  Gurdon,  Nathanael  Bacon,  and 
Francis  Bacon,  Efqrs* 

Ketton,  May,  31,  1648. 

*  T  HIS  inclofed  I  received  juft  now  from  an  L 

Alderman  of  Bury;  by  which  you  may  fee  to  th" Di/hirl"8 

*  their  and  our  Grounds  of  Fears,  the  Difaffecled  in  antes  in  Suffolk, 
'  thefe  Parts  keeping  ftill  their  Meetings  at  New-  &c- 

*  market,  under  Pretence  of  Horfe-Racing  :  Rujh- 

*  brook-Hall,  near  Bury,  is  the  Place  of  their  general 

*  Rendezvous,  and  there  feafted   by    the  "jermyn 
Family.     It  doth  very  much  difcontcnt  and  dif- 
VOL.  XVII,  O  «  coura-e 

2 1  o  7&?  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

courage  us  who  act  for  the  Parliamentary  Intereft, 
that  we  yet  hear  nothing  in  Anfwer  to  our  Let- 
June.  ters  fr°m  tne  Committee  of  Derby- Houfe  ;  and 
efpecially  to  that  Particular  of  fecuring  thofe  that 
were  Commanders  in  the  Town  of  Bury  in  this 
Rebellion.  It  is  our  Wonder  that  they  (hould 
have  Liberty  now  to  ramble  all  over  our  Coun- 
try. I  profefs,  were  not  my  own  Hands  tied  up 
by  the  Agreement,  (as  a  Soldier)  I  would  fecure 
them  myfelf,  and  truft  the  Parliament  for  my  In- 
demnity ;  but  now  I  am  difabkd,  without  Order* 
from  the  Houfe. 

«  Gentlemen,  I  befeech  you,  m  the  Behalf  of  this 
poor  Country,  to  acquaint  jhe  Houfe  with  our 
Fears,  and  obtain  fome  Order  for  their  own  and 
our  Safety,  This  Day  Se'nnight  we  are  to  have 
a  general  Meeting  at  Slow-Market^  where  I  de- 
fire  to  have  your  Advice,  with  fuch  Orders  as 
you  {hall  obtain  for  us.  We  are  muttering  our 
Forees,  both  Horfe  and  Foo:  ;  many  of  the 
Auxiliaries,  I  fear,  are  difaffecled  ;  we  fliall  en- 
deavour to  mend  them  by  a  new  modelling  of 
them.  I  hope  we  fhall  have  the  Encouragement 
of  the  Houfe  in  our  Endeavours  for  the  Public 
Safety,  which  will  very  much  ftrengthen  the  Re- 
folutions  of, 

Taur  affeftionate  Friends  and  Servants , 


The  LETTER  frcm  an  Alderman  of  Bury,  inclofed  in 
the  foregoing. 

To  the  Rt.  Hon.  Sir  THOMAS  BERNARDISTON. 

5  /  R,  Newmarket ,  May  30,  1648. 

THIS  Morning,  before  I  came  out,  I  was 
informed   that   the  Duke  of  Buckingham  and; 
divers  others  came  Yefterday  to  RuJhbrook-Hally. 
where  was  a  great  Feaft,  and  divers  Gentlemen 
prefent;  and  this  Day  alfo,  fince  I  came  to  New- 
market,  I  underftand  that  all  thofe  Captains  whiclv 
5  6  wer 

of   ENGLAND. 

were  at  Bury  in  the  Time  of  the  Meeting^  are  An.  24  Car,  I. 
now  irt  Newmarkel^  which  makes  me  and  others 
much  fear  that  there  is  fome  Hi  fuddenly  intend- 
ed to  our  Town ;  and  how  we  mail  oppofe  them 
I  know  not,  unlefs  you  can  think  of  fome  Way 
for  our  Help*     I  thought  good,  Sir,  to  give  you 
Notice  thereof,  praying  the  Lord  that  he  would 
be  pleafed  to  direct  you   for  that   which  may  be 
moft  for  his  Glory  and  our  Goodi 
'  Yefterday  our  Soldiers  did  mufter  with  us,  and 
we  had  about  140  that  we  dare  truft;  but  they 
want   Experience.      We  conceive  that  Horfes 
would  be  very  ufeful.     With  my  Service  remem- 
bered, I  am  bold  to  fubfcribe  myfelf  to  be> 
Tour  Servant  to  Command*, 


A  PAPER    given  In  to   the   Committee  at   Derby- 
Houfe  by  Sir  Francis  Pyle,  and  Mr.  Packer. 

E  being  informed  of  the  levying  of  new 
Forces,  and  fetting  up  a  new 
the  Abbey  at  Reading,  there  being  already  the 
Garrifon  of  IVmdfir  and  Walllngford  'in  this 
County,  (which  new  Levy  caufeth  a  great  Dif- 
turbance  in  the  County)  do  defire  that  a  Letter 
may  be  fent  to  the  Committee  of.Berh,  to  for-" 
bear  any  fuch  Proceedings ;  and  that  the  Works 
at  the  Abbey  may  be  flighted,  according  to  a 
former  Order  of  June  i,  1648,  for  the  County  of 


Orders  were  given  by  both  Houfes  according  to 
the  Defire  of  this  Letter, 

An  Extratt  of  a  LETTER  from  Mr.  Rufhworth,  the 
General's  Secretary,  to  Mr.  Froft. 

SIR,  Maid/lone,  June  2,  1648. 

'.  \X7E    nave  juft    now    Intelligence   that    the 

*  *  *     Enemy    hath   quitted    Rockefter,    and  are 

*  drawn  out  towards  Gravefend,  with  Intentions  to 

O  2  '  march 

2 1 2  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  <  march  for  Blackbeatb.  Look  to  the  City  nnd  South- 
work;  we   will   hafte  all  we  can,  but  they  hav£ 
«    •     •* 


the  Start  of  us. 

feoth  Houfes  ordered  a  joint  Committee  to  go 
to  the  Common  Couricil  of  London,  and  know 
the  State  of  their  Forces,  and  what  may  be  expecl- 
cd  from  them  on  this  Occafion  ;  and  the  Time  be- 
ing preffing,  they  agreed  to  fit  in  the  Afternoon  of 
this  Day  j  but  we  do  not  find  that  any  Thing  more 
\5  yet  entered  about  it. 

The  Commons,  this  Dav,  refolved  that  they 
would  proceed  no  further  in  ^their  Impeachment  :s 

againft  Sir  'Yohn  Gnyre?  Knt.   late  Lord  flavor  of 
The  Commons     r      j       en  /t  i  <~  i      T        i  i  "W 

London^  Ibomas  Aaatns^  John  Langbam,  and    fames 

Eunce^  Aldermen;  nor  againft  Sir  John  Mcwnard  ; 
te  n°r  the  Earls  °f  Llncolni    Sv/'o/.kt   and    Middlefex; 
rmen*  tne  Lords  IVillougbby   of  Parbam,  •  "Berkeley,  Hunf- 
t  he  feven  Lords,  don*  and  MayrMrd.     They  likewife  refolved,  That 

Mernbets  ^      ^    V°^S'    whereb>r    P'™1  H>11^  Elll'  Sir  WU~< 

Tiam  Waller^  Sir  William  Letcis,  Colonel  Edward 
Maffey^  Sir  John  Clstwortky,  Mr.  Anthony  Nicbol9 
and  Mr.  Walter  Long,  ftaild  accufedby  their  Houfe, 
be  difcharged.  Some,  Colonels,  ?.nd  other  Officers 
of  the  Trained  Bands,  were  alfo  releafed  out  ot 

iop  their  Im 
prachmenti  a 


Lord  Fairfax's 
farther  Account 
of  his  Succefs  in 
Aipprefling  the 
C<  mrr.otions  in 

June  5.  This  Day  came  more  Intelligence  from 
the  General,  communicated  in  a  Letter  from  Ro- 
cbefter,  with  fome  Papers  inclofed,  difcovering'the 
Depth  of  the  whole  Kentijb  Plot. 

To  the  Right  Hon.  EDWARD  Earl  of  MANCHES- 
TER, Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  PEERS  pro 

Rochejler^  June  4,  1 648. 
My  Lord, 

T  Shall,  according  to  my  laft,  give  your  Lord- 
*  fhips  this  further  Account  of  our  Succefs  at 
Maidftone  :  Upon  Thurfday  in  the  Evening,  about 
feven  o'Clock,  after  very  long  Marches,  we  got 
near  the  Town,  and  a  Troop  of  Dragoons  was 

*  fent 

^ENGLAND.  213 

fent  to  make  good  a  Pafs,  whilfl  the  Town  wr.s   An.  24  Car. 

viewing  at  what  Place  our  Men  might  beft  enter:     , l648' 

It  being  refolved  upon  to  force  our  Paflage,  in  jjne_ 
cafe  of  a  Refiftance,  the  gaining  of  that  Town 
over  the  River  being  of  great  Advantage  to  our 
Affairs;  but  before  there  could  be  a  View  taken  of 
the  Town,  the  Dragoons  had  engaged  the  Enemy, 
and  forced  them  from  that  Guard  which  they 
kept.  The  Dragoons  being  very  forward  to  en- 

fage,  purfued,  and  fo  the  Enemy  drew  forth  a  con- 
derable  Party  of  Horfe  and  Foot  to  maintain  a 
Pafs  a,gainft  us,  which  neceflitated  the  drawing 
down  of  the  greateft  Part  of  the  Foot,  with  fome 
Horfe  ;  and  though  that  Part  of  the  Town  was 
of  the  greateft  Difficulty  to  enter,  yet,  through 
the  great  Goodnefs  of  God,  our  Men  made  their 
Entrance,  and  became  Mafters  of  the  Town  af- 
ter four  or  five  Hours  hot  Service. 
4  The  Town  being  very  ftrongly  barricaded, 
and  through  the  Darknefs  of  the  Night  and  our 
Ignorance  of  the  Town,  they  difputed  the  Bar- 
ricades and  Places  of  Advantage  with  our  Men 
playing  hard  with  their  Cannon  upon  them ;  in  ' 
which  Service  both  Horfe  and  Foot  did  exceeding 
well,  and  particularly  I  cannot  but  take  Notice 
of  the  Valour  and  Refolution  of  Colonel  Hewfen^ 
whofe  Regiment  had  the  hardeft  Talk,  Major 
Carter^  his  Major,  being  hurt,  and  Capt.  Price 
a  deferving  and  faithful  Officer,  {lain.  The  beft 
of  their  Men  were  there,  whereof  many  are  Ca- 
valiers and  London  Aprentices,  they  looking  upon 
the  Confequence  of  that  Place  to  be  very 
great,  and  therefore  did  refolve  to  make  what 
Refiftance  they  could.  The  old  Lord  Goring 
was  that  Day  proclaimed  General  at  the  Head 
of  their  Army,  upon  the  Hill  near  Aylesford* 
where  we  faw  their  Body  drawn  up;  which,  as 
their  Prifoners  fmce  do  confefs,  and  they  them- 
felves  gave  out,  confifted  of  8000,  behdes  thofe 
in  Maid/lone  and  Aylesford,  in  both  which  Places 
there  were  about  3000.  Thofe  of  dylesfordcam- 
O  3  «  ins- 

An.  id.  Car.  I.  c 

l648-          < 

2?4  ffie  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

ing  as  a  frefti  Supply  to  relieve  thofe  engaged  to 
Maidjlone,  there  were  near  300  fl%ain,  and  about 

*  I3°°  Prifoners,  many  of  them  being  taken  next 
4  Morning  in  the  Woods,  Hop-Yards,  and  Fields, 
4  whither  they  efcaped  in  the  Time  of  their  Flight  j 

*  amongft  whom  were  many  Gentlemen  of  good 
4  Quality,  Sir  Samuel  Dudley^  Sir  William  Brock- 
4  man>  Mr.   Scot^  Major  Price,  and  others,  a  Lift 

*  whereof  is   preparing  to  be   fent.     There  were 

*  about  500  Horfe^ooo  Arms,  nine  Foot-Colours, 

*  and  eight  Pieces  of  Cannon,  with  Store  of  Am- 

*  munition,  alfo  taken. 

4  In  the  firft  Charge  which  our  Forlorn  Hope 
<  gave  the  Enemies  Horfe,  wherein  our  Horfe  car- 
4  ried  themfelves  very  gallantly  as  I  fmce  hear,  Sir 
4  'John  Maney^  and  divers  others  of  Quality  were 

*  ilain. 

4  After  it  had  pleafed  God  to  give  us  this  great 

*  Mercy  of  gaining  the  Town,  their  Men  received 

*  fo  great  Difcouragement,  that  the  greateir  Part  of 

*  the  Army    left  them  and  were  diiperfed,  and  a 
4  great  Number  of  OfRcers   and  Gentlemen  fmce 
*•  fled  to  ihift  for  themfelves.     Their  Word  at  the 

*  Engagement  was,  King  and  Kent  ;  ours,  Truth. 

4  Having  thus  Doffefled  ourfelves  of  the  Pailes  at 
'  Maidfione  and  Ayiesford^  the  Enemy  being  much 
4  ccnfufed  with  our  Succefs,  and  their  own  men 

*  deferting  them,  they  at  laft  marched  over  Rcckef- 
"•  ttr  Bridge,  towards  Blackbeatb  with  about  3000 
4  Horfe  and  Foot,  moft  of  which  were  Cavaliers, 

*  Apprentices,  and  Watermen.     Qur  Men  not  be- 

*  ing  able  to  make  fo  fpeedy  a  March  after  them  as 

*  was  necefiary,  I  fent  Col.  U-  baley  with  a  Party  of 
4  Horfe  and  Dragoons  after  them,  upon  whofe  Ap- 

*  proach  they  have  left  Kent^  and  fled  over  the  Wa- 
4  ter  into  E-JJcx^  by  tyooivuicb  and  Greenwich.     Col. 

*  H'baley  is  in  PUJ  iuit,  and  I  doubt  not  but  he  will 
4  give  a  good  Account  of  that  Service. 

4  I  have  fent  Col.  Rich  with  a  Party  of  Horfe 
4  and  Foot  to  relieve  Dover  ,  wherein  I  truft  we 
4  {hall  find  the  fame  Preience  of  God  as  we 

4  hitherto 

of   ENGLAND. 

hitherto  have  had,  My  Prayer  to  the  Lord  is,  An. 
that  this  great  >vT  ~cy  may  be  further  improved  to 
his  Glory  an!  uus  Kingdom's  Good. 
'  I  thought  fit  to  prcfent  to  your  Lordfhips  thefe 
Papers  inclofed,  taken  from  the  Enemy;  where- 
by you  will  .perceive  the  Depth  of  their  Plot,  and 
their  Engagement  to  purfue  what  they  have  un- 
dertaken. I  remain, 

Tour  Lord/hip's  humble  Servant, 


P.  S.  «  I  have  fecured  the  Mayor  of  Rochejler, 
f  whofe  Hand  is   to  the  Commiffions  granted  for 

*  raifing  of  Forces.' 

T^he  PLAN  of  ACTION  mentioned  In  Lord  Fairfax's 


Roche/ler^  May  30,  1 648. 

6  /^Ommanders  in  Chief  to  be  appointed.  Copies  of  feveraJ 

'  The  Army  to   be  divided  into  Brigades,  Papers  taken 

'  Regiments,  and  Companies,  and  to  have  neceflarythere* 
'  Commanders  and  Officers  over  them, 

'  All  other   Officers,  Quarter-Matters,  Scout- 
«  Mailers,  Mufter-Mafters,  Engineers,  &c. 

*  Pioneers  and  their  Commanders,  and  necefTary 
'  Shovels,  Spades,  Mattocks,  Wheelbarrows,  Edge 
'  Tools,  Qte  to  make  Defence  againft  Horfe,  and 
'  Breaft- Works  for  Mufqueteers,  &c. 

*  ^uxre^  Drakes  and  Field  Pieces,  to  fortify  the 
'  Block-houfe  at  Gravefend',  and  what  Courfe  fhall 

*  be  taken  that  we  may  be  fupplied  out  of  Effete 
c  when  Need  is,  and  to  endeavour  Supplies  out  of 
«  Sufix? 

*  ghtare,  Whether  or  not  neceflary  to  fortify 

*  Rochefter  with  a  Line  and  Forts  ? 

*  To  take  away  all  Arms  from  the  adverfe  Party, 
'  and  to  fecure  the  Perfons  of  fuch  as  are    molt 

*  powerful  and  dangerous. 

*  If  the  Enemy  be  ftronger  than  we,  then  to  take 
'  Courfe  for  Retreat  beyond  the  Medway, 

Parliamentary  HISTORY 

'  To  fortify  Bridges,  and  to  break  down  thofc 
'  Bridges  which  are  not  fit  to  be  fortified,  and  to 

ftop  up  the  Fords. 

«  <$uare,  Whether  to  fortify  Tunbridge  Cattle, 
*£and  the  Bridge  there? 

*  A  feleft  Council  of  War,  not  of  very  many,  to 
'  avoid  Confufion  in  Debates,  and  to  prevent  Dif- 
'  covery  of  Secrets. 

'  Another  Council  or  Committee  to  hear  and 

*  difpatch  ordinary  Things,  that  the  Council  of 

*  War  be  not  troubled  with  over  much  Bufinefs. 

'  ^hieere,  How  to  order  all  Affairs  when  we  go 
'  up  with  our  Petition,  and  to  fecure  Maid/lone^ 
4  &c.  when  we  are  gone  ?  ' 

'  To  take  fpecLl  Order  for  Intelligence. 

*  To  appoint  an  Officer  or  Committee  to  deliver 
4  put  Arms,  who  muft  not  deliver  any  till  he  is 

*  well    informed    to   whom,  and  to   take  Notice 
'  of  their  Names. 

*  The  Trained  Bands  of  Maid/lone  have  lent  to- 
c  Auxiliaries  80  Arms,  who  defire  to  have  them  a- 
'  gain,  and  that  Auxiliaries  be  otherwifefurnifhed. 

'  To  appoint  Colonels,  Captains,  and  Officers 
'  over  all  the  Trained  Bands,  and  to  confider 
'  touching  Volunteers  and  Auxiliaries.' 

"The  ENGAGEMENT  of  the  Gentlemen  of  Kent. 

Rochefler^  May  29,  1648. 
fc  XT17  E  oblige  ourfelves  by.  the  Faith  of  Chrif- 

*  *        tians  and  the  Honour  of  Gentlemen,  not 
'  to  difcover  or  betray  any  Debates  or  Conclufions, 

*  concluded  or   refolved  upon    by  the  Subfcribers 
'  hereof;  and  further,  faithfully  and  refolutely  to 
'  deliver  our  Judgments,  and  endeavour  in.  efFedtu- 

*  ating  thefe  Refults. 

1.  *  There  is  no  Credit  to  be  given  to  Words 
'  or  Promifes  ;  but  to  the    real   Performances    of 
'  your  Defires,  and  that  fpeedily. 

2.  '  You  cannot  imagine  that  your  County  fhall 

*  be  free  from   their  Powefj  and  other  Counties 
«  fubjeft  to  the  fame. 

3.  Treaties 

of    ENGLAND.  217 

'    «  Treaties  and  Promifes  are  to  the  End  only  to  An-  2i^ar 

*  furceafe  the  Profecution  of  your  Affairs,   until  t 

*  they  can  make  ready  a  Power  to  fupprefs  you.  Juiw. 

4.  '  You  can  have  no  better  Security  than  their 

*  Votes,  and  all  Men  know  they  change  them  daily; 
'  and  the   Slaughter   of  the   Surry  Men,  and   the 
'  JufHfication  thereof  by  a.  Vote  of  theirs,  and  the 

*  hanging  of  Capt.  Burley  (a),  doth  evidently  ftiew; 

*  what  is  to  be  expected  by  any  who  oppofe  them  : 
'  Nothing  can  fecure  you  but  reftoring  the  King 
'  and  the  Laws. 

*  Their  Power  at  this  prefent  is  employed  in  the 

*  fupprefiing  of  other  Counties  who  have  the  fame 
'  Ends  with  you ;  and   their    Army  for  the  main 
'  Part  thereof,  is  divided  into  fcveral  remote  J'arts 
«  of  Wales,   Connual/,  the    North,   Su/olk,   &c.  fo 
'  that  you  can  never  have  fuch  an  opportune  Time 
'  to  effect:  your  Defires  ;  and  therefore  to  lofe  this 

*  Time  is   to  lofe  your  Bufmcfs,  and  to  be  de-» 
«  ftroyed. 

*  A  Letter  to  be  fent  to  the  Londoners  for  their 
'  Concurrence,  arid  to  permit  our  Men  an  Admif- 
'  fion  through  the  City,   as   they  did  to  EJJcx  and 
'  Surry  ;  in  which  Letter  recite  all  the  Indignities 
'  the  Houfes  and  Army  have    put  upon  the  City 
'  from  Time  to   Time;  as   the  changing  of  their 

.'  Militia;  taking  from  them  the  Tower,  and  leaving 

'  it  now  empty  ;  the  Slaughter  of  their  Appren- 

'  tices  ;  their  imprifoning  of  their  Mayor  and  Al- 

'  dermen  ;  the  demolifhing  of  their  Works  ;  the 

'  Rejection    of  their  Remonftrance  ;  their  trium- 

1  phant  marching  through  their  City ;  their  diitruft- 

'  ing  the  City  to  guard  the  Houfes ;  making  of  Or- 

'  dinances  to  take  away  their  Votes  in  the  chufing 

'  City  Officers ;  and   their  late  Ordinance  for  the 

6  Militia  of  the  City,  left  at   the  Pleafure  of  the 

c  City  to  revoke  when  they  will. 

'  Thjngs  are  brought  to  that  Pafs  that  the  Trea- 

'  fure  of  the  Kingdom  is  exported,  none  brought 

<  in; 

(a)  He  had  ordered  a  Drum  to  beat  up  at  Newport,  in  the  Ifle  of 
Wight,  for  refcuing  of  the  King ;  for  which  he  was  f,und  guilty  of 
High  Treafon  before  Serjeant  Wyld,  at  Wtr,cbefltrt  and  executed  ac- 
cordingly. Ludlow,  Vol.  I.  p.  Z54.  Clarendon,  Vol.  V.  p.  90, 


An.  24  Car.  I. 


The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

in ;  Trade  entirely  ruined  ;  Dearth  increafed  ; 
a  foreign  Nation  will  come  in,  unlefs  fome  other 
fpeedy  Way  be  taken  for  the  fpeedy  reftoring  of 
the  King  ;  which  this  City,  by  concurring  with 
their  Neighbours  at  this  Time,  may  do,  other- 
wife  all  thofe  Miferies  that  fhall  enfue  muft  be 
imputed  to  them. 

«  This  Letter  will  be  of  no  EfTeS,  unlefs  one 
of  thefe  two  Courfes  be  taken,  either  to  have  it 
delivered  and  read  in  Common-Hall,  where  all  the 
Citizens  are  aflembledj  or,  if  that  cannot  be,  to 
have  it  printed  and  difperfed  thro'  the  City  :*  And 
the  Letter  muft  be  directed  To  the  Lord  Mayor 
and  Commonalty  of  the  City  of  London. 
*  Send  to  the  Prince  for  Commiflions  fora  Com* 
mander  in  Chief,  and  fome  other  Officers  ;  and 
have  a  ftanding  Council  compofed  of  four  Per- 
fons  of  each  of  the  aflbciated  Counties,  a  {land- 
ing Army,  a  Commander  in  Chief,  Aflefirnents 
upon  the  Country  to  maintain  them,  and  there- 
in as  fparing  of  the  common  People  as  may  be. 

Next  follows  the  Copy  of  a  Commiffion,  figned 
t>y  Philip  Maude^  Mayor  of  Rochejier,  Edward 
Haks^  Efq;  (a]  Commander  in  Chief,  and  five  other 
Gentlemen,  appointing  Sir  William  Compton>  Knt. 
to  be  Colonel  of  a  Regiment  of  Horfe  of  500  Menj 
alfo  a  Copy  of  a  Receipt  for  a  Contribution  of 
io/.  as  fo  much  lent  to  the  Gentlemen  Petitioners 
<  of  Kent,  to  be  repaid  in  one  Month  ;  and  a  Pafs, 
dated  at  MaidJIone,  directed  To  all  the  Colonels 
and  Captains  of  Corps  of  Guards^  and  others  whom  it 
may  concern.  All  which  Papers  the  Lords  ordered 
*  to  be  forthwith  printed. 

The  Earl  of  Denbigh*  from  the  Committee  fent 
to  the  Lord  Mayor,  tsV.  in  the  City,  about  what 
Forces  they  could  raife  for  the  Security  of  them- 
felves  and  the  Parliament,  reported  this  Anfwer : 

«  That 

[a]  Lord  Clarendon  gives  a  very  craft  Narrative  of  the  Rife  of  thefe 
Commotions  In  Kent,  and  the  Occafion  of  Mr!  Halet": 
rd  General.    J7*/,  V.  f,  133,  etfa 

$f   ENGLAND.  219 

*  That  they  would  fend  to  the  Militia  about  it :  In  An.  24  car.  Ir 
the  mean  Time  it  was  the  Defire  of  the  Common- 
Council,  That  thofe  Aldermen  committed  to  the 
Tower  may  be  releafed;  becaufe  it  would  be  a 
Means  for  the  better  railing  of  Forces  for  the  fecur- 
ingof  the  Parliament  and  City.' 

yune  5.  Pofl  Merid.  The  following  Letter  was 
agreed  upon  by  the  Lords  to  be  fent  to  the  Lord 

My  Lord, 

T  Am  commanded,  by  the  Lords  in  Parliament,  to  A  Letter  of 
•^  make  thefe  their  Acknowledgments  unto  you ;  Thanks  to  Lotd 
that,  as  your  former  Faithfulnefs  and  gallant Fairfax< 
Services  have  merited  much  from  the  Parliament 
and  the  whole  Kingdom,  fo  they  take  Notice  of 
your  great  Diligence  and  Hazard  in  the  lateSup- 
preifion  of  thofe  who  had  tumultuoufly  gathered 
themfelves  together,  in  Difobedience  to  the  Com- 
mands of  Parliament;  and,  by  an  open  Force, 
made  Refiftance  to  thofe  Forces  under  your 
Command.  They  blefs  God  for  that  great  and 
happy  Succefs  which  he  hath  given  you,  and  re- 
turn their  Thanks  to  your  Excellency,  whom 
they  look  upon  as  the  chief  -Inftrument  in  this 
greafVi£tory  ;  and  they  defire  you  to  be  confident, 
that  they  will  not  be  wanting,  upon  any  Occafion, 
to  exprefs  their  Refpe&s  to  you,  fuch  as  may  give 
you  an  Aflurance  of  the  Value  and  Efteem  they 
have  of  you.  This  is  what  I  have  in  Command, 
Wh9  am, 

foiir  Excellency's  bumble  Servant, 

Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers. 

An  Adi:  of  Indemnity  was  pafied  for  thofe  who 
had  taken  up  Arms  in  Effex:  Alfo  a  Declaration  of 
both  H.oufes,  That  George  Lord  Goring's  taking 
Vp  Arms  in  Ktnt  and  EJJex  was  levying  War 


22O  T*be  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

againft  the  Parliament  and  Kingdom  ;  that  he  wa» 
a  Traitor,  and  ought  to  be  proceeded  againft  for 
the  fame,  in  the  ufual  Courfe  and  Proceedings  of 
'  Parliament.  Lord  Cap  el  likewife  was  ordered  to. 
be  fent  for  up  to  anfwer  to  a  Charge  agaiitft  him. 

June  6.  This  Day  the  Commons  fent  up  a  Mef- 
fage  to  acquaint  the  Lords,  That  they  would  pro- 
ceed no  further  upon  the  Impeachments  againft  the 
feven  Peers. 

Upon  which  the  Lords  ordered,  That  the  faid 
Lords,  by  Name,  fhould  be  forthwith  difcharged 
from  the  Reftraint  they  laid  under  on  Account  of 
the  faid  Impeachments ;  and  that  the  fame,  upon 
the  aforefaid  Declaration  of  the  Commons,  fhould 
be  vacated  in  the  Journal-Book.  The  fame  Order 
was  made  for  difcharging  the  late  Lord  Mayor^ 
Sir  John  Gayrey  &c.  but  we  do  not  find  above  one 
or  two  of  the  Articles  of  Impeachment  vacated, 
notwithftanding  this  Order, 
m  cached  Ordered^  alfo,  That  the  Lords  impeached  fhould 

Peer«  »eftored  to  have  Notice  to  attend  the  Service  of  the  Houfe  the 

tbeb  Seats.       next  Morning. 

The  fame  Day  the  Lords  took  into  Confidera- 
tion  the  new  Propofitions  from  the  Commons  to 
be  fent  to  the  King;  and,  after  fome  Debate,  the 
following  were  agreed  upon : 

I.  c  \\ THereas   both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament 
The  new  Propo-      <    V  V      f  ^ng]and  have  been  neceffitated  to  un- 

fitiorw  nf  Peace  «         ...„          ,  ,        riTxr 

to  be  fent  to  ihe  tertake  a  War  m  their  juft  and  lawful  Defence  ; 
and  afterwards  both  Kingdoms  of  England  and 
Scotland,  joined  in  Solemn  League  and  Covenant, 
were  engaged  to  profecute  the  fame :  That,  by 
Aft  of  Parliament  in  each  Kingdom  refpedtively^ 
All  Oaths,  Declarations,  and  Proclamations, 
heretofore  had,  or  hereafter  to  be  had,  againft 
both  or  either  of  the  Houfes  of  Parliament  ofEng* 
land,  the  Parliament  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland, 
and  the  late  Convention  of  Eftates  in  Scotland^ 
or  Committees  flowing  from  the  Parliament  or 

'  Convention 

r/    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  221 

*  Convention  in  Scotland^  or  their  Ordinances  and  An.  24  Car.  i» 

*  Proceedings,   or    againft  any    for  adhering  unto 

*  them,  or    for   doing  or   executing  any   Officej 
4  Place,  or  Charge,  by  any  Authority  derived  from 

*  them;  and  all  Judgments,  Indictments,  Outlnw- 

*  ries,  Attainders,  and  Inquifitions,  in  any  the  faid 
4  Caufes ;  and  all  Grants  thereupon  made  or  had,  or 

*  to  be  made  or  had,   be  declared  null,  fupprefied, 
4  and  forbidden  :  And  that  this  be  publickly  declar- 

*  ed  in  all    Parifh-Churches   within  his  Majefty's 

*  Dominions,  and  all  other  Places  needfuU 

2.  '  Whereas  both  Kingdoms  are  mutually  oblig- 
4  ed,  by  the  fame  Covenant,  to  bring  the  Churches 

*  of  God,    in  the  three  Kingdoms,  to  the  neareft 

*  Conjunction  and  Uniformity  in  Doctrine,  Wor- 

*  fhip,  Difcipline,  and  Government,  according  to 
4  the  Word  of  God,   and  the  Example  of  the  beft 

*  Reformed  Churches  :  That  the  Prefbyterial  Go^ 

*  vernment  be  confirmed  by  Aft  of  Parliament,  in 
4  fuch  Manner  as  both  Houfes  of  Parliament  have 

*  agreed,  in  feveral  Ordinances  of  Parliament;  that 
'  is  to  fay,  &c.  for  the  Term  of  three  Years,  from 
4  the  6th  of  June  1648. 

4  That  it  be  eftablifhed  by  Act  of  Parliament^ 

*  That  the  Lords  and  Commons,  in  the  Parlia- 

*  ment   of  England  affembled,    fhall,  during  the 

*  Space  often  Years  from  the  6th  of  June  1648, 
4  arm,  train,  and  difcipline,   or  caufe  to  be  armed, 
4  trained,   and  difciplined,   all  the  Forces  of  the 
4  Kingdoms  of  England  and  Ireland,  and  Dominion' 
c  of  jfrales,  the  Ifles  of  Guernfey  and  Jerfey,  and 

*  the  Town  of  Berwick  upon  ¥u)£edy  already  raif- 
e  ed,  both  by  Sea  and  Land  .Service  ;  and  that, 

*  from  Time  to  Time,  during  the  faid  Space  often' 
«  Years,  (hall  raife,  levy,  arm,  train,   and  difci- 
e  pline,  or  caufe  to  be  raifed,  levied,  armed,  train- 

*  ed  and  difciplined,   any  other  Forces  for  Land 
«  and  Sea  Service,  in  the  Kingdoms,  Dominions, 
4  and  Places  aforefaid,  as  in  their  Judgments  they 

4  {hall,  from  Time  to  Time,  during  the  faid  Space 

*  of  ten  Years,  think  fit  and  appoint :  And  that 

5  neither  the  King,  his  Heirs  or  Succeflbrs,  nor. 

222  *fbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  car.  j.  <  any  other,  but  fuch  as  fhall  a£t  by  the  Authority' 

*  J*"8'     .    4  or  Approbation  of  the  faid  Lords  and  Commons, 

June.         '  fhall,  during  the  faid  Space  of  ten  Years,  exer- 

'  cife  any  of  the  Powers  aforefaid. 

f  And  the  like   for  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  if 

*  the  Eftates  of  the  Parliament  there   (hall  think 
'  fit. 

4  That  Monies  be  raifed  and  levied  for  the  Main- 

*  tenance  and  Ufe  of  the   faid   Forces,  for   Land 

*  Service,  and  of  the  Navy  and  Forces  for  Sea  Ser- 

*  vice,  in  fuch  Sort,  and  by  fuch  Ways  and  Means, 

*  as  the  faid  Lords  and  Commons  fhall,  from  Time 
4  to  Time,  during  the  faid  Space  of  ten  Years,  think 
'  fit  and  appoint,  and  not  otherwife :  And  that  all 
1  the  faid  Forces,  both  by  Land  and  Sea  Service,  fo 
1  raifed  or  levied,  or  to  be  raifed  or  levied,  and  alfo 

*  the  Admiralty  and  Navy,   (hall,   from   Time  to 
4  Time,  during    the   faid   Space  of  ten  Years,  be 
4  employed,   managed,   ordered,  and  difpofed,   by 
4  the  faid  Lords  and  Commons,  in  fuch  Sort,  and 

*  by  fuch  Ways  and  Means,  as  they  (hall  think  fit, 
4  and  not  otherwife. 

*  And  the  faid  Lords  and  Commons,  during  the 
4  faid  Space  of  ten  Years,  fhall  have  Power, 

r.  4  To  fupprefs  all  Forces  raifed,  or  to  be  raif- 
c  ed,  without  Authority  and  Confent  of  the  faid1 
4  Lords  and  Commons,  to  the  Difturbance  of  the 
4  public  Peace  of  the  Kingdoms  of  England  and 
4  Ireland^  and  Dominion  of  Wales,  the  Ifles  of 
'  Guernfey  and  Jerfey,  and  the  Town  of  Berwick1 

*  upon  Tweed,  or  any  of  them  ; 

2.  4  To  fupprefs  any  foreign  Forces  who  fhall 
«  invade,  or  endeavonr  to  invade,   the   Kingdoms 

*  of  England  and  Ireland^  Dominion  of  'VFbles,  the" 
4  Ifles  of  Guernfey  and  Jerfey,  and   the    Town  of 

*  Berwick  upon  Tweed,  or  any  of  them  j 

3.  4  To  conjoin  fuch  Forces  of  the  Kingdom  of 
4  England  with  the  Forces  of  the-Kingdom  of  Scot-* 
4  land,  as  the  faid  Lords  and -Commons  fhall,  from, 

*  Time  to   Time,  during  the  faid  Space  of  ten 
4  Years,  judge  fit  and  neceflary,  to  refift  all  foreign 

*  Invafions,   and  to  fupprefs  any  Forces  raifed,  or 

*  to 

cf   ENGLAND.  223 

*  to  be  raifed,  againft  or  within  either  of  the  faid  An.  *4  Car- 

*  Kingdoms,  to  the  Difturbance  of  the  Public  Peace        '  4 

'  of  the  faid   Kingdoms,  or  any  of  them,  by  any        june, 

*  Authority  of  the  Great  Seal,  or  other  Warrant 
'  whatfoever,   without  the  Confent   of    the   faid 
«  Lords  and  Commons  of  the  Parliament  of  Eng- 
'  land ;  and  the  Parliament,  or  the  Eftatcs  of  the 

*  Parliament,  of  Scotland  refpeclively  :  And  that  no 

*  Forces  of  either  Kingdom  fhall  go  into,  or  con- 

*  tinue  in,  the  other  Kingdom,  without  the  Advice 

*  and  Defire  of  the  faid    Lords  and  Commons  of 
'  the  Parliament  of  England,  and  the  Parliament  of 
'  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland^  or  fuch  as  lhall  be  by 
'  them  appointed  for  that  Purpofe. 

'  Provided  that,  during  the  faid  Space  of  tcrr 
'  Years,  nothing  herein  before  contained  (hall  ex- 
'  tend  to  the  taking  away  of  the  ordinary  legal 
'  Power  of  Sheriffs,  Juftices  of  Peace,  Mayors, 
'  Bailiffs,  Coroners,  Conftables,  Head-boroughs, 

*  and  other  Officers  of  Juftice,  not  being  Military 
'  Officers,  concerning  the  Adminiftration  of  Jul- 
'  tice  ;  fo  as   neither  the  faid  Sheriffs,  Juftices  of 

*  the  Peace,  Mayors,  Bailiffs,  Coroners,  Conftables, 
'  Head-boroughs,  and  other   Officers,  or  any  of 

*  them,  do  levy,  conduct,  employ,  or  command  any 

*  Forces  whatfoever,  by  Colour  or  Pretence  of  any 
'  Commiffion  of  Array,  or   extraordinary  Com-' 
'  mand,  from  his  Majefty,  his  Heirs  or  Succeflbrs, 

*  without  the  Confent  ojf  the  faid  Lords  and  Com- 

*  mons. 

'  And  if  any  Perfons,  during  the  faid  Space  of 

*  ten  Years,  {hall  be  gathered  and  affembled  toge- 

*  ther,  in  warlike  Manner,  or  otherwife,  to  the 

*  Number  of  thirty  Perfons,  and  fhall  not  forth- 
'  with  dilband,    or  difperfe  themfelves,  being  re- 

*  quired   thereunto  by  the   faid  Lords  and  Com- 
'  monsT  or  Command  from  them,  or  any  by  them, 

*  efpecially  authorized  for  that  Purpofe ;  then  fuch 
c  Perfon  and  Perfons,  not  fo  diibanding,  or  difperf- 
'  ing  themfelves,  (hall  be  guilty,  and  incur   the 
*'  Paints  of  High  Treafonj  being  firft  declared  guilty 

*  of  fvtch  Offence  by  the  ifaid  Lords  and  Commons ; 

224  ^^  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

,264f*r* F*  '  "^  CommLTion  under  the  Great  Seal,  or  other 

^.  t  *  Warrant,  to  the  contrary  notwithstanding  : 
June.  '  And  he  or  they  that  (hall  offend  herein,  to  be 

c  incapable  of  any  Pardon  from  his   Majefty,   his 

*  Heirs  or  Succeffors  ;  and  their  Eftates   fhall   be 
'  difpofed  as  the    faid   Lords  and  Commons  fhall 
4  think  fit,  and  not  otherwife. 

*  Provided  that  the  City  of  London  fhall  have  and 
c  enjoy  all  their  Rights,  Liberties,  and  Franchifes, 

*  Cuftoms  and  Ufages,  in  the  raifing  and  employ- 
e  ing    the  Forces   of  that  City,    for  the  Defence 
'  thereof,  in  as  full  and  ample  Manner,  to  all  In- 

*  tents  and  Purpofes,  as  they  have,  or  might  have, 

*  ufed  or  enjoyed  the  fame,  at  any  Time,  before 
c  the  Making  of  the  faid  Aft  or  Proportion. 

'  And,  after  your  Majefty's  Affent  given  to  the 

c  three  Propofitions  now  tendered  to  your  Majefty, 

.  c  and  to  fuch  A&s  of  Parliament  as  fhall  be  offered 

*  by  both  Houfes,   for  Confirmation  thereof  -,  then 
'  both  Houfes  of  Parliament  will   treat  with  your 
'  Majefty  concerning  the  future  Settlement  of  the 
6  Government   of  the  Church,   the  Settlement  of 
6  the  Militia,  and  upon  the  reft  of  the  Propofitions 
c  formerly  tendered  to  your  Majefty  at  Hampton- 

*  Court.  ' 

*  And  the  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England 
c  do  defire,  That  fuch  Proportions  as  fhall  be  fit 

*  and  neceffary  for  the  Kingdom  ofStoHqnd,  may  be 
c  prepared  to  be  fent  to  his  Majefty  with  all  con- 

*  venient  Speed.' 

June  7.  Nothing  material  in  the  Houfe  of  Lords, 
except  the  following  Letter  from  the  Earl  of  IVar- 
ky  Lord-Admiral,  which  was  read. 

For  the   Right    Hon.  the  Earl  of  MANCHESTER, 
Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  PEERS  pro  Tempore. 

My  Lord,  Port/mouth,  June  6,  1  648, 

A  Letter  from  c  C  I  N  C  E  my  coming  hither  I  have  ufed  my  befl 
the  Earl  of  War-  c  ^  Endeavours  to  fettle,  in  a  Firmnefs  to  their 
wick  touch^g  v  Duty  the  Ships  found  in  thcfe  Parts  j  which  I 

the  i  em  per  or  *  ,    % 

the  Fleet! 

of    £  N  G  L  A  N  t>.  22$ 

have  done  as  well  as  I  am  able,  the  feveral  Ships  An.  34  Car.  I. 
Companies  here  having  engaged  themfelves  to  t .'  *  '  , 
live  and  die  with  me  in  Defence  of  the  Parlia-  june> 
ment's  Caufe.  I  have  not  heard  any  thing  from 
the  Downs  by  Sea  fince  my  coming  hither  j  but, 
by  a  Letter  received  this  Day  from  London,  I  hear 
that  the  fix  revolted  Ships,  lately  at. the  Doivm^ 
are  gone  Northward  ;  that  fome  Kentijh  Gentle- 
men are  aboard  them,  who  were  engaged  in  the 
late  Rebellion  ;  and  that  fome  of  the  Seamen  give 
out  they  will  fpeedily  go  for  Holland;  which  I 
conceive  is  not  improbable,  as  the  Gentlemen, 
aboard  may  advife  and  make  it  their  Deiign  to 
provoke  them  unto  it,  out  of  a  Defpair  of  their 
Non-indemnity,  having  oppofed  to  the  laft. 
*  My  Lord,  I  have  as  yet  fpoken  but  vvich  four 
Ships,  of  whofe  Firmnefs  to  their  Truft  I  have 
much  Confidence,  and  fo  I  have  of  fome  others, 
which  I  Ihortly  expecl :  Yet,  confidering  the  Un- 
certainty of  Affections,  and  thole  Impreffion^  of 
Difcontent  which  I  find  upon  too  many  Spirits,  1 
humbly  offer  it  unto  the  Wifdom  of  the  Houfes, 
whether  it  may  not  be  a  great  Advantage,  to  the 
more  fpeedy  and  effectual  reducing  of  the  revoked 
Ships,  to  grant  an  Indemnity  to  thofe  Gentlemen 
of  Kentthzt  are  aboard,  as  they  have  been  pleaf- 
ed  to  do  to  the  Seamen,  fo  as  they  procure  their 
Ships  to  be  delivered  to  me,  or  fuch  as  the  Par- 
liament or  myfelf  fhall  appoint;  which,,  in  my  own 
private  Opinion,  may  be  of  great  Ufe  :  And,  if 
it  fhall  be  fo  thought  fit  by  the  Houfes,  to  whofe 
Pleafure  I  do  wholly  fubmit,  I  do  make  it  my 
humble  Requeft  accordingly. 
'  I  fhali  add  no  more  but  my  faithful  Prayer, 
that  the  God  of  Wifdom  and  Peace  will  fo  con- 
duel:  and  profper  all  your  Councils,  that  the  Re- 
fult  of  them  may  be  a  fafe  and  fpeedy  Settlement 
of  the  fad  Diftra&ions  of  the  Kingdom  j  to  which 
Iffue  I  doubt  not  but  the  fame  Power  and  Good- 
nefs  that  hath  formerly  owned  and  accompanied 
VOL.  XVII.  P  'the  - 

226  tfhe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  *4.  Car.  I.  t  tne  Parliament's  Caufe,  will,  in  due  Time,  direct 
t     "**•     , c  their  Refolutions  j  and  fo  I  reft, 

Your  Lordjhip's  bumble  Servant, 


The  fame  Day  the  Commons  revcrfed  their  Or- 
der of  the  yth  of  September  laft,  againft  John  Glynne, 
Efq;  Recorder  of  London^  on  the  Petition  of  the 
Inhabitants  ofWeflmw/fcr*  for  which  Place  he  ferv-. 
ed,  and  reftored  him  to  his  Seat  in  the  Houfe. 
Thelateim-  The  next  Day  they  revoked  their  Orders  made 

peached  Mem-    •     September   and  January  laft.    difabling  Sir   Join 

bers  of  the  Houfe  *        ,  J  J       .    '  b  J 

of  Commons  re-  Maynard^  Lionel  Copley ,    and  Denzil  Holies,  Eiqrs, 
ftored  to  thcjr     Sir  llrilliam  Lewist  Sir   William  Waller ^    Sir  John 
Se^  in  Parlia-   Clotworthy,  Col   Edward  Maflly,  Waller  Long,  and 
Anthony  Ntcbol,  Efqr?.  from  being  Members. 

We  meet  with  the  following  Minutes  of  the  De- 
bate in  the  Houfe  of  Commons  on  this  remarkable 
Occafion,  drawn  up  by  a  Member  of  this  Parlia- 
ment (</),  which  we  (hall  give  in  his  own  Words, 
detached  from  fuch  perfonal  Reflections  as  only  fhew 
the  Refentment  of  the  Writer.  Obferving  at  the 
fame  Time,  that  fuch  Proceed  ings  and  Refolutions  of. 
the  Houfe  as  he  makes  mention  of,  are  generally 
confirmed  by  the  Journals ;  and  when  he  clafhes 
with  thofe  Authorities,  the  Variations  will  be  occa- 
fionally  pointed  out. —  His  Account  of  the  AlFair 
now  before  us  runs  thus  : 

Debate  on  that        *  About  the  Beginning  of  "June  a  Debate  hap- 
Occaiionr  pened  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  about  the  four 

imprifoned  Aldermen,  occafioned  by  a  Petition 
from  the  City  (£),  and  concerning  the  impeached 
Lords  and  Commons.  Mr.  Gewen  fpake  modeftly 
in  their  Behalf,  faying,  That  what  they  did  was 


(a)  Tbe  Hifttry  of  Indcptndenry.  by  Clement  Walker,  Efq;  publi/hed 
in  1648,  under  the  Name  of   'iheodoius    Vcrax.     It  is  oblervable 
•when  this  Gentleman  fpeaks  of  himfelf,  it  is  always  in  the  thiii 
(A).  This  is  Already  given  at  p.  196- 

'  tf  fi  N  G  L  A  N  t>*  527 

done  by  virtue  of  an  Ordinance  of  Parliament  made  An.  24.  Car.  I. 
this  very  Seffion  of  Parliament,  and  without  any  In-  l64S' 
tent  to  raife  a  new  War;  but  only  to  defend  the 
City  againft  the  Menaces  of  the  Army  marching  up 
againft  them  and  the  Parliament.  But  Mr.  Gurdon 
anfwered,  He  thought  they  intended  a  new  War, 
and  were  encouraged  thereto  by  the  Gentleman  that 
fpake  laft;  when  he  faid  to  them  at  their  Common- 
Council,  Up  and  be  doing.  Mr.  Walker  (perceiving 
Mr.  Gewen  to  be  caufelefly  reflected  on)  replied^ 
That  fmcethis  Debate  on  the  City-Petition  tended 
towards  a  clofing  up  of  all  Differences,  it  was  unfit 
Men  that  fpake  their  Confciences  freely  and  mo- 
deftly  fhould  be  upbraided  with  Repititions  tending 
to  Difunion;  and  defired  Men  not  to  be  permitted 
to  vent  their  Malice  under  Colour  of  (hewing  their 
Zeal :  When,  prefently,  Mr.  Thomas  Scot  replied, 
upon  Mr.  iPalktTi  That  the  Gentleman  that  fpake 
laft  was  not  fo  well-affected,  but  that  the  Clofe 
Committee  of  Examinations  would  find  Caufe  to 
take  an  Order  with  him  (hortly.  Mr.  Walker  of- 
fered to  anfwer  him,  and  demanded  the  Juftice  of 
the  Houfe,  but  could  not  be  heard.  Thofe  that 
fpake  in  Behalf  of  the  Aldermen  were  often  affront-; 
ed,  and  threatened  with  the  DifpJeafure  of  the 
Army;  which,  they  alledged,  would  be  apt  to  fall 
into  Diftempers  if  we  difcharged  them.  Notwith- 
ftanding  thefe  Menaces,  it  was  voted,  That  the 
Houfe  would  not  profecute  their  Impeachments 
againft  the  faid  four  Aldermen,  Sir  "John  Maynard^ 
and  the  feven  Lords  ;  and  that  they  would  proceed 
no  further  upon  their  Order  for  impeaching  Mr. 
Holies,  Sir  William  Waller,  fcfV. 

*  Two  or  three  Days  after  a  Motion  was  fet  on 
Foot,  That  the  Order  whereby  the  faid  Members 
were  difabled  from  being  of  the  Houfe  might  be 
revoked.  Many  Zealots  argued  fiercely,  and 
threatened  againft  it.  Amongft  other  Arguments 
for  them,  a  Precedent  was  infifted  upon,  That 
Mr.  Henry  Martin  was,  by  Order,  difabled  from 
being  a  Member,  yet  he  was  afterwards  re-admit- 
teJ  upon  his  old  Election  :  And  it  was  defired  thefc 
P  2  *  Gentlemen 

22$  ffie  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  *4  Cat.  l.  Gentlemen  might  find  equal  Juftice ;  for  the  Houter 
,  l64g'  ^  having  freed  them  a  Culpa,  could  not,  in  Equity  ^ 
June!  kut  free  them  a  Parna,  and  put  them  in  the  Remit- 
ter of  all  that  belonged  to  them.  £ut  Sir  Peter 
Wentwortb  anfwered,  That  Mr.  Martin's  Cafe  and 
theirs  differed;  Mr.  Martin  was  expelled  for 
Words  fpoken  againft  the  King,  fuch  as  every 
Man's  Confcience  told  him  were  true  (a]  j  but  be- 
caufe  he  fpake  thofe  Words  unfeafonably,  when 
the  King  was  in  good  Strength,  and  the  Words,. 
whether  true  or  falfe,  were,  in  Stricknefs  of  Law, 
Treafon ;  the  Houfe,  efpccially  the  luke-warm 
Men,  confidering  the  doubtful  Events  of  War, 
difabled  and  committed  him,  left  the  whole  Houfc 
might  be  drawn  in  Compafs  of  High  Treafon  for 
conniving  at  them;  which  was  a  prudential  Act, 
though  contrary  to  Juftice,  and  contrary  to  the  Senfe 
of  the  godly  and  honeft  Party  of  the  Houfe :  But  af- 
terwards, the  King  growing  weaker  and  the  Parlia- 
ment ftronger,  the  Houfe  reftored  Mr.  Martin,  and 
thought  fit  to  fet  every  Man's  Tongue  at  Liberty 
to  fpeak Truth,  even  againft  the  King  himfelf:  And 
now  every  Day  Words  of  a  higher  Nature  are 
fpoken  againft  him,  by  the  well -affected  Godly  in 
the  Houfe. 

fc  After  many  Threats  ufed  by  Wentivortb,  Ven^ 
Harvey i  S cot,  Gur don,  Weaver ,  &c.  the  faid  difabling 
Order  was  repealed.* 

Mr.  Ludlow  imputes  this  extraordinary  Turn  of 
Affairs  to  the  many  Infurreclions  and  Commotions 
now  on  foot ;  *  When- the  Prefbyterian  Party  pre- 
vailed in  the  Houfe  by  rcafon  of  the  Abfence  of  di- 
vers Members  who  belonged  to  the  Army,  and 
were  employed  in  all  Parts  of  the  Nation  (b).' 

The  Reftitution  of  thefe  Members,  and  the  fe- 
ven  impeached  Peers,  to  their  Seats,  gave  a  great 
Turn  to  the  Refolutions  of  Parliament;  for  we 
find  that, 

On  the  loth  of  this  Month,  an  Order  was  made 
that  the  Knights  of  the  Shire  for  Surry  do  take 


(.)  See  Vol.  IX.  p.  «is.  and  Vol.  XIL  p.  373. 
(i)  Mtmoin,  VwJ.  I.  p.  251. 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  229 

Care  to  publifh  and  give  Notice  of  the  following  An-  ;-4  Car.  I. 
Anfwer  to  the  late  Petition  from  that  County,  pref  •     ...*_*'___,, 
fmg  for  a  perfonal  Treaty  with  the  King  :  juj,e> 

*  This  Houfe,  being  ienfible  of  the  former  Scr-  The  commons 
vices   of  the   County   of  S.uriy,   and  their  lafcjJjfXKj* 
peaceable  Demeanor  in  the   faid  County,   hathfromsurrj. 
thought  fit  to  give  this  Anfwer  to  the  Petition  re- 
ceived thence;  That   this  Houfe  doth  not  doubt 
but  the    faid  County  muft  needs  take  Notice  of 
their  Proceedings,  in  relation  to  the  Settlement 
of  the  Peace  of  the  Kingdom,  by  a  Treaty  with 
the  King  for  a  fafe  and  well-grounded  Peace : 
And  this  Houfe  hath  in  Confideration  fuch  fur- 
ther Means  as  are  moft  conducible  to  that  End, 
and  to  the  Eafmg  of  the  Burdens  of  the  People  ; 
which,  by  God's  Bleffing,  they  hope  may  give 
Satisfaction  to  the  Petitioners  and  to   the  King- 
dom. * 

This  Petition  had  been  prefented  to  the-  Com- 
mons on  the  1 6th  of  the  Jaft  Month,  when  they  re- 
fufed  to  give  any  Anfwer  to  it. 

Infurre&ions  agalnft  the  Parliament  (till    con-  infurrcflions  i« 
tinued  in    feveral   Cpunties  ;  but   rifmg   in  fmall  different  Coun- 
Bodies,  and  in  Places  at  a  wide  Diftance  from  one tles< 
another,  they  were  foon  fubdued.     Letters   were 
this  Day  read  in  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  from  Colonel 
ffqite,  with    an    Account  of  a   Viclory  he    had 
obtained  againft  fome  Forces  raifed  in  Huntingdon 
and    Cambridge  Shires,    under  the   Command    of 
Col.  Hudfony  who  was  killed  hiaifelf  in   the  Ac- 
tion, and  all  his  Men;  no  Quarter  being  given  to 
any  but  the  fuperior  Officers. — Petitions  a] fo  came  And j  Petitions 
up  from  different  Counties,  all  praying  the  Parlia-  for  anAgreement 
ment  to  agree  with  the  King,  in  order  to  relieve  Wlth 
them  from  their   miferable  and  dUlracted  Condi- 
tion; which    quickened  the    Houfe  in  their  Pro- 
pofitions   to  be  fent  to   his  Majefty  for  a  Peace. 
But  it   is  plain  they  were  in  continual  Dread  and 
Fear  themfelves,   by  their  having  a  Guard  always 
attending  them  when   they  fat, 'who  were  lodged 
and'  quartered   in  the  King's  Affws  and  in  the 
P  3  Palace 

Letters  and  Pa- 
ers  from  the 

The  Parliamentary  H  i*s  T  o  R  Y 

Palace  at  Whitehall*  The  Charge  of  one  Troop 
of  Hoife,  confiding  of  100  Men  befidcs  Officers,  is 
thus  computed  in  the  Commons  Journals. 

The  Charge  of  raifing  a  Troop-,  /.  s.  d. 
of  100  Plorfe,  allowing  for  each  (.800  o  o 
Horfe  8  /,  doth  amount  unto  —  J 

Allowing    for    three     Corporals,"! 
three    Trumpeters     Clerk,     Sadler,  I    72     o     o 

Farrier,  at  the  fame  Rate,   amounts  J    • — 

to          ~          —          —          — J  872     o     o 

Captain  Edward  Reffiter,  ~|The  like  Eftablifh- 

Lieut.  Anthony  Markbam^  f  ment  as  in  the  Ar- 

Cornet  Charles  Nonvood^    -*  my. 

The  Officer's  Pay, 

per  Week. 

per  Month, 

/.        s. 

/.     s.     d. 

Quartermafter,    at  " 
2:.  per  Diem,     — 

>     2    l6      0 

11     4     o 

Three  Corporals,  at 
3  s,  per  Diem  each  T—  - 


12    12      0 

Three  Trumpeters, 
at  3  s.  each  per  Diem,    • 


12    12      0 

100   Troopers,    at 
2  s.  each  per  Diem,  •  — 

70    o    o 

280    o     o 

Clerk,      -> 

Sadler,     fe^g 



i4  itrncr^    J                 w 
The  Charge  of  the- 

Troop,  befides    Cap- 
tain, Lieutenant,  and 

>8i     4    o. 

324  16    o 

Cornet,  amounts  to    . 

June  14.  The  following  Letters  and  Papers, 
from  the  Engli/b  Commiflioners  in  Scotland^  were 
read  in  the  Houfe  of  Lords. 

T(?  the   Right   Hon.  the  Earl  of  MANCHESTER, 
Speaker  of  ike  Houfe  of  PEERS  pro  Tempore. 
My  Lord,  Edinburgh^  May  25,  1648. 

*  Hf   ^E  inclofed  Papers  will  give    your   Lord? 
<     *     fhips  an  Account  of  our  Proceedings  here 

*  ^n  Pur-i;ance  of  your  Commands,  \  w.e 

«  ha,ve 

c/    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  231 

have  had  no  Return  from  the  Parliament  of  Scot-  An. 14  Car.  I. 
land;  yet  we  have  prefied  earneftly  for  Anfwers  to  »  *  ***'  * 
the  Things  we  had  in  Charge,  becaufe  we  hear  juue. 
the  Parliament  will  prefently  adjourn.  In  the 
mean  Time  there  are  many  ftrange  Reports  fcat- 
tered  here,  much  to  the  Difadvantage  of  the  Par- 
liament ;  which,  it  being  now  above  a  Fortnight 
fince  we  heard  from  London^  the  ordinary  Poft 
failing,  we  are  not  able,  on  certain  Grounds,  to 
contradict  ;  therefore  we  conceive  it  might  be  for 
the  Service  of  the  Parliament ;  that,  till  it  fhall 
be  thought  fit  to  call  us  back,  which  we  (hall 
much  defire  might  be  fpeedily,  we  may  frequently 
hear  from  the  Parliament;  and  to  that  end,  all 
Paflages  being  ftopt  by  Land,  forne  fmall  VefTels 
maybe  appointed  to  attend  here, that thofe Things 
wherein  your  Service  is  concerned  m'ay  be  fpeedi- 

*  ly  conveyed  to  your  Lordfhip  from, 

My  Lord, 
Tour  Lord/hip's  mojl  humble  Servant^ 


A  PAPER  delivered  by  the  Englifh  Commijjioners  to 
the  CcmmitteeofEftates,May2$,  1648,  in  pur- 
fuance  of  theirs  of  the  i$th,  fent  with  the  Votes  of 
both  Houfes. 

Edinburgh,  May  25,  1648. 

*  T>Y  our  Paper  dated  the  ifth  of  this  Inftant 
'          Mayy  we    did  communicate  to  your  Lord- 
'  fhips  a  Vote  of  the  Parliament  of  England^  de- 
'  daring  their  Readinefs   to  join  with  the  Kirig- 
'  dom  of  Scotland  in  the  Propofitions  agreed  on  by 

*  both  Kingdoms,  prefented  to  the  King  at  Hamp- 

*  ton-Court,  and  the  making  fuch  further  Proceed- 

*  ings  thereupon,  as  mould  be  thought  fit  for  tha 

*  fpeedy  Settlement  of  the  Pea'ce  of  both  Kingdoms, 

*  and    Prefcrvation    of   the    Union  according   to 

*  the  Covenant  and   Treaties  :  Whereunto,  pre- 

*  fuming  of  your  Lordfhips  Refolutions  to  purl'ue 

P  4  'the 


The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

the  fame  Ends,  we  expected  a  fpeedy  AnfwerJ 
but  having  not  as  yet  received  any,  we  muft 
prefs  your  Lordfhips  for  a  Return  to  that  Paper, 
and  the  Vote  therewith  fent  to  your  Lordfhips, 
which  fo  much  conduceth  to  the  Happinefs  of  both 

$y  Command  of  the  Commijfioners  of  the  Parliament 


A  CoPV  of  the  Englifli  Commijfioners  PAPER,  con- 
cerning the  Deferes  of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland, 
of  the  zbtb  of  April,  1648. 

Edinburgh,  'June  I,  1648. 
E  are  commanded  by  both  Houfes  of 
the  Parliament  of  England,  in  purfuance  of 
their  Letter  to  the  Lord-  Chancellor  of  Scotland^ 
dated  the  jjth  of  May  laft,  to  acquaint  your 
Lordfhips,  that,  before  they  received  your  Loid- 
fhips  Paper  of  Defires  of  the  26th  of  April  laft, 
both  Houfes  were  in  Debate  and  Confideration 
of  the  beft  Ways  and  Means  for  the  fettling  of  a 
well-grounded  Peace  and  Prefervation  of  a  good 
Correfpondency,  brotherly  Agreement,  and  Union 
betwixt  the  two  Kingdoms.  And,  as  the  moft 
effectual  Way  thereunto,  both  Houfes  did  pafs 
the  inclofed  Vote,  which  we  fent  to  the  Honour- 
able Committee  of  Eftates,  with  a  Paper  of  the 
I5th  of  May^  defiring  their  Lordfhips  Refolutions 
thereupon  j  and  feconded  that  Paper  by  another 
to  them  of  the  25th  of  the  fame  Month,  to  which 
we  received  no  Anfwer, 

*  We  are  commanded  to  aflure  your  Lordfhips, 
that  the  Parliament  of  England  do  make  a  real 
Offer  to  join  with  your  Lordfhips,  in  the  Propo- 
fitior.s  agreed  upon  by  both  Kingdoms,  pre- 
fented  to  the  King  at  Hampton-Court^  for  the 
making  fuch  further  Proceedings  thereupon  as 
fiaall  be  thought  fit,  for  th,e  fpeedy  Settlement  of 
the  Peace  of  both  Kingdoms,  and  Prefervation  of 
the  Union  according  to  the  Covenant  and  Trea- 

«  ties 

cf    ENGLAND.  233 

ties:  And    we  are  further  commanded  to  afTure  An.  ±4. Car, I. 
your    Lordfhips,  that  when  the  Parliament   of    .   '  **' .  j 
England  faa\\  receive  the  Anfvver  of  the  Parliament        ju^. 
of  Scotland^  concerning  their  Conjunction  in  the 
faid  Proportions,  the  Parliament  of  England  -will 
be  then  ready  to  give  your  LordfJhips  Satisfaction 
in  thofe  Things  which  fh:ill  be  judged  neceflary 
for  the  Peace  of  both  Kingdoms,  and  which  fhali 
not  intrench  upon   the  particular  Intereft  of  the 
Kingdom,  or  Privileges    of  the  Parliament   of 

By  Command  of  the    CommiJJioners  of  the   Par- 
liament  ^England, 


A  COPY  of  the  PAPER  concerning  the  Forces  marcbln? 
into  the  North. 

Edinburgh •,  *june  j,  1648. 
E  have  in  Command  from  the  Parliament 
of  England  to  give  Notice  to  your  Lord- 
fhips,  That  the  Lord  Fairfax  hath  Command 
from  the  Houfes  to  march  with  Forces  into  the 
Northern  Counties  of  the  Kingdom  of  England, 
for  the  fupprefling  of  thofe  who  are  now  in  Arms 
agai-nft  that  Kingdom  ;  and  for  the  removing  of 
them,  according  to  the  Treaties,  who  have  pof- 
fefled  Berwick  and  Carlijle  contrary  thereunto : 
*  We  are  further  commanded  tQ  allure  your 
Lordfhips,  (and,  as  we  have  Power  and  Autho- 
rity from  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  Eng- 
land, we  do  hereby  engage  the  Faith  of  the 
Kingdom  of  England]  that  the  employing  or 
fending  of  thefe,  or  any  other  Forces,  to  the  more 
remote  Northern  Parts  of  the  Kingdom  of  Eng- 
land,  is  not  with  the  leaft  Intention  of  any  Of- 
fence or  Prejudice  to  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland* 
or  in  the  leaft  Manner  to  diiturb  the  Peace  or 
Quiet  of  that  Kingdom;  but  for  the  Suppreffioa 
of  the  faid  Traitors  and  Rebels  now  in  Arms 
againft  the  Houfes,  and  the  keeping  of  the  North-. 


234  7&  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  <  ern  Counties  in  Obedience  to  the  Parliament  of 
-1-64-8''*  '  En£land->  and  Protection  of  fueh  as  have  been 
"  e  faithful  to  the  Caufe  which  both  Kingdoms  have 

'  been  and  are  engaged  in.' 

By  Command  of  the   Commijjioners  of  the  Parlia- 
ment of  England, 


d  COPY  of  a  PAPER  delivered  ly  the  Englifh  Com- 
mijjioners  on  the  6th  0/"June.  ib^>,prej]ing  the 
Parliament  of  Scotland  to  declare  again/I  thofe  in 
Berwick  and  Carlifle,  and  again/}  their  Supplies: 
out  of  Scotland. 

Edinburgh,  June  6,,  1648. 

*  T>  Y  our  feveral  Papers  of  the  fecond.,  the  ninth, 
4  *~*  and    eighteenth    of  May   laft,  we  have,  in 
'  the  Name  of  the  Parliament  of  England,  upon 

*  Grounds  of  Treaties  and  A&s  of  Parliament  paf- 

*  fed  by  both  Kingdoms,  demanded,  That  your 
'  Lordlhips  would  declare  againft  thofe  who  had, 
'  contrary  thereunto,  feized  and  do  hold  the  Town 
'  of  Benvick  upon  Tweed  and  City  of  Carlijle,  and 

*  againft  all  fuch  of  this  Nation  as  fhould  aid  or  affift 

*  them ;  but  we  are,  and  the  Parliament  of  Eng- 

*  land  have  juft  Caufe  to  be  very    fenfible,    that 

*  notwithftanding  we  did,  according  to  our  Du- 

*  ties,    timely    and    frequently    reprefent  to  your 

*  Lordfoips  what  Mifchiefs  have  and  were  like  to 
'  happen,  if  they  were  not  fpeedily  declared  againft 
'  by  your  Lordftiips ;  yet   thofe   in  the  aforefaid 

*  Towns,  v/ho  have  been  and  are  profefled  Ene- 
'  mies  to  both  Kingdoms,  and  for  fome  Years  paft 
'  haveftill  been  fighting  againft  the  Caufe  of  God, 
'  Religion,    and  the  Covenant,  which  your  Lord- 
'  fhips   profefs  to  maintain,  have  gotten  fo  much 
'  Encouragement,  and  fo  many  Advantages  by  your 
c  Lordfhips  delaying  hitherto  to   declare  againft 
'  them.     And  now  being  further  credibly  inform- 
'  ed,  that  many  Loads  of  Provifions,   Arms,  and 

*  Ammunition  have  lately  gone  from  this  City  of 

8  Edinburgh- 

of    ENGLAND.  235 

«  E&nburgb  to  the    f<iid   Town  of  Berwick ;  and  An.  »<.  Car 
4  that  the  People   of  this  Kingdom  have  free  Re-     t    T  ^_ 

*  courfe  to  Berwick  and   Carlijle,   and   many  have         jone, 
'  there  taken  up  Arms  with  them,  notwkhfl-anding 

4  it  be  well  known  that  there  be  very  many  Papifts 

*  amongft  them;  and  that  fome  chief  Men,  in  their 

*  pretendt-d  Committees,   who  impofe  great  Sums 
'  of  Money  upon  the  Well-afFedled,  both  in  thofe 

*  Towns  arid  Country  theieabouts,  and  fome  chief 
4  Officers,  both  in  thofe  Garrifons  and  their  other 

*  Forts,  are  notorious  Papifts ;  who  ought  to  be  fo 
4  fcr  from  being  connived  at,  that,   by  the  Agree- 

*  ment  of  both  Kingdoms  in  their  Proportions  pre- 
4  fented  to    the   King,  they    were  to  be  excepted 

*  from  Pardon. 

'  We  do  therefore  once  more  earneflly  prefs 
4  your  Lordlhips,  that  you  would  take  this  Bufi- 
4  nefs  into  your  ferious  Confideration,  when  we 
4  (hall  not  doubt  but  that  your  Lordfhips  Refolu- 

*  tions  therein,  will  anfwer  our  Defires  and   Ex- 
4  peciations. 

*•  We  do  further  acquaint  your  Lordlhips,  that 

*  we   are    credibly  informed,    that   fame  Troops 

*  lately  raifed  by  your  Lordfhips  Authority,  went 

*  armed  in   an  hoftile  Way  into  the  Kingdom  of 
'  England^  and  did  quarter  there,  to  the  great  En- 

*  couragement  of  thofe    who  are  Enemies  to  the 
'  Peace  of  both  Kingdoms ;   which  as  we  hope  it 
'  was  done   without  your  Lordfiiip's-  Knowledge, 
c  fo  we  doubt  not  but  that  your  Lordfhips  will  de- 
'  clare  againft  it;  and   will  take  effectual   Courfe 
4  that   fuch   Things   :nay   not  happen,    to   make 

*  Breaches  and  interrupt  the  Peace  of  both  King- 

*  dorns:  We  do  likewife  further  defire,   that,  with 
*•  all  convenient  Speed,  we  may  receive  your  Lord- 

*  (hips  Resolutions  concerning   the  Offer  made  to 
'  your  Lordfhips  by  both  Houfes  of  the  Parliament 
c  of  England,  reprefented  to   the   Honourable  tha 
'  CommiLtee  of  Eftates  in  our  Papers  of  the  I5th 

*  and   25i;h  of  May  laft,  and  to  your  Lordfnips  in 
4  our  Paper  of  the  firft  of  tnis  prefent    'June ;  that 

*  io  we    muy  give    an  Account  thereof  to    the 


23  6  *Thc  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  <  Parliament  of  England^   who   do  daily  ex.pedl  it 
i     l648'      .  «  from  us.' 

June.  -Sty  Command  of  the  Commijjioners  of  the  Parlia- 

ment a/"  England, 


A  Debate  occa-  June  IS-  ^  being  this  Day  reported  to  the  Houfe 
Jj^J^Jj™  of  Commons,  that  Sir  William  Majham  and  otlur 
raem's  Commit-  Members,  fent  into  Ejjex  to  fupprefs  the  Commo- 
tee  in  Eflex  be-  tions  there,  were  taken  Prifoners  by  the  Lord  Go- 
r>8£V:nF!r~on~  ring's  Army;  a  Committee  was  appointed  forth- 

«rs  by  Lord  Go*       .°.  /-•  i     r  /•     i     »  T  n 

flag's  Army.  with  to  feize  and  fecure  fuch  Men  as  they  mall 
think  moft  considerable,  not  exceeding  twenty, 
(thereby  to  procure  the  Releafement  of  their  own 
Members)  and  to  fend  them  forthwith  to  the  Lord 
Fairfax,  to  be  treated  in  fuch  Manner  by  him  as 
the  Parliament's  Committee  fhould  be  ufed  by 
Lord  Goring. 

Mr.  Walker  (a]  informs  us  this  Motion  was  made 
by  Mr.  Solicitor,  [St.  John]  who  urged  as  a  Rea- 
fon  for  it,  That  Sir  William  Majham  and  the  reft  of 
the  Committee  were  carried  up  and  down  in  Gor  ing's 
Army,  hardly  ufed,  and  threatened  to  be  fet  in  the 
Front  of  the  Battle.  But  that  Mr.  Gurdony  in- 
ftead  of  feizing  upon  twenty  of  the  King's  Party, 
moved,  that  the  Lady  Capel  and  her  Children,  and 
the  Lady  Norwich,  might  be  fent  to  the  General, 
with  the  fame  Directions ;  faying,  Their  Hufbands 
'would  be  careful  of  their  Safety:  And  when  divers 
oppofed  fo  barbarous  a  Motion,  alledging,  That 
the  Lady  Capel  was  great  with  Child,  and  near 
her  Time,  Mr.  Gurdon  prefled  it  the  more  eager- 
ly, as  if  he  had  taken  the  General  for  a  Man  -Mid- 
wife; and  was  feconded  by  Ven,  Sir  Henry  Mild- 
may  ^  I7x>mas  Scott  Blacki/lon^  Hill,  Purefoyy  Miles 
Corbet,  &c.  although  Mr.  Rujhworth,  the  Gene- 
ral's Secretary,  reported  at  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe, 
That  the  Parliament's  Committee  were  well  ufed 
and  wanted  nothing  ;  and  that,  tho'  they  had  many 
Sb'rmifhes  and  Sallies,  yet  none  of  them  were  put 
in  the  Front. — However,  it  appears  by  the  Common! 
that  afterwards  the  Lord  Capefs  eldeft 


(«)  Htforj  of  IndfftKdtny,  p,  Id, 

cf   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  237 

Son  and  Bifhop  Wren  were  voted  to  be  two  of  thefe  An.  24  Car.  I. 
extraordinary  Kind  of  Hoftages.  v l648t     t 

'June  17.  The  Parliament  having  lately  granted  Another  on  a 
Commiflions  for  new  Levies  of  Men  to  fupprefs  the  Moti°an.)f0dr  *£ 
Infurrections  in  favour  of  the  King,  a  Motion  was  ""^ ^j* 
made,  That  fuch  as  accept  thefe  new  Commiflions  Covenant, 
fhould,  before  they  receive  them,  take  the  Cove- 
nant. The  Contemporary  Writer  laft  cited,  in- 
forms us,  That,  in  Oppofition  to  this  Motion,  it 
was  argued,  Thajt  the  Covenant  was  become  the 
Pretence  of  all  Rebellions  and  Infurredtions  ;  that 
moft  of  them  that  had  rebelled  in  Walcs^  Kent^  and 
EJfcx,  had  taken  it ;  but  thofe  that  refufed  it  were 
true  Friends  to  the  Parliament,  and  had  done 
them  gallant  Service  :  That  the  Covenant  had  fo 
many  various  Interpretations  put  upon  it,  that  no 
Man  knew  what  to  make  of  it,  or  how,  with  a 
fafe  Confcience,  to  take  it :  Thus,  fays  he,  argued 
the  Independents,  as  if  the  Covenant  were  malum 
in  fe.  To  which  was  anfwered,  That,  by  this 
laft  Reafon,  they  might  lay  afide  the  Scriptures, 
which  were  frequently  and  varioufly  mifmterpreted 
by  Hereticks  and  Schifmaticks  :  If  the  Covenant, 
in  its  own  Nature,  was  the  Caufe  of  Infurrections, 
it  was  unwifely  done  of  the  Parliament  to  impofe 
it  upon  Men  ;  and  to  tie  them,  by  Vow,  to  defend 
it,  and  one  another  in  Defence  of  it,  'with  their 
Lives  and  Fortunes  :  That  whatfoever  Number  of 
armed  Men  ftiould  gather  together  in  Defence  of 
the  King's  Perfon,  Crown,  and  Dignity  j  or  of 
Religion,  Laws,  Liberties,  or  Privileges  of  Parlia- 
ment, according  to  the  faid  Covenant,  they  have  the 
Authority  of  Parliament,  nay  of  Heaven,  where  their 
Vow  is  recorded,  for  what  they  do ;  and  cannot  be 
faid  to  rebel,  or  war  againft  the  Parliament,  but  a- 
gainft  a  Faction  ;  who,  having  deferted  or  never  ta- 
ken the  Covenant,  do  now,  to  carry  on  new  Defigns 
for  their  own  Advantage,  mifapply  the  Title  of  Ma- 
lignant and  Rebel  to  thofe  which  fight  for  the  Cove- 
nant, becaufe  they  will  not  change  their  Principles 
with  them  for  Company.  That  upon  this  Ground 
5  only 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

only  were  the  four  Aldermen,  the  feven  Lords,  Sir 
John  Mayrard,  l3c.  impeached  and  imprifoned,  only 
for  fuch  Actions  as  the  Covenant,  which  they  took 
by  Authority  of  Parliament,  bound  them  in  Con- 
fcience  unto  ;  and  for  which  they  had  a  fpecial  Or- 
dinance of  Parliament  made  this  very  Seilion  ;  and 
rot  to  raife  a  new  War,  as  was  fcandaloufly  and 
violently  enforced  upon  them  ;  for,  had  it  come 
to  a  new  War,  it  muft  have  been  laid  at 
their  Doors  that  fubvert  the  Principles  of  the  Cove- 
nant. Many  have  taken  the  Covenant  in  Obe- 
dience to  you,  and  are  bound  up  by  it,  and  accufe 
them  of  Treafon  that  endeavour  to  keep  it,  is  very 
unjuft.  You  have  lately  promifed  the  Scots,  that 
you  will  adhere  to  the  Covenant :  How  can  they 
believe  this,  unlefs  you  enjoin  all  to  take  it  ?  And 
fo  long  as  you  put  all  the  Arms,  Garrifons,  and , 
Ships  of  the  Kingdom,  and  all  Places  of  Power, 
.Profit  and  Preferment,  into  the  Hands  of  Schifma- 
licks  and  Antimonarchifts,  whofe  Principles  and 
A&ings  run  counter  to  the  Covenant ;  and  fuch  as 
talk  much  of  your  Service,  but  have  done  only 
their  own  ;  in  order  to  which  they  refufed  to  obey 
you  and  difband  ;  they  raviftied  the  King  from  you 
at  Holdcnby\  kept  you  in  Wardfhip  ever  fince  $•  and 
difiionoured  and  brought  you  low  with  treasonable, 
fcandalous,  threatenings  Engagements,  Declara- 
tions, Remonstrances,  and  other  Papers  ?  Our  Au- 
thor concludes  with  faying,  Thofe  that  would  have 
the  Covenant  current,  could  not  get  the  Queftion 
put :  And  it  appears  by  the  'Journals^  that  the  pre- 
vious Queftion  upon  this  Motion  was  carried  in  the 
Negative  by  84  Voices  againft  54.  The  Tellers 
in  favour  of  the  Motion,  Sir  Samuel  Luke,  and  Sir 
John  Northcote :  Againft  it,  Colonel  Pcpbam  and 
Colonel  Norton. 

The  fame  Hiftorian  proceeds  to  give  us  the  fol- 
lowing Account  of  a  Debate  relating  to  a  Defign  of 
taking  off  the  King  by  Poifon  ;  which  neither  the 
Journals^  U>!nthcket  or  Rit/hwottbt  take  the  leafir 


^/ENGLAND.  239 

Notice  of  in  the  Proceedings  of  this  Day  ;  although  An.  14  Car.  1* 
they  all  of  them  make  Mention  of  many  fubfequent    t    1648.    ^ 
Particulars   concerning    this    extraordinary    Plot,         loae* 
which   fo    much  engaged  the  Attention    of  both 

*  About  one  of  the  Clock   in  the  Afternoon,  And  open  an  la- 

moft  of  the  Members  being  gone  to  Dinner,  and{°"pationof» 

f        r>     n          •         i    /-      in        i          r  i      TT      /•   Defign  to  murder 
very  lew  rreibytenans  left,  the  or  the  tiauiet}je  Kin«. 

of  Commons  ftood  up  and  told  them,  That  he  had 
received  Letters  from  Richard  Oflorne,  (he  that 
projected  to  deliver  the  King  out  of  the  Cuftody  of 
Colonel  Hammond  at  Cari/brooke-Coftle]  but  that  he 
conceived  they  tended  only  to  the  fetting  of  us  alto- 
gether by  the  Ears ;  and  propounded,  Whether 
they  fhould  be  read  or  no  ?  Some  were  againft  the 
reading  of  them,  but  the  major  Part  called  to  have 
them  read;  which  was  done  accordingly.  The 
Letter  to  the  Speaker  had  a  Copy  of  another  Letter 
inclofed  in  it,  to  the  Lord  Wbarton,  which  bore  Date 
June  i,  1648,  to  this  Purpofe,  giving  his  Lordftiip 
to  underftand,  That  upon  private  Conference  with 
Capt.  Rolph,  [a  Man  very  intimate  vjitb  Col.  Ham- 
mond, and  high  in  the  EJieern  of  the  Army}  the  faid 
Capt.  Rolph  told  him,  (the  faid  O/borne)  That  to  Us 
Knowledge  Hammond  had  received  fevcral  Letters 
from  the  Army,  advifing  him  to  remove  the  King  out  of 
the  Way  by  Poifon,  or  any  other  Means ,  for  it  would 
much  conduce  to  their  Affairs.  But  (faid  Rolph) 
Hammond  hath  a  good  Allowance  for  keeping  the  King, 
and  is  therefore,  unwilling  to  lofe  fo  beneficial  an  Em- 
ployment :  But  if  you  will  join  with  me,  we  will  en- 
deavour to  convey  away  the  King  to  fame  fecret  Place, 
and  we  may  then  do  what  we  will  with  him.  OJborne 
offers  in  his  faid  Letter,  That  if  he  may  come  and  go 
with  Safety.,  he  would  come  and  juftify  this  Relation 
upon  Oath.  He  likewife  wrote  to  the  Speaker  of 
the  Lords  Houfe  about  it. 

*  Then  was  read  OJborne'>s  Letter  to  Mr.  Lenth- 
ally  Speaker,  dated  the    loth    of  June  1648,  con- 
taining the  fame  Narration  ;  with  an  Offer  to  ap- 
pear and  make  it  good  upon  Oath,  if  he  might 


24°  ffie  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  o  ft  y 

u»4Car.  I.  corn.e  and  go  with  Safety  and  Freedom.  The 
_'— *f'  -*  Clerk  had  no  fooner  done  reading  this  Letter,  but, 
ju*.e.  vfhh  a  flight  Neglect,  and  the  Laughter  of  fome 
Members,  the  Bufinefs  was  pafTed  over  without 
Debate,  and  Mr.  Scawen  flood  up  to  propound  a 
new  Bufinefs  from  the  Army;  when,  prcfently, 
Mr.  Walker,  interrupting  Mr.  Seamen,  defired  to 
fpeak  a  Word  to  the  late  Bufinefs  ;  and  afked  Mr. 
Speaker,  From  whence  that  Letter  came,  and  who 
brought  it  ?  The  Speaker  called  upon  the  Serjeant 
at  Mace, '  who  anfwered,  The  Letter  was  given 
him  at  the  Door  by  a  Man  that  he  knew  not  ; 
that  he  had  many  Letters  and  Papers  thruft  upon 
him,  cf  which  he  could  give  no  Account;  but  he 
would  endeavour  to  find  out  theMefTenger  :  Then 
Mr.  Walker  urged,  That  fuch  an  Information 
coming  to  the  Houfe  ought  not  to  be  neglected, 
whether  true  or  falfe,  but  to  be  examined  and  fifted 
to  the  Bottom.  If  the  King  fhould  die  a  na- 
tural Death,  or  any  Mi.fchance  befall  him,  the 
People  (calling  to  Mind  how  little  Care  we  had 
taken  of  his  Safety)  would  never  be  fatisfied  with 
cur  Proteftation  ;  and  moved,  That  a  Committee 
might  be  named  to  examine  OJborne,  Ralph,  ffam~ 
mond,  and  fuch  others  whole  Names  fhall  oc- 
cur in  the  Examination.  This  was  feconded  by  Sir 
Symonds  D'Ewes,  Mr.  Henry  Hungerford,  Mr.  Ed- 
ward Stevens,  and  fome  others,  who  prefled  it  fur- 
ther ;  but  received  a  flight  Anfwer,  that  thofe 
that  defired  to  examine  the  Bufinefs  knew  not 
where  to  find  Oshrne ;  that  Osborne  was  a.  Malig- 
nant, and  had  attempted  to  fet  the  King  at  Liber- 
ty. To  which  Mr.  Walker  replied,  That  the  other 
Day  we  had  named  a  Committee  to  examine  the 
Bufinefs  concerning  the  Foot-Boy  that  ftruck 
Sir  Henry  Mildmay  ;  and  yet  we  neither  knew  then 
where  to  find  the  Foot-Boy,  or  what  his  Name 
was  («).  If  we  do  but  pubiifh  thr.t  Osborne  fiiallr 
with  Freedom  and  Safety,  come  and  go,  in  cafe  he 


{a)  A  Servant  of  the  Duke  of  Richmond' s  who  very  handfomeljr 
can'd  Sir  Henry  M:!<fmay  in  the  open  Street,  of  which  Affront  he 
cc.T.rL';.:ed  to  the  Houf;-. 

Mcrcvriui  Pragviaticui,  N-j.  13. 

^/ENGLAND.  241 

appear  to   make  good  his  Charge  j  either  he  will  An.  24  Car.  I. 
appear,  or  we  fhall  declare  him  an  Importer,  and  i  '    y 

punifti  him  when  we  take  him,  and  clear  the  Re-  June. 
putations  of  thofe  upon  whom  this  Letter  feerris  to 
reflect.  Confider  how  vaft  a  Difference  there  is 
between  beating  a  Subject  and  killing  a  King. 
And  if  Osborne,  whom  I  know  not,  be  a  Malignant; 
yet  unlefs  you  can  prov,e  him  a  Nuliifidian,  or  a 
Perfon  convict  of  Perjury,  both  according  to  the 
Rules  of  Chriftian  Charity,  and  in  the  charitable 
Intendment  of  our  Law,  his  Oath  is  valid  and  good. 
Then  Mr.  Thomas  Scot  flood  up  and  faid,  That  this 
prefling  for  a  Committee  to  examine  this  Bufmefs, 
was  but  a  Device  to  draw  Colonel  Hammond  and 
Ralph  up  to  the  Town  to  be  examined,  that  the 
King  might  the  eafier  make  an  Efcape.  And  Sir 
John  Evelyn,  of  Wilts,  alledged,  That  he  conceived 
this  to  be  an  Invention  of  Osborne's  to  bring  the 
King  to  Town  with  Honour,  Freedom,  and  Safe- 
ty. Then  Mr.  IFalker  flood  up  again,  but  was  in- 
terrupted by  Mr.  Hill,  and  not  fuffered  to  fp  eak, 
having  already  fpoken  twice. 

«  At  the  End  of  almoft  every  Motion  made  for 
&  Committee  to  examine  the  Bufmefs,  either  Mr. 
Scawen  or  Major-General  Skippon  flood  up,  and 
offered  to  divert  the  Bufmefs  by  new  Matter  con- 
cerning the  Armyj  which  ufually  beareth  all  oth^r 
Bufmeffcs  down  before  it.  At  laft  thofe  few  that 
moved  for  an  Examination  of  this  Information, 
having  fpoken  as  oft  as  the  Orders  of  the  Houfe  do 
permit,  were  forced  to  be  filent  j  fo  the  Bufmcfs 
Was  buried  in  Silence. 

4  I  hear  that  fome  of  the  Lords  called  upon  this 
Bufmefs  the  Monday  following,  being  the  igth  of 
June ;  and  that  the  Lord  Wharton  being  afked, 
Why  he  did  not  impart  Osborne's  faid  Letter  to 
the  Houfe  ?  Anfvvered,  That  as  foon  as  he  opened 
the  faid  Letter  he  received  from  Osbarne,  and  faw 
his  Name  at  the  Bottom,  he  looked  upon  the  Buli-« 
hefs  as  not  confiderable  ;  yet  he  fent  the  Letter  to 

VOL.  XVIL  Q.  « Upon 

242  The  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  o  R  V 

An.  24  Car.  1.  <  Upon  Tuefday  the  aoth  of  June,  the  Lords 
.  l648'  ,  fcnt  a  Meflage  to  the  Commons;  the  firft  Paper 
~~June<  v  hereof  concerned  Osbornis  faid  Letters  ;  they  de- 
fi>eJ,  That  forty  t)ays  might  be  affigned  for  Of- 
borne  to  come  and  go  with  Safety,  to  make  good 
his  Information.  But  Sir  William  Armyne  flood 
up,  and  deilredj  That  the  Minutes  of  two  Letters^ 
prepared  to  be  fent  into  Holland  and  Zealand,  con- 
cerning the  revolted  Ships,  might  be  firft  difpatch- 
cd,  as  being  of  prefent  Ufe.  Arid  when  the  Bufi- 
nefs  was  ended,  Mr.  Pterpotnt  propounded  another 
Part  of  the  faid  Meflage:  So  Osbornis  Informa- 
tion was  left  firft  Die,  for  that  Time :  But,  fmce, 
the  Lore's  have  quickened  it,  and  forty  Days  are 
ffivcfi  to  Osborns  to  come  and  go  with  Freedom 
and  Safety  to  make  good  his  Information,  who  is 
come  and  avoucheth  it;  and  one  Dowcett  fpeaketh 
much  in  Affirmation  of  a  Deflgn  of  Ralph's  to 
piftol  the  King.  Ralph  prefents  himfelf  at  the 
Commons  Bar,  with  a  Letter  from  Hammond^ 
which  denies  the  Defign,  and  pleads  Ralph's  Caufe 
for  him.  Ralph  denied  it  before  the  Commons 
with  a  trembling  Voice,  yet  afterwards  hid  out  of 
the  Way  ;  but  being  discovered,  upon  Search,  he 
was  found  to  have  a  Boil  upon  him  that  difabled 
him  from  riding,  otherwife,  it  is  thought,  he  would 
have  fled  far  enough.' 

The  Account  of  A  Rev'ew  of  what  is  fet  down  upon  this  remark - 
th.t  Defign,  as  able  Affair  by  the  other  Contemporaries  will  be 
given  by  the  no  improper  Digreflion ;  but  tend  greatly  to  illuf- 
trate  our  Extradts  frcm  the  Journals  relating  there- 
to, which  follow  under  their  proper  Dates. — And 
firft  Lord  Clarendon^  who  gives  a  very  particular 
Narrative  of  this  whole  Tranfadlion,  with  the  Cir- 
cumftances  that  occafioned  the  King  to  endeavour 
his  Efcape,  and  what  pafled  between  Major  Rolph 
aivl  Mr.  Osborne  previous  thereto  (a). 

«  Before  the  Treaty,  and  after  the  Votes  and 
Declarations  of  no  more  Addrcfles,  when  the  King's 
Treatment  was  fo  barbarous,  his  Majefty  had  pro- 
pofed  to  himfelf  to  make  ;.n  Efcape,  and  was  very 


(a\  ttif-rj,   Vol.  V.  j.*3i,rt^f. 

gf    ENGLAND.  243 

hear  the  perfecting  ir.  He  had  none  about  him  An- H^ar.  r. 
but  fuch  Perfons  who  were  placed  by  thofe  who  t  n,^4  'j 
wimed  wprft  to  his  Safety;  and  therefore  chofe  junc. 
fuch  Iriitrumerits  as  they  thought  to  be  of  their  own 
Principles.  Amorigft  thofe  there  was  a  young 
Man,  one  Osborne,  by  Extraction  a  Gentleman, 
who  was  recommended  by  the  Lord  JVharton  (one 
Who  deferved  not  to  be  fufpe&ed  by  Cromwell  him- 
ifelf )  to  Col.  Hammind,  to  be  placed  in  fome  near 
Attendance  about  the  King;  and  he,  from  the 
Recommendation,  never  doubting  the  Fitnefs  of 
Vhe  Man,  immediately  appointed  him  'to  wait  as 
Gentleman-Ume'r;  which  gave  him  Opportunity 
to  be  aim  oft  always  in  the  Prefence  of  the  King* 
This  young  Man,  after  forne  Months  Attendance, 
\vas  wrought  upon  by  the  Dignity  of  the  King's 
Carriage,  and  the  great  Affability  he  ufed  tov/ards 
thofe  who  were  .always  about  him,  to  have  a  Ten- 
jderrieTs  arid  loyal  Senfe  of  his  Sufferings  ;  and  did 
Veally  'defire  to  do  him  any  Service  that  might  be 
acceptable.  By  his  Office  of  Gentleniah-Ufher  he 
ufually  held  the  King's  Gloves  when  he  was  at 
Meat,  arid  firft  took  that  Opportunity  to  put  a  lit- 
tle Billet,  in  which  he  expreifed  his  Devotion,  into 
one  of  the  Fingers  of  his  Glove.  The  King  was 
not  forward  to  be  credulous  of  the  ProfefHons  of  a 
Perlbri  he  knew  fo  little,  and  who,  he  knew,  would 
hot  be  tuft'ered  to  be  about  him,  if  he  were  thought 
to  have  thofe  Inclinations:  However,  after  longer 
Obfervation,  and  fometimes  fpeaking  to  him  whilft 
he  was  walking  amon|ft  others,  in  the  Garden  al- 
lowed for  that  Purpofe,  his  Majefty  begun  to  be- 
lieve that  there  was  Sincerity  in  him ;  and  fo  fre- 
quently put  fom?  Memorial  into  the  Finders  of  his 
Glove,  and,  by  the  fame  Expedient,  received  Au- 
vertifemqnt  from  him. 

4  There  was  in  the  Garrifon  one  Ralph,  a  Cap- 
tain of  a  Foot  Company,  whom  Cromivdl  placed 
there  as  a  prime  Confident,  a  Felrbw  of  a  losv  Ex- 
traction, and  very  ordinary  Parts  ;  who,  from  a 
common  Soldier,  had  been  trufted  in  all  the  In- 
trigues of  the  Army,  and  was  one  of  the  Agitators, 
Q_  2  infpired 

244  -^  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

.  14.  Car.  1.  infpired  by  Cromwell  to  put  any  thing  into  the 
*  *  '  .  Soldiers  Minds,  upon  whom  he  had  a  wonderful 
june>  Influence,  and  could  not  contain  himfelf  from  fpeak- 
.  ing  malicioufly  and  wickedly  againft  the  King, 
when  Diflimulation  was  at  the  higheft  amongft  the 
great  Officers.  This  Man  grew  into  great  Fami- 
liarity with  Osborne,  and  knowing  from  what  Per- 
fon  he  came  recommended  to  that  Truft,  could  not 
doubt  but  that  he  was  well  inclined  to  any  thing 
that  might  advance  him;  and  fo,  according  to  his 
Cuftom  of  reviling  the  King,  he  wifhed  he  were 
out  of  the  World  ;  for  they  mould  never  make 
any  Settlement  whilft  he  was  alive.  He  faid  he  was 
fure  the  Army  wifhed  him  dead,  and  that  Ham- 
mond had  received  many  Letters  from  the  Army  to 
take  him  away  by  Poifon,  or  any  other  Way  j  but 
he  faw  it  would  never  be  done  in  that  Place  ;  and 
therefore,  if  he  would  join  with  him,  they  would 
get  him  from  thence,  and  then  the  Work  would 
cafily  be  done.  Osborne  afked  him,  How  it  could 
be  poflible  to  remove  him  from  thence,  without 
Hammond?;^  or  the  King's  own  Confent  ?  Ralph 
anfwered,  That  the  King  might  be  decoyed  from 
thence,  as  he  was  from  Hampton-Court ,  by  fome 
Letters  from  his  Friends,  of  fome  Danger  that 
threatened  him,  upon  which  he  would  be  willing  to 
make  an  Efcape,  and  then  he  might  eafily  be  dif- 
patched.  Osborne  fhortly  found  an  Opportunity 
to  inform  the  King  of  all  this. 

*  The  King  bid  him  continue  his  Familiarity 
with  Rolpb,  and  to  promife  to  join  with  him  in  con- 
triving how  his  Majefty  mould  make  an  Efcape  §' 
and  he  hoped  thereby  to  make  Ralph's  Villainy  the 
Means  of  getting  away.  He  recommended  one  of 
the  common  Soldiers  to  Osbirne*  who,  ha  faid, 
he  thought  might  be  trufted ;  and  wifhed  him  to 
truft  one  Dowcett,  whom  the  King  had  known  be- 
fore, and  who  was  then  placed  to  wait  upon  him 
at  his  back  Stairs,  and  was  indeed  an  honeft  Man  i 
for  it  was  impoflible  for  him  to  make  an  Efcape, 
without  the  Privity  of  fuch  Peribns  who  might 
provide  for  him,  when  he  was  got  out  of  the  Ca  ;lr, 


^/ENGLAND.  245 

as  well  as  help  him  from  thence.  Osborne  told  An.  24.  Car.  I. 
'jWpl>t  he  was  confident  he  fhould  in  the  End  per~t  l6*8'  J 
fuade  the  King  to  attempt  an  Efcape,  though  he  yet  junc, 
feemed  jealous  and  apprehenfive  of  being  difcovered, 
and  taken  again.  Dowcett  concurred  very  willing- 
ly in  it,  and  the  Soldier  who  was  chofen  by  the 
King  proved  likewife  very  honeft,  and  wrought 
upon  one  or  two  of  his  Companions,  who  ufed  to 
{land  Centinels  at  the  Place  where  the  King  in- 
tended to  get  out.  All  Things  were  provided,  and 
the  King  had  a  File  and  Saw,  with  which  he  had, 
with  wonderful  Trouble,  fawed  an  Iron  Bar  in  the 
Window,  by  which  he  could  be  able  to  get  out ; 
and,  being  in  this  Readinefs,  the  Night  was  appoint- 
ed, and  Osborne  at  the  Place  where  he  was  to  re- 
ceive the  King.  But  one  of  the  Soldiers  informed 
Ralph  of  more  Particulars  than  Osborne  had  done, 
by  which  hq  concluded  that  he  was  falfe,  and  di- 
re&ed  the  Soldier  to  proceed,  and  ftand  Centinel  in 
the  fame  Place  to  which  he  had  been  affigned  ;  and 
he,  and  fom.e  others  trufted  by  hi.m,  were  armed, 
and  ftood  very  near  with  their  Piftols.  At  Mid- 
night the' King  came  to  the  Window,  refolving  to 
go  out ;  but  as  he  was  putting  himfelf  out,  he  dif- 
cerned  more  Perfonsto  (tand  thereabout  than  ufed 
to  do,  and  thereupon  fyfpe&ed  that  there  was  fome 
Difcovery  made,  and  fo  flint  the  Window, ^bd. re- 
tired to  his  Bed.  And  this  was  all  the  Ground  of 
a  Difcourfe,  which  then  flew  abroad,  as  if  the  King 
had  got  half  out  at  the  Window,  and  could  neither 
draw  his  Body  after,  nor  get  his  Head  back,  and  fo 
was  compelled  to  call  out  for  Help ;  which  was  a 
mere  Fiction. 

*  Rolpb  acquainted  Hammond  with  what  the  « 
King  had  defigned ;  who  prefently  went  into  his 
Chamber,  and  found  the  King  in  his  Bed,  but  the 
Bar  of  the  Window  cut  in  two,  and  taken  out ;  by 
which  he  concluded  his  Information  to  be  true ; 
and  prefently  feized  upon  Dowcett^  but  could  not 
apprehend  Osborne ;  who  was  either  fled  out  of  the 
Jfland,  or  concealed  in  it  that  he  could  not  be 
Q.  3  found.. 

246  Tbt  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  found.  Ralph  could  not  forbear  to  infvjlt;  upon 
Dcwcdt  in  Prifpn,  and  fcornfully  afked  him,  Why 
k's  King  came  not  f°rth  when  he  was  at  the  Win- 
dow; An4  faid,  he  was  ready  with  a  good  Piftol 
charged  to  have  received  him.  When  Osborne 
had  got  into  a  Place  of  prefent  Safety,  he  writ  a 
Letter  to  his  Patron  the  Lord  Wbarton,  informing 
him  of  trie  whole  Matter;  and  defired  him  to  ac- 
quaint the  Houfe  of  Peers  of  the  Deftgn  upon  the 
Ring's  Life,  and  that  he  would  be  ready  to  appear 
and  jufiify  the  Cpnfpiracy.  That  Lord,  after  he 
had  kept  the  Letter  fomeTime,  fent  it  to  Hammond^ 
as  the  fitted  Perfon  to  examine  the  Truth  of  the 
Relation.  Osborne  was  not  difcouraged  with  all 
this  ;  but  fent  two  Letters  to  the  Speakers  of  both 
Houfes,  and  inclofed  the  Letter  he  had  formerly 
writ  to  the  Lord  Wharton.  '  In  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons the  Information  v/as  flighted  and  laid  afide  ; 
but  it  made  more  Impreflion  upon  the  Houfe  of 
Peers,  who  fent,  with  more  than  ordinary  Earneft- 
nefs,  to  the  Commons,  That  Ralph  might  be  fent 
for,  and  a  Safeguard  for  forty  Days  to  Cs borne 9  to 
appear  and  prbfecute. 

'  Ralph  brought  with  bim  a  large  TeftimoniaJ 
from  Hammond  of  his  Integrity,  and  of  the  many 
good  Services  he  had  done  to  the  State.  Osborne 
appeareiL  likewife  at  the  Lords  Bar,  and  made 
good,  upon  Oath,  ajl  that  is  before  fet  down,  and 
undertook  to  produce  other  Evidence.  The  Houfe 
of  Commons  had  no  Mind  to  have  it  examined 
farther;  but  the  Clamour  of  the  People  was  fo 
great,  that,  after  many  Delays,  they  voted,  That 
it'fhould  be  tried  at  the  General  Affizes  at  Win- 
cktfler.  And  thither  they  fent  their  well-tried  Ser- 
jeant Wyld)  to  be  the  fole  Judge  of  that  Circuit; 
before  whom  the  major  Part  of  the  fame  Jury  that 
had  found  Capt.  EurUy  guilty,  was  impanr.cllcd  for 
ihe  Trial  of  Rolpb.  Csbcrne  ard  fcowutt,  who, 
upon  Bail,  had  Liberty  to  be  there,  appeared  to 
rrakc  gcc.d  the  Ir.dicln.ent:  and,  ur,on  their  Oaths, 
^'clared  all  thnt  Rtifl  had  faid  to  ihim,  as  is  fet 


9f  E  N  O  L  A  N  D.  247 

down  before.  The  Prjfoner,  if  he  may  be  called  An.  24  Car.  r. 
a  Prifoner,  who  was  under  no  Reftraint,  had  two 
Lawyers  affigned  to  be  of  Counfel  with  him,  con-  june. 
trary  to  the  Law  and  Cuftom  in  thofe  Cafes  j  but 
he  needed  not  to  have  had  any  Counfel  but  the 
Judge  himfelf,  who  told  the  Jury,  That  it  was  a 
Bufmefs  of  great  Importance  that  was  before  them, 
and  therefore  that  they  (hould  take  heed  what  they 
did  in  it :  That  there  was  a  Time,  indeed,  when 
Intentions  and  Words  were  Treafon,  but  God  for* 
bid  it  (hould  be  fo  now;  How  did  any  Body  know 
but  that  thofe  two  Men,  O$borne  and  Dowcettywould 
have  made  away  with  the  King,  and  that  Ralph 
charged  his  Piftol  to  preferve  him  ?  or  perhaps 
they  would  have  carried  him  away  to  have  engaged 
them  in  a  fecond  War  ?  He  told  them,  They  were 
miftaken  who  did  believe  the  King  in  Prifon;  th<? 
Parliament  did  only  keep  him  fafe  to  fave  the  (hed- 
ding  of  more  Blood.  Upon  thefe  good  Directions 
the  Grand  Jury  found  an  Ignoramus  upon  the  Bill.' 

Sir  Philip  Warwick  writes  (a),  <  That  Dowcett, 
whom  Ralph  had  tampered  with  to  poifon  the 
King,  was  Clerk  of  his  Majefty's  Kitchen  ;  and 
imputes  the  Major's  Acquittal  at  Winchtfttr  to 
the  Dexterity  of  Serjeant  Maynard  his  Counfel, 
who  declared  in  the  Court  unto  the  Grand  Jury- 
men, that  this  Accufation,  amounting  to  Trea- 
fon, ought  to  have  had  two  Witneffes  to  each 

Fail,  but   there  was  only  one  to  each  Fact.' 

Mr.  Ludlow  gives  this  laft  Circumftance  a  quite 
different  Turn,  faying  (£),  c  That  thofe  who  were 
to  have  been  inftrumental  in  the  King's  Efcape, 
not  knowing  otherwife  how  to  revenge  themfelves 
on  thofe  who  had  defeated  their  Enterprise,  ac- 
cufed  Major  Ralph  (a  Captain  in  that  Garrifon, 
very  active  and  vigilant  in  his  Charge)  of  a  De- 
fign  to  kill  the  King ;  raifing  fuch  a  Clamour 
about  it,  that  the  Parliament  thought  not  fit  to  de- 
cline the  putting  him  upon  his  Trial ;  but  the  Ac-, 
cufation  appearing  to  the  Grand  Jury  to  be  ground-. 
Q.4  ed 

(a)  Mtn.tin  cf  K.  Charles  1.  p.  331,    (J)  Mtmtirt,  YoJ»  I,  p.  354. 

248  ST&  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  ed  upon   Malice,   they  refufed   to  find  the  Bill.1-* 

L      l648-     ^  Thus  much  for  the  Contemporary  Writers  :  Re-> 

Tygj         turn  we   now  to  our  Journals,    which  will    beft 

enable  the  Reader  to  form  a  proper  Judgment  of 

the  Accounts  given  by  thofe  Hiftorians, 

June  19.  Col.  Hammond  was  written  to,  by  the 
Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  to  take  Care  of  the 
King,  for  that  their  Lordfhips  were  informed  of 
fome  evil  Defigns  againft  him.  What  thefe  Defigns 
were,  appears  by  the  following  Letters  from  Mr, 
Osborne,  read  this  Day  in  the  Houfe  of  Lords:  And 
firft  that  directed  to  the  garl  of  Manchejler,  their 

TwcLettcr«  Right  Honourable,  June  1 6,  1648. 
'  T  ^'^>  ^7  a  Better  of  the  firft  of  June,  acquaint 
ereto"  *  my  Lord  IVhartw  with  what  1  fend  here  in- 
read  in  the  Houfe '  clofed,  expelling  it  would  before  this  have  been 
of  Lords.  (  communicated  to  both  Houfes.  What  fhould 

*  be  the  Reafon  for  concealing  a  Bufinefs  of  this 
'  Nature,  I  know  not,  except  it  be  to  give  thofe 

*  Time  that  are  concerned  in  it  better  to  think  of 

*  fome  Stratagem  to  evade  this  Difcovery. 

*  I  humbly  defire  your  Lordfhip,  upon  Sight  of 

*  this  Relation,  to  communicate  it  to  the  Houfe  of 
«  Peers ;  which  I  (hall  be  ready  to  atteft  upon  Oath 
'  in    every  Particular,  whenever  their   Lordfhips 

*  fhall  pleafe  to  allow  me  that  Freedom  and  Secu- 

*  rity  which  ought  to  be  afforded  to  any  Gentleman 
'  and  Chriftian  in  witnefling  a  Truth.' 

My  Lord, 

Your  Lord/kip's  mojt  humble  Servant, 

The  Letter  to  the  Lord  Wharton,  a  Copy  of 
which  was  inclofed  in  the  foregoing. 

My  Lord,  June  i,  1648. 

«  'ITHough  I  cannot  but  imagine  I  (land  fo  highly 
«  *  condemned  in  your  Lordfliip's  and  'many 
6  Perfons  Thoughts,  that  any  Thing  of  Vindica- 

'  tion 

*f   ENGLAND. 

*  tion  from  me  muft  covne  with  all  Difadvantage  An.  24  Car.  l« 
'  and  Prejudice  that  may  be;  yet,  my  Lord,  being 

'  confcious  of  my    own   Integrity,   and  confident 

*  that  I  {hall  be  judged  by  your   Lordihip  by  no 
'  other  Rules  but  thole  of  Juftice  and  Rcafon,  I  can- 
c  not  doubt   but,    when    I    have  difcovered    the 

*  Grounds  and  Reafons  of  my  Actions,  that  it  will 
1  appear  to  your  Lordfliip  that  what  I  have  done 

*  hath  been  as  agreeable  to  the  feveral   Duties  I 
«  ftand  engaged  in,  as  I  am  fuppofed  to  have  a&ed 

*  contrary  before  I  am  heard. 

'  Not  to  detain  your  Lordfliip  in  Circumftances, 

*  I  fhall  make  this  Proteftation,  That  as  no  other 

*  Thing  but  the  Danger  of  the  King's  Life  could 

*  in  Reafon,  excufe  fuch  an  Attempt,  fo  I  do  pro- 
'  teft,  that  no  inferior  Confideration  did,  or  could 

*  have  moved  me  to  fuch  an  Action  :  But,  my 

*  Lord,   having  had    fuch  a  particular  and  well- 

*  grounded  Information,   that  fo  horrid   a  Defign 

*  was  intended,  and  moved  from  thofe  that  could, 
e  when  they  pleafed,  have  had  the  Power  to  put  it 
'  in  Execution,  I  hope  I  (hall  not  be  cenfured  for 

*  having  poftponed  all  other  Confiderations  to  that 

*  Loyalty  which,  it   cannot  be  queftioned,  I  owe 

*  to  the  King. 

'  But  not  to  leave  your  Lordfliip  unfatisfied  with 

*  this  general  Account :  The  Intelligence  I  fpc-ak 

*  of,  concerning  this  Defign,  I  received  from  Capt. 
'  Ralph,  a  Perfon  very   intimate  with  the  Gover- 

*  nor,  privy  to  all  Councils,  and  one  that  is  very 
'  high  in  the  Efteem  of  the  Army  ;  he,  my  Lord, 
'  informed  me,  that,  to  his  Knowledge,  the  Go- 
'  vernor  had  received  feveral  Letters  from  the  Ar- 

*  my,  intimating  they  defired  the  King  might,  by 
'  any  Means,  be  removed  out  of  the  Way,  either 

*  by  Poifon  or  other  wife  :  And,  at  another  Time, 
'  the  fame  Perfon  perfuaded  me  to  join  with   him 
4  in  a  Defign  to  remove  the  King  out  of  theCaftle 

*  to  a   Place  of  more  Secrefy ;  profcring  to  take 
'  an  Oath  with  me,  and  to  do  it  without  the  Go- 

*  vernor's  Privity;  who,  he  faid, would  not  confent, 
'  bccaufe  of  lofing  the  Allowance  of  the   Houfe. 

4  <  His 

75k  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  OR  r 

<  His    Pretence  for   this   Attempt  was,  That  the 
'  King  was  m  to°  public  a  Place,  from  whence  he 

*  m'gnt  be  refcued  ;  but  if  he  were  conveyed  into 
'  fome  Place  of  Secrecy,  he   (aid,  we  might  dif- 

*  pofe  of  his  Perfon  upon  all   Occafions  as    we 
'  thought  fit  j  and  this  he  was  confident  we  could 
'  effect  without  the  Governor's  Privity. 

'  My  Lord,confidering  all  thefe  pregnant  Cir- 

*  cumftances,  I  think  it  will  appear  that  there  were, 

*  if  there  are   not,  fuch  Intentions  concerning  his. 
'  Majefty's  Perfon,  as  may  well  juftify  any  Endea- 

*  vours  that  have  been  made  for  his  Remove  from 

*  fo  much  Danger.     And  for  my   own  Part,   my 
'  Lord,  I  muft  be  fo  plain  as  to  declare,  concerning 

*  my  own  Acting  in  relation  to  this  Bufinefs,  that 

*  had  I    done  lefs,    having  fuch  Grounds,  I  muft 
'  believe  I  had  then  verified  all  thofe  Afperfions  of 
«  Difloyalty  and  Breach  of  Truft,  which  I  am  ccn- 
'  tented  to  fuffer  from  thofe  whofe  Intereft  is,  per- 
'  chance,  oppofed    by   my  Endeavours  to  prevent 

*  fuch  damnable  Defigns. 

'  My  Lord,  I  have  fpoken  nothing  here  but  what 

*  I  (hall  be  ready  to  juftify  upon  Oath  whenever  I 

*  (hall  be  called  to  it,  with  Promife  of  Freedom 

*  and  Security;  till  then  I  muft  be  contented  to 

*  fupport  all  Cenfures,   and  fatisfy  myfelf  with  the 

*  Vindication  I  receive  from  my  own  Confcience. 

*  I  am,  My  Lordy 

Your"  LorcJff>ip>3  mojl  bumble  Servant, 


But  we  leave,  for  a  while,  this  Defign  againfl; 
the  Kind's  Life,  it  being  necefTary  now  to  look  into 
other  Matters. 

The  Payment  The  Fleet  ftill  continuing  in  their  Revolt 
declare  all  Per-  againft  the  Parliament,  both  Houfes  thought  ne- 
trp?erenUn-inceffary  to  pafs  a  Vote,  That  another  Fleet  ftould 
lurredicns  to  be  be  fitted  out,  of  as  large  a  Number  of  Ships  as  was 
Traitors.  neceflary  to  reduce  the  others  to  Obedience.  And, 

to  prevent  any  Infurreclions  at  home,  the  Parlia- 

of   E  N  G  L  A  ND.  251 

jnent  fet  forth  a  Declaration.,  in  which  were  recited  An>  *4  Car. I. 
the  three  Votes,  pafled  May  20,  1642  (a],  declar-  t     l648'      A 
jng  all  thofe  Traitors,  by  the  Fundamental  Laws        junc> 
qf  the  Kjpgdom,  that  aided  and  aflifted  the  King 
againft  the  Parliament ;  and  applying  them  to  thofe 
who  rofe  in  Arms  at  this  Time. 

June  20.  Another  Letter  and  Paper  from  the 
Earl  of  Nottingham*  in  Scotland,  was  read,  addrefled 
ito  the  Earl  of  Manchester  as  ufual. 

Edinburgh,  7^8,1648. 
May  it  pleafe  your  Lord/hip? 

1  Have  formerly  given  you  an  Account  of  feye-  More  Papers 
1  ral  Papers  we  have  fent'  to  the  Parliament  of  Jjjg^  ?™ 
Scotland  and  Committee  of  Eftates,  in  purfuance  Swtlani}. 
of  the  Votes  of  the  6th  and  30th  of  May,  and 
fuch  further   Instructions    as.   we  have  received 
thereupon;  I  fliall  not  now  trouble  your  Lord- 
(hips  with  repeating  any  of  them,  only  acquaint 
your  Lordftiips,  that  unto  them,  and  unto  a  Paper 
I  likewife  formerly  fent  your  Lordlhips,  concern- 
ing the  March  of  your  Forces  into  the  Northern 
Counties,  we  have  received  the  inclofed  Anfwer; 
whereupon  what  Commands  your  Lordfhips  fliall 
be  pleafed    to  give    us,  fliall  be  faithfully .  ob- 
ferved  by,  My  Lordy 

Tour  'Lord/hip's  mojf  bumble  Servaut, 


^<?  ANSWERS  of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland  to  the 
PAPERS  before-mentioned,  presented  to  themfroto 
the  Englifh  CommiJJioners. 

Edinburgh,  June  7,  1648. 

'Tp  H  E  Eftates  of  Parliament  have  received 
*  your  Lordftiips  Papers  of  the  firft  of  this 
Inftant  June,  with  the  Votes  of  the  Honourable 
Houfes  of  the  6th  of  May  laft ;  to  which  they 
£an  return  no  Anfwer,  until  juft  Satisfaction  be 
given  to  their  neceflary  Defires  of  the  26th  of 'April. 

(•)   Vol.  XI,  p,  I. 

252  ^be  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

i.  24  Car.  I.       «  By  your  other  Paper  of  the  fame  Date,  your 
Lordfliips    gave  Notice   of  the  Lord   Fairfax's 
June.  March    into  the  Northern  Counties,  by  Com- 

mand from  the  Honourable  Houfes  of  the  Parjia- 
ment  of  England;  with  this  Aflurance,  That  it 
is  not  with  the  leaft  Intention  of  any  Offence  or 
Prejudice  to  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland :  And  as 
you  therein  exprefs  the  Refpecl  of  the  two  Houfes 
to  this  Kingdom,  fo  the  Parliament  do  aflure 
your  Lordfhips,  That  their  Refolutions  ofraifing 
new  Forces  within  this  Kingdom  for  their  own. 
Securities,  and  for  obtaining  their  pious  and  loyal 
Defires,  are  without  the  leaft  Intention  to  inter- 
rupt the  Union  betwixt  the  Kingdoms  of  Scotland 
and  England,  or  to  violate,  in  the  leaft  Manner, 
any  of  the  Articles  of  the  Solemn  League  and 
Covenant,  by  which  they  are  fo  ftri&ly  united  un- 
der his  Majefty's  Government.' 
Extracted  forth  of  the  Records  of  Parliament  by  me 
Sir  Alexander  Gibfon  0/"Drury,  Knigbty  Clerk 
of  bis  Majefty's  Regijlers^  Council^  and  R.olht 
under  my  Signet  and  Subfcription  manual, 


Jnne  $2.  The  Lord-Admiral  acquainted  the 
Houfe  with  a  Letter  fent  to  him  from  the  Commif- 
fioners  of  the  Navy,  concerning  the  Want  of  Sup- 
plies, and  an  Eftimate  of  the  Charge  thereof ,  which 
was  ordered  to  be  fent  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons  to 
be  fpeedily  confidered  of,  becaufe  it  fo  much  con- 
cerned the  Safety  of  the  Kingdom.  His  Lordfhip 
added,  That  in  Obedience  to  an  Order  of  the  Houfe 
of  Commons,  dated  the  xyth  Inftant,  he  wrote  a 
Letter  to  the  Trinity- Houfe  to  employ  their  beft 
Endeavours  for  manning  the  Ships  of  the  Fleet  with 
cordial  and  well-afFecled  Men,  a  Copy  of  which 
Letter  is  hereunto  annexed  ;  and  that,  in  Anfwer 
to  the  faid  Letter,  he  did  Yefterday  receive  a  Let- 
ter from  them,  with  a  Paper  that  came  inclofed  ^ 
all  which  he  conceived  it  his  Duty  to  prefent  to  the 
Confideration  of  the  Houfes. 


cf    ENGLAND. 

An.  24  Car,  I. 

To  my  Loving   Friends  the  Mafler^   War  dens  ^  and       l648» 
Affi/iants  of  the  TRiNiTY-HousE. 

Wejlminfler^  June  19,  16481 

AFter  my  hearty  Commendations  :  You  can- 
•*^  not  but  take  Notice  of  the  Defc&ion  of  fome  wjck  to  the  Tri- 
Ships  of  the  Fleet,  and  of  the  great  Prejudice  that  nity-Houfc,  con- 
may  be  occafioned  thereby  to  the  Trade  ofcerwn*thel 
the  Kingdom,  betides  the  Interruption  it  may 
give  to  the  Public  Settlement  which  the  Parlia- 
ment are  effectually  endeavouring.  In  order, 
therefore,  to  the  Safety  of  the  Kingdom,  the  En- 
couragement and  Prefervation  of  Trade,  and  the 
Reduction  of  fuch  of  thefaid  Ships  as  have  revolt- 
ed from  their  Duty,  it  is  now  in  Agitation,  by 
the  Parliament's  Direction,  that  a  convenient 
Fleet  be  provided  and  fet  to  Sea  ;  and  becaufe  no- 
thing is  of  more  Importance  than  the  getting  of 
the  {aid  Fleet  manned  with  cordial  and  well- 
affe&ed  Mariners,  I  do  therefore  recommend  it 
to  you,  as  that  which  is  of  great  Concernment 
to  the  Public  Service,  fpeedily  to  employ  your 
beft  Endeavours  for  the  getting  of  fuch  Mariners 
to  ferve  in  the  faid  Fleet,  of  whofe  Courage  and 
and  faithful  Affection  to  the  Parliament  you  fhall 
have  very  good  Afiurance;  and  of  your  Proceed- 
ings to  make  as  fpeedy  a  Return  to  me  as  may  be. 

'  By  your  diligent  and  effedljJal  Compliance  here- 
with, you  will  not  only  give  a  further  Teftimony 
of  your  Care  of  the  public  Intereft  of  the  King-* 
dom,  and  of  your  Refpect  to  the  Parliament,  (-the 
Houfe  of  Commons  having,  by  their  Order  of 
the  1710  Inftant,  a  Copy  whereof  I  fend  you 
inclolcd,  refolved  that  your  beft  Endeavours 
in  this  Behalf  be  defired)  but  will  alfo  more 

four  loving  Brother  and  Friend^ 


The  Parliamentary  H  [  s  T  d  R  Y 


'1648.  '      To  the  Right  Hon.  the  Earl  of  WARWICK,  Lord 
*•— ^r— '  High- Admiral  of  England. 


Trlmty-Houfe,  Ratdi/e,  June  2 1 ,  1648. 

Right  Honourable, 

I  N  purfuahce  of  ah  Order  of  the  Houfe  o'f 
*.  Commons,  dated  the  iyth  prefent,  and  alfo  oT 
a  Letter  from  your  Lordfhip  of  the  igth  ditto', 
we  have  communicated  both  trie  faid  Order  and 
Letter  to  moft  of  the  Commanders  and  other 
Seamen  of  feveral  Ships  how  at  this  Pott  of  Lon- 
don, whom  we  this  Day  called  before  us  j  unto 
whom,  after  we  had  related  the  Comrnon  Dan- 
ger of  this  Kingom,  occafioned  by  the  revolting 
of  feveral  Ships  from  the  Parliament,  as  alfo  de- 
clared what  was  therein  refolved,  that  it  was  both 
fit  and  expedient  that  a  Fleet  fhould  be  fet  forth 
for  the  Prefervation  of  the  Kingdom,  and  the 
Reducement  of  the  faid  revolted  Ships,  defiring 
their  Concurrence  therein,  as  giving  their  beft 
Afliftance  thereunto,  they  prefented  to  us  their 
Arifwer  in  Writing,  which  they  defire  may  be 
prefented  to  your  Lordfhip,  the  Confederation  of 
which  we  humbly  refer  to  your  Honour's  more 
weighty  Judgment,  arid  remain, 

Tour  Honour's 

Majl  humlly  at  Command, 








tf    ENGLAND,  255 

^  DECLARATION  of  fever  al  Commanders  of  Ships  in  An-  *4  c*f- 
and  about  London,  referred  la  in  the  foregoing.         v___ 

TV7HEREAS  an  Order  from  the  Honourable 
^  *     Houfes    of    Parliament,,  directed    to    my  A  Ds 

Lord-Admiral,  dated  the   iyth  of  June,   1648  ;  fefv"al  Clpta^ 

ir         T  f  i         T        1*1-1  i      of  Ships  in  and 

as  alfo  a  Letter  from  the  Lord-Admiral  to  the  ai,yut  London, 
Trinity- Houfi,  for  their  beft  Aid  and  Afiiftance  for  a  Personal 
for  the  reducing  of  the  revoked  Ships  to  their 
former  Obedience,  dated  the  igth  of  June,  1648, 
has  been  communicated  to  us,  it  is  humbly  of- 
fered by  us  whofe  Names  are  hereunder,  being 
Mariners  and  Seamfen,  that  there  may  be  forth- 
with a  Petition  drawn  in  the  Behalf  of  the  Sea- 
men and  Mariners,  and  prefented  to  the  Honour- 
able Houfes  of  Parliament,  wherein  our  humble 
Defires  may  be  reprefented  for  a  Perforial  Treaty 
with  his  Majefty,  as  the  only  Remedy  for  the 
prefent  Diftempers  of  this  diilreffcd  Kingdom, 
and  reducing  the  Shipping  revolted  from  their 
Truft  ;  and  that  it  is  humbly  conceived  by  us^ 
that  we  are  obliged  and  bound,  according  to  the 
Proteftation  and  Solemn  League  and  Covenant, 
formerly  taken  by  every  of  us,  to  maintain  and 
defend,  with  our  Lives,  Power,  and  EiKtes,  the 
true  Reformed  Proteftant  Religion,  his  Majcfty-'s 
Royal  Perfon,  Honour,  and  Eftate,  and  alfo  the 
Power  and  Privileges  of  the  Parliament ;  and  we 
do  further  declare^  That  if  it  (hall  appear  that 
any  of  thefe  revolted  Ships  fhall  endeavour  to 
impede  or  hinder  the  King's  Perfonal  Treaty 
with  the  two  Houfes  of  Parliament,  that  we  will 
unanimoufly  endeavour  with  our  Lives  and  For- 
tunes, according  to  our  Covenant  and  Protcfla- 
tion,  formerly  taken  as  aforefaid,  to  bring  them 
to  condign  Punifhment.  Witnefs  our  Hands  the 
2ift  of  Jung  1648.' 
•^ROBERT  Motrotf.  WM.  BUNDICK. 

RICH.  TREVES.       .          ROB.  BRACKLEY. 







%e  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

'June  23.  The  following  Letter  from  Col.  Hani- 
§*vmg  ^n  Account  of  an  Intention  to  aid  the 
King  in  an  Efcape  from  his  Cuftody,  was  read  in 
the  Houfe  of  Lords  : 

For   the    Right  Hon.  the  Earl  of  MANCHESTER* 
Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  PEERS  pro  Tempore. 

againft  the  fore- 
going Letters 
from  Mr.  Of- 

CariJlrooke-C'a/lk,  June  21,  1  648. 
My  Lord, 

TT  AVING  lately  received  Knowledge  of  the 
*••*•  unparalleled  wicked  Practices  of  Mr.  Of- 
borne^  from  the  R.ight  Ho'nourable  the  Lord/i^Zwr- 
ton^  by  a  Letter  which  his  Lordfhip  fent  me,  di- 
recled  to  him,  from  the  faid  Mr.  Osborne^  who 
hath  been  the  chief  Inftrument  in  contriving  and 
a£ling,  as  far  as  in  him  lay,  the  late  Defign  of 
the  King's  intended  Efcape  j  wherein  it  appears 
that,  failing  in  that  his  treacherous  Purpofe,  and 
meeting  with  new  Counfellors,  he  proceeds  in  a 
more  abominable  Way,  by  fhameful  and  unheard- 
of  Lies,  as  much  as  in  him  lieth,  to  abufe  and 
inflame  the  difturbed  Minds  of  the  People  in  thefc 
diftracled  Times  ;  and  moft  unworthily  to  fcan- 
dalize  me,  and  the  reft  of  the  Gentlemen  now 
attending  the  King,  in  thofe  Things  wherein  his 
own  Heart  is  a  Witnefs  that  they  are  of  all  others 
moft  contrary  to  Truth  :  And  being  fince  further 
informed,  that,  in  profecution  of  this  his  auda- 
cious Villainy,  he  hath  written  public  Letters  to 
both  Houfes  of  Parliament,  aflerting  fuch  horrid 
Faliities  that  are  hardly  fit  to  be  named,  but  by 
fuch  a  Wretch,  whofe  Principles  being  Falfenefs 
and  Treachery,  knows  no  Limits  in  Wicked- 
nefs  : 

*  My  Lords,  my  Senfe  of  the  111  that,  in  fuch 
Times  as  thefe,  may  accrue  to  the  Kingdom  by 
fuch  Abufes,  caufcs  me  to  fend  up  this  Bearer* 
Major  Rclpb,  (though  through  Weaknefs  he  be 
very  unable  to  travel)  whom  he  avouches  for  hia 
Author  ;  and  if  your  Lordfhips  pleafe  he  may  be 
examined,  who  will  fufficiently  inform  your  Lord- 

*  Clips 

*f   ENGLAND.  257 

*  {hips  of  the  great  Untruths  raifed  by  that  unwor-  An-  24  «-ar- 
c  thy  Perfon;  whom,  if  you  let  pafs,  (as  not  wor-         '  4._'._B 

*  thy  taking  Notice  of  to  bring  to  Shame,  like         june»~" 

*  thofe  who  fpread  abroad  the  late  falfe  Report  of 

*  my  inhuman  Abating  the  Perfon  of  the  King,) 

*  it  were  indifferent  to  me,  were  not  the  Public 
"  more  than  myfeif  concerned  in  it ;  but  the  Wif- 

*  dom  of  your  Lordfliips  doth,  and  I  doubt  not 
e  will,  more  thereby  difcern  the  Defign  driven  at  in 
'  fuch  Reports ;  and  will  take  Care  for  a  right  Un- 

*  derftanding  of  thofe  who  have  been,  and  yet  may 

*  be,  deceived  by  fuch  Abufes.     For  my  own  Par- 

*  ticular,  had  I  not  been  thus  occafioned  by  my 
'  Duty  to  your  Lordfliips  and  the  Kingdom,   I 

*  fhould  have  left  the  clearing  of  my  Integrity  (as 
4  formerly,  fo  ft  ill)  to  the  righteous  Godj  who,  if 

*  with  Patience  Men  can  wait  and  truft  in  him,  will 

*  certainly  confound  and  deftroy  that  Structure, 

*  whofe  Foundation  is  laid  in   Lyes,  with  Shame 

*  and  Sorrow  to  its  wicked  Builder. 

'  My  Lords,  I  have  not  only,  to  fupport  and  bear 

*  me  up  againft  thefe  Calumnies,  the  Teftimony  of 
'  a  good  Confcience ;    but,  to  clear   me  amongft 

*  Men,  it  pleafed  God  to  order  it,  that,  upon  feve- 

«  ral  Occafions  given,  and  that  before  many  Wit-  " 

*  nefles,  the  King  is  fo  juft  as  to  vindicate  me  from 

*  all  thofe  Afperfions ;  and  fo  I  doubt  not  will  all 

*  others  that  have  any  Senfe  of  Honour  or  Truth, 

*  or  fuch  who  have  been  Witnefles  to  my  Actions 
'  and  Deportment  fmce  his  Majefty's  unexpected 

*  Coming  to  this  Place. 

'  My  Lords,  I  conclude  with  this  Profeflion  to 
c  your  Lordfhips,  as  in  the  Prefence  of  God,  the 

*  Searcher  of  all  Hearts,  That  as  all  the  Goods  of 

*  this  World  could  not  have  hired  me  to  this  Em- 
4  ployment,  could  I  have  avoided  it,  or  would  your 

*  Lordfhips  have  feeh  it  fit  otherwife  better  to  have 
'  provided  for  it  j    fo,  feeing  Providence  hath  caft 

*  me  upon  it,  or  rather  it  upon  me,  I  have,  (and 

*  by  the  Afiiftance  of  God  will  fo  continue)  to  the 

*  utmoft  of  my  Power  and  Knowledge,  demeaned 

*  myfeif  with  all  dutiful  Refpedt  to  his  Majefty's 

VOL,  XVII,  R  Perfon, 

1258  fTke  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  <  Perfon,  with  an  equal  Eye  to  the  Duty  I  owe 
'         e  your  Lordfhips  and  the  Kingdom,  in  the  great 
'  Truft  your  Lordfhips  have  been  pleafed  to  place 
'  upon  me ;    and  this    with    that  Integrity   and 
'  Evennefs,  that  I  ftand  ready  to  give  an  Account 

*  to  God  and  all  Men  of  my  Actions  herein.    This 
'  Satisfaction  I  need  not  give  to  your  Lordfhips, 

*  for  I  find,  upon  all  Occasions,  the  conftant  Tef- 
'  timony  of  your  Favour  to  me  ;  yet  being  a  little 

*  fenfible  of  the  Wickednefs  of  this  moft  ungrate- 
'  ful   and   unworthy  Perfon,    makes   me  thus  to 

*  trouble  your  Lordfhips,    though   I    need   not : 

*  Reafon  itfelf  will  plead  fufficiently  againft  him,. 
'  who  having  attempted  and  failed  in  fuch  a  De- 
'  fign,  being  fo  principled  as  fuch  a  Man  mu-ft  be, 
4  that,  for  his  own  Intereft,    he  fhould  proceed 

*  thus  to  colour  his  Villainy,  as  by  his  late  Ad- 

*  drefles  to  both  Houfes. 

*  My  Lords,  I  fhall  not  further  trouble  your 
4  Lordfhips,  but  with  a  moft  earneft  Expectation, 
'  looking  for  a  Deliverance  from  my  intolerable: 
'  Burthen,  which  God  and  a  good  Confcience  only 

*  fupport  a  weak  Man  to  undergo ;  either  by  a  Re- 
'  moval  of  his  Majefty's  Perfon  from  hence,  when 

*  to  your  Lordfhips  Wifdom  it  fhall  feem  fafe  and 

*  fit,  or  by  a  better  providing  for  it  by  a  Perfon,  or 
1  Perfons,  more  able  to  undergo  it ;  either  of  which 

*  that  may  beft  fuit  your  Lordfhips  Affairs  is  moft 

*  heartily  defired,  and  that  with  Speed,  if  God  fee 

*  it  good;  till  when,  in  the  Strength  of  that  God 

*  who  hath  carried  me  on  hitherto,  and  as  he  fhall 
4  enable  me,  being  fufficiently  guarded  againft  the 

*  worft  that  Malice  can  throw  on  me,  in  all  con- 

*  ftant  Integrity,  I  fhall  endeavour  to  exprefs  my- 

*  felf, 

Your  Lord/hips  mojl  bumble 

and  faithful  Servanty 

P.  S.  '  Mr.  OJbornis  Letter  to  my  Lord  Whartonr 

*  which  his  Lordfliip  fentme,  I  have  inclofed  in  a 

*  Let-ter 

of   ENGLAND. 

Letter  to  the  Committee  at  Derby-Haufe.  Since  An 
I  ended  this  Letter  I  have  examined  the  three 
Soldiers  that  were  dealt  with  to  have  been  affift- 
ant  in  the  King's  Efcape  j  but  they  all  affirm, 
and  are  ready  to  make  good .  upon  Oath,  that 
neither  Oforne,  Dowcet^  or  any  other,  told  them 
that  the  Ring's  Life  was  in  Danger ;  fo  that  it 
feems  clear  that  this  is  a  Device  of  his  own  to 
inflame  the  People.' 

The  fame  Day  the   Houfe  of  Commons  being  Major  Rolph  «« 
informed  that  Major  Rolph  was  at  the  Door,  he  fa,min^d  before 

....  ILOI       '    /i_  •         .the  Commons, 

•was  called  in ;  and  the  Speaker,  (having  acquainted  touching  the  De- 
nim, '  That  what  he  was  to  fpeak,  was  to  be  fpoken  fign  againft  the 
in  an  High  Court  of  Juftice  j  and  therefore  requiring  KlB£'s  Llfe>- 
and  exhorting  him  to  fpeak  the  Truth,  as  he  would 
anfwer  the  fame  at  the  dreadful  Day  of  Judgment) 
by  Command  of  the  Houfe,  examined  him  ftriftly 
•what  he  knew  concerning  the  Defign  of  taking 
away  the  King's  Life,  wherewith  he  was  charged 
by  the  Letter  of  Richard  OJborne  ?  He  anfwered, 
That  he  never  knew  of  any  fuch  Delign,  either  by 
Difcourfe  or  Letter  ;  or  ever  received  any  Intima- 
tion from  the  Governor  of  the  Ifle  of  wight*  or. 
from  any  other  Perfon,  by  Writing  or  otherwife, 
touching  the  fame  :  Hereupon  the  Houfe  fent  a 
Meflage  to  the  Lords,  acquainting  them,  That 
Major  Rolph  being  come  to  Town,  they  defired 
their  Lord{hips  to  nominate  a  Committee  of  their 
Houfe  to  examine  him  forthwith,  upon  Oath,  in 
the  Prefence  of  a  Committee  of  the  Commons ; 
and  alfo  to  take  the  Examinations  of  all  other  Per- 
ibns  that  will  come  in  to  teftify  their  Knowledge 
touching  the  Allegations  of  Richard  OJborne^  in  his 
Letters  to  the  Speaker  and  to  the  Lord  Wharton* 
.It  was  alfo  ordered,  That  the  faid  OJborne  have  forty 
Days  to  come,  and  depart,  with  Safety  to  his  Per- 
fon, to  make  good  his  Allegations  mentioned  in 
thefe  Letters  ;  that  the  fame  be  forthwith  printed 
and  publiihed  ;  and  alfo  pofted  up  at  Wejlminjler^ 
Paul's,  and  both  the  Exchanges. 

R2  The 

An.    24  Car. 
— v— 

Another  Paper 
from  the  Parlia- 
ment's Comtnif- 
fioners  in  Scot* 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

The  fame  Day  alfo,  June  23,  the  Lords  received 
from  the  Earl  of  Nottingham,  at  Edinburgh,  a  Copy 

The  REPLY  of  the  COMMISSIONERS  ef  the  Parlia- 
ment cf  England  to  the  ANSWER  of  the  Parlia- 
ment of  Scotland,  of  the  "jth  of  June. 

Edinburgh^  June  9,   1648. 

WE,  the  Commiffioners of  the  Parliament  of 
England^    have    this    Day   received    your 
Lordfhips  Anfwer  of  the  yth  of  June,,  to  our 
Papers  of  the  firft, 

'  As  to  that  fent  with  the  Votes  of  both  Houfes 
of  the  Parliament,  of  the  6th  of  May  laft,  your 
Lordfhips  were  pleafed  to  tell  us,  That  you  can 
return  no  Anfwer  until  juft  Sathfaftion  be  given  tt 
your  necejjary  Deftres  of  the  "ibtk  of  April ;  where- 
unto  we  muft  reply,  That  when  it  is  confidered 
how  we  did,  in  March  laft,  in  the  Name  of  both 
Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England,  demand 
of  your  Lordfliips  fome  Englijh  Delinquents  and 
Incendiaries  that  were  then  (and  for  along  Time 
after)  in  this  City  of  Edinburgh,  to  be  delivered 
to  the  Difpofal  of  the  Parliament  of  England, 
according  to  the  Treaties  and  Acts  of  Parliament 
patted  both  Kingdoms  j  and  how  often  we  prefled, 
and  renewed  thofe  Demands,  and  yet  your  Lord- 
fliips did  not  think  fit  to  deliver  them,  but  fuf- 
fered  them  to  return  to  England  in  Arms  ;  where 
they  are  wafting  and  deftroying  thofe  in  the 
Northern  Counties  of  that  Kingdom,  who  have 
been  faithful  in  the  Covenant  and  Caufe  wherein 
both  Kingdoms  are  engaged :  And  when  it  is 
likewise  confidered,  that  the  Town  of  Berwick 
was  taken  before  your  Lordfliips  Defires  of  die 
26th  of  April  went  out  of  this  City  ;  and  that 
we  did  upon  the  fecond  of  May  laft,  which  was 
before  your  Lordfhips  faid  Defires  came  to  the 
Parliament  of  England,  demand  that  your  Lord-' 
{hips  would  declare  againft  thole  Delinquents 
and  Papifts  that  had  taken  and  held  the  faid 
Town  contrary  to  the  Treaties  betwixt  the  King- 

*  doms  j 

of   ENGLAND;  261 

*  doms  ;  and  have  fince  very  often,  by  feveral  Pa-  An-  *4  Car. 

*  pers,  preflfed  that  Demand,  and  the  like  for  Car-  A  *  4,' 

*  life,  and  yet  got  no  fatisfa&ory  Anfwer ;    thefe  junt. 
4  Demands  and  Defires  of  the  Parliament  of  Eng- 

'  land  to  your  Lordfhips,  being  firft  in  Time,  and 

*  uponmoftjuft   and  clear  Grounds  of  Treaties 

*  and  A&s  of  Parliament  in  both  Kingdoms  ;  and 

*  the  delaying  of  them  being  fo  prejudicial  to  the 

*  Kingdom  of  England;    when  thefe  Things,  we 

*  fay,  are  well  and  indifferently  weighed  and  con- 

*  fidered,  we  doubt  not  but  it  will  appear  to  your 
-*  Lordfhips,  that  the  Parliament  of  England  had 
'  more  Caufe  than  your  Lordfhips,  to,  have  made 

'*  fuch  a  Return,  That  they  could  give  no  Anfwer  to 
'  your  Lordjhips  faid  Defires   of  the  2&th  of  April, 

*  until  jujl  Satisfaflion  had  been  given  to  their  afore- 

*  fold  Demands  and  Defires   made   by   us  to  your 
«  Lordjhips ;  efpecially  c'onfidering,  that  neither  in 
«  the  Paper  of  your  Lordfhips  faid  Defires,    nor 
'   in  the   Letter  fcht  with  them  from  the  Lord- 

*  Chancellor,  nor  any  other  Way  fince,  do  your 
<  Lordfiiips  oblige  yourfelves  to  any  Thing,  or 

•<  make  any  Offer  to  the  Parliament  of  England^ 
-«  though  they  had  granted  all  your  Lordfhips  De- 
"«  fires,  which  might  be  a  Ground  of  further  mu- 

*  tual  Confidence  betwixt  the  Kingdoms  ;  but  on 

*  the  contrary,    whatfoever  Anfwer  they  fhould 

*  give,  your  Lordfhips  have  ever  fince  you  fent 
-*  your  Defires,    and  before,  been  purfuing  your 

*  Refolutions  to  raife  a  new  Army ;  which,  as  it 

*  is  generally  reported  and  believed,  is  to  invade 
4  the  Kingdom  of  England,  to  which  the  Expref- 
'  fions  in  your  Lordfhips  Anfwer  gives  too  great 

-*•  Grounds  of  Jealoufy,  which  we  fhall  afterwards 
mention  in  its  proper  Place  ;  yet  the  Parliament 
of  England^  who  are  exceeding  defirous  to  con- 

•*  tinue  and  preferve  the  brotherly  Agreement  and 
happy  Union  betwixt  thefe  Kingdoms,  and  toufe 

•  all  good  Means  to  that  End,  have,  hotwith- 
flantling,  made  the  firtt  Offer  to  your  Lord- 
fhips j  which  is,  to  join  with  your  Lordfhips  ii\ 
the  Propofitionsj  prefented  to  the  King  at  Hamp- 
R  3  '-ton- 

262  *fhe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

24  Car.  I.  *  t/m-Court,  and  for  the  making  fuch  further  Pro-r 
ceedings  thereupon  as  fhall  be  thought  fit  for  the 
fpeedy  Settlement  of  the  Peace  of  both  Krng- 
doms,  and  Prefervation  of  the  Union,  according 
to  the  Covenant  and  Treaties.  And  further, 
that  upon  their  Receipt  of  your  Lordfhips  Refo  • 

*  lutiors  therein,  they  will   be  ready  to  give  your 
'  Lordfhips  Satisfaction  in  thofe  Things  which  {hall 
*.  not  intrench  upon   the  particular  Intereft  of  the 

*  Kingdom,  and  Privileges  of  the  Parliament  of 

*  England  j    wherein   the  Parliament  of   England 
'  afiert  the  Caufe  both   Kingdoms  have  been  env 

*  gaged  in  by  Covenant  and   by  Arms,  and   the 

*  Terms  wherein  they  have  both  agreed,  and  only 

*  defire  that  your  Lordfhips  would  do  the  like  ; 

*  which  is  a  Thing  fo  pious,  juft,  and  honourable, 
c  that  we  could  do  no  iefs  than  offer  it  again  to  your 

*  Lordfhips  ferious  Confideration  ;    and  (hall   not 

*  doubt  of  your  Lordfliips  Concurrence  with   the 

*  Parliament  of  England,  feeing  thofe  Propofitions 

*  wherein  they  offer  to  join  with  your  Lordfhips 
'  do  contain   full   Security  for  Religion,  for  the 
*•.  King's  Majefty,  for  the  Covenant,  for  the  Trea- 

*  tits,  and  all  other  Things  which,  in   the  Judg- 
«  ments  of  both  Parliaments,  were  nectflary  for 

*  the  fettling  of  a  fafe  and  well-grounded  Peace  in 

*  both  Kingdoms,  and  Prefervation  of  the  Union; 
f  th.refore  we  hope  your  Lordfhips  will  judge  that 

*  it  really  anfwers  your  Lordfhips  Defires  :    How- 

*  ever,  we  {hall  with  all   poflible  Speed  fend  your 
«  Lordfliips  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament  of  England. 

*  As  to  the  other  Part  of  your  Lordfliips  Anfwer 

*  to  our  Paper,  wherein  we,  by  the  Command  ef 
6  both  Houfes,  have  engaged  the  Faith  of  theKing- 

*  dom  of  England^  that  their  Forces  fhall  do  no 

*  Prejudice,  nor  difturb  the  Peace  or  Quiet  of  the 

*  Kingdom  of  Scotland^  we  might  juftly  have  ex- 

*  pefted    an   anfwerable  Engagement    from  your 
e  Lordfhips  for  the  Armies  and  Forces  of  this  King- 

*  dom,  that  they  fhould  do  no  Prejudice,  nor  difturb 
•the  Peace  and  Quiet  of  the  Kingdom  of  England '; 

*.  but  it  appears  far  otherwife,  to  our  prefent  Ap- 

4  prehenfjon. 

*f    ENGLAND.  2*3 

prehenfion  ;  for  although  your  Lordfhips  do  ex- An.  24  Car 
prefs  that  you  will  not  interrupt  the  Union  be- 
twixt  the  Kingdoms,  nor  violate  any  of  the  Ar- 
tides  of  the  Solemn  League  and  Covenant, 
wherein  we  moft  willingly  and  heartily  join  with 
your  Lordfhips,  yet  your  Lordfhips  having  faid 
in  the  Beginning  of  your  Paper,  That  you  could 
return  no  Anfwer  to  ours  of  the  firjl  of  June,  un- 
til jujl  Satisfaction  were  given  to  your  neceffary  De- 
fires  of  the  26th  of  April,  which  your  Lordjhips 
fent  to  the  Parliament  0/"  England  ;  and  there  being 
no  Mention  by  your  Lordfhips  of  Defires  to  any 
other  Kingdom  or  Perfon  whatfoever  ;  and  your 
Lordfliips  affirming  that  you  raife  new  Forces  for 
your  own  Securities,  and  for  obtaining  your  pious 
and  loyal  Defires  ;  which,  fliould  they  relate  to 
your  Lordfhips  Defires  before  exprefied,  fent  to 
the  Parliament  of  England,  then  the  Words 
might  feem  to  imply  that  you  raifed  your  Forces 
a  gain  ft  them  ;  wherein,  becaufe  your  Lordfhips 
Expreflion-  is  fomething  doubtful,  it  may  raife 
Jcaloufies  betwixt  the  Kingdoms  :  However,  we 
know  your  Lordfhips  cannot  intend  any  fuch 
Thins;,  being  in  fo  ftrift  a  Union  with  them  ; 
and  it  being  agreed  by  the  Large  Treaty  con- 
firmed by  A&  of  Parliament  in  both  Kingdoms, 
that  neither  fhall  denounce  War,  but  three 
Months  Warning  is  firft  to  be  given ;  yet,  for  the 
avoiding  of  all  Miftakes  and  Mifapprehenfions 
that  may  arife,  we  likewife  defirethat  your  Lord- 
fhips would  make  a  more  full  and  clear  Declara- 
tion in  that  Point ;  which  may  give  the  Parlia- 
ment and  Kingdom  of  England  Aflurance  that 
the  Forces  and  Kingdom  of  Scotland  fhall  do  no- 
thing to  the  Prejudice,  or  to  the  Difturbance  of 
the  Peace  and  Quiet  of  the  Kingdom  of  England ; 
and  that  your  Lordfhips  would  give  us  an  Anfwer 
to  our  Paper  of  the  6th  of  this  prefent  June^  con- 
cerning your  Lordfhips  declaring  againft  thofe  in 
Berwick  and  CarliJJe^  and  their  Adherents  in  this 
Kingdom,  whereunto  your  Lordfhips  are  not 
R  4  <  pleafed 

264  *Hx  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.   24-  Car.  I-e  pleafed  to  fay  any  Thing  in  the  Anfwer  we  have 
l6<*8'         c  now  received. 

jupe.  By  Command  of  the  Commiffioners  of  the  ParUa-, 

meat  of  England. 



*^*ne  Lords  refolved    to 

with  the  King. 

A  Committee  '  appont  a 

inudto  con-  Committee  to  confider  what  the  Parliament  had. 
of  a  Peace  done  towards  the  fettling  of  a  Peace,  and  what  the 
King  had  offered  ;  alfo  what  was  fit  to  be  further 
offered  to  the  King  for  his  Satisfaction,  and  for 
fettling  of  a  fpeedy  and  well-grounded  Peace  j  and, 
likewife,  that  the  faid  Committee  ftiould  confider 
of  the  Time,  Place,  and  other  Circumftances, 
where  Addreffes  were  to  be  conveniently  made  to 
the  King.  * 

June  27.  A  Petition  from  the  Lord  Mayor,  Al- 
dermen, and  City  of  London  was  this  Day  prefent- 
ed  to  the  Lords  ;  the  Contents  whereof  were  as 
follows  : 

A  retition  from 
the  City  of  Lon- 
don, defiring  a 
Pen<  nal  Treaty 
for  that  Purpofe. 

70  the  Right  Honourable  the  LORDS  in  the 

Court  of  Parliament  ajjembled, 
*The  HUMBLE  PETITION  of  the  Lord  Mayor, 

Aldermen^  and  Commons  of  the  City  of  London, 

in  Common-Council  ajjembledt 

HP  H  A  T  your  Petitioners  do,  with  all  Thank- 

*  fulnefs,  humbly  acknowledge  the  many  for- 
mer Favours  of  this  Honpurable  Houfe,  in  grant- 
ing feveral  of  their  Petitions,  which  gives  them 
Encouragement  to  make  further  Application  to 
your  Honours  ;  wherein  they  humbly  take  Leave 
to  exprefs  their  own  and  their  Fellow-Citizens 
deep  Senfe  and  Apprehenfions  of  the  prefent  Mi- 
feries,  and  very  fad  and  deplorable  Condition  of 
this  City  and  Kingdom,  by  reafon  of  the  Growth 
of  Herefies,  Schifms,  Profanenefs,  and  Superfti- 
tion,  occajfioned  by  the  long  Unfettlement  of  the 


ef    ENGLAND. 

*  Church  ;  and  likewife  by  the  Commotions  in  ftr-An 

*  veral  Counties,   which  have  been   faithful   and 

*  ferviceable  to  the  King  and  Parliament ;  and  of 

*  the  great  Effufion  of  Blood  that  hath  been,  and 

*  is  continued,  by  reafon  of  the  faid  Commotions, 

*  and  like  to  be  increafed,  by  the  falling  off  of  a 

*  confiderable  Part  of  the  Navy :  All  which  threat- 
'  neth  the  imminent   Deftru&ion  of  Trade,  and 

*  the  utter  Ruin  of   the  King,  Parliament,  and 
'  Kingdom,  if  not,  by  the  Bleffing   of  Almighty 
'  God  upon  your  good  Endeavours,  fpeedily  pre- 

*  vented.     And  in  your  Petitioners  Apprehenfion 

*  the  fame  is  no  way  likely  to  be  avoided,  the 
e  Peace  of  the  Kingdom  fettled,  and  the  brotherly 

*  Union  between  the  two  Kingdoms  of  England  and 

*  Scotland  continued,  but  by  a  good  Understanding 
'.  and  happy  Agreement  between  the  King's  Majefty 
4  and  the  Honourable  Houfes  of  Parliament ;  which 

*  your  Petitioners  are  the  more  hopeful,  by  the 
4  Mercy  of  God,  may  be  effected,  whei  they  call 
'  to  mind   the   feveral   Expreffions  of  his  Majefty 

*  and  both  Houfes  of  Parliament,  in  their  feveral 

*  and   refpe£livc  Declarations  tending  thereunto ; 

*  and  that  it  may  appear  to  all  the  World  by  this, 

*  as  alfo  by  many  former  Petitions,  notwithftand- 
'  ing  the  many  fcandalous  Afperfions  fuggefted  to 
'  the  contrary,  that  this  City  is,  and  ever  hath  been, 

*  defirous  of,  and   hath  endeavoured  to  obtain,  a 

*  fafe  and  well-grounded  Peace,  according  to  the 

*  Solemn  League  and  Covenant,  their  Intereft  be- 
'  ing  fo  much  concerned  therein. 

'  Your  Petitioners  do  therefore  humbly  pray, 
«  That  a  Perfonal  Treaty  may  forthwith  be  ob- 
'  tained  betwixt  his  Majefty  and  both  Houfes  of 

*  Parliament,  in  the  City  of  London,  or  fome  other 

*  convenient  Place,  where  it  may  be  moft  for  the 

*  Honour  and  Safety  of  his  Majefty's  Royal  Per- 

*  fon,  and  Piefervation  of  the  Parliament,  as  in 
'  your  Wifdoms  (hall  be  thought  fit ;  (unto  which 

*  Treaty  it  is  humbly  defired  that  our  Brethren  of 

*  Scotland  may  be  invited)  that  fo,    according  to 

*  the  Duty  of  our  Allegiance,  Proteftation,  and 

*  Solemn 

An.  14  Car.    J. 


— v 

The  Parh 'atnetxafy  HISTORY 

Solemn  League  -and  Covenant,  his  Majefty's 
Royal  Perfon,  Honour,  ,and  Eftate  may  be  pre- 
ferved  ;  the  Power  and  Privilege  of  Parliament 
may  be  maintained  ;  the  juft  Right  and  Liberties^ 
of  the  Subjects  reftoretl  j  Religion  and  the  Go- 
vernment of  the  Church' in  Purity  ellablifhed  ;  all 
Differences  may  be  the  better  compofed,  and  a 
firm  and  lafting  Peace  concluded  ;  and  the  Union 
between  the  two  Kingdoms  continued  according 
to  the  Covenant ;  all  Armies  difbanded,  and  all 
your  Soldiers  juft  Arrears  fatisfied  ;  the  King- 
dom's Burthens  eafed,  and  the  laudable  Govern- 

4  rnent  thereof,  by  the  good  and  wholefomc  Laws 

'  and  Cuftoms,  happily  advanced.' 

And  your  Petitioners  jh all  pray ^  &c. 

The  Anfwer  the  Lords  gave  to  this  Petition, 
was,  *  That  they  returned  theni  hearty  Thanks  for 
'  the  Continuance  of  their  good  Affections  to  the 
c  Parliament,  and  Inclinations  to  the  Peace  and  Set- 

*  tlement  of  the  Kingdom.     They  faid  they  were 
'  in  Cortfideration  of  that  which  was  contained  in 

*  their  Petition  before  they  received  it;    and  that 
«  they  would  employ  all  their  Endeavours  effectual-* 
'  ly  for  the  fpeedy  obtaining  of  what  may  beft 
'  conduce  to  the  Safety  and  Happinels  of  the  Kingi 
'  City,  and  the  whole  Kingdom. 

The  fame  Petition  being  prefcnted  to  the  Com« 
mons,  they  returned  the  following  Anfwer : 
»  HP  H  E    Houfe  hath  rea<l  your  Petition,  prc- 

*  •*•     fented  to  them  in  the    Name  of  the   Com- 
'  mon-Council   of  the  City  of  London  ;    wherein 

*  they  take  Notice  of  the  affectionate  Acknow- 
'  ledgment  which  the  City  exprefieth  of  the  Houfe's 
'  Conctfiions  upon  their  former  Petitions,  and  of 

*  their  Cnriftian  and  prudent  Defires  of  a  fafc  and 

*  well-grounded  Peace,  according  to  the  Covenant-; 

*  and  of  that  Means  which  they  propofe,  in  order 

*  thereunto,  of  a  Perfonal  Treaty  ;    in  which  (as 

*  the  other  Particulars  of  your  Petition)  the  Houfe 
'  efpccially   obferves   the    Confidence  and   Truft 

'  whicb 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  267 

which  the  City  repofes  in  them,  in  leaving  the  An.  24  Car.  I, 
Confideration  of  their  Peace  and  Security  to  their  ^_^  '_^ 
Wifdom  and  Care.  To  all  which  the  Houfe  j^. 
hath  commanded  me  to  give  you  this  Anfwer, 
That  they  have  the  fame  Fellow-feeling  with  the 
City  and  Kingdom,  by  their  Sufferings  by  War, 
and  the  fame  Defires  with  them  to  attain  a  fafe 
and  well-grounded  Peace.  They  have,  for  that 
End,  fpent  a  great  Part  of  this  laft  Month  in  Con- 
fiderations  of  Peace,  and  have  made  fome  Progrefs 
therein  :  And  for  the  more  fpeedy  Difpatch  of 
what  further  remains  to  be  done,  the  Houfes  have 
appointed  a  Committee  to  confider  what  the  King 
hath  offered,  and  what  is  further  to  be  offered  to 
the  King  for  his  Satisfaction,  for  fettling  of  a 
fpeedy  and  well-grounded  Peace j  and  toccnlider 
of  Time,  Place,  and  other  Circumftances,  for 
Conveniency  of  Addrefs  to  be  made  to  his  Ma- 
jefty  :  And  they  doubt  not  but  what  they  have 
done,  and  fpeedily  fliall  o  herein,  will  be  fully 
fatisfadory  to  the  City  of  London^  and  to  all 
others  that  defire  to  fee  theTioubles  of  this  King- 
dom ended  in  a  fafe  and  juft  Peace.  And  for 
your  good  Affections  to  the  Parliament  and  King- 
dom, manifefted  by  your  Actions  in  the  late  War, 
and  in  your  prefent  Petition  for  a  fafe  and  well- 
grounded  Peace,  the  Houfe  hath  commanded  me 
to  give  you  Thanks/ 

'June  28.     Richard  OJlorne,    the  Perfon    com-  Mr 
plained  of  in  Colonel  Hammond's  laft  Letter  to  the  the' Bar  of  the 
Lord's,  was  brought  to  the  Bar;  when  the  Speaker  Houfe  of  Lord*, 
told  him,  That  that  Houfe  had  received  a  Letter  avo^hls ,c.har£e 

r  •          -  i  •    i    -KT  agamit  Major 

from  him  of  a  very  high  Nature,  whereupon  he  had  RoJph. 

a  Protection  to  come  in.  He  faid,  He  was  come 
to  make  good  what. he  had  written  ;  tut  much  did 
depend  upon  Do-west's  Depofition  to  clear  Things. 

Then  the  Lords  Comn  anded  that  the  Letter  he 
had  written  to  the  Earl  of  Mancbejler,  and  alfo  the 
Copy  of  his  Letter  to  the  Lord  ffrbarton  inclofed, 
(hould  be  fhewcd  unto  him,  which  was  done  (a): 

(4)  Thcfc  are  before  given  at  p,  248. 

efbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

And  it  being  demanded  of  the  faid  O/borne,  Whe- 
ther he  would  avow  the  Letters,  and  juftify  the 
Matter  thereof,  he  anfwered,  Yes  ;  whereupon  the 
Houfe  commanded  rhat  the  faid  Letters  fhould  be 
read  in  his  Prefence  ;  which  was  accordingly  done. 
•The  faid  Mr.  O/borne  being  afked,  What  Wit-' 
ncfles  he  would  defire  to  have  examined  concern- 
ing this  Bufinefs,  he  faid,  Mr.  Dowcet  and  one 
Mr.  Worjley\  and  then  he  withdrew. 

Being  called  in  again  and  fworn,  he  was  aflcecf, 
Whether  Major  Rolph  did  acquaint  him  with  a 
Defign  of  poifoning  the  King  ?  This  he  avowed 
upon  his  Oath. 

Hereupon  the  Lords  ordered  that  Major  Ralph, 
being  accufed  of  High  Treafon  before  that  Houfe, 
{hall  ftand  committed  to  the  Gatehoufe,  Wejlmin- 
J?er,  there  to  be  kept  in  fafe  Cuftody  until  their 
Pleafure  be  further  fignified.  A  Warrant  was  if- 
fued  accordingly,  and  Mr.  Serjeant  Finch  was  or- 
dered to  prepare  a  Charge  againft  the  faid  Major 
Ralph,  and  prefent  the  fame  to  the  Houfe,  after 
Advice  had  with  the  Judges;  Mr.  OJborne  was  bound 
in  a  Recognizance  of  5000  /.  to  make  good  his 
Charge  of  High  Treafon  againft  him,  and  ordered 
to  attend  the  Houfe  of  Lords  the  next  Thurfday, 
and  fo  ds  Die  in  Diem,  for  that  Purpofe.  Mr.  Wor-. 
Jley  and  Mr.  Dowcet  were  alfo  ordered  to  give  their 

who  maketh  his  Attendance  as  WitnefTes.— But  the  Major,  in 

F.icape.  the  mean  Time,  thought  fit  to  make  his  Efcape  : 


The  Lords  order      June  29.  Micbael  Bakrr,  one  of  the  MefTengers 

i  Proclamation    belonging  to  the  Gentleman-Uftier  attending  the 

a°  reheS  *"  Houfe  of  Lords'  Sav^  Account  that  he  had  fearch- 

S?  "  ed  all  Places  about  the  Town   for  Major  Ralph, 

but  could  not  find  him :    Hereupon  their  Lordfhipr, 

ordered  a  Letter  to  be   written  to  Col.  Hammond, 

Governor  of  the  Ifle  of  Wight,  requiring  him  to 

make  Search  there  for  the  Major  ;  and,  upon  Dif- 

covery  of  him,  to  fend   him   up  in   Safety  to  the 

Houfe ;  and  that  a  Proclamation   be  iffued  out  to 

iummon  him  to  come  by  a  certain  Day. 


»/    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  269 

Then  a  Petition  was  prefented  to  the  Lords  from An*  *4  Car 
the  Mafter,  Wardens,  and  Fellowfhip  of  the  tri-  ^     l6*8' 
nity-houfe,  which  was  received  and  read  : 

To  the  Right  Hon.  the  Houfe  of  PEERS  ajjemlled  In 

The  HUMBLE  PETITIONS/"  the  Majler^  Wardens, 
and  Fetloivjhlp  of  TRINITY-HOUSE, 


*  *1PHAT  whereas  they  have  received  a  Petition  A  Petition  pre- 
'    •*•    from  the  younger  Brother  of  their  Corpo-  ffnt*&  t°  Pariia- 

*  ration,  as  alto  from  many  well-affeaed  Seamen,  Kn^Houfif 
'  Matters  of  Ships,  and  others^  therein  expreifing  for  a  Perfonal' 

*  their  Defires  to  prefent    their   Petition  to   thisTreaty  *'»*  ^e 

*  Moft  Honourable  Houfe  ;    we  do,  in  all  humble    Jng* 

*  Manner,   (hew  our  great   Apprehenfion  of  the 

*  many  Difternpers,  both  by  Sea  and  Land,  occa- 

*  fioned  by  the  Means  of  a  difcontented  Party,  who 

*  daily  take  up  Arms  againft  the  Parliament  and 
'  Kingdom  ;    which,  if  not  timely  prevented  by 

*  the  Mercy  of  God  and  the  Wifdom  of  the  Par- 

*  liament,  is  like  to  engage  the  Kingdom  again  in 

*  a  moft  bloody  War,    to  the  endangering  the 

*  long-ex pe&ed  Peace  of  the  three  Kingdoms,  the 
'  Lofs  of  Navigation,  the  obftrufting  of  Trade, 

*  and  the  utter  Ruin  of  many  Thoufands  of  Fa- 

*  milies,  relating  both  to  Marine  and  Land  Affairs, 
'  whofe  Subfiftance  depends  upon  the  Trade  to 
4  and  from  this  Kingdom. 

'  Your  Petitioners  therefore  humbly  pray  your 

*  Lordfhips  to  take  the  PremiiTes  into  your  grave 

*  Wifdoms  and  Confederations,  and  that  a  prefent 
'  Perfonal  Treaty  may  be  had  with  his  Majefty, 

*  which  we  humbly  conceive,  under  God,  is  the 

*  only  Means    for  the  fettling   a  well-grounded 

*  Peace,  both  in  Church  and  Common- wealth ;  v 
4  by  which,  with  the  Blefling  of  God  on  your 

'  Endeavours,  the  prefent  Difternpers  may  be  re- 

*  moved,  and   the   Kingdom  again  reftored   to  a 

*  flouriihing  Condition;  for  which  your  Petitioners, 

*  with 

Parliamentary  HISTORY* 

Car.  I.  with  the  whole  Kingdom,  mall  have  great  Caufe 
to  acknowledge  the  Lord's  Goodnefs,  and  our 
Thankfulnefs  to  this  Moft  Honourable  Aflembly 
for  their  unwearied  Pains  for  the  Good  of  this 
aimoft  undone  Kingdom  ;  and  as  we  have  ever 
{hewed  ourfelves  willing,  with  the  Hazard  of 
our  Lives  and  Fortunes,  to  preferve  the  Parlia- 
ment, fo  we  {hall  be  ready,  to  the  utmoft  of  our 
Powers,  according  to  the  Proteftation  and  Solemn 
League  and  Covenant,  to  aflift  them  in  all  their 
juft  Undertakings,  againft  their  and  the  King- 
dom's Enemies. 

And  your  Petitioners  Jhali  ever  pray,  &c. 

The  Speaker  returned  this  Anfwer : 
*  The  Lords  have  commanded  me  to  return  un- 
to you  their  hearty  Thanks  and  Acknowledg- 
ments for  the  good  Affections  you  have  expref- 
fed  to  the  Parliament  on  many  former  Occafions, 
as  well  as  in  the  Petition  now  prefented  ;  and  the 
Defires  therein  contained  for  the  fettlfng  of  a, 
well-grounded  Peace  :  The  Lords  neither  are, 
nor  at  any  Time  {hall  be,  wanting  to  ufe  their  ut- 
moft Endeavours  for  the  happy  and  moft  fpeedy 
effecting  thereof.' 

On  the  fame  Day  another  Petition  was  prefented 
to  the  Lords,  and  read  ;  but  we  do  not  find  that 
any  Anfwer  was  given  to  it. 

To  the  Right  Honourable  the  Houfe  of  PEERS  af-* 
fembled  in  Parliament, 

The  HUMBLE  PETITION  of  the  Commanders,  Maf- 
ters,  and  Mariners  of  the  Shipping  belonging  to  the 
River  of  Thames,  whofe  Names  art  here  under 

Another  from       * 
the  Watermen      < 
upon  Thames  to 
the  fame  End. 

Humbly  foeweth, 

HP  HAT  your  Petitioners  have,  to  this  Time, 
«      faithfully  affifted,  according  to  their  Oaths 
*  and  feveral  Undertakings,  in  the  Defence  of  this 

*  Kingdom, 

rf   ENGLAND. 

Kingdom,  and  for  the  Preservation  of  his  Ma- 
jefty  and  both  Houfes  of  Parliament  in  their  juft 
Rights  and  Privileges ;  wherein  they  have  chear-  ' "  june. 
fully  adventured  their  Lives,  and  fpent  much  of 
their  Eftates :  /And  your  Petitioners  cannot  but 
acquaint  your  Honours,  that  they  had  of  late  more 
than  Hopes,  fmce  his  Majefty's  evil  Counfeilors 
were  removed  from  him,  and  no  Face  of  an  Enemy 
appearing  to  obftrud,  that,  by  fettling  his  Ma- 
jefty in  his  juft  Rights,  this  miferable  and  jdiC- 
treffed  Kingdom  might  have  enjoyed  an  happy 
and  a  lading  Peace ;  but,  to  the  great  Terror 
and  unfpeakable  Grief  of  your  Petitioners,  they 
find  themfelves  in  a  far  worfe  Condition  than  ever, 
unlefs,  by  the  grave  Wifdom  of  this  great  Affem- 
bly,  it  be  timely  prevented ;  for  when  we  confider 
the  manifold  Dangers  now  upon  us,  and  the  long 
Time  likely  to  be  fpent  before  a  Perfonal  Treaty 
is  likely  to  be  had,  we  may  juftly  fear  the  utter 
Ruin  of  this  our  flourifhing  Kingdom,  efpecially 
confidering  the  many  Armies  already  on  Foot  in 
the  feveral  Parts  thereof,  befides  the  late  falling 
off  of  the  Ships,  which  we  cannot  look  upon  but 
as  a  Bufmefs  of  the  greateft  Danger  which  hath 
yet  happened ;  for,  befides  that  it  is  a  laying  flat 
our  ftrong  Walls,  whereby  we  are  expofed  to 
all  foreign  Invafions,  the  Lofs  of  Trade  will  be 
of  fuch  Confequence,  that  we  fhall  not  need  to 
fear  a  fecond  Ruin;  nor  can  your  Petitioners  con- 
ceive any  Way  how  thofe  Ships  may  be  reduced, 
when  the  Pretence  is  that  the  Peace  of  this  King- 
dom may  be  fettled  by  a  Perfonal  Treaty  with 
his  Majefty,  which  your  Petitioners  are  bold  to 
offer  to  your  Honours,  is  the  Senfe  of  all,  or  the 
greateft  Part  of,  the  Seamen  of  England:  Where- 
fore they  moft  humbly  pray,  that  there  may  be  a 
fpeedy  Treaty  had  with  his  Majefty  for  the  fet- 
ling  the  Peace  of  this  Kingdom ;  and  that,  in  the 
mean  Time,  his  Majefty  may  be  intreated  tore- 
move  to  fome  of  his  Houfes  which  may  be  moft 
convenient,  where  he  may  be  with  Honour,  Free- 
2  *  dcoi 

zjz  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.   24.  Car.  I.  *  dom  and  Safety ;    and  your  Petitioners  {half  bif 

T<HS-        '  ready,  with  their  Lives  and  Fortunes,  to  aflift  the 

»       ^  *  Parliament  againft  all  thofe  that  (hall  oppofe  the 

Jun£          «  fame.     To  all  which  your  Petitioners  humbly 

'  beg  a  gracious  and  fpeedy  Anfwer. 

The  fame  Day,  "June  29,  the  foregoing  Petition^ 
were  prefented  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons  ;  when 
the  Speaker,  by  their  Command,  gave  this  An- 
fwer : 

THE  Houfe  hath  read  the  two  Petitions,  prer- 
fented  by  you  to  them  :  One,  of  the  Maf- 
ter,  Wardens,  and  Fellowftiip  of  Trinity- Houfe'; 
the  other,  of  the  Commanders,  Matters,  and  Ma- 
riners of  the  Shipping  belonging  to  the  River 
Thames  ;  and  a  third  prefented  by  the  Younger 
Brothers  of  your  Corporation,  and  others,  t* 
vourfelves  (b) :  And  as  this  Houfe,  calling  to 
Mind  your  former  faithful  Affiftance  in  thisCaufe", 
fo  likewife,  by  your  Petitions,  they  find  your  Rea- 
dinefs,  with  your  Lives  and  Fortunes,  to  affift 
the  Parliament  in  all  their  juft  Undertakings, 
againft  their  and  the  Kingdom's  Enemies,  accor- 
ding to  the  Proteftation  and  Solemn  League  and 
Covenant :  And,  in  Anfwer  to  your  Defires  of 
a  Perfonal  Treaty  with  his  Majefty,  for  fettling 
a  well-grounded  Peace,  both  in  Church  and 
State,  the  Houfe  hath  commanded  me  to  let  you 
know,  That  they  have  the  fame  Fellow-feeling 
with  you  of  the  Kingdom's  Sufferings  by  War, 
and  the  manifold  Dangers  which  muft  necefia- 
rily  enfue  thereupon  j  and  to  afTure  you,  That 
they  do  really  defire,  and  (hall  faithfully  endea- 
vour to  obtain,  a  fafe  and  well-grounded  Peace : 
And,  in  order  thereunto,  have  fpent  a  great  Paft 
of  this  laft  Month  in  Confiderations  of  Peace, 
and  have  made  fome  Progrefs  therein :  And,  for 

4  the 

(4)  We  find  no  Copy  of  this  entered  ;  nor  is  the  Want  of  it  very 
material,  as  no  doubt  the  Purport  thereof  '.vas  incorporated  into  that 
from  the  Mailer  and  Wardens. 

of   ENGLAND. 

the  more  fpeedy  Difpatch  of  what  further  re-  An 
mains  to  be  done,  the  Houfes  have  appointed  a 
Committee  to  confider  what  the  King  hath  for- 
merly  offered,  and  what  is  further  to  be  offered 
to  the  King  for  his  Satisfaction,  for  fettling  of 
a  fpeedy  and  well-grounded  Peace  ;  and  to  confi- 
der of  Time,  Place,  and  other  Circumftances,  for 
convenience  of  Addrefs  to  be  made  to  his.Maje(ry  j 
which  Committee  have  met,  and  are  enjoined, 
with  all  poflible  Speed,  to  make  Report  to  this 
Houfe  :  Whereupon  they  intend  fo  effectually  Jo 
proceed,  that,  by  the  Bleflmg  of  God,  a  fafe  anal 
well-grounded  Peace  may  be  fpeedily  fettled  : 
And  they  doubt  not  but  what  they  have  done,  and 
ftiall  do  herein,  will  be  fully  fatisfailory,  as  to 
yourfelves,  fo  to  all  the  well-afie&ed  Seamen  of 
this  Kingdom.  And,  for  your  good  Afte&ions 
to  the  Parliament  and  Kingdom,  manifefted  by 
your  former  Actions  in  the  late  War,  and  in  your 
Expreflions  and  Engagements  in  your  prefent 
Petitions,  they  have  commanded  me  to  give  you 

The  foregoing  Petitions,  with  thofe  fent  up  from 
feveral  Counties,  all  calling  for  a  Perfonal  Treaty 
with  the  King,  evidently  mew  that  the  greatelt 
Part  of  the  Nation  was  ftrongly  attached  to  Mo- 
narchy; and  that  the  Murders  and  Mifchiefs  which 
enfued  were  only  done  by  a  few  ill-defigning  Men, 
who,  by  the  Affiftance  of  the  Army,  had  Power  to 
throw  all  Things  into  Anarchy  and  Confufion. 
That  the  Houfe  of  Lords  were  in  earneft  to  bring 
about  a  Reconciliation  with  the  King  appears  by 
the  Proceedings  of  the  next  Day  :  For, 

June  30.  The  Earl  of  Northumberland  reported  The  Vota  of 
from  the  Committee  laft  appointed  to  confider  of  Jan-.  3>  l647, 
what  had  been,  and  what  might  be,  offered  to  the  Addreifcfw^th 
King,  fefc.    That  they  had  refolved  the  beft  Way  king,  vacated. 
for  opening  a  Treaty  with  his  Majefty,  was,  That 
the  Votes  of  January  3,   1647,  forbidding  all  Ad- 
dreffes  to  be  made  to  or  frojn  the  Kirig,  be  taken. 

VOL,  XVII.  S  gff: 


The  Siege  of 


274  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An,  24  Car.  I.  off:  And  that  the  Three  Proportions  fent  intd 
Scotland,  to  be  granted  by  the  King  before  a  Per- 
fonal  Treaty  be  begun,  be  not  infifted  on. 

The  Lords  agreed  to  thefe  Votes,  and  ordered 
them  to  be  fent  down  to  the  Commons  for  their 
Concurrence  :  To  the  fi  rft  of  them  that  Houfc 
agreed  without  a  Divifion,  but  took  Time  to  con- 
fider  of  the  fecond. 

July.  The  Siege  of  Colchefter  had  now  been  car- 
ried on  for  fome  Months,  without  much  Notice 
taken  of  it  in  the  Journals.  This  Town  had  been 
feized  on  by  the  Kentijh  Royalifts  under  the  Com- 
mand of  the  Earl  of  Norwich,  Lord  Capel,  and 
Sir  Charles  Lucas.  Mr.  Ruftjworth  (/>),  has  preferr- 
ed a  very  particular  Diary  of  this  Siege,  to  which 
it  will  be  fufficient  to  refer :  Obferving  only,  That 
the  few  brave  Men  which  compofed  the  Garrifon,, 
held  out  againft  the  Force  of  Lord  Fairfax's  Ve- 
teran Army,  to  the  laft  Extremity  ;  and  were  re- 
duced to  fuch  Diftrefs,  that  Butter  was  fold  at  5*. 
a  Pound,  and  even  Horfe-Flefh  at  icxL . 

On  thefirft  of  this  Month  the  following  Letter 
was  fent  to  the  Houfe  of  Lords  from  Major  Ralph. 

My  Lords, 

*  ID  EING  informed  that  this  Honourable  Houfe 
4  JD  hath  patted  an  Order  for  my  Commitment., 
4  and  knowing  myfelf  (I  fpeak  in  the  Prefence  of 

*  God  who  fearcheth  all  Hearts)  to  be  fo  perte&ly 
clear  and  innocent  of  that  foul  and  horrid  Crime 
charged  upon  me,  that  I  abhor  tjie  very  Thoughts 
both  of  that  and  alfo  of  concealing  myfelf  from 
your  Lordfhips ;    and  therefore  earneftly  defue 
an  Opportunity  of  appearing  for  Vindication  cf 
my  Inriocency  in  this  Matter,  or  whatever  elfe 
Malice  in  wicked  Men  can  lay  againft  me  ;  reft- 
ing  fully  allured,  that  whatfoever  Award  I  may 
find  at  the  Hands  of  Men,  I  (hall  enjoy  the  Hap- 
pinefs  of  an  upright  and  peaceable  Confcience 
with  the  fame  God. 

4  I  fhould 
,  vol.  vir.  P.  1154,  «/«/» 

Wajar  Ralph's 
Letter  to  the    ' 
Hoafeof  Lords, 
stowing  his  In- 

^   ENGLAND,  275 

<  I  mould  ftill  have  attended  your  Lordfliips  Pica-  Art.  24  car.  it 
fure,  had  not  that  Diftemper  of  Body,  which  was  s^         ___, 
before  upon  me,  by  its  Growth,  neceflitated  me         july, 
to  apply  myfelf  unto  the  Ufe  of  Means ;  whereby 
I  am  at  prefent  fo  difabled   that,  without  appa- 
rent Danger,  I  cannot  now  wait  upon  your  Lord- 
fliips ;    the  Truth  whereof   thefe  Bearersj    my 
Surgeons,  can  teftify. 

*  Thus  craving  your  Lordfhips  favourable  Con- 
ftrudlion  of  my  prefent  Condition,  with  Accep- 
tance of  thefe  Lines,  I  reft 

Tour  Lord/hips  mojl  humble 


The  Lords  Shewed  little  Regard  to  this  Letter, 
fur  they  ordered  the  Major  to  be  removed  from  his 
own  Lodging  to  the  Gatehoufe :  He  was  accordingly 
conveyed  thither  in  a  Horfe-Litter,  under  a  Cuard 
of  the  Trained  Bands. 

July  3.  This  Day  Mr.  Dazvcett  one  of  the  Per* 
fous  mentioned  before  to  have  been  acquainted  with 
the  Defign  upon  the  King's  Life,  was  brought  to 
the  Bar  of  the  Hodfe  of  Lords  j  and  being  afked  by 
the  Speaker,  What  he  knew  of  that  Affair,  he  de- 
livered in  a  Paper,  figned  with  his  own  Hand,  which 
was  read  as  follows  : 

1  T  A  M  ready  to  make  Oath  that  Mr.  Rithard  Mr. 

*'  1    0/borne  told  me  the  King's  Perfon    was   in  Declaration  a. 

*  great  Danger ;    and  that  Ralph  had  a  Defign  on  gainlt  him< 

*  Foot  for  conveying  the  King's  Perfon  to  fome 
Place  of  Secrefy,  where  he  might  difpofe  of  his 
Perfon  as  he  thought  fit.     Which  Information 
from  Mr.  OJborne,  and  the  Aflurance  I  had  of 
his  Majefty's  Intentions  forthwith  to  come  to 
his  Parliament,  was   the  Caufe  of  my  engaging 
in  this  Affair. 

*  I  am  ready  likewife  to  depofe,  that  the  faid 
&o!pb  came  to  me  when  I  was  a  Prifoner  in  the 
S  2  '«Caftle$ 


An.    24  Car. 

•— \/ 

mitred  to  the 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

I-  Caftle  ;  and,  in  ajeering  Manner,  afked  me,  Why 
the  King  came  not  down  according  to  his.  Ap- 
pointment ?  And  then,  with  great  Indignation 
and  Fury,  faid,  He  waited  almpft  three  Hours, 
under  the  new  Plat-Form,  with  a  good  Piitoh 
ready  charged,  to  have  received  him  if  he  had 


Hereupon  the  Lords  ordered,  That  Mr.  Ser- 
jeant Finch  ihould  make  ufe  of  this  Paper  in  draw- 
mg  up  a  Charge  againft  Major  Rciph  ;  and  that  he 
be  kept  clofe  Prifoner  in  the  Gatebottfe  until  the 
Pleafure  of  their  Houie  be  further  known. 

in  the 

Motion  for  a 
Perfcnal  Treaty 

WftKtl     Kjng. 

The  fiime  Day  there  was  a  great  Debate  in  the 
Houfe  of  Commons,  upon  a  Motion  for  a  Perfo- 
nal  Treaty  with  the  King  (<:).  Mr.  Thomas  ScMt 
faid,  He  was  of  Opinion  that  there  could  be  no 
Time  fcafonable  for  fuch  a  Treaty,  or  for  a  Peace 
with  fo  prefidious  -and  implacable  a  Prince  ;  but  it 
would  always  be  too  loon,  or  too  late.  He  that 

Scabbaid  into  the  Fire  ;  and  that  all  Peace  with 
him  would  prove  the  Spoil  of  the  Godly.  To  which 
it  was  anfwered.  That  feme  Men  got  v-ell  by  fifh- 
ing  in  troubled  Waters ;  and  accounted  Peace  their 
Spoil,  btxaule  War  was  their  Gain;  and  thefe 
looked  upon  a  Perlbnal  Treaty  as  a  Defign  againfr 
thcmfelves,  (under  the  Notion  of  the  godly,  ho- 
ne'ft,  confiding  Party,)  becaufe  it  was  the  .high 
Way-tO'P<?ace.  But  that  the  Generality  of  the 
People,  who  had  been  defpoiled  of  their  Eftates  by 
the  War,  were  refolved  to  be  no  longer  made  Fuel 
«:o  that  Fire  wherein  thofe  Salamanders  live  j  nor 
any  longer  feed  thofe  Horfe-Leeches  the  Army, 
their  engaged  Party  and  Servants,  with  their  own 
Blood  and  Mai  row  j  and  therefore  were  deter- 
mined upon  a  Personal  Treaty  with  the  King,  as 
the  only  Means  of  fettling  the  Peace  of  the  King- 


(0  Walker's  H$vy  tfbfyoifay, 

of   ENGLAND.  277 

The  next  Point  was,  the   Place  where  fuch  a  An.  24  Car.  I. 
Treaty  (hould  be  held.    For  this  Purpofc  the  Ifle  cf        l648- 
Height  and  the  King's  Houfe  at  Holdenly  were  pro-  *""•    '.j 
pofed,  or  any  other  of  his  Majefty's  Houfes  not  near- 
er than  ten  Miles  ofF  London^  or  the  City  of  London 
itfelf.     The  Independents  were  for  the  two  firft, 
but  principally  affected  the  Ifle  of  Wight.     The 
Prefbyterians  adhered  to  the  two  latter,  but  infifted 
chiefly  for  London.     In  Favour  of  the  City  it  was 
argued,  That  the  Common-Council  and  Officers 
of  the  Soldiery  would  undertake  for  the  King's 
Safety  againft  all  Tumults :    In  any  other  Place 
he  would  be  within  the  Power  of  the  Army,  who 
might  probably  take  him  away  again  (as  they  did  at 
Holdenby)   if  they  liked  not  the  Manner  and  Mat- 
ter of  the  Treaty.     London  was  a  Place  of  rnoft 
Honqgr,  Safety,  and  Freedom ;    and   would  beft 
fatisf^he  King,  the  Scats,  and  the  People :  In  all 
other  Places,  especially  the  Ifle  of  Wight^  he  would 
be  ftill  a  Prifoner  to  the  Army ;  and  therefore  all 
he  fhould  agree  to  would  be  void  by  reafon  of  that 
Durefs.     To  this  Serjeant  Wyld  anfwered,  That 
Cu/lodia  did  not  always,  in  Law,  fignify  Imprifon- 
ment:    Tho'  the  King  was  under  Reftraint  of  the 
Army,  he  was  not  in  Prifon  (making  a  Difference 
between  Reftraint  and  legal  Imprifonment  j)  that 
the  King  cannot  plead  Durefs ;  no  Man  can  impri- 
fonor  hurt  the  King  in  his  political  Capacity  as  King; 
tho'  in  his  natural  Capacity,  as  a  Man,  he  is  as  paf- 
five  as  other  Men.     To  this  it  was  replied,  That  it 
had  been  frequently  faid   in  the   Houfe,  the  King 
was  a  Prifoner ;    and   there  was  no  Difference,  in 
Law,  between  a  Reftraint  and  an  Imprifoment, 
whether  legal  or  illegal.     A  tortorious  Reftraint  is 
called,  in  Law,  a  falfe  Imprifonment.     The  former 
Kings  have  voided  their  own  Acts,  by  pleading  Re- 
ftraint or  Imprifonment,  and  Conftraint,  as  J/tf». 
III.  Ric.  II.    That  the  King  may  as  well  plead  Im- 
prifonment as  the  Parliament  plead  a  Force,  which 
they  have  lately  done.    That  the  King's  Reftraint, 
in  Law,  is  Artta  Cujiodia;  and  they  wifhed  it  might 
83  be 

278  *Ihe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  be  Saha  Cujlod'ia^  though  but   lately  they  had  In- 
%__.  l6*8'._*  f°rmatlon  to  tne  contrary.     The  Diftinction  be- 
ju!v.          tween  the  King's  natural  and  political  Capacity  was 
Treafon  in  the  Spencers  ;   (and  fo  declared  by  two 
Acts  of  Parliament   in  the  Time   of  Ed.   II.  and 
Ed.  III.)  and  my  Lord  Coke^  in  Calvin's  Cafe,  af- 
firmed, They  are  infeparable  by  Law.  In  Anfwer  to 
this  Mr.  Scott  faid,  That  the  City  was  as  obnoxious 
to  the  King's  Anger  as  any  Part  of  the  Kingdom  ; 
and  if  the  Treaty  fhould  be  in  London^  who  could 
fecure  the  Parliament  that  the  City  would  not  make 
their  Peace  with  the  enraged  King,  by  delivering 
up  their  Heads  to  him  for  a  Sacrifice,  as  the  Men 
of  Samaria  did  the   Heads  of  the  feveniy  Sons  of 
Ahab  f  It  was  alfo  further  moved.  That  if  the  King 
came  not  to  London,  but  to  one  of  his  Houfes  about 
ten  Miles   from  thence,    he  might  be  defired   to 
give  his  Royal  Word  to  refide  their  until  thflBon- 
cliifioh   of  the  Treaty,     Colonel   Harvey  flighted 
this  Motion,  vilifying  the  King's  Royal  Word,  and 
faying,  There  was  no  Truft  in  Princes  :    To  this 
Purpofe  he  alledged,  That  the  King's  Promife  had 
been  frequently  broken  ;  as  when  he  protefted  that 
the  Safety  and  Privileges  of  Parliament  fhoujd  be 
as  precious  to  him  as  the  Safety  of  his  Wife   and 
Children ;  and  yet,  within  three  or  four  Days  after, 
came  with  armed  Guards  to  force  the  Houfe,  in 
the  Cafe  of  the  five  Members. 

This  Argument  was  farther  urged  by  Sir  Henry 
Vane,  Jun.  and  Sir  Henry  Mildmay  (d),  who  at- 
tempted to  jnftance  many  Particulars  to  prove  that 
the  King  was  a  perjured  Man,  and  therefore  ought 
in  no  Cafe  to  be  trufted  :  Whereupon  Sir  Symonds 
D'Eives  flood  up,  and  declared  himfelf  to  be  of  a 
contrary  Opinion  ;  for  that  the  Houfe  not  only 
ought,  but  mutt,  truft  his  Majefty  j  and  that  they 
'  were  not  in  a  Condition  to  ftand  upon  fuch  high 
Terms :  For,  faid  he,  '  Tr.  Speaker,  If  you  know 
pot  in  what  ConditK  -are,  givp  me  Leave  19 

a  Word  to  tell  you  : i  ow  Silver   is  clipped  j 


(«/„'  Mtrsurii-z  rra*x:aiic:;:t  N°  16. 

of   ENGLAND.  279 

your    Gold   {hipped  ;     your   Ships   are    revolted  j  An.   24.  Car.  I. 
yourfelves  contemned  ;  your  Scots  Friends  enraged  t      *6*8'     J 
againft  you  ;    and  the  Affections  of  the  City  and         July.""" 
Kingdom  quite   alienated  from  you.     Judge  then 
whether  you  are  not  in  a  low  Condition,  and  alfo 
if  it  be  not  high  Time   to  endeavour  a  fpeedy 
Settlement  and  Reconcilement  with  his  Majefly  ?' 

At  length  the  Houfe  came  to  this  Refolution,  They  refolre  that 
upon  a  Divifion  of  80  againft  72,  That  the  three  his  Majeftyflull 
Propofitions  for  fettling  Church-Government,  for  ^^  jS^g, 
the  Militia,  and  for  recalling  all  Proclamations  and  rioqe  fent  into 
Declarations  againft  the  Parliament,  be  fent  to  the  Scotland,  before 
King  j  and  be  by  him  affented  to,  and  figned  with  £.      *  w 
his  Hand>  before  the  Treaty  :  And  that  the  fame 
be  made  Acts  of  Parliament  when  the  King. (hall 

come  to  Wejlminfter. But  the  Place  of  Treaty 

was  not  fixed  upon  till  fome  Months  after. 

Next  Day  the  Commons  fent  up  the  foregoing 
Vote,  and  another  for  fecuring  and  paying  all  juft 
Debts,  and  making  good  all  Engagements  to  all 
Perfons  that  either  have  been,  or  fhall  be,  engaged 
for  the  Parliament,  before  the  final  ConcluAon  of  a 
Peace.  To  this  laft  the  Lords  agreed ;  but  the  for- 
mer was  referred  to  Confideration  the  next  Morn-  To  which  the 
ing,  and  all  the  Lords  to  be  fummoned  to  appear.  L«ds refufe  th 
At  which  Time,  after  reading  the  faid  Vote,  it  Conc  cncc> 
was  unanimoufly  agreed  to  adhere  to  their  former 
Vote,  That  the  three  Propofitions  fent  into  Scot- 
land, to  be  granted  by  the  King,  before  a  Perfonal 
Treaty  be  begun,  be  not  infifted  on.  A  Com- 
mittee of  Lords  were  alfo  appointed  to  draw  up 
Rcafons,  to  be  given  at  a  Conference  with  the 
fioufe  of  Commons,  why  their  Lordfhips  adhere 
to  their  own  Vote. 

July  5.  A  Petition  was  prefcnted  to  the  Lords, 
by  the  Sheriffs  and  fome  of  the  Aldermen  and 
Common-Council  of  London^  with  another  an- 
both  which  were  read  as  follows : 

S  4.  T* 


Parliamentary  HISTORY 

A  Petition  from 
the  City  of  Lon- 
don, inciofing 

An.  «4  Car.  I.  To  the  Right  Honourable  tin  LORDS  m  the  High 
J648-  Court  of  Parliament  affimbled, 

July.  The  HUMBLE  PETITION  of  the  Lord  Mayor,  Al- 
dermen, and  Commons  of  the  City  of  London  in 
Common  Council  affembled, 


'1  '  HAT  your  Petitioners  fitting  in  Common- 
JL  Council  upon  the  weighty  Affbjrs  of  the  Ci^- 
ty,  had  prefented  unto  them,  by  divers  Field-Offi- 
cers and  Captains  and  their  Com  miilion- Officers 
of  the  Trained  Bands  of  the  City  of  London  and 
the  Liberties  thereof,  the  Petition  hereunto  an- 
nexed j  which  being  openly  read  and  ferioufiy 
confidered,  they  apprehended  that  the  fame  is  of 
great  Concernment,  worthy  of  dueConfideration, 
tending  to  the  Honour  and  Safety  of  the  King, 
the  Prefervation  of  the  Parliament,  and  Settle- 
ment cf  the  Peace  and  Welfare  of  the  City  and 
Kingdom ;  and  they  concurring  with  the  Petition  - 
ers  therein,  have  thought  fit  to  prefent  the  farne 
to  this  Honourable  Houfe  ;  and  they  humbly 
pray  your  Honours  to  take  the  fame  into  your 
Confideration,  and  do  therein  as  in  your  graye 
Wifdoms  you  (hall  think  fit/ 

And  they  Jhall  pi  -ay,  &e. 


Another  from 
the  Officers  of 
their  Militu,  for 

To  the  Right  Honourable  the  L  o  R  D  s  a 

Tie  HUMBLE  PETITION  cf  the  Field-Officers, 
Captains,  and  their  CommijJifjn-Qfficers  of  the 
Trained  Bands  of  the  City  of  London,  and  the 
Liberties  thereof, 


«  '"jp  HAT  out  of  the  deep  Senfe  of  the  fad 
c  JL  Miseries  that  lie  upon  thefe  Kingdoms, 
'  the  only  vifible  Remedy  whereof,  under  God, 
*  TV«  conceive  to  be  a  Perfona^  Treaty  with  his 

«  Majefty, 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  281 

'  Majefty,  (which  happy  Work  we  hear  is  like  to  An«  24  Car.  I. 
'•  be  retarded,  if  noi  fruftrated,  by  Fears  and  Jea- 

*  loufics  fuggefted  if  it  fhould  be  here  in  London 

*  which  is  fo  much  defired,  as  if  inftead  of  Peace  it 
'  would  involve  us  all  in  Blood  by  Tumults  that 

*  might  be  raifed  by  Pcrfons  driving  on  their  own 

*  Deiigns  and  Interefts)  we  think  ourfelves  bound 

*  in  Duty,  for  promoting  fo  defirable  a  \Vork  fo 

*  much  as  in  us  lies,  to  offer  our  Service,  with  our 
'  Lives  and  fortunes,  to  the  utmoft  to  defend  his 
k  jVIajefty's  Royal  Perfon  arid  this  Parliament  from 
4  all   Violence   whatfoever,    that  they   meet  and 

*  treat  with  Freedom,  Honour,  and  Safety,    ao 

*  cording  to  the  ancient  fundamental  Conftitution 
'  of  the  Kingdom ;  and  that  whofoever  {hall,  by 

*  Tumults,  Mutinies,  and  Infurre&ions,  or  other- 
'  wife,  interrupt  or  force  the  Honour,  Freedom, 

*  and  Safety  of  the  King  or  Parliament,  we  and  all 

*  under  our    Commands  (hall  be  ready,    as  one 

*  Man,  to  live  and  die  in  Defence  of  the  King 

*  and  Parliament  according  to  our  Covenant : 

*  Wherefore  we  humbly  pray, 

1.  '  That  for  our  Enablement  thereunto,  the 

*  Militia  for  the  City  of  London  and  adjacent  Parts 

*  may  be  fettled  in  one  Committee  ;    and  if  your 
«  Wifdom  {hall  think  fit  to  join  fofne  Perfons  of 

*  the  Parts  adjacent  to  the  Grand  Committee,  they 
e  may  be  fuch  as  have  no  Places  of  Profit  which 
'  depend  upon  the  Continuance  of  the  War  or  of 
e  our  Troubles  ;  or  have  {hewed  themfelves  dif- 
'  affected  to  the  Ends  of  the  Covenant. 

2.  '  That  the  King  may  be  brought  to  London 

*  with  Freedom,  Honour,  and  Safety,  to  treat  with 

*  the  Parliament    for  fettling  a   fafe    and   well- 
'  grounded  Peace. 

3.  c  That  the  Militia  may  have  Power  to  raife 

*  Horfe,  if  need  be,  for  Defence  of  the  King,  Par- 
4  liament,  and  City. 

And  we  Jhall  pray,  &c. 

The  Petitioners  being  withdrawn,  the  Lords, 
after  Debate,  refolyed,  upon  the  Queftion,  That 


July.          Kin 

^Tbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

the  Houfe  doth  think  fit  that  London  be  the  Plac* 
where  the  PerfonaJ  Treaty  fhall  be  had  with  the 

Then  the  Claufe  in  the  Petition  was  read,  That 
the  Militia  of  London,  Weftminfter,  Southwark, 
and  the  Tower- Hamlets  Jhall  be  joined  together  : 
And  the  Queftion  being  put  thereupon,  it  was  re- 
folved  in'  the  Affirmative. 

Next  the  Defire  of  the  City  To  have  Power  to 
raife  Horfe  was  read  :  This  alfo  being  refolved  in 
the  Affirmative,  a  MefTage  was  fent  to  the  Houfe  of 
Commons  to  defire  their  Concurrence  therein. 

Then  the  Sheriffs  and  others  that  prefented  the 
faid  Petitions,  were  called  in  again ;  and  the  Speaker, 
by  the  Direction  of  the  Houfe,  gave  them  the  fol- 
lowing Anfwer ;  Which,  together  with  the  two  Pe- 
titions, was  ordered  to  be  printed  and  published. 


"TT*  H  E    Lords  have   commanded  me  to   let 
«      you  know,   that  they  have  confidered  of 

*  the  Particulars   this  Day  tendered  by  you   unto 
c  them  :     They  had,    of   themfelves,  made  fome 
'  Progrefs    in    thofe   Things   mentioned  therein ; 

*  and  they  do  now  declare  you,  that  they  have 

*  thought  fit  to  grant  your  Defires  in  all   the  Par- 

*  ticulars  contained   in  the  Petitions  ;    in  Confi- 

*  deuce  that  the  City  of  London  will  be  careful  to 

*  make  good  their  great  Engagement,  now  made, 

*  For  the  fecuring  and  preferving  his  Majefty's  Per- 

*  fon  and  the  Parliament  from  Tumults,  Mutinies, 
* .  and  Infurredtions,  or  other  Diforders  that  may 

*  interrupt  the  Honour,  Freedom,  and  Safety  of  the 
4  King  and  Parliament  j    as  they  cannot  doubt  but 
4  .they  will  ftill  adhere  to  live  and  die  in  Defence  of 

*  their  King  and  Parliament,  according  to  theix 

*  Covenant.* 

The  two  foregoing  Petitions  being  prefented  to 

the  Commons,  they  agreed   to  the  joining  of  the 

Miiiru  of  London  \\-\\t\  Wejlminjier^  •&'{. 

%  ferrcd, 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D. 

ferred  the  other  Particulars  thereof  to   a  further  A" 
Day,  as  being  of  great  Concernment. 

The  fame  Day,  July  5,  a  Petition  was  prefented 
to  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  by  feveral  Commanders 
of  Ships  and  Members  of  the  Trinity- Houfe.  The 
Purport  of  it  is  not  entered  in  their  Journals  ;  but 
Mr.  Rujlwortb  informs  us,  That  it  was  fubfcribed  Several  Sea  Com- 

11        /»•    r»      t    n  rr     •  i      •        r>  manners   offer 

by  eighty  well-affected  Seamen  ofFering  their  oer-  the:r  service  for 
vice,  at  the  Command  of  the  Parliament,  for  reduc-  reducing  the 
ing  the  revolted  Ships  (<?).  Another  Contempo- 
rary  (f)  fays,  This  Petition  was  intended  as  aCoun- 
terpoifo'to  that  prefented  on  the  2Qth  of  June^  from 
the  Mafter  and  Wardens  of  the  Trinity  Houfe,  pref- 
fmg  for  a  Perfonal  Treaty  with  the  King ;  and  that 
Col.  Rainfbvrougb,  the  Parliament's  Vice- Admiral, 
whom  the  Sailors  had  ejected  out  of  that  Port  fome 
little  Time  before  the  Revolt  of  the  Fleet,  was 
employed,  by  the  Committee  at  Derby-Houfe,  to  fo- 
licit  the  common  Sort  of  Mariners  to  fubfcribe  this 
Petition  ;  and  that  he  gave  a  Shilling  a-piece  to  as 
many  as  fubfcribed  it.- —Be  that  as  it  will,  'tis  cer- 
tain, however  it  might  be  procured,  the  Prefent- 
ment  of  it  gave  great  Pleafure  to  the  Houfe  of 
Commons,  as  fully  appears  by  the  following  un- 
common Anfwer  entered  in  their  Journals  : 

Capt.  Moiilton  and  the  reft  of  you  Gentlemen^ 
*  The  Houfe  has  read  your  Petition  with  much 
Content  and  Satisfaction  :  And  you  are  to  be 
thanked,  in  a  fpecial  Manner,  that  you  have  up- 
held the  Honour  of  the  Mariners  of  the  Engllfh 
Nation,  by  your  Fidelity,  in  thefe  Times  of 
Danger,  which  thofe  that  are  revolted  much  ble- 
mifhed  :  And,  for  your  good  Affections  and  cor- 
dial Expreflions,  the  Houfe  has  commanded  me 
to  give  you  hearty  Thanks ;  and  that  you  deferve 
more  than  Thanks :  And  the  Houfe  has  given 
Order,  that  thofe  Things  that  you  defire  be  put 
into  fpeedy  and  effectual  Execution.' 

f«)  CtHetlitst,  Vol.  VIII.  p.  1177,        (f)  Walker,  utfufra. 

284  T&e  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

*4  Car.  I.  July  6.-  A  Letter  and  Paper  from  the  Parlia- 
*648-  ^  merit's  Commiflioners  refiding  in  Scotland,  was 
"~TC  read  in  the  Houfe  of  Lor.ds  : 

For  tie  Right  Honourable  EDWARD  Earl  of 
MANCHESTER,  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of 
Peers  pro  Tempore. 

Edinburgh,  'June  27,   1648. 
May  it  pleafe  your  Lord/kip,  , 

Mw»  Papers  fent  e    %7  OUR    Lordfiiips   MefTenger  came  to    us 

the    2lft  of  this 

ftant  June^  and  brought  us  the  three  Propofi- 
'  tions,  with  Directions  to  communicate  them  to 
'  the  Parliament  of  Scotland;  but  they  were  ad- 
«  journed  for  almoil  two  Years.  Becaufe  this 
'  could  not  be  known  by  your  Lordfhips  when 

*  you  made  that  Refolution,  we  thought  fit,  for 
'  your  Lordfhips   Service,  to  communicate  them 
«  to  the  Committee  of  Eftates,  which  we  did  the 

*  Day  following  ;    and  with  them  fent  a  Letter 

*  and  the  inclofed   Paper  of  June  the  22d.     We 

*  did  likewife  give  in  to  the   faid  Committee  the 
'  inclofed  Paper  of  June  17,  whereunto  they  have 
«  promifed  an  Anfwer.     In  the  mean  Time  they 
'  make  great  Hafte  in  the  railing  of  their  Army, 
'  which  is  drawing  near  the  Borders. 

4  We  believe  we  {hall  not  be  able  to  do  your 
4  Lordfhips  much  more  Service  here,  and  there- 

*  fore  would  be  glad,  if  your  Lordfhips  fhould  think 

*  fit,  to  have  Leave  to  return  home.     However, 
'  we  fhall  not  prefer  our  Defires  before  your  Lord- 
<•  ftiips  Service. 

My  Lord, 

TCyur  Lordfhips  mo/l  faithful 
and  humble  Servant, 

P.  B.  *  We  were  deiired  by  Monfteur  de  Man- 
'  ireuil,  the  French  Refident  here,  who  hath  car- 
e  ried  civilly  towards  us,  to  give  him  a  Pafs  through 

*  England^ 

of    ENGLAND.  285 

England)  he  beinsc  returning  about  the  AfFairs  of  An-  .24  Car 
the  King  his  Matter  :    We  told  him   we  had  no  t__  lt>4_ 
Authority  to  command  his  Paflage,  but  we  would          juiy. 
defire  it,  in  a  Paper  under  our  Hands.     This  we 
have   done  accordingly,  directed   To  all  Officers, 
Soldiers,  and  other  Perfons  ivhatfutver  whom  it  may 
concern,  within  the  Kingdom  of  Englanr',     Of  this 
we  thought  it  our  Duty  to  give  you  Notice.' 

A  C  o  P  Y  of  the  PAPER  fent  to  the  Committee  if 
Ejifites,  concerning  their  declaring  again/I  thofe  in 
Berwick  and  Carlifle,  and  that  the  Scots  Forces 
Jhall  not  be  employed  to  the  Prejudice  of  England. 

Edinburgh,  Jims  17,  1648. 
the  Commiflioners  of  the  Parliament 
of  England,  have  long  waited  for  a  fa- 
tisfa&ory  Anfwer  to  our  many  Papers  given  to 
your  Lordfhips  and  the  Honourable  the  Parlia- 
ment of  Scotland,  concerning  our  Demand,  That 
your  Lordfhips  would  declare  again  ft  thofe  De- 
linquents, Papifts,  and  Enemies  to  the  Kingdom 
and  Parliament  of  England,  who,  .contrary  to  the 
Treaties  betwixt  both  Kingdoms,  have  feized, 
and  do  hold,  the  Towns  of  Berwick  and  CarliJJs, 
and  thofe  of  this'K.ingclom  who  afijft  them  or  ad- 
here to  them :  We  have,  from  Time  to  Time, 
made  known  to  your  Loralhips  what  credible 
Informations  we  have  received  of  fcveral  Stores 
of  Ann?,  Ammunition,  anu  Provifions  that  .have 
gone  to  them  out  of  this  Kingdom,  which  we 
might  juftly  expect  your  Lordfhips  would  not 
have  fuffered,  confidering  the  Ariel:  Union  that 
is  betwixt  England  and  Scotland,  although  there 
had  been  no  particular  Agr7cments  concerniag 
the  aforefaid  Towns ;  but  feeing  the  Commanders 
in  thofe  Towns  have  ftill  free  Recourfe  to  this 
City,  and  they  are  not  only  fupplied,  but  much, 
encouraged,  by  the  Delay  of  your  Lordfhips  Re- 
folutions ;  which  being  fo  much  to  the  Prejudice 
of  the  Kingdom  of  England,  and  the  Bufinefs  of 
fo  great  Importanc^to  the  Peace  of  both  King- 
c  <  doxns- 


An.    24.  Car.  I- 
1618.      . 

*The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

doms,  we  fhould  much  fail  in  the  Difcharge  of 
our  Duties,  if  we  ceafed  not  earneftly  to  prefr 
your  Lordlhips,  which  hereby  we  do,  for  year 
Anfiver  to  our  feveral  Papers  concerning  Berwick 
and  Carlijk. 

'  We  do  likewife  further  defire,  That  as  we, 
by  the  Command  of  both  Houfes  of  the  Parlfa- 
ment  of  England,  have  engaged  the  Faith  of 
that  Kingdom,  that  their  Armies  and  Forces  fhall 
not  do  any  thing  to  the  Prejudice  of  the  King- 
dom of  Scotland^  or  difturb  the  Peace  and  Quiet 
thereof;  fo  your  Lordfbips  would  make  the  iike 
Engagement,  that  the  Armies  and  Forces  of  this 
Kingdom  (hall  not  do  any  thing  to  the  Prejudice 
or  Difturbance  of  the  Peace  and  Quiet  of  the 
Kingdom  of  England  ;  which  if  your  Lordfhips 
(hall  deny  or  delay,  confided  ng  how  ambiguous 
your  Lordmips  Expreflions  were  upon  this  Buh- 
nefs,  in  the  Paper  of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland^ 
of  the  /th  of  June  Inftant,  it  muft  needs  in- 
creafe  the  Fears  and  Jealoufies  of  all  honeft  Men 
in  both  Kingdoms,  who  wifh,  and  hold  them- 
felves  obliged  to  endeavour,  the  continuing  and 
preferving  the  happy  Union  betwixt  them. 
By  Command  tf  the  Conimijflionen  of  the  Parlia- 
ment of  England, 


jfCoPY  of  the  PAPER  fcnt  to  'the  Committee' of 
Ejlatei,  June  22,  1648,  with  the  THREE 
PROPOSITIONS  to  be Jent  to  the  King (g). 

'   "ROTH  Houfes  of  the  Parliament  of  England 

*  J.J  have  commanded  us  to  communicate  to  your 
'  Lordfhips  their  Refolutions  inclofed,  concerning 

*  the  Proportions  to  be  fent  to  his  Majefty ;  and 
'  we  have  further  in  Charge  to  defire  your  Lord- 
'  fnips  to  prepare  fuch   Propofitions  as  you  ihall 
c  judge  fit  and  neceflary  for  the  Kingdom  of  Scot- 
'  land+  that  they  may  be  fent  to  his  Maiefty  with 
4  all  convenient  Speed.     We  hope  your  Lordfhips 

*  will  take  this  and  our  former  Papers,  to  which 

'  we 
(g)  Thsfe  Propofitioiw  are  already  given  at  p.  £29» 

of    ENGLAND.  287 

we  have  yet  received  no  Anfwer,  into  your  fpeedy  .AB-  24  Car» 
Confideration  ;  we  being  confident  your  Lord-  *  ' 
{hips  will  find  the  Offers  and  Proceedings  of  the 
Parliament  of  England  fo  reafonable  and  fo  juft, 
according  to  the  former  Agreements  betwixt  both 
Kingdoms,  and  the  Grounds  whereupon  both 
Kingdoms  were  engaged  in  this  Caufe,  that  we 
(hall  fpeedily  be  enabled,  by  your  Lordftiips  An- 
fwer, to  give  fuch  an  Account  to  bothHoufesas 
may  be  a  Ground  of  further  mutual  Confidence 
betwixt  both  Kingdoms;  and  may  difappoint  the 
Hopes  and  Expectations  of  the  Papifts  and  Ma- 
lignants,  who  endeavour  to  break  that  Coujunc- 
tion  wherein  both  Kingdoms,  by  the  Blefling  df 
God,  are  fo  happily  united,  and  all  of  us  have 
entered  into  a  Solemn  Covenant  to  God,  and  one 
with  another,  to  maintain. 

By  Command  of  the  Commijjioners  of  the  Parlia- 
ment of  England, 


The  Commons  this  Day  rcfolved,  That  all  the 
Papers  relating  to  the  Negotiations  between  the 
Englifh  Commiflioners  and  the  Parliament  of  Scot- 
land^ fhould  be  forthwith  printed  and  publifhed.  But 
this  was  not  done  till  the  J4th  of  Auguft  following. 
To  this  Colic  fi  ton  (h]  we  are  obliged  for  feveral  Pa- 
pers not  entered  in  the  Journals  of  either  Houfe. 

At  this  Time  came  Intelligence  of  500  Horfe  be- 
ing got  together  near  Kmgjlon  upon  Thames^  head-  Thc 
ed  by  the  Earl  of  Holland  and  the  Duke  of  Buck-  Buck 
ingbam,    with   his   Brother  Lord  Francis  Villiers'\  Earls 
that  the  Earl  of  Peterborough  had  joined  them;  that  J 
they  had  declared   for  the  King ;    fummoned  the  Arms  infau 

Country  of  thc  KinS- 

(A)  In  the  Tide-Page  the  Defign  of  the  Publication  is  thus  fct 
forth  :  That  it  may  appear  nvbat  the  Endeavours  of  tbe  Kingdom  of 
England  bai-e  been  to  keep  a  good  Undcrftar.ding,  and  to  preserve  tbe 
Union  bettcfcr.  the  Natitns  :  And  boiv  tbe  Seizing  of  Berwick  aad 
Carlifle  by  Papi/h  and  other  notorious  Delinquents  (againft  ivbom  both 
Kingdtmi  lately  juimd  in  War  as  Emmies  fo  the  Happinejs  and  Peace 
cf  bath)  ivas  countenanced,  if  not  procured,  by  tbe  Scots  Nation,  con- 
trary to  federal  Treaties  and  Agreements  between  tbe  Kingdoms  of 
England  and  Scotland. 

London^  printed  for  Edward  HuJlanJ,  Printer  to  the  Honourable 
Houfe  of  Commons,  Sti/£uji  14,  1648. 


Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  04  Car.  I.  Country  to  come  in  ;    and  plundered  fome  of  the 
1     l648'      •  Parnament's  Friends.     This  Affair  foon  difcovered 
julj,t         itfelf  more  fully  :  For, 

July  7.  A  Letter  was  read  in  the  Houfe  of 
Lords,  from  Col.  Dinglty  at  Hampton-Court ,  di- 
rected thus : 

For  my  Honoured  Friend,  JOHN  BROWN,  Eft, 
Clerk  of  the  Parliament^ 

SIR,  July  6,   1648. 

*  *T*HESE  Letters  are  of  much  Concern  to  the 
c  A  Publick  Bufincfs,  therefore  I  defire  the 
c  Packet  may  be  delivered  with  all  Speed  ;  for  the 
'  timely  Notice  may  prevent  much  Danger. 

Tour  Servant, 


In  the  Packet  were  three  Letters  incloied  ;  one 
directed  for  the  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords, 
another  for  that  of  the  Commons,  and  a  third  for 
the  Lord  Mayor.  The  two  laft  were  immediately 
fent  as  directed,  and  the  firft  was  read  as  follows  : 
together  with  a  Declaration  under  the  fame  Cover. 

F&r  the  Right  Hon.   the  SPEAKER  cf  the  Houfe  of 

My  Lord, 

WE  do  here  take  away  your  Jealoufies, 
by  giving  you  a  clear  Knowledge  of  our 
Defigns  j  which  if  you  fhall  be  pleafed  to  com-- 
municate  to  the  Houfe  of  Peers,  we  hope  they 
will  find  we  do  not  vary  from  thofe  Principles 
and  Grounds  we  have  been  engaged  in,  both 
for  his  Majefty  and  the  Parliament ;  which  God 
give  them  Grace  fo  to  think  and  advife  upon  it, 
as  his  Majefty  may  find  his  juft  Rights,  accprd- 
ing  to  our  Covenant  and  Declarations,  and  the 
Parliament  rife  and  recover  the  Dignity  due  unto 

«  them, 

of   ENGLAND. 

c  unto  them,  by  a  fpeedy  Way  of  fettling  the  Peace  An.  24  car.  r. 
*  of  this  diftrafted  Kingdom.  t      l6*8'     » 

Tour  Lord/hip's  mo/1  humble  Servants, 




The  DECLARATION  of  the  Duke  of  Buckingham, 
the  Earls  of  Holland  and  Peterborough,  and  other 
Lords  and  Gentlemen,  now  ajjociated  for  the  King 
and  Parliament,  the  Religion,  Laws,  and  Peace 
of  his  Majejlfs  Kingdoms. 

FINDING  this  Conjuncture  to  be  the  proper  A  Declaration  of 
Time  when  this  wearied  Kingdom  may  be  their  Intentions, 
delivered  from  thofe  Miferies  it  both  hath  and 
may  apprehend  yet  to  feel  by  fuch  Perfons  as  are 
ill  affected  to  our  Peace  ;  who  at  this  Time, 
without  Authority  orCommiffions,  difperfe  them- 
felves  into  all  Parts  to  raife  Forces,  with  no 
other  Intention  but  to  continue  a  bloody  and  in- 
teftine  War ;  which  may  prove  dangerous  to  the 
whole  Kingdom  from  the  Affiftance  they  find  by 
the  Committees  of  the  feveral  Counties,  who 
have  fo  abufed  their  Power  and  the  People  by  an 
arbitrary  Way  of  Government,  as  they  fhun  and 
apprehend  nothing  more  than  what  we  (hall  en- 
deavour and  feek,  Peace  and  a  well-fettled  Go- 
vernment :  And  therefore  that  the  whole  King- 
dom may  be  fatisfied  upon  what  Grounds  and 
Principles  we  go  to  oppofe  and  prevent  this  Mif- 
chief  and  Danger,  we  do  here  declare,  That  we 
do  take  up  Arms  for  the  King  and  Parliament, 
Religion  and  the  known  Laws,  and  Peace  of  all 
his  Majefty's  Kingdoms  ;  profeffing  before  Af- 
mighty  God,  That  we  have  no  other  Defign  in  , 
this  Undertaking,  but  to  fee  this  well  and  fpee- 
dily  eftablifhed  ;  and  will,  with  Readinefs  and 
Joy,  lay  them  down  whenfoever  God  fhall  give 
us  the  Enjoyment  of  this  Bleffing  ;  profeffing 
that,  whatfoever  may  be  our  Succeis  and  Profpe- 
VOL.  XVII.  T  <  rity 


An.    24  Car.  1 


The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

rity  in  this  good  Caufe,  we  {hall  not  fay  by  way 
of  Menace  to  the  Parliament,  that  we  will  ufe 
the  Power  God  hath  put  into  our  Hands ;  but 
{hall  blefs  God  that  he  hath  made  us  the  Inftru- 
ments  to  ferve  the  King,  the  Parliament  and 
Kingdom,  in  the  way  of  Peace,  in  a  juft  and 
equal  Compofure  between  them  :  And  we  hope 
the  City  and  Kingdom  will  well  weigh  and  con- 
fider,  whether  they  may  not  more  reafonably  and 
confcionably  join  with  us  in  thefe  pious  and  peace- 
able Refolutions,  than  with  thofe  Forces  that 
have,  by  their  Breach  of  Faith  and  their  Difobe- 
dience,  kept  up  the  Sword,  when  thofe  that  de- 
livered it  into  their  Hands  commanded  the  laying 
of  it  down ;  which  Difobedience  hath  brought 
this  frefh  Storm  of  Blood  that  is  now  falling  up- 
on this  Kingdom,  and  all  thofe  Fears  and  Con- 
fufions  that  Petitions  daily  {hew  to  be  in  the 
Thoughts  and  Apprehenfions  both  of  the  City 
and  the  whole  Kingdom.  We  might  add  fad 
Circumftances  that  are  of  late  difcovered  and 
broken  out  concerning  his  Majefty's  Perfon,  and 
likewife  a  confufed  and  levelling  Undertaking  to 
overthrow  Monarchy,  and  to  turn  Order,  that 
preferves  all  our  Lives  and  Fortunes,  into  a  wild 
and  unlimited  Confullon  :  But  we  defire  not  to 
exprefs  any  Thing  with  Sharpnefs,  fmce  our 
End  and  Purfuit  is  only  Peace  ;  which  {hall  ap- 
pear to  all  the  World,  whenfoever  we  may  fee 
a  Perfonal  Treaty  fo  begun  with  his  Majefty  as 
we  may  expect  a  happy  Conclufion  by  it  j  which 
cannot  follow  but  by  a  Ceflation  of  Arms,  that 
in  all  Parts  of  the  World  hath  accompanied  thefe 
Treaties,  even  between  the  bittereft  Enemies, 
Cbrijlians  and  Turks,  much  more  to  be  expected 
in  thefe  our  civil  Divifions  amongft  ourfelves ;  for 
the  Sword  fliould  not  be  in  Action  as  long  as  a 
Treaty  of  Peace  is  in  Agitation,  fince  Accidents 
of  Hoftility  on  both  Sides  will  fliarpen  and  divide 
us  rather  than  clofe  and  unite  us.  This  we  thought 
fit  both  to  defire  and  to  declare,  that  theDifcourfes 
that  may  be  raifed  upon  our  Actions  may  not 

«  have 

*f   ENGLAND.  291 

have  Power  to  abufe  the  Kingdom,  as  if  we  did  An.  14.  Car 
only  move  in  a  Way  to  fet  up  his  Majefty  in  a  ^_ 
Tyrannical  Power,  rather  than  in  his  juft  Regal  ju]y< 
Government ;  the  which  hath  been  always  found, 
in  this  Nation,  very  well  confiftent  with  the  due 
Rights  and  Freedom  of  Parliament,  which  we 
do  here  moil  faithfully  proteft  the  endeavouring  a 
Prefervation  of,  and  call  God  to  witnefs  our  Sin- 
cerity in  this  Intention. 




The  Letter  to  the  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons and  to  the  Lord  Mayor,  are  not  entered  ia 
the  Journals  :  But  in  our  Collections  we  find  a  Copy 
thereof,  printed  by  Royjhn  :  The  former  is  exact- 
ly the  fame  as  that  fent  to  the  Lords,  mutatis  mu- 
tandis, and  the  latter  runs  thus : 

To  the  LORD  MAYOR,    ALDERMEN,   and  COM- 
MONS of  the  City  in  Common-Council  ajjembled. 

HAVING  a  long  Time  beheld  the  fad  Ca-  And  another 
lamities  and  Miferies  of  thefe  Kingdoms,  Letter  from  them 
and  finding  no  other  Means  for  Redrefs,  we  are  to  the  city  °^ 
forced  into  this  Undertaking  ;   which  we  delire    °n  °a* 
may  be  rightly  underftood  of  all  that  are  well  af- 
fe£ted,  efpecially  of  this  City,  whofe  Actions  and 
Endeavours  do  fufficiently  evidence  their  good 
Affections.     To  this  End  we  have  inclofed  a 
brief  Account  of  our  Intentions,  which  we  hope 
may  give  Satisfaction  both  to  you  and  the  whole 
Kingdom,  whofe  Afliftance,  with  God's  Blefling, 
we  deiire  no  farther  than  our  Defigns  are  real  for 
the  Good  and  Happinefs  both  of  the  King,  Par- 
liament, and  Kingdom,  according  to  our  Cove- 

Tour  humble  Servants, 

T  2  The 


— v — 


Their  Attempt 
defeated  by  the 

292  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

24  Car.  I.  The  foregoing  Letters  being  read  in  the  Houfe 
of  Commons,  they  immediately  pafled  a  Vote,  de- 
claring the  Duke  of  Buckingham,  the  Earls  of  Hol- 
land and  Peterborough,  and  all  that  have  or  fhall 
adhere  to  them,  Traitors  and  Rebels,  as  levying 
War  againft  the  Parliament  and  Kingdom  j  and 
that  they  ought  to  be  proceeded  againft  as  fuch  : 
Alfo  that  the  Committees  in  the  feveral  Counties, 
where  any  of  their  Eftates  lie,  do  forthwith  pro- 
ceed to  the  Sequeftration  thereof. 

This  Attempt  in  Favour  of  the  King  proved 
abortive,  the  Forces  ratfed  upon  that  Occafion  be- 
ing totally  routed,  a  few  Days  after,  by  Sir  Michael 
Livefay  and  Major  Gibbons.  The  Earl  of  Holland 
fled  to  St.  Neat's,  in  Huntingdon/hire,  where  he 
was  taken  by  Col.  Scrape  j  and  being,  by  Order  of 
Parliament,  committed  to  Warwick-Caftle,  conti- 
nued a  Prifoner  till  he  loft  his  Head  upon  the  Scaf- 
fold. The  Duke  of  Buckingham  and  the  Earl  of 
Peterborough  made  their  Efcape  into  London,  and 
there  lay  concealed  till  they  found  an  Opportunity 
of  going  into  Holland,  and  joining  the  Prince  ot 
Wales..  The  Motives  to  this  Infurre&ion,  and  the 
Particulars  of  the  Defeat,  are  amply  related  by  the 
Contemporary  Hiftorians  (*'). 

July  8.  The  Earl  of  Lincoln  reported  the  Rea- 
fons  for  adhering  to  the  Vote  of  the  30th  of  Jurit 
laft  j  which  being  read  were  approved  of,  and  or- 
dered to  be  communicated  to  the  Commons  at  a 

The  Lords  Rea- 
fons  for  not  in- 
fjfting  on  the 
Three  Propofi- 
tions  previous  to 
a  Treaty  with 
the  King. 

REASONS    why  the  LORDS  adhere  to  their  former 


i.  «  T^Ecaufc  the  Condition  of  the  Affairs  of  the 
£  D  Kingdom,  at  this  Time,  will  not  permit 
Delays,  but  require  all  poflible  Expedition  ;  to 
fatisfy  the  Expectation  of  the  People,  who  un- 
fatiably  thirft  after  Peace,  as  it  is  manifefted  by 
feveral  Petitions  from  the  City,  feveral  Counties, 
and  the  Mariners  j  whereby  it  appears  they  are 

*  impatient 

(/)  Clarendon,  Vol.  V.   p.  IM,  174.     Whitlcckt,  p.  313.     War- 
ck'i  Memoirs,  p.  315.     Lvdltw,  Vol.  I.  p.  155. 

^ENGLAND.  293 

*  impatient  of  Delay  of  a  Perfonal  Treaty,  which  An.  24  Car.  I, 
'  they  have  exprefTed  to  be  the  only  Means  to  ob-        *6* 

4  tainaPeace:  But  this  is  like  to  be  a  dilatory  Way,         July.  " 

*  in  the  Judgment  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  if  they 
4  fhould  defer  the  Treaty  with  his  Majefty  until 
'  he  hath  promifed   to  pafs  thefe  three  Bills  before 
'  all  other  Things   are  agreed  on ;    for  the  King 

*  hath  often  exprefly  declared,  that  he  will  not  con- 
4  fent  to  any  Pre-engagement  till  all  be  concluded ; 
4  and  therefore  it  may  be  well  expected  that  the 
4  fending  thefe  Proportions,  as  previous,  will  beget 
4  a  Denial,  which  muft  needs  protract  Time. 

2.  4  It  is  againft  the  Nature  of  all  Treaties  be- 
4  twixt  Nations,  and  betwixt  Kings  and  their  Sub- 

*  jec~rs,  for  one  Party  to  grant  the  greateil  Part  in 

*  Controverfy,  before  he  be  afTured  that  the  other 
'  Party  will  grant  any  Thing  for  his  Security  and 
4  Satisfaction. 

3.  '  It  may  make  a  Breach  between  the  two 

*  Kingdoms  ;  for  our  Brethren  of  Scotland  do  in- 
4  fift  upon  a  Perfonal  Treaty  with   his  Majefty  at 
'  fome  of  his  Houfes,  where  he  may  be  with  Ho- 
4  nour,  Safety,  and  Freedom ;  that  fo  both  King- 

*  doms,  jointly,  may  make  their   Application  to 

*  him  for  a  fafe  and  well-grounded  Peace :    But 
'  there  is  no  Certainty,  nor  much  Probability,  of 
'  their  confenting  to  defer  the  Treaty  till  thefe  three 
4  Propofitions  be  granted ;  therefore  the  Lords  hold 
'  it  beft  to  proceed  according  to  what  they  have  al- 
'  ready  agreed  on. 

4.  4  That  both  Houfes  thought  fit  to  treat,  both 
4  at  Uxbridge  and   Oxford^  without   any  precedent 
4  Propofitions  granted,  tho'  the  King  at  that  Time 
4  was  provided  with  confiderable  Forces  to  balance 
'  that  of  the  Parliament,  whereas  the  Cafe  is  now 
4  far  different ;  wherefore  the  Lords  think  they  may 

*  better  do  fo  now.' 

*  La/lfy,  The  Lords  are  unwilling  to  leave  any 
4  Means  unattempted  for  the  Procurement  of  a 
<  Settlement  of  this  miferably  diftracted  Nation ; 
•*  and  therefore  the  King,  having  fo  often,  by  his 

*  MefTages,  reiterated  his  Defires  to  be  heard  that 

T  3  4  he 

ffljg  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

<  he  might  give  Reafons  for  what  is  ftuck  at  on  his 
f  Part ;  or  receive  Reafons  whereby  his  Judgment 
c  might  be  convinced,  concerning  thofe  Things  de- 
6  manded  on  the  Parliament's  Part ;  the  Lords 

*  think  that,  by  their  yielding  and  complying  with 
t  his  Majefty  herein,  they  (hall  approve  themfelves 

*  to  God  and  to  the  World  in  fuch  Manner,  that  if 
4  the  King  ftiould   not  condefcend   to  grant  fuch 
4  reafonable  and  juft  Demands  as  (hall  appear,  to 
'  all  indifferent  and  difengaged  Perfons,  to  he  ne- 

*  ceflary  to  the  breeding  of  a  mutual  Confidence 

*  betwixt  the  King  and  Parliament,  it  will  redound 

*  wholly  to  his  own  Difadvantage;  but  the  Parlia- 
'  ment  will  have  acquitted  themfelves  in  the  Dif- 

*  charge  of  their  Duty,  and  manifefted  really,  as 

*  well   as  verbally,  their  fincere  Defire  to  obtain 
«  Peace,  which  ought  to  be  the  End  aimed  at  in  all 
1  juft  Wars. 

'  The  Lords  defire  further,    in  thefe  Things, 

*  clearly  to  be  underftood,   That  though  they  ad- 
'  here  to  their  former  Vote  of  the  30th  of  June 

*  laft;    yet  their  Intentions  are,  that  thefe  three 
'  Propositions  may  be   firft  treated  of  and  agreed 

*  upon,  as  Proportions  in   the  Beginning  of  this 
'  Treaty,  to  be  parted  as  Acts  of  Parliament,  when 
6  the  whole  (hall  be  concluded  and  agreed  upon.' 

The  fame  Day  another  Letter  from  Col.  Ham- 
rnond,  concerning  the  Charge  againft  Major  Ralph, 
was  read,  directed  to  the  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of 

CariJbrooke-Ca/lle,  July  4,  1648. 
My  Lord, 

Col.  Hammond's  c  13  EING  deeply  fenfible  of  the  Reflection  upon 
Vindication  of  '  D  me,  and  divers  other  innocent  Perfons,  by 
-him?lf^°Uch"  '  Mr-  OJbornis  Proceedings  in  Excufe  of  his  odi- 

ing  the  Charge  ,_,-'        ,  T  <=>  .         .. 

againft  Major  c  ous  Treachery ;  1  am  bold  to  beg  of  you,  that  this 
Rolph.  *  Charge  againft  Major  Ralph  may  be  brought  to 

'  a  fpeedy  Examination ;  who,  I  am  confident, 
'  will  appear  a  Man  exceedingly  injured,  and  this 
*  only  a  Defign  to  work  greater  Difturbances  in 
f  thefe  diftra<5ted  Times. 


^ENGLAND.  295 

*  As  this  horrid* Scandal  relates  to  the  Army,  I  An.  14  Car.  I. 
muft  fay,  that,  neither  directly  nor  indirectly, 

from  any  Member  of  it,  or  from  any  other 
Perfon  or  Perfons  whatfoever,  did  I  ever  re- 
ceive a  Word  or  Tittle  tending,  in  the  leaft, 
to  fuch  a  wicked  Purpofe  ;  much  lefs,  as  it 
relates  to  myfelf,  could  I,  or  did  I,  fpeak  any 
fuch  Thing  to  Major  Ralph.  But  this  is  not  the 
firft  Fruit  of  this  Kind  I  have  received  for  my 
faithful  Service  to  you,  nor  is  it  more  than  what 
I  have  expected  ;  yet  herein  I  am  fatisfied,  that, 
in  Faithfulnefs  and  Integrity,  I  have  obferved  your 
Commands  with  all  poflible  Care  of,  and  Refpecl; 
to,  the  Perfon  of  the  King  ;  fo  that,  come  what 
will  come,  I  can  fay,  from  a  good  Confcience, 
the  Will  of  God  be  done  :  And  in  this  I  appeal 
to  his  Majefty,  who,  of  any  Man,  beft  knows 
it ;  and  who  doth,  and  I  doubt  not  will  ftill, 
upon  every  Occafion,  as  Opportunity  ferves,  fuf- 
ficicntly  clear  me. 

*  My  Lord,  if  thro*  Mr.  OJlornis  Malice,  or  ra- 
ther the  wicked  Deflgn  of  thofe  who  have  fet  him  - 
on  Work,  you  have  received  the  leaft  Prejudice 
againft  me,  be  pleafed  to  fend  down  fome  other, 
whom  you  may  judge  more  worthy  of  your  Truft, 
to  receive  my  Charge  j  and  I  fhall  immediately, 
with  all  poflible  Speed,  prefent  myfelf  to  you  to 
receive  your  Pleafure.    In  the  mean  Time  it  fhall 
be  the  Bufmefs  of  my  beft  Endeavours  to  preferve 
his  Majefty's  Perfon  from  Danger,  as  well  as  in 
Security,  in  this  Place,  according  to  your  Com- 
mands, until  I  receive  Inftru&ions  for  his  Re- 
moval ;  which  I  hope  and  expect  will  be  fudden. 

'  My  Lord,  when  I  am  thoroughly  confidered, 
you  will  find  none  more  faithful  to  you,  and  more 
obfervant  to  your  Commands,  than, 

Tour  Lord/hip's  mojl  bumble  Servant, 


July  12.  A  Petition  was  prefented  to  the  Lords, 
by  Alderman  Fowke  and  others,  of  a  different  Ten- 
T  4  dencyv 


The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.   24  Car.  I.  dency  to  any  of  the  foregoing,  and  wherein  the 
1648.         j^ing  is  much   more  flighted  :    This  we  find  no 
where  but  in  their  Journals. 


A  Petition  from 
feveral  Citizens 
of  London,  not 
to  make  Peace 
with  the  King 
without  previous 

To  the  Right  Honourable  the  LORDS  and  COMMONS 
in  Parliament  ajjembled, 

The  HUMBLE  PETITION  of  divers  -well-affefied 
Magijlrates,  Mini/lers,  Citizens,  and  other  In- 
habitants of  the  City  of  London,  and  Parts  ad- 


'T'  A  A  T  we  cannot  but  take  Notice  of  the 
•*•  many  Obftru&ions  you  have  met  withall, 
whilft,  with  indefatigable  Care  and  Diligence, 
you  have  been  earneftly  labouring  and  endeavour- 
ing the  Deliverance  of  the  People  of  this  King- 
dom from  thofe  many  and  great  Invafions  made, 
and  much  more  intended,  upon  Religion  and 
Civil  Liberties,  had  not  you,  afiifted  by  the  Al- 
mighty God,  interpofed,  for  which  we  cannot 
but  render  all  humble  and  hearty  Thanks  ;  and 
now  finding  the  fame  evil  Spirit  reviving  and 
working  much  more  ftrongly  and  effectually, 
though  much  more  clofely  and  cunningly,  under 
fpecious  Pretences  j  attempting  that  by  Subtilty, 
which,  by  the  Goodnefs  of  our  God,  they  could 
not  obtain  by  Power ;  ufing  fuch  Things  as  an  Oc- 
cafion  and  Means  to  divide,  which,  at  firft,  were 
ordained  for  uniting  of  all  the  godly  and  honeft 
People  of  the  three  Kingdoms  upon  fafe  and  juft 
Principles,  viz.  the  Proteftation  in  May,  1641; 
the  Vow  in  June,  1643  j  the  Solemn  League  and 
Covenant  in  September,  1643 »  an^  y°ur  other  fe- 
veral Votes  and  Declarations  to  the  fame  EfFecT: : 
Although  your  Petitioners  do  moft  heartily  defire 
a  right  Underftanding  and  an  happv  Reconcile- 
ment between  the  King  and  Parliament,  yet  it  is 
far  from  the  Thoughts  of  the  Petitioners  (and 
they  hope  of  many  others  that  have  lately,  out  of 
good  Affection,  petitioned  for  a  Perfonal  Treaty) 
to  make  ufe  of  Tumults  or  Commotions,  and 
2  '  Revolts 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  297 

Revolts  of  Caftles  and   Ships,  thereby  engaging  An-  *4  Car- 
the  Kingdom  in  a  new  War,  or  of  any  other  Dif-  t      *  4 
ficulties  the  Parliament  hath  been,  or  may  be,          ju,y. 
expofed  unto,  to  precipitate  their  Councils,  or 
to  deftroy  their  Forces  that  now  are,  or  hereafter 
{hall  be,  raifed ;    being,  as  the  Petitioners  con- 
ceive, contrary  to  the  faid  Proteftation,  Vow, 
and  Covenant,  as  it  is  alfo  calculated  to  necefli- 
tate  the  Parliament  to  a  Treaty,  before  fuch  Sa- 
tisfaction and  Security  be  given  as  may  obtain  the 
Ends  of  our  former  Engagements. 
*  Your  Petitioners  therefore  humbly  pray,  That 
;  you  will  adhere  to  the  faid  Proteftation,  Vow, 
;  and  Covenant,  and  to  the  conftant  Tenor  of  all 
1  your  former  Declarations ;  and  not  recede  from 
£  thofe  firft  and  juft  Principles,  viz.  the  Safety  of 
4  yourfelves,  and  all  that  have  or  {hall  adhere  to 

*  you  ;  the  Reformation  and  Prefervation  of  Reli- 
4  gion  ;    the    Maintenance  and    Defence  of   our 

*  Laws  and  Liberties  which  you  have  openly  held 
4  forth  to  all  the  World,  and  by  which  you  have 

*  engaged  all  the  honeft  and  well-affected  People 

*  of  all  the  three  Kingdoms  to  ferve  you,  with  their 
4  Lives  and  Eftates ;  left  you  betray  yourfelves  and 
4  them  to  the  mercilefs  Cruelties  of  thofe  that  feek 
4  your  and  their  Deftrudtion,  and  draw  the  Blood 
4  of  many  innocent  Perfons  upon  you  and  yours. 

4  For  Prefervation  whereof  your  Petitioners  fur- 

*  ther  humbly  defire  you  will  faithfully  preierve  in 

*  the  due  Execution  of  your  faid  juft  Undertakings 
4  and  Engagements ;  and  that  fuch  a  Courfe  by  your 
4  Wifdoms  may  be  taken,  for  Security  and  Satif- 

*  faction  to  be  given  as  aforefaid,  that  neither  his 
4  Majefty,  nor  any  other,  may  have  Occafion  or 
4  Opportunity  of  renewing  the  old  or  raifing  a  new 
4  War  ;  and  in  fo  doing  that  God,  who  hath  hi- 
4  therto  owned  you  and  your  Caufe,  will  afluredly 
4  do  fo  ftill ;  and  we  your  Petitioners,  with  many 
4  Thoufands,    as  formerly,    fo  are  ftill  ready,  in 
4  purfuance  of  the  faid  Proteftation,  Vow,  and  Co- 
4  venant,  with  their  Lives  and  Fortunes,  to  ad- 

c  venture 

298  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24.  I.  <  venture  all  with  you  and  vour  Forces,  in  this  com- 
mon  Caufe,  againit  all  Oppofition. 

And  we  Jhall  ever  pray,  &c. 

This  Petition,  as  the  Journal  exprefles,  was  faid 
to  be  fubfcribed  by  divers  Thoufands,  in  the  Name 
of  feveral  well-affected  Magiftrates,  Minifters,  Ci- 
tizens, and  other  Inhabitants  of  the  City  of  Lon- 
don,   and    Parts   adjacent ;    but   the  Perfons  that 
brought  it  in  being  withdrawn,  the  Lords  debated 
fome  Time  on  the  Queftion,  Whether  to  return 
them  Thanks  for  it,  or  not  ?  which  was  carried  in 
the  Affirmative  ;    the  Earls  of  Lincoln  and  Suffolk, 
and   the    Lord  Hunfdon,    entering    their   DifTent 
againft  it.    After  which  the  Speaker,  by  Command 
of  the  Houfe,  returned  the  following  Anfwer : 
The  Anfwer  gi-       '  The  Lords  have  full  Confidence  of  the  faithful 
•yen  to  it  by  the   Services  and  Conftancy  of  you,  who. now  have  de- 
Lordj,  Jivered  this  Petition  ;    and  have  commanded  me  to 

give  you  Thanks  for  your  Fidelity  to  the  Parlia- 
ment j  and  to  defire  that,  in  their  Names,  Thanks 
may  be  returned  to  all  the  reft  of  the  Petitioners, 
for  the  expreflingof  their  good  Affections  and  Zeal 
to  the  Honour  and  Safety  of  the  Parliament.  They 
have  further  commanded  me  to  aflure  you,  Thtt 
their  Endeavours  mail  be  fo  to  aft,  as  that  they 
may  declare  to  the  whole  Kingdom  their  conftant 
Adherence  to  their  Proteftation,  Vow,  and  Cove- 
nant, in  the  Maintenance  of  the  Caufe  they  are 
engaged  in,  and  in  the  procuring  and  fettling  a  fafe 
and  well-grounded  Peace.' 

But  when  this  Petition  was  prefented  to  the 
Commons,  they  were  fo  far  from  any  Debate  whe- 
ther the  Petitioners  mould  receive  Thanks  or  not, 
that  the  Speaker,  by  Order  of  the  Houfe,  gave 
them  an  Anfwer  exprefied  in  the  higheft  Terms  of 
Satisfaction;  which,  with  the  Petition,  was  ordered 
to  be  forthwith  printed  and  publiihed,  as  follows : 

An*  by  the  Com-  *   HP  HE  Houfe  hath  received  your  Petition,  and 

mo™.  '      -»      taken  into  their  ferious  Confideration  the 

*  Matter  thereof:  They  find  it  a  Petition  fur  Peace, 


of    ENGLAND. 

*  for  Peace  indeed  :    Such  a  Peace  as  is  purfued  by  An. 

*  this  Houfe,  and  all  honeft  Men,  with  Prefervation 
'  of  Religion,  the  Laws,  and  the  Liberties  of  the 

*  Subject,  in  a  fqfe  and  well-grounded  Peace,  upon 

*  the  Principles  whereon  we  firft  engaged  :    They 
'  look  alfo  upon  the  Seafonablenefs  of  it,  at  fuch 
4  Time  when  Men's   Spirits,  by  the  Artifice  of 
'  Malignants,  are  fo  heightened  againft  the  Par- 

*  liament,  that  honeft  Men  fcarce  dare  own  the 
'  former  Caufe  :    And  yet,  at  this  Time  you  dare 
1  juftify  your  firft  Principles  :    And  when  there  is 
'  fcarce  Power  to  imprifon  any  of  our  Enemies, 
'  that  either  hath,  or  doth  now  engage  in  this  new 

*  and  bloody  Defign,  without  Tumults  and  Re- 
'  fcues  ;  and  yet  now  you  dare  avouch  your  former 
'  Undertakings. 

'  The  Houfe  doth  alfo  obferve  the  Quality  of 
*•  the  Petitioners ;  divers  Aldermen,  and  great  Ma- 
4  giftrates  of  the  City  of  London  ;  many  Reverend 

*  Minifters,    who  have  always  held  clofe  to  the 
£  Caufe ;  many  noble  Commanders  and   Officers, 
•*  and  other  the  Gentlemen  of  Birth  and  Quality, 
'  that  have  lefs  valued  their  Blood,  than  the  Ha- 
'  zard  and  Lofs  of  fo  noble  an  Undertaking  :     In 

*  which  they  perceive  the  Conftancy  of  your  Refo- 
'  lutions  to  the  Caufe  of  the  Kingdom,  and  of  your 

*  Affection  to  this  Houfe. 

'  I  am  commanded  to  give  you  their  real  and 
'  hearty  Thanks,  and  to  declare  unto  you,  That 

*  they  are  refolved  to  adhere  to   their  firft  Prin- 

*  ciples,  and  with  their  Lives  and  Fortunes  main- 
c  tain  the  fame,  and  all  that  do  adhere  to  them 

*  therein  j  and  alfo  do  approve  of  the  Petition,  and 
'  the  Matter  thereof:   And  they  have  further  com- 

*  manded  me  to  afiure  you,    That,  in  compofing 

*  of  the  Peace  they  are  now  upon,  they  will  take 
'  Care  for  the  Prefervation  of  Religion,  the  Laws, 
'  and  the  Liberties  of  all  thofe  that  have  or  fhall 

*  adhere  and  remain  conftant  to  thefe  Ends.' 

The  fame  Day  a  MefTage  came  up  to  the  Lords 
from  the  other  Houfe,  along  with  a  Letter  from 


OQO  3%e  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.   24.  Car.  !•  Major- General   Lambert ',    in   which    was  inclofed 
*64-8-          another  from  the  Duke  of  Hamilton ;  the  Purport 
*       Tj         '   of  which  were  as  follows  :   And  firft  the  Duke's. 

Noble  Sir,  Annan^  July  6,  1648. 

The  Duke  of  <  ""  j""HE  Parliament  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland^ 
"rT^Geneir  '  *  uPon  the  Confideration  of  the  great  Dan- 
Lambert,  upon  '  ger  imminent  to  Religion,  his  Majefty's  Sacred 
the  scots  Army's  «  Perfon,  and  the  Peace  of  his  Kingdoms,  from 
England?  ^  *  the  Prevailing  Power  of  Sectaries  and  their  Ad- 

*  herents  in  England^  did   lately  fend  to  the  Ho- 
'  nourable  Houfes  of  Parliament  fuch  Demands  as 
c  they   conceived  jurr.   and  neceflary  ;    whereunto 
4  not  receiving  any  fatisfadlory  Anfwer,  and  find- 
'  ing  their  Dangers  ftill  increafing  by  great  Forces 
6  drawn  together  upon  their  Borders,  the  Com- 
'  mittee  of  Eftates  of  Parliament  have  thought  fit 

*  to  Jay  their  Commands  upon  me,  with  fuch  other 

*  noble  Perfons  as  they  have  joined  with  me  in  this 

*  their  Service,  for  profecuting  their  juft  Defires,  in 

*  purfuance  of  the  Ends  of  the  Covenant,  according 
c  to  the  ioint  Declaration  of  both  Kingdoms  of  the 
"  6th  of  January,  164-?,  for  fettling  of  Religion ;  li- 

*  berating  his  Majefty  from  his  bafe  Imprifonment; 

*  freeing  the  Honourable  Houfes  from  fuch   Re- 
i  ftraint  by  Forces  which   have  been  long  upon 

*  them  ;  difbanding  all  Armies,  whereby  the  Sub- 

*  jeers  may  be  freed  from  the  intolerable  Burthen 

*  of  Taxes  and  free  Quarter,  which  they  have  fo 

*  long  groaned  under ;  and  for  procuring  the  fettling 

*  of  a  folid  Peace  and  firm  Union  betwixt  the  two 

*  Kingdoms  under  his  Majefty's  Government. 

'  Thefe  being  the  true  Intentions  and  Defires  of 
c  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland^  who  will  moft  faith- 

*  fully  obierve,  on  their  Parts,  their  Engagement 
'  by  Covenant  and  Treaties  to   their  Brethren  of 

*  England ;  I  expecl  therefore  you  will  not  oppofe 

*  this  pious,  loyal,  and  neceflary  Undertaking ;  but 
€  gather  join  with  them  and  me  in  the  Profecution 

*  of  thofe  Ends. 

4  I  (hall  defire  that  the  Bearer,  the  Trumpeter, 
c  may  not  be  Jong  kept ;  but  returning  with  your 

*  prefent. 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  301 

€  prefent  pofitive  Anfwer*  that  accordingly  I  may  An-   *4  Car. 
*  move  as  I  am  commanded.     I  am,  t      *  4  ' 

'SIR,  Jtily* 

Your  humble  Servant, 


To  his  Excellency  JAMES  Duke  of  HAMILTON  and 
CHASTLEHERAULT,  &c.  General  of  all  the  Scots 
Forces  by  Sea  and  Land. 

My  Lord,  CaJlle-Sowerby,  July  8,  1648. 

IHave  received  a  Letter  from  your  Excellency,  Generai  Lam. 
by  your  Trumpeter,  which  mentions  that  the  bert's  Anfwer, 
Parliament  of  Scotland  having,  upon  Confidera- 
tion  of  the  Danger  to  Religion,  his  Majefty's 
Perfon,  and  Kingdoms,  by  Sectaries  in  England, 
addrefled  themfelves  to  the  Parliament  of  England 
for  Redrefs,  they  have  not  received  a  fatisfaclory 
Anfwer  therein*  To  this,  my  Lord,  I  (hall  not 
take  upon  me  to  give  any  Anfwer,  feeing  their 
late  Ordinances  concerning  the  Settlement  of 
Religion,  their  fundry  Addrefles  and  Proportions 
tendered  to  his  Majefty,  in  order  to  the  Peace 
and  Well-being  of  this  Kingdom,  arc  publifhed 
and  laid  open  to  the  View  of  the  World  j  all 
which,  I  doubt  not,  are  well  known  to  your  Ex- 

'  To  what  your  Lordfhip  mentions  concerning 
the  Increafe  of  Danger,  by  the  drawing  of  fome 
Forces  upon  the  Borders  of  Scotland,  I  can  more 
fully  anfwcr;  having  the  Charge  and  Conduct 
thereof,  by  Commiffion  from  his  Excellency  the 
Lord  Fairfax^  and  I  have  his  pofitive  Command  to 
be  moil  tender  in  acting  any  Thing  which  might 
give  any  feeming  Occafion  of  Offence  to  our  Bre- 
thren of  Scotland:  Thefe  Commands  I  can  confi- 
dently fay  I  have  hitherto  moft  cautioufly  and 
punctually  obferved ;  and  further,  that  I  do  believe 
that  it  never  entered  into  the  Parliament's,  or  his 
ExcelJeiM :y'?  Thoughts,  to  act  any  Thing  preju- 

'  dicial 


An.    24.  Car.  I. 


The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

dicial  or  harmful  to  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland-,  and 
what  the  true  Reafons  are  which  did  occafion  the 
drawing  thefe  Forces  fo  near  the  Borders  I  {hall 
not  need  to  mention,  all  Men  knowing  it  to  be  for 
the  fuppreffing  of  Sir  Marmaduke  Langdale  and  his 
Adherents,  many  of  whom  are  Papifts  and  grand 
Delinquents,  and  are  lately  rifen  in  Rebellion 
againft  the  Parliament ;  and  have  ever  been,  and 
ftill  are,  notorious  Oppofers  of  the  Ends  of  the 
Covenant,  according  to  the  joint  Declaration  of 
both  Kingdoms  of  the  6th  of  January,  164!,  for 
fettling  of  Religion,  his  Majefty  in  his  due  Rights 
and  Prerogatives,  and  for  the  procuring  of  a  firm 
Peace  a/id  Union  betwixt  both  Nations. 
*  For  what  your  Lordfhip  mentions  for  the  free- 
ing the  Honourable  Houfes  from  Reftraint  of 
Forces  lying  upon  them;  I  cannot  but  wonder  at 
their  Artifice  who  have  fo  cunningly  fuggefted 
thefe  Things  to  the  Parliament  of  Scotland,  as  to 
pofTefs  them  with  the  Belief  thereof;  feeing  it  is 
apparent  to  all  Men  that  th.e  Parliament  fits  and 
votes  free ;  and  no  vifible  Force  in  this  Kingdom 
acts  any  Thing  but  by  their  immediate  Com- 
mand, except  thofe  Malignants  and  fome  few 
of  their  Adherents  formerly  mentioned.  And  for 
yourLordfhip's  further  Satisfaction  in  this,  I  know 
no  furer  Way  to  underftand  the  Truth  than  by  an 
Anfwer  from  the  Parliament,  which  I  doubt  not 
but  you  will  readily  receive.  I  (hould  trouble 
yourLordfliip  too  much,  if  I  fhould  only  briefly 
run  over  their  Labours  for  the  difbanding  of  all 
Forces,  except  fuch  as  they  did  judge  neceflary 
for  the  Kingdom's  and  their  own  Defence ;  as 
alfo  their  Zeal  for  freeing  the  Subjects  from  un- 
neceflary  Taxes  and  free  Quarter,  which  I  per- 
fuade  myfelf  your  Lordfhip  cannot  but,  in  fome 
Meafure,  have  heard  of  before  this  Time  ;  and 
therefore  I  (hall  ftill,  in  Satisfaction  to  your  Lord- 
(hips  Expectation,  Tl)at  I  /hould  not  oppofe  the 
Committee  of  Eft  aits  in  their  pious,  loyal,  and  ne- 
ceffary  Undertakings,  anfwer,  that  I  conceive  their 
Refolutions  are  wholly  grounded  upon  Miftakes ; 

'  defiring 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  303 

*  defiring  you  to  confider  whether  alfo  not  contra-  An-  24  Car«  I- 

*  ry  to  the  Covenant :    And  I  muft,  in  Profecution  t     *6*8' f 

*  of  the  Truft  repofed  in  me,  to  the  uttermoft  of         ^j 

*  my  Power,  oppofe  all  Forces  whatfoever,  either 
'  raifed  or  brought  into  this  Kingdom,  except  thofe 

*  by  Authority  and  Command  of  the  Parliament  of 

*  England ;  in  which  I  hope  your  Lordfhip  will  not 
4  oppofe,  but  rather  affift  me,  if  the  Parliament  of 

*  England  (hall  defire  it. 

4  I  have,  according  to  your  Excellency's  Defire, 

*  returned  your  Trumpeter  as  fpeedily  as  I  could 

*  difpatch  him ;  and  doubt  not  but,  upon  yourLord- 

*  fhip's  AddrefTes  to  the  Parliament  of  England^ 

*  you  may  receive  more  ample  Satisfaction  herein  ; 

*  and,  in  the  mean  Time,  this  is  tendered  to  your 

*  Lordfhip  as  an  Anfwer  from, 

My  Lord, 
Tour  Lordjhip's  mojl  bumble  Servant, 


July  13.  A  Meflage  was  fent  from  the  Houfe  of 
Commons  to  the  Lords,  defiring  their  Concurrence 
in  an  Order  for  appointing  the  next  enfuing  Wed- 
nefday  to  be  obferved  as  a  Day  of  Thankfgiving  for 
the  many  Victories  God  had  lately  given  to  the 
Parliament's  Forces ;  and  to  the  following  Decla- 
ration concerning  the  Revolt  of  the  Fleet.  To 
both  which  they  agreed. 

A  DECLARATION  abcut  the  rtvoltejl  Ships, 

\  T  cannot  be  unknown  unto  all  Men,  that  the  The  Parliament'. 

I    /">  i    XT  TT--  Declaration,  ot- 

Commerce  and  Navigation  of  this  Kingdom  fering  an  indem- 
hath  been,  by  the  Blefling  of  God,  an  efpecial  nity  to  the  re- 
Means  of  the  Honour  and  Greatnefs  of  the  Eng-™hed  Scamen- 
lijh  Seamen  ;    and  that  the  Courage,  Induftry, 
and   Fidelity  of  the  English  Seamen  and  Mari- 
ners, hath  been  a  principal  Means  for  the  In- 
crcafe  of  the  Trade  and  Commerce  of  this  King- 

4  dom 

304  J%e  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

ZA  Car.  I-  *  dom  in  all  the  Parts  of  the  World ;    the  Confi- 

1648.        <  deration  whereof    hath  caufed   both  Houfes  of 

vj  '  Parliament  to  have  an   efpecial  Care  unto  the 

•*  y'         '  Royal  Navy,  by  building  many  Ships   and  Fri- 

c  gates,  and  fetting  forth  and  maintaining  Fleets  ; 

*  expending  in  that  Service  the  whole  Revenue  of 
'  the  Cuftoms,  (the  greateft  Part  whereof,  in  for- 

*  mer  Times  was   diverted  to  other  Ufes)  befides 
'  other  vaft  Sums  of  Money  laid  out  in  that  Action  j 
'  and  for  the  better  Encouragement  of  fuch  Mari* 
4  ners    as   were  employed   in   the    Service  of  the 

*  State,  they  have  much  advanced  their  Pay  above 

*  that  which  it  was  formerly;  and  at  the  coming  in 
'  of  the  Fleet  have  fo  carefully  provided  for  them, 
'  that  they  were  not  difcharged  from  Boarding,  Vic- 
'  tuals,  and  Wages,  until  their  Monies  were  duly 
'  paid  them  ;  hoping  that,  by  thefe  and  many  other 
€  Encouragements  upon  all  Occafions,  they  would 
'  have  approved  themfelves  faithful   to  the  King- 
'  dom,  in  the  Difcharge  of  the  Truft  repofed  in 

*  them  ;    but,  contrary  hereunto,  the  Mariners  of 
'  feveral  Royal  Ships,  fet  forth  in   this  laft  Sum- 
'  mer's  Fleet,  being  feduced  by  the  cunning  Infinu- 

*  ation  of  fome  Men  ill-affected  to  the  Peace  of  this 
'  Kingdom,     have    treacheroufly    revolted    from 
'  their  Duty,  and  do  ftill   perfift  in  their  Difobe- 
'  dience  ;  by  which  horrid  and  deteftable  Act,  in 
'  Breach  of  their  Truft,  they  have  much  blemilh- 
'  ed  the  Honour  and  Credit  of  the  Navigation  and 
4  Mariners  of  this  Kingdom ;    and,  as  much  as  in 
'  them  lay,  betrayed  the  public  Intereft  and   Li- 
'  berties   thereof,  and  retarded  thofe  Ends  of  an 

*  happy  Peace  which  the  Parliament  have  ever  pur- 
c  fued,  and  now  are  more  efpecially  employed  in  : 

*  And  although  both   Houfes  of  Parliament  have, 
'  after  an  Act  of  Indemnity  already  offered,  good 

*  Reafons  to  proceed  to  the  reducing  of  them  by 
'  Force  j    yet,  to  the  end  it  may  appear  that  the 

*  Parliament  do,  as  much  as  in  them  lies,  feek  to 
'  prevent  the  Effufion  of  Blood,  the  faid  Lords  and 
'  Commons  do  hereby  offer  and  declare,  That  if 


of   ENGLAND. 

the  Seamen j  Officers,  and  Cominiffioners  aboafd  An 
the  Ships  (hall,  within  twenty  Days  after  Publi- 
cation  hereof,  or  forthwith  upon  Notice  given 
them  by  the  Lord-Admiral,  or  fuch  other  Per- 
fon  or  Perfons  as  he  {hall  appoint,  render  them- 
felves,  and  the  Ships  wherein  they  are,  to  the 
Parliament's  Obedience,  and  bring  them  into 
fome  Port  under  the  Command  of  the  Parlia- 
ment* the  Perfons  fo  fubmitting  fhall  be  indem- 
nified in  their  Perfons  and  Eftates;  any  former 
Act  of  theirs  notwithstanding  :  But  if  they  fnall ^ 
after  the  faid  Time  prefixed  is  expired,  perfift  ftill 
in  their  Difobediencej  then  the  Houfe  will  pro- 
ceed to  the  reducing  them  by  Force,  and  doubt 
not  of  a  good  S  need's  by  the  BleiTing  of  Almighty 
God  ;  hoping  that  every  true-hearted  Englifiimaii 
will  contribute  his  utmoft  Affiftance  to  this  great 
Work,  efpecially  the  Merchants  and  Owners  of 
Ships,  they  being  principally  interefted  in  the 
Confequences  thereof,  it  being  to  be  expected 
that  the  Revolters  will  endeavour  to  maintain 
their  Defection  by  Rapine  and  Violence  :  And 
for  the  Encouragement  of  Seamen  to  engage 
themfelves  herein,  the  Lords  and  Commons  do 
promife  and  declare,  That  fuch  Seamen  as  fhall 
fo  engage,  and  ufe  their  beft  Endeavours  in  fo 
honourable  a  Work,  fhall  have  two  Months 
Wages  extraordinary  duly  paid  them  as  foon  as 
the  faid  Ships  (hall  be,  by  them,  reduced  and 
brought  into  Port :  And  it  is  laftly  decjared, 
That  not  only  the  Perfons  aboard  the  faid  Ships, 
who  fhall,  notwithftanciing  this  Offer  of  Indem- 
nity, ftand  out,  but  allb  all  others  the  Subjects 
of  this  Kingdom,  and  others  whatfoever,  who 
fhall  hereafter  join  with,  aflift,  lupply,  or  any 
way  adhere  to  them,  fhall  be  dealt  with  and  pro- 
ceeded againft  as  Traitors  and  Enemies  to  the 
Kingdom,  and  their  Eftates  confifcated  ;  and  for 
the  Miferies  that  fhall  enfue  they  will  ftand  charg- 
ed with  the  fame  as  guilty  of  them,  and  Author^ 
of  that  Ruin  which  will  attend  them  and  their 
VOL.  XVII.  U  July 

*Ihe  Parliamentary  M  i  s  T  o  R  V 

An.  24  Car.  I.  July  14.  A  Letter  being  read  in  the  Houfe  of 
Commons  from  Major-General  Lambert  at  Pen- 
rith,.  fignifying  that  an  Army  of  Scots  were  come 
into  England  under  the  Duke  of  Hamilton,  who  ar- 
rived at  Carlijle  the  8th  of  this  Month,  and  that  his 
Forces  were  now  lying  about  IVigton,  in  Cumber- 
land ;  the  Houfe  refolved,  That  the  Forces  fo  come 
out  of  Scotland  into  England  in  a  hoftile  Manner, 
[under  the  Command  of  the  Duke  of  Hamilton  (k}~]  be- 
ing without  the  Authority  of  the  Parliament  of 
England,  are  Enemies  to  this  Kingdom ;  and  that 
all  Perfons  of  the  Engrijb  or  Irljh  Nation  that  join 
with,  or  adhere  unto,  or  voluntarily  aid  or  aflifl 
them,  are  Rebels  and  Traitors  ;  and  fhall  be  pro- 

The  commont    ceeded  againft  as  fuch. Thus  the  Refolution 

Army  undertfie  ftands  in  the  Commons  Journals  :  But  a  Member  of 
Duke  of  Hamil-  this  Parliament  writes  (/),  That  the  Queftion  was  at 
tontobeTrai.  firft  propofed,  That  all  fuch  Scots  as  are,  or /hall, 
come,  eft.  and  that  upon  Debate  the  Words  or 
jhall  were  left  out  upon  this  Confideration,  '  That 
the'  Marquis  of  Argyle  might  haply  come  into  Eng- 
land with  a  Party,  and  fall  upon  the  Duke  of  //#- 
milton  in  his  Rear.'  Our  Author  adds,  *  That 
Mr.  Weaver  affirmed  in  the  Houfe,  upon  this  Oc- 
cafion,  That  the  Scots  Invafion  under  the  Duke  of 
Hamilton,  the  Defigns  at  Colchefter,  and  that  of 
the  Earl  of  Holland,  were  all  begun  and  carried  on 
in  the  City  of  London.  This  he  ftyles  a  frefh 
Charge  of  the  Independents  againft  the  City, 
when  the  Army  fhould  be  at  Leifure  to  make  Ufe 
of  it.' 

July  1  8.  Two  more  Petitions  were  prefented  to 
the  Lords,  but  of  a  different  Nature  from  the  laft  : 
That  from  the  Watermen,  is  the  moft  pathetic 
we  have  yet  met  with,  and  very  expreflive  in  the 
King's  Favour.  The  Lords  Anfwers  to  thefe  and 
the  foregoing  both  ftiew,  that  they  thought  them- 
felves  obliged  to  ufe  all  Parties  with  Civility. 

(/&)  On  the  zoth  of  July  the  Refolution  againft  the  Scott 
what  foftened  by  this  Addition. 
(/)  Walker's  Bi/lwy  of  Independency,  p,  jai. 


ef   ENGLAND,  307 

To  the  Riht  Honourable  the  LORDS  in  Parliament  An-  *4  Car.  lt 

The  HUMBLE  PETITION  of  the  WATERMEN  be* 
longing  to  the  River  of  Thames^ 


THAT  the  Petitioners,  being  in  Fraternity  A  Petition  froiH 
above    2000   Perfons,  are    all   undone  and  the  Watermen 
like  to  psrifh  by  Reafon  of  his  Majefty's  Abfence  on  Thames< 
from  us  ;    he  being  kept  away,  notwithstanding 
his  many  former  gracious  Offers  ;    and  therefore, 
having  an  Intereft  both  in  his  Perfon  and  Go- 
vernment, we  cannot  do   lefs  than  humbly  be- 
feech  your  Honours  fpeedily  and  really  to  invite 
him   to  London,    with   Honour,    Freedom,   and 

And  your  Petitioners  Jhall  pray,  &c. 

The  Petitioners  were  called  in  again  and  an-> 
fwered  by  the  Speaker,  *  That  the  Lords  have  not 
'  been  wanting  in  their  Endeavours  to  bring  his 
*  Majefty  to  treat  at  London,  and  (hall  ftill  conti- 
'  nue  to  do  what  in  them  lies  for  the  procuring  a 
'  fpeedy  fettling  of  thefe  unhappy  Diftra£tions.' 

To  the  Right  Honourable  the  LORDS  in  Parliament 

The  HUMBLE  PETITION  of  divers  well-affefled  /«- 
habitants  of  the  City  of  Weftminfter^  Hamlets  of 
the  Tower,  Borough  of  Southwark,  and  Parts 
adjacent  within  the  Weekly  Bills  of  Mortality, 


HP  H  A  T    your   Petitioners,    notwithftanding  Anj  tte  tnhabl- 
•••    their  grievous  Sufferings  and  heart-break-  tants  of  Weft- 
inp-  Fears  of  utter  Ruin  to  all  that  is  precious  in  »'«/*«»  South- 

u       r  •          n         •/!_•         IT"  •       J  L       L  wark,  &c.  for  t 

this  fometime  flourilhing  Kingdom,  by  the  con-  perf0nai  Treaty* 
tinued,  nay  encreafing,  DiftraiStions  thereof,  can- 
not but  look  on  your  prefent  Refolutions  of  a 
Perfonal  Treaty  with  the  King's  Majefty  as  a 
U  2  •  Door 

30$  *Tke  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Door  of  Hope  opened  by  the  God  of  Salvation  for 
the  Cure  of  our,  otherwife  remedilefs  and  all--1 
deftroying,  Diftemp'ers  ,  and  as  they  give  you 
hearty  and  humble  Thanks  for  your  Votes  and 
Refolutions  already  palled  to  that  Purpofe,  fo 
they  cannot  but  as  Engttjbment  nay,  Chriftians, 
humbly  and  earneftly  beg  your  Lordfhips  fpeedy 
and  effectual  Progrefs  therein,  until  the  great 
Creator  of  the  Ends  of  the  Earth  create  a  happy 
Peace  to  this  now  mifcrably  tofTed  and  afflicted 

'  And  whereas  the  Ri^ht  Honourable  the  Lord 
Mayor,  Aldermen,  and  Common  Council  of 
the  City  of  London  have,  in  order  to  the  faid 
Perfonal  Treaty,  made  feveral  late  Addrefles  to 
the  Right  Honourable  the  Houfes  of  Parliament; 
offering  their  utmoft  Endeavours,  both  of  Eftate 
and  Life,  for  fecuring  of  his  Royal  Majefty  and 
both  Houfes  of  Parliament,  from  all  Force  and 
Tumults  impeding  or  difturbing  the  faid  Treaty; 
and  defiring,  in  order  thereunto,  that  the  Militia 
of  the  Out-parts  may  be  united  to  and  with  the 
faid  City  of  London,  as  it  was  conftantly,  during 
our  faid  Troubles,  with  very  good  Succefs  and 
Advantage  to  the  public  Safety,  fixed  till  of  late : 
'  Your  Petitioners,  in  Concurrence  with  the  faid 
Engagement  and  Defires  of  the  Honourable  City 
of  London^  do  humbly  pray  that  the  faid  Per- 
fonal Treaty  may  be  haftened  ;  the  Militia  of  the 
Out-parts  united  with  the  faid  City,  and  the  Com- 
mand thereof  veiled  in  the  Hands  of  fuch  Per- 
fons  only  as  are  cordial  to  the  Ends  of  the  Pro- 
teftation,  Solemn  League  and  Covenant;  which 
we  humbly  conceive  may  beft  tend  to  the  Prefer- 
vation  of  his  Majefly's  Royal  Perfon  and  both 
Houfes  of  Parliament,  in  their  fettling  a  fafe  and 
well-grounded  Peace  by  this  fo  much  defired 
Treaty.  ' 

And  your  Petitioners  jh»ll  pray ',  &c. 

The  Petitioners  being  called  in  again,  Anfwer 
was  returned  by  the  Speaker,  as  follows  ; 

!  <The 

^ENGLAND.  309 

*  The  Lords  return  you  Thanks  for  the  Expref-  An-  24  Car.  r. 
fions  of  your  good  Affections  and  Zeal  for  the 
public  Peace  of  this  Kingdom  :  They  have  further 
commanded  me  to  let  you  know,  that  they  fhall 
improve  their  beft  Endeavours  in  Anfwer  to  your 
Defires  contained  in  the  fcveral  Particulars  of  your 
Petition  ;  nothing  being  more  in  their  Care  than 
the  Reftoring  of  the  Peace  and  Happinefs,  and  the 
Eftablifhment  of  the  Fundamental  Government, 
of  this  now  diftracled  and  divided  Kingdom.' 

The  fame  Day  the  Commons  fent  up  a  Meflage  The  Lords  ref.ife 
to  the  Lords,  with  their  Refolution   of  the  I4th,  their  Ccncur- 
'  That  the  Scots,  now  come  into  England  in  an  holtile  rsncejn<-he  vote 

T\JT  T-  •  i      -rr-        i  ^  r*      ,  azamit  the  Scots 

Adanner,  were  Enemies  to  the  Kingdom  of  England,  Army, 
and  that  all  fuch  Rnglifh  and  Irijb  who  join  them  are 
Traitors.'  This  Refolution  occafioned  a  very  warm 
Debate  in  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  which  ended  in  a 
Divifion  on  two  Queftions  :  The  firft,  Whether 
the  Confederation  of  this  Matter  ftiould  be  deferred 
for  fome  Days  ?  The  next,  Whether  to  agree  to 
the  Refolution  ?  and  both  patted  in  the  Negative. 
The  "Journal  mentions,  That  fome  Lords,  before 
the  putting  of  the  lair.  Queftion,  afked  Leave  to 
enter  their  Diflent,  if  it  was  carried  as;ainft  them, 
which  was  granted  :  But,  for  what  Reafon  we 
know  not,  their  Names  are  intirely  omitted. 

July  20,     The  Commons  pafljd  a  Refolution,  The  Corr.mons 
declaring   all   fuch  Perfons  of  this  Kingdom  that  declare  all  fuch 
had  invited  the  Army  of  the  Scots,  now  come  into  f°  be  T"itors  M 
England  under  the  Duke  of  Hamilton,  or  had  af-  mv 
fifted  that  Army,  to  be   Traitors,  and   that  they 
fhould  be  proceeded  againft  as  fuch;    which   Vote 
they  immediately  fent  up   to  the  Lords  for   their 

The  Occafion  of  pafling  this  Vote  is  thus  fet 
down  by  Mr,  Walker  (m]  :  '  The  Speaker  informed 
the  Houfe,  That  Major-General  Lambert  having 
flopped  one  Mr.  Haliburton,  a  Scots  Gentleman,  in. 
pafling  through  his  Quarters  with  Letters  from  the 
U  3  Duke 

(w)  HiJIory  of  Independency,  p.  ui. 

3  TO  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.   24.  Car.  I.  Duke  of  Hamilton  to  the  two  Houfes  and  the  King, 
.1648.         ne  found  upon  him  divers  private  Letters,  for  carry- 
^     ,^        '  ing  of  which  he  had  no  public  Authority ;  and  there- 
fore Lambert  made  bold  to  feal   thofe   private  Let- 
ters in  a  Packet  by  themfelves,  with  his  own  Seal 
and  Mr.  Haliburtsns  ;    and   Lambert  had  fent  up 
Mr.  Haliburton  v/ith  Lieutenant-Colonel   OJbornet 
a  godly  Scots  Gentleman,  and  another  Keeper,  in 
Nature  of  a  Prifoner.     Mr.   OJL'orne  delivered  that 
private  Packet  to  the  Speaker;  fo  a  Committee  was 
named  to  perufe  the  fame.     Mr.  Ofborne  was  then 
called  in  to  fpeak  what  he  knew  of  this  Matter, 
who  declared  at  the  Bar,  That  the  godly  Party  in 
Scotland  were  opprefied,  and  trodden   under  Foot, 
by  the  Duke  of  Hamilton's  Party ;    that  their  very 
Souls  were  afflicTx-d  at   his  Proceedings  ;    that  the 
Kirk  of  Scotland^  with  one   Mouth,  proclaimed  to 
their  Faces  their  Engagement,  and  the  Proceedings 
thereupon,  to  be  damnable  and  deftrudlive  :   He  alfo 
defired  the  Houfe  not  to  look  upon  thofe  Proceed- 
ings  as  the  Act  of  the  Nation  of  Scotland^  fmce 
there  were  a' great  many  godly  Men   who  hoped 
the  Lord   would  enable  them,  in  his  good  Time, 
to  march  into  England  with  the  Marquis  of  Argyl^ 
and  fall  upon   the  Rear  of  the  Duke  of  Hamilton 
with   a  Diverfion.       He    reported    the  Scots  that 
came  in  to  be  but  8000  Horfe  and  Foot,  and  Lang- 
dale  bu-t  2COO.     Then  were  read  the  Letters  of  the 
Duke  of  Hamilton,  wherein  he  complained  that  no 
Anfwer  had  been  given  to  the  Parliament  of  Scot~ 
land's  juft  Delires  of  the   26th  of  J^riVlaft;    that 
by  Authority  of  the  Scots  Parliament  he  was  necef- 
fitated  to  come  into  England  according  to  the  Co- 
venant, and  not  without  the  Invitation  of  divers 
\vell-affected  Englifo  who  had  taken  the  Covenant. 
There  was  a  Declaration   inclofed  in  the  Letters, 
but  the  prevailing  Party  obftrucled  the  Reading  of 
it ;  and  then  the   Queftion  being  put  for  declaring 
all  fuch  Perfons  Traitors  who  had  invited  the  Sects 
Army  under  the  Duke  of  Hamilton  to  come  into 
England,  it  patted  in  the  Affirmative.' 


of   ENGLAND. 

The  fame  Day  the  Earl  of  Manchefter  prefented  A 
to  the  Houfe  cf  Lords  a  Better  from  the  Earl  of 
Nottingham  at  Edinburgh^  inclofmg 

A  P  A  P  E  R  from  the  Committee  of  Eftates  of  Scot- 
land, cf  the  8tb  of  July,  to  the  CommiJ/ioners  of 
England,  in  Anfwer  to  feme  of  their  former 

Edinburgh^  July  8,   1648. 

'  \T7  E  the  Committee  of  Eftates   of  the  Par-  ^ 
'    W    liament  of   the   Kingdom  of  Scotland^  do  n,,^  u.  ^,.av«, 
'  return  this  Anfwer  to  your   Lordftiips  Paper  of  exPre^'ns  their 
c  the  iyth  and  22d  of  June:  That  altho' our  Com- 

*  miffioners  at  London  did  often,  for  fome  Months  oTthe 

'  together,  after  the  Return  of  our  Army  out   of  Parliament. 
'  England^  attend  without  any  Anfwer  to  their  Pa- 
'  pers,  and  thejuft  Deiires  of  this  Kingdom;  and 
6  at  feveral  Times,  for   many  Days,  could  obtain 
'  no  Hearing ;  yet  the  Parliament,  notwithftand- 

*  ing  of  their  important  Bufmefs,  and  that  this  laft 
'  Seffion  was  very  fhort,  did  always,  immediately 
'  after  the  Receipt  of  your  Lordfhips  Letters  and 

*  Papers,  read  them ;    and  returned  fuch  Anfwers 

*  as  they  conceived  ought  to  fatisfy,  and  particu- 
'  larly  to  your  Defires  concerning    Berwick  and 
e  Carlijlg)  as  likewife  to  that   Engagement  which 
'  you  were  pleafed  to  offer,  upon  the  Advance  of 
'  the  Army  under  the  Command  of  the  Lord  Fair- 
1  fax)  into  the  North  of  England  towards  our  Bor- 
'  der ;  which  therefore  we  fliall  not  here  repeat. 

'  The   Parliament  alfo,  upon  Confideration  of 

*  the  great  Dangers  threatening  Religion,  his  Ma- 
'  jefty's  Perfon  and  Authority,  yea,  Monarchy  itr 
4  ie!f,  and  the  Peace  and  Huppinefs  of  thefc  King- 
c  do. MS,  ftriclly  united  by  Covenant,  Treaties,  and 
'  fo  many  near  Relations,  did,  upon  the  26th  of 

*  y//>r;7  lad,  fend  fuch  Demands  to  the  Houies  of 

*  the  Parliament  of  England,  as  they  conceived  to 

*  bejuft  and  necefTary ;    to  which  they  did,  upon 

*  the  1 5th  Day  of  May,  return  a  very  general  An- 
'  fwer,  relating  to  a  more  particular   Satisfaction, 
'  to  be  expected  from   your  Lordlhips.     And  the 

U  4  '  Committee 

3  1  2  *fhe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  <  Committee  of  Eftates  did,  on  the  23d  Day  of 

,     lM"      ,  «  May  laft,  defire  to  know  if  your   Lordfhips  had 

July.          *  received  any  further  Inftru&ions  for  fatisfying  the 

*  Defires  of  this  Kingdom  :  To  which  your  Lord- 
'  {hips  anfwered,  That  as  yet  you  had  not  received 
t  any\  neither  have  we,  fmce  that  Time,  heard  any 

*  Thing  concerning  the  faid  Defires   from  your 
'  Lordfhips  ;  which  we  cannot  but  look  upon  as  a 

*  great  Contempt  and  Ncglccl:  of  this  Kingdom, 

*  and  an  Evidence  of  no  great  Forwardnefs  or  In- 
'  clination  towards  a  Peace  or  Settlement,  or  Re- 
'  foluiion  to  entertain  that   Amity  and  good  Ccr- 

*  refpondcnce  betwixt  the  Nations,  which  we,  by 

*  Treaties,  Meflages,  and  all  imaginable  Means, 
.*  have  ftill  ftudied  to  preferve  :    And,  had  a  fatisfac- 

*  torv  Anfwer  been  returned  to  thefe  our  neceflary 
'  Dcfires,  all  the  Inconveniences   which  hereafter 
f  mayenfue,  would  probably  have  been  prevented, 

,  '  which  we  have  ftill  fmce  that  Time  patiently  ex- 

'  petted,  and  aclcd  nothing  as  to  an  Engagement, 
'  in  Hopes  thereof:  But  finding  the  Dangers  to  all 
'  that  is  deareft  to  us  ftill  increafmg  ;  no  Satisfac- 

*  tion,  nor  fo  much  as  an  Anfwer  offered  to  thefe 

*  our  juft  and  nccefTary  Defires  ;  no  Security  to  Re- 

*  ligion,  but  rather  a  greater  Danger  thereunto  from 
'  the  Three  Propofitions  now  communicated  unto 
'  us  ;    no  Hope  of  Safety  or  Freedom   thereby  to 
4  his  Majefty's  Perfon,  and  as  little  of  Freedom  to 

*  the  Honourable  Houfes  of  the  Parliament,  Eafe 
'  to  the  oppreiled  Subjects  of  England,  or  Security 

*  to  either  Nation  ;  we  have  therefore  refolved  to 

*  purfue  our  Duties  in  order  to  all  thefe,  as  Chrifti- 

*  ans,  as  Subjects,  and  as  Brethren  icined  together 

*  in  Covenant,  upon  the  Grounds  contained  in  the 
'  inclofed    Declaration  ;     which    we    defire  your 
?  Lordfhips  would  be  pleafed   to  communicate  to 
f  the  Honourable  Houfes  (w). 

By  Command  of  tbt   Committee  of  the   EJlates  cf 


(»)  To  this  Paper  the  Frglijb  Corrn^iflloncrs  returneJ  n 
|p  r'tgwd  the  iVc/j  AririV  hau  then  invaded  England* 


of    ENGLAND.  313 

The  foregoing  Paper,  and  the  Declaration  men-  An.  24.  Car.  I. 
tioned  to  be  inclofed  therein,  was  read,  as  were 
alfo  the  Defires  of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland  of 
the  26th  of  April  laft,  which  had  been  prefented 
to  the  Parliament  on  the  2d  of  May(o}.  Then  the 
Vote  fent  up  this  Day  from  the  Commons,  declar-  Whereupon  the 
ins  '  That  all  fuch  Perfons  of  this  Kingdom,  who  LLords  &**&<*  to 

•    e     •       •      «    .       a  A  •       r«       ;       7  j        the  ^ote  ot  the 

have  invited  the  Scots  Army  now  m  England,  under  commons  a- 
the  Command  of  the  Duke  of  Hamilton,  to  come  gainft  fuch  as  in- 
into  this  Kingdom,  or  have  afiifted  that  Army,  are  vited  the  Scots 
Traitors,  and  fhall  be  proceeded  againft   as  fuch,'    rmy* 
was  alfo  read.    And  the  Queftion  being  put,  Whe- 
ther to  agree  to  this  Vote  ?    it  pafled  in   the  Ne- 
gative :    But  the  Earls  of  Pembroke,  Salijbury,  and 
Mulgrave,  the  Lord   Vifcount  Say  and   Sele,  and 
the  Lord  Howard  of  EJkricke,    entered  their  Dif- 

It  was  then  ordered  that  a  Meflage  be  fent  to 
the  Commons,  to  defire  that  the  Committee  for- 
merly appointed  to  confider  of  a  Peace  with  the 
King,  ihould  meet  at  Three  this  Afternoon,  to 
review  the  Declaration  from  the  Committee  of 
Eftates  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  and  alfo  their 
Defires  of  the  26th  of  April  laft  ;  likewife  to  find 
out  fome  Expedient,  that  the  Treaty  between  the 
King  and  Parliament  may  be  fpeeded,  and  that 
Care  might  be  taken  to  prevent  the  cafting  the  two 
Kingdoms  into  War  and  Bioodftied.  The  Lords  And  order  the 
alfo  refolved,  That  the  Scots  Declaration  fhould  ,if 

...         T_i*/i_    j  incir  iveaions  toe 

be  printed  and  publuhed.  returning  into 

The    Contemporary    Hiftorian    laft    cited    ob-  England>  to  be 
ferves,  «  That  though,  when  the  Commons  pafled  pnntcdt 
the  Vote  againft  fuch  as  invited  the  Scots,  without 
fuffering  the  Declaration  from  the  Committee  of 
Eftates  of  that  Kingdom  to  be  then  read ;  yet,  after 
the  Lords  had  ordered  it  to  be  printed,  the  Com- 
mons allowed  it  a  Reading  in  their  Houfe.     A  Cir- 
cumftance  v/hich  ftands  confirmed   by  the  Journals 
of  the  21  ft  and  22d  of  this  Month. 

This  Declaration,  which  is  a  Recapitulation  of 
ali  the  Proceedings  of  the  Engltjh  Parliament  fince 

(p)  £ee  before  in  this  Vdume,  p,  125. 

314  ffl>e  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  the  Independent  Party  and  the  Army  gave  the  Rule 

1648.          there,  is  exprefled   in   very   high   Terms,  and  deT 

^    ~  "*    mands  our  Attention :  We  (hall  therefore  give  it  at 

large  from  the  Original  Edition  (<?).    Mr.  Whitlocke 

and  Mr.  Rujhworth  mention  this  Declaration:  But 

we  do  not  find  it  printed  in  thofe  or  any  other  of 

the  Contemporary  Hiftorians. 

A  DECLARATION  of  the  Committee  of  the  EJlates 
of  the  Parliament  of  Scotland  'to  the  Honourable 
ffoufes  of  the  Parliament^  and  to  all  their  Brethren 
of  England,  concerning  the  NeceJJity^  Grounds, 
and  Ends  of  their  Engagement ;  and  of  the  Return 
of  the  Scots  Army  into  England. 

A  FTER  fo  long  Continuance  of  the  fad  Cala- 
"^  mities  that  have  almoft  wafted  thefe  three 
Kingdoms,  and  the  uninterrupted  Endeavours  of 
this  Nation  to  have  all  the  Caufes  of  them  remo- 
ved, we  cannot  poflibly  exprefs  with  what  Grief 
of  Soul  we  find  them  ftill  more  likely  to  be  in- 
creafed  than  diminimed  j  neither  did  any  Part 
of  our  former  Sufferings  more  deeply  afflict  us, 
than  again  to  be  necefiitated  to  Expreffions  and 
Actions,  that,  by  fome,  will  rather  be  looked 
upon  as  Incentives  of  new  Troubles,  than  Means 
to  quiet  and  calm  the  prefent  Diftempers : 
Wherefore  we  have  thought  fit  to  offer  this  en- 
fuing  Declaration  to  the  Honourable  Houfes  of 
the  Parliament,  and  to  our  Brethren  of  England^ 
for  Satisfaction  of  all  religious,  loyal,  and  honeft 
Men,  That  Heaven  and  Earth  may  bear  Wit- 
nefs  with  us  of  the  Neceffity  of  our  Engagement 
and  Undertaking  at  this  Time,  and  of  the  Candor 
of  our  Intentions  and  Refolutions. 
e  After  that,  by  the  Bleffing  of  God  upon  the 
Endeavours  of  this  Nation,  and  their  Armies  at 
home  and  in  England,  in  two  feveral  Expeditions, 
a  happy  Peace  was  fettled,  Religion  and  the  juft 

'  Liberties 

(f )  Printed  at  Edinburgh,  by  Evan  Tyler ;  on  the  Back  of  the 
Title- Page  whereof  are  thefe  Words,  God  fa-ve  the  King.  The  Edi- 
tion printed  at  Lor.dsn,  by  Robert  Boftock,  is  an  waft  Copy,  except 
ia  thi  s  Circumftance. 

of    ENGLAND. 

'  Liberties  of  this  Kingdom  eftablifhed,  a  Parlia-  An 

*  ment  called  in  England^  and  great  Progrefs  made 
4  towards  the  Redrefs  of  all  Grievances,  and  re- 

*  forming  Abufes   both  in  Church  and   State,  it 

*  pleafed  God  again  to  call  us   to  new  Troubles ; 

*  for  the  Differences  betwixt  the  King  and  Parlia- 
'  ment  being  increafed  and  heightned  into  a  bloody 

*  War  ;  the.  many  Addreffcs   of  this  Kingdom  to 
'  his  Majefty  and  the  two  Houfes,  for  an  amicable 
4  Compofure  of  Differences,  having  proved  fruitlefs 
4  and  ineffectual;  and  the  Parliament  reduced  to  a 
'  low  Condition ;  this  Kingdom  was  invited  to  the 

*  Affiftance  of  their  Brethren,  large  Profeffions  by 

*  them  were  made  of  their  Defires   of  Unity  and 
4  Uniformity  in  Religion,  of  a  nearer  Conjunction 

*  with  this  Kingdom  ;  and  the  Dangers  were  fully 

*  reprefented  to  us  of  a  prevailing  Party  in  England^ 
4  different  from  us  in   Religion    and  Church-Go- 
4  vernment. 

4  It  was  then  acknowledged,  That  the  fame 
4  Fate  in  Religion  attended  both  ;  and  (becaufe  it 
4  was  well  known  that,  although  unhappy  Dif- 
4  ferenc-s  had  arifen  betwixt  his  Majefty  and  his 
4  Subjects  in  that  Kingdom,  yet  Scotland  could 
4  never  be  drawn  into  any  Action  againft  his  Ma- 
4  jefty,  or  that  Fidelity  and  Subjection  which  they 
4  owe  to  him  and  his  Pofterity;)  large  Profeffions 
4  were  therefore  made,  by  the  two  Houfes,  of  their 
4  Loyalty  to  the  King,  whofe  Greatnefs  and  Au- 
4  thority  they  profeffed  they  never  intended  to  di- 
4  minim,  as  may  more  fully  appear  in  their  feveral 
4  Declarations  ;  Commiffioners  were  fent  into  this 
4  Kingdom,  Invitations  renewed,  a  Treaty  made, 
4  and  a  Covenant  folemnly  fworn  and  figned,  for 
4  Reformation  and  Defence  of  Religion,  the  Ho- 

*  nour  and  Happinefs  of  the  King,  and  the  Peace 

*  and  Safety  of  the  Kingdoms. 

4  Thus  both  Kingdoms  were  equally  and  mu- 
4  tually  engaged  ;  and,  in  purfuance  of  that  Cove- 
4  nant  and  Treaty,  an  Army  marched  into  Eng~ 
4  land  in  the  hardeft  Seafon ;  and  both  Kingdoms, 
4  in  their  joint  Declaration,  Jan.  6,  164^.,  obliged 
5  4  them- 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

themfelves,  and  decreed,  never  to  lay  down  Arms 
till  Truth   and  Peace,  by  the  Bleffing  of  God, 
4  were  fettled  in  this  Ifland  upon  a  firm  Founda- 
'  tion,  for  the  prefent  and  future  Generations. 

*  Although  we  (hall  not  mention  what  Succefs 
4  that  Army  had,  what  Blood  they  loft  both  in 
4  Scotland  and  England,  what  Hardihips  they  en- 
4  dured,  and  how  much  this  Kingdom  was  there- 
4  by  impoverished ;  yet  we  cannot  but  remember 
4  how  that,  by  the  Blefling  of  God  upon  the  joint 

*  Councils  and  Forces  of  both  Kingdoms,  the  two 

*  Houfes  of  Parliament  were  recovered  into  a  Con- 
4  dition  of  making  good  thofe  Engagements  ;  and 
4  with  what  Unity  both  Kingdoms  proceeded  to- 

*  wards  attaining  of  thofe  Ends,  until  that  Party 

*  in  the  Houfes,  who  fmce  have  declared   them- 

*  felves   Independents  j(who    feemed   moft   forward 

*  in  engaging  of  this  Kingdom,  and  at  firft  profef- 

*  fed  greateft  Care  of  our  Army)   had   attained   to 
4  Power,  difcovered  their  Intention,  and  interrupt- 
4  cd  all  thofe  fair  Beginnings :    They  created   and 
4  fomented  Jealoufies  againft  the    Scots ;    and,  by 

*  their  Influence  on  the  Houfes,  cafhiered  all  ,  in 
'  England  by  Sea  and  J_/and,  how  eminent,  how 
4  faithful  foever,  that  they  could   not   confide  in  ; 
4  and,  by  the  Succefs  of  their  new-modelled  Army, 
4  (for  the  moft  Part  Sectaries)  they  engrofled  all 
4  Power,  Military  and  Civil,  into  their  own  and 
4  their  Creatures  Hands.     The  Propofitions  for- 
4  merly  agreed  on  by  both  Kingdoms,  and  treated 
4  on  at  Uxbridge,  were  altered  ;  yet  this  Kingdom 
4  was  content  fo  far  to  deny  themfelves   and  their 
4  own  Interefts,  as  to  wave  the  Propofitions  moft 
4  advantageous  to  Scotland;  and,  for  witneffing  their 
4  Defires  of  Peace,  to  join  in  thofe  framed  by  the 
4  two  Houfes  where  the  Independents  had  got  fuch 
4  a  Power. 

4  And  for  the  greateft  Tcftimony  of  our  Con- 
4  fidence  in  the  Honourable  Houfes  of  Parliament, 

*  (notwithftandino;  the  many  Injuries  and  Difcou- 
4  ragements    received  in  England^    from  the  then 
4  and  ftill  prevailing  Party  in  the  Englifn  Army 

*  and 

^ENGLAND.  317 

and  their  Abetters,  who  were  grown  Anti-Cove-  An,  24.  Car.  I. 
na'nters,  and  threatned  a  Difappointment  of  all  the 
Ends  of  the  Covenant;  yet,  upon  the  public  Faith 
of  the  two  Houfes  given  to  us,  for  the  Preferva- 
tion  and  Safety  of  his  Majefty's  facred  Perfon, 
and  of  making  joint  Addreffes  to  his  Majefty  for 
fettling  a  fafe  and  well-grounded  Peace,  and  free 
Accefs  of  all  employed  by  this  Kingdom  to  his^ 
Majefty)  the  Annies  of  Scotland  returned  from 
England,  and  left  the  King  with  the  Englijh 
Commifiioners ;  moft  of  our  Army  were  imme- 
diately thereafter  difbanded  ;  and  no  more  kept  on 
Foot  but  fo  many  as  were  neceilary  for  reducing 
fome  Scots  Rebels  and  Irljb  Subjects  of  the  Crown 
of  England  *  whom,  by  the  Large  Treaty,  Eng- 
land was  bound  to  reduce. 

'  We  expected  that  the  like  Courfe  would  have 
been  taken  for  difbanding  the  Armies  in  England^ 
and  none  kept  on  Foot  but  fuch  as  were  necef- 
fary  for  the  Garrifons  and  Safety  of  the  Kingdom,  > 
there  being  then  n»  profefled  Enemy  in  Arms, 
and  thefe  to  have  been  fuch  as  both  Kingdoms 
might  have  confided  in  for  Affection  to  Religion 
and  Monarchy ;  whereunto  the  Honourable 
Houfes  of  the  Parliament  did  effectually  apply 
themfelves,  as  appears  by  their  Declaration  of 
the  28th  of  May,  1647  ;  but  the  Independent 
Party  was  as  diligent  to  hinder  it,  by  contriving 
and  procuring  a  Petition  from  the  Army  againft 
their  Difbanding  :  This  by  the  Houfes  was  vot- 
ed mutinous,  and  the  Abettors  of  it  Enemies  to 
the  State.  Then  200, ooo/.  was  provided,  and 
Commifiioners  fent  down  to  the  Army  for  dif- 
banding it,  and  engaging  a  confiderable  Supply, 
for  Ireland,  under  the  Command  of  Major- Gene- 
ral Skippon  and  Lieutenant-General  Majfey ;  one 
hundred  and  fixty-feven  Prefbyterian  Officers 
engaged  for  Ireland,  and  gave  Obedience  to  the 
Commands  of  the  Parliament ;  but,  on  a  fudden, 
the  Sectaries  of  that  Army  drew  themfelves  toge- 
ther j  entered  into  a  folemn  Engagement  againft 

<  the 

3 1 8  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I*  <  the  Refolutions  of  the  Parliament ;  caftiiered  atf 
'  the  Prefbyterian  Officers  who  had  adhered  to  the 
4  Parliament,  or  fubfcribed.  for  Ireland;  placed 
'  Sectaries  in  their  Charges  ;  creeled  a  fupreme 

*  Council  of  Agitators,  and  then  grew  indeed  into 
4  a  compleat  new  Model. 

4  Soon  thereafter  a  Party  out  of  feveral  Regi- 
«  ments,  commanded  by  a  Taylor,  a  Cornet  of 
4  theirs, -one  Joyce,  violently  feized  on  the  Perfon 
4  of  the  King;  and  carried  him  from  his  Houfe 
4  at  Holdenby,  againft  his  own  Will  and  the  Pro- 
4  teftation  of  the  Commiilioners  then  attending 
4  upon  him,  and  againft  the  declared  Refolutions 
4  of  both  Kingdoms:  And  though  this  Action  was 

*  at  firft  difavowed  by  the  General,  yet  it  appears 
4  to  have  been  done  by  fome  under-hand  Warrant; 
«  for  the  King  was  kept  ftlll   within  the  Army's 
4  Quarters,  and  ftrong  Guards  placed  about  him  : 

*  And  when  the  Houfes  thought  fit  to  command 
'  the  Army  not  to  come  within   thirty  Miles  of 
4  London,    and  to  vote  his   Majefty's  Coming  to 
4  Richmond,  they,  by  a  threatning  Meflage,  forced 
4  the  recalling  of  thefe  Votes,  and  carried  the  King 

*  along  with  them  to  Hatfald  and  other  Places  at 

*  their  Pleafure. 

4  The  Houfes  did  then  juftly  think  it  neceflary 
«  to  look  to  their  own  Prefervation,  leaft  they 
4  fhould  be  ferved  as  his  Majefty  was  j  and,  upon 

*  the  nth  of  June,  1647,  they  appointed  a  Com- 
4  mittee  of  Safety  to  meet  with  the  Militia  of  Lon-> 
4  don,  and  to  confider  upon  the  Prefervation  of  the 

*  Parliament  and  City. 

4  The  great  Work  of  the  Army  being  to  new- 
4  model  the  Parliament,  as  well  as  they  had  done 
4  themfelves,  and  to  fubdue  and  enflave  that  great 

*  and  glorious  City  :    In  order  thereunto  they  firft 
4  began  with  a  falfe  and  frivolous  general  Charge 
'  againft  divers  Members  of  the  Houfes,  eminent 
4  for  Affe&ion  and  Action  in  this  Caufe,  and  vio- 

*  lently  prefled  their  Sufpenfion  from  the  Houfes  ; 
'  but,  upon  a  full  and  free  Debate,  it  was  voted  to 


of    ENGLAND.  319 

*  be  againft  the  Law  to  fufpend  any  Member  upon  An-  »4  Car« 

*  a  general  Charge,  without  bringing  in  and  prov-   t     *64 

*  ing  of  Particulars.     This  Procedure   did  not  fit         july. 

*  the  Army's  Occafions;  they  therefore  fent  feveral 
'  threatning  MefTages,  That  they  would  march  to 
'  Weftminjler  ;  that   they  would  purge  the  Houfe  ; 

*  and  that  they  muft  take  extraordinary  Courfes : 
'  Thus  they  force  the  Houfes  to  recal  their  Votes 
'  for  a  Committee  of  Safety,  and  to  difband  what 
'  Forces  they  had  drawn   together  under  Prefby- 

*  terian  Officers  $  they  compel  the  eleven  Alembers 
c  to  withdraw  from  their  Attendance  in  the  Hpufe  : 
'  And,  the  Militia  of  London,  at  the  unanimous  De- 
'  fire  of  the  Common-Council,  being  then  fettled  in 
'  the  Hands  of  fuch  Perfons  as  the  City  might  moft 

*  confide  in,  the  Army,  to  perfect  their  Defigns 
'  upon  them,  enforced  the  Houfes  to  a  new  Model 

*  of  that  Militia. 

*  Having  thus  in  their  Power  the  Perfon  of  his 

*  Majefty,  and  having  over-awed  the  Parliament 

*  and  City,  they  difperfe  themfelves  in  the  feveral 

*  Counties  about  London ;  lift  and  raife  daily  more 

*  Forces  ;  and  refolve  to  fettle,  or  rather  alter  and 
1  fubvert,  Religion  and  Government  after  their  own 

*  Will ;  as  is  held  forth  in  their  Propofals  which 

*  they  firft  prefented  to  his  Majefty,  and  after- 

*  wards  fent  to  the  Houfes,  as  that  which  they 

*  would  have  the  Ground  of  Peace  :  But  the  City 
'  was  fo  enraged  at  the  Change  of  their  Militia, 

*  that  they  come  down  to  Weftminjler  to  petition 

*  againft  it ;    and  the  'Prentices,  who  had  learned 

*  from  the  Army  the  powerfulleft  Arguments  to 

*  perfuade,  came  in  Multitudes,  and  prefled  the 

*  granting  of  the  Common-Council's  Petition. 

*  Thus,  on  the  26th  of  July,  1647,  the  Houfes 
'  again  fettled  the  Militia  as  formerly }    many  in 

*  London  entered  into  an   Engagement,    but  the 

*  Militia  of  London  quieted  all  Tumults,  fettled 

*  orderly  Guards,    and  next  Day  the  Houfe  of 
'  Commons  fat  quietly  :    Yet  it  was  refolved  by 
'  that  Party,  that  the  two  Speakers  and  the  Friends 

*  of  the  Army  (hould  fly  thither,  which  they  did  ; 

« the 

An.   24.  Car.  1. 

Parliamentary  HISTORY 

the  Houfes  notwithstanding  fat,  chofe  new  Speak- 
ers, revived  the  Committee  of  Safety,  and  put 
themfelves  in  a  Pofture  of  Defence ;  and,  upon' 
the  Defires  of  the  Commiffioners  of  this  King- 
dom, they  invited  his  Majefty  to  come  to  Lon- 
don with  Honour,  Freedom,  and  Safety. 
*  The  Army  hereupon  drew  together;  refufed  to 
own  the  Parliament;  declared  againft  them;  print- 
ed their  own  Propofals  ;  cried  out  againft  a  new' 
\Var.  In  the  mean  Time  they  and  their  Friends 
that  fled  to  them,  being  engaged  by  Writing  to 
live  and  die  together,  marched  up  againft  the 
Parliament  and  City,  who  feemed  to  have  been 
in  a  Readinefs  to  oppofe  them ;  until,  by  the  En- 
deavours of  fome  that  were  better  Friends  to  the 
Sectaries  than  to  the  Parliament  and  City,  by  their 
many  AddrefTes  to  the  Army  and  Returns,  the 
City  was  furrendered  ;  and  the  Sectaries,  having 
brought  up  the  Speakers  and  Members  that  fled 
to  them,  marched  in  Triumph  through  London 
with  Laurel  in  their  Hats.  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax 
was  made  Captain-General  of  all  England^  Con- 
ftable  of  the  Tower  of  London^  and  Commander 
of  all  the  Garrifons  of  England :  He  put  out  an 
honeft  faithful  Citizen,  and  put  in  a  Sectary- 
Lieutenant  of  the  Tower ;  and  then  they  fell  a-' 
frefh  upon  purging  of  the  Houfe,  as  they  called  it ; 
feven  Lords  were  impeached  of  a  netf  pretended 
Treafon ;  the  eleven  Members  forced  to  fly ; 
and,  after  a  Fortnight's  Debate,  being  often  car- 
ried in  the  Negative,  (for  a  little  Liberty  yet  re- 
mained) at  laft,  by  a  threatening  Declaration  from 
the  Army,  and  the  Swordfmen's  coming  into  the 
Houfe,  all  Orders  paft  in  Abfence  of  the  old' 
Speakers  were  repealed ;  fome  of  the  moft  active 
of  the  Houfes,  the  Lord  Mayor,  three  honeft 
Aldermen,  and  divers  Common-Counfellors  of 
London,  charged  and  imprifoned  ;  the  Officers  of 
the  City  altered  ;  and  all  upon  a  general  Accufa- 
tion  for  levying;  a  new  War:  But,  indeed,  really, 
for  being  zealous  for  the  Ends  of  the  Covenant, 
and  for  Defence  of  the  Privileges,  yea,  the  Being 


of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  321 

*  df  the  Parliament,  againft  the  Violence  and  In-  An.   14  Car.  tt 
c  iblerice  of  this  Schifmatic  Army. 

'  The  Liberty  of  the  Parliament  was  thus  de- 

*  ftroyed  by  their  own   Servants,  contrary  to  their 

*  many  Profeflions ;    the  famous  Gity  of  London 
c  enflaved  to  Sectaries,  and  not  only  thofe  Privileges 
'  taken  from  them,  which4  by  their  Fairhfulnefs  to 

*  the  Parliament*  and  with  Expence  of  fo   much 

*  Blood  and  Treafure,  they  had  merited,  but  even 
c  their  ancient  Liberties  trodden  on ;  and  all  Things 
f  governed  at  Wejlminfter  and   London  according 

*  to  Orders  from  the  Court  of  War,  who  alfo,  by 
'  a  reigning  Spirit  of  levelling  Democracy,  were^ 

*  or  feerried  to  be,  over-ruled  by  the  new  Supreme 

*  Council  of  Agitators,  who  had  been  Soldiers,  and 
'  now  were  turned  fuperlative  Commanders. 

'  As  the  Labour  of  the  Independent  Junto  was 
'  to  court  the  People  and  the  Soldiery  by  Declara- 
"'  tions  and  Engagements,  which  they  as  foon  fal- 

*  fifiedj  and  even  to  trade  with  the  Papifts,  as  was 
'  informed  ;  fo  they  ftudied   to  intereft  the  King's 
'  Party 4  and  cajoled  fome  of  them  to  propofe  what 

*  was  moft  obnoxious  to  the  Parliament,  and  ex- 
'  cepted  in  the  Proportions  :    But  they  foon  ma- 

*  nifefted  to  the  World  what  their  Intentions  were 
'  to  the  King  j  for  after  they  had  made  ufe  of  the 
'  Detaining  his  Majefty's  Perfon  in  their  Army,  and 
'  of  pretending  for  his  Intereft  and  Party,  to  en- 
'  able  them  to  fubdue   the  Parliament  and  City  : 
4  that  Work  being  over,  they  firft  grew  feveref 

*  to  his  Partyj  except  fuch  as  they  (rill  made  very 

*  good  ufe  of  j   and   then  endeavoured,  by  threat- 
1  ning,  to  fright  him  away  from  Hampton-Court '* 

*  The  Power  of  the  Levellers  was  much  talked  of, 
•.until  his  Majefty  was  fure  in  the  Ifle  of  Wight ^ 

*  and  then  their  Lieutenant-General  found  a  Means 

*  to  quiet  them. 

«  In  the  Ifle  of  Wight  they  firft  made  his  Ma- 

*  jefty  Prifoner  without  any  known  Authority,  and 
'  then  got  the  Houfes  to  own  and  order  it ;    and, 

*  by  the  Prevalence  of  the  Independent  Party,  Votes 

*  were  pafled,  making  another  Kind  of  new  High 
Vol.  XVII.  X  «  Trcafon, 

322  Ike  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.   14  Car.  I, «  Treafon,    viz.    To  make  any   Application   to  the 

'^'         '  King,  to  write  to  him,  or  to  receive  Letters  from 

July-         '  ^im '    ^  ^verity  greater  tnan   i$  ufual  againft 

'  Malefactors.     And  for  juftifying  of  thefe  Votes, 

'  a   Declaration    was   publi{hed   with  many  falfe 

'  Scandals  caft  upon  his  Majefty  ;    and  it  is  even 

*  declared,  That  they  will  put  no  more   Truft  in 

*  him  j  yea,  now  we  are  informed,  that,  by  horrid 

*  Treachery  and  Poifon,  Endeavours  are  ufed  to 
'  take  away  his  Life. 

'  And  as  that  Independent  Party  hath  endeavour- 
'  ed  to  fubvert  the  begun  Reformation  of  Religion ; 
'  to  deftroy  the  King  and  Monarchy ;  overthrow 
'  the  Parliament ;  and  perfecute  honeft  Men  ;  fo 
'  it  hath  been  their  Study;,  ever  fince  the  Removal 
'  of  the  Scots  Armyi  to  break  the  happy  Union 

*  betwixt  the  Kingdoms  j  to  lay  afide  the  GoVe- 

*  nant ;  difappoiht  all  the  Ends  of  it ;  and  violate 

*  all  Treaties  betwixt  the  Kingdoms. 

'  We  fhall  not  need  to  repeat   the  Jealoufies 

*  they  created  and  fomented  againft"  Scotland  and 

*  the  Scots  Commiffioners,  and  our  Army  whilft  it 

*  w*s  there  ;  how  they  withheld  the  Maintenance 

*  from  them    due  by   the  Treaty,    that  by   free 
'  Quarter  they  might  grow  burthenfomC  and  odi- 

*  ous  to  the  Country  :  Nor  need  we  now  to  men- 

*  tion  any  Violation  of  the  Large  Treaty,  concern- 

*  ing  the  Remainder  of  Money  due  upon  the  Bro- 

*  therly  Affiftance,  nor  of  the  Money  due  by  Treaty 

*  for  our  Army  in  Ireland,  or  by  the  late  Treaty  up- 

*  on  the  March  of  our  Army :  Nor  (hall  we  nowin- 
'  fift  upon  the  Breach  of  that  Article  of  the  Large 

*  Treaty,  by  which  the  Houfes  were  obliged  to  pur- 
'  fue,  take,  and  punifh  the  Irifli  Rebels,  Subjects  of 

*  the  Crown  of  England,  who  fo  long  infefted  us. 

'  We  have  already  declared  what  Breaches  they 

*  have  made  of  the  folemn  Engagements   for  the 

*  King ;  and  when  our  Commiffioners  at  London 

*  demanded  Whether.the  Votes  againft  all  Appli- 
<  cation  to  his  Majcfty  did  extend  to  his  Subjects 

*  of  Scotland,  to  debar  fuch  as  are  warranted  by 

*  the  Parliament  of  this  Kingdom,  or  their  Com- 

'  mittees, 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  323 

*  rhittees,  from  free  Accefs  to,  or  Intercourfe  with,  An.  14  Car.  I. 
'  his  Majefty ;  or  that  he  fhould  be  hindered  from,         l64*'    ^ 
'  and  fo  made  incapable  of,  any  A&  of  Govern-     ~^Jiy. 

'  ment  in  relation  to  the  Affairs  of  Scetland  ?  No 
'  Anfwer  was  then,  nor  as  yet  is^  returned  there- 

*  unto ;  but  before  that  Time*  not  only  fuch  as  had 

*  Warrant  for  Accefs  to  him  were  debarred  thereof, 
'  (notwithstanding  the  Engagement  of  the  Houfe, 
'  the  27th  of  January,  1647,  to  the  contrary)  but 

*  even  the  Earl  of  Lauderdale,  a  public  Minifter 
'  of  this  Kingdom,  contrary  to  that   Engagement 

*  and  to  the  Law  of  Nations,  was  violently  remov- 
'  ed  by  a  Party  of  the  Army  from  Woobttrne,  where 

*  his  Majefty  then  was,  and  not  fuffered  to  have 

*  Accefs  to    him ;    and  though  Reparation   was 
'  therein  defined  by  the  Iaft  Committee  of  Eftates, 
'  yet  none  was  given.     And  altho',  by  the  eighth 

*  Article  of  the  Treaty  ^  1643,  it  is  agreed,  That 

*  no  Cefjation,  Pacification,  nor  Agreement  for  Peace 
c  whatsoever?  /hall  be  made  by  either  Kingdom ,  or  the 

*  Armies  of  either  Kingdom?  without  the  mutual  Ad" 

*  vice  and  Confent  of  both  Kingdoms,    (which  En- 
'  gagemeht  the  Houfes  of  Parliament  alfo  repeated 

*  in  their  Letter  of  the   27th  of  January,  1647, 
'  to  obferve  that  Article,  after  the  Removal  of  our 
'  Army  out' of  England)  yet  contrary  thereunto, 

*  the  Sectaries  and  their  Adherents  framed  Propo- 
'  fuls,  deftrudlive  to  the  Ends  of  the  Covenant, 

*  which  were  prefented  to  his  Majefty  without  the 
'  Advice  or  Confent  of  the  "Kingdom  of  Se at/and ; 

*  and    having    cunningly    inferted    therein  fome 

*  Things  more  pleafmg  to  his  Majefty  than  the 
'  Propofitions  of  both  Kingdoms  were,  it  was  their 
'  Study  to  perfaade  his  Majefty,  in  his  Anfwer  to 

*  their  Proppfrtions  at  Hampton-Court,   to  throw 

*  himfelf  on  their  Propofals,  and  thereby  unfatisfy 

*  both  his  Kingdoms ;  which,  as  foon  as  the  King 
'  had  done,  they  themfelves  laid  them  afide,  anfi 
c  ufed  his  Majefty  as  we  have  before  exprcffed. 

*  And  whereas  the  Houfes  of  Parliament,  whilft 

4  in  Liberty,  made  it  their  Work  firft  to  difband 

my  before  any  Applications  to  be  mude  rt> 

«  tne  Ar  X  ^  « his 

224  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I. c  his  Majefty  ;  the  Independent  Party,  having  the 
'  King  within  the  Quarters  of  their  Army,  end  the 
^  \l\j  "~  '  ^ty  re^uce<^>  prefied  vehemently  the  fending  of 
'  the  Proportions  of  both  Kingdoms,  whilft  them- 
'  felves  were  fafteft  trjnketing  with  their  Propofals. 
'  A  fhort  and  peremptory  Day  was  fet  for  the  Deli- 
4  very  of  the  Propofitions,  without  the  Advice  or 
'  Confent  of  the  Commiffioners  of  the  Kingdom  of 

*  Scotland,  then  at  London ;  and  Inftrudtions  given, 

*  that  if  the  Scots  Commiffioners  were  not  prefent 

*  that  Day,  the  Propofitions  fliould  neverthelefs  be 
'  delivered  without  them  :    And  as  we  have  great 
'  Reafon  to  believe  that   it  was  the   Study  of  the 

*  Sectaries,  and  thofe  that  were  their  Inftruments 
'  in  that  Treaty,  that  his  Majefty  {hould  not  fatisfy 
'  his  Parliaitr-nts  by  his  Anfwer  ;    yet,  upon  that 

*  An  Twer,  by  the  Power  and  Prevalency  of  that 
c  Party,  the  Parliament  laid  afide  the  Propofitions 
'  agreed  en  by  both   Kingdoms  ;    and  have,  con- 
«  trary  to  the  Treaty,  framed  and  prefented  Pro- 
*-  pofitions  and  Bills  to  his  Majefty,  againft  which 
*•  the  CommiiTioners  of  this  Kingdom  declared;  and 

*  thereafter,  by  Order,  according  to  their  Inftruc- 

*  tions,  protefted  againil  them  in  the  Ifle  of  flight, 

*  as  being  deftru£tive  to  Religion,  the  Crown,  and 

*  Union  of  the  Kingdoms ;  as  may  at  large  be  feen 

*  in  that  printed  Anfwer  to  the  New  Propofitions, 

*  which  the  Parliament  here  have  owned  and  ap- 

*  proved  as  the  Senfe  of  this  Kingdom,  and  which 
«  we  hold  as  if  here  repeated  (r), 

*  The  Parliament  of  this  Kingdom  taking   into 
-c  their  Confideration  the  Dangers  thus  threatening 

*  Religion,  his  Majefty's  Sacred  Perfon  and  Pofte- 

*  rity,  yea;  Monarchy  and  all  Government;  how 

*  that,  by  the  Injufiice,  Violence,  and  Treachery 
'  of  the  Independents,  and  their  Adherents  in  Par- 

*  liament  and  Army,  the  Covenant  was  laid  afide ; 
•*  all  the  Ends  of  it  fruftrated  ;  Toleration  counte- 

*  nanced,    and,  by  the  new  Propofitions,  endea- 
'  vburedto  be  fettled;  his  Majefty -imprifoned,  and 
'  fuch  Height  of  Infolences  committed  againft  him ; 

•*  the  Privileges,  yea,  the  Being,  of  the  Parliament 
(r)  In  cur  Surttenth  Voiumc,  p.  436.  *  in 

of   ENGLAND.  325 

*  in  a  Manner  deftroyed,  and  the  Foundations  of  it  An«  *+  Car.  I. 

*  razed  ;  the  famous  City  of  London,  to  which  this  ( ^t 

'  Nation  and  all  that  are  faithful  in  this  Caufe  muft         juiy. 

*  needs  acknowledge  great  Obligations;  en  {laved  ; 

*  its  Liberties  trodden  on,  and   many  of  the   beft 

*  affected  to  the  Covenant  in  Parliament  and  City, 
'  for  their  Fidelity,  perfecuted  and   driven  aw.iy ; 

*  the  Treaties  with,  and  Engagements  to,  this  Na- 
'  tion  broken  ;    the  public  Faith  of  England,  yea, 

*  almoft  all   Laws,  Divine  and  Human,  violated  ; 

*  the  People  of  England  opprefied  with  free  Quar- 
'  ter  and  Taxes ;    and   the  Union  and   brotherly 

*  Correfpondence   betwixt   the    Kingdoms    much 

*  weakened  and  endeavoured   to  be  taken  away  : 

*  And  being  very  fenfible  of  the  many  Injuries  and 

*  Affronts  done  to  this  Nation,  their  Army,  and  thofc 

*  employed  by  them ;  weighing  alfo  well  how  fruit- 
'  Jefs  all  their  Endeavours  by  way  of  Treaties  and 
'  Mefla^es,  for  curing  thofe   Evils  and  removing 

*  thofe  Differences,    had   proven,  and  how  little 

*  Regard  was  had  to  our  Commifiioners  and  their 

*  Endeavours  at  London  of  late;  they  thought  it  high 

*  Time  to  look  to  their  own   Prefervation,  and  to 
'  put  this  Kingdom  into  aPoftureof  Arms  :  Yet, 
(  before  any  further  Engagement,  they  refolved  t6 
'  try  if,  by  the  three  juft  and  neceflary  Demands, 

*  of  the  26th  of  April  laft,  made  to  the  Houfes  of 

*  Parliament,  it  were  poflible,  in  an  amicable  Way, 

*  to  compofe  thofe  Differences,  and  provide  for  the 

*  Security  of  Religion,  of  his  Majefty,  and  of  the 

*  Peace  and  Union  of  the  Kingdoms  ;  to  the  which 

*  had  a  fatisfailory  Anfwer  been  returned,  all  the 

*  Inconveniences  that  may  enfue  might  have  been 

*  prevented,  which  wehaveflill,  fince  that  TimCj 
'  patiently  expected. 

4  But,  inftead  of  Security  to  Religion  according 

'  to   the   Covenant,    againft  the   Dangers   on  all 

*  Hands  ;  inftead  of  freeing  his  Mujefty  from  hrs 

*  bafe  Imprifonment,  that  he  may  come  to  fome 

*  of  his  Houfes  in  or  near   London  with  Honour, 

*  Freedom,    and   Safety,    where  both    Kingdoms 

*  may  make  their  Applications  to  him  for  fettling 

X  3  *  Religion 

326  T/&T  Parliamentary  H  i  s T  OR  Y 

.An.  24.  Car.'  I. <  keUgion  and  a  well-grounded  Peace;  inftead  of 

t      *64        ,  4  difoanding  the  Army  of  Sectaries  hy  whofe  Power 

july>         *  and  Tyranny  all  thefe  Evils  were  come  upon,  us, 

'  and  further  threaten  us ;  without  taking  any  No - 

'  tice  at  all  of  what,  upon  fo  juft  and   neceflary 

'  Grounds,  we  demanded  ;    without  any  Repara- 

'  tion  made  for   the  many  Injuries  done  to  this 

4  Kingdom  and  thofe  employed  by  them,  or  any 

*  Anfwer  to  that  Demand  made  by  our  CommiO- 
«  fioners,  Whether  it  was  intended  that  his  Majefty 
6  fhould  be  debarred  from  exercifing  any  Act  of  Go- 
'  vernment  in  relation  to  this  Kingdom?  Or  whe- 

*  ther  Scotf/nen^  employed  and  allowed  by  Scotland^ 
'  might  have  free  Accefs  to  him  ?  Inftead,  we  fay, 

*  of  all  thefe,  we  have  received  three  Proportions 

*  to  be  prefented  to  his  Majefty,  that  after  his  Ma- 
'  jefty's  Aflent  thereto,  and  to  fuch  Acts  of  Parlta- 

*  ment  as  (hall  be  offered  by  both  Houfes  for  Con- 
'  formation  thereof,  then  both  Houfes  will  treat 
'  with  his  Majefty  (without  telling  him  or  us  where, 
'  or  with  what  Security  to  either)  concerning  thd 

*  future   Settlement  of   the   Government  of  the 
'  Church  and  Settlement  of  the  Militia,  and  the 
'  reft    of    the  Proportions   formerly    tendered    at 
'  Hampton-Court ;    wirh  a  Defire  from  the  Englifn 

*  Commiflioners  refiding  here,  for  us  to  prepare 

*  fuch  Propofitions  as  we  fhall  judge  fit  and  necef- 

*  fary  for  this  Kingdom,  that  they  may  be  fent  to 
'  his  Majefty  with   all   convenient  Speed.     They 
«  did  alfo  communicate  to-  us  feme  Votes  of  the 
<  two  Houfes ;  and  the  Committee  of  Eftates  told 

*  thern>  That  they  could  return  no  Anfwer  till-firlt 

*  they  received  $«'Usfii£Hon  to  the  J)ernands  of  thi-s 
«  Kingdom  of  the  s^thoi"  April.     And   thefe  are 

*  as  litde   fatisficd  ;    Religion,  the  King:,  and  his 

*  Kingdoms  as  little  fecured ;  and  t)^e  folid  Grounds 
«•  of  a  religious  and  good   Peace,  as  little  provided 
4  for  now  as  formerly. 

'  We  fhall  not  much  infift  upon  the  Particulars 

*  of  thefe  Three  Propofitions  ;  our  Coinmiffioners 

*  did,  on  fome  of  them,  fo  fully  exprefs  themfelves, 

*  efpecially  that  of  the  Militia,  in  their  late  An- 

<  fwcr 

^ENGLAND.  327 

'  fwer  to  the  Proportions  before  they  went  t&-  the  An.  74  Car.  j. 

*•  Ifle  of  /f%/;/,  which  we  here  hold  as  -repeated j   t     '_6*8'      J 

*  but  we  cannot  conceal  how  very  unfatisf'a£toiy         .  ^ 

*  that  concerning  Religion  is;  and  we  are  forry  to 

*  fee  other  Interefts  ftill  fo  carefully  provided  for, 

*  and  fo  little  Security  to  Religion  ;  which,. indeed, 

*  was  the  main  and  principal  Caufe  of  our  Engagc- 

*  ment  in  the  late  Wars.     In  thefe  Propofitions  we 

*  ftill  find  the  Covenant  omitted,  one  End  of  it 

*  only  mentioned  by  way  of  Narrative,  and  the 
'  Propofitions  for  Uniformity  according  to  the  Co- 

*  venant,  with  all  the  other  Propofitions  of  Reli- 
«  gion,  left  to  the  future 'Treaty.     And  all  that  is 

*  now  defired.,  is,  that  Prefbyterial  Government  be 
4  confirmed  by  A6£  of  Parliament,  in  fuch  Manner 
'  as  both  Houfes  of  Parliament  have  agreed  in  feve- 

*  ral  Ordinances  of  Parliament ;  that  is  to  fay,  &c. 

'  The  Commiflioncrs  of  the  Parliament  and  Ge- 

*  neral  Aflembly  of  this  Kingdom  have  fevcraj 

*  Times  exprefled  their  Senfe  of  thcfe  Ordinances, 

*  which  we  fliall  not  here  repeat :    But  we  doubt 

*  this  new  Etcetera  is  of  a  larger  Extent,  and  re- 
'  lates  to  that  impious  Toleration,  fettled  by  both 
1  Houfes,  fo  contrary  to  the  Covenant,  fo  deft  rue- 

*  tive  to  the  Ends  ot  it,  and,  for  ought  \ve  know, 
'  not  yet  repealed  ;    again  ft  which  this  Kingdom 

*  hath  fo  fully  declared  in  the  aforc-inentibncd  An- 
'  fwer  to  the  new  Propofitions;    for  it 'was  then 

*  brought  in  as  a  Part  of  the  Proportion  for  fettling 

*  Prefbyterial  Government,  as  the  Way  that  both 
'  the  Houfes  then  agreed  to.     And  feeing  the  fame 

*  over-awing  Power  continues^  which  fu  ft  brought 
'  in  that  Toleration  avowedly,  we  have  Rcafon  to 
'  apprehend  it  ftill  remains  ;  but  it  is  now  covered 

*  and  rolled  up  in  this  new  'Etcetera ;  and  we  ha\ ; 
'  the  greater  Reafon  to  be  unfatisficd,  in  thatPref- 

*  byterial  Government  is  only  demanded  for  three 
'  Years ;  and,  in  the  End  of  the  Propofitions,  it 

*  is  profefled,  That  the  Houfes  will  treat  with  his 

*  Majefty  concerning  the  future  Settlement  of  the 
'  Government  of  the  Church,  without  relating  the 
4  Covenant  as  a  Rule  of  that  Government,  or  the 

X  4  '  rropofi- 

328  Ybe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24.  Car.  I. {  Propofitions  formerly  agreed  upon  by  both  King* 

1645.        i  doms  j  but  in  fuch  a  general  \Vay  as  may  over-* 

j*,  '  throw  all  the  Reformation  eftablifhed,  and  open 

*  a  Door  to  Hierarchy  or  Anarchy,  to  Epifcopacy, 
'  Independency,  and  to  Toleration  ;  all  abjured  in 
(  our  Solemn  Covenant. 

4  And  feeing  no  Satisfaction  is  given  to  the  fo  juft 

*  and  necefiary  Pemands  of  the  Parliament,  of  the 

*  26th  of  jlpril)  either  for  Religion  or  the  King's 

*  Majeirv ;  but  that  Religion  is   ftill  in  as  much 
'  Hazard  as  ever;  the  King  ftill  barbaroufly  detain- 
'  ec!  in  bis  bafe  Imprifcnment,  and,  as  we  are  cre- 
'  dibly  informed,  daily  in  Danger  of  his  Life  by 
4  Treachery  and  Poifon;  and  that  Army  of  Sectaries, 

*  the  great  Caufe  of  all  our  Evils  and  Pangers,  ftill 
'  kept  up,  ftrengthened,  and  a  great  Part  of  it  now 

*  marched  clofe  to  our  Borders  j  tho'  this  Kingdom 
'  fhall  never  be  averfe  from  giving  ?nd  receiving  mu- 

*  tual  Satisfaction  by  Treaty,  yet  we  cannot  agree  to 
'  thefe  Propofitions,  nor  join  with  the  two  Houfes 

*  in  prefenting  of  them  to  his  Majefty,  whilft  nei- 

*  ther  King  nor  Parliament  enjoy  their  Liberties. 

*  Wherefore  we  can  no  longer,  as  unconcerned 

*  Spectators,  be  Witnefles  to  the  Lofs  and   Ruin 

*  of  all,  which,  by  the  Oath  of  God  that  lies  upon 
'  us  in  our  Solemn  League  and  Covenant,  and  by 
'  many  other  Obligations,  we  are  bound  to  endea* 
'  vour  to  preferve  :    Arid   the  Ends  being  now  the 

*  fame  for  which  we   were  invited,  and  in  Profe- 
'  cution  whereof  we  have  loft  fo  much  Blocd,  did 

*  undergo  fo  many  flardihips,  and  fo  much  impo-^ 
'  verifhed  our  own  Country ;  and  being  now  enga- 

*  ged  by  the  joint  Declaration  of  both  Kingdoms, 
'  never  to  lay  dovvn   Aims   till  Truth  and  Peace 

*  be  fettled  in  this  Idand,  upon  a  firm  Foundation, 

*  for  theprefent  and  future  Generations;  being  alfo 
1  invited  thereunto  by  many  of  thst  Kingdom  join-p 
'  ed  in  Covenant  with  us,  our  Forces  are  again  In 

*  England;    and,    in  Discharge  of  our  Duties   to 

*  God,   our  native  King,  our   own  Country,  End 
'  our  Brethren  in  Engl&:d,  we  have  undertaken  this 

*  fo  necefiary  Er.gaecjricnt,  in  Profecution  of  thofe 
/  j  ''juft, 


ENGLAND.  329 

*  juft,  pious,  and  loyal  Ends,  to  which  we  are  fo  fo-  An-  24  Car-  1» 
'  lemnly  fworn.     And  although  we  have  not  at  all 

*  departed  from  our  good  old  Principles,  and  that         juiy. 
'  our  Demands  and  Defires  are  contained  in  our 

'  feveral   Declarations,  Papers,  and  Addrefles  this 

*  Time  paft  to  the  Houfes  of  Parliament ;  yet  fee- 

*  ing,  by  the  Malice  of  our  Enemies,  many  fcan- 
'  dalous  and  falfe  Afperfions  are  caft  upon  us,  our 
'  Actions  and  Intentions  traduced,  and  Jealoufies 
'  raifed  in  the  Minds  of  many  good,  though  too 

*  credulous,  Men,  both  at  home  and  abroad  ;  for 

*  Satisfaction  of  all  that  are  fatisfiable,  and  to  wit- 
'  nefs  the  Sincerity  of  our  Intentions  and  Refolu- 
'  tions,  we  fh,all  here  repeat  our  moft  material  De- 
'  fires,  and  the  Grounds  of  our  Undertakings. 

*  And,   i/?,  we  declare  before  God  and  all  the 

*  World,  That  we  are  refolved,  fincerely,  really, 
(  and  conftaruly,  to  maintain  and  preferve  invio- 

*  lably,  with  the  Hazard  of  our  Lives  and  Fortunes, 

*  and  all  that  is  deareft  unto  us,  the  Reformation 

*  of  Religion,  in  Doctrine,  Worfhip,  Difcipline, 
<  and  Government,  as  it  is,  by  the  Mercy  of  God 

*  and  his  Majefty's  Goodnefs,  eftablifhed  by  Law 

*  amongft  us ;  and  never  to  luffer  it,  by  Fraud  or 

*  Force,  to  be  taken  from  us ;  nor  yet  to  endure  the 
'  bringing  in  of  Epifcopacy,  the  Book  of  Common 
4  Prayer,  or  any  other  of  thofe  Innovations  and 
'  Superftitions   thrown  out  of  this   Kirk,  as  fome 

*  have  been  fo  impudent  to  aver ;    and  alfo,  with 

*  the  fame  Sincerity,  Reality,  and  Conftancy,  in 

*  our  Places  and  Callings,  to  the  uttermoft  of  our 
'  Power,   faithfully  to  endeavour   the  confirming 

*  what  is  already  done  in  the  Work  of  Reforma- 

*  tion,  eftablifhing  the  Covenant,  and  attaining  all 
'  the  Ends  of  it  in  England  and  Ireland,  particu- 
'  larly  Reformation  of  Religion  and  Uniformity  ac- 

*  cording  to  the  Covenant. 

2^/y,  *  We  do  alfo  declare,  That  we  will  en- 
'  deavour  the  Rcfcue  of  his  Mnjefty's  Perfon  from 

*  his  bafe  Imprifonment,  that  he  may  come  with 
4  Honour,  Freedom,  and  Safety  to  fome  of  his  own 

*  Houfes  in  or  near  London^  that  the  Parliaments 

'  of 


An.  34  Car.    J. 

r      1648. 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

of  b.oth  kingdoms  may  make  their  Application* 
to  him,  for  obtaining  his  Royal  Affent  to  fucb  De- 
fires  as  fhall  he  by  them  prefented  unto  hkn  for 
eftabliihjng  Religion,  as  is  above  expreffed,  and1 
fettling  a  well-grounded  Peace ;  that  fo  his  M*-' 
jefty  may  live  in  the  Splendour  and  Glory  of  his 
Roya!  Progenitors,  as  bejeemeth  his  Royal  Place 
and  Dignity ;  that  all  Differences  and  Troubles 
may  end  in  mutual  Confidence  and  Rejoicing ; 
the  King  may  enjoy  the  Comfort  of  his  Royat 
Confort  and  Children,  with  other  Contentments  j 
and  we,  after  fo  great  piftraclions  and  long  con- 
tinued Sufferings,  may  r?ap  the  bleffed  Fruits  of 
Truth  and  Pjeace  under  his  Government :  For 
however  the  late  Procedures  of  this  Kingdom 
may  have  b.een  mifunderftood,  yet  God  knows 
that  we  have  never  admitted  of  any  Thoughts  td 
the  Prejudice  of  our  gracious  Sovereign,  his  Per- 
fonr  or  Qoverftmenr,,  to  whom  we  pray  that  the 
Lord  w»H  grant  a  long  and  a  happy  Reign ;  and 
that  there  may  not  want  one  of  his  Seed  to  rule 
over  us  rightly,  and  to  fit  upon  his  Throne,  while 
the  Sun  and,  the  Moon  endureth. 
*  3^/y,  That  the  twp  IJoufes  of  parliament  may 
be  reftored  to  their  Freedoms ;  that  all  Members; 
who  have  been,  faithful  to  this  Caufc,  may  freely 
and  fafely  attend  their  Charges  •,  that  the  Parlia- 
ment, being  Maftcrs  of  their  own  Councils  and 
Refults,  they  may,  together  with  the  Advice  and 
Confent  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  conclude 
upon  a,  Treaty  with  his  Majefty ;  and  all  other 
Things  expedient  to  a  thorough  Settlement. 
4^/y,  '  That  the  City  of  London,  which  hath 
expended  fo  much  in  BJood  and  Tfeafure,  mav 
have  their  former  Proportions,  prefcnted  to  the 
King  a;  Oxford  ar\d  Ncwvytte,  preflcd  as  was 
formerly  intended.  .  . 

5^/y,  '  That  the  Army  of  Sectaries,  under  the 
Command  of  Thomas  Lord  Fairfax^  of  Camerotf, 
bedifbanded;  and  none  employed,  cither  in  rcl;:~ 
tion  to  the  Profecution  of  the  War  in  Ireland,  or 
the  nsceiTary  Garrifons  and  Forces,,  but,  fuch  •<« 

4  have 

if    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  331 

*  have  or  (hall  take  the  Covenant,  and  are  well-  An/  14.  Cv.  1. 
c  affected  to  Religion  and  Government;  that  fo  the  v_^_  t 

*  People  of  England  may  be  eafed  of  Taxes,  Free     ~yjuly. 
f  Quarter,  and  other  great  Impositions  under  which 

*  they  have  fo  long  groaned, 

btbly.  *  And  although  the  Intereft  of  Religion,       t 

*  the  King,  and  Kingdoms,  arid  the  fettling  of  a 
«  folid  Peace,  be  the  Caufc  of  this  Undertaking ; 

*  yet  we  do  not  doubt  but  due  Regard  will  be  had 

*  to  the  Concernments  of  Scotland,  contained  in 

*  our  feveral  former  Demands,  both  in  relation  to 
'  what  is  due  to  this  Kingdom  and  their  Armies 

*  here  and  in  Ireland,  as  alfo  what  is  neceflary  for 

*  the  better  Safety,  Union,  and  Government  of  the 

4  Kingdoms. 

*  We  have  now  exprefled  the  true  Grounds  and 

*  Reafons  of  this  Engagement,  and  the  Ends  we 

*  propofe  to  ourfelves  ;  and  we  do  expect  that  none 

*  who  will  not  declare  themfelves  Enemies  to  God, 
'  the  King,  the  Parliaments,  and  the  Peace  of  thefe 
'  Kingdoms,  will  oppofe  us  in  this  fo  pious,  fo  ne- 
«  ceflary  an  Undertaking ;    and  therefore  we  hope 

*  all  Jealoufies  and  Mifunderftandings  will  be  laid 
'  afide ;  and  that  we  fhall  meet  with  a  hearty  Con- 

5  currence  both  of  all  the  Subjects  of  this  Kingdom, 
'  and  of  our  Brethren  of  England:  And  we  do  de- 

*  clare,  That  it  fhall  be  our  Endeavour  to  protect, 
«  in  their  Perfons  and  Goods,  all  of  the  Englijb 
'  Nation  who  fhall  join  in  Covenant  with  us,  and 
'  for  profecuting  of  thefe  Ends ;  and  that  we  will 
'  do  Prejudice  or  ufe  Violence  to  none,  as  far  as 

*  we  are  able,  but  fuch  as  oppofe  us,  or  thofe  Ends 
'  above-mentioned  :    Particularly  we  fhall  endea- 
?  vour  that  the  Arrears  due  to  all  Soldiers  who 

*  have   ferved   the  Parliament  of  England  in  this 

*  Caufe,  excepting  fuch  as  have  engaged  arid  abet- 
'  ted  the  Army  in  their  Courfes,  and  fhall  not  im- 

*  mediately  deiert  them,  may  have  their  Accounts 

*  audited,  Part  of  their  Arrears  paid,  and  Security 
f  for  the  reft,  with  full  Indemnity. 

*  And  becaufe  our  Army  will  be  neceflitated  to 
\  live  upon  the  Country,  until  a  regular  Courfe  be 

*  taken 

3  3  2  *The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  *4  Car.  J.  '  taken  for  their  Maintenance,  we  do  declare,  That 

I(H8.          *  it  fliall  be  our  Care  that  they  carry  themfelves 

~"T^ "*    «  foberly,  and  be  as  little  burthenfome  as  is  poflible ; 

*  and  that,  before  we  return,  we  fliall  labour  to  fee 
'  the  Northern  Counties  fatisfied  for  what  extraor- 
'  dinary  Burdens  they  fuftain. 

*  To  conclude  :    We  declare  before  God   and 
«  the  World,  That  we  refolve,  by  God's  Afliftance, 

*  in  all  our  Proceedings,  never  to  break,  on  our 

*  Parts,  the  Union  betwixt  the  Kingdoms,  nor  to 

*  incroach  upon  the  National  Rights  of  the  Sub- 
'  jefts  of  England,  or  to  entrench  upon  their  juft 
'  Liberties ;  much  lefs  is  it  our  Intention  at  all  to 
«  make  a  National  Engagement  againft  the  Parlia- 
'  ment  and  Kingdom  of  England,  but  for  them, 

*  whofe  Freedom,  Privileges,  and  Happinefs  {hall 
'  ever  be  as  dear  to  us  as  our  own  ;    and  that  our 
'  juft  Defines  being  provided  for  and  fecured,  then 

*  immediately  our  Army  (hall  depart  the  Kingdom 
'  of  England,  and  return  peaceably  home  again, 

*  whereof  we  have  twice  already  given  real  Tefti- 
'  monies  ;  our  Intentions  being  ever  the  fame  with 

*  our  Profeffions,  refolving  ftill  to  continue  fted- 
«  faft  in  the  Profecution  of  them  :    For  the  Ac- 
4  complifhment  whereof,  we  mall  be  ready  to  fa- 

*  crifice  both  our  Lives  and  Fortunes. 


Mr.  Wbitlocke  makes  this  Reflection  on  the  Scott, 
Army's  coming  into  England :  '  Here  you  may 
take  Notice,  fays  the  Memorialift,  of  a  ftrange 
Turn  in  the  Affairs  of  this  Parliament,  to  which 
all  Human  Affairs  are  Cub] eft,  but  in  thefe  Times 
much  more  than  ordinary.  You  have  read  the 
great  Endeavours  formerly  to  bring  the  Scots  in  as 
Friends  to  aflift  the  Parliament ;  and  may  remem- 
ber the  Story  of  their  Actions  and  Return  home 
again  :  Now  the  other  Faftion  m  Scotland  prevail- 
ing, the  Scots  are  turned  Enemies  to  England,  and 
invade  them  with  a  confiderable  Army.  Before 
they  joined  with  the  Parliament  againft  the  Kingy 

of    ENGLAND.  333 

now  they  join  with  the  King's  Forces  againft  the  An.  »4  car. 
Parliament.     How  like  the  Sea  the  People  of  the  , 
World  are,  ftill  ebbing  or   flowing,  always  in  an 
uncertain  Motion,  and  conftant  in  nothing  butln- 
conftancy !' 

But  to  leave  this  Digreffion  ;  and  return  to  our 

Both  Houfes,  about  this  Time,  pafTtd  the  fol-  The  Parliament 
lowing  Vote,  *  That  in  regard  the  Duke  of  Buck-  offer  an  Indem- 
tngham  hath  not  fprmerly  borne  Arms  againft  the 
Parliament,  and  in  regard  of  his  Youth  to  which 
his  late  Mifcarriage  may  be  rather  attributed  than 
to  any  Malice  in  Opposition  to  the  Parliament,  and 
in  regard  he  is  the  only  Son  now  left  (j)  to  inhe- 
rit that  great  Honour ;  the  Lords  and  Commons  do 
think  fit  to  offer  this  Favour  to  him,  and  do  here- 
by declare  that,  in  cafe  the  faid  Duke  of  Bucking- 
bam  {hall  come  within  fourteen  Days  after  the 
publifhing  hereof,  and  render  himfelf  to  the  Par- 
liament, and  engage  never  to  take  up  Arms  againft 
the  Parliament  hereafter,  that  then  he  fhall  be  in- 
demnified for  his  late  Oppofition  made  in  taking 
up  Arms  againft  the  Parliament.'— However,  the 
Duke  of  Buckingham  did  not  think  proper  to  comply 
with  the  Terms  of  this  Offer,  but  made  his  Efcape 
into  Holland,  as  has  been  already  mentioned. 

A  Conference  had  been  defired  by  the  Lords 
•with  the  other  Houfe,  on  the  8th  of  this  Month, 
in  which  they  delivered  their  Reafons  for  adhering 
to  their  own  Vote  of  the  3Oth  of  Jun?  laft,  4  That 
the  Three  Propofitions  fent  into  Scotland,  to  be 
granted  by  the  King,  Ihould  not  be  infifted  ori  be- 
fore the  Treaty  with  his  Majefty  was  begun.'  And, 

July  2 1 .  The  Earl  of  Mancbefter  reported  to  the 
Lords  another  Conference,  held  by  Defire  of  the 
Commons  on  this  Subject,  in  the  following  Man- 
ner : 


,   (j)~His  only  Brother,  the  Lord  Fraw't  niliirt,  was  killed  in  ths 

r^)e  Parliamentary  HIST^RV 

I.  «  That  Mr.  Swinfen  faid,  That  the  Houfe  of 
Commons  having  received  a  Refplution  from  th'eir 
~TC  '  Lordfhips,  not  to  infift  upon  the  Three  Proportions 
to  be  offered  to  the  King  before  the  Treaty  b£ 
begun  ;  they  had,  upon  fenous  DebateV  refolved 
to  adhere  to  their,  former  Vote*  touching  the  Three 
Propofitions  to  be  figned  by  the  King  before  a 
Treaty;  in  which  Vote  they  defire  their  Lordfhips 
Concurrence :  Their  Reafons  are  thefe  : 

I.  *  That  many  Perfons,  in  the  like  Infurre&ions 
at  a  Conference,  as  jn  Xentt  EJJex^  and  other  Places,  with  their  Ad- 
^h"  S^KiUg     herents,  who  prefs  the  Parliament  with  fo  much  Vi- 
Aould  aflent  to   olence  for  a  Perfonal  Treaty,  before  any  Founda- 

^SSTbefore  tion  °f  Security  be  fil ft  la"1(5>  ( uP°n  the  fPecious  Pre- 
Trrcatty.  *  °  tence  or"  Peace,  which  they  now  make  ufe  of  to 
raife  a  War)  will,  upon  the  fame  Pretence,  if  fuch 
a  Treaty  fhould  be  yielded  unto,  prefs  the  Parlia- 
ment to  yield  up  all  that  Treaty  ;  to  the  end  they 
may  fet  up  abfolute  Tyranny,  that  they,  as  Inftru- 
inents,  may  have  Shares  therein,  and  repair  them- 
felves  with  the  Spoil  of  the  Commonwealth. 

II.  *  Thefe  Three  Propofitions  are  efTentially  ne- 
teflary  to  the  prefent  Peace  and  Safety  of  the  Par- 
liament, and  thofe  that  have  engaged  with  them  ; 
and  in  thefe  the  Parliament  hath  gone  fo  low  al- 
ready, that  they  cannot  further  recede;  unlefs  they 
fhould  refolve,  before-hand,  to  treat  away  all  that 
they  have  endeavoured  to  preferve  with  the  Lofs  of 
fo  much  Blood  and  Treafure  j  and  if  the  Houfe  of 
Commons  had  not  intended,  and   the   Lords  de- 
clared, thefe  only  as  a  neceflary  Step  and  Intro- 
duction to  a  Treaty,  to  be  had  For  a  more  perfc& 
Settlement  for  the  future,  the  Houfe  of  Commons 
•would  not  have  gone  fo  low  in  them  at  prefent. 

III.  c  Treaties  are  then  ufeful,  when  one  or  both 
Parties  differing  had  not  fufHcient  Time  to  confi* 
der  of  the  Matter  of  Controverfy,  or  Where  the 
Matter  is  fuch  as  that  there  reftet'h  a  great  Diffe» 
rence  in  Judgment  about  it ;  but  thefe  Three  Pro- 
pofitiqns  have  been  often,  and  for  a  .long  Time, 
confidered  by  both  the  King  and  Parliament ;  and 
fo  much  thereof  as  is  infifted  upon  to  be  granted 


bf   ENGLAND.  33$ 

before  the  Treaty,  it  appeareth  the  King  can  give  An.  24  Car. 
his  Aflent  unto,. by  what  he  hath  exprefled  in  his        |648' 
Meflages  to  the  Hbufes  ;  tho',  in  further  Concef-         j^C] 
fions,  he  allcdged  that  he  is  yet  unfatisfied  in  point 
of  Honour  and  Conference. 

IV.  *  If  by  any  Difturbance  the  Treaty  (hould 
produce  no  Settlement,  th,efe  Things  not  being 
granted,  the  following  Inconveniences  would  en- 

t-.  *  There  would  not  be  Power  in  the  Houfes 
to  matter  thofe  unhappy  Tempers,  which  are  like 
to  continue  for  fome  Time  after  the  End  of  this 
unhappy  War-. 

&.  '  Thofe  Minifters  that  have  been  placed  by 
the  Parliament  will  be  thrown  out  of  their  Livings, 
and  all  Minifters  and  others,  who  cannot  comply 
with  that  Ecclefiaftical  Jurifdi&ion,  and  fubmit  to 
thofe  Ceremonies,  which  will  revive,  are  in  Danger 
to  undergo  a  more  rigid  Profecution  than  ever  be- 

3.  *  There  wHl  be  no  Provifion  made  for  the  In- 
demnity of  thofe  who  have  adhered  to  the  Parlia- 
ment ;  and  the  Brands  of  Rebellion  and  Treafon 
will  remain  to  Pofterity  on  both  Houfes  of  Parlia- 
ment, which  never  had  fuch  Cenfures  by  any  of  his 
Majefty's  Predeceflbrs,  in  the  greateft  Height  of 
their  Differences. 

c  Upon  thefe  Reafons  they  hoped  their  Lordfliips 
Judgments  would  be  fo  fatisfied  as  to  join  with  the 
Houfe  of  Commons  in  their  Vote  ;  and  that  when 
the  faid  Propofnions  (hall  be  fent  to  the  King,  ia 
jmrfuance  thereof,  they  have  made  fome  other  wherein  their  Lordfhips  Concurrence  is  de*- 
fired.  .... 
,  The  faid  Votes  were  read  as  follow  : 

i.  '  That  this  Houfe  is  jcfolved  that,  the  Three 
Proportions  being  granted  in  Manner  as  is  pro*- 
pofed,  then  both  Houfes  of  Parliament  will  treat 
with  his  Majcfty  in "Perfon,  by  a  Committee  ap-» 
pointed  by  both  Houfes  ;  for  the  future  Settlement 
.ot.the.Gp.vernment.of  the  Church,  the  Settlement 
«f  the"Mt]iti2,  ^ana  the  reft  of  the  Propofitions  ten*- 
''  4  dercd 

336  The  Parliamentary  H  I  s  T  o  K  V 

An.   24  Car.  I.  dered  to  his  Majefty  at  Hampton-Court ;    and  fudt 
t      l648'      J   other  Propofitions  as  (hall  be  propounded,  either  by 
~  juvj  his  Majefty  or  the  Houfes^  for  the  fettling  of  a  fafe 

and  well-grounded  Peace. 

2.  c  That  after  the  Three  Propofitions  are  af- 
fented  to,  and  figned  as  is  defired,  the  King  be  de- 
fired  to  nominate  three  Places  within  twenty  Miles 
of  Weftmlnfter^   two  of  which  to  be  at  leaft  ten 
Miles  diftant  from  Wejlmtnjler^  where  the  Treaty 
fliall  be,  and  then  both  Houfes  of  Parliament  {hall 
have  Liberty  to  chufe  one  of  them  as  they  ftiall 
think  fit. 

3.  «  That  a  Committee  of  both  Houfes  be  ap- 
pointed to  be  fent  to  the  King  with  the  Three  Pro- 
pofitions \  and  that  a  Vote  touching  the  Place  of" 
the  Treaty  be  delivered  to  the  Lords  at  a  Confe-- 

Which  not  fatif-  This  Report  being  ended,  the  Lords  fell  into 
fying  the  Houfe  Confideration  of  the  Reafons  now  offered  at  this 
of  Lords,  Conference,  by  the  Commons,  in  Support  of  their 

former  Vote  for  the  Three  Propofitions  to  be  ten- 
dered to  the  King  before  a  Treaty ;  and,  after1 
fome  Debate,  the  Queftion  was  put,  Whether  this 
Houfe  do  adhere  to  their  own  Vote  of  the  3Oth  of 
"June  laft,  '  Not  to  infift  upon  the  Three  Propofi- 
tions before  the  Treaty  be  begun,'  notwithftanding 
the  Reafons  offered  this  Day  by  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons at  a  Conference?  It  was  refolved  in  the  Af- 
firmative. And  a  Committee  was  appointed  to 
draw  up  Reafons  to  be  offered  at  a  Conference 
with  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  in  Anfwer  to  thofej 
delivered  at  the  laft  free  Conference,  for  adhering 
to  their  Vote  for  the  King's  granting  the  Three 
They  appoint  a  Propofitions  before  the  Treaty  j  which,  the  next 
Committee  to  Day,  were  reported  by  the  Lord  North,  as  follows: 

draw  up  an  An-  *  ' 

fwer  to  the  Com- 
mons Reafons*     The  Anfwer  to  the  hrft  Reafon,    urged  by   the 


'  The  Counties  that  prefs  for  an  immediate  free 
Perfonal  Treaty  with  the  King  towards  a  Peace, 
cannot,  wilh  like  Reafon,  urge  Conclufions  de- 



?f   ENGLAND.     .  337 

fbruftive  to  the  public  Security  upon  a  Treaty  ;  nor  An.  24  Car. 
will  there  be  any  proportionable  Reafbn  for  the  Par- 
liament  to  coinply  with  fuch  a  Defire.  Tu 

The  Anfwer  to  the  Second  Reafon  : 

*  How  neceflury  ibever  the  Threu  Proportions 
may  be,  in  Concluflon,  for  Safety  in  a  Peace,  pro- 
vided that  the  Circumilance  of  a  Treaty  be  fecure  ; 
they  cannot  be  conceived  fo  neceflary  to  go  before 
a  Peace  and  a  Treaty,  more   than  hitherto  they 
have  been  to  our  Subfiftance  during  the  War. 

The  Anfwer  to  the  Third  Reafon  : 

*  Though  the  Three  Propofitions  are  new  to 
neither  Party,  and  that  the  King  hath  expreffed 
fome  Inclination  to  give  Satisfaction  to  them,  yet 
he  hath  ever  affirmed  that  he  would  be  conclud- 
ed by  nothing  till  the  End  of  the  Treaty  ;  where- 
upon much  Time  may  be  fpent  in  little  Hope  of 

The  Anfwer  to  the  Fourth  Reafon  : 
'  As  to  the  Inconveniences  fuppofed  to  enfue  in. 
cafe  the  Treaty  take  not  Effect,  whereunto  might 
be  added  many  more  if  not  provided  for,  it  is  con- 
ceived a  fufficient  Anfwer,  That  all  Things  will 
remain  in  the  fame  State  as  when  the  Treaty  be- 
gun, which  cannot  be  apprehended  any  Lofs  of 

*  Upon  the  whole  Matter,  the  Lords  do  not  con- 
ceive that  their  preceding  Reafons  are  anfwered  by 
what  was  delivered  at  the  laft  Meeting  ;  and  find- 
ing  no  further  Satisfaction,    whereupon  to  alter 
their  Opinions,  omitting  much  more  that  might  be 
offered  in  Support  thereof,  they  ftill  continue  to 
think  good  that  a  convenient  Treaty  may  be  ad- 
mited,  without  Infifting  upon  the  Three  Propofi- 
tions to  be  granted  before-hand.' 

The  Houfe  of  Lords  approved  of  thefe  Reafon  & 
drawn  up  by  their  Committee,  and  ordered  them  to 
be  offered  to  the  Commons  at  another  Conference. 

VOL,  XVII.  Y  Ths 

The  Tarllamentary  HISTORY 

The  fame  Day,  "July  22,  the  Commons  fent  up? 


An.    24.  Car.  I. 

*648'        a  Meffage  to  acquaint  the  Lords  with  a  Refolution 
~\V          they  had  taken  to  recall  the  Members  of  their  Houfe 
that  were  Commiffioners  in  Scotland,  that  fo  their 
"The  Parliament   Lordfhips  might  fend  for  theirs  if  they  thought  fit  5 
Ordered  accordingly. 

"  which 


A  Letter  from 
Yarmouth,  con- 
cerning the 
Prince  of  Wales' s 
appearing  on 
board  a  Fleet  off 
that  Port. 

July  27.  This  Day  the  following  Letfer  was  pre- 
fented  to  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  addrefled  to  the 
Committee  of  Lords  and  Commons  at  Derby- 
Hoitfe,  from  the  Bailiffs  of  Yarmouth  : 

Right  Honourable, 

WE  received  your  Letter  of  the  20th  In- 
ftant,  informing  us  of  two  Companies 
by  you  ordered  to  be  drawn  down  into  our  Town, 
the  one  from  Capt.  Brewjler,  the  other  from 
Norwich,  for  our  Defence  and  Afliftance,  in  cafe 
the  revolted  Ships  fnould  make  their  Defcent  hi- 
ther. Before  the  Receipt  of  which  Letter,  viz. 
on  Saturday  laft  at  Noon-Tide,  the  Ships  were 
come  and  at  an  Anchor  in  the  Road,  to  the  great 
Amazement  of  all  the  Beholders  ;  the  Prince  of 
Wales,  Prince  Rtfyert,  and  divers  Lords  and  many 
Gentlemen  being  in  them  (/). 
'  We  flood  upon  our  Defence^  and  forthwith 
addrefled  Letters  to  the  Committee  for  the  Coun- 
ty of  Norfolk,  and  to  Norwich,  to  Capt.  Brew- 
Jier,  in  Suffolk,  to  Sir  John  Wentworth  and  others, 
for  Affiftance  ;  which  very  readily  they  gave  us, 
and  had  Major  Jertny  with  his  Troop  very  active 
for  us,  and  other  Forces  provided  by  his  Excel- 
lency to  be  fent  down  unto  us.  We  waited  for 
fome  Meflengers  or  Meffage  to  be  fent  unto  us 
from  the  Prince,  but  none  came  ;  yet  we  fieard,\ 
from  the  Seamen  that  were  on  board,  that  his 
Highnefs  took  great  Offence  at  fome  conceived 
Difcourtefies  from  the  Town  ;  and  that  fending 
fome  Meffengers  on  Shore  to  provide  Flefli- 
Victuals,  they  were  not  fuffered  to  come  on 

«  Shore,, 

(f)  The  Lords  WilhugMy  of  Parbam,  Wtlmot,  fiopton, 
Sir  Jeffrey  Palmer,  Ac.  Wbitlecke,  319 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  339 

Shore,  but  driven  back  by  the  Troopers  ,  where-  An-  *4  Car-  T« 

upon  we  thought  fit  to  fend  two  of  our  Brethren  v_         ^^ 

on  board  the  Prince,  and  did  it  this  Day  in  the      ~  July] 

Morning,  to  fatisfy  his  Highnefs  touching  thofe 

Mifapprehenlions  ;    which  was  very  well  taken 

by  him,   and  very    good  Refpedt    given   to  our 

Meflengers  ;  and  this  only  defired,  that  we  fhould 

accommodate  his  Highnefs  with  fome  fmall  Pro- 

vifions   for  his  Money,  (which  was  readily  af- 

fented  unto)   and   expreffing  to  them  that  there 

were  no  Defigns  upon  this  Place,  or  for  the  Ships 

to  come  hither,  but  that  they  were  driven   into 

the  Road  by  crofs  Winds,  going  for  the  Do^vns^ 

on  Friday  laft,  and  would  be  gone  again  the  firft 

fair  Wind.     His  Highnefs  was  pleafed  to  give  a 

fair  Difmiffion  to  our  Meflengers,  and  the  Wind 

coming  more    to  the  Weft  this  Afternoon,  the 

Ships  weighed  Anchor  and  fet  Sail,  and  are  gone  , 

to  the  Downs. 

4  Yefterday  the  two  Companies,  ordered  by  yoift* 

Honours  for  our  Affiftance,  being  fent  down,  we 

advifed  with  Sir  John  Went-worth,  Major  Jerniy, 

and  Mr.  Breivfter,  to  have  them  drawn  up,  one 

Company  on  the  right  Side  of  the  Town,  and  the 

other  Company  on  the  left  Side,  without  En- 

trance into  the  Town  j  which  was  affented  unto 

by  all  Parties,  as  being  thought  more  convenient, 

and  to  do  better  Service  than  to  come  in. 

'  This  is  all  the  Account  we  can  give  your  Ho- 

nours in  thefe  Affairs,  which  we  humbly  pray 

may  be  accepted,    together   with   our  humble 

Thanks  for  the  great  Care  of  the  Safeguard  and 

Security  of  our  Town  ;  and  fo  relying  upon  your 

Favours,  with   a  Tender  of  our  humble  Duties 

and  Service,  we  reft 

Tour  Honours  mo/l  humble  Svrvantf, 


P.  S.  '  This  inclofed  Copy  was  delivered  to  our 
*  Meflengers  that  went  on  board,  but  without  any 

Defire  for  us  to  engage  upon  the  fame.' 



An.   14  Car. 



The  Parliamentary  Hi  STORY 

The  Paper  referred  to  in  the  foregoing  Letter^ 
which  is  entered  in  the  Lords  Journals,  contains- 
the  Heads  of  a  Declaration  from  the  Prince  of 
Wales,  fetting  forth  the  Reafons  of  his  Appearance 
on  board  the  Fleet ;  and  ordered  to  be  digefted  into 
Form  by  the  Lords  Willougbby  of  Parbam,  Hoptony 
Colepeper,  and  his  Highnefs's  Secretary  :  This,  be- 
ing printed  both  in  Rujhwortb («)  and  Wbltlocke(iv}, 
we  purpofely  omit ;  in  order  to  make  Way  for  the 
Declaration  at  large,  which  was,  foon  after,  fent 
inclofed  in  the  following  Letter  from  the  Prince  to 
the  Lord  Mayor,  Aldermen,  and  Common  Coun- 
cil of  the  City  of  London,  (x). 


Right  Trujfy  and  Well-beloved,    and  frujly  and 
Well-beloved,  we  greet  you  well. 

WE  have  endeavoured  by  our  public  Decla- 
ration, which  we  fend  you  herewith  to 
give  Satisfaction  to  the  whole  Kingdom  of  Eng- 
land, in  the  Grounds  and  Reafons  of  our  prefent 
Undertaking  :  But  we  think  fit  notwithstanding, 
to  make  a  particular  Addrefs  to  you  as  the  moft 
confiderable  Part  of  the  Kingdom  >  being  ex- 
tremely defirous  that  the  City  of  London  fhould 
be  fully  fatisfied  that  our  Intentions  are  juft  and 
honourable,  and  fuch  as  we  have  profefled  in 
our  faid  Declaration,  for  the  Peace  and  Happi- 
nefs  of  all  his  Majefty's  Subjects  :  And  we  can- 
not defpair  of  gaining  a  Belief  and  Confidence 
with  you,  when  it  fhall  appear  that  our  Actions 
and  Proceedings  are  conformable  to  our  Profef- 
fions,  and  in  order  to  thofe  public  Ends  and  that 
happy  Settlement  of  the  Kingdom,  which  we 
have  propofed  as  the  chief  End  of  all  our  En- 

4  And  becaufe  there  are  divers  Ships  now  flayed 
in  the  Downs  by  our  Order,  whereof  fome  of 
great  Value  belong  to  Members  of  the  City  of  Lon- 

'  don; 

(u)  CttteElions,  Vol.  VII.  p.  1207.     (TO)  Memorials,  p.  320. 
(x)  Both  thefe  are  taken  from  the  Original   Edition,  printed  by 
in  the  Collections  of  the  late  Sir  jrebn  Napier,  Bart, 

<f   E  N  G  L  A  N  D;  341 

*  don;  to  prevent  all  Misinterpretation  of  our  In- An.  24  Car, 
4  tentions  in   that  Particular,  we  think  fit  to  af-  t |64_8' 

'  fure  you,  that  we  are  fo  far  from  intending  V'io- 

'  lence  to  the  Perfons  or  Goods  of  any  of  that  City, 

'  or  any  other  particular  Advantage  therein,  that 

*  our  only  Aim  and  End   is  to  procure  a  Subfift- 
'  ance  for  the  Navy  under  our  Command  ;    that 

*  thereby  we  may  be  enabled  to  protect  the  Ships, 
•.*  VefTels,  and  Goods-,  and  to   fecure  the  Trade, 
'  not  only  of  the  City  of  London^  but  of  all  other 

*  *  his  Majefty's  good  Subjects :    And  being  for  the 
'  prefent  utterly  unable  to  provide  for  fo  great  a 

*  Charge,  as  having  been  for  fome  Years  deprived 
'  as  well  of  our  own  Eftate,  as  of  the  Supplies  we 
'  might  have  drawn  from  the  Bounty  of  the  King 

*  our  Royal  Father,  we  think  fit  to  have  Recourfe  to 
6  you;  defining  you  to  fupply  us  with  the  prefent  Sum 
5  of  20,000 /.  to  be  employed  for  the  Support  and 

*  Subfiftance  of  the  Navy  now  under  our  Command. 
'  To  this  End  we  mall  put   the  fame  into  the 

'  Hands  of  fuch  Perfons,  as  mail  render  an  exact 

*  Account  thereof,  which  (hall  be  communicated 
.*  to  you  ;    and  being  thus  furnifhed  by  you  in 

*  this    Neceflity,    for  which    we  have  no   other 

*  Means  to  make  Provifion,  we  mail  immediately 
.*  discharge  all  Ships  of  Merchandize,  which  have 
.'*  been  ftayed  by  our  Fleet,  though  of  a  far  greater 
'  Value  than  the  Sum  we  defire  ;    {hall  carefully 

*  hereafter  protect  the  Ships   and  Goods,  and  fe- 

*  cure  the  Trade  and-  Commerce  of  that  City, 

*  which  we   conceive  to  be  one  of  the  proper  and 

*  natural  Employments   of  his  Majefty's  Navy  j 
•'  and  for  which,  as  for  other  Reafons,  it  hatji  al- 
:*  ways  been  maintained  out  of  the  Cuftoms  paid 

*  to  his  Majefty  j  out  of  which,  as  foon  as  it  mall 
1  be  in  our  Power,  we  mall  take  Care  to  have  the 
'  Taid  Sum  of  20,000 /.  repaid  you. 

c  And  fo  defining  a  prefent  Supply,  the  pref- 
•*  fing  Neceffities  of  the  Fleet  admitting  no  De- 
;'  lay,  we  bid  you  heartily  farewell/ 

Given  under  our  Hand  and  Seal  thf  2Qtk  of  July, 
in  the  i^th  Tear  of  the  Reign  of  our  R  yal  Fa- 
ther the  King. 

Y  3  Tbt 


A».  24  Car.  T. 

— v~ 


A  Declaration  of 

the  Grounds  and  t 
Reafons  of  his 
Undertaking,       ' 

ffbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

e  D  E  C  L  A-R  A  T  I  0  N  of  his  Highnefs  Prince 
CHARLES,  to  all  his  Juajg/ly's  loving  Subjietfs> 
concerning  the  Grounds  and  Ends  of  his  prefent  En- 
gagement upon  the  Fleet  in  the  Downs. 

HO  W  natuially  land  ftrongly  our  particular 
Intereft  inclineth  us  to  contribute  our  ut- 
'  mofl  Endeavours  towards  the  fettling  of  a  well- 
'  grounded  and  lading  Peace,  in  all  his  Majefty's 
'  Dominions,  is  notorioufly  evident  to  every  Man 
'  of  common  Underftanding,  that  confidereth  the 
'  Relation  we  have  to  them,  as  Heir  Apparent  to 
1  the  Crown,  together  with  the  Meafurc  of  our 
'  prefent  Sufferings,  and  the  Portion  which  we  arc 

*  to  expect  in  fuch   a  happy  Settlement :    Befides, 

*  which  particular  Confideration,  we  find   ourfelf 

*  charged  with  a  more  public  Duty,  both  to   the 
'  King  our  Father  in  his  prefent  Diftrefs,  as  like- 

*  wife  to  all  his  loyal  Subjects  in   this  their  com- 
'  mon  Calamity,  obliging  us   to  lay  hold   on  all 
'  Opportunities  which  (hall  be  offered   us,  proper 
'  to  obtain  this  bleffed  Peace  j  That  only  being  able 

*  to  free  his  IV^ajefty  and  all  his  good  People  from 
'  their  prefent  Sufferings,  and  to  reftore  him  and 
«  them   to  that  Happinefs   which    the   Practices, 
'  Power,  and  Violence  of  evil  Men,  the  now  Ene- 
'  mies  of  Peace,  have  bereaved  them  of. 

4  This  bleffed  Peace  is  that  which  we  humbly 

*  and  earneftly  implore  of  Almighty   God   in  our 

*  daily  Prayers ;    and  which  is,  and  fliail  be,  the 

*  principal  and  ultimate  End  of  all  our  Councils 

*  and  Refolutions,  and  particularly  of  this  our  pre- 
<  fent  Undertaking  j  on   which  we  beg  a  Blefling 

*  of  the  God  of  Peace,  as  this  our  Profeffion  is  real 
'  and  fincere.     Neither  ought  it  to  feem  ftrange  to 

*  any,  that,  thus  profefiing  for  Peace,  we  now  ap- 
4  pear  in  Arms,  as  well  in  Perfon  at  Sea,  as  like- 

*  wife  by  our  Correfpondency  and  Commiffions  at 
'  Land  ;  fmce  the  Malice  and  wicked  Arts  of  thefe 
'  Peace-haters,  againft  whom  we  now  declare  as 

*  public  Enemies  to  God  and  good   Men,  have 

*  rendered  all  other  Endeavours  to  obtain  the  fame 
'  vain  and  ineffectual ;    and,  thereby  utterly  ob- 

*  ftruiting  all  Means  of  Reconciliation  betwixt  his 

5  «  Majefty 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  343 

f  -Majefty  and  his  People,  have  compelled  us  to  thi'sAn-  24  Car- 

*  laft,  and  indeed  only,  Expedient  that  is  left  us :  So  ^_         _ 
'  that,  being  thus  neceflkated  either  to  fit  ftill  as  un-          , 

*  concerned,  whilft  the  King  our  Father  is  a  clofe 
-*  Prifoner  in  the  Power  of  his  Enemies,  and  whilit 

*  all  his  good  People  lie  miferably  groaning  under 

*  the  cruel  Tyranny  of  Fellow-Subjects  j    or,  by 

*  Force  of  Arms,  to  endeavour  to  free  him  and 

*  them  from  thefe  unheard-of  Outrages  :    As  our 
4  Election  in  this  Cafe  is  eafily  made,  fo  ought 
•*  all  Men  to  look  upon  us  thus  engaged  as  acting 

*  in  order  to  that  Peace,  and  profecuting  the  only 

*  Means  left  to  obtain  the  fame. 

*  Being  thus  rightly  underftood  by  thofe  whofe 
'  Intereft,  as  well  as  their  Duty,  obligeth  them  to 

*  join  with  us  in  this  good  Work ;  as  we  fhall,  in 

*  the  firft  Place,  look  up  to  Heaven  for  a  BlefHng 

*  from  the  Lord  of  Hofts  on  this  good  Caufe,  fo 
-'  we  fhall  defire,  and  expect,  the  ready  and  chear- 

*  ful  Afliftance  of  the  Hearts  and  Hands  of  all  his 

*  Majefty's  good  Subjects,  as  Opportunity,  effec- 
6  tually  to  appear  with  and  for  us,  fhall  be  offered 

*  to  them.     And  that  the  ufual  cunning  Arts  of 

*  their  and  our  Enemies  may  not  abufe  any  of  them 

*  with  falfe  Suggeftions  or  Mifinterpretations  of 
4  our  Proceedings,  we  hereby,  with  that  Candour 

*  and  Sincerity  which  becomes  a  Chriftian  and  a 

*  Prince,  declare  and  publifh  to  the  whole  World, 
•*  That  the  true  Grounds,  Reafons,  and  Ends  of 

*  this  our  Engagement  are  thefe,  and  none  other: 

i.  *  The  Honour  of  God's  holy  Name,  in  the 

-*  Defence  of  the  truj  Proteftant  Religion,  and  his 

"  Divine  Worfhip,  againft  all  Oppofers  whatfoever; 

and   particularly  againft  the  Herefies,    Schifms, 

fcandalous    Doctrines    and    Practices    declared 

againft  in  his  Majefty's  Agreement  with  the  Scots 

CommiflLoners,  bearing  Date  at  Carijbrook-CaJllt 

the  26th  Day  of  December  laft  (y) ;  and  the  Ef- 

tabiiihing  of  Church-Government  as   is   therein 

mentioned,  and  accorded  to  by  his  Majefty,  as 

alfo  the  mutual  Performance  of  that  Agreement. 

Y  4  2.  *  The 

(  y)  The  Motives  to  the  King's  /igning  this  Agreement,  an<i  the  Ar- 
ticle's thereof,  may  be  feea  in  Lord  Clawdtn,  Vol.  V.p,  tot  t»  lot 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

2.  «  The  Refloring  of  his  Majefty  to  his  Liberty 
and  juft  Rights ;  and  in  order  thereunto,  and  for 
the  fettling  of  a  happy  Peace,  a  fpeedy  Perfonal 
Treaty  with  his  Majefty,  with  Honour,  Free- 
dom, and  Safety. 

3.  '  The  Support  and  Defence  of  the  known 
Laws  of  the  Kingdom. 

4..  '  The  Maintenance  of  the  Freedom  and  juft 
Privileges  of  Parliament. 

5.  '  The  Defence  of  the  Liberty  and  Property 
of  the  Subject  againft  all  Violence,  Rapine,  and 
OppreiEcn  ;  fuch  as  Excife,  Contribution,  Free- 
quarter,  and  all  other  illegal  Taxes. 

6.  '  The  Obtaining  of  fuch  an  Act  of  Oblivion 
and  Indemnity  as  may  moft  firmly  bind  up  the 
Bond  of  Peace. 

7.  *  The  fpeedy  Difoanding  of  all  Armies,  and 
particularly  that  uncier  the  Command  of  the  Lord 

8.  '  The  Defence  of  the  Honour  of  the  Englijh 

*  Nation,  and  his  Majefty's  Rights  in  the  Narrow 
;  Seas ;  the  Protection  and  Security  of  the  Trade 
1  of  all  his  Majefty's  loyal  Subjects  ;  the  Support 
1  of  the  Navy  Royal,  and  the  Encouragement  of 
'  all  the  Officers  and  Mariners  of  the  fame,  to 
'  whofe  exemplary  Courage,  Conduct,  and  good 

*  Affections,    we  owe  this  prefcnt  Opportunity, 
'  with  them,  thus  to  appear  for  Peace. 

*  And  now,  having  thus  fully  and  fmcerely  de- 

*  clared  our  Intentions  and  Refolutions,  we  ear- 
'  neftly  invite,  and  (by  the  Authority  as  well  in- 
4  herent  in  our  Perfon  during  his  Majefty's  Re- 
'  ftraint,  as  alfo  derived  particularly  and  formally 

*  from  him,  under  the  Great  Seal  of  England)  do 

*  require  and  command,  all  his  Majefty's  loyal  Sub- 
'  ]ects  heartily  to  join  and  aflbciate  themfelves  with 
'  us  in  this  our  Undertaking  ;  and,  with  Force  of 
1  Arms  under  us,   as  likewife  by  all  other  good 
4  Means  in  their  Power,  to  oppofe  and  refift  all 

*  fuch  Perfons  and  Forces,  as  well  by  Land  as  Sea, 
«  as  fhall  oppofe  us  and  this  blefied  Peace  :    As 
'  likewife  to  be  aiding  and  affifting  to  all  fuch  as 

of    ENGLAND.. 

are  now  in  Arms  againft  thofe  Enemies  of  Peace j  An 
'  and  particularly  to  encourage,  aid,  and  relieve, 
*  as  Friends   and  Brethren,  the 'Scots  Army,  now 
'  on  their  March  for  his  Majefty's  Refcue ;    of 
'  whofe  Loyalty  to  his   Majefly,  and  good  Affec- 
'  tions  to  the  Kingdom  of  England,  we  are  fully 
fatisfied.      And  we  more  efpecially  exhort   the 
1  City  of  London  and  the  Port-Towns  of  England, 
'  upon  whofe  Actions  the  Eyes  of  the  whole  King- 
dom are  particularly  fixed,  by   their  good    Ex- 
ample, to  encourage  all  the  People  of  England 
manfully  to  fhake  off  the  heavy  Yoke  now  im- 
4  pofed  on  them  by  Force  of  Arms,  as  on  a  con- 
'  quered   Nation  ;     and    inftead    of  that  lawlefs 
Power  which  now  depriveth  them  of  the  Secu- 
'  rity  of  their  Perfons,  and  the  Property  of  their 
Goods  and  Eftates,  to  vindicate  the  juft  Rights 
of  free-born  Subjects  of  England,  in  feeking  their 
'  Protection  under  the  Government  of  their  un- 
doubted Sovereign  Lord  our  Royal  Father,  and 

*  the  Law  of  the  Land. 

4  Upon  thefe  Foundations,  by  the  Bleffing  of 
c  God  on  the  chearful  and  effectual  Concurrence 

*  of  the  now  undeceived  People  of  England,  we 

*  (hall  yet  hope  for  fuch  a  fpeedy  Conclufton  of  the 

*  prefent  Diffractions,  as  may  prevent  the  further 
4  unnatural  Effufion  of  Chriftian  and  EngliJJ)}$\ooAt 
'  and  the  Miferies  of  a  new  War :  To  which  End, 
4  that  all  Prejudices  whatsoever,  fo  far  as  poffibly 
'  fhall  be  in  our  Power,  may  be  removed,  we  fur- 
4  ther  declare,  That  we  (hall  not  only  willingly 
'  decline  the  unpleafing  Memory  of  all  that  is  paft, 
4  fo  far  as  may  concern  any,  who,  upon  this  our 
«  Invitation,  {hall  return  to  their  Duty  ;  but  fhall 

*  very  particularly  accept  of,  and  efteem  the  Per- 

*  fons  and  Afliftanceof  thofe,  howfoever  formerly 
4  mi  fled,  which  {hall  now  join  with  us  :    And,  in 
4  particular,  we  hereby  promife,  that  all  fuch  Of- 

*  ficers  and  Soldiers  in  the  Lord  Fairfax's  Army, 
4  without  Exception  ;  as  likewife  all  fuch  Officers 
4  and  Seamen  with  the  Earl  of  Warwick  (of  the 

*  good  Affections  of  moft  of  whom  we  are  well  af- 

4  fured) 

Parliamentary  HISTORY 

{  fured)  as  {hall,  upon  the  fir/I  proper  Opportunity, 
<  quit  that  their  Engagement,  (hall  be  fully  fatisfied 
'  °^  tne*r  ^ay  anc^  Arrears  ^ue  unto  tnem,  with  Af- 

*  furance  of  iuch  Indemnity  as  they  {hall  propound, 
'  and  ihall  be  fafely  received  into  our  Prote&ion 

*  and  Care. 

*  In  thelaft  Place;  we  {hall  defire,  that  no  in- 
'  terefted  Perfons  will  mifmterpret  the  prefent  Stop 
•*  of  any  Veflels,  or  Merchandizes,  now  made  by 
'  us  here  in  the  Downs  j  our  Intention  not  being  to 
'  break  Bulk,  or  alter  the  Property  of  the  Owner 

*  thereof,  except  we  {hall  be  compelled  thereunto 

*  by  the  Refufal  of  fuch  reafonable  and  necefiary 
f  Support  for  our  Navy  as  may  enable  them  and  us 
«  to  fubfift,  and  proceed  in  our  prefent  Undertaking. 
'  Which  Demand  of  ours,  herewith  fent  to  the 

*  City  of  London^  we  hope  no  Man  will  think  un- 
'  reafonable  who  confiders,  that,  by  the  Laws  of 

<  the  Land  and  Practice  of  all  Times,  the  Cuf- 
f  toms  and  Sea-Duties  have  been  granted,  and 

*  ought  to  be  employed,  for  the  Maintenance  of  the 
'  King's  Navy,  as  the  proper  and  natural  Provifion 

*  for  the  fame. 

«  And  now,  for  Conclufion  of  what  we  have  to 
«  fay,  we  conjure  all  the  good  Subjects  of  England^ 
«  by  the  Duty  they  owe  to  God  and  Man,  and  by 

<  all  that  is  precious  to  themfelves,  that  they  be  not 

*  difcouraged  in  their  Attempt  to  free  the  Nation 

*  from  the  Tyranny  they  live  under  j  by  obtaining, 

*  maugre  all  Oppofition,  this  blefled  Peace  (it  be- 
f  ing  vifible  to  all  Men,  and  confefled  even  by  thofe 
«  that  live  upon  the  Spoil  of  the  People,  that  no- 
«  thing  but  a  fpeedy  Peace  can  preferve  the  King- 
f  dom  from  'utter  Ruin  j)    but,  on  the  contrary^ 

*  that  they  join  and  aflbciate   themfelves  as  one 

<  Man,  againft  the  Power  and  Practices  of  all  Per- 
f  fons  whatfoever,  who,  under  fpecious  Pretences, 

*  propofe  to  themfelves  their  particular  ambitious 
f  fends  in  the  Change  of  the  happy  Government  of 

<  England;  which,  if  not  thus  prevented,  will  ne- 
f  ceffitate  not  only  the  Continence  of  the  prefent 
4  Miferies,  but  will  entail  the  fame  to  Pofterity, 

«  and 

•      of    E  N  G  ly  A  N  D. 

*  snd  kindle  a  bloody  War  for  many  Generations  An 

*  to  come  j  which  God  of  his  Mercy  avert. 

Annexed  to  this  Declaration  and  Letter  was  a 
Lift  of  the  Ships  which  had  joined  the  Prince, 


Sbipj  Names.         Tons.  Guns. 

Conflant  Reformation  850  -  50  —  — 
Convertinc,  ---  650  --  40  -- 
3  wallow,  ----  650  --  36  -- 
Antelope,  ---  600  --  36  -- 
Satisfaction,  --  300  --  28  - 
Conftant  Warwick  --  250  --  24  -- 
Blackmoor  Lady,  —  180  --  18  -- 
Crefcent,  —  —  »  —  80  --  15  - 
Roebuck,  —  —  ~  70  -  --  15  - 
pelican,  —  —  60  --  12  -- 

3690  274  JJOO 

Thefe  revolted  Ships  had  perplexed  the  Parlia* 
jnent  very  much.  Some  Orders  had  been  made  to 
allow  Time  for  them  to  come  in,  and  their  whole 
Arrears  to  be  paid  them  :  All  which  having  no  Ef-* 

July  28.  The  Commons  fent  up  to  the  Lords  whereupon  both 
the  following  Vote  for  their  Concurrence  :  *  That  Houfes  give  Or- 
the  Earl  of  Warwick,  Lord-High-Admiral  of  Eng-  J?8^?^ 
land,  be  authorifed  and  required  to  fight  with  the  ^t  with  the 
revolted  Ships  ;  or  any  Perfon  or  Perfons,  of  any  revolted  Part  of 
Condition  or  Quality  whatfoever,  that  (hall  be  up- 
on  the  faid  Ships;  or  (hall  join  with  them;  or  (hall 
any  way  oppoie  the  Power  and  Authority  of  Par- 
liament.3 --  The  Earl  of  Pembroke  having  expref- 
fed  great  Earneftnefs  in  favour  of  this  Refolution  of 
the  Commons,  the  Earl  of  Lincoln  flood  up  (y]  and 
defired  the  Lords  to  confider  that  the  Prince  of 
Wales  was  on  board  one  of  th,e  revolted  Ships,  and 
he  hoped  that  Noble  Peer  would  not  have  a  Com- 
iniffion  granted  fo  at  large  as  to  kill  the  Prince. 


(y}  Mercxn'tis  Pragmatictii,  N°  184 

348  72tf  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  To  which  trje  Earl  of  Pembroke  anfwered  with 
t  l£4-8'  ,  great  Warmth,  That  he  loved  the  Prince  as  weli 
~*  J«V  ~~  as  himfelf ;  and  if  he  were  out  of  the  Houfe  he 
would  call  the  Earl  of  Middlefex  to  Account  for  his 
Words.  To  this  the:latter  replied,  He  knew  not 
what  Spirit  might  be  in  the  Earl  of  Pembroke  now  he 
was  an  old  Man,  but  that  he  was  fure  his  Lordfhip 
was  of  another  Temper  when  he  was  young. — At 
length  the  Queftion  being  put  for  concurring  with 
the  Commons  in  giving  Power  to  the  Lord-Admiral 
as  propofed,  it  pafTed  in  the  Affirmative  j  but  the 
Earls  of  Rutland,  Suffolk,  Lincoln,  Middlefex,  and 
the  Lord  Hunfdon^  entered  their  Diflent. 

And  agree  to  a  The  ^ame  Day  the  Commons  took  into  Confi- 
Terfcnai  Treaty  deration  the  Manner  of  fettling  a  Peace  with  the 
with  tb-  King  in  King  ;  and  the  Queftion  being  put  to  adhere  to 
W*ht'  their  former  Vote,  '  That  the  King  ftiould  affent  to 
the  Three  Proportions  previous  to  a  Treaty,1  it 
psfled  in  the  Negative  by  71  againft  64.  Then  it 
was  refolved,  That  a  Treaty  be  had  in  the  Ifle  of 
IVigbt^  with  the  King  in  Perfon,  by  a  Committee 
appointed  by  both  Houfes,  upon  all  the  Propofi- 
tions  prefented  to  him  at  Hampton-Court^  and  for 
the  taking  away  of  Wards  and  Liveries,  for  fettling 
a  fafe  and  well-grounded  Peace.  But  it  being 
moved,  to  add  thefe  Woids  and  not  elfewkere,  the 
Yeas  and  Noes  were  each  57,  Whereupon  the 
Speaker  turned  the  Scale  by  giving  his  Vote  againft 
the  Addition  propofed.  A  remarkable  Inftance  of 
the  Equality  of  the  Prefbyterian  and  Independent 
Parties  at  this  Juncture. 

'July  29,  The  foregoing  Vote  being  fent  up  to 
the  Lords,  they  not  only  agreed  to  it,  out  alfo  fent 
2  Mefiage  to  the  other  Houfe  to  defire,  That  the 
Committee  for  Peace  might  meet  the  next  Day,  to 
confiderof  all  the  Circumftances  neceflary  for  the 
fafe  and  fpeedy  carrying  on  this  Treaty  with  the 
King  -,  in  particular,  That  his  Majefty  might  be, 
\vith  Honour,  Freedom,  and  Safety,  in  fuch  Place 
in  the  Ifle  of  Wi«ht  as  he  (hould  make  Choice  of; 


tf    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  349 

£h<3  alfo  concerning  the  Time  when  the  faid  An-  *4  Car.  I. 
treaty  {hould  begin.  To  both  which  Defires  the  ^  *6*_  ,  • 
Commons  agreed.  July. 

We  mall  conclude  our  Account  of  the  Proceed- 
ings of  this  Month  with  a  Speech  made  by  Sir  John 
Maynard^  (one  of  the  Eleven  Members  accufed 
by  the  Army,  and  lately  reftored  to  his  Seat  in  the 
Houfe)  on  behalf  of  the  famous  Colonel  John  Lil- 
kurne,  of  whom  frequent  Notice  has  been  taken 
in  this  Parliament.  The  laft  Mention  we  made  of 
him  was  in  Jul'j  1646  (z),  when  he  was  fentenced 
by  the  Houfe  of  Lords  to  pay  a  Fine  of  4000  /. 
and  to  be  committed  to  the  Tower  for  feven  Years, 
where  he  had  continued  Prifoner  ever  fince,  altho* 
many  Attempts  had  been  made  in  Parliament  for 
his  Releafe. 

This  Speech  made  by  a  Member  of  fo  great 
Eminence,  and  which  is  a  fummary  Recapitula- 
tion of  Col.  Lilburnis  whcle  Cafe,  we  find  no 
where  but  in  our  own  Collection  of  Pamphlets  (a]  : 
It  runs  thus : 

Mr.  Speaker, 

'  TT7  E  are  called  hither  as  Truftees  and  Repre-  sir  John  May- 
W  fentatives  of  the  People  j  and  it  is  our  Du-  nard's  Speech  ia 
ty  to  reprefent  to  you  the  Grievances  of  any  which  tenant-CoknT 
are  injured  or  opprefied  :  To  be  as  careful  of  them  John  Lilbume, 
as  of  ourfelves,  being;  the  eflential  Part  of  our  Pri-  PTifoner  in  thq 
vileges.  Tower- 

'  The  Law  of  the  Land  is  every  Englijhman's 
Birth-right  j  and  you  are  the  Confervators  of  the 
Law,  in  which  we  wrapped  up  our  Lives,  Liber- 
ties and  Eftates. 

*  Mr.  Speaker :  Without  any  further  Preamble 
or  Introduction,  I  mail  acquaint  you  briefly  with  the 
Sufferings  of  Lieutenant-Colonel  John  Lilburney 
who  hath  been  imprifoned  two  Years  illegally  by 
the  Lords,  who  by  Law  have  no  Jurifdi£tion  over 
Commoners,  in  criminal  Cafes,  againft  their  Wills. 

*  About 

(z)  In  our  Fifteenth  Volume,  p.  15,  et  fef. 

(a)  London,  printed  for  J,  Harris,  Aug*  it,  164?, 

efbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

e  About  four  Years  fince,  there  was  a  great- 
falling  out  betwixt  Lieutenant-Colonel  Lilburne, 
and  Colonel  King  his  Officer  ;  both  faithful  Men 
to  your  Service4  and  of  high  Spirits,  fierce  and  re- 
folute  :  The  Difference  grew  to  fuch  a  Height, 
that  Lieutenant-Colonel  Lilburne  complained  to  his 
Commander  in  Chief,  the  Earl  of  Manchejler,  that 
Colonel  King  had  betrayed  Croudakdi  &c.  and 
humbly  befought  his  Lordmip  to  call  a  Council  of 
War,  and  he  would  make  good  his  Accufation. 
The  Earl  of  Manchejler,  'hoping  to  compofe  the 
Difference,  put  it  off,  and  Lieutenant-Colonel  Lil- 
burne perfifted  j  but,  feeing  Juftice  delayed,  he  came 
to  London,  and  divulged  abroad  that  Colonel  King 
was  a  Traitor  to  his  Truft  j  whereupon  Colonel 
King  fued  him,  at  Common-Law,  in  an  AcYiotv 
of  2000  /.  and  Lieutenant-Colonel  Lilkurne  appli- 
ed himfelf  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  praying  that 
the  whole  Bufmefs  might  be  heard  and  tried  at  a 
Council  of  War,  by  that  Ordinance  which  was- 
eftablifhed  in  the  Earl  of  Eflejfs  Articles ;  they  be- 
ing both  Soldiers,  and  having  fubje&ed  themfelves 
to  the  Law  Martial :  For  Lieutenant-Colonel  Lil- 
Ittme  knew,  by  the  Letter  of  the  Common  Law* 
he  was  gone,  it  being  Treafon  by  the  Com- 
mon Law  to  hold  a  Fort  or  Caftle  againft  the 

c  It  feems  this  Bufmefs  depended  before  Judge 
Reeves,  who  was  a  faithful  worthy  Judge,  and  ne- 
ver deferted  the  Parliament,  but  adhered  when  we 
were  in  the  loweft  Condition :  But  Lieutenant-Co- 
lonel Lilburne,  being  young  and  hot,  wrote  a  Let- 
ter to  Judge  Reeves,  wherein  he  expreffed  himfelf 
in  acrimonious  Language,  which  had  better  been 
forborne  ;  and,  in  a  fatyrical  Way,  (hewed  how  he 
was  hardly  dealt  withal  both  by  him  and  the  Earl 
of  Manchefter;  and  fpake  Truth  in  fharp  Language, 
viz.  That  the  "Judges  took  inany  extraordinary  Fees 
which  they  cmld  not  jttftify  by  Law  ;  that  the  Proceed- 
ings in  their  Courts  were  fo  irregular •,  that  no  Man 
knew  where  to  find  them  ;  and  that  the  Earl  of  Man- 
chefter  had  d>.lc]tidhim  'Jujlicc^  c?V. 

'  Hereupon. 

^/ENGLAND.  351 

*  Hereupon  he  was  convened  before  the  Lords.  •*»•  **£**'  *' 
The   Earl  of  Manchejler,    being   Speaker  of  the  .  *  *  '      ^ 
Houfe  of   Peers  pro  Tempcre,    afked  Lieutenant-  jujy» 
Colonel  Lilburne^  Whether  he  did  not  deliver  to 

Judge  Reeves  fuch  a  fcandalous  Paper  ?  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  Lilburne  anfwered,  That  his  Lordfhip  was 
Judge  and  Party  in  his  own  Caufe ;  that  he  was  in 
England  and  not  in  Spain  \  and  the  Quaere  put  un-^ 
to  him  was  like  the  Oath**  Officio^  which  Proceed- 
ings they  themfelves  had  condemned  as  tyrannical 
and  unjuft,  a  little  before  in  his  own  Cafe  :  That 
by  Law  no  Man  ought  to  be  afked  fuch  an  enfnar- 
ing  Queftion,  whereby  he  might  condemn  liimfelf; 
that  if  he  had  offended,  the  Law  was  open  ;  and 
therefore  he  appealed  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  as 
his  competent  Judges,  being  his  Peers  and  Equals  j 
and  then  delivered  his  Proteft  againft  their  Jurifdic- 
tion :  Whereupon  he  was  commanded  to  withdraw^ 
and  committed  to  Prifon  for  fo  Protefling. 

*  Not  long  after  he  was  fent  for  a  fecond  Time 
before  the  Lords,  and  commanded  to  kneel,  which 
he  abfolutely  refufed,  as  a  Subjection  to  their  Ju- 
rifdiclion  ;  fo  they  remanded  him  to  Prifon  to  be 
kept  clofe,  not  fufferfng  Wife,  Child,  or  any  other 
Friend  to  come  to  him  for  the  Space  of  three 
Weeks  ;  nor  allowing  him  to  enjoy  the  Benefit  of 
Pen,  Ink,  or  Paper. 

'  After  three  Weeks  Imprifonment,  he  was  again 
forced  before  the  Lords,  into  whofe  Houfe  he  went 
with  his  Hat  on  his  Head ;  and,  being  there,  re- 
fufed to  hear  his  Charge  read  :  This  was  raflily 
done  j  but  you  know,  Mr.  Speaker,  what  Solomon 
faith,  OppreJJton  will  make  a  -wife  Man  mad.  Af- 
ter Lieutenant-Colonel  Lilburne  had  made  this  one 
Fault,  (for  I  conceive  he  had  committed  none  fee- 
fore,  but  that  the  Injuftke  refted  upon  the  Lords) 
he  was  fined  4000  /.  for  his  Contempt,  and  feven 
Years  Imprifonment.  Upon  the  whole  Matter  t 
befeech  you  judge  in  Point  of  Law  and  Equity, 
Whether  this  was  not  like  a  Council -Table  or  S  tar- 
Chamber  Sentence  ?  And  I  pray  obferve  likrwife 
the  Warrant,  which  the  Judges  contefied  was  il- 

352  The  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  o  R  r 

An.  24  Car.  I.  legal,  when  Lieutenant-Colonel  Lilburne  pleaded 

l648>          upon  his  Habeas  Corpus. 

~~  juvlv>  *  I    (hall  acquaint  you  with  fome  Precedents, 

where  you  have  relieved  Commoners  committed 
by  the  Lords,  and  fined  in  this  Parliament,  in  the 
like  Cafe.  Col.  King  having  a  Difference  with  the 
Lord  Wilioughby  of  Parkam,  the  Lords  took  upon 
them  to  hear  the  Caufe  againft  Col.  King's  Will ; 
they  fined  him  500  /.  and  committed  him  to  the 
Fleet.  Col.  King  appealed  to  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons, and  fhewed  that  the  Lords  had  no  Jurii"- 
di&ion  over  him ;  and  fo  he  was  releafed  by  the 
Houfe  of  Commons,  and  the  Fine  difcharged. 

'  Capt.  Maffey^  under  the  Command  of  Col. 
Manwarjng,  being  one  of  the  Guards  who  had 
opened  the  Commiffioners  of  Scotland's  Packets,  be- 
ing for  the  fame  committed  to  the  Fleet ,  the  Houfe 
of  Commons  releafed  him;  and  inclined  to  have  re- 
warded him.  The  Cafe  was  the  fame  with  this, 
and  the  like  Proceedings,  as  to  Mr.  William  Lar- 
nery  Bookfellsr,  his  Brother,  and  his  Maid. 

'  But  that  which  is  moft  obfervable  is,  that  Mr. 
Richard  Overto-n^  who  affronted  the  Lords  more 
than  Lieutenant-Colonel  Lilburne^  by  protefting  to 
their  Faces  againft  them,  at  his  firft  coming  before 
them  ;  and  afterwards  appealed  to  the  Houfe  of 
Commons,  and  all  the  Commons  of  England^  and 
particularly  to  the  General  and  whole  Army  ;  yet 
notwithftanding,  the  Lords  approved  of  his  Pro- 
teftation,  by  their  releafing  him  out  of  Prifon,  with- 
out ftooping  to  them  :  But  Lieutenant-Colonel 
L^lburne  hath  lain  two  Years,  and  above,  in  Prifon ; 
and  all  his  Eftate  kept  from  him,  to  the  Hazard  of. 
ftarving  him,  his  Wife,  and  Children. 

'  Mr.  Speaker :  You  have  formerly  heard  the  Re- 
port at  large  made  by  Mr.  Maynard-,  and  there- 
upon you  gave  him  his  Liberty  to  follow  his  Af- 
fairs, though  you  did  not  abfolutely  determine  the 
Bufinefs :  But  fuch  is  his  Misfortune,  thathe  is  fince 
committed  by  a  Warrant  of  this  Houfe,  upon  the 
ftngle  Information  of  one  Mr.  Majierfon^  a  Mini- 
fter,  who  was  not  fworn :  And  truly,  Mr,  Speaker,, 

I  con- 


I  Conceive  it  one  of  his  greateft  Sins  and  Errors  An 
that  he  hath  committed,  via.  His  idolizing  this 
Houfe  j  for  he  believes  that  you  are  the  Supreme 
Authority,  and  the  Chief  Judicatory,  in  reprefertt- 
ing  the  People^  from  whom  all  Power  is  derived ; 
according  to  that  Maxim,  ^uicquid  efficit  tale$  ejl 
magis  tale  :  But  I  have  {hewed  him  the  contrary  > 
as  you  may  find  it  in  the  firft  of  Henry  the  IVth, 
Mem.  14.  N°.  79,  where  the  Commons  made  their 
Proteftation,  That  they  had  no  Jurifdiftion  birt  in 
making  of  Laws,  and  Money  Matters,  as  granting  Sub" 
Jidies,  &c  (£).  And  truly  I  conceive  it  not  honour- 
able nor  juft,  that  we,  that  are  Legiflators^  (hould 
be  Adminiftrators  or  Executioners  of  Juftice  ;  but 
to  leaVe  thefe  petty  Things  to  the  Conftables,  Juf- 
tices,  and  Judges,  whom  we  may  call  to  Queftion, 
and  punifh  if  there  be  Occaiion. 

'  Mr.  Speaker :  I  dare  not  fpeak  againft  your 
Warrant  for  what  is  paft  ;  but  I  pray  obferve,  it  is 
a  Prifon  Door  with  two  Locks  and  Bolts  upon  it ; 
fo  that  it  is  impoffible  the  Prifoner  fhould  ever  get 
out,  but  die  in  Prifon. 

'  Lieutenant- Colonel  Lilburne  is  committed  in 
order  to  his  Trial  at  Law,  and  yet  is  debarred  all 
Law ;  for,  upon  his  Pleading,  when  he  had  brought 
his  Habeas  Carpus,  the  Judges  confefled  the  War- 
rant to  be  illegal,  and  yet  they  durft  not  releafe 
him :  Secondly,  The  Caufe  is  general,  which  is 
nothing  in  Law^  viz.  For  treasonable  and  f editions 
Practices,  &c.  But  Sir  Edward  Coke  tells  us  the 
particular  Treafon  is  to  be  exprefled  ;  and  that 
which  is  worft  of  all,  the  W^ord  of  God  doth  not 
warrant  it :  For  Fejlus,  the  Pagan  and  corrupt 
Judge,  who  expe&ed  a  Bribe  from  poor  Paul, 
would  not  fend  him  to  Ctefar  without  fpecifying 
the  Caufe  in  his  Mittimus, 

*  It  is  not  in  the  Power  of  Parliaments  to  make 
a  Law  againft  the  Law  of  God,  Nature,  or  necef- 
fary  Reafon  ;  and  it  was  the  chief  Caufe  why  Emp~ 
fen  and  Dudley,  thole  Favourites  and  Privy  Ccun- 
fellors  to  Henry  the  VHth.  were  beheaded  >  as  it 

VOL.  XVII.  Z  appears 

(4)  In  our  Second  Volume,  p,  52. 

354  2&  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  appears  in  the  Indi&ment,  which  you  may  read  in 
t_      l648-        the  Fourth  Injlitute^  under  the   Chapter,  Court  of 
rjj  Wards^  for  fubverting  the  Fundamental  Laws  of 

the  Land :  They  had  an  Aft  of  Parliament  for 
their  Indemnity*  as  1 1  Henry  the  Vllth.  wherein 
the  Judges  were  authorized  to  proceed  by  Informa- 
tion, whereas  by  Law  it  fhould  have  been  by  In- 
diftment}  and  they  were  to  judge  by  Difcretioiij 
which  was  contrary  to  Law,  for  it  ought  to  have 
been  by  Juries  of  twelve  Men. 

*  I  befeech  you,  for  the  Time  to  come,  that  we 
commit  none  but  our  own  Members  ;  and  that  we 
avoid  thefe  old  Council-Table  Warrants,  which 
run  in  Generals,  during  Pleafure  ;   which  was  the 
Caufe  of  that  excellent  Law,  got  with  fo  much 
Difficulty,  called  The  Petition  of  Right :    That/or 
abolijhing  the  Star-Chamber ',  and  regulating  the  Coun- 
cil-'Table)  is  not  inferior  to  it. 

'  I  pray  let  us  remember,  and  apply  it  to  our- 
felves,  how  dangerous  and  fatal  it  hath  ever  been 
for  Kings  to  extend  and  ftretch  their  Prerogatives 
above>  and  beyond,  Law ;  for  the  fame  Fate  be- 
fel  the  Council-Table,  Star-Chamber,  and  High 
Commiflion.  I  pray  let  us  keep  ourfelves  within 
our  Sphere,  and  not  make  our  Privileges^  Entia 
tranfcendentia^  which  are  not  to  be  found  in  any 
Predicament  of  Law. 

'  As  touching  Generals,  I  pray  remember  what 
you  yourfelves  declared,  in  Anfwer  to  the  King, 
in  the  Cafe  of  the  Lord  Kimbolton  and  the  five 
Members  accufed  ;  and  Alderman  Penningtott^  Al- 
derman Foulky  Col.  Ven^  and  Col.  Man-waring^ 
viz.  That  it  is  again/I  the  Rules  of  'Juftice  that  any 
Man  foould  be  imprisoned  upon  a  general  Charge^ 
•when  no  particulars  are  proved  again/I  him  (^). 

*  But  leaving  that,  I  fhall  acquaint  you  what 
this  brave  invincible  Spirit  hath  fuffered  and  done 
for  you  :    He  was  profecuted  by  the  Bifllops  ;  and 
five  hundred  Stripes  with  knotted  Cords,    fron  the 
Fleet  to  Weftminfter ;    there  he  was   pillored  and 
gagged  j  lay  long  in  a  nafty  clofe  Prifon  in  Irors, 


(c)  H*Jkmft 

of   E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  355 

Without  Pen,  Ink,  or  Paper,  or  any  Company:  An.  24  Car. 
Alas  !  I  cannot  remember  half  his  Sufferings.    All         l648' 
this  was  in  his  Youth,  when  but  about  twenty  Years      ^  July! 
'of  Age;  from  which  murdering  Imprifonment  this 
Parliament  fet  him  free,  with  Dr.  Baftwick^  &c. 

*  Shortly  after  he  was  queftioned  for  his  Life 
at  the  Lords  Bar,  for  afferting  the  Privileges  of 
Parliaments,  and  was  accufed,  by  a  fmgle  Wit- 
nefs,  of  Treafon  ;  but  he  was  cleared  by  other 
Witnefles,  and  difcharged  by  the  Lords.  When 
the  Parliament  was  about  to  be  forced,  he  fought 
with  the  Cavaliers,  and  brought  many  Friends  to 
aflift  in  the  Court  of  Requefts.  He  was  one  of 
the  firft  that  took  up  Arms,  and  behaved  himfelf 
bravely  at  Keiritun,  where  he  kept  the  Field  all 
Night.  Afterwards,  he  fought  ftoutly  at  Brent- 
fordy  but  was  taken  Prifoner ;  ufed  cruelly,  got  a 
peftilential  Fever  in  the  Caftle  of  Oxford,  and  was 
arraigned  for  his  Life  before  Sir  Robert  Heath  and 
Sir  Thomas  Gardiner:  There  he  aflerted  the  Parlia- 
ment's Caufe,  haVihg  the  Obfervator  without  Book ; 
and  fpake  more  for  us  than  many  of  us  are  able  to 
fpeak  for  ourfelves.  He  relieved  with  JVloneVj  and 
held  up  the  Spirits  of  his  Fellow-Prifoners.  He 
tefifted  ftrong  Temptations  from  feveral  Lords, 
Who  offered  him  great  Preferment.  He  was  an 
eminent  A6lor  in  that  famous  Battle  in  Marjlon- 
Moor ;  took  in  Tickhill  Caftle  with  only  four 
Troops  of  Dragoons;  and,  for  his  Pains,  had  like 

to  have  been  hanged. You  muft  pardon  me  for 

injuring  him,  for  I  am  not  able  to  remember  half 
his  Services  to  the  Public. 

*     '  For  all  his  Sufferings  and  Actings  for  you,  I 
befeech  you, 

Firjly  *  Take  off  the  Mark  of  your  own  Dif- 
pleafure,  which  wounds  him  to  the  Heart. 

Secondly,  '  Difcharge  him  from  the  Lords  Im- 

Laftly,    *  Pay  him  his   Arrears  ;    and '  pafs    the 

Order  into  an  Ordinance  for   2ocO/.   out  of  the 

Eftates  of  thofe  which   gave  that  wicked,. cruel, 

Woody,  and  tyrannical  Judgment  againft  him  n  the 

Z  2  Star' 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

•Star-Chamber.     Thefe  are  your  own  Expreflions 

^   in  your  Vote  of  May  5,   1641. 

Auguft.  '  Mr.  Speaker,  I  have  forgot  one  material  Thing, 

which  is  this  :  You  have  allowed  Lieutenant-Co- 
lonel Lilburne  40  s.  a  Week,  but  he  hath  not  re- 
ceived one  Penny ;  neither  is  he  in  any  Hope  of  it, 
for  he  cannot  flatter,  or  comply  ;  befides  this  fup- 
pofed  Gift  of  yours  hath  almoft  ftarved  him,  for 
his  Friends  in  the  Country,  thinking  he  had  receiv- 
ed it,  have  thereupon  withdrawn  their  Benevo- 
lence ;  and  he  and  his  Family  are  thereby  expofed 
to  Want  and  Mifery.' 

On  the  firft  of  Auguft  this  Argument  of  Sir  John 
Maynard,  in  favour  of  Col.  Lilburne,  was  followed 
by  a  Petition  figned  by  a  great  Number  of  eminent 
Citizens,  and  prefented  to  the  Commons  (d)  :  But 
this  we  omit,  all  the  Allegations  thereof  being  com- 
prifed  in  the  foregoing  Speech ;  obferving  only  that 
after  the  Petitioners  were  withdrawn,  the  Houfe 
patted  the  following  Refolutions : 

1.  «  That  the  Order  of  Reftraint  of  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  Lilburne,  be  taken  off  and  difcharged. 

2.  *  That  a  Meflage  be  fent  to  the  Lords,  ex- 
prefsly  to  recommend  him,  and  to  defire  them  to 
take  ofF  their  Hand  of  Reftraint  from  him. 

3.  '  That  it  be  referred    to  a   Committee  to 
confider  how  he  may  have  Satisfaction  and  Allow- 
ance for  his  Sufferings,  as  was  formerly  intended 
to  him  by  this  Houfe. 

4.  '  That  it  be  recommitted  to  the  Committee 
of  Accounts  to  ftate  and  audit  his  Accounts.     And 

5.  '  That  a   Conference  be  defired  with  the 
Lords  for  his  Enlargement.' 

Inconfequenceof      Thefe  Refolutions  of  the  Commons  were  car- 

jjj,0^*        ~    riedupthe  next  Day  to  the  Lords  ;    whereupon 

they  immediately  made  an  Order  for  his  Difcharge, 

and  for  taking  off  the  Fine  and  ^Sentence  impofed 

upon  him  by  their  Lordfhips. 


(d)  This  Petition,  faid  to  be  fubfcribed  by  near  10,000  Hands,  is 
annexed  to  the  foregoing  Speech  5  as  are  alfo  the  Refolutions  of  both 
Houfes  in  Col.  Lilburnfi  Favour. 

^ENGLAND.  357 

'Jlug.  2.  The  Lords  fent  a  MefTage  to  the  Com- An'  *6*gCar'  K 
mons,    fignifying,   That  they  had  nominated  the  .      *  *  '      , 
Earl  of  Middlefex,    and   defiring  the  other   Houfe        Auguft. 
to  add  two  of  their  Members;  to  wait  on  his  Ma- 
jefty, as  a  Committee  from  both  Houfes,  with  all  A  committee  of 

convenient  Speed,  to  acquaint  him  with  their  Re-  both  "oufes  aP' 
r  .     .  r»     /•        i    T«  T«L  •     pointed  to  wait 

lolutions  concerning  a    rerfonal    1  reaty.       1  his  upon  tjie  Kingi 

Meflage  being  taken  into  Confideration  by  the  with  their  Votes 
Commons,  they  proceeded  to  nominate  two  Mem-  ^^  PerfoBal 
bers  of  their  Houfe  to  be  Commiflkmers  to  wait  on 
the  King.  Mr.  Bitlkley  was  propofed  and  agreed 
upon  for  one,  without  Oppofition.  The  Prefby- 
terian  Party  having  named  Mr.  Povcy  to  be  the  fe- 
cond,  the  Independents  propofed  Sir  James  Har- 
rington^ who  had  formerly  been  a  Servant  of  the 
Crown  ;  but  he  was  excepted  againft  by  Sir  Har- 
bottle  Grim/Ion,  who  faid,  He  was  lorry  it  fhould 
be  his  Lot  to  fpeak  againft  any  Member  of  the 
tfoufe  in  particular ;  but  that  he  conceived  Sir 
James  Harrington  a  very  unfit  Man  to  prefent  a 
Meflage  to  the  King,  becaufe  he  did  remember, 
and  his  Majefty  was  fince  informed,  That  when  a 
Motion  was  made  heretofore,  in  the  Houfe,  for  an 
Impeachment  to  be  drawn  up  againft  the  King,  he 
was  the  only  Man  that  did  fecond  it ;  and  cqnfe- 
quently  could  be  no  welcome  Meflenger  to  his 
Majefty  :  He  therefore  defired  the  Houfe  to  pitch 
upon  fome  other.  This  was  zealoufly  oppofed  by 
Mr.  Curdon,  who  faid,  It  was  malicioufly  done 
to  except  againft  any  Man  for  delivering  of  his 
Confcience,  which  was  no  juft  Ground  of  Excep- 
tion :  To  this  it  was  anfwered,  That  the  Ex- 
ception agsunft  Sir  James  Harrington  was  agreeable 
to  former  Proceedings  in  the  Houfe  ;  as  an  Inftance' 
of  which,  when  a  Motion  was  made,  fome  Time 
ago,  for  fending  Mr.  Natbanael  Fiennes  as  one  of 
the  Commiffioners  into  Scotland,  it  was  over-ruled, 
becaufe  that  Gentleman  was  the  Penman  of  a  De- 
claration againft  the  Scots.  But  it  being  replied, 
That  the  Houfe  was  not  to  regard  the  fending  to 
the  King  fuch  Men  as  were  acceptable  to  him, 
becaufe  he  was  in  the  Condition  of  an  Enemy ; 
Z  3  'to 

3.58  7be  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24  Car.  I.  to  this  it  was  fmartly  returned,  That  the  Parliar 
rrient  had  not  yet  declared  the  lying  an  Enemy^ 
therefore  it  was  not  fit  for  any  particular  Peribn  tq 
do  fo  ;  and  that  the  Parliament  could  not  declare 
the  King  an  Enemy,  becaufe  they  had  taken  a 
Covenant  to  maintain  his  Honour  and  defend  his 

At  length,  to  put  an  End  to  the  Difpute,  Sir 
James  Harrington  and  Mr.  Povey  were  both  laid 
slide  j  and  Sir  John  Hippejley  was  appointed  to  join 
with  Mr.  Bulkley  and  the  Earl  of  Middlefix,  in  this 
EmbaiTy  from  both  Houfes  to  the  King. 

The  next  Day,  Aug.  3,  the  Commons  fent  up 
a  Copy  of  Inftructions  which  they  had  paffed,  for 
the  Commiffioners  who  were  to  go  to  the  King ; 
which  the  Lords,  on  Perufal,  agreed  to. 

INSTRUCTIONS  from  both  Houfes  of  Parliament  for 
PESLEY,  Knt.  and  JOHN  BULKLEY,  Efq,  Com- 
mijjioners  of  Parliament. 

!•  '    \7  O  ^,   or  anY  two  °^  7OU>  w^ere°f  one  *O 
'     Y     be  a  Lord,  {hall,  with  all  Speed,  repair 
'  unto  his  Majefty   at  the  Caftle  of  Carijbrook  in 
<  the  Ifle  of  Wight. 

II.  <  You  fhall  prefent  unto  his  Majefty  the  Re- 
'  folutions  of  both  Houfes  concerning  a  Perfonal 
'  Treaty  to  be  had  with  him  in  that  Ifland. 

III.  *  Todefire  his  Majefty's  fpeedy  Anfwer  to 

*  the  faid  Reiblutions. 

IV.  '  To  acquaint  him  that  you  had  only  ten 

*  Days  allotted  for  Going,  Stay,  and  Return. 

V.  '  That  in  cafe  his  Majefly  defires  to  fee  the 
f  Propofitions  that  were  prcfented  him  at  Hampton- 

*  Court,  to  give  him  a  Copy  thereof.' 

Ordered^  '  That  one  hundred  Pounds  be  allow- 
ed for  the  Charges  of  this  Expedition.* 

An  Affair  next  offers  itfelf  to  our  Notice,  which, 
had  it  not  been  defeated  by  the  Intrigues  of  the  In- 


E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  359 

dependent  Party,  would,  in  all  Likelihood,  have  An-  *4  car.  .* 
put   an  £nd  to  thefe   tedious  Debates,    between  ,  _         _^ 
the  two  Houfes,  concerning  a  Perfonal  Treaty;        Auguft. 
prevented  the  Deftruction  of  the  King,  the  Subver- 
fion   of  the  Conftitution,  and   all  the   Confufions 
that  followed  thereupon  :  For, 

On  the  3d  of  this  Month  Major  Huntingtony  of 
lieutenant-General  Cromwell's  own  Regiment,  whq 
had  lately  refigned  his  Poft  in  the  Army,  prefented  Major  Hunting^ 
to  the  Houfe  of  Lords  a  Narrative  of  his  Reafons  to"  prefents  to 
for  fo  doing  ;  in  which  he  charged   Cromwell  with  £^a°c5;a°feof 
carrying  on  a  private  Negotiation  with  the  King,  High  Treafon"- 
under  Pretence  of  reftoring  him  to  his  Rights,  but,  Eainft  Lieutenant 
in  fa<a,  defigning  to  deftroy  his  Majefty  and  the  J;!ee£ral  Crolp- 
whole  Royal  Family,  and  to  overturn  both  Houfes 
of  Parliament,  in  order  to  his  own  Advancement. 

The  Lords  received  this  Narrative  very  favour- 
ably,   and  ordered  it  a  Reading  in   their  Houfe, 
The  Major  had  alfo  endeavoured  to  lay  it  before 
the  Commons,    but  could  not  prevail   upon   any 
Member  to  prefent  it  :  Not  difcouraged  at  this,  he 
fent  it  inclofed   to  the  Speaker  himfelf  ;  who  not 
communicating  it  to  the  Houfe  as  defired,  he  ten- 
dered it  to  Mr.  Birkkead,  the   Serjeant  at  Arms, 
who  alfo  refufed  to  meddle  with  it  :  However,  fome 
Days  after,  the  Lords  fent  down  the  Narrative  to  But  not  b  • 
the  Commons  ;    but  the  Lord  Wharton  followed  able  to  get  it 
the  Meflengers  into  the  Lobby,  fent  for  the  Ser-  Pre<™ted  to  the 
jeant  at  Arms,  and  defired  him  to  give  Notice  to  Commons' 
the  Speaker  of  what  was  coming,  who  contrived 
Means    to    prevent  thofe  Meflengers  from  being 
called  in.  --  AH  thefe  Circumftances  fcem  to  ac- 
count for  the  abfolute  Silence  af  the  Commons  Jour- 
nals upon  this  Subject, 

Mr.  tPhitlocke  (r)  and  Mr.  Rujhwortb  (d)  take 
Notice  of  Major  Huntingdon's  preferring  to  the 
Houfe  of  Lords  his  Reafons  for  leaving  the  Army, 
which  the  latter  ftyles  a  Narrative  of  pretended  Car- 
riages of  Lieutenant-General  Cromwell  ;  tho'  they 
both  agree  with  the  Journalifts  (e]  of  the  Times, 
Z  4  That 

(c)  Memorials,  p.  321.     (d)  CoHcfiica:,  Vol.  VlT.  p.  1214,  uai. 
(0  Mtrcuriui  Pragmaticus,  N«  jg.  Mcdtratt  IntdUgfncer,  N°  177. 

360  *The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An,   24  Car.  I. That  the  Major  made  Qath  before  the  Lords  that 
^^  what  he  had  affirmed  in  this  Charge,  as  of  his  own 
Au    ft         Knowledge,  was  true;  and  what  upon  Hearfay,  he 
believed,  would  be  attefted ;  whereupon  their  Lord- 
(hips  ordered  him  to  attend  their  Houfe,  and  grant- 
ed him  their  Prote&ion, — Notwithftanding  all  th^s 
the  whole  Affair  ended  in  Smoke  ;  which  is  thus 
accounted  for  by  General  Ludlow(g},  who  writes, 
*  That  the  malevolent  Spirit,  which   now  threat- 
ened the  Parliament  from  the  North,  prevailed  with 
them  to  difcountenance  a  Charge  of  High  Trea- 
fon  framed  by  Major  Huntington^  with  the  Advice, 
of  fome  Members  of  both  Houfes,  againft  Lieu- 
tenant-General Cromwell^  for  endeavouring,  by  be- 
traying the  King,  Parliament,  and  Army,  to  ad- 
vance himfelf;  it  being  manifefted  that  the  Prefer- 
ing  that  Accufation  at  this  Time,  was  principally 
defigned  to  take  him  off  from  his  Command  ;  and 
thereby  to  weaken  the  Army,  that  their  Enemies 
might  be  better  enabled  to  prevail  againft  them.' 
Heeaufi-sittote      Major  Huntlngton  finding,  by  all  thefe  Obftruc- 
irinted.  tions  thrown  in  his  Way,  that  it  was  impoflible  to 

prevail  upon  the  Houfe  of  Commons  to  admit  his 
Accufation  againft  Crormvell^  refolved  to  appeal  to 
the  People  ;  and  accordingly  publimed  his  Narra- 
tive with  his  Name  fubfcribed  to  it.  The  Subject 
is  too  interefting  to  require  any  Apology  for  the 
Length  of  it ;  and  efpecially  as  none  of  the  Con- 
temporaries give  us  fo  much  as  an  Abftraft,  though 
there  were  two  Editions  of  it  printed  on  the  fame 
Day  ;  both  which  are  in  our  own  Collection  of 
Pamphlets : 

Sundry  REASONS  inducing  Majar  Robert  Hunting- 
ton  to  lay  down  iris  ComnnJJlon^  humbly  presented 
to  the  Honourable  Houfis  of  Parliament. 

AVING  taken  up  Arms  in  Defence  of  the 
Authority  and  Power  of  King  and  Parlia* 
mnit,  under  the  Command  of  the  Lord  Grey  of 
H'erke  and  the  Earl   of  Manclefler^  during  their 

'  feveral 

fc)  Memeiri,  Vok  J.  p.  253. 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D. 

*  feveral  Employments,   with  the  Forces  of  the  An.  24  Car.  I, 

*  Eaftern  Aflbciation ;'  and,  at  the  Modelling  of 

*  this  Army  under  the  prefent  Lord-Genera!,  hay- 
?  ing  been  appointed,  by  the  Honourable  Houfes 
'  of  Parliament,  Major  to  the  now  Regiment  of 

*  Lieutenant  General  Cromwell;  in  each  of  which 
'  Employments  I  have  ferved  conftandy  and  faith- 

*  fully,  anfwerable  to  the  Truft  repofed  in  me : 

*  And  having  lately  quit  the  faid  Employment,  and 

*  laid  down  my  Commiffion,  I  hold  myfelf  tied, 
4  both  in  Duty  and  Conference,  to  render  the  true 
'  Reafon  thereof,  which,  in  gercral,  is  briefly  this  : 

*  Becaufe  the  Principles,  Defigns,  and  Actions  of 
'  thofe  Officers,  which  have  a  great  Influence  upon 

*  the  Army,  are,  as  I  conceive,  very  repugnant  and 

*  deftruclive  to  the  Honour  and  Safety  of  the  Par- 

*  liament  and  Kingdom,  from  whom  they  derive 

*  their  Authority.     The  Particulars  thereof,  being 
'  a  Breviate  of  my  fad  Obfervations,  will  appear  in 
'  the  following  Narrative  : 

'  Firjl^  That  upon  the  Orders  of  Parliament  for 

*  difbanding  this  Army,  Lieutenant-General  Cram- 
'  ivell  and   Commiflary-General  Ireton  were  fent 
'  Commiflioners  to  Walden^  to  reduce  the  Army 

*  to  their  Obedience,  yet  more  efpecially  in  order 

*  to  the  prefent  Supply  of  Forces  for  the  Service 

*  of  Ireland:    But  they,  contrary  to  the  Truft  re- 
«  pofed  in  them,  very  much  hindered  that  Service, 

*  not  oply  by  difcountenancing   thofe  that  were 
4  obedient  and  willing,  but  alfo  by  giving  Encou- 

*  ragement  to  the  unwilling  and  difobedient ;  de- 
4  claring  that  there  had  lately  been  much  Cruelty 

*  and   Injuftice   in  the   Parliament's  Proceedings 

*  againft  them,  meaning  the  Army.    And  Commif* 
'  fary- General  Ireton,  in  further  purfuance  thcre- 

*  of,  framed  thofe  Papers  and  Writings  then  fent 
'  from  the  Army  to  the  Parliament  and  Kingdom  ; 

*  faying  alfo  to  the  Agitators,  That  it  was  lawful 

*  and  fit  for  us  to  deny  Difbanding,  till  we  had  re- 

*  ceived  equal  and  juft  Satisfaction  for  ourpaft  Ser- 

*  vice:  Lieutenant-General  Cromwell  further  add- 

*  ing,  That  we  were  in  a  double  Capacity,  as  Sol- 

'  diers 

362.  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

diers  and  as  Commoners,  and  having  our  Pay  as 
Soldiers,  we  had  fornething  elfe  to  ftand  upon 
as  Commoners.  And  when,  upon  the  Rendez- 
vous at  Triploe-Heath,  the  Comm  iffioners  of  Par- 
liament, according  to  their  Orders,  acquainted 
every  Regiment  with  what  the  Parliament  had 
already  done,  and  would  further  do,  in  order  to 
the  Defires  of  the  Army  ;  the  Soldiery  being  be- 
fore prepared,  and  notwithstanding  any  Thing 
that  could  be  faid  or  offered  by  the  Commiffion- 
ers,  ftill  cried  out  for  Ju/lice,  Jujiice. 
*  And  for  the  effecting  of  their  further  Purpofes, 
Advice  was  given  by  Lieutenant-General  Crom- 
well and  Commiflary-General  Irston,  to  remove 
the  King's  Perfon  from  Holdenby,  or  to  fecuje 
him  there  by  other  Guards  than  thofe  appointed 
by  the  Commiffioners  of  Parliament :  This  was 
thought  moft  fit  to  be  carried  on  by  the  private 
Soldiery  of  the  Army,  and  promoted  by  the  Agi- 
tators of  each  Regiment;  whofe  firft  Bufmefs 
was  to  fecure  the  Garrifon  of  Oxford,  with  the 
Guns  and  Ammunition  there,  and  from  thence  to 
march  to  Holdenby,  in  profecution  of  the  former 
Advice,  which  was  accordingly  acted  by  Cornet 
Joyce ;  who,  when  he  had  done  the  Bufmefs, 
fent  a  Letter  to  the  General  then  at  Keinton,  ac^ 
quainting  his  Excellency  that  the  King  was  on 
his  march  towards  Newmarket.  The  General 
being  troubled  thereat,  told  Commiflary-General 
Ireton  that  he  did  not  like  it ;  demanding,  with- 
all,  who  gave  thofe  Orders.  He  replied,  That 
he  gave  Orders  only  for  fecuring  the  King  there, 
and  not  for  taking  him  away  from  thence.  Lieu- 
tenant-General  Cromwell,  coming  then  from 
London,  faid,  That  if  this  had  not  been  done, 
the  King  would  have  been  fetched  away  by  Or- 
der of  Parliament;  or  elfe  Colonel  Graves,  by  the 
Advice  of  the  Commiffioners,  would  have  car- 
ried him  to  London,  throwing  themfelves  upon 
the  Favour  of  Parliament  for  that  Service.  The 
fame  Day  Cornet  Joyce  being  told  that  the  Ge- 
neral was  difpleafed  with  him  for  bringing  the 

'  Kins 

0f    ENGLAND.  363 

*  King  from  Holdenby ;  he  anfwered,  That  Lieute-  An.  24  Car.  I, 
*.  nant-General  Cromwell  gave  him  Orders  at  London 

*  to  do  what  he  had  done,  both  there  and  at  Oxford. 

'  The  Perfon   of  the  King  being  now  in  the 

*  Power  of  the  Army,  the  Bufinefs  of  Lieutenant- 
?  General  Cromwell  was  to  court  his  Majefty,  both 
t  by  Members  of  the  Army,  and  feveral   Gentle- 
'  men  formerly  in  the  King's  Service,  into  a  good 

*  Opinion   and  Belief  of  the  Proceedings  of  the 

*  Army,  as  alfo  into  a  Diflatisfa&ion  and  Diflike 
'  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Parliament ;  pretending 

*  to  fhew  that  his  Majefty 's  Intereft  would  far  better 

*  fuit  with  the  Principles  of  Indepedency  than  of 
$  Prefbytery :  And  when  the  King  did  alledge,  as 

*  many  Times  he  did,  that  the  Power  of  Parlia- 

*  ment  was  the  Power  by  which  we  fought,  Lieu- 
*.  tenant-General  Cromwell  would  reply,  That  we 

*  were  not  only  Soldiers  but  Commoners  ;  promif- 
'  ing  that  the  Army  would  be  for  the  King  in  the 

*  Settlement  of  his  whole  Bufinefs,  if  the  King  and 

*  his  Party  would  fit  ftill,  and  not  declare,  nor  aft, 

*  againft  the  Army,  but  give  them   Leave  only  to 
<  manage  the  prefent  Bufinefs  in  Hand. 

'  That  when  the  King  was  at  Newmarket^  the 

*  Parliament   thought  fit  to  fend  to  his  Majefty, 
'  humbly  defiring  that,  in  order  to  his  Safety,-  and 
«  their  Addreflcs  forafpeedy  Settlement,  he  would 

*  be  pleafed  to  come  to  R.icbmond :    But,  contrary 

*  hereunto,  a  Refolution  was  taken  by  the  aforefai3 
4  Officers  of  the  Army,  that  if  the  King  could  not 
?  be  diverted  by  Perfuafion,  (to  which  his  Majefty 
6  was  very  oppofite)  that  then  they  would  ftop  him 
^  by  Force  at  Roy/Ion^  where  his   Majefty  was  to 

*  lodge  the  firft  Night ;    keeping  accordingly  con- 
<  tinual  Guards  upon  him,  againft  any  Power  that 
e  {hould  be   fent   by  Order  of  Parliament  to  take 
'  him  from  us.     And  to  this  Purpofe  Out-guards 
'  were  alfo  kept  to   prevent  his  Efcape  from  us, 

*  with  the  Commiffioners,  of  whom  we  had  fpe- 
«  cial  Orders  given  to  be  careful ;    for   that  they 
'  did  daily  fhew  a  Diflike  to  the  prefent  Proceed- 

*  ings  of  the  Army  againft  the  Parliament,  and 

fc  that 

364  *The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

?4  Car>  *• e  that  the  King  was  moft  converfant  and  privar® 
in  Difcourfe  with  them  :  His  Majefty  faying;* 
That  if  any  Man  Jhould  hinder  his  Going,  now  hi* 
JHoufit  bad  defired  him  upon  bis  late  MeJJage  of  the 
I2tb  of  May  1647,  it  Jhould  be  done  by  Force,  and 
ly  laying  hold  of  bis  Bridle ;  which,  if  any  Man 
ivere.j.o  bqld  to  do,  he  would  endeavour  to  make  it 
bis  la/1 ;  But,  contrary  to  his  Majefty 's  Expec- 
tation, the  next  Morning,  when  the  King  and 
the  Officers  of  the  Army  were  putting  this  to  an 
IfTue,  came  the  Votes  of  both  Houfes  to  the 
King,  of  their  Compliance  with  that  which  the 
Army  formerly  deftred.  After  this  his  Majefty 
did  incline  to  hearken  to  the  Defires  of  the  Ar- 
my, and  not  before  :  Whereupon,  at  Caverjham, 
the  King  was  continually  follicited,  by  MefTen- 
gers  from  Lieutenant-General  Cromwell  and 
Commiflary-General  Iretan,  proffering  any  thing 
his  Majefty  (hould  deftre,  as  Revenues,  Chap- 
lains, Wife,  Children,  Servants  of  his  own, 
Vifitation  of  Friends,  Accefs  of  Letters  ;  and 
(by  Commiflary-General  Irtfon)  that  his  Nega- 
tive Voice  fhould  not  be  meddled  withall ;  and 
that  he  had  convinced  thofe  that  reafoned  againft 
it  at  the  General  Council  of  the  Army  :  And 
all  this  they  would  do,  that  his  Majefty  might 
the  better  lee  into  all  our  Adtions,  and  know  our 
Principles,  which  lead  us  to  give  him  alj  thofe 
Things  out  of  Conference ;  for  that  we  were 
not  a  People  hating  his  ^tajefty's  Perfou  or  Mo- 
narchical Government  j  'but  that  we  liked  it  as 
the  beft,  and  that  by  this  King :  Saying  alfo-, 
That  they  did  hold  it  a  very  unreafonable  Thing 
for  the  Parliament  to  abridge  him  of  them ;  often 
promifing,  that  if  his  Majefty  would  fit  ftill  and 
not  aft  againft  them,  they  would,  in  the  firft 
Place,  reftore  him  to  all  thefe ;  and,  upon  the 
Settlement  of  our  own  juft  Rights  and  Liberties-, 
make  him  the  moft  glorious  Prince  in  Chri/lm- 
dam :  That  to  this  Purpoie  they  were  making  fe- 
veral  Propofals  for  a  Settlement,  to  be  offered 

of   £  N  G  L  A  N  D.  365 

*  down  to  the  Army,  which  mould  be  as  Bounds  for  An.  24  c».  t. 
4  our  Party  as  to  the  King's  Bufmefs  ;  and  that  his 

4  Majefty  mould  be  at  Liberty  to  get  as  much  of 

*  thofe  abated  as  he  could,  for  that  many  Thing*- 
4  therein  were  propofed  only  to  give  Satisfaction  to 
4  others  which  were  our  Friends ;    promifing  the 

*  King,  that  at  the  fame  Time  the  Commiflioners 

*  of  Parliament  mould  fee  the  Propofals,  and  his 
'  Majefty  mould  have  a  Copy  of  them  alfo  ;    pre- 

*  tending  to  carry  a  very  equal  Hand  between  King 
4  and  Parliament,  in   order  to  the  Settlement  of 

*  the  Kingdom  by  him ;  which,  befides  their  own 
4  Judgment  and  Confcience,  they  did  fee  a  Necef- 
4  fity  of  as  to  the  People  :    Commiflary-General 
'  Ireton  further  faying,  That  what  was  offered  in 

*  thefe  Propofals  mould  be  fo  juft  and  reafonablc, 

*  that  if  there  were  but  fix  Men  in  the  Kingdom 
4  that  would  fight  to  make  them  good,  he  would 

*  make  the  feventh  againft  any  Power  that  fhould 
4  oppofe  them. 

4  The  Head-Quarters  being  removed  from  Read- 
4  ing  to  Bedford^  and  his  Majefty  to  Woborne,  the 
4  Propofals  were  given  to  me  by  Commiflary-Gene- 

*  ral  Ireton  to  prefent  to  the  King;  which  his  Ma- 
4  jefty  having  read,  told  me,  He  would  never  treat 

*  with  the  Parliament  or  Army  upon  thofe  Propo- 
4  fals,  as  he  was  then  minded  :  But  the  next  Day, 

*  his  Majefty  underftanding  that  a  Force   was  put 

*  upon  the  Houfes  of  Parliament  by  a  Tumult, 

*  fent  for  me  again,  and  faid  to  me,  Go  along  with 
4  Sir  John  Berkeley  to  the  General  and  Lieutenant* 
4  General ;  and  tell  them  that^  to  avoid  a  new  fflar^ 
4  /  will  now  treat  with  them  upon  their  Propcfals^ 
4  or  any  thing  elfe,  in   order  to  a  Peace ;  only  let  me 
4  be  faved  in    Honour  and  Conjdcnce.      Sir  John 
4  Berkeley  falling  fick  by  the  Way,  I  delivered  this 
4  Mcifage  to  the  Lieutenant-General  and  Com- 

*  miiTiuy-Gcneral  Ireton,  who  advifed  me  not  to 

*  acquaint  the  General  with  it,  till  ten  or  twelve 

*  Officers  of  the  Army  were  met  together  at  the 
4  General's  Quarters ;  and  then  they  would  bethink. 

366  ¥he  Parliamentary  H I  s  t  o  k  V 

about  it ;  and  accordingly  Commiflary-Geriera^ 
Ireton,  Col.  Rainfborough,  Col.  Hammond,  and 
Col.  Rich  attended  the  King  at  Woborne  for  thre£ 
Hours  together,  debating  the  whole  Bufmefi 
with  the  King  upon  the  Propofals  ;  upon  which 
Debate  many  of  the  moft  material  Things  th6 
King  difliked  were  afterwards  ftruck  out,  and 
many  other  Things  much  abated  by  Promifes  ; 
whereupon  his  Majefty  was  pretty  well  fatisfied. 
e  Within  a  Day  or  two  after  his  Majefty  remov- 
ed to  Stoke,  and  there  calling  for  me,  told  me; 
He  feared  an  Engagement  between  the  City  and 
the  Army ;  faying,  He  had  not  Time  to'  write 
any  thing  under  his  Hand,  but  would  fend  it  t6 
the  General  after  me  ;  commanding  me  to  tell 
Gommiflary-General  Ireton,  with  whom  he  had 
formerly  treated  upon  the  Propofals,  That  he 
Would  wholly  throw  himfelf  upon  us,  and  truft 
Us  for  a  Settlement  of  the  Kingdom  as  we  had 
promifed  ;  faying,  If  we  proved  honcft  Men,  w6 
fhould,  without  Queftion,  make  the  Kingdom 
happy,  and  fave  much  fhedding  of  Blood.  This 
Jvteflage  from  his  Majefty  I  delivered  to  Com- 
miflary-General  Ireton  at  Cclcb'r'ook,  who  feemed 
to  receive  it  with  Joy ;  faying^  That  we  mould 
be  the  verieft  Knaves  that  ever  lived,  if  in  ever^ 
thing  we  made  not  good  what  we  had  promifed ; 
becaufe  the  King,  by  his  not  declaring  againft 
uSj  had  given  us  great  Advantage  againft  our 

*  After  our  marching  through  London  with  th& 
Army^  his  Majefty  being  at  Hampton- Court, 
Lieutenant -General  Cromwell  and  Commiflary- 
General  Ireton,  fent  the  King  Word  feveral 
Times,  That  the  Reafon  why  they  made  no  more 
Hafte  in  the  Bufmefs,  was  becaufe  that  Party 
which  did  then  fit  in  the  Houfe  while  Pelham  was 
Speaker,  did  much  obftrudl  the  Bufmefs,  fo  that 
they  could  not  carry  it  on  at  prefent :  The  Lieu- 
tenant-General often  faying,  Really  they  fhould 
be  pulled  out  by  the  Ears  ;  and,  to  that  'Purpofc, 
caufed  a  Regiment  of  Horfe  to  rcade/vous  a't 
4  *  Hyde- 

&/    £  K  G  L  A  N  0.  367 

Hyde-Park  to  have  put  that  in  Execution,  as  he  A 
himfelf  exprefled,  had  it  not  been  carried  by  Vote 
in  the  Houfe  that  Day  as  he  defired.  The  Day 
before  the  Parliament  voted,  once  more,  the  fend- 
ing of  Proportions  of  both  Kingdoms  to  the 
King  by  the  Commiflioners  of  each  Kingdom  at 
Hanipton-Court,  Commiflary-General  Ireton  bade 
me  tell  the  King,  That  fuch  a  Thing  was  to 
be  done  To-morrow  in  the  Houfe  ;  but  his  Ma- 
jefty  need  not  be  troubled  at  it,  for  that  they  in- 
tended it  to  no  other  End,  but  to  make  good 
fome  Promifes  of  the  Parliament,  which  the 
Scots  Nation  expelled  Performance  of:  And  that 
it  was  not  expected,  or  defired,  his  Majefty  fhould 
either  fign  them  or  treat  upon  them  ;  for  which 
there  (hould  be  no  Advantage  taken  againft  the 
King.  Upon  the  Delivery  of  which  Meflage 
jiis  Majefty  replied,  That  he  knew  not  what 
Anfwer  to  give  to  pleafe  all  without  a  Treaty. 
'  Next  Day  after  this  Vote  patted,  the  Lieu  tenant- 
General  afking  me  thereupon,  If  the  King  did 
not  wonder  at  thefe  Votes  ?  I  told  him,  No ;  for 
that  Commiffary-General  Ireton  had  fent  a  Mef- 
fage  by  me,  the  Day  before  the  Vote  pafled, 
to  fignify  the  Reafon  of  it.  The  Lieutenant- 
General  replied,  That  really  it  was  the  Truth  j 
and  that  we,  fpeaking  of  the  Parliament,  intend- 
ed nothing  elfe  by  it  but  to  fatisfy  the  Scots,  who 
otherwife  might  be  troublefome.  And  the  Lieu- 
tenant-General  and  Commiflary-General  enquir- 
ing after  his  Majefty's  Anfwer  to  the  Propo- 
fitions,  and  what  it  would  be,  it  was  (hewed 
them  both  privately  in  a  Garden-houfe  in  Put- 
nty,  and,  in  fome  Part,  amended  to  their  own 
Mind.  But,  before  this,  the  King  doubting 
what  Anfwer  to  give,  fent  me  to  Lieutenant- 
General  Cromwell^  as  unfatisfied  with  the  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  Army,  fearing  they  intended  not 
to  make  good  what  they  had  promifed  ;  and  the 
rather  becaufe  his  Majefty  underftood  that  Lieu- 
' tenant  -General  Cronnuell  and  Commiffary-Ge- 
neral Ireton  agreed  with  the  reft  of  the  Houfe  in 

'  fome 

368  *rhe  Parliamentary  HIST  OR  r 

An.  04  Car.  I.  «  fome  late  Votes  that  oppofed  the  Propofals  of  the 

^    l64*;.         c  Army  :  They  feverally  replied,  That  they  would 

Auruft.        '  not  nave  n's  Majefty  miftruft  them,  for  that  fince 

'  the  Houfe  would  go  fo  high,  they  only  concur- 

c  red  with  them,  that  their  Unreafonablenefs  might 

*  the  better  appear  to  the  Kingdom  :     And  the 

*  Lieutenant-General  bade  me  further  aflure  the 

*  King,  That  if  the  Army  remained  an  Army,  his 

*  Majefty  fhould  truft  the  Propofals,  with  what  was 

*  promifed,  to  be  the  worft  of  his  Conditions  which 
e  fhould  be  made  for  him ;  and  then  ftriking  his 
c  Hand  on  his  Breaft,  in  his  Chamber  at  Putney^ 

<  bade  me  tell  the  King,  He  might  reft  confident 
6  and  allured  of  it :    And  many  Times  the  fame 
e  Meflage  hath  been  fent  to  the  King  from  them 

*  both ;  but  with  this  Addition  from  Commiflary- 
c  General  Ireton^  that  they  would  purge  and  purge, 
c  and  never  leave  purging,  the  Houfes,  till  they  had 
e  made  them  of  fuch  a  Temper  as  fhould  do  his 

<  Majefty's  Bufmefs  :    And  rather  that  they  fhould 
'  fall  fhort  of  what  was  promifed,  he  would  join 
'  with   French^    Spaniard^    Cavalier^    or  any  that 
'  would  join  with  him,  to  force  them  to  it.     Upon 

*  Delivery  of  which  Meflage  the  King  made  An- 
c  fvver,  That,  if  they  did  fo,  they  would  do  more 

*  than  he  durft  do. 

*  After  this  the  Delay  of  the  Settlement  of  the 

*  Kingdom  was  excufed,  upon  the  Commotions  of 

*  Col.  Martin  and   Col.   Rainjborough^  with   their 

*  Adherents ;  the  Lieutenant-General  faying,  That 
4  fpeedy  Courfe  muft  be  taken  for  outing  them  the 
'  Houfe  and  Army,  becaufe  they  were  now  putting 

*  the  Army  into  a  Mutiny,  by  having  a  Hand   in 

*  publifhing  feveral  printed  Papers,  calling  them- 

*  felves  the  Agents  of  five  Regiments,  and  in  the 

*  Agreement  of  the  People,  ahho'  feme  Men  had 
4  Encouragement  from  Lieutenant-General  Crom- 

*  well  for  the  Profecution  of  thofe  Papers  ;  and  he 

*  being  further  prefled  to  flievv  himfelf  in  it,  de- 

*  fired  to  be  excufed   for  the  prefcnt,  for  that  he 
c  might  fhew  himfelf  hereafter  for  their  better  Ad- 
'  vantage  ;  though,  in  ?he  Company  of  thofe  Men. 

*  which 

vf   E  N  G  L  AN  D.  369 

which  were  of  different  Judgments,  he  would  of- An.  44  Car. 
ten  fay,  That  thefe  People  were  a  giddy-headed        I"{ 
Party,  and  that  there  was  no  Truft  nor  Truth  in 
them  ;  and  to  that  Purpofe  wrote  a  Letter  to 
Col.  Whaley  the  Day  the  King  wertt  from  Hamp- 
toti-Court)  intirhating  doubtfully  that  His  Majef- 
ty's  Perfon  was  in  Danger  by  them,  arid  that  he 
fhould  keep  Out-guards  to  prevent  them  ;  which 
Letter  was  prefently  (hewed  to  the  King  by  Co- 
lonel m&iq. 

*  That  about  fix  Days  after,  when  it  was  fully- 
known  by  the  Parliament  and  Army  that  the  King 
was  in  the  Ifle  of  flight,  CommilTary-General 
Ireton  (landing  by  the  Fire-fide  in  his  Quarters 
at  Kingjioh,  and  fome  fpeaking  of  an  Agreement 
likely  to  be  made  between  the  King  and  Parlia- 
ment, now  the  Perfon  of  the  King  was  out  of  the 
Power  of  the  Army,  Commiffary- General  Irg- 
ton  replied,  with  a  difcontentcd  Countenance,  He 
hoped  it  would  be  fuch  a  Peace  as  we  might, 
with  a  good  Confcience;,  fight  againft  them  both. 
4  Thus  they  who,  at  the  firft  taking  the  King  from 
Hsldcnby  into  the  Power  of  the  Army,  cried  down 
Prcfbytcrian  Government,  the  Proceedings  of  this 
prefent  Parliament  and  their  Perpetuity;  and  in- 
ftead  thereof  held  forth  an  earneft  Inclination  to 
a  moderate  Epifcopacy,  with  a  new  Election  of 
Members  to  fit  in  Parliament  for  the  fpeedy  fet- 
tling of  the  Kingdom  ;  and  afterwards,  when  the 
Eleven  Members  had  left  the  Houfe,  and  march- 
ed through  London  with  the  Army,  the  feven 
Lords  impeached,  the  four  Aldermen  of  London 
committed  to  the  Tower,  and  other  Ciazens  com- 
mitted alfo,  then  again  cried  up  Prefbyterian 
Government,  and  the  Perpetuity  of  the  prefent 
Parliament ;  Lieutenant-General  CrsmivIIplezC- 
ing  himfelf  with  the  great  Sums  of  Money  which 
were  in  Arrear  from  each  County  to  the  Army^ 
and  the  Tax  of  6c,oco/.  a-mc-nth  for  ourMaiu- 
tenance  :  Now,  faith  he,  we  may  be,  for  ouoht 
I  know,  an  Army  fo  long  as  we  live.  And  iince 
the  fending  forth  the  Orders  of  Parliament  -for 
VOL.  XVII.  A  R  •  the 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

the  calling  their  Members  together,  Lieutenant- 
General  Cromwell  perceiving  the  Houfes  will  not 
anfwer  his  Expectation,  he  is  now  again  utter- 

*  ing  Wordsj  perfuading  the  Hearers  to  a  Prejudice 
'  againft  the  Proceedings  of  Parliament}  again  cry- 

*  ing  down  Prefbyterian  Government,  fetting  up  a 
«  fmgle  Intereft,  which  he  calls  an  honeft  Intereft, 
«  and  that  we  have  done  ill  in  forfaking  it.     To 
'  this  Purpofe  it  was  lately  thought  fit  to  put  the 

*  Army  upon  chufing  new  Agitators,  and  to  draw 
«  forth  of  the  Houfes  of  Parliament  60  or  70  of  the 

*  Members    thereof;     much    agreeing    with    his 

<  Words   he   fpake  formerly  in  his  Chamber  at 

*  Kingjlon,    faying,    What    Sway   Stapylton    and 

*  Holies  had  heretofore  in  the  Kingdom,  and  he 

*  knew  nothing  to  the  contrary  but  that  he  was 
4  as  well  able  to  govern  the  Kingdom  as  either  of 
«  them  :  So  that  in  all  his  Difcourfe  nothing  more 

*  appeareth  than  his  feeking  after  the  Government 

*  of  King,  Parliament,  City,  and  Kingdom;  forthe 

*  effecting  whereof  he  thought  it  necefTary,  and 

*  delivereth  it  as  his  Judgment,  that  a  confiderable 

*  Party  of  the  chief  Citizens  of  London,  and  fome 

*  of  every  County,  be  clapt  up  in  Caftles  and  Gar- 

*  rifons,  for  the  more  quiet  and  fubmifftve  Carriage 

<  of  every  Place  to  which  they  belong.     Further 

*  faying,  That  from  the  raifing  of  the  late  Tumult 

*  in  London,  there  fhould  be  an  Occafion  taken  ttf 

*  hang  the  Recorder  and  Aldermen  of  London,  then 

*  in  the  Tower^  that  the  City  might  fee   the   more 

*  they  did  ftir  in  Oppofition,  the  more  they  ftiould 
'  i'uffer  ;  adding,  That  the  City  muft  firft  be  made 
^  an  Example. 

'  And  fmce  Lieutenant-General  Crofaivell  was 
c  fcnt  down  from  the  Parliament  for  the   reducing 

*  of  the  Army  to  their   Obedience,  he  hath  moil 

*  frequently,  in  public  and  private,  delivered  thefe 
1  enfuing   Heads,  as   his   Principles,  from  whence 

*  all  the  foregoing;  Particulars  have  enfued ;  bdng; 
'  fully  confirmed,  as  I  humbly  conceive,   by  his 

*  Practice  ia   the  Tranfa&ion  of  his  laft  Year's 
«  Bafinefs.: 

I,  «  Thai 

^ENGLAND.  371 

1.  c  TJyat  every  fingle  Man.  is  Judge  of  Juji  and  An.  24  Car.  I. 
«  Right,  as  to  the  Good  and  III  of  a  Kingdom.  .      l6*8'      .. 

2.  '  That  the  Inter ejl  of  honejl  Men  is  the  Inter ejl         jJiy. 
of  the  Kingdom.     And  thofe  only  are  deemed  ho- 

neft  Men  by  him,  that  are  conformable  to  his 
Judgment  and  Practice  ;  which  may  appear  in 
many  Particulars.  To  inftance  but  one,  in  the 
Choice  of  Col.  Rainflorough  to  be  Vice-Admi- 
ral ;  Lieutenant-General  Cromwell  being  afked 
How  he  could  trull  a  Man  whofe  Intereft  was  fo 
directly  oppofite  to  what  he  had  profefled,  and 
one  whom  he  had  lately  aimed  to  remove  from  all 
Places  of  Truft  ?  he  anfwered,  That  he  had 
now  received  particular  Aflu ranee  from  Colonel 
Rain/borough,  as  great  as  could  be  given  by  Man, 
that  he  would  be  conformable  to  the  Judgment 
and  Direction  of  himfelf  and  Commiflary -Ge- 
neral Ireton^  for  the  managing  of  the  whole  Bu- 
fmefs  at  Sea, 

3.  c  That  it  is  lawful  to  pafs  through  any  Forms  of 
Government  fcr  the  accompliflring  of  his  End ;    and 
therefore  either  to  purge  the  Houfes,  and  fupport -the 
remaining  Party  by  Force  everlajiingly^  or  to  put  a 
Period  to  them  by  Force^  is  very  lawful  and  fuitable 
to  the  Inter  ejl  of  honejl  Men. 

4.  *  That  it  is  lawful  to  play  the  Knave  with  a 

'  Thefe  Gentlemen  aforefaid  in  the  Army  thus 
principled,  and,  as  by  many  other  Circumftances 
may  appear,  acting  accordingly,  give  too  much 
Caufe  to  believe  that  the  Succefs  which  may  Be 
obtained  by  the  Army,  except  timely  prevented 
bv  the  Wifdom  of  the  Parliament,  will  be  made 
t)fe  of  to  the  deftroying  of  all  that  Power  for 
which  we  firft  engaged  :  And  I  having,  for  above 
thefe  twelve  Months  paft,  fadly  and  with  much 
Reluctancy  obferved  the  feveral  Paflages  afore- 
faid ;  yet  with  fome  Hopes  that  at  length  there 
might  be  a  Returning  to  the  Obedience  of 
Parliament ;  but  contrary  hereunto,  knowing  that 
Rcfolutions  were  taken  upr  That  in  cafe  the 
A  a  2  *  Power 



The  Commons 

Army  t 

T^  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Power  of  Parliament  cannot  be  gained  to  coun- 
tenance their  Defigns,  then  to  proceed  without 
it :  I  therefore  chofe  to  quit  myfelf  of  my  Com- 
mand, wherein  I  have  ferved  the  Parliament  for 
thefe  five  Years  laft  paft,  and  put  myfelf  upon 
the  greateft  Hazards  by  difcovering  thefe  Truths, 
rather  than,  by  Hopes  of  Gain  with  a  troubled 
Mind,  continue  an  Affiftant  or  Abetter  of  fuch 
as  give  Affronts  to  the  Parliament  and  Kingdom, 
by  abufing  of  their  Power  and  Authority,  to 
carry  on  their  particular  Defigns  ;  againft  whom, 
in  the  Midft  of  Danger,  I  (hall  ever  avow  the 
Truth  of  this  Narrative,  and  myfelf  to  be  a 
conftant,  faithful,  and  obedient  Servant  to  the 
Parliament  of  England. 

Augufl  2,  164,8. 


We  have  before  taken  Notice,  That  a  Decla^ 

ration  had  been  prefented  to  both  Houfes,  from 

the  Committee  of  Eftates  of  the  Parliament  of  Scot-* 

land,    fetting  forth   the  Reafons  of  their  Army's 

marching  into  England  under  the  Command  of  the 

Duke  of  Hamilton  j    and  that  the   Commons  had 

thereupon  pafled  a  Vote,    declaring   that   Army, 

and  all  fuch  as  joined  them,  to  be  Traitors  ;    and 

another,  with  the  fame  Cenfure,  againft  all   thofe 

who  had  given  them  Invitation  :   To  both  thefe  the 

Lords  refufmg  their  Concurrence,  the  Commons 

thereupon  ordered  them  to  be  printed  and  publifli-* 

ed  ;  and  likewife  the  following  Narrative  to  be  fent 

to  the  General  Aflembly  of  the  Church  of  Scotland  \ 

which  being  a  kind  of  Anfvver  to  the  Declaration 

from  their  Committee  of  Eftates,  demands-  a  Place 

in  thefe  Inquiries  :    It  was   accompanied   with   a 

Letter  from  the  Speaker  of  the  I  loufe  of  Commons-, 

addrefled  thus  :  Far  the  Right  Reverend  Mr.  George 

Gillefpy,  Moderator  of  the  General  Ajjembly-  of  tht 

Church  of  Scotland  at  Edinburgh,  and  defiring  him 

to  communicate  it  to  the  Lords,  Minifters,  and 

others  of  that  Affemb.ljv 

A  NAR- 

^/ENGLAND.  373 

A  NARRATIVE  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  PARLIA-  An.  24  Car.  j 
MENT  of  England  in  the  Work  of  Reformation,         1648. 
and  of  their  Refolutions  to  maintain  the  Govern-   v        v  •    — •' 
ment  of  the  Kingdom  eftablijhed  by   Law,  and  of        Au8uft' 
their ^  Endeavours  for  Settlement  of  the  Peace,  and 
Prefervation  of  the  Union,  between  the  two  King- 
dims  of  England  and  Scotland  (£). 

\/\7  E  the  Commons  affembled  in  the  Parlia-  , 
VV  '  ment  of  England,  taking  it  into  our  Con-  Sec'SlAf- 
iideration,  That  however  the  late  Pofleffirjo-  of^bJyofthe 
Berwick  and  Carlifle,   and   the   Coming  of  °the  ,Church  of  ScoN 
Scots  Army  and   Forces  into  this  Kingdom,  be  Declaration  '-" 
moft  notorious  and  unparalleled  Breaches  of  the  their  <*»« 
Solemn  League  and   Covenant  j    and  the  many  °f  Eflitci' 
Treaties,  national  Agreements,  and  Acts  of  Par- 
liament, paiTed  both  in  England  and  Scotland: 
'  Yet,  becaufe  we  are  aflured  thefe  impious  and 
unwarrantable  Actions  cannot  be  done  With  the 
Approbation    and   Confent  of  the  religious   and 
well-affected  People  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland -t 
and  that  we  underftand  there  are  very  few  amcnnft 
thofe  who  are  in  this  Engagement  againft  iis,  that 
nrft  engaged  with  us  in  the  Covenant  and  Caufe ; 
but  fuch  as  have  been  profeffed  Enemies  to  them, 
however  they  be  now  content  to  pretend  there- 
unro,  that  they  may  the  better  deceive  the  People 
of  this  Kingdom :    We  are  unwilling  to  impute 
fuch  Evils  to  the  Nation  in  general,  but  to  thofe 
Perfons  that  own  and  appear  in  them ;  whom  we 
are  confident  God,  that  hath  ftill  fo  rerparkabl" 
mamfefted  hisDifpleafure  againft  Truce-breakers, 
in  his  due  Time  will  judge,  whatever  we  may 
fuffcr  in  the  mean  while. 

'  Therefore  we  now  fend  to  you,  that  it  may  ap- 
pear we  will  nor,  by  any  Provocation,  be  induce^ 
to  withdraw  ourfelves  from  thofe  in  Scotland  who 
retain  their  former  Principles  ;  and  ftill  own  the 
Caufe  wherein  we  have,  with  a  Bleffing  from 
Heaven,  been  fo  long  engaged  andfolemnly  united. 
A  a  3  And 

(4)  Printed  by  Edward  Kujtand's,    printer   to  the  Hcncu  able 
Woufeot  Commons,  Atgufl1>   1648. 

374  The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  a4  Car.  I.      <  And   becaufe  the  Enemies  thereof  have  been 

l6*!L__j  '  verX  induftrious  in  profecuting  a  Defign  to  hinder 

Auguft.       '  tne  Work  of  Reformation  in  this  Kingdom,  by 

4  raifing  many  Scandals  and  Reproaches  upon  the 

'  Parliament ;    and   by  unworthy  Infinuations   of 

'  their  Ends  and  Intentions,  and  falfe  Reprefenta- 

'  tions  of  their  Actions  and  Proceedings,  which 

*  they  have  framed  fuitable  to   the  feveral  prefent 
'  ftirring  Diftempers,  the  better  to  foment  Pif- 
'  contents  in  all  Sorts  cf  People    againft  them  \ 

*  charging  them,  That  they  do   not   intend   a,ny 
'  Thing  in  the  Work  of  Reformation,  though  they 
«  do  more  malign  what  they   have  done  already 

*  than  defire  they  (hould  do  more  ;  that  they  have 

*  aPurpofe  to  alter  the  Government  of  the  King- 

*  dom  ;  that  they  are  Enemies  to  Peace,  and   to 

*  the  Union   of   the  Kingdoms,    and  fuch  like  : 

*  Therefore,  that  by  fuch  Practices   neither  you 
'  may  be  abufed  nor  we  further  wronged,  we  have 

*  thought  fit,  for  the  necefTary  Vindication  of  the 

*  Parliament,    to  give  you,  in  the  fit  ft  Place,  a 
«  fhort  View,  how  far,  through  the  Afliftance  of 
'  Almighty  God,  to    whom  alone  be  the  Glory, 

*  the  two  Houfes  of  Parliament  have  proceeded  in 

*  the  Work  of  Reformation,  notwithftanding  the 

*  Oppofition  of  the  Enemies  to  Truth ;    and  the 
'  great  Dangers  and  Difficulties  which  have  been 
'  raifed  to  hinder  them,  by  the  Force  and  Power, 

*  Plots  and  Defigns,  of  the  Popifli,  Prelatical,  and 
'  Malignant  Party  in  this  Kingdom,  with  whom 
'  the  Scots  Army  are  now  joined   in  Forces  and 
'  Counfels. 

'  It  is  very  well  known  how  great  a  Party  in  this 

*  Kingdom  were  engaged  for  upholding  of  Prela- 

*  cy  ;  yet  the  Parliament,  notwithftanding  all  Dif- 
'  couragements  and   Hazards  to  themfelves,  have 
'  taken  away    and   extirpated    that  Government, 

*  fo  difagreeable  to  what  is  pra<£tifed  in  other  Re- 
'  formed  Churches,  and  prejudicial  to  the  Power 
'  of  Godlinefs. 

'  And   becaufe  the  Peace  of  the  Church,  and 

*  Power  of  Religion,  cannot  Icn^  continue  without 


of   ENGLAND. 

'  good  Order  and   Difcipline  eftablifhed  therein ;  An. 

*  they  called  an  AfTembly  of  godly,  learned,  and 
'  orthodox  Divines  from  all  Parts  of  the  Kingdom, 
'  with  whom  fome  Commiffioners  of  the  Church 
'  of  Scotland  joined,  to  fit  at  Weflminfter  \  and,  af- 

*  ter  Confultation  had   with  them,  both   Houfes 
4  took  away  the  Service-  Book,  commonly  called 

*  The  Book  of  Common-Prayer,  and  eftablifhed   a 

*  Dfretforyfor  Worjbip;  commanding  the  Practice 
4  of  it   in  all  the  Churches  and   Chapels  of  this 

*  Kingdom :   And,  in.fbad  of  Epifcopacy,  they  have 
*.  fc*  up  Presbyterian  Government  in  the  Church, 

*  which   is   already   fettled  in  many  Parts  of  the 

*  Kingdom;  and  do,  by  God's  Afliftan.ce,  refolve 

*  to  purfue  the  further  Perfecting  and  Eftablifhing 

*  of  it  in  all  Parts,  both  in  England  and  Ireland. 

*  They  have  approved  and  pnfTed  The  ConfiJJion  of 

*  Faith,,  or  Articles  of  Ghrijlian  Religion,  as  it  came 
4  from  the  Aflembly  of  Divines,  wi:th   fome  final! 

*  Alterations ;  only  fome  fmall  Part  is  yet  under 
4  Confideration,  the  reft  being  printed  and  publifh- 

*  ed  by  Authority  of  Parliament. 

4  They  have  pafled   a  Greater  and   Leffcr  Cate- 

*  chifm  that  came  from  the  Aflembly  of  Divines. 

*  They  have  taken  away  all  fuperftitious  Cere- 

*  monies  and  popifh  Innovations. 

'  They  have  given  Authority  for  the  demolifh- 

*  ing  of  all  Reprefentations  of  any  Perfons  of  the 

*  Trinity,  Saint,  or  Angel  j  and  taking  away  all 

*  Altars,    Crofles,    Crucifixes,    Pictures,    and   all 
'  other  Monuments  of  Idolatry  and  Superftition  in 

*  any  Church,  Chapel,  or  Place,  within  this  King- 
'  dom. 

'.  They  have  pafled  an  Ordinance  for  the  punifh- 

*  ing  of  Blafphemies  and  Herefies, 

*  They   have  pafled  an   Ordinance  for  ejecting 

*  fcandalous   Minifters  and  School-Makers  ;    and 

*  thereupon  have  removed  many,  in    whofe   Stead 
'  they  have  placed  godly  and  able  Men. 

4  They  have  pafled   an   Ordinance,  That  none- 

*  fhall  enter  into  the  Work  or  the  Miniftry,  but 

*  fuch  as  are  or-Jained  thereto. 

A  a  4  <  They 

ffie  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

'  They  have  siyen  all  the  Encouragement,  and 
made  the  beft  Prcvifion,  they  could  rV,r  the  Main- 
tenr.nce  of  a  godly  Preaching  Miniftry,  thro'  the 
JCingdom;  not  only  in  removing  the  Ignorant  and 
4  Scandalous,  but  in  augmenting  the  Maintenance 
'  of  painful  Minifters,  both  out  of  the  Impropri- 

*  ations  of  Bilhops,  the   Elrates  and  Revenues  of 

*  Deans  and  Chapters,  and  out  of  the  Impropria- 
'  tions  of  Delinquents,  which  they  bought  out  and 
'  fettled  upon  Churches  that  wanted  Maintenance, 
'  to  a  very  great  Value. 

*  They  have  purged  the  Univerfuies   ?nd  chief 

*  Schools  of  the  Kingdom,  which  are  the  Scmina- 
'  ries   of    Learning  for   Educaiiori  of   Youth,  of 

*  many   Heads  of   Houfes?  Fellows  and   Scholars 
'  that  were   Superfticious,  Prglatica!?  and    Malig- 
'  nant;    and  have  placed,  in   their  Stead,  fuc:h  as 
'  are  well-affecTttd  to  Reformation  of  Religion,  and 

*  to  Uniformity  with  other  Reformed  Churches. 

'  Tncy  have  paffed  feveral  Orcir.;:nces  for  the 
'  better  Obfervation  of  the  Lord's  Day,  and  Days 
'  of  public  Faft  and  Thankfgiving  ;  they  have 

*  condemned  all   licentious  Practices    upon  thofe 
'  Days,  and  have  ordered  the  Books,  formerly  vviit- 
'  ten  in  Favour  of  them,  to  be  publickly  burnt. 

'  They  have  pafft-d  an  Ordinance  for  fuppreffing 

*  all  Stage-Plays  and  Interludes,  the  Nurferies  of 
'  Vice  and  Profanenefs. 

'  And  although  we  maft  needs  fays,  That  the 
1  greateft  Let  and  Impediment  which  wev  have  met 

*  with,  in  fettling  the  Reformation  of  Religion  ac- 

*  cording  to  the  Covenant,  hath  come  from  his 
'  Majefty  ;   (who,  by  his  refufing  hitherto  to  grant 

*  our  Defires  for  the  taking  away  of  Epifcopacy 

*  and  the  Service- Book,  and  to  fettle  the  Directory 

*  for  Worfhip  and  Prelbyterian  Government ;  and, 
'  by  denying  his  Concurrence  to  eftablifli  them  by 

*  A61  of  Parliament,  hath  given  great  Qccafion  to 

*  Men  of  unfound  Judgmejits,  to  fpread  their  Opi-r 
'  nions  and  Errors,  which  is  not  unufual  inTirrcs 

*  of  Reformation  when  the  Settling  of  jt  is  long  de~ 
!  Uyed  ;    and  further,  by  his  declaring  in  his  late 

of    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  377 

1  Meflage  from  the  IHe  of  Wight,  That  he  thinks  An.  24  Car.  I. 
bimfelf  obliged,  both  as  a  Chri/lian  and  as  a  King, 
to  employ  whatever  Power   God  Jfaall  put  into  bis 
Hand  for  the  upholding  of  Epifcopacy,  hath  given 

*  great  Encouragement  to  the  Popilh,  Malignant, 
'  and  Prelatical  Party  to  endeavour,  by  Plots  and 

Defigns,  and  now  again  by  open  Force,  the  re- 
introducing  of  Epifcopacy  and  the  Service-Book ; 
"*  which,  by  the  Conjunction  of  the  Scots  Army  with 
4  their  Forces,  they  have  now  great  Hopes  to  ef- 

*  fed  j)  yer,  by  God's  Affiftance  who  hath  helped 
'  us  hitherto,  it  fnall  be  our  Care  and  Endeavour, 
1  againft  all  Dangers  and  Difcouragements  what- 

foever,  to  proceed  in  the  Work  of  Reformation 
until  it  be  perfected. 

*  For  other  Things  wherewith  we  are  commonly 
4  afperfed  ;  as,  That  we  fhould  have  Infarctions  to 

*  alter  the  Fundamental  Government  of  this  King- 
x  dom,  both  Houfes  have  endeavoured   fo  to  ftop 

*  the  Mouth  of  Malice,  by  declaring  feveral  Times 
1  formerly,  and  fo  late  as   the  6th   of  May  laft, 
4  That  they  will  not  alter   the   Gsixrnment  by  King, 

*  Lords,  and  Commons  j    that  we  lhall  need  fay  no 

*  more  of  it. 

4  And  for  our   Defires  of  Peace,  our  feven  fe- 

*  veral  Addrefibs  to  the  King,  with   Proportions 

*  for  a  fafe  and  well-grounded  Peace,  will  fuffici- 

*  ently  fpeak  for  us :  And  although  the  feveral  De- 
'  nials  which  we  have  received  from  his  Majefly 

*  formerly,  and   the  prefent  Preparations  for  War 
4  by  the  Malignant  Party  of  both  Kingdoms  under 

*  Pretence  of  Peace,  might  wholly  diicourage  us ; 

*  yet  we,  notwithftanding  all  the  Hazards  that  may 

*  attejid  it,  have  now  again  agreed  to  try  whether 
'  a  Peace  can  be  fettled  by  a  Treaty  with  his  Ma- 

*  jefty  jn  the  Ifle  of  Wight,  upon  the  Propofitions 

*  presented  to  him  at  Hampton-Court;  wherein  ws 
f  fhall,  by  the  Help  of  God,  approve  ourfelves  fuch 

*  as  are  both  defirous  of  a  firm  Peace,  and  mindful 

*  of  the  Truft  repofed  in  us  by  the  People  of  this 

*  Kingdom,  for  the  fecuring  of  Religion  and  theif 

*  Liberties, 

*The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

*  As  for  our  Defires  to  preferve  the  Union  and 
brotherly  Agreement  betwixt  the  Kingdoms,  we 
fhaH  not  here  fay  much  about  it ;    becaufe  the 
'  whole  Tranfaclion  betwixt  our  Commiffioners 

*  and  the  Parliament,  and  Committee  of  Eftateaof 
*•  Scotland  will  be  printed  (/;) ;    wherein  it  will  ap- 

*  pear  what  was  offered,  in  order  to  give  them  real 
'  Satisfaction  in  our  Engagements  to  them  for  the 

*  Service  of  their  Armies  in  England  and  Ireland,. 
'  to  which  we  could  never  get  any  Anfwer  ;    and 

*  what  they   demanded  in  the  Name  and  by  the 
8  Command  of  both  Houfes,  from  the  Parliament 
'  and  Committee  of  Eftates  of  Scotland,  concern- 

*  ing  feveral  Englijh  Delinquents  and  Incendiaries 

*  then  in  Scotland,  which,  by  Treaties  and  Acts  of 
'  Parliament  parted  in  both   Kingdoms,  ought  to 

*  have  been  delivered  to  be  tried  in   the   Kingdom 
'  of  England;  but  inftead  of  giving  them  up,  they 
6  were   countenanced   and  encouraged,    confulted 

*  and  agreed  with,  to  feize  and  hold  the  Towns  cf 
'  Berwick  and  Carlljle  in  the  Kingdom  of  England \ 

*  which  by  Acts  of  Parliament,  and  feveral  Trea- 

*  ties  and  Agreements  of  both  Kingdoms,  were  not 

*  to  be  garrifoned  without  the  Confent  of  both  Par- 

*  Jiaments. 

'And  when,  in  Purfuance  of  thofe  Treaties  and 

*  Agreements,  our  Commiffioners  did  declare  thofe 
c  Traitors  and  Enemies  to  this  Kingdom  that  had 

*  gatrifoned  them ;  and  required  the  like  Declara- 

*  tion    from    the   Parliament    and   Committee  of 

*  Eftates  of  Scotland,  it  would  not  be  aflented  un- 

*  to,    although  very  often  prefled  ;    but,    inftead 

*  thereof,  all  Manner  of  Provifions  were  fent  un- 

*  to  the  Commanders  in  thofe   Garrifons,  though 

*  many  of  them  notorious  Papifts  j  and  they  had 

*  much  Freedom  and   Countenance  to  their  Pro- 
4  ceedings  by  Perfons  of  eminent  Power  in  Scotland: 
4  And  whereas,   notwithstanding  we  had   Notice 
*'  there  was  fome  Defign  for  feizing  thefe  Towns^ 
4  which  might  have  been  prevented  by  our  timely 

*  putting 

(i)  They  were  printed  accordingly  by  E.  Hujbandt  j  and  have  been 
jjready  given  in  the  Courfe  of  this  Woik, 

of    ENGLAND.  379 

c  putting  Forces  into  them,  yet  to  avoid  the  Guilt  An«  *4  Car-  I% 
c  of  Breach  of  Treaties,  we  rather  refolded  to  run  ^ l6*  '      ^ 

*  the  Hazard  which  did  enfue,  than  to  bring  that        Auguft, 
'  Imputation  upon  ourfelves.     And  it  now  appears, 

*  that  thefe  Towns  were  but  taken  in  Truft  to  be 
4  delivered   to  the  Scots  Forces  j    who,    however 

*  they  do  publickly  declare  for  Religion  and  the 

*  Covenant,  yet  the  Papifts  and  Delinquents,  not 
'  only  in  Berwick  and  Carlijle,  but  in  other  Parts 

*  of  the  Kingdom,  (who  arc  profefTed  Enemies  to 

*  Religion  and  the  Covenant,  and    o  kill,  plunder, 
*'  and  purfue  thofe  who  have  been  faithful  in  them) 
'  are  io  well  fatisfied  of  their  Ends  and  Intentions, 

*  that  they  join  and  hazard   their  Livei  and   For- 

*  tunes  with  them. 

*  '  Whilft  thefe  afore-mentioned   Counfels    and 
?  Compliances  were  thus  on  foot  in  Scotland^  with 
'  thofe  that  are  declared  Enemies  to  the  Peace  of 
'  this  Kingdom  and  to  the  Grounds  of  the  Union 
c  of  both  Kingdoms,    the  Parliament  of  Scotland 
'  did  fend  us  a  Paper  of  Defires,  dated  the  26th  of 

*  April  laft,  which  in  the  Letter  wherein  they  were 

*  inclofed  are  called  Demands   (which   implies  a 
'  Rightfchat  upon  Examination  will  not  be  found  j) 

*  yet  the  Houfes  were  fo  defirous  to  give  the  Par- 
^  li  ment  of  Scotland  all   poflible  Satisfaction,  that 
'  they  did  not  take  Exception  thereunto,  nor  to 

*  the  Perfon  by  whom  they  were   fent,  who  was 

*  accufed  before  them  for  endeavouring  the  Revolt 

*  of  the  Forces  under  the  Lord  Inchequin  in  Ireland^ 

*  which  then  had  happened  ;    nor  did   they  infift 

*  upon  the  firft  granting  of  their  afofefaid  juft  De- 
'  mands  made  to  the  Parliament  and  Committee  of 
'  Eftates  of  Scotland;  but  perceiving  fo  ft  ange  an 
'  Alteration  in  that  Kingdom,  they  judged  it  fit  for 
'  them  to  try,  in  the  firft  Place,  whether  Scotland 

*  would  own  the  Caufe  wherein  we  had  both  been, 

*  engaged  ;  and  therefore  (after  our  Commiflioners 
£  had  acquainted  the  Committee  of  Eftates  with 
'  our  Declaration  of  the  6th  of  May  laft,  concern- 

*  ing  our  full  Refolution  to  maintain  and  preferve 

*  inviolably  the  Solemn  League  *nd  Covenant,  and 

4  '  Treaties 

380  The  Parliamentary  H  i  s  T  o  R  Y 

a4  c*r.  J.  «  Treaties  betwixt  the  Kingdoms)  they  did  return 

;   c  Anfwer  to  this  Purpofe  ;  That  we  did  offer  to  join 

"Auguft.        *  w'lth  the  Parliament  of  Scotland,  in  the   Propofi- 

*  tions  prefented  to  the  King  at    Hampton-Court, 
'  and  in  making  futh  further  Proceedings  thereupon 
1  as  /hould  be  thought  Jit  for  the  fpeedy  Settlement  of 

*  the  Peace  of  both  Kingdoms,  and  Prefervaiion    of 

*  the  Union,  according  to  the  Covenant  and  Treaties  ; 
4  and  when  ive  Jhould  receive  their  Anfwer  thereunto, 

*  the  Houfes  would  be  ready  to  give  further  Satisfac- 
*•  tion  in  thofe  Things  which  Jhouid  not  intrench  upon 

*  the  particular  Interejls  of  the  Kingdom,  and  Privi- 
'  leges  of  the  Parliament  of  England.     But  to  thefc 

*  all  the  Anfwer  our  Commiflioners  could  obtain 
'  from  the  Parliament,  or  Committee  of  Eftates, 
'  of  Scotland,  was,  That  they  could  return  us  no  An- 
'  fiver,  till  juji  Satisfaction  were  given  to  their  Dc- 

*  fires  of  the  ifah  of  April. 

'  Afterwards,  we  agreed  upon  a  Pcrfonal  Treaty 

*  with  the  King's  Majefty  upon  the  Proportions, 

*  he  firft  conferiting  to  Three  Propofitions  which, 

*  in  Subftance,  he  had  granted  in  former  Mef- 

*  fages  j  and  the  Houfes  lent  to  the  Committee  of 

*  Etrates  for  Scotland  to  join  with  themf*  and   to 

*  prepare  fuch  Propofitions  as  they  thought  fit  for 

*  that  Kingdom  :   But  to  this  neither  we,  nor  our 
'  Commiflioners,  received  any  Anfwer  until  a  Scots 
'  Army  had  invaded  this  Kingdom,  and  then  it  was 
'  fent  with  a  Declaration  (/) ;  of  which  we  will  fay 
'  no  more  in  this  Place,  but  that,  confidering  they 

*  were  bound  by  Treaties  and  A&s  of  Parliament 
4  to  give  us   three  Months  Warning  before  their 

*  making  War  with  us,  it  had  been  more  honour- 
4  able  that  their  Declaration  had   rather  come  be- 
4  fore,  than  followed  after,  their  Army, 

*  By  all  which,  and  by  their  vigorous  purfuing 
'  the  raifmg  of  their  Army,  before  they  fent  their 

*  Defires  ;  and  even  after,  before  they  knew  what 
'  Anfwer  would  be  returned  to  them  by  the  Houfes-, 

*  it  doth   appear,  that  this  Invafion  was  intended 
4  and  refolvul  upon,  let   us  fay  or  do  what  we 

*  would ; 
(/)  This  is  before  given  at  p.  3 14, 


Would  ;  wherein  they  havd  tod  Httle  confidered 
how  many  Obligations  did  lie  upon  them  to  the 
contrary ;  how  much  this  their  Engagement  tends 
to  the  utter  Ruin  of  poor  Ireland^  who,  by  their 
drawing  away  fo  many  of  the  Britl/h  and  other 
Forces  to  join  with  them,  and  difabling  us  to 
fend  them  Relief,  is  expofed  to  imminent  Hazard  j 
how  much  to  the  Difhonour  and  Danger  of  the 
Reformed  Religion  in  all  Chrlftendom  ;  and  how 
highly  the  God  of  Truth  and  Peace  is  provoked 
by  it :  All  which  Evils,  feeing  we  have  on  our 
Parts  fo  much  laboured  to  prevent,  we  doubt  not 
but  God  will  be  with  us4  and  the  Prayers  of  his 
People  for  us  :  And  that  thofa  who  have  dealt 
falfly  in  ftriking  Hands  with  the  common  Ene- 
my, to  kindle  a  new  Fire  betwixt  thefe  King- 
doms, (hall  themfelves  perifh  therein. 

Clcr.  Par!.  Dam.  Com. 

A  Member  of  this  Parliament  fiyles  the  forego- 
ing Addrefs  to  the  General  Aflembly  of  the  Church 
of  Scotland,  from  the  Houfe  of  Commons  of  Eng- 
land, a  dangerous  Precedent  to  both  Kingdoms : 
*  To  make  a  few  ambitious  pedantical  Churchmen 
Supreme  Judges  over  Parliaments  and  State  Affairs, 
•  in  online  ad  Dcum;  and  how  apt  they  are,  fays  he, 
to  lay  hold  upon  fuch  Occafions,  and  kindle  their 
Zeal  into  a  confuming  Flame,  I  leave  all  wife  Men 
to  judge  (k). — But  as  this  Motion  for  making  Ap- 
plication to  the  General  Afiembly  was  fet  on  foot 
by  the  Independents,  it  fecms  a  Project  to  divide; 
the  Scats  Nation,  and  thereby  difable  them  froai 
oppofing  the  Meafures  now  plotting  againir.  die 
King's  Life,  rather  than  any  real  Defigns  of  in* 
creating  the  Power  of  the  Pricfthood. 

In  the  Courfe  of  this  Work  we  hare  given  Co- 
pies of  all  the. Letters  and, Papers  that  pafled  be- 
tween the  Parliament  of  Scotland  and  the  Commit'- 

fi  oners 
(*)  Walker's  Er    t     /*,•«</*/•<        •        - 



Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24.  Car.  I.  fioners   from  that  of   England,  during  their   Six- 
v      l6*8'      ,   Months  Refidence  at  Edinburgh.     The  March  of 
Auguft.        the  Scots  Army   into  England  having  rendered   all 
further  Negotiations  unneceflary,  the  Englijh  Com- 
CornnvfiLners     miffioners  applied  for  a  fafe  Conduct  home ;  in  Re- 
at  Edinburgh      turn  to  which  they  received   the  following  Letter 
their  from  the  Earl  of  Crawford,    Lord-Treafurer    of 

Edinburgh^  July  31,   1648. 
Right  Honourable, 

1AM  commanded  by  the  Committee  of  Eftates, 
in  anfwer  to  your  Lordfhips  Defires  of  the 
igth  of  this  Inftant  July,  to  return  to  your  Lord- 
fliips from  them  the  inclofed  Pafs ;  and  when 
your  Lordfliips  (hall  be  pleafed  to  acquaint  them 
with  the  Time  of  your  parting  from  hence,  they 
will  be  readyj  if  you  infift  thereupon,  to  appoint 
a  competent  Convoy  to  attend  your  Lord(hips 
for  fo  much  of  the  Way  as  you  (hall  think  necefc 
fary  ;  your  Lordfliips  engaging  the  Public  Faith 
of  the  Kingdom  of  England  for  their  fafe  Re- 

'  I  am  likewife  commanded  by  the  Committee 
to  (hew  your  Lordfhips,  that,  by  their  Orders, 
the  Towns  of  Berwick  and  Carlijle  are,  for  the 
Peace  of  both  Kingdoms,  fecured  from  the  Sec- 
taries ;  and  that  juft  Satisfaction  being  given  to 
the  neceflary  Defires  of  this  Kingdom,  not  only 
thefe  Towns  (hall  be  put  in  the  Condition  they 
were  in  formerly,  and  their  Fortification  flight- 
ed, but  likewife  all  the  Forces  of  the  Kingdom 
of  Scotland,  now  in  England,  (hall  immediately  be 
recalled  and  return  ;  and  that  they  will  ftill  in- 
violably obferve,  on  their  Parts,  the  Union  and 
brotherly  Correfpondence  betwixt  the  King- 

'  The  Committee  having  employed  one  Mr. 
Thomas  Ha'iburton,  about  a  Month  fmce,  to  go  to 
London  as  a  public  Servant  of  theirs,  they  have 
commanded  me  to  (hew  your  Lordfhips  their 
Defire  that  no  Let  nor  Hinderance  be  offered  to 

4  him 

of    ENGLAND1.  383 

c  him  in  his  Return,  which  would  be  contrary  to  An.  24  car.  I. 

*  the  Law  of  Nations,  and  to  their  Expectations.  ^^          ^ 

*  I  fhall  add  nothing  from  myfelf,  but  that  I  am,         Augoft. 

My  Lords, 
Tour  Lordjbips  mojl  bumble  Servant, 


The  Englljh  Commiffioners  Anfwer  to  the  Lorcf- 
Treafurer's  Letter  winds  up  this  tedious  and  fruit- 
lefs  Negotiation  between  the  Parliaments  of  both 

Edinburgh,  Augujl  i,   1648. 

Right  Honourable, 

*  "\\1  E  received  yours  of  the  31  ft  of  July,  and  And  ufce  theJr 

W  to  that  Part  thereof  which  concerns  pub-  Leave  of  .the 
lie  Bufinefs,  we  cannot  give  your  Lordfhip  any  cotspa 
Anfwer,  but  have  thought  good  to  let  your  Lord- 
fhip underftand,  that  an  Order  is  come  to  our 
Hand,  dated  July  22,  1648,  by  which  we  are 
recalled,  and  thereby  our  Powers  of  any  further 
Tranfa&ion  of  Bufinefs  with  your  Lordfhip, 
otherwife  than  in  order  to  our  Return,  we  con- 
ceive are  determined ;  as  to  that  Part  wherein 
your  Lordfhip  hath  been  pleafed  to  manifeft  your 
Care  for  our  fafe  Pafs  and  Convoy,  we  return 
your  Lordfhip  Thanks*  We  are, 

Tvly  Lord, 
Tour  Lord/iip's  moft  hiuxbk  Servant's, 



On  the  4th  of  this  Month  a  very  remarkable 
Debate  happened,  relating  to  the  Prince  of  Wales. 
The  Sheriffs  of  London  had  prefented  to  the  Houfe 
of  Commons  the  Copy  of  a  Letter  fent  from  his 
Highnefs  to  the  Lord  Mayor,  Aldermen,  and  Com- 
rnon'-Council  of  that  City,  with  a  Declaration  cx- 


3  84  *The  Parliamentary  H  r  $  T  6  R  Y 

An.  14  Car.  I.  prefling  the  Reafons  of  his  appearing  on  board  the 
ih48'         Fleet,  both  which  we  have  before  given  at  large: 
Auguft        ^0  tnefe  were  annexed  the  Copy  of  another  Letter 
from   his  Highnefs,  addrefied  to  the  Company  of 
Merchant  -  Adventurers    of    England,    informing 
them,  That  he  had  detained  three  of  their  Ships, 
but  without  any  Intent  to  make  Prize  of  them ;  de- 
firing  to  borrow  20,000  /.  to  be  repaid  out  of  the 
Cufroms  ;  and  requiring  their  fpeedy  Anfwer. 

The  Citizens  being  withdrawn,  Mr.  djbe  moved 
That  the  Common-Council  and  Merchants  {hpuld 
be  forbid  to  give  any  Anfwer  to  the  Prince's  Let- 
ter; for  that,  as  he  had  engaged  himfelf  to  the  States 
of  the  Low-Coithtries  to  do  no  Act  prejudicial  to 
Trade,  there  was  no  Danger  of  his  making  Prize 
of  the  Ships  he  had  flopped,  though  the  20,000 /. 
(hould  not  be  fent  as  defired. 

Colonel  Harvey^  after  aggravating  many  Faults 

in  the  King's  Government,  faid,  The  Prince  was 

his  Father's  own  Son,  as  like  him  as  could   be. 

Sir  Peter  Wentwortb  urged,  That  he  had  animated 

the  Scots  to  make  the  prefent  Invafion  ;    and  that* 

by  his  Letter  to  the  City*  he  had  openly  declared 

for  them.     To  this  Mr.   Knightley  adding,  That 

the  Prince  had   formerly  been  in  Arms  sgainft  the 

Bebate  on  a  Mo-  Parliament,  and  was  but  a  Subject,  Mr.  Blacki- 

tion  fordeclanngyfc/z  moved,  That  the  Houfe  fnould  declare  him 

Wa£TLbd    a  Rebel  and  a  Traitor :    But  this  Motion  j  though 

and  a  Traitor,     earneftly  infifted  on,  was  laid  by  for  the  following 

Reafons : 

1.  '  That  they  had   not  the  Originals  of   the 
Prince's  Letter  and  Declaration,  but  only  Copies, 
net  fo  much  as  attefted  upon  Oath  by  any  authentic 
Clerk  ;  therefore  rio  legal  Proceeding  could  be  had 
upon  them  (/). 

2.  4  To  vote  the  Prince  a  Traitor  the  fame  Day 
that  they  fent  Meffengers   to  invite  the  King,  his 
Father,    to  a  Treaty  of  Peace,  would  argue  no 
peaceable  Inclination   in  them,  and  would  be  fo 
underftood  bv  the  People. 

3.  'They 

(1}  The  Originals  were  then  in  Tofleffion  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords, 
who  foon  after  fcac   tiiem  to  the>  Cwnmcr.s,  as  appears  by   their 

of    ENGLAND.  385 

3.  '  They  were  engaged  by  the  Nati<  nal  Cove-  An.  »4  Car.  I. 
tfant   to  defend  the   King's  Perfon,,  and         l64_^ 
Dignity;    but  the  Prince,    Heir  Apparent  to  his 
Crown,  was,  next  under  God,  the  chief  Supporter 
of  his  Crown  and  Dignity  ;  therefore  to  vote  him 
a  Traitor,  was  to  fubvert  his  Crown  and  Dignity. 
,  4.  '  By  the  Statute  of  the  1 5th  of  Edward  III. 
//  is  High  Treafon  to  endeavour  the  Dejlritftion  of  the 
Prince,  the  King's  eldeft  Son  :    But  to  declare  him  a 
Rebel  and  a  Traitor,  was  to  endeavour  to  deftroy 
him  ;  and  therefore  High  Treafon. 

5.  *  The  People  were  already  jealous  that  the 
King  and  his  Pofterity  {hould  be  laid  by,  and  in 
them  the  Monarchical  Government  of  this  Nation 
fubverted,  and  a  new  Form  of  Government  intro- 
duced ;  they  had  already,  by  the  Votes  of  No  dd- 
drejjes  to  the  King,  and  by  their  Declaration  againft 
him,  (wherein  they  fay,  They  can  no  longer  confide 
in  him)  laid  by  the  King;  and  now,  to  vote  the 
Prince  a  Rebel  and  a  Traitor,  was  to  lay  by  both 
him  and  his  Brother  the  Duke  of  York,  who  adheres 
to  hi  n,  which  would  exceedingly  confirm  thfc 
People  in  their  Fears.' 

Though  this  Motion  for  declaring  the  Prince  of 
Wales  himfelf  a  Rebel  and  a  Traitor,  for  taking 
Arms  againft  the  Parliament,  mifcarried  in  the 
Houfe  of  Commons  ;  they  neverthelefs  pafled  a 
Vote  denouncing  that  Cenfure  againft  the  Subjects 
cf  this  Kingdom  who  {hould  adhere  to  or  aflift  him 
in  the  prefent  War,  either  by  Sea  or  Land  ;  and 
that  all  fuch  ought  to  be  proceeded  againft  as  Trai- 
tors :  They  alfo  made  an  Order  forbidding  the 
City  and  the  Merchant-Adventurers  to  give  any 
Arifwer  to  the  Prince's  Letter,  without  the  Con- 
fent  of  that  Houfe  ;  whereby  they  moft  effectually 
prevented  the  Loan  he  defired  of  2O,ooo/. 

This  Conduct  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons  to- 
wards the  Prince  of  Wales,  gave  him  fufficient  Evi- 
dence how  little  Favour  he  had  to  expect  from  that 
Quarter,  and  feems  to  have  induced  him  to  make 
his  Application  to  the  other  Houfe.  For, 

VOL.  XVII.  B  b  An*. 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

Aug.  8.  The  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords  ac- 
quainted them  with  a  Letter  ferit  to  him  from  his 
Highnefs,  which  was  read  as  follows : 

To  our  Right  Trufty  and  Right  Well-beloved  Coufm, 
/^SPEAKER  of  the  Houfe  of  PEERS  for  the 
Time  being. 


Right  Trufty  and  Right  Well-beloved  Coufm, 

we  greet  you  well. 

YTNderftanding,  with  great  Contentment,  that  both 
Letter  to  tne  ^  Houfes  of  Parliament  have  refolved  upon  a  Per- 
Houfe  of  Lords,  y^/  <freaiy  with  his  Majejly,  on  fame  of  the  Particu- 
SiSffor  aMC"  h™  exPreJJed  by  us  in  our  Declaration  of  the  2()th  of 
Pwee?  °J  July  la/!,  as  moji  conducing  to  the  Settlement^  of  a 

ble/ed  Peace  ;  we  have  thought  ft  to  acquaint  you 
•with  our  Senfe  and  Defires  concerning  the  fame,  to  the 
end  that  they  may  be  communicated  by  you  to  the  Houfe 
of  Peers  from  us. 

Firft,  We  propose,  that  the  Treaty  be  appointed  to 
be  in  fitch  Place  and  Manner  as  may  be  ft  cohfijl  with 
the  Honour,  Freedom,  and  Safety  of  his  Majejly; 
whereby  the  Agreement  to  be  made  may  not  be  blemijhed 
with  the  Face  of  Rcjlraint. 

Secondly,  That  the  Treaty  may  be  between  his 
Majejly  and  his  Kingdoms  of  England  and  Scotland, 
fa  as  the  Matters  in  Difference  may  equally  fall  un- 
der the  Confederation  of  all  Perfons  concerned  there- 

1  'Thirdly,  That,  during  the  faid  Treaty,  there  may 
'be  a  general  Ceffation  of  Arms ,-  to  the  end  that  the 
Affections  of  the  People,  though  engaged  in  feveral 
Parlies,  may  thereby  be  prepared  to  meet  in  Amity 
and  brotherly  Kindnefs ;  and  that  no  intervening  Oc- 
cidents or  Sttccefs  may  diflurb  the  Proceedings  in  this 

Laftly,  That  an  orderly  moderate  Subfi/lance,  dur- 
ing the  Treaty,  be  agreed  upon  for  all  Armies  and 
'  'Forces  'now  on  foot,  and  particularly  for  the  bco 

^ENGLAND.  387 

Army,  in  fucb  Manner  as  may  be  with  lea/1  PreJJure  An.  24  car.  I« 
en  the  Northern  'Counties.  l6*8'      t 

If  the  two  ffoufes  Jhall  think  Jit  ia  confint  to  the  AU"  uft 
Effefl  of  what  we  now  propound,  as  proper  to  render 
this  Treaty  effetfual,  we  Jhall^  with  great  Joy  and 
Alacrity,  interpofe  our  Mediation  to  the  King  our  Fa-* 
thcr,  for  the  obtaining  of  all  fuch  Cowcejfions  and  Atts 
of  Grace,  as,  by  the  Bluffing  of  God,  may  moji  con- 
duce to  a  firm  and  lofting  Peace,  and  the  Happinefs  of 
his  Majejfy  and  all  his  People. 

We  further  defire  you  to  -propound  to  the  Houfe  of 
Peers,  That  fame  equal.  Courfe  may  be  fuddenly  fettled 
far  the  Support  of  us,  and  the  Navy  with  us,  whereby 
we  may  be  enabled  to  protaft  the  Trade  of  the  King- 
dom, and  may  forthwitJ)  dif  charge  ail  Ships  and  Mer- 
chandizes now  flayed  by  us: 

.  Given  under  our  Hand  and  Seal,  frorh  on  board 
the  Fleet  in  the  Do^uns,  the  fifth  Day  of  Au~ 
gujl^  in  the  24th  Year  of  the  Reign  of  the 
King  our  Royal  Father. 

Mr.  Pooly,  who  brought  this  Letter  from  (he 
Prince,  was  ordered  to  attend  the  Houfe,  de  Die 
in  Diem,  for  an  Anfwer. 

The  fame  Day  the  following  Petkion  was  prc- 
fented  to  the  Lords,  and  read  : 

To  the  Right  Honourable  the  LORDS   in  Parliament 

The  HUMBLE  PETITION  of  the  Lord  Mayor,  Al- 
dermen^ and  Commons  of  the  City  of  London,  in 
Common-Council  ajjembled, 


*  r'M  *  HAT  your  Petitioners,  being  deeply.  fen-  A  peHtion  t» 

*  A      fible  of  the  fad,  miferable,  and  deplorable  both    Houfes 

*  Condition  of  the  King,  Parliament,  and  King-  [3^^^ 

*  dom,    by  the    long    Continuance    of    a  bloody  Pcrfcna'i  Treaty 
'  and   unnatural  War,    whereof   they  had    yreat  with  the  Kin§> 

«  Hopes    to   be  freed   after  the  common    EnmySi^SriH 

B    b    2  4  WaSvances, 


An.    24  Car.  I. 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

was  fubdued,  the  Army  of  our  Brethren  of 
Scotland  withdrawn,  and  the  Kind's  Majefty 
placed  at  Holdenby  by  Confent  of  both  Kingdoms, 
in  order  to  a  happy  Compofure  of  all  Differences  j 
both  in  Church  and  State;  but,  contrary  to  Ex- 
pectation, your  Petitioners,  to  the  great  Grief 
and  Sorrow  of  their  Souls,  do  find  the  Govern- 
ment of  the  Church  to  be  ftill  unfettled  ;  Blaf- 
phemy,  Herefy^  Schifm,  and  Profanencfs  in- 
creafed  ;  the  Relief  of  bleeding  Ireland  obftruct- 
ed  j  the  War,  to  their  great  Aftonifhment,  re- 
newed ;  the  People  of  England  thereby  miferably 
impoverifhed  and  opprefled  ;  the  Blood  of  our 
Fellow- Subjects  f'pilt  like  Water  upon  the 
Ground  ;  our  Brethren  of  Scotland  now  entered 
into  this  Kingdom  in  an  hoftile  Manner ;  his 
Highnefs  the  Prince  of  Wales  commanding  at  Sea 
a  confiderable  Part  of  the  Navy,  and  other  Ships 
under  his  Power,  having  already  made  Stay  of 
many  Englljh  Ships  with  Merchandize  and  rro- 
viiions  to  a  very  great  Value  :  By  reafon  where- 
of Navigation  will  be  deftroyed  ;  Seamen  defert 
us ;  the  Merchants  inforced  to  leave  off  Trading ; 
Clct'iing  and  other  Manufactures  of  this  King- 
dom fall  to  the  Ground  ;  Wool,  which  is  the 
Staple  Commodity  of  the  Land,  remains  unfold  ; 
the  Mint  ftands  ftill ;  the  Cuftoms  and  other  Pro- 
fits by  Merchandize  will  be  very  much  abated,  if 
not  utterly  dtftroyed  ;  Coal,'  Salt,  Corn,  Fifh, 
Butter,  Cheefe,  and  all  other  Provifions  brought 
by  Sea  to  this  City  and  Kingdom,  flopped  ;  the 
innumerable  Number  of  the  poorer  Sort,  depend- 
ing only  upon  Manufacture,  wanting  Work  and 
Bread,  will,  as  is  greatly  to  be  feared,  in  a  very 
flicrt  Time,  become  tumultuous  in  all  Parts  of 
the  Kingdom  ;  and  many  be  enforced  to  remove 
themfelves  and  Families  into  foreign  Pai  ts,  where 
they  will  fettle  the  Manufactures  of  this  Kingdom 
never  to  be  regained :  All  which  will  unavoidably, 
in  a  very  fhort  Time,  totally  ruin  the  People  of 
this  Kingdom, 

«  Y&ur 

of    ENGLAND.  389 

'  Your  Petitioners  humbly   conceive  no  vifible  An-  **  Car-  I* 
4  Way  can  prevent  the  apparent  Ruin  of    thefe  L     l648' 

*  Kingdoms,  but  the  fpeedy  Freeing  of  his  Ma- 

*  jefty  from  that  Reftraint  wherein  he  now   re- 
'  mains  ;    and,  by  a  Perfonal  Treaty,  reftoring  to 
'  the  King  his  juft  Rights ;  to  the  Parliament  their 
'  undoubted  Privileges  ;  to  the  People  their  native 
'  Freedom   and  Benefit  of   the   Laws,  being  the 

*  Birth-right  of  every   Subje£t ;    and,  by  the  due 
'  Attendance  of  the  Members  of  Parliament,   in 

*  the  Difcjiarge  of  their  Truft  to   the   Kingdom, 
v  and  in  obferving  the  Selfdenying-Ordinance  (a]. 

*  The  Premifes  confidered,  your  Petitioners 
'  humbly  pray  that  the  King's  Majefty  may  be 
'  fpeedily  freed  from  that  Reftraint  wherein  he  now 

*  remains,  and  humbly  invited  to  a  Perfonal  Treaty 
e  for  fettling  of  a  fafe  and   well-grounded  Peace  ; 
c  and  ^at    therein  the  Union  between   the  two 
'  Kingdoms  may  be  preferved  ;  that,  in  the  Inte- 
'  rim,  all  Ads  of  Hoftility,  both  by  Sea  and  Land, 

*  may,  by  Command  from  the  King  and  Parlia- 
c  ment,  ceafe,  and  Trade  be  free  without  any  Iiv 
«  terruption  ;  that  the  Government  of  the  Church 

*  may  be  fpeedily  fettled   according  to  the   Cove- 
'  nant ;  diftrefTed  Ireland  relieved  ;    the  People  of 

*  the  Land,    by  difbanding  all   Armies,  may  be 

B  b  3  «  eafed 

((i]  A  Motion  had  been  made,  on  the  4th  of  this  Month,  for  re- 
viving the  Ordinance  againft  Places  of  Profit  being  held  by  Members 
of  Parliament.  The  Occafion  of  which  was  this :  It  being  propped, 
That  Thurfday  the  tenth  of  Auguft  might  be  appointed  a  Day  of  Hu- 
miliation for  the  late  unfeafonable  Weather,  'his  Motion  was  fe- 
conded  in  a  farcafrical  Manner  to  this  Fffecl:  «  Mr  Speaker,  I 
like  the  Motion  well,  fo  it  be  done  with  d-.:e  Preparation,  elfe  it 
may  bring  a  Curfe  inflead  of  a  Biefling  ;  and  the  only  Preparative  to 
agoodFaft,  is  firfl  to  faft  from  f.trifc,  Envy,  M.ilice  V '  he.  Ambi- 
tion, vain  Glory,,  Uncharitablc-nefs  and  Covetoulnefs : 
And,  in  order  to  this,  J  profound  that  the  Self  denying  Ordinance 
may  be  reinforced  ;  and  that  all  Members  who  enjoy  great  Offices, 
contrary  to  thai  Ordinance,  may  quit  them  accordingly,  that  fo  the 
Houfe  may  once  ftand  upon  equal  Feet.' 

Merc.  Pra^.  N°.  zo. 

A  Day  was  appointed  accordingly  to  take  this  Matter  into  Confi« 
deration,  but  poftponed,  from  Time  to  Time,  and  at  hfl   quite  laid 
afide  ;  moft  of  the  Members  having  very  goi  d  Reafur.s  for  dropping 
fiich  an  Enquiry,  as  will  appear  by  the  Lift  of  Offices  they 
tb'be  added  in 'the  Appendix  to  this  Work. 


The  Lords  An- 

The  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

eafed  of  their  intolerable  Burthen  ;  the  Liberties 
of  the  Subjecl  reftored,  and  the  Laws  of  the  Land 
eftablifhed  ;  the  Members  of  this  Honourable 
Houle  injoincd  to  attend  the  Service  of  the  King- 
dom ;  the  Selfdenying-Ordinance  mny  be  ef- 
fedtually  obferved  ;  and  this  Honourable  Houfe 
would  be  plcafed  fpeedily  to  take  into  their  fericus 
Confideraiion  the  fad  Condition  of  fuch  Mer- 
clvnts,  whofe  Ships  and  Goods  are  under  the 
Power  of  that  Fleet  which  is  now  with  his 
Hi  .hnefs  the  Prince  of  Wulcs ;  and  fuddenly  to 
find  out  fomc  Expedient  for  their  Relcafement  (£). 
And  your  Petitioners^  as  b&und,  fosll ever  pray. 

To  this  Petition  the  Lords  returned  the  follow- 
ing Anfwer  by  their  Speaker  : 

e  J  *  H  E  Lords  have  commanded  me  to  let  you 
4  M  know,  that  they  do  thankfully  accept  the 
4  often  renewed  Expreflions  of  your  ardent  Zeal 

*  and  Care,  that  all  poffible  Means  fhould  be  ufed 
4  for  the  procuring  a  fafe  and  well-grounded  Peace. 
4  Wherein  they  do  fo  far  fympathize  with  your  De- 
4  fires,  thai  they  do  affure  you,  you  may,  writh  all 
4  Confidence,  expect  their  conftant  an  !  induftrious 
4  Employment  of  their  utmoft  Endeavours  for  the 
4  obtaining   fo  great   a  BlcfTing,   whereunto   they 
4  hope  Almighty  God  will  give   a   happy  Succefs. 

*  And  for  the  Particulars  contained  in   your  Peti- 
4  tion,  they  wi'l  take  them  into  fpeedy   Confide- 
4  ration,  that  you   may  reap   all  Satisfaction   and 
e  thereby,  fo  far  forth  as  lies  in  their 
4  Powers  ;  as   they  are  bound  in  their   Duty  they 
4  owe   to  the   Common-  wealth,  and   as  they  are 
4  obliged  to  the  renowned  City  of  London  for  their 

*  incelfar.t  Demon  ft  ration  of  their  Affection   and 

4  Service 

(i)  Mr.  T!'b:t''.cle  write;,  '  That  one  of  thefe  Ships  was  taken  by 
the  Lord  lr~ilMg!:hy  of  Pu'bam,  Vice  Admiial  of  the  Prince's 
FLet;  and  had  in  her  near  2C,oco/.  in  Gold,  which  /he  brought 
.  from  Guinty,  the  Property  of  Rtivland  Wiifcn  and  Company. 

M(msriaist  p.  322* 

of   ENGLAND; 

'  Service  to  the  Parliament  ever  fince  the  Begin-  Ar 

*  niug  of  thefe  unhappy  Diftradtions/ 


The  foregoing  Petition  did   not  meet  with  fo 
courteous    a  Reception   from    the    Commons,    to  Debate  there, 
whom  it  was  prefented  the  fame  Day ;  for  as  foon  "P°n  m  the 
as  it  was   read   there,  Mr.  Weaver  ftood   up  and  ^     C°m" 
faid,  '  The  Citizens  were  become  malignant,  and 
that  it  was  apparent  by  their  Petition  they  intend- 
ed to  defert  the  Parliament.'     Col.  Harvey  added, 

*  That  he  could  affirm,  of  his  own  Knowledge, 
this  Petition  was   driven   on  by  many  Common- 
Council  Men,  who  had  never  done  any  good  Ser- 
vice for  the  Parliament ;    yet  he  would  not  deny 
that  there  were  many  very  godly  Men  who  had  a 
Hand  in  it;  but  thofe honeft  godly  Men  were  fooled 
by  a  Company  of  Knaves.'     To  this  Sir  Benjamin 
Rudyard  anfwered,    '  Mr.   Speaker,    we  have  fat 
thus  Ions;,  and  are  come  to  a  fine  Pafs  ;    for  the 
whole  Kingdom  is  now  become  Parliament  all  over, 
The  Army  hath  taught  us  a  good  while   what  to 
do,  and  would  ftill  teach  us  what  we  {hall  do  ;  the 
City,  Country,  and  Reformadoes  teach  us  what  we 
fhould  do ;  and  all  is,becaufe  we  ourfelves  know  not 
what  to  do.    Some  Men  are  fo  violent  and  ftrong  in 
thejr  own  Conceits,  that  they  think  all  others  difho- 
neft  which  are  not  of  their  own  Opinion  ;  but  he 
that  calls  me  Knave,  becaufe  I  differ  from  him  in 
Opinion,  is  the  verier   Knave   of  the  two.'      At 
length  it  was  refolveg!  to  call  in  the  Petitioners,  and 
the  Speaker  told  them,  *  That  when  the  Houfe  re- 
ceived their  Petition,  they  were  in  Debate  of  Mat- 
ters of  great  Concernment,  and  were  alfo  engaged 
in  a  Conference  with   the  Lords j    yet  they  had 
taken  their  Petition   into  Confideration ;    which 
containing  many  Things  of  very  high  Concern- 
ment, both  to  the  Kino;,   Parliament,  City,  and 
Kingdom,    they  would    give  them    an   Anfvver 
thereunto  the  next  Day  in  the  Afternoon.' 

Prefently  after  this   a  Petition  from  the   Refer-  An<5  on  another 
madoes,  faid   to  be  fubfcribed  by   8coo  Perfons-,  Petition  from 
confiding  of  many  Knights,  Colonels,  and  OfH-  t<J.eesRcformar 
B  b  4  cers 

39 2  7&  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

An.  24.  Car.  I.  Cers  of  Quality,  was  prefented  to  the  Commons, 

t      *648'      j    praying,  <•  That  there  might  be  a  fpeedy,  free,  and 

Auguft.        *  perfonal  Treaty,  according  to  the  Defires  of  the 

c  City;  that  their  Accounts  might  be  {rated  without 

*  Delay  ;  that  they  might  have  Intereft  for  their  Ar- 
'  rears ;  that  thofe   imprifoped   for   Debt  might  be 

*  fet  at  Liberty,  and  the  reft  protected  till  the  Pay- 
4  ment  of  their  Arrears ;  that  they  might  have  three 

*  Months  Pay  according  to  the  Ordinances  of  the 
4  1 5th,   i6th,  and  21  ft  of  June,  1647  ;  and  prefent 
4  vifible  Security  for  the  Remainder  thc-reof.' 

The  Petitioners  being  withdrawn,  Alderman  Pen- 
ington  faid,  '  He  was  ferry  to  fee  his  Brethren  of 
the  City  and  the  Reformadoes  to  be  all  one  in  Ma- 
lignancy ;  adding,  That  thofe  two  Petitions  of  the 
Soldiers  and  the  City  made  both  but  one  Plot.' 
Mr.  Fen  faid,  4  He  was  told  they  had  been  laying 
their  Heads  together  a  Week  fmce  ;  and  he  was 
confident  that,  in  the  End,  they  woultTall  join  to- 
gether againft  the  Parliament.'  However,  the  Pe- 
titioners being  called  in,  received  the  following  An- 
fwer  from  the  Speaker  :  '  Gentlemen,  The  Houfe 
The  Anfwcr  of  <  has  confidered  of  your  Petition  :  And  as  your 
theretr*0"3  '  Jud§ments  have  Allowed  theirs  heretofore,  fo 
'  you  will  make  that  your  Rule  ftill.  7'hey  have 
'•done  whatpoffib-ly  they  could,  to  fatisfy  the  Peti- 

*  tioners  Arrears ;  and,  for  a  great  Part  thereof,  have 

*  given  them  the  fame  Security  that  the  Lord  Fair- 

*  fax's  Army  had  their  Arrears  fecured  :    And  they 
«  further  ordered,  That  all  fuch  Delinquents 
'  Eftates,  P'ines,  and   Compofitions,  as  the   Peti- 
'  tioners   fhall  difcover,    that  are  not   difcovered, 
4  fhall  go  to  fuch  of  the  Petitioners   as  fhall  make 
4  fuch  Difcoveries,  towards  Payment  of  their  whole 

*  Arrears  :     And    have  further  ordered,   That  the 
4  Fifth  and   7'wentieth   Part  of  fuch   Delinquents 
4  as   the  Petitioners   fhall  difcover,    not  formerly 

*  difcovered,  fhall  nlfo  go  towards  Payment  of  the 
4  Arrears  of  the  Petitioners :    And  the  Houfe  have 

*  alfo  appointed  a  Committee  to  confer  with  fome 
4  of  you  for  a  Way  to  give  you  further  Satisfac- 
t  tion.' 


of    ENGLAND.  393 

Aug.  9.  Mr.  Swinfen  reported  an  Anfwer  to  the  An-  «4  Car.  I, 

Petition  prefented  by  the  Lord  Mayor,  Aldermen,  ( ^^J , 

and  Common-Council,  as  follows  :  Auguft. 

4  The  Houfe  of  Commons  have  confidered  of  And  to  the  Pe- 
e  the  Petition  of  the  Lord  Mayor,  Aldermen,  and  Jj™  from  the 
'  Commons  of  the  City  of  London^  in  Common- 
4  Council  aflembled,  prefented  to  them  Augufl  8, 
4  1648  :  And,  upon  ferious  Debate  had  thereupon, 
'  they  have  thought  fit  to  acquaint  the  Common- 
'  Council,  That  they  have  parted  an  Ordinance 
4  for  the  fettling  of  Prefbyterian  Government:  And 
4  therein  (upon  Review  of  all  their  former  Ordi- 
4  nances)'  they  have  perfected  and  compiled  the 
4  fame  in  one  entire  Body :  And,  for  the  obtaining 
'  a  fafe  and  well-grounded  Peace,  they  have  refol- 

*  ved  upon  a  Treaty  with  the  King  in   the  Ifle  of 

*  Wight ^    upon   the   Propofitions  formcily   agreed 
4  upon,  and   prefented  to  the   King  at  Hempion- 
4  Gaurt,  and  for  taking  aw^y  Wards  and  Liveries, 
4  and  alfo  upon  fuch  other  Propofitions  as  (hall  hs 
4  propounded,  either  by  his  Majefty  or  both  Houfes 
4  of  Parliament ;  and  that  the  King  make  Choice 
4  of  what  Place 'he  pleafeth   in  that  Ifland,  to  be 
'  there  with  Freedom,  Honour,  and  Safety,  to  treat 

*  perfonally  with  the  Commiflioners  of  Parliament: 

*  And  the  Committee,  wbich  they   have   fent  to 
4  prefcnt  this  Offer,  are  now  with  his  Majefty. 

'  c  Concerning  the  feizing  of  Ships  and  Goods  of 

*  the  Merchants  of  the  City  of  London^  and   the 

*  Decay  and  Obftrudion  of  the  Tra'de  of  the  King- 
4  dom,  by  the  revolted  Ships  that  lie  in  the  Downs, 
4  the  Houfe  is   deeply  fenfible  thereof;    and  have 
4  done  what  lies  in  them  for  reducing  thofe  Ships 

*  to  their  due  Obedience  to  the  Parliament,  by  of- 

*  fering  them   Indemnity  fpr  their  Offence,  and 

*  Payment  of  the   Mariners  Arrears,  upon   their 
4  Submiflion  ;  and   by  fending  the  Earl   of  War- 

*  wick^  Lord   Admiral,  with  Power  to  command 
4  the  reft  of  the  Navy   to  reduce  thofe  Ships  bjr 

*  Force,  if  they  refufe  the  Pardon  offered  them : 
?  Which  might  have  proved  an  effectual  Means, 

*  before 


An.    24.  Car.  I 

ffbe  Parliamentary  HISTORY 

before  this  Time,  to  have  prevented  the  Lofs.  z\-. 
ready  fufrcred,  and  to  have  fecured  the  Trade  of 
the  Kingdom,  had  not  the  Going-out  of  the 
Fleet  been  retarded  by  the  Backwardnefs  and 
Treachery  of  divers,  who  have  fecrctly  complied 
with  the  late  Defection  of  the  Navy :  And,  that 
the  Houfe  may  manifeft  their  earned  Defires  to 
entertain  any  further  Means  i:or  their  more  fpeedy 
and  certain  effecting  of  this  Work,  of  fo  necef- 
fary  Importance  to  the  Honour  and  Welfare  of 
this  Nation,  they  have  appointed  a  Committee 
to  treat  with  the  Merchants  that  are  moft  con- 
cerned therein,  to  receive  their  Advice,  and  to 
know  what  Aids  they  will  contribute  to  the  clear- 
ing of  the  Seas :  And  their  Readinefs  therein, 
as  it  will  return  abundantly  to  their  own  Advan- 
tage, fo  it  will  be  embraced,  as  a  moft  accept- 
able Service  to  the  whole  Kingdom,  by  this 

'  As  to  the  Scots  Army,  which  have  in  hoftile 
Manner  invaded  this  Kingdom  ;  are  pofleffed  of 
Berwick  and  Carlijle^  contrary  to  the  Treaties 
betwixt  the  Kingdoms  ;  and  do  join  themfelves 
with  the  Popifh  and  Malignant  Party  in  the 
North;  the  Houfe  of  Commons  have  declared 
them  Enemies  to  this  Kingdom ;  and  that  all 
thofe  Englijh  or  Irijh^  as  voluntarily  adhere  unto 
them,  are  Traitors  and  Rebels,  and  to  be  pro- 
ceeded with  accordingly  :  And  they  refolve,  by 
God's  Affiftance,  to  adhere  and.  profecute  this 
their  Refolution :  And,  upon  the  neceflary 
Grounds  thereof,  they  do  expect  the  hearty  Con-* 
currence  and  Affiftance  of  the  City  of  London,  as 
of  the  reft  of  the  Kingdom  ;  notwithftanding  all 
the  fecret  Plots  and  Endeavours  of  the  Scots  Emif- 
faries,  or  the  Agents  of  the  Popifh  and  Malignant 
Party  of  this  Kingdom,  to  the  contrary,' 

This  Draught  being  read,  a  Member  objected 
to  it,  faying,  "c  He  hoped  that  Copy  muft  not  pafs 
for  an  Anfwer  ;  for,  as  he  remembered,  the  City 
Petition  confifted  of  at  Icaft  a  Dozen  Particulars, 


rf    E  N  G  L  A  N  D.  395 

a«cl  this  Anfwer  mentioned  only  fome  of   them,  An.  24  Car.  I. 

and  thofe  of  the  leaft  Moment.     It  gave   no  An-   ( ^6^ / 

fwer  to  their  Dcfires  for  the  difbanding  of  ail  Ar-  '  ^^ 
mies  to  eafe  the  Nation  of  their  Burdens  ;  the  re- 
itoring  the  People's  Laws  and  Liberties  j  the  in- 
joining  all  Members  to  attend  the  Houfe  ;  nor  the 
effectual  Obfervation  of  the  Self-denying  Ordi- 

Mr.  Hungcrford  objected  to  a  Pafiage  in  this 
Anfwer,  wherein  the  Houfe  of  Commons  had  de- 
clared the  Scots  Army  Enemies  to  this  Kingdom, 
and  to  be  proceeded  againft  as  Traitors  and  Re- 
bels ;  and  that  they  were  refolved  to  adhere  to  this 
Refolution ;  urging,  '  That  as  the  Lords  had  denied 
their  Concurrence  in  that  Vote,  he  conceived  the 
Commons  could  make  no  fuch  Declaration,  nor 
aft  therein  without  them.'  In  anfwer  to  this  Mr. 
Reynolds  pcfitively  affirmed,  '  That  the  Houfe 
of  Commons,  being  the  Reprcfentative  of  all  the 
people,  had  Power  to  ac"l  without  the  Lords,  for 
the  Safety  of  the  People,  in  cafe  the  Lords  defert- 
ed  th-:ir  Truft.'  And  Mr.  Weaver  faid,  «  The 
Houfe  need  not  be  fo  precife  in  giving  an  Anfwer 
to  the  City,  bccaufe  the  Citizens  did  now  adhere 
to  the  Lords,  and  neglect  the  Houfe  of  Commons  ; 
for  when  it  was  dcfired  lately,  at  a  Common  Coun- 
cil, that  the  Originals  of  the  Prince's  Letter  might 
be  fent  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  a  Common- 
Council  Man  flood  up  and  uiid,  '  The  better  Way 
was  to  deliver  them  to  the  Lords,  becaufe  they 
were  of  greater  Honour  and  Power  than  the  Com- 
mons, being  the  higheft  Court,  and  a  Court  of 
Judicature,  which  the  Commons  were  not ;  and 
therefore  he  conceived  the  Anfwer  propofed  was 

good  enough. This  the  Houfe   acquielced   in, 

and  the  foregoing  Anfwer  was  ordered  to  be  deli- 
vered to  the  Citizens. 

The  fame  Day,  dug.  9.  The  Lords  received  a 
Letter  from  the  Earl  of  Mlddlefex,  in  the  Ifle  of 
Wight.,  dated  the  yth.  The  Purport  of  it  was  on- 

The  Parliamentary^  HISTORY 
Car.  I.  \y  to  inform  the  Houfe  of  their  Arrival  there,  and 
that  they  had  prefented  the  feveral  Votes  to  the 

Auguft.          KinS'       But» 

On  the  1 4th  the  Earl  of  Middlefcx  gave  the 
Lords  a  more  ample  Account  of  his  Commiflion, 
in  htzc  Ferba  : 

The  Earl  of      *   f^i  N  Monday  the  yth  of  Augujl  we  addrefled 

™udnfoffXwb1t"  '  V*  ourfelves  to  the  King,  to  deliver  the   feve- 

pafled  betveen    '  ral  Votes  of  both  Houfes  ;  and,  after  having  read 

the  King  and      <  them,  we